Publicaciones del Grupo LYS
(Publications of LYS Group)
- Nancy Vázquez
and Mauro Fernández,
La partícula daw en el chabacano de Zamboanga,
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Forthcoming. ISSN 0049-8661. DOI
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
Programación lógica,
In Grigori Sidorov (ed.), Inteligencia Artificial, Alfaomega Grupo Editor, Mexico D.F., Mexico, Forthcoming. ISBN 978-607-622-696-4.
- Inés Veiga Menéndez,
Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz and
David Vilares,
On the Impact of Syntactic Infusion for Gender Categorization Across Contextual Dimension,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 74, 2025. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Grandes modelos de lenguaje: ¿de la predicción de palabras a la compresión?,
In Amparo Alonso Betanzos, Daniel Peña and Pilar Poncela (Eds.), La inteligencia artificial hoy y sus aplicaciones con big data, pp. 73-98, Funcas, Madrid, Spain, 2025. Printed ISBN 978-84-17609-93-1. Digital ISBN 978-84-17609-94-8.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Ana Ezquerro,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
Better Benchmarking LLMs for Zero-Shot Dependency Parsing,
Proc. of the Joint 25th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics and 11th Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025), Tallinn, Estonia, 2025.
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Verena Blaschke and
Barbara Plank,
Evaluating Pixel Language Models on Non-Standardized Languages,
in COLING 2025. Proceedings of the Main Conference. The 31th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2025.
- Marvin M. Agüero-Torales,
Carlos Rodríguez Abellán,
Marta Carcajona Mata,
Juan I. Díaz Hernández,
Mario Solís López,
Antonio Miranda-Escalada,
Sergio López-Alvárez,
Jorge Mira Prats,
Carlos A. Castaño Moraga,
David Vilares and
Luis Chiruzzo,
Overview of GenoVarDis at IberLEF 2024: NER of Genomic Variants and Related Diseases in Spanish,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 73:381-392, 2024. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2024-73-29
- Bobur Allaberdiev,
Gayrat Matlatipov,
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Zafar Rakhmonov,
Parallel texts dataset for Uzbek-Kazakh machine translation,
Data in Brief, 53:110194, 2024. ISSN . DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110194
- Josu Goikoetxea,
Markel Etxabe,
Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Multi-label Discourse Function Classification of Lexical Bundles in Basque and Spanish via transformer-based models,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 73:29-41, 2024. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2024-73-2
- Eleonora Guzzi,
Automatic identification of Spanish academic collocations for an online writing tool,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 72:151-154, 2024. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2024-72-11
- Olga Kellert,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Mahmud Uz Zaman,
Unveiling factors influencing judgment variation in sentiment analysis with natural language processing and statistics,
PLoS ONE, 19(5):e0304201, 2024. ISSN 1932-6203. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0304201
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
Contrasting Linguistic Patterns in Human and LLM-Generated News Text,
Artificial Intelligence Review, 57:article number 265, 2024. Electronic ISSN 1573-7462. Print ISSN 0269-2821. DOI 10.1007/s10462-024-10903-2
Libros (Books)
- Alba Bonet Jover,
David Vilares,
Elena LLoret Pastor,
M. Dolores Molina-González and
Salud María Jiménez-Zafra,
NLP-DS 2024. Doctoral Symposium on Natural Language Processing 2024, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3797, A Coruña, Spain, 2022. ISSN 1613-0073.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Cristóbal Bernardo-Castiñeira,
Germán Bou Arévalo,
Manuel Campos,
Bernardo Cánovas-Segura,
Sergio Figueiras Gómez,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Enrique Míguez Rey and
Jesús Vilares,
GRALENIA: Antimicrobial Resistance Management based on Natural Language and Artificial Intelligence,
In Alba Bonet Jover, Robiert Sepúlveda Torres, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Eugenio Martínez Cámara, Elena Lloret Pastor, Álvaro Rodrigo Yuste and Aitziber Atutxa (Eds), SEPLN–CEDI-PD 2024. Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 3729, pp. 100-105, A Coruña, Spain, 2024. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Ana Ezquerro,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
From Partial to Strictly Incremental Constituent Parsing,
EACL 2024. The 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 225–233, St George’s Bay, Malta, 2024. ISBN 979-8-89176-089-9
- Ana Ezquerro and
David Vilares,
LyS at SemEval-2024 Task 3: An Early Prototype for End-to-End Multimodal Emotion Linking as Graph-Based Parsing,
in SemEval-2024. The 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. Proceedings of the Workshop, Mexico City, Mexico, 2024.
- Ana Ezquerro,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Dependency Graph Parsing as Sequence Labeling,
EMNLP 2024. The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 11804-11828, Miami, FL, USA, 2024. ISBN 979-8-89176-164-3. DOI 10.18653/v1/2024.emnlp-main.659
- Sanatbek Gayratovich Matlatipov,
Jaloliddin Rajabov,
Elmurod Kuriyozov and
Mersaid Aripov,
UzABSA: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for the Uzbek Language,
in Maite Melero, Sakriani Sakti, Claudia Soria (eds.), LREC-COLING 2024. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the ELRA-ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @LREC-COLING-2024 (SIGUL 2024). Workshop Porceedings, pp. 394–403, Turin, Italy, 2024. ISBN 978-2-493814-29-6. ISSN 2951-2093 (COLING); 2522-2686 (LREC).
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Muhammad Imran,
David Vilares,
Elena Solera and
Olga Kellert
Dancing in the syntax forest: fast, accurate and explainable sentiment analysis with SALSA,
In Alba Bonet Jover, Robiert Sepúlveda Torres, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Eugenio Martínez Cámara, Elena Lloret Pastor, Álvaro Rodrigo Yuste and Aitziber Atutxa (Eds), SEPLN–CEDI-PD 2024. Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 3729, pp. 12-17, A Coruña, Spain, 2024. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Paul Williams,
The Unlikely Duel: Creative Writing in LLMs through a Unique Scenario,
In Amparo Alonso, Bertha Guijarro, Óscar Fontenla, Noelia Sánchez, Beatriz Pérez, David Camacho, Juan R. Rabuñal, Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Jesús Medina, José Riquelme, Alicia Troncoso, Eva Onaindia, Alberto Bugarín. José Antonio Gámez, María José Del Jesús Díaz, Luis Martínez, Francisco Bellas, Sara Guerreiro, Alejandro Rodríguez, José Alberto Benítez and María del Mar Marcos (Eds.), Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial. CAEPIA 2024, pp. 225-226, A Coruña, Spain, 2024. ISBN 978-84-09-62724-0
- Elmurod Kuriyozov,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
BERTbek: A Pretrained Language Model for Uzbek,
in Maite Melero, Sakriani Sakti, Claudia Soria (eds.), LREC-COLING 2024. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the ELRA-ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @LREC-COLING-2024 (SIGUL 2024). Workshop Porceedings, pp. 33-44, Turin, Italy, 2024. ISBN 978-2-493814-29-6. ISSN 2951-2093 (COLING); 2522-2686 (LREC).
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
Demographic Background Prompting Does Not Affect Linguistic Features on LLM-Generated News Texts,
Proceedings XoveTIC 2024, The 7th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 2024.
- Roi Santos-Rios
Jesús Vilares and
Adrián Pérez-Bote,
Automatic Classification of the Economic Activity of a Company Using ML and DL Techniques: A First Approach,
Proceedings XoveTIC 2024, The 7th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 2024.
- Maksud S. Sharipov,
Hushnudbek S. Adinaev and
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Rule-Based Punctuation Algorithm for the Uzbek Language,
Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 25th International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials, pp. 2410-2414, Altai Republic, Russia, 2024. Electronic ISBN 979-8-3503-8923-4. Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN 979-8-3503-5305-1. Electronic ISSN 2325-419X. Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN 2325-4173. DOI 10.1109/EDM61683.2024.10615061
- Maksud S. Sharipov,
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Ollabergan Yuldashev and
Ogabek Sobirov,
UzbekVerbDetection: Rule-based Detection of Verbs in Uzbek Texts,
in Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste, Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti and Nianwen Xue (eds.), LREC-COLING 2024. The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Main Conference Proceedings, pp. 17343–17347, Turin, Italy, 2024. ISBN 978-2-493814-10-4. ISSN 2951-2093 (COLING); 2522-2686 (LREC).
- David Sineiro Barreiro and
David Vilares,
Web application for generating Entity-Relationship diagrams with Natural Language Processing,
Proceedings XoveTIC 2024, The 7th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 2024.
- Borja Souto prego,
David Vilaresand
Bruno Cabado Lousa,
Large Language Model based Chatbot for database interaction through natural language,
Proceedings XoveTIC 2024, The 7th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 2024.
- David Vilares and
Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
From Tokens to Trees: Mapping Syntactic Structures in the Deserts of Data-Scarce Languages,
In Alba Bonet Jover, Robiert Sepúlveda Torres, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Eugenio Martínez Cámara, Elena Lloret Pastor, Álvaro Rodrigo Yuste and Aitziber Atutxa (Eds), SEPLN–CEDI-PD 2024. Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 3729, pp. 65-70, A Coruña, Spain, 2024. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Olga Zamaraeva,
Lorena S. Allegue and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Spanish Resource Grammar version 2023,
in Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste, Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti and Nianwen Xue (eds.), LREC-COLING 2024. The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Main Conference Proceedings, pp. 15093–15104, Turin, Italy, 2024. ISBN 978-2-493814-10-4. ISSN 2951-2093 (COLING); 2522-2686 (LREC).
- Olga Zamaraeva,
Lorena S. Allegue,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Anastasiia Ogneva,
Grammar Assistance Using Syntactic Structures (GAUSS),
In Alba Bonet Jover, Robiert Sepúlveda Torres, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Eugenio Martínez Cámara, Elena Lloret Pastor, Álvaro Rodrigo Yuste and Aitziber Atutxa (Eds), SEPLN–CEDI-PD 2024. Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 3729, pp. 94-99, A Coruña, Spain, 2024. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Olga Zamaraeva and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Revisiting supertagging for faster HPSG parsing,
EMNLP 2024. The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 11359-11374, Miami, FL, USA, 2024. ISBN 979-8-89176-164-3. DOI 10.18653/v1/2024.emnlp-main.635
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Qué supone el experimento con Sam, el niño que enseña a hablar a las máquinas,
The conversation, 11 Feb 2024.
- Ana Orol,
Evaluación de la competencia colocacional de aprendices de español como lengua extranjera,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Letras,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2024.
- Marvin M. Agüero-Torales,
Antonio G. López-Herrera and
David Vilares,
Multidimensional Affective Analysis for Low-resource Languages: A Use Case with Guarani-Spanish Code-switching Language,
Cognitive Computation, 15:1391–1406, 2023. Print ISSN 1866-9956. Electronic ISSN 1866-9964. DOI 10.1007/s12559-023-10165-0
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Discontinuous Grammar as a Foreign Language,
Neurocomputing, 512:43-58, 2023. ISSN 0925-2312. DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2022.12.045
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Dependency Parsing with Bottom-up Hierarchical Pointer Networks,
Information Fusion, 91:494-503, 2023. ISSN 1566-2535. DOI 10.1016/j.inffus.2022.10.023
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Descripción y usabilidad de HARTA, una herramienta de ayuda para la redacción de textos académicos en español,
TEISEL. Tecnologías para la investigación en segundas lenguas, 2, Artículo e-a_hr03,1-22, 2023. ISSN 2696-676X. DOI 10.1344/teisel.v2.42173
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Sofisticación y diversidad como medidas de complejidad léxica para determinar el perfil colocacional de textos académicos en español,
Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 56(112):282-305, 2023. Print ISSN 0035-0451. E-ISSN 0718-0934. DOI 10.4067/S0718-09342023000200282
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
El papel de ChatGPT como lexicógrafo,
in Cecilio Garriga Escribano, Sandra Iglesia Martín, José Antonio Moreno Villanueva and Antoni Nomdedeu Rull (eds.), Lligams. Textos dedicats a Maria Bargalló Escrivà, pp. 15-26, Publicacions de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, 2023. ISBN (paper) 978-84-1365-091-3. ISBN (PDF) 978-84-1365-092-0. DOI (book) 10.17345/9788413650913
- Marcos García-Salido and
Marcos Garcia,
8 On the unpredictability of Support Verbs. A distributional study of Spanish tomar,
in Anna Pompei, Lunella Mereu and Valentina Piunno (eds.), Light Verb Constructions as Complex Verbs, volume 364 in the series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM], pp. 239-256, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin/Boston, 2023. ISBN 978-3-11-074785-0. E-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-074799-7. E-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-074811-6. ISSN 1861-430. DOI 10.1515/9783110747997-009
- Michalina Strzyz and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Speeding up Natural Language Parsing by Reusing Partial Results,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.), Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Volume 13451 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 648-657, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023. Electronic ISSN 1611-3349. Print ISSN 0302-9743. Electronic ISSN 1611-3349. Print ISSN 0302-9743. Print ISBN 978-3-031-24336-3. Electronic ISBN 978-3-031-24337-0. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-24337-0_46
Congresos (Conferences)
- Ana Ezquerro,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
On the Challenges of Fully Incremental Neural Dependency Parsing,
IJCNLP-AACL 2023. The 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference (Volume 2: Short Papers), pp. 52-66, Bali, Indonesia, 2023. ISBN 979-8-89176-014-1
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Diego Roca and
David Vilares,
4 and 7-bit Labeling for Projective and Non-Projective Dependency Trees,
EMNLP 2023. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 6375–6384, Singapore, 2023. ISBN 979-8-89176-060-8.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Paul Williams,
A Confederacy of Models: a Comprehensive Evaluation of LLMs on Creative Writing,
EMNLP 2023. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pp. 14504–14528, Singapore, 2023. ISBN 979-8-89176-061-5.
- Eleonora Guzzi,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos Garcia and
Marcos García-Salido
Annotation of lexical bundles with discourse functions in a Spanish academic corpus,
in Archna Bhatia, Kilian Evang, Marcos Garcia, Voula Giouli, Lifeng Han, Shiva Taslimipoor (Eds.), MWE 2023. The 19th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2023). Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 99-105, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2023. ISBN 978-1-959429-59-3
- Olga Kellert,
Mahmud Uz Zaman,
Nicholas Hill Matlis and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Experimenting with UD Adaptation of an Unsupervised Rule-based Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Mexican Tourist Texts,
in Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Francisco Rangel, Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Marco Casavantes, Begoña Altuna, Miguel Ángel Álvarez-Carmona, Gemma Bel-Enguix, Luis Chiruzzo, Iker de la Iglesia, Hugo Jair Escalante, Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras, José Antonio García-Díaz, José Ángel González Barba, Roberto Labadie Tamayo, Salvador Lima, Pablo Moral, Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco and Rafael Valencia-García (Eds.),IberLEF 2023. Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum 2023, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3496, Jaén, Spain, 2023. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
Assessment of Pre-Trained Models Across Languages and Grammars,
IJCNLP-AACL 2023. The 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp. 359-373,Bali, Indonesia, 2023. ISBN 979-8-89176-014-1
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz and
David Vilares,
LyS A Coruña at GUA-SPA@IberLEF2023: Multi-Task Learning with Large Language Model Encoders for Guarani-Spanish Code Switching Analysis,
in Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Francisco Rangel, Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Marco Casavantes, Begoña Altuna, Miguel Ángel Álvarez-Carmona, Gemma Bel-Enguix, Luis Chiruzzo, Iker de la Iglesia, Hugo Jair Escalante, Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras, José Antonio García-Díaz, José Ángel González Barba, Roberto Labadie Tamayo, Salvador Lima, Pablo Moral, Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco and Rafael Valencia-García (Eds.),IberLEF 2023. Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum 2023, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3496, Jaén, Spain, 2023. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz and
David Vilares,
Another Dead End for Morphological Tags? Perturbed Inputs and Parsing,
in ACL 2023. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, pp. 7301–7310, Toronto, Canada, 2023. ACL. ISBN 978-1-959429-62-3.
- Francisco Prado-Valiño,
Roi Santos-Rios
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
Prototype of an Entity Recognition System for Antimicrobial Resistance Data Management,
Proceedings XoveTIC 2023, The 6th XoveTIC Conference, pp. 235-241, A Coruña, Spain, 2023.
- Diego Roca,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A System for Constituent and Dependency Tree Linearization,
in Alvaro Leitao and Lucia Ramos (Eds.), Proceedings of V XoveTIC Conference. XoveTIC 2022, Kalpa Publications in Computing, 14:83-87, 2023. ISSN 2515-1762. DOI 10.29007/9m3p
- Roi Santos-Rios,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Jesús Vilares,
Some experiments on the use of Natural Language Processing for sexism detection and classification in social media,
in Alvaro Leitao and Lucia Ramos (Eds.), Proceedings of V XoveTIC Conference. XoveTIC 2022, Kalpa Publications in Computing, 14:24-27, 2023. ISSN 2515-1762. DOI 10.29007/8z6l
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
El difícil equilibrio de regular la inteligencia artificial: entre el progreso y la cautela,
The conversation, 7 May 2023.
- Eleonora Guzzi,
Identificación automática de colocaciones académicas en español para una herramienta en línea de ayuda a la redacción,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Letras,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2023.
- A.H. Alamoodi,
Mohammed Rashad Baker,
O.S. Albahri,
B.B. Zaidan,
A.A. Zaidan,
Wing-Kwong Wong,
Salem Garfan,
A.S. Albahri,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Ali Najm Jasim and
M. J. Baqer,
Public Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Regarding COVID-19’s Three Waves of Total Lockdown: A Case Study on Movement Control Order in Malaysia,
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 16(7):2169-2190, 2022. ISSN 1976-7277. DOI 10.3837/tiis.2022.07.003
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
David Vilares and
Jesús Vilares (Eds.),
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 69, 2022. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
The Impact of Edge Displacement Vaserstein Distance on UD Parsing Performance,
Computational Linguistics, 48(3):517-554, 2022. ISSN 0891-2017. DOI 10.1162/coli_a_00440
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Multitask Pointer Network for Multi-Representational Parsing,
Knowledge-Based Systems, 236:107760, 2022. ISSN 0950-7051. DOI 10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107760
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Juan Luis Esteban and
Lluís Alemany-Puig,
The Optimality of Syntactic Dependency Distances,
Physical Review E, 105:014308, 2022. ISSN 2470-0045. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.105.014308
Preprint available as arXiv:2007.15342 [cs.CL]
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Morten Christiansen and
Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
Memory limitations are hidden in grammar,
Glottometrics, 52:39-64, 2022. eISSN: 2625-8226.DOI 10.53482/2022_52_397
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Selección de colocaciones académicas en español a través de un filtro de interdisciplinariedad,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 69:83-94, 2022. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2022-69-7
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
Francisco J. Ribadas-Pena and
Jorge Graña,
Surfing the Modeling of pos Taggers in Low-Resource Scenarios,
Mathematics, 10(19):3526, 2022. ISSN 2227-7390. DOI 10.3390/math10193526
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba and
Jesús Vilares,
Absolute convergence and error thresholds in non-active adaptive sampling,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 129:39-61. 2022. ISSN 0022-0000. DOI 10.1016/j.jcss.2022.05.002
- Olga Zamaraeva,
Chris Curtis,
Guy Emerson,
Antske Fokkens,
Michael Wayne Goodman,
Kristen Howell,
T.J. Trimble and
Emily M. Bender,
20 years of the Grammar Matrix: cross-linguistic hypothesis testing of increasingly complex interactions,
Journal of Language Modelling, 20(1):49-137, 2022. Online ISSN 2299-8470. Print ISSN 2299-856X. DOI 10.15398/jlm.v10i1.292
Libros (Books)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
David Vilares and
Jesús Vilares (Eds.),
SEPLN-PD 2022. Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2022: Projects and Demonstrations, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3224, A Coruña, Spain, 2022. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Miguel A. Alonso and
Zhongyu Wei (Eds.),
AACL-IJCNLP 2022. The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Tutorial Abstracts, Online, 2022. ACL. ISBN 978-1-955917-54-4.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Academic lexical combinations for a writing tool. About their nature,
in Tilmann Reuther, Leonid Iomdin, Jasmina Milicevic and AlainPolguère (eds.), Lifetime linguistic inspirations, vol 101 of Wiener Slawistischer Almanach - Sonderbände, pp. 29-44, Peter Lang, Berlin, 2022. ISSN 0258-6819. ISBN 978-3-631-89042-4.
- Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Sanatbek Matlatipov,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Construction and Evaluation of Sentiment Datasets for Low-Resource Languages: The Case of Uzbek,
in Zygmunt Vetulani, Patrick Paroubek and Marek Kubis (eds.), Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, Volume 13212 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 232–243, Springer, Cham, 2022. ISBN 978-3-031-05327-6. ISSN 0302-9743. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-05328-3_15
Congresos (Conferences)
- Iago Alonso-Alonso,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
The Fragility of Multi-Treebank Parsing Evaluation,
in COLING. Volume 29 (2022), No. 1. Proceedings of the Main Conference. The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp. 5345-5359, Gyeongju, Korea, 2022. ISSN 2951-2093.
- Iago Alonso-Alonso,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
LyS_ACoruña at SemEval-2022 Task 10: Repurposing Off-the-Shelf Tools for Sentiment Analysis as Semantic Dependency Parsing,
in SemEval-2022. The 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 1389-1400, Seattle, WA, USA, 2022. ISBN 978-1-955917-80-3
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Igone Zabala,
HARTAes-vas: Combinaciones léxicas para una Herramienta de ayuda a la redacción de textos académicos en español y en vasco,
in Miguel A. Alonso, Margarita Alonso-Ramos, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, David Vilares and Jesús Vilares (Eds.), Pre-conference Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2022: Projects and Demonstrations (SEPLN-PD 2022). Co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2022), pp. 25-28, A Coruña, Spain, 2022.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Igone Zabala,
HARTAes-vas: Lexical combinations for an academic writing aid tool in Spanish and Basque,
in Miguel A. Alonso, Margarita Alonso-Ramos, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, David Vilares and Jesús Vilares (Eds.), SEPLN-PD 2022. Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2022: Projects and Demonstrations, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3224, pp. 22-25, A Coruña, Spain, 2022. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Camila Dilli,
Kétina Timboni and
Margarete Schlatter,
Tarefas de produção em cursos online autoformativos de português como língua adicional,
13º Congresso Brasileiro de Linguística Aplicada, Online, 2022.
- Sanatbek Matlatipov,
Hulkar Rahimboeva,
Jaloliddin Rajabov and
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Uzbek Sentiment Analysis based on local Restaurant Reviews,
in Jernej Vičič and Branko Kavšek (eds.), Proc. of ALTNLP2022. ALTNLP The International Conference and workshop on Agglutinative Language Technologies as a challenge of Natural Language Processing, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3315, pp. 126-136, Koper, Slovenia, 2022. ISSN 1613-0073
Data and source code available at GitHub.
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Mark Anderson
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and,
Parsing linearizations appreciate PoS tags - but some are fussy about errors,
in AACL-IJCNLP 2022. The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference (Volume 2: Short Papers), pp. 117-127, Online, 2022. ACL. ISBN 978-1-955917-64-3.
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
Cross-lingual Inflection as a Data Augmentation Method for Parsing,
in Insights 2022 The Third Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 54-61, Dublin, Ireland, 2022. ACL. ISBN 978-1-955917-40-7
- Ulugbek Salaev,
Elmurod Kuriyozov and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
SimRelUz: Similarity and Relatedness scores as a Semantic Evaluation dataset for Uzbek language,
in Maite Melero, Sakriani Sakti, and Claudia Soria (eds.), The 1st Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-Resourced Languages (SIGUL 2022). Proceedings, pp. 199-206, Marseille, France, 2022. ISBN 979-10-95546-91-7
Data and source code available at GitHub
- Ulugbek Salaev,
Elmurod Kuriyozov and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A machine transliteration tool between Uzbek alphabets,
in Jernej Vičič and Branko Kavšek (eds.), Proc. of ALTNLP2022. ALTNLP The International Conference and workshop on Agglutinative Language Technologies as a challenge of Natural Language Processing, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3315, pp. 42-50, Koper, Slovenia, 2022. ISSN 1613-0073
Data and source code available at GitHub.
- Marvin M. Agüero-Torales,
David Vilares and
Antonio G. López-Herrera,
Discovering topics in Twitter about the COVID-19 outbreak in Spain,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 66:177-190, 2021. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2021-66-15
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
On the Use of Parsing for Named Entity Recognition,
Applied Sciences, 11(3):1090, 2021. ISSN 2076-3417. DOI 10.3390/app11031090
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Vilares,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
Sentiment Analysis for Fake News Detection,
Electronics, 10(11):1348, 2021. ISSN 2079-9292. DOI 10.3390/electronics10111348
- Víctor M. Darriba,
Yerai Doval and
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Procesamiento de Expresiones Multipalabra en gallego mediante Aprendizaje Profundo,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 67:45-57, 2021. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2021-67-4
- Yerai Doval,
Buscando robustez en un mundo multilingüe: de pipelines a embeddings,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 66:209-212, 2021. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2021-66-20
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Anti dependency distance minimization in short sequences. A graph theoretic approach,
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 28(1), 50-76, 2021. ISSN 0929-6174. DOI 10.1080/09296174.2019.1645547
Preprint available as arXiv:1906.05765 [cs.CL]
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Juan Luis Esteban,
Bounds of the sum of edge lengths in linear arrangements of trees,
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2021(2):023403, 2021. ISSN 1742-5468. DOI 10.1088/1742-5468/abd4d7
Preprint available as arXiv:2006.14069 [cs.CL]
- David Vilares,
Marcos Garcia and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Bertinho: Galician BERT Representations,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 66:13-26, 2021. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2021-66-1
Congresos (Conferences)
- Marvin M. Agüero-Torales,
David Vilares and
Antonio G. López-Herrera,
On the logistical difficulties and findings of Jopara Sentiment Analysis,
in NAACL-HLT 2021. Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code Switching. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop, pp. 95-102. Online, 2021. ISBN 978-1-954085-45-9. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.calcs-1.12
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Eleonora Guzzi,
About users' needs of a lexicographic tool for Academic Writing in Spanish,
in Iztok Kosem and Michal Cukr (eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2021): Post-editing lexicography. Book of abstracts, pp. 39-40, Online, 2021. Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic.
- Mark Anderson,
Mathieu Dehouck and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A falta de pan, buenas son tortas: The Efficacy of Predicted UPOS Tags for Low Resource UD Parsing,
in IWPT 2021. The 17th International Conference on Parsing Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference (Including the IWPT 2021 Shared Task), pp. 78-83, Bangkok, Thailand (online), 2021. ISBN 978-1-954085-80-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.iwpt-1.8
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A Modest Pareto Optimisation Analysis of Dependency Parsers in 2021,
in IWPT 2021. The 17th International Conference on Parsing Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference (Including the IWPT 2021 Shared Task), pp. 119-130, Bangkok, Thailand (online), 2021. ISBN 978-1-954085-80-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.iwpt-1.12
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
What Taggers Fail to Learn, Parsers Need the Most,
in Simon Dobnik and Lilja Øvrelid (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa), volume 45 of NEALT Proceedings Series, pp. 309-314, Reykjavik, Iceland (Online), 2021. ISBN 978-91-7929-614-8, ISSN 1650-3686, eISSN 1650-3740.
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Splitting EUD graphs into trees: A quick and clatty approach,
in IWPT 2021. The 17th International Conference on Parsing Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference (Including the IWPT 2021 Shared Task), pp. 167-174, Bangkok, Thailand (online), 2021. ISBN 978-1-954085-80-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.iwpt-1.17
- Mark Anderson,
Anders Søgaard and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Replicating and Extending “Because Their Treebanks Leak”: Graph Isomorphism, Covariants, and Parser Performance,
ACL-IJCNLP 2021. The 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 1090-1098, Bangkok, Thailand (Online), 2021. ISBN 978-1-954085-53-4. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.acl-short.138
- Camila Dilli,
Relato de Pesquisa: o Ensino Online de Leitura Crítica em Língua Adicional,
III Congresso Nacional de Ensino-aprendizagem de Línguas, Linguística e Literaturas - Conael e IV Jornada de Letras do IFSP-Câmpus Avaré, Avaré, Brazil, 2021.
- Camila Dilli,
Bruna Morelo and
Margarete Schlatte,
Affirmative Actions for indigenous university students: "critique” in an additional language material in the light of Academic Literacy Studies,
Language Education for Social Justice, Online, 2021
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Reducing Discontinuous to Continuous Parsing with Pointer Network Reordering,
EMNLP 2021. 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 10570-10578, Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 2021. ISBN 978-1-955917-09-4. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.emnlp-main.825
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Canch and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Dependency distance minimization predicts compression,
in Quasy 2021. Second Workshop on Quantitative Syntax
(Quasy, SyntaxFest 2021). Proceedings, pp. 45-57, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2021. The Association for Computational Linguistics. ISBN 978-1-955917-15-5
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Using sophistication to determine the collocational profile of novice academic texts,
Corpus Linguistics International Conference (CL 2021), Limerick, Ireland (Online), 2021.
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Identificación del perfil colocacional de textos académicos a partir de la sofisticación,
XII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. 12th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. CILC 2021. Libro de resúmenes. Book of abstracts, pp. 24-25, Murcia, Spain (Online), 2021.
- Yova Kementchedjhieva,
Mark Anderson and
Anders Søgaard,
John praised Mary because he? Implicit causality bias and its interaction with explicit cues in LMs,
in Chengqing Zong, Fei Xia, Wenjie Li, Roberto Navigli (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021. Findings of ACL: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pp. 4859–4871, Bangkok, Thailand (Online), 2021. ISBN 978-1-954085-54-1. DOI 10.18653/v1/2021.findings-acl.429
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz,
Michalina Strzyz and
David Vilares,
Not All Linearizations Are Equally Data-Hungry in Sequence Labeling Parsing,
in Galia Angelova, Maria Kunilovskaya, Ruslan Mitkov and Ivelina Nikolova-Koleva (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. RANLP 2021 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Methods and Applications. Proceedings, pp. 978-988, online, 2021. ISBN 978-954-452-072-4. DOI 10.26615/978-954-452-072-4_111
- Adriane Orenha-Ottaiano,
Marcos Garcia,
Maria Eugênia Olímpio de Oliveira Silva,
Marie-Claude L'Homme,
Margarita Alonso Ramos,
Carlos Roberto Valêncio and
William Tenório,
Corpus-based Methodology for an Online Multilingual Collocations Dictionary: First Steps,
in Iztok Kosem, Michal Cukr, Miloš Jakubíček, Jelena Kallas, Simon Krek and Carole Tiberius (eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2021): Post-editing lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference, pp. 1-28, Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic, 2021. ISSN 2533-5626.
- Francisco J. Ribadas-Pena,
Shuyuan Cao and
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
CoLe and LYS at BioASQ MESINESP Task: large scale multilabel text categorization with sparse and dense indices,
in Guglielmo Faggioli, Nicola Ferro, Alexis Joly, Maria Maistro and Florina Piroi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Working Notes of CLEF 2021 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2936, pp. 313-323, Bucharest, Romania. ISSN 1613-0073.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Mark Anderson,
An Unsolicited Soliloquy on Dependency Parsing,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación y Tecnologías de la Información,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2021.
- Marcos García-Salido,
Compiling an Academic Vocabulary List of Spanish,
ResearchGate Preprint, 2021. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.27681.33123
- Michalina Strzyz,
Viability of sequence labeling encodings for dependency parsing,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación y Tecnologías de la Información,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2021.
- Yerai Doval,
Jesús Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Towards robust word embeddings for noisy texts,
Applied Sciences, 10(19):6894. ISSN 2076-3417. DOI 10.3390/app10196893
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba and
Jesús Vilares,
Adaptive Scheduling for Adaptive Sampling in POS Taggers Construction,
Computer Speech and Language, 60:101020, 2020. ISSN 0885-2308. DOI 10.1016/j.csl.2019.101020
Libros (Books)
- Pablo Gamallo,
Marcos Garcia,
Patricia Martín-Rodilla and
Martín Pereira-Fariña (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hybrid Intelligence for Natural Language Processing Tasks (HI4NLP 2020) co-located with 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020),
Volume 2693 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020. ISSN 1613-0073 (47 pp.)
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- María Bao, Inmaculada Báez and Nancy Vázquez,
Differing attitudes toward Spanish sign languages in three Galician pre- and primary schools,
in Talia Bugel and Cecilia Montes-Alcalá (eds.), New Approaches to Language Attitudes in the Hispanic and Lusophone World, volume 25 of Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, pp. 62-81, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2020. ISBN 9789027205117. ISSN 2213-3887. DOI 10.1075/ihll.25.03bao
- Marisa Moreda and Nancy Vázquez,
El marcador discursivo tipo: ¿un tic o un tique para facilitar el procesamiento de enunciados?,
in Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez, Manuel Martí Sánchez and Antonio Messias Nogueira (eds.), Aportaciones desde el español y el portugués a los marcadores discrusivos, volume 61 of Colección Lingüística, pp. 485-502, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, 2020. ISBN 978-84-472-2912-3.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Combinaisons lexicales de l’espagnol pour un outil d’aide à la rédaction de textes académiques,
Colloque International Ressources linguistiques, méthodes et Applications Didactiques en Langues de Spécialité (RADELAS), Grenoble, France, 2020.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
HARTA de diccionarios: por una Herramienta de Ayuda a la Redacción de Textos Académicos,
XLIX Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL 2020), Tarragona, Spain, 2020.
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
On The Frailty of Universal POS Tags for Neural UD Parsers,
in CoNLL 2020. The 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 69-96, Online, 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-63-7. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.conll-1.6
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Inherent Dependency Displacement Bias of Transition-Based Algorithms,
in Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair), Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis (eds.), LREC 2020. Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Conference Proceedings, pp. 5147-5155, Marseille, France, 2020. ISBN 979-10-95546-34-4.
- Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Distilling Neural Networks for Greener and Faster Dependency Parsing,
in IWPT 2020. The 16th International Conference on Parsing Technologies and IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 2-13, Seattle, WA, USA (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-11-8. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.iwpt-1.2
- Jose Camacho-Collados,
Yerai Doval,
Eugenio Martínez-Cámara,
Luis Espinosa-Anke,
Francesco Barbieri and
Steven Schockaert,
Learning Cross-lingual Embeddings from Twitter via Distant Supervision,
14th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2020), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2020.
Preprint available as arXiv:1905.07358 [cs.CL]
Data available at GitHub
- Mathieu Dehouck and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Data Augmentation via Subtree Swapping for Dependency Parsing of Low-Resource Languages,
in COLING 2020. The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 3818-3830, Barcelona, Spain (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-27-9. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.339
- Mathieu Dehouck,
Mark Anderson and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Efficient EUD Parsing,
in IWPT 2020. The 16th International Conference on Parsing Technologies and IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 192-205, Seattle, WA, USA (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-11-8. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.iwpt-1.20
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Transition-based Semantic Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks,
ACL 2020. The 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 7035-7046, Seattle, WA, USA (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-25-5
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Enriched In-Order Linearization for Faster Sequence-to-Sequence Constituent Parsing,
ACL 2020. The 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 4092-4099, Seattle, WA, USA (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-25-5<
[FerGom2020c.pdf] [Video]
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Discontinuous Constituent Parsing with Pointer Networks,
Proc. of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), pp. 7724-7731, New York, NY, USA, 2020. ISSN 2159-5399. ISBN 978-1-57735-835-0. DOI 10.1609/aaai.v34i05.6275
Preprint available as arXiv:2002.01824 [cs.CL]
- Luís Fernández-Núñez,
Darío Penas,
Jorge Viteri,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jesús Vilares,
Developing Open-Source Roguelike Games for Visually-Impaired Players by Using Low-Complexity NLP Techniques,
Proceedings, 54(1):10, The 3rd XoveTIC Conference (XoveTIC 2020), A Coruña, Spain, 8-9 October 2020. ISSN 2504-3900. DOI 10.3390/proceedings2020054010
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Syntactically Enriched Multilingual Sentiment Analysis,
in Pablo Gamallo, Marcos Garcia, Patricia Martín-Rodilla and Martín Pereira-Fariña (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Hybrid Intelligence for Natural Language Processing Tasks (HI4NLP 2020) co-located with 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), Volume 2693 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 5-6, 2020. ISSN 1613-0073 (47 pp.)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Morten H. Christiansen and
Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
Cognitive Constraints Built Into Formal Grammars: Implications for Language Evolution,
in Andrea Ravignani, Chiara Barbieri, Molly Flaherty, Yannick Jadoul, Ella Lattenkamp, Hannah Little, Mauricio Martins, Katie Mudd and Tessa Verhoef (Eds.), The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference (EvoLang 13), pp. 125-127, Brussels, Belgium, 2020. ISSN 2666-917X. DOI (full volume) 10.17617/2.3190925
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Michalina Strzyz and
David Vilares,
A Unifying Theory of Transition-based and Sequence Labeling Parsing,
in COLING 2020. The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 3776-3793, Barcelona, Spain (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-27-9. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.336
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Una herramienta para la ayuda a la redacción de textos académicos (HARTA) como uso de las TIC en el proceso de escritura,
EDUNOVATIC 2020. Conference Proceedings. 5th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and TIC, pp. 892-896, Online, 2020. ISBN 978-84-09-22967-3.
- Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Yerai Doval and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings for Turkic Languages,
in Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair), Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis (eds.), LREC 2020. Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Conference Proceedings, pp. 4054-4062, Marseille, France, 2020. ISBN 979-10-95546-34-4.
Data available at Zenodo
- Francisco J. Ribadas-Pena,
Shuyuan Cao and
Elmurod Kuriyozov,
CoLe and LYS at BioASQ MESINESP8 Task: Similarity based Descriptor Assigment in Spanish,
in Linda Cappellato, Carsten Eickhoff, Nicola Ferro and Aurélie Névéol (Eds.), Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2696, paper 205, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2020.
- Michalina Strzyz,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Bracketing Encodings for 2-Planar Dependency Parsing,
in COLING 2020. The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 2472-2484, Barcelona, Spain (Online), 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-27-9. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.223
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Discontinuous Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling,
EMNLP 2020. 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 2771-2785, Online, 2020. ISBN 978-1-952148-60-6. DOI 10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.221
- David Vilares,
Michalina Strzyz,
Anders Søgaard and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Parsing as Pretraining,
Proc. of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), pp. 9114-9121, New York, NY, USA, 2020. ISSN 2159-5399. ISBN 978-1-57735-835-0. DOI 10.1609/aaai.v34i05.6446
Preprint available as arXiv:2002.01685 [cs.CL]
- Jesús Vilares,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Luís Fernández-Núñez,
Darío Penas and
Jorge Viteri,
Bringing Roguelikes to Visually-Impaired Players by Using NLP,
in Stephanie M. Lukin (ed.), Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop Games and Natural Language Processing (Games & NLP 2020), pp. 59-67, Marseille, France, 2020. ISBN 979-10-95546-60-3
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- N. Abdurakhmonova,
M. Aripov,
A. Duarte,
K. Georgouli,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Y. Kandalina,
B. Maia
A. Sharipbay,
U. Tukeyev,
G. Urazboev,
Z. Vetulani,
O. Yusupov,
Erasmus+ Project Experiences on the Computational Linguistics Master Degree in the Central Asia Universities,
in L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres (eds.), INTED 2020. 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Conference Proceedings, pp. 4803-4812, IATED Academy, Valencia, Spain, 2020. ISBN 978-84-09-17939-8. ISSN 2340-1079. DOI 10.21125/inted.2020.1321
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Marcos García-Salido,
Testing the Use of a Collocation Retrieval Tool Without Prior Training by Learners of Spanish,
International Journal of Lexicography, 32(4):480-497, 2019. ISSN 0950-3846. DOI 10.1093/ijl/ecz016
Link for free access
- Xavier Canosa,
Pablo Gamallo,
Xavier Varela,
José Ángel Taboada,
Paulo Martínez Lema and
Marcos Garcia,
Uma utilidade para o reconhecimento de topónimos em documentos,
Linguamática, 11(1), 3-15, 2019. ISSN 1647-0818. DOI 10.21814/lm.11.1.291
- Yerai Doval and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Comparing Neural- and N-gram-based Language Models for Word Segmentation,
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 70(2):187-197, 2019. ISSN 2330-1635. DOI 10.1002/asi.24082
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Faster Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing with a Non-Binary, Bottom-Up Strategy,
Artificial Intelligence, 275:559-574, 2019. ISSN 0004-3702. DOI 10.1016/j.artint.2019.07.006
Preprint available as arXiv:1804.07961 [cs.CL]
- Marcos García-Salido,
Paula Lorente and
Almudena Basanta
Las construcciones con verbos de apoyo del español en la producción escrita de aprendices francófonos,
Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 6(1):32-48, 2019. ISSN 2324-7797. DOI 10.1080/23247797.2019.1590022
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Iago Alonso-Alonso and
David Vilares,
How Important is Syntactic Parsing Accuracy? An Empirical Evaluation on Rule-Based Sentiment Analysis,
Artificial Intelligence Review, 52(3):2081-2097, 2019. ISSN 0269-2821. DOI 10.1007/s10462-017-9584-0
Preprint available as arXiv:1706.02141 [cs.CL]
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido, and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Discovering bilingual collocations in parallel corpora: a first attempt at using distributional semantics,
in Irene Doval and Marí Teresa Sánchez-Nieto (eds.), Parallel corpora for contrastive and translation studies: New resources and applications, volume 90 of Studies in Corpus Linguistics, pp. 267-279, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2019. ISBN 9789027202345 / ISSN 1388-0373.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos García-Salido,
Marcos Garcia and
Eleonora Guzzi,
Identification of cross-disciplinary Spanish academic collocations for a lexical tool,
In Iztok Kosem and Tanara Zingano Kuhn (eds.) eLex 2019. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2019): Smart Lexicography. Book of abstracts, pp. 51-52, Sintra, Portugal, 2019.
- Mark Anderson,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Artificially Evolved Chunks for Morphosyntactic Analysis,
in TLT 2019. 18th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT, SyntaxFest 2019). Proceedings, pp. 133-143, Paris, France, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-64-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/W19-7815
- Yerai Doval and
Jesús Vilares,
Impacto da mala segmentación depalabras nos modelos de word embedding,
IV International Conference Language, Linguistics and Technology (techLING 2019), A Coruña, Spain, 2019.
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Left-to-Right Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks,
NAACL HLT 2019. The 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference Vol. 1 (Long and Short Papers), pp. 710-716, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-13-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/N19-1076
- Pablo Gamallo and
Marcos Garcia,
Unsupervised Compositional Translation of Multiword Expressions,
ACL 2019 Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and WordNet (MWE-WN 2019). Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 40-48, Florence, Italy, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-26-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/W19-5106
- Pablo Gamallo and
Marcos Garcia and
Patricia Martín-Rodilla,
NER and Open Information Extraction for Portuguese. Notebook for IberLEF 2019 Portuguese Named Entity Recognitionand Relation Extraction Tasks,
Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019) co-located with 35th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2421, pp. 457-467, Bilbao, Spain, 2019.
- Marcos Garcia and
Marcos García-Salido,
A method to automatically identify diachronic variation in collocations,
ACL 2019. The 1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 71-80, Florence, Italy, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-31-4. DOI 10.18653/v1/W19-4709
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido and
Miguel A. Alonso,
Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings for the inference of bilingual dictionaries,
in Jorge Gracia, Besim Kabashi and Ilan Kernerman (eds.), Proceedings of TIAD-2019 Shared Task – Translation Inference Across Dictionaries, co-located with the 2nd Language, Data and Knowledge Conference (LDK 2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2493, pp. 32-41, Leipzig, Germany, 2019. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
A comparison of statistical association measures for identifying dependency-based collocations in various languages,
ACL 2019 Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and WordNet (MWE-WN 2019). Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 49-59, Florence, Italy, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-26-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/W19-5107
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Towards the automatic construction of a multilingual dictionary of collocations using distributional semantics,
In Iztok Kosem, Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Margarita Correia, José Pedro Ferreira, Maarten Jansen, Isabel Pereira, Jelena Kallas, Milos Jakubícek, Simon Krek and Carole Tiberius (eds.) eLex 2019. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart Lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference, pp. 747-762, Sintra, Portugal, 2019. ISSN 2533-5626.
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Weighted compositional vectors for translating collocations using monolingual corpora,
In Gloria Corpas Pastor and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. Third International Conference, Europhras 2019, Malaga, Spain, September 25–27, 2019, Proceedings, volume 11755 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 113-128, Springer, 2019. ISBN 78-3-030-30134-7 / 978-3-030-30135-4. ISSN 0302-9743 / 1611-3349. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-30135-4_9
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido,
Susana Sotelo,
Estela Mosqueira and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Pay attention when you pay the bills. A multilingual corpus with dependency-based and semantic annotation of collocations,
ACL 2019. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 4012–4019, Florence, Italy, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-48-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/P19-1392
- Marcos García-Salido,
Phraseological variation in Spanish academic writing,
In Gloria Corpas Pastor and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. Third International Conference, Europhras 2019, Malaga, Spain, September 25–27, 2019, Proceedings, volume 11755 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 129-143, Springer, 2019. ISBN 78-3-030-30134-7 / 978-3-030-30135-4. ISSN 0302-9743 / 1611-3349. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-30135-4_10
- Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Una taxonomía de funciones discursivas para combinaciones léxicas rutinarias en español académico,
II Simposio Internacional sobre Lenguaje Científico en el Ámbito Académico (SILCAA2), Jaén, Spain, 2019.
- Marcos García-Salido,
Marcos Garcia and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Towards a graded dictionary of Spanish collocations,
In Iztok Kosem, Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Margarita Correia, José Pedro Ferreira, Maarten Jansen, Isabel Pereira, Jelena Kallas, Milos Jakubícek, Simon Krek and Carole Tiberius (eds.) eLex 2019. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart Lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference, pp. 849-864, Sintra, Portugal, 2019. ISSN 2533-5626.
- Marcos García-Salido,
Marcos Garcia and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Identifying lexical bundles for an academic writing assistant in Spanish,
In Gloria Corpas Pastor and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. Third International Conference, Europhras 2019, Malaga, Spain, September 25–27, 2019, Proceedings, volume 11755 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 144-158, Springer, 2019. ISBN 78-3-030-30134-7 / 978-3-030-30135-4. ISSN 0302-9743 / 1611-3349. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-30135-4_11
- Eleonora Guzzi and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Las combinaciones léxicas del español académico: intersección entre la lengua general y las lenguas de especialidad,
II Simposio Internacional sobre Lenguaje Científico en el Ámbito Académico (SILCAA2), Jaén, Spain, 2019.
- Elmurod Kuriyozov and
Sanatbek Matlatipov,
Building a New Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Uzbek Language and Creating Baseline Models,
Proceedings, 21(1):37, The 2nd XoveTIC Conference (XoveTIC 2019), A Coruña, Spain, 5-6 September 2019. ISSN 2504-3900. DOI 10.3390/proceedings2019021037
- Elmurod Kuriyozov,
Sanatbek Matlatipov,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Deep Learning vs. Classic Models on a New Uzbek Sentiment Analysis Dataset,
in Zygmunt Vetulani and Patrick Paroubek (eds.), Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics - 2019, pp. 258-262, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje (Science and Innovation Publisher), Poznan, Poland, 2019. ISBN 978-83-65988-31-7
- Michalina Strzyz and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Speeding up Natural Language Parsing by Reusing Partial Results,
Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing 2019), La Rochelle, France, 2019.
- Michalina Strzyz,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Sequence Labeling Parsing by Learning Across Representations,
ACL 2019. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 5350-5357, Florence, Italy, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-48-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/P19-1531
- Michalina Strzyz,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Viable Dependency Parsing as Sequence Labeling,
NAACL HLT 2019. The 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference Vol. 1 (Long and Short Papers), pp. 717-723, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-13-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/N19-1077
- Michalina Strzyz,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Towards Making a Dependency Parser See,
EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019. 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1500-1506, Hong Kong, China, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-90-1. DOI 10.18653/v1/D19-1160
- Michalina Strzyz,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Learning Parsing Representations as Sequence Tagging,
The first annual EurNLP Summit, London, UK, 2019.
- Michalina Strzyz,
David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Sequence Tagging for Fast Dependency Parsing,
Proceedings, 21(1):49, The 2nd XoveTIC Conference (XoveTIC 2019), A Coruña, Spain, 5-6 September 2019. ISSN 2504-3900. DOI 10.3390/proceedings2019021049
- Mauro Fernández and
Nancy Vázquez and
Calas en la escena lingüística de la Bahía de Manila: 1620-1640,
In 9th Annual Conference of the Association of Portuguese and Spanish-Lexified Creoles & The Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Booklet, pp. 109-110, Lisboa, 2019.
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
HEAD-QA: A Healthcare Dataset for Complex Reasoning,
ACL 2019. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 960-966, Florence, Italy, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-48-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/P19-1092
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Harry Potter and the Action Prediction Challenge from Natural Language,
NAACL HLT 2019. The 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference Vol. 1 (Long and Short Papers), pp. 2124-2130, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-13-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/N19-1218
- David Vilares,
Mostafa Abdou and
Anders Søgaard,
Better, Faster, Stronger Sequence Tagging Constituent Parsers,
NAACL HLT 2019. The 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference Vol. 1 (Long and Short Papers), pp. 3372–3383, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2019. ISBN 978-1-950737-13-0. DOI 10.18653/v1/N19-1341
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Nancy Vázquez,
Estratexias para fomentar a innovación docente,
in María Paz Bermúdez Sánchez (ed.), Evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y de la educación superior. XVI FECIES. Libro de actas , p. 271, Santiago de Compostela Spain, 2019. ISBN 978-84-09-12235-6.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Yerai Doval,
Seeking robustness in a multilingual world: from pipelines to embeddings,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación y Tecnologías de la Información,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2019.
- Xinying Chen,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
A dependency look at the reality of constituency,
Glottometrics, 40:104-106, 2018. ISSN 1617-8351.
Preprint available as arXiv:1708.07722 [cs.CL]
- Yerai Doval,
Manuel Vilares and
Jesús Vilares,
On the performance of phonetic algorithms in microtext normalization,
Expert Systems with Applications, 113:213-222, 2018. ISSN 0957-4174. DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.07.016
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Juan Luis Esteban,
Are crossing dependencies really scarce?,
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 493:311-329, 2018. ISSN 0378-4371. DOI 10.1016/j.physa.2017.10.048
Preprint available as arXiv:1703.08324 [physics.soc-ph]
- Pablo Gamallo and
Marcos Garcia,
Dependency parsing with finite state transducers and compression rules,
Information Processing & Management, 54(6):1244-1261, 2018. ISSN 0306-4573. DOI 10.1016/j.ipm.2018.05.003
- Pablo Gamallo,
Iván Rodríguez-Torres and
Marcos Garcia,
Distributional semantics for diachronic search,
Computers & Electrical Engineering, 65:438-448, 2018. ISSN 0045-7906. DOI 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.07.017
- Marcos Garcia,
Extracción automática de equivalentes multilingües de colocaciones,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 61:131-134, 2018. ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2018-61-15
- Marcos Garcia,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Miguel A. Alonso,
New Treebank or Repurposed? On the Feasibility of Cross-Lingual Parsing of Romance Languages with Universal Dependencies,
Natural Language Engineering, 24(1):91-122, 2018. ISSN 1351-3249. DOI 10.1017/S1351324917000377
- Marcos García-Salido,
Referential and non-referential uses of the third person pronominal subject in Spanish,
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 47(2):355-376, 2018. ISSN 0090-6905. DOI 10.1007/s10936-017-9536-5
SharedIt view-only version is available at
- Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Asignación de niveles de aprendizaje al Diccionario de Colocaciones del Español,
Revista Signos, 51(97):153-174, 2018. ISSN 0718-0934. DOI 10.4067/S0718-09342018000200153
- Marcos García-Salido and
Marcos Garcia,
Comparing learners’ and native speakers’ use of collocations in written Spanish,
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), 56(4):401-426, 2018. ISSN 1613-4141. DOI 10.1515/iral-2016-0103
- Marcos García-Salido,
Orsolya Vincze,
Ana Orol and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Frecuencia léxica y secuenciación del vocabulario en lecturas graduadas del español,
e-Scripta Romanica, 5:39-60, 2018. ISSN 2392-0718.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Natural Language Parsing: Progress and Challenges,
Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 34(2):159-175, 2018. ISSN 1889-3805.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Marcos Garcia,
Comparing bilingual word embeddings to translation dictionaries for extracting multilingual collocation equivalents,
in Stella Markantonatou, Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary and Veronika Vincze (eds.), Multiword expressions at length and in depth, volume 2 of Phraseology and Multiword Expressions, pp. 319-342, Language Science Press, Berlin, Germany, 2018. ISBN 978-3-96110-123-8 / ISSN 2625-3127. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1469571
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos García-Salido and
Marcos Garcia,
Construcción de una herramienta de ayuda a la redacción de textos académicos: combinaciones léxicas,
XIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Xeral (CILX 2018), Vigo, Spain, 2018.
- Mark Anderson and
David Vilares
Increasing NLP Parsing Efficiency with Chunking,
Proceedings, 2(18):1160, XoveTIC Congress 2018, A Coruña, Spain, 27–28 September 2018. ISSN 2504-3900. DOI 10.3390/proceedings2181160
- Yerai Doval,
Jose Camacho-Collados,
Luis Espinosa-Anke and
Steven Schockaert,
Improving Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings by Meeting in the Middle,
EMNLP 2018. The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 294–304, Brussels, Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-84-1.
Preprint available as arXiv:1808.08780 [cs.CL]
Data and code available at GitHub
- Yerai Doval and
David Vilares
On the Processing and Analysis of Microtexts: From Normalization to Semantics,
Proceedings, 2(18):1170, XoveTIC Congress 2018, A Coruña, Spain, 27–28 September 2018. ISSN 2504-3900. DOI 10.3390/proceedings2181170
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A Dynamic Oracle for Linear-Time 2-Planar Dependency Parsing,
NAACL HLT 2018. Human Language Technologies: The 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 386-392, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-29-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/N18-2062
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Non-Projective Dependency Parsing with Non-Local Transitions,
NAACL HLT 2018. Human Language Technologies: The 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 693-700, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-29-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/N18-2109
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Dynamic Oracles for Top-Down and In-Order Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing,
EMNLP 2018. The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1303-1313, Brussels, Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-84-1.
- Pablo Gamallo and
Marcos Garcia,
Task-Oriented Evaluation of Dependency Parsing with Open Information Extraction,
In Villavicencio, Aline, Viviane Moreira, Alberto Abad, Helena Caseli, Pablo Gamallo, Carlos Ramisch, Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira and Gustavo Henrique Paetzold (eds.), Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. 13th International Conference, PROPOR 2018, Canela, Brazil, September 24–26, 2018, Proceedings, volume 11122 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 77-82, Springer, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-99721-6 / ISSN 0302-9743. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-99722-3_8
- Pablo Gamallo,
Marcos Garcia,
César Piñeiro,
Rodrigo Martínez-Castaño and
Juan C. Pichel
LinguaKit: a Big Data-based multilingual tool for linguistic analysis and information extraction,
In Proc. of 2018 Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), pp. 239-244, Valencia, Spain, 2018. IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-9588-3. DOI 10.1109/SNAMS.2018.8554689
- Marcos García-Salido,
Marcos Garcia,
Milka Villayandre and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos
A Lexical Tool for Academic Writing in Spanish based on Expert and Novice
in Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair), Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Koiti Hasida, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis and Takenobu Tokunaga (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), pp. 260-265, Miyazaki, Japan, 2018. ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Tianze Shi and
Lillian Lee,
Global Transition-based Non-projective Dependency Parsing,
ACL 2018. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 1 (Long Papers), pp. 2663-2674, Melbourne, Australia, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-32-2.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares
Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling,
EMNLP 2018. The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1314-1324. Brussels, Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-84-1.
- Marisa Moreda and
Nancy Vázquez,
Eu digo “tipo” 5 vezes numa frase de 8,
in Marta Díaz Ferro, Gael Vaamonde, Ana Varela Suárez, María del Carmen Cabeza Pereiro, José María García-Miguel Gallego, Fernando Ramallo Fernández (eds.), Actas do XIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Xeral, pp. 642-647, Vigo, Spain, 2018. ISBN 978-84-8158-786-9.
- Tianze Shi,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Lillian Lee,
Improving Coverage and Runtime Complexity for Exact Inference in Non-Projective Transition-Based Dependency Parsers,
NAACL HLT 2018. Human Language Technologies: The 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 420-425, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-29-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/N18-2067
- João Silva,
Marcos Garcia,
João Rodrigues and
António Branco,
Demo: LX-SemanticSimilarity,
In 13th International Conference on the Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (PROPOR 2018), Canela, Brazil, 2018.
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
A Transition-based Algorithm for Unrestricted AMR Parsing,
NAACL HLT 2018. Human Language Technologies: The 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 142-149, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-29-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/N18-2023
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Grounding the Semantics of Part-of-Day Nouns Worldwide Using Twitter,
NAACL HLT 2018. Computational Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social media. Proceedings of the Second Workshop PEOPLES 2018, pp. 123-128, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-17-9. DOI 10.18653/v1/W18-1116
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Transition-based Parsing with Lighter Feed-Forward Networks,
EMNLP 2018. Second Universal Dependencies Workshop (UDW 2018). Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 162-172, Brussels, Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-948087-78-0
- David Vilares,
Haiyun Peng,
Ranjan Satapathy and
Erik Cambria,
BabelSenticNet: A Commonsense Reasoning Framework for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis,
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE-SSCI 2018), pp. 1292-1298, Bengaluru, India, 2018. ISBN 978-1-5386-9276-9. DOI 10.1109/SSCI.2018.8628718
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Diccionarios combinatorios,
Estudios de Lingüística del Español, 38:173-201, 2017. ISSN 1139-8736.
- Pablo Gamallo and
Marcos Garcia,
LinguaKit: uma ferramenta multilingue para a análise linguística e a extração de informação,
Linguamática, 9(1):19-28, 2017. ISSN 1647-0818. DOI 10.21814/lm.9.1.243
- Marcos García-Salido,
Diacronía de colocaciones causativas con los verbos meter, causar, producir y provocar,
Hispanic Research Journal, 18(3):181-196, 2017. ISSN 1468-2737. DOI 10.1080/14682737.2017.1314085
- Marcos García-Salido,
Frecuencia y corrección colocacional en la producción escrita de aprendices de español,
Onomázein, 38(6):22-46, 2018. ISSN 0717-1285. DOI 10.7764/onomazein.38.10
- Marcos García-Salido,
La frecuencia de corpus como criterio para nivelar colocaciones léxicas,
Études romanes de Brno, 38(2):29-49, 2017. ISSN 1803-7399. DOI 10.5817/ERB2017-2-3
- Marcos García-Salido,
On causative dar and its alternatives in the history of Spanish,
Folia Linguistica Historica, 2017(38): 91–124, 2017. ISSN 0165-4004. DOI 10.1515/flih-2017-0004
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
On the relation between dependency distance, crossing dependencies, and parsing: Comment on “Dependency distance: a new perspective on syntactic patterns in natural languages” by Haitao Liu et al.,
Physics of Life Reviews, 21:200-203, 2017. ISSN 1571-0645. DOI 10.1016/j.plrev.2017.05.007
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Towards fast natural language parsing: FASTPARSE ERC Starting Grant,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 59:121-124, 2017. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho,
Scarcity of crossing dependencies: a direct outcome of a specific constraint?,
Physical Review E, 96:062304, 2017. ISSN 2470-0045. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.062304
Preprint available as arXiv:1601.03210 [cs.CL] [GomFer2016a.pdf]
- Andreia Querido,
Rita de Carvalho,
João Rodrigues.
Marcos Garcia,
João Silva,
Catarina Correia,
Nuno Rendeiro,
Rita Pereira,
Marisa Campos and
António Branco,
LX-LR4DistSemEval: a collection of language resources for the evaluation of distributional semantic models of Portuguese,
Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 3:265-283, 2017. ISSN 2183-9077. DOI 10.26334/2183-9077/rapln3ano2017a15
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Supervised Sentiment Analysis in Multilingual Environments,
Information Processing & Management, 53(3):595-607, 2017. ISSN 0306-4573. DOI 10.1016/j.ipm.2017.01.004
Honorable Mention of IP&M 2018 Best Paper Award
- David Vilares,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Miguel A. Alonso,
Universal, Unsupervised (Rule-Based), Uncovered Sentiment Analysis,
Knowledge-Based Systems, 118:45-55, 2017. ISSN 0950-7051. DOI 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.11.014
Preprint available as arXiv:1606.05545 [cs.CL]
- Manuel Vilares,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Elena Sánchez and
Miguel A. Alonso,
Tecnologías de la lengua para análisis de opiniones en redes sociales,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 59:125-128, 2017. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Can collocations be deduced? A lexically-driven analysis from the perspective of language production,
in Sergi Torner and Elisenda Bernal (eds.), Collocations and other lexical combinations in Spanish: Theoretical, lexicographical and applied perspectives, pp. 21-40, Rouledge, London and New York, 2017. ISBN 978-1-138-21044-8.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Evolution in the design of collocation learning resources: from dictionaries towards writing tools,
IV EMLEX Colloquium on Lexicography, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2017.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos García-Salido and
Marcos Garcia,
Exploiting a Corpus to Compile a Lexical Resource for Academic Writing: Spanish Lexical Combinations,
in Iztok Kosem, Jelena Kallas, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Miloš Jakubíček and Vít Baisa (eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference, pp. 571-586, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2017. ISSN 2533-5626.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos García-Salido and
Marcos Garcia,
Combinaciones léxicas del español académico en corpus experto y en corpus de noveles,
in I Congreso internacional sobre análisis de corpus del discurso académico. Abstracts, p. 27, Valencia, Spain, 2017.
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
A Full Non-Monotonic Transition System for Unrestricted Non-Projective Parsing,
ACL 2017. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 1 (Long Papers), pp. 288–298, Vancouver, Canada, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-75-3. DOI 10.18653/v1/P17-1027
- Pablo Gamallo,
Iván Rodríguez-Torres and
Marcos Garcia,
A Web Interface for Diachronic Semantic Search in Spanish,
in EACL 2017. 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations, pp. 45-48, Valencia, Spain, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-36-4. DOI 10.18653/v1/E17-3012
- Marcos Garcia and
Pablo Gamallo
A rule-based system for cross-lingual parsing of Romance languages with Universal Dependencies,
in CoNLL 2017. The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. Proceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, pp. 274-282, Vancouver, Canada, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-70-8. DOI 10.18653/v1/K17-3029
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Using bilingual word-embeddings for multilingual collocation extraction,
in MWE 2017. 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 21-30, Valencia, Spain, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-48-7. DOI 10.18653/v1/W17-1703
- Marcos García-Salido and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Usabilidad de herramientas lexicográficas en línea: HARenEs puesto a prueba,
in III InternationaL Congress RELEX: Lexicography and Didactics, Pontevedra, Spain, 2017.
- Marcos García-Salido,
Marcos Garcia and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Identificación de fórmulas recurrentes en español académico,
in CILC 2017. 9th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. Abstracts, pp. 87-88, Paris, France, 2017.
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Tratamiento sintáctico de la negación en análisis del sentimiento monolingüe y multilingüe,
Taller de NEGación en ESpañol. NEGES-2017, pp. 39-46, Murcia, Spain, 2017
- David Vilares,
Marcos Garcia,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Towards Syntactic Iberian Polarity Classification,
EMNLP 2017. 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis. WASSA 2017. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 67-73, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-95-1.
Preprint available as arXiv:1708.05269 [cs.CL]
- David Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A non-projective greedy dependency parser with bidirectional LSTMs,
in CoNLL 2017. The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. Proceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, pp. 152-162, Vancouver, Canada, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-70-8. DOI 10.18653/v1/K17-3016
- David Vilares and
Yulan He,
Detecting Perspectives in Political Debates,
EMNLP 2017. The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1574-1583, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-83-8.
- Anssi Yli-Jyrä and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Generic Axiomatization of Families of Noncrossing Graphs in Dependency Parsing,
ACL 2017. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 1 (Long Papers), pp. 1745-1755, Vancouver, Canada, 2017. ISBN 978-1-945626-75-3. DOI 10.18653/v1/P17-1160
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Non-Projective Dependency Parsing with Non-Local Transitions,
in arXiv:1710.09340 [cs.CL], 2017.
- David Vilares,
Compositional language processing for multilingual sentiment analysis,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Computación,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2017.
- Yerai Doval,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
Segmentación de palabras en español mediante modelos del lenguaje basados en redes neuronales,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 57:75-82, 2016. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Juan Luis Esteban,
Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
The scaling of the minimum sum of edge lengths in uniformly random trees,
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2016):063401, 2016. ISSN 1742-5468. DOI 10.1088/1742-5468/2016/06/063401
Preprint available as arXiv:1602.07940 []
- Daniel Fernández-González,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
David Vilares,
Improving the Arc-Eager Model with Reverse Parsing,
Computing and Informatics, 35(3):555-585, 2016. ISSN 1335-9150.
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Crossings as a side effect of dependency lengths,
Complexity, 21(S2):320-328, 2016.. ISSN 1099-0526. DOI 10.1002/cplx.21810
Preprint available as arXiv:1508.06451 [cs.CL]
- Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Liberating language research from dogmas of the 20th century,
Glottometrics, 33:33-34, 2016. ISSN 1617-8351.
Preprint available as arXiv:1509.03295 [cs.CL] [
- Marcos Garcia,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Miguel A. Alonso,
Creación de un treebank de dependencias universales mediante recursos existentes para lenguas próximas: el caso del gallego,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 57:33-40, 2016. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Marcos García-Salido,
Error Analysis of Support Verb Constructions in Written Spanish Learner Corpora,
The Modern Language Journal, 100(1):362-376, 2016. ISSN 1540-4781. DOI 10.1111/modl.12320
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Restricted Non-Projectivity: Coverage vs. Efficiency,
Computational Linguistics, 42(4):809-817, 2016. ISSN 0891-2017. DOI 10.1162/COLI_a_00267
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Natural Language Processing and the Now-or-Never Bottleneck,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39:e74, 2016. ISSN 0140-525X. DOI 10.1017/S0140525X15000795
- David Vilares and
Miguel A. Alonso,
A review on political analysis and social media,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 56:13-23, 2016. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Yerai Doval and
Manuel Vilares,
Studying the Effect and Treatment of Misspelled Queries in Cross-Language Information Retrieval,
Information Processing & Management, 52(4):646-657, 2016. ISSN 0306-4573. DOI 10.1016/j.ipm.2015.12.010
- Jesús Vilares,
Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Michael P. Oakes,
On the Feasibility of Character n-Grams Pseudo-Translation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Tasks,
Computer Speech and Language, 36:136-164, 2016. ISSN 0885-2308. DOI 10.1016/j.csl.2015.09.004
- Manuel Vilares,
Milagros Fernández,
Adrián Blanco and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Intelligent retrieval for biodiversity,
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 25(1):1550029, 2016. ISSN 0218-2130. DOI 10.1142/S0218213015500293
Libros (Books)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.),
Spanish Learner Corpus Research: Current trends and future perspectives,
volume 78
Studies in Corpus Linguistics,
John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2016. ISBN 978-90-272-1075-3. DOI 10.1075/scl.78
[Book website at John Benjamins]
You can buy this book on-line at
John Benjamins e-Platform,, ...
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Learning resources for Spanish collocations: From a dictionary towards a writing assistant,
in Begoña Sanromán Vilas (ed.), Collocations Cross-Linguistically. Corpora, Dictionaries and Language Teaching, volume C of Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, pp. 65-95, Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2016. ISSN 0355-0192 / ISBN 978-951-9040-57-8.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Spanish learner corpus research: Achievements and challenges,
in Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.), Spanish Learner Corpus Research: Current trends and future perspectives, volume 78 of Studies in Corpus Linguistics, pp. 3-32, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2016. ISBN 978-90-272-1075-3. DOI 10.1075/scl.78.01alo
- Nancy Vázquez,
Discourse markers in CEDEL2 and SPLLOC corpora of learner Spanish: Analysis of some lexical-pragmatic failures,
in Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.), Spanish Learner Corpus Research: Current trends and future perspectives, volume 78 of Studies in Corpus Linguistics, pp. 267-297, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2016. ISBN 978-90-272-1075-3. DOI 10.1075/scl.78.10vaz
- Orsolya Vincze,
Marcos García-Salido,
Ana Orol and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
A corpus study of Spanish as a Foreign Language learners’ collocation production,
in Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.), Spanish Learner Corpus Research: Current trends and future perspectives, volume 78 of Studies in Corpus Linguistics, pp. 299-331, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2016. ISBN 978-90-272-1075-3. DOI 10.1075/scl.78.11vin
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Evolution in the design of collocation learning resources: The case of Spanish,
International Conference Word formats and lexical combinations. Structures, extraction methods and lexicographic representations, Rome, Italy, 2016.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
The construct of the collocation knowledge in language testing,
EALTA's thirteenth annual conference (EALTA 2016), Valencia, Spain, 2016.
- María C. Bao,
Nancy Vázquez and
Inmaculada C. Báez,
Las actitudes lingüísticas hacia la lengua de signos española en tres escuelas gallegas: similitudes y diferencias,
1st International Symposium on Language Attitudes toward Spanish, Portuguese, and Related Languages (LASPRL2016), Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA, 2016.
- Iti Chaturvedi,
Erik Cambria and
David Vilares,
Lyapunov filtering of objectivity for Spanish sentiment model,
in 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp 4474-4481, Vancouver, Canada, 2016. ISSN 2161-4407. ISBN 978-1-5090-0619-9. DOI 10.1109/IJCNN.2016.7727785
- Yerai Doval,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
Shallow Recurrent Neural Network for Personality Recognition in Source Code,
in Prasenjit Majumder, Mandar Mitra, Parth Mehta, Jainisha Sankhavara and Kripabandhu Ghosh (eds.), Working notes of FIRE 2016 - Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1737, pp. 33-37, 2016. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Pablo Gamallo and Marcos Garcia,
Entity Linking with Distributional Semantics,
in João Silva, Ricardo Ribeiro, Paulo Quaresma, André Adami, António Branco (eds.), Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. 12th International Conference, PROPOR 2016, Tomar, Portugal, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, volume 9727 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 177-188, Springer, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-41551-2 / ISSN 0302-9743. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41552-9_18
- Marcos Garcia,
Incorporating lexico-semantic heuristics into coreference resolution sieves for named entity recognition at document-level,
in Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), pp. 3357-3361, Portorož, Slovenia, 2016. ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1.
- Marcos Garcia,
Semantic Relation Extraction. Resources, Tools and Strategies,
in João Silva, Ricardo Ribeiro, Paulo Quaresma, André Adami, António Branco (eds.), Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. 12th International Conference, PROPOR 2016, Tomar, Portugal, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, volume 9727 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 141-152, Springer, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-41551-2 / ISSN 0302-9743. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41552-9_15
- Marcos Garcia,
Marcos García-Salido, and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Discovering bilingual collocations in parallel corpora: a first attempt at using distributional semantics,
PaCor 2016 International Symposium. Parallel Corpora Creation and Applications. Abstracts, p. 17, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2016.
- Marcos García-Salido,
¿Fórmulas femeninas en el español académico?,
II Jornadas Filológicas Internacionales-UR (JFI-UR), Logroño, Spain, 2016.
- Estíbaliz Iglesias-Franjo and
Jesús Vilares,
Searching Four-Millennia-Old Documents: A Text Retrieval System for Egyptologists,
in Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2016), pp. 22-31, Berlin, Germany, 2016. ISBN 978-1-945626-09-8. DOI 10.18653/v1/W16-2103
- Estíbaliz Iglesias-Franjo and
Jesús Vilares,
TIR over Egyptian Hieroglyphs,
in A. Min Tjoa, Zita Vale and Roland R. Wagner (eds.), Proceedings DEXA 2016. Twenty-Seventh International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. 5-8 September 2016. Porto, Portugal, pp. 198-203. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, USA, 2016. ISBN 978-1-5090-3635-6. DOI 10.1109/DEXA.2016.050
- Estíbaliz Iglesias-Franjo and
Jesús Vilares,
Any papyrus about "a hand over a stool and a bread loaf, followed by a boat"? Dealing with hieroglyphic texts in IR,
in CERI'16: Proceedings of the 4th Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval, volume of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Article No.: 4, ACM Press, New York, USA, 2016. ISBN 978-1-4503-4141-7. DOI 10.1145/2934732.2934735
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
EN-ES-CS: An English-Spanish Code-Switching Twitter Corpus for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis,
in Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), pp. 4149-4153, Portorož, Slovenia, 2016. ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1.
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
One model, two languages: training bilingual parsers with harmonized treebanks,
in ACL 2016. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceeedings of the Conference, Vol. 2 (Short Papers), pp. 425-431, Berlin, Germany, 2016. ISBN 978-1-945626-01-2. DOI 10.18653/v1/P16-2069
Preprint available as arXiv:1507.08449 [cs.CL]
- David Vilares,
Yerai Doval,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
LyS at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Exploiting Neural Activation Values for Twitter Sentiment Classification and Quantification,
in SemEval-2016. The 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 79-84, San Diego, California, 2016. ISBN 978-1-941643-95-2.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Marcos Garcia,
Universal Dependencies Guidelines for the Galician-TreeGal Treebank,
Technical Report, LyS Group, Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 2016.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
El Diccionario de Colocaciones del Español: una puesta al día,
Estudios de Lexicografía, 5:103-122, 2015. ISSN 2385-6025.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Daniel Fernández-González and
Víctor M. Darriba,
Undirected Dependency Parsing,
Computational Intelligence, 31(2):348-384, 2015. ISSN 1467-8640. DOI 10.1111/coin.12027
- Ana Orol,
Construcción de una lista de colocaciones para medir la competencia colocacional,
E-AESLA, 1, 2015.
- Nancy Vázquez and
Belén Donís,
Marcadores del discurso en francés lengua extranjera: Por qué y para qué,
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28(2):588-617, 2015. ISSN 0213-2028. DOI 10.1075/resla.28.2.09vaz
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
On the usefulness of lexical and syntactic processing in polarity classification of Twitter messages,
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 66(9):1799-1816, 2015. ISSN 2330-1635. DOI 10.1002/asi.23284
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A linguistic approach for determining the topics of Spanish Twitter messages,
Journal of Information Science, 41(2): 127-145, 2015. ISSN 0165-5515. DOI 10.1177/0165551514561652
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
A syntactic approach for opinion mining on Spanish reviews,
Natural Language Engineering, 21(1):139-163, 2015. ISSN 1351-3249. DOI 10.1017/S1351324913000181
- David Vilares,
Mike Thelwall and
Miguel A. Alonso,
The megaphone of the people? Spanish SentiStrength for real-time analysis of political tweets,
Journal of Information Science, 41(6):799-813, 2015. ISSN 0165-5515. DOI 10.1177/0165551515598926
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
David Vilares,
Yerai Doval and
Jesús Vilares,
Seguimiento y análisis automático de contenidos en redes sociales,
in Rafael Asorey Cacheda, Rosa Devesa Rey, M. Mercedes Solla Carracelas and José M. Pousada Carballo (eds.), Actas: III Congreso Nacional de i+d en Defensa y Seguridad, DESEi+d
2015, pp. 899-906, Ed. Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Marín, Marín, Spain, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-944537-0-0.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Discovering hidden collocations in a bilingual Spanish–English dictionary,
in Iztok Kosem, Milos Jakubicek, Jelena Kallas and Simon Krek (eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: linking lexical data in the digital age. Proceedings of the eLex 2015 conference, 11-13 August 2015, Herstmonceux Castle, United Kingdom, pp. 170-185, Trojina-Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/Lexical Computing Ltd., Ljubljana/Brighton, 2015. ISBN: 978-961-93594-3-3.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Roberto Carlini,
Joan Codina-Filbà,
Ana Orol,
Orsolya Vincze and
Leo Wanner,
Towards a learner need-oriented second language collocation writing assistant,
in Francesca Helm, Linda Bradley, Marta Guarda and Sylvie Thouësny (eds.), Critical CALL. Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy, pp. 16-23,, France, 2015. ISBN 978-1-908416-28-5. DOI 10.14705/rpnet.2015.000304
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos García-Salido,
Ana Orol and
Orsolya Vincze,
Colocaciones en un corpus de lecturas graduadas,
in Gloria Corpas, Miriam Buendía and Rut Gutiérrez (eds.), EUROPHRAS 2015. Computerised and Corpus-based Approaches to Phraseology: Monolingual and Multilingual Perspectives, pp. 27-29, Málaga, Spain, 2015.
- Yerai Doval,
Jesús Vilares and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
LYSGROUP: Adapting a Spanish microtext normalization system to English,
in ACL 2015 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text. Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 99-105, Beijing, China, 2015. ISBN 978-1-941643-69-3. DOI 10.18653/v1/W15-4315
- Marcos García-Salido,
Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Deriving criteria for teaching Spanish collocations from a learner corpus,
in Third International Learner Corpus Research Conference. Book of Abstracts, pp. 71-72, Cuijk/Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2015.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Daniel Fernández-González
An Efficient Dynamic Oracle for Unrestricted Non-Projective Parsing,
ACL-IJCNLP 2015. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference. Volume 2: Short Papers, pp. 256-261, Beijing, China, 2015. ISBN 978-1-941643-73-0. DOI 10.3115/v1/P15-2042
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Sentiment Analysis on Monolingual, Multilingual and Code-Switching Twitter Corpora,
in EMNLP 2015. 6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis. WASSA 2015. Workshop Proceedings, pp. 2-8, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015. ISBN 978-1-941643-32-7. DOI 10.18653/v1/W15-2902
- David Vilares,
Yerai Doval,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
LyS at TASS 2015: Deep Learning Experiments for Sentiment Analysis on Spanish Tweets,
in Julio Villena-Román, Janine García-Morera, Miguel A. García-Cumbreras, Eugenio Martínez-Cámara, M. Teresa Martín-Valdivia and L. Alfonso Ureña-López (eds.), TASS 2015: Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1397, pp. 47-52, 2015. ISSN 1613-0073
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Presentación del Grupo Lengua y Sociedad de la Información,, March 27, 2015.
- Orsolya Vincze,
Learning multiword expressions from corpora and dictionaries,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Galego-Portugués, Francés e Lingüística,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2015.
- Gabriela Ferraro, Rogelio Nazar, Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Leo Wanner,
Towards advanced collocation error correction in Spanish learner corpora,
Language Resources and Evaluation, 48(1):45-64, 2014. ISSN 1574-020X. DOI 10.1007/s10579-013-9242-3
- Marcos García-Salido,
O uso de construcións con verbos soporte en aprendices de español como lingua estranxeira e en falantes nativos,
Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, 16:181-198, 2014.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Finding the Smallest Binarization of a CFG is NP-Hard,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(4):796–805, 2014. ISSN 0022-0000. DOI 10.1016/j.jcss.2013.12.003
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las marcas de uso en el Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 130(3):698-724, 2014. ISSN 0049-8661. DOI 10.1515/zrp-2014-0056
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Structure argumentale et collocations verbales,
in Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa (ed.), Penser le Lexique-Grammaire. Perspectives actuelles, pp. 25-36, Honoré Champion Éditeur, Paris, 2014. ISBN 978-2-7453-2512-9
- Ana Orol,
Un modelo de actividades para aprender colocaciones,
in Narciso M. Contreras (ed.), La enseñanza del español como LE/L2 en el siglo XXI, pp. 539-552. Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, Madrid, 2014. ISBN 978-84-617-1475-9
- Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
A proposal for the multilevel linguistic representation of Spanish person names,
in Kim Gerdes, Eva Hajicova, and Leo Wanner (eds.), Dependency Linguistics. Recent advances in linguistic theory using dependency structures , pp. 119-140, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 2014. ISBN 978-9027255983.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Marcos García-Salido and
Orsolya Vincze,
Towards a collocation writing assistant for learners of Spanish,
in G. Faaß and J. Ruppenhofer (eds.), Workshop Proceedings of the 12th Edition of the Konvens Conference, pp. 77-88, Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany, 2014. ISBN: 978-3-934105-46-1.
- Yerai Doval,
David Vilares and
Jesús Vilares,
Buscando flexibilidad, escalabilidad y mantenibilidad en la normalización de tuits,
in Fidel Cacheda and Javier Parapar (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval. Actas del III Congreso Español de Recuperación de la Información, pp. 189-192, A Coruña, Spain, 2014. ISBN 978-84-9749-591-2.
- Yerai Doval,
David Vilares and
Jesús Vilares,
Identificación Automática del Idioma en Twitter: Adaptación de Identificadores del Estado del Arte al Contexto Ibérico,
in Arkaitz Zubiaga, Iñaki San Vicente, Pablo Gamallo, José Ramom Pichel, Iñaki Alegria, Nora Aranberri, Aitzol Ezeiza and Víctor Fresno (eds.), TweetLID 2014. Tweet Language Identification Workshop 2014. Proceedings of the Tweet Language Identification Workshop co-located with 30th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2014). Girona, Spain, September 16th, 2014, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1228, pp. 39-43. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Yerai Doval,
Jesús Vilares,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Iván Gómez,
Ask Classora!: Fuentes *structuradas, preguntas no estructuradas, respuestas estructuradas ,
in Fidel Cacheda and Javier Parapar (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval. Actas del III Congreso Español de Recuperación de la Información, pp. 169-180, A Coruña, Spain, 2014. ISBN 978-84-9749-591-2.
- Marcos García-Salido,
The use of support-verb constructions by learners of Spanish,
Klagenfurt Conference on Corpus-Based Applied Linguistics (CALK14), Klagenfurt, Austria, 2014.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Francesco Sartorio and
Giorgio Satta,
A Polynomial-Time Dynamic Oracle for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing,
in EMNLP 2014. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 917-927, Doha, Qatar, 2014. DOI 10.3115/v1/D14-1099
- Wolfgang Maier and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Language variety identification in Spanish tweets,
in LT4CloseLang 2014: Proceedings of the EMNLP'2014 Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages and Language Variants, pp. 25-35, Doha, Qatar, 2014. DOI 10.3115/v1/W14-4204
- Ana Orol,
Construcción de una lista de colocaciones para medir la competencia colocacional,
XXXII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), Seville, Spain, 2014.
- Ana Orol,
¿Qué significa conocer una colocación?,
II Congreso Internacional Nebrija en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas. Libro de Resúmenes, p. 78, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Evaluación de aproximaciones lingüísticas para la asignación de temas a tuits,
in Fidel Cacheda and Javier Parapar (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval. Actas del III Congreso Español de Recuperación de la Información, pp. 109-120, A Coruña, Spain, 2014. ISBN 978-84-9749-591-2.
- David Vilares,
Yerai Doval,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
LyS at TASS 2014: A Prototype for Extracting and Analysing Aspects from Spanish tweets,
XXX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento de lenguaje natural SEPLN 2014. TASS 2014 - Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN 2014. Workshop Proceedings, Girona, Spain, 2014.
- David Vilares,
Miguel Hermo,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Yerai Doval,
LyS: Porting a Twitter Sentiment Analysis Approach from Spanish to English,
in The 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014). Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 411-415, Dublin, Ireland, 2014. ISBN 978-1-941643-24-2.
- David Vilares,
Miguel Hermo,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jesús Vilares,
LyS at CLEF RepLab 2014: Creating the State of the Art in Author Influence Ranking and Reputation Classification on Twitter,
in Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro, Martin Halvey, Wessel Kraaij (eds.), CLEF 2014. CLEF2014 Working Notes. Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference. Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1180, pp. 1468-1478. ISSN 1613-0073.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- David Vilares,
Análisis de contenidos en Twitter: clasificación de mensajes e identificación de la tendencia política de los usuarios,
Trabajo de Fin de Máster en Ingeniería Informática, Facultade de Informática, Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 2014.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Joakim Nivre,
Divisible Transition Systems and Multiplanar Dependency Parsing,
Computational Linguistics, 39(4):799-845, 2013. ISSN 0891-2017. DOI 10.1162/COLI_a_00150
- Ana Orol and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
A Comparative Study of Collocations in a Native Corpus and a Learner Corpus of Spanish,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 95:563-570, 2013. ISSN 1877-0428. DOI 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.683
- Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Incorporating Frequency Information in a Collocation Dictionary: Establishing a Methodology,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 95:241-248, 2013. ISSN 1877-0428. DOI 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.644
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Clasificación de polaridad en textos con opiniones en español mediante análisis sintáctico de dependencias,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 50:13-20, 2013. ISSN 1135-5948.
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Una aproximación supervisada para la minería de opiniones sobre tuits en español en base a conocimiento lingüístico,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 51:127-134, 2013. ISSN 1135-5948.
- David Vilares,
Adrián Blanco and
Jesús Vilares,
Consultas con Errores Ortográficos en RI Multilingüe: Análisis y Tratamiento,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 51:25-32, 2013. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Colocaciones, diccionario y corpus de aprendices,
in Miguel Casas Gómez and Rocío Vela Sánchez (eds.), Eugenio Coseriu, in memoriam. XIV Jornadas de Lingüística, pp. 57-71, Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, Cádiz, Spain 2013. ISBN 978-84-9828-458-4.
- Leo Wanner,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Orsolya Vincze,
Rogelio Nazar,
Gabriela Ferraro,
Estela Mosqueira and
Sabela Prieto,
Annotation of collocations in a learner corpus for building a learning environment,
in Sylviane Granger, Gaëtanelle Gilquin and Fanny Meunier (eds.), Twenty Years of Learner Corpus Research. Looking Back, Moving Ahead, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2013. ISSN 2034-6417. ISBN 978-2-87558-199-0 (paper) / 978-2-87558-200-3 (pdf).
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
De diccionarios a herramientas interactivas de aprendizaje: colocaciones en español,
19. Hispanistentag - XIX Congreso de la Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas, Münster, Germany, 2013.
- Ana Orol,
Un modelo de actividades para aprender colocaciones,
XXIV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación para la esnseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ASELE), Jaén, Spain, 2013.
- Ana Orol and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Estudio comparativo de colocaciones en un corpus de nativos y un corpus de aprendices de español,
V Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus - 5th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC 2013), Alicante, Spain, 2013.
- David Vilares,
Sentiment analysis for reviews and microtexts based on lexico-syntactic knowledge,
in Proc. of Future Directions in Information Access Symposium (FDIA 2013), Granada, Spain, 2013.
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Supervised polarity classification of Spanish tweets based on linguistic knowledge,
in DocEng'13. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. September 10-13, 2013. Florence, Italy, pp. 169-172, ACM Press, New York, USA, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4503-1789-4. DOI 10.1145/2494266.2494300
- David Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
LyS at TASS 2013: Analysing Spanish tweets by means of dependency parsing, semantic-oriented lexicons and psychometric word-properties,
in Alberto Díaz Esteban, Iñaki Alegría Loinaz and Julio Villena Román (eds.), XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento de lenguaje natural (SEPLN 2013). TASS 2013 - Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN 2013, pp. 179-186, Madrid, Spain, 2013. ISBN 978-84-695-8349-4.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
David Vilares,
Prototipado Rápido de un Sistema de Normalización de Tuits: Una Aproximación Léxica,
in Alberto Díaz Esteban, Iñaki Alegría Loinaz and Julio Villena Román (eds.), XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento de lenguaje natural (SEPLN 2013). Tweet Normalization Workshop at SEPLN 2013, pp. 76-80, Madrid, Spain, 2013. ISBN 978-84-695-8349-4.
Also in Iñaki Alegria, Nora Aranberri, Víctor Fresno, Pablo Gamallo, Lluís Padró, Iñaki San Vicente, Jordi Turmo, and Arkaitz Zubiaga (eds.), Tweet-Norm 2013. Tweet Normalization Workshop 2013. Proceedings of the Tweet Normalization Workshop co-located with 29th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2013). Madrid, Spain, September 20th, 2013, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-1086, pp. 39-43. ISSN 1613-0073.
- Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Asignación de frecuencias en el DiCE: hacia una metodología,
V Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus - 5th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC 2013), Alicante, Spain, 2013.
- Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Autonomous collocation error correction with a data-driven approach,
in Kari Tenfjord, Anne Golden, Fanny Meunier and Koenraad De Smedt (eds.), Learner Corpus Research 2013. Book of Abstracts, pp. 164-165, Bergen, Norway, 2013.
- Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Testing an electronic collocation dictionary interface: Diccionario de Colocaciones del Español,
in Proceedings of eLex 2013: electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper, pp. 328-337, Tallin, Estonia, 2013.
- Leo Wanner,
Serge Verlinde and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Writing assistants and automatic lexical error correction: Word combinatorics,
in Proceedings of eLex 2013: electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper, pp. 472-487, Tallin, Estonia, 2013.
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Mariano J. Cabrero Canosa,
David Alonso Ríos,
Noelia Barreira Rodríguez,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Beatriz Pérez-Sánchez,
Noelia Sanchez-Maroño,
Elena Hernández-Pereira,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas and
Jesús Vilares,
Analizando los resultados académicos en una materia de programación,
in David López, Belén Vaquerizo (responsables académicos); Mercedes Marqués Andrés, José Manuel Badía Contelles, Sergio Barrachina Mir (editores), JENUI 2013. Actas del Simposio-Taller sobre estrategias y herramientas para el aprendizaje y la evaluación, pp.35-42, Castellón de la Plana, Spain, 2013. ISBN 978-84-695-8091-2. DOI 110.6035/e-TIiT.2013.14
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Yerai Doval,
Desarrollo de una interfaz de lenguaje natural para una base de conocimiento online,
Proyecto de fin de carrera de Ingeniería Informática, Facultade de Informática, Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 2013.
- Miguel Ballesteros,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Joakim Nivre,
Optimizing Planar and 2-Planar Parsers with MaltOptimizer,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 49:171-178, 2012. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Daniel Fernández-González,
Dependencias no dirigidas para el análisis basado en transiciones,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 48:43-50, 2012. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Naturaleza semántica de las colocaciones verbales,
in J. Apresjan, I. Boguslavsky, M.-C. L'Homme, L. Iomdin, J. Milicevic, A. Polguère and L. Wanner (eds.), Meaning, Texts and other Exciting Things: Festschrift in Honour of Igor Mel’čuk, pp. 115-136, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury, Moscow, 2012. ISBN 978-5-9551-0593-2.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Sobre por qué un grupo de palabras puede ser una sola palabra sin ser paradójico,
in Montoro, E.T. (ed.), Neología y creatividad lingüística, Anejo n° 77 de la revista Quaderns de Filologia, pp. 115-136, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 978-84-370-8979-9.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Explorando la frecuencia léxica para el Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
in Tomás Jiménez Juliá, Belén López Meirama, Victoria Vázquez Rozas and Alexandre Veiga (eds.), Cum corde et in nova grammatica: Estudios ofrecidos a Guillermo Rojo, pp. 19-40, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2012. ISBN 978- 84-9887-914-8.
- Nancy Vázquez and
Mauro Fernández,
Maskin, maski, masque... in the Spanish and Portuguese creoles of Asia: Same particle, same provenance?,
in Hugo C. Cardoso, Alan N. Baxter and Mário Pinharanda Nunes (eds.), Ibero-Asian Creoles: Comparative Perspectives, volume 46 of Creole Language Library, pp. 181-204, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2012. ISBN 978-90-272-5269-2.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
¿Por qué no podemos lanzar pelotas y acusaciones al mismo tiempo? En defensa de las unidades léxicas colocativas,
X Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General (X-CILG), Zaragoza, Spain, 2012.
- Daniel Fernández-González and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Improving Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Buffer Transitions,
in Proc. of EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Learning, Jeju, Korea, 2012.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Daniel Fernández-González,
Dependency Parsing with Undirected Graphs,
in EACL 2012. 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 66-76, Avignon, France, 2012. ISBN 978-1-937284-19-0.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las marcas de uso en el Diccionario de colocaciones del español (DiCE),
X Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General (X-CILG), Zaragoza, Spain, 2012.
- Jesús Vilares,
Adrián Blanco and
David Vilares,
Estudio Bidireccional de un Sistema de RI Multilingüe Basado en Traducción de n-Gramas,
in Rafael Berlanga and Paolo Rosso (eds.), II Congreso Español de Recuperación de la Información, Number 11 of Col.lecció e-Traballs d'Informàtica i Tecnologia, pp. 25-36, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana, Spain, 2012. ISBN 978-84-8021-860-3.
- Orsolya Vincze,
Propuesta para la clasificación semántica de colocaciones en los diccionarios,
in V Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 210-212, Getafe, Madrid, Spain, 2012.
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jorge Graña and
Jesús Vilares,
La enseñanza del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural en facultades de Informática y Filología,
in Pedro Membiela, Natalia Casado and Mª Isabel Cebreiros (eds.), Investigaciones sobre docencia universitaria y nuevas metodologías, chapter 1, pp. 13-18, Educación Editora, Ourense, Spain, 2012. ISBN 978-84-15524-02-1.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Shay Cohen,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Giorgio Satta,
Elimination of Spurious Ambiguity in Transition-Based Dependency Parsing,
in arXiv:1206.6735, 2012.
- Milagros Fernández,
Adquisición y representación del conocimiento mediante procesamiento del lenguaje natural,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Computación,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2012.
[Extended abstract in Spanish and English]
- David Vilares,
Sistema de minería de opiniones para el español utilizando métodos de análisis sintáctico de dependencias,
Proyecto de fin de carrera de Ingeniería Informática, Facultade de Informática, Universidade da Coruña, Spain,
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
John A. Carroll and
David Weir,
Dependency Parsing Schemata and Non-Projective Dependency Parsing,
Computational Linguistics, 37(3):541-586, 2011. ISSN 0891-2017. DOI 10.1162/COLI_a_00060
- Nancy Vázquez,
El tratamiento lexicográfico de los marcadores del discurso,
Linred: Revista electrónica de lingüística, 9:1-20, 2011. ISSN 1697-0780.
- Orsolya Vincze,
La representación de nombres propios multipalabra en corpus analizados sintácticamente,
Acta Hispánica, XVI:95-111, 2011. ISSN 1416-7263.
- Jesús Vilares,
Manuel Vilares
and Juan Otero,
Managing Misspelled Queries in IR Applications,
Information Processing & Management, 47(2):263-286, 2011. ISSN 0306-4573. DOI 10.1016/j.ipm.2010.08.004
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Sobre los usos figurados: ¿extensiones de una única definición?,
in M. V. Escandell Vidal, M. Leonetti, and C. Sánchez López (eds.), 60 Problemas de gramática dedicados a Ignacio Bosque, chapter 48, pp. 320-326, Akal, Madrid, 2011. ISBN 978-84-460-3427-8.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
¿Conocemos verdaderamente las palabras por sus compañías? Sobre la explicación semántica en las colocaciones verbales,
Simposio Internacional de Sociología de las Palabras, Murcia, Spain, 2011.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Orsolya Vincze and
Estela Mosqueira,
Creación de herramientas para el aprendizaje de colocaciones: ColocaTe,
Congreso Mundial de Profesores de Español, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, 2011.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Leo Wanner,
Orsolya Vincze,
Rogelio Nazar,
Gabriela Ferraro,
Estela Mosqueira and
Sabela Prieto,
Annotation of collocations in a learner corpus for building a learning environment,
Learner Corpus Research 2011, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2011.
- Shay Cohen,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Giorgio Satta,
Exact Inference for Generative Probabilistic Non-Projective Dependency Parsing,
in EMNLP 2011. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1234-1245, Edinburgh, UK, 2011. ISBN 978-1-937284-11-4.
- Marco Kuhlmann,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Giorgio Satta,
Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Transition-Based Dependency Parsers,
in ACL HLT 2011. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Volume 1: Long papers, pp. 673-682, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2011. ISBN 978-1-932432-87-9.
- Orsolya Vincze and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
A proposal for the multilevel linguistic representation of Spanish person names,
in Kim Gerdes, Eva Hajicova, and Leo Wanner (eds.), DEPLING 2011 Proceedings. International Conference on Dependency Linguistics, pp. 85-93, Barcelona, Spain, 2011. ISBN 978-84-615-1834-0.
- Orsolya Vincze,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Estela Mosqueira and
Sabela Prieto,
Exploiting a learner corpus for the development of a CALL environment for learning Spanish collocations,
in K. Iztok and K. Karmen Kosem (eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: New applications for new users. Proceedings of eLex 2011, pp. 280-285, Bled, Slovenia, 2011.
- Orsolya Vincze,
Estela Mosqueira and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
An online collocation dictionary of Spanish,
in Igor Boguslavsky and Leo Wanner (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, pp. 275-286, Barcelona, Spain, 2011. ISBN 978-84-615-1716-9.
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jorge Graña and
Jesús Vilares,
La enseñanza del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural en facultades de Informática y Filología,
in II Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria. Libro de resumos das comunicacións. Libro de resúmenes de las comunicaciones, p. 14, Educación Editora, Vigo, Spain, 2011.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Parsing Schemata for Practical Text Analysis (Ph.D. dissertation abstract),
del Lenguaje Natural, 44:153-154, 2010. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Manuel Vilares,
Error-repair parsing schemata,
Theoretical Computer Science, 411(7-9):1121-1139, 2010. ISSN 0304-3975. DOI 10.1016/j.tcs.2009.12.007
Libros (Books)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Parsing Schemata for Practical Text Analysis,
volume 1
Mathematics, Computing, Language, and Life: Frontiers in Mathematical Linguistics and Language Theory series,
Imperial College Press, London, 2010. ISBN 978-1-84816-560-1.
[Book website at Imperial College Press]
[Book website at World Scientific]
You can buy this book on-line at,
Barnes&Noble, ...
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
No importa si la llamas o no colocación, descríbela,
In C. Mellado et al. (eds.), La fraseografía del s. XXI: Nuevas perspectivas de la fraseología del S. XXI, pp. 55-80, Frank & Timme, Berlin, 2010. ISBN 23. 978-86596-291-1.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Alfonso Nishikawa
and Orsolya Vincze,
DiCE in the web: An online Spanish collocation dictionary,
In S. Granger, M. Paquot (Eds.), eLexicograpy in the 21st century: New Challenges, New Applications. Proceedings of eLex 2009, pp. 369-374, Cahiers du Cental 7, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Belgium, 2010. ISBN 978-2-87463-211-2.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Nancy Vázquez,
El proyecto COLOCATE: colocaciones en un corpus de aprendices de español,
XXXIX Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2010.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Nancy Vázquez,
Orsolya Vincze,
Estela Mosqueira,
Sabela Prieto and
Rocío Prieto,
Hacia un entorno de aprendizaje de colocaciones en la web,
XXVIII Congreso Internacional de AESLA, Vigo, Spain, 2010.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Leo Wanner,
Orsolya Vincze,
Gerard Casamayor,
Nancy Vázquez,
Estela Mosqueira and
Sabela Prieto,
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora,
in Proceedings of 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2010), pp. 3209-3214, Valleta, Malta, 2010. ISBN 2-9517408-6-7.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Leo Wanner,
Nancy Vázquez,
Orsolya Vincze,
Estela Mosqueira and
Sabela Prieto,
Tagging collocations for learners,
In S. Granger, M. Paquot (Eds.), eLexicograpy in the 21st century: New Challenges, New Applications. Proceedings of eLex 2009, pp. 375-380, Cahiers du Cental 7, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Belgium, 2010. ISBN 978-2-87463-211-2.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Marco Kuhlmann and
Giorgio Satta,
Efficient Parsing of Well-Nested Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems,
in NAACL HLT 2010. Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Main Conference, pp. 276-284, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2010. ISBN 978-1-932432-65-7.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Joakim Nivre,
A Transition-Based Parser for 2-Planar Dependency Structures,
in ACL 2010. The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Conference Proceedings, pp. 1492-1501, Uppsala, Sweden, 2010. ISBN 978-1-932432-66-4 / 1-932432-66-3 (Volume 1), ISBN 978-1-932432-67-1 (Volume 2).
- Lionel Nicolas,
Miguel A. Molinero,
Benoît Sagot,
Nieves Fernández, and
Vanesa Vidal,
Creating and maintaining language resources: the main guidelines of the Victoria project,
Proceedings of the LREC 2010 Workshop on Language Resources: From Storyboard to Sustainability and LR Lifecycle Management, Valletta, Malta, 2010.
- Joakim Nivre,
Laura Rimell,
Ryan McDonald and
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies,
in COLING 2010. 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 833-841, Beijing, China, 2010. ISBN 978-7-900268-00-6.
- Sabela Prieto,
El tratamiento de las colocaciones en los manuales de ELE: estudio de un caso concreto,
XXVIII Congreso Internacional de AESLA, Vigo, Spain, 2010.
- Sabela Prieto,
Las colocaciones en el uso, las colocaciones en el texto. Tratamiento de las colocaciones en los manuales de ELE,
II Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus, A Coruña, Spain, 2010.
- Nancy Vázquez
and Mauro Fernández,
Pirmi y siempre: dos falsos amigos en el chabacano de Zamboanga,
in Proc. of ACBLPE Annual Conference, Villejuif, France, 2010.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Jorge Graña,
RI con n-gramas: tolerancia a errores y multilingüismo,
in David E. Losada, Pablo Castells and Juan M. Fernández-Luna (eds.), Actas del I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. CERI 2010. Proceedings of the 1st Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval, pp. 231-242, Madrid, Spain, 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-2200-0.
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Milagros Fernández,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jorge Graña,
Miguel A. Molinero and
Jesús Vilares,
Evaluación sin exámenes. Conclusiones de 10 años de experiencia en una asignatura optativa,
La innovación educativa en el contexto actual de la educación superior. A innovación educativa no contexto actual da educación superior, chapter 96, pp. 515-518, Vicerreitoría de Formación e Innovación Educativa, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 2010. ISBN 978-84-8158-495-0.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Milagros Fernández,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jorge Graña and
Jesús Vilares,
Una experiencia de enseñanza multidisciplinar en el marco de los nuevos másteres oficiales,
in Actas. Congresso Ibérico 2010 Ensino Superior em Mudança: Tensões e Possibilidades, pp. 111-117, Braga, Portugal, 2010. ISBN 978-972-8746-80-3.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Milagros Fernández,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jorge Graña and
Jesús Vilares,
Dos experiencias de enseñanza interdisciplinar entre informática y humanidades,
in CUIEET 2010. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación en las Enseñanzas Técnicas. Programa Científico, Santander, Spain, 2010. ISBN 978-84-86116-19-4.
- Milagros Fernández,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jesús Vilares,
Jorge Graña and
Antonio Blanco,
Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales: Una aproximación práctica desde dos paradigmas de programación,
in CUIEET 2010. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación en las Enseñanzas Técnicas. Programa Científico, Santander, Spain, 2010. ISBN 978-84-86116-19-4.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Marta Rebolledo Lemus,
Las alternativas de diátesis en los verbos de sentimiento en español como un problema entre el léxico y la sintaxis,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Galego-Portugués, Francés e Lingüística,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2010.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Delimitando la intersección entre composición y fraseología,
Lingüística española actual, XXXI(2):243-275, 2009. ISSN 0210-6345.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Leo Wanner,
Alternances actantielles et la montée du possesseur: une étude de cas en espagnol,
Langages, 176(4):10-31, 2009. ISSN 0458-726X.
- Eva Domínguez,
Fco. Mario Barcala
and Miguel A. Molinero,
Avaliación dun etiquetador automático estatístico para o galego actual: Xiada,
Cadernos de Lingua, 30-31:151-193, 2009. ISSN 1130-5924.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jesús Vilares and
Miguel A. Alonso,
A compiler for parsing schemata,
Software: Practice and Experience, 39(5):441-470, 2009. ISSN 0038-0644. DOI 10.1002/spe.904
- Fotis Lazarinis,
Jesús Vilares,
John Tait and
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis (eds.),
Information Retrieval, 12(3),
Special issue on Non-English Web Retrieval,
2009. ISSN 1386-4564
- Fotis Lazarinis,
Jesús Vilares,
John Tait and
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis,
Introduction to the special issue on non-english web retrieval,
Information Retrieval, 12(3):227-229, 2009. ISSN 1386-4564. DOI 10.1007/s10791-009-9091-2
- Fotis Lazarinis,
Jesús Vilares,
John Tait and
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis,
Current research issues and trends in non-English web searching,
Information Retrieval, 12(3):230-250, 2009. ISSN 1386-4564. DOI 10.1007/s10791-009-9093-0
- Miguel A. Molinero,
Benoît Sagot and
Lionel Nicolas,
Construcción y extensión de un léxico morfológico y sintáctico para el Español: el Leffe,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 43:335-343, 2009. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Lionel Nicolas,
Miguel A. Molinero,
Benoît Sagot,
Elena Sánchez,
Eric de la Clergerie,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Jacques Farré and
Joan Miquel Verges,
Producción eficiente de recursos lingüísticos: el proyecto Victoria,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 43:391-392, 2009. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Juan Otero,
Jesús Vilares
and Manuel Vilares,
Consultas degradadas en recuperación de información textual,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 42:9-16, 2009. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Noms d'objet ou cause de sentiment dans le Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
in I. Novakova and A. Tutin (eds), Le lexique des émotions, pp. 251-274, ELLUG/ Université Stendhal, Grenoble, 2009. ISBN 978-2-84310-149-6.
- Sabela Prieto,
Anotación de un corpus colocacional con información semántica de Framenet,
in C. Bretones Callejas et al. (ed.), Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding Language and Mind. La lingüística aplicada actual: comprendiendo el lenguaje y la mente, pp.1459 -1472, Universidad de Almería, Almería, Spain, 2009.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las unidades léxicas no descriptivas y la expresión de las emociones: tratamiento lexicográfico de algunas interjecciones y vocativos,
in M. Veyrat Rigat and E. Serra Alegre (eds.), La lingüística como reto epistemológico y como acción social, pp. 1121-1133, Arco/Libros, Madrid, 2009.
- Jesús Vilares,
Michael P. Oakes
and Manuel Vilares,
Character N-Grams as Text Alignment Unit: CLIR Applications ,
in Nicolas Nicolov, Galia Angelova and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.),
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing V,
volume 309
of Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, pp. 193-204,
John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2009. ISBN 978-90-272-4825-1.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Hacia un nuevo recurso léxico ¿fusión entre corpus y diccionario?,
in P. Cantos Gómez and A. Sánchez Pérez (eds) A Survey of Corpus-based Research. Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus, pp. 1191-1207, AELINCO, Murcia, Spain, 2009.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
No importa si es una colocación o no, descríbela,
Coloquio Internacional de Fraseografía, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2009.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Miguel A. Alonso
and Manuel Vilares
A general method for transforming standard parsers into error-repair parsers,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 5449
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 207-219,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2009. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-642-00381-3. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-00382-0_17
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and
Giorgio Satta,
An Optimal-Time Binarization Algorithm for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two,
in ACL-IJCNLP 2009. Joint conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 985-993, Suntec, Singapore, 2009. ISBN 978-1-932432-45-9 / 1-932432-45-0 (Volume 1), ISBN 978-1-932432-46-6 / 1-932432-46-9 (Volume 2).
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Marco Kuhlmann,
Giorgio Satta and
David Weir,
A Optimal Reduction of Rule Length in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems,
in NAACL HLT 2009. Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 539-547, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2009. ISBN 978-1-932432-41-1.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
David Weir and
John A. Carroll,
Parsing Mildly Non-projective Dependency Structures,
in EACL 2009. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 291-299, Athens, Greece, 2009.
- Miguel A. Molinero,
Benoît Sagot and
Lionel Nicolas,
Building a morphological and syntactic lexicon by merging various linguistic resources,
in Proc. of 17th Nordic Conference on Computational
Linguistics (NODALIDA-09), Odense, Denmark, 2009.
- Miguel A. Molinero,
Benoît Sagot and
Lionel Nicolas,
A morphological and syntactic wide-coverage lexicon for Spanish: the Leffe,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 264-269,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2009. ISSN 1313-8502.
- Lionel Nicolas,
Miguel A. Molinero,
Benoît Sagot,
Elena Sánchez,
Eric de la Clergerie,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Jacques Farré and
Joan Miquel Verges,
Towards efficient production of linguistic resources: the Victoria Project,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 318-323,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2009. ISSN 1313-8502.
- Lionel Nicolas,
Benoît Sagot,
Miguel A. Molinero,
Jacques Farré and
Eric de la Clergerie,
Mining parsing results for lexical correction: toward a complete correction process of wide-coverage lexicons,
Responding to Information Society Challenges: New Advances in Human Language Technologies,
volume 5603
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2009. ISSN 0302-9743. 10.1007/978-3-642-04235-5_16
- Lionel Nicolas,
Benoît Sagot,
Miguel A. Molinero,
Jacques Farré and
Eric de la Clergerie
Trouver et confondre les coupables : un processus sophistiqué de correction de lexique,
in Actes de la 16ème Conference sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2009), Senlis, France, 2009
- Sabela Prieto,
Estela Mosqueira and
Nancy Vázquez,
Córpora y enseñnza de lenguas: se buscan colocaciones,
in Pascual Cantos Gómez and Aquilino Sáchez Péez (eds.), A Survey of Corpus-based Research. Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus, pp. 366-373, AELINCO, Murcia, Spain, 2009. ISBN 978-84-692-2198-3.
- Marta Rebolledo and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Lexical units and syntactic constructions: the caused-motion construction,
in David Beck, Kim Gerdes, Jasmina Milićević and Alain Polguère (eds.), Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, pp. 307-315, Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte (OLST), Montreal, Canada, 2009. ISBN 978-2-9811149-0-7.
- Nancy Vázquez
and Mauro Fernández,
La partícula pa en el chabacano de Zamboanga,
in Proc. of ACBLPE Annual Conference, Köln, Germany, 2009.
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Milagros Fernández,
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jorge Graña,
Miguel A. Molinero and
Jesús Vilares,
Evaluación sin exámenes. Conclusiones de 10 años de experiencia en una asignatura optativa,
in I Congreso de Docencia Universitaria. Libro de resumos das comunicacións. Libro de resúmenes de las comunicaciones, p. 29, Vicerreitoría de Formación e Innovación Educativa, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 2009. D.L. C-2029-2009.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Parsing schemata for practical text analysis,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Computación,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2009 (xviii + 290 pp).
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Book review of E. Bernal and J. DeCesaris (eds.), Palabra por palabra. Estudios ofrecidos a Paz Battaner,
International Journal of Lexicography, 21(1):98-104, March 2008. ISSN 0950-3846. DOI 10.1093/ijl/ecm030
- Milagros Fernández,
Sara Carrera,
and Manuel Vilares,
From knowledge acquisition to information retrieval,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 40:43-50, 2008. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Lionel Nicolas,
Benoît Sagot,
Miguel A. Molinero,
Jacques Farré and
Eric de la Clergerie
Extensión y corrección semi-automática de léxicos morfo-sintácticos,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 41:129-136, 2008. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Nancy Vázquez
and Mauro Fernández,
Las aventuras de basta en tierras filipinas: huellas de un proceso de pragmaticalización,
Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, 12:157-174, 2008. ISSN 1579-9425.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
Manuel Vilares,
Extraction of Complex Index Terms in Non-English IR: A Shallow Parsing Based Approach,
Information Processing & Management, 44(4):1517-1537, 2008. ISSN 0306-4573. DOI 10.1016/j.ipm.2007.12.005
- Jesús Vilares,
El modelo probabilístico: características y modelos derivados ,
Revista General de Información y documentación, 18:345-363, 2008. ISSN 1132-1873.
Libros (Books)
- Fotis Lazarinis,
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis,
Jesús Vilares
and John Tait (eds.),
Proc. of ACM CIKM 2008 Workshop on Improving Non-English Web Searching (iNEWS08),
ACM Press, New York, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-1-60558-387-7 (98 pp.).
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las etiquetas discursivas en un diccionario de marcadores pragmáticos: un puente entre lenguas,
in D. Azorín Fernández et al. (eds.), El diccionario como puente entre lenguas (Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía), pp. 278-284, Centro Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, Alicante, Spain, 2009.
- Jesús Vilares,
Michael P. Oakes
and Manuel Vilares,
English-to-French CLIR: A Knowledge-Light Approach through Character N-Grams Alignment,
in C. Peters, V. Jijkoun, Th. Mandl, H. Müller, D. W. Oard, A. Peñas, V. Petras, D. Santos (eds.),
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval,
volume 5152
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 148-155,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2008. ISSN 0302-97433 / ISBN 978-3-540-85759-4. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-85760-0_20
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Papel de los diccionarios de colocaciones en la enseñanza de español como L2,
in Proc. of 13th EURALEX Internacional Congress, pp. 1215-1230, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Owen Rambow
and Leo Wanner,
Using Semantically Annotated Corpora to Build Collocation Resources,
in Proceedings of 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2008), Marrakech, Morocco, 2008.
- Sara Carrera,
Milagros Fernández,
and Manuel Vilares,
Recuperar información con conocimiento,
Actas de
XIV Congreso español sobre tecnologías y lógica fuzzy (ESTYLF 2008), pp. 619-624,
Langreo-Mieres, Spain, 2008.
- Milagros Fernández,
Manuel Vilares
and Eric de la Clergerie,
Mining Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Acquisition,
in Fotis Lazarinis, Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, Jesús Vilares and John Tait (eds.),
Proc. of ACM CIKM 2008 Workshop on Improving Non-English Web Searching (iNEWS08), pp. 25-32,
Napa Valley, California, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-1-60558-387-7.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
John A. Carroll and
David Weir,
A Deductive Approach to Dependency Parsing,
in ACL-08:HLT. 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 968-976, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-1-932432-04-6.
- Lionel Nicolas,
Benoît Sagot,
Jacques Farré,
Miguel A. Molinero and
Eric de la Clergerie
Computer aided correction and extension of a syntactic wide-coverage lexicon,
in Donia Scott and Hans Uszkoreit (ds.), Coling 2008. 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 633-640, Manchester, UK, 2008. ISBN 978-1-905593-44-6.
- Juan Otero,
Jesús Vilares
and Manuel Vilares,
Corrupted Queries in Spanish Text Retrieval: Error Correction vs. N-Grams,
in Fotis Lazarinis, Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, Jesús Vilares and John Tait (eds.),
Proc. of ACM CIKM 2008 Workshop on Improving Non-English Web Searching (iNEWS08), pp. 39-46,
Napa Valley, California, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-1-60558-387-7.
- Juan Otero,
Jesús Vilares
and Manuel Vilares,
Text Retrieval through Corrupted Queries,
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2008,
volume 5290
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 362-371,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2008. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-88308-1. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-88309-8_37
- Sabela Prieto,
Inclusión de los papeles semánticos de FrameNet en DiCE,
in Proc. of 13th EURALEX Internacional Congress, pp. 1393-1399, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
- Sabela Prieto,
Anotación de un corpus colocacional con información semántica de Framenet,
in Actas de XXVI Congreso de AESLA, Almería, Spain, 2008.
- Nancy Vázquez
and Mauro Fernández,
La partícula daw en el chabacano de Zamboanga,
in Proc. of ACBLPE Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
David Weir and
John A. Carroll,
Parsing Mildly Non-Projective Dependency Structures,
Technical Report CSRP 600, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex, United Kingdom. ISSN 1350-3162.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Actantes y colocaciones,
Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 55(2):435-458, 2007. ISSN 0185-0121.
- Fotis Lazarinis,
Jesús Vilares
and John Tait,
Improving Non-English Web Searching (iNEWS07) (SIGIR 2007 workshop report),
ACM SIGIR Forum, 41(2):72-76, 2007. ISSN 0163-5840.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A.
Alonso and Manuel Vilares,
Técnicas deductivas para el análisis
sintáctico con corrección de errores,
del Lenguaje Natural, 39:13-20, 2007. ISSN 1135-5948.
Libros (Books)
- Fotis Lazarinis,
Jesús Vilares
and John Tait (eds.),
Proc. of ACM SIGIR 2007 Workshop on Improving Non-English Web Searching (iNEWS07),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-6978-3 (78 pp.).
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Towards the Synthesis of Support Verb Constructions: Distribution of Syntactic Actants between the Verb and the Noun,
in Leo Wanner (ed.), Selected Lexical and Grammatical Issues in Meaning-Text Theory. In Honour of Igor Mel'cuk, volume 84 of Studies in Language Companion Series, pp. 93-133, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2007. ISBN 9027230943.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Miguel A. Molinero,
and Eva Domínguez,
XML rules for enclitic segmentation,
in Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada-Arencibia (eds.),
Computer Aided Systems Theory,
volume 4739
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 273-281,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-75866-2.
- Milagros Fernández,
Eric de la Clergerie,
and Manuel Vilares,
From Text to Knowledge,
in Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada-Arencibia (eds.),
Computer Aided Systems Theory,
volume 4739
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 265-272,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-75866-2.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A.
Alonso and Manuel Vilares,
Generation of indexes for compiling efficient parsers from
formal specifications,
in Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis
Quesada-Arencibia (eds.), Computer Aided Systems Theory,
volume 4739
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 257-264, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-75866-2.
- Juan Otero,
Jorge Graña
and Manuel Vilares,
Contextual Spelling Correction,
in Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada-Arencibia (eds.),
Computer Aided Systems Theory,
volume 4739
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 290-296,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-75866-2.
- Begoña Sanromán and Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Collocation dictionary as an elaborate pedagogical tool for Spanish as a foreign language,
in M. Nenonen and S. Niemi (eds.), Collocations and Idioms 1. Papers from the First Nordic Conference on
Syntactic Freezes, volume 41 of Studies in Languages, pp. 282-296, Joensuu University Press, Joensuu, Finland, 2007. ISBN 978-952-458-977-2.
- Jesús
Vilares, Michael P. Oakes and John Tait,
A First Approach to CLIR Using Character N-Grams Alignment,
in Carol Peters, Paul Clough, Fredric C. Gey, Jussi Karlgren, Bernardo
Magnini, Douglas W. Oard, Maarten de Rijke, Maximilian Stempfhuber
(eds.), Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information
Retrieval, volume 4730 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 111-118, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Collocation Chains: How to deal with them?,
in K. Gerdes, T. Reuther and L. Wanner (eds.), Proceedings of Third International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach Sonderband 69, Munich and Vienna, 2007.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Les noms de sentiments et leurs objets dans le Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
Colloque international “Le lexique des émotions et sa combinatoire lexicale et syntaxique”, pp. 3-17, Grenoble, France, 2007.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Miguel A. Molinero,
and Eva Domínguez,
XML rules for enclitic segmentation,
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, José Carlos Rodríguez, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and Roberto Moreno-Díaz (eds.),
EUROCAST 2007, Computer Aided Systems Theory, Extended Abstracts, pp. 93-94,
Las Palmas, Spain, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-3603-7.
- Milagros Fernández,
Eric de la Clergerie,
and Manuel Vilares,
Knowledge acquisition through error mining,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 220-224,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007. ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3.
- Milagros Fernández,
Eric de la Clergerie,
and Manuel Vilares,
From Text to Knowledge,
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, José Carlos Rodríguez, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and Roberto Moreno-Díaz (eds.),
EUROCAST 2007, Computer Aided Systems Theory, Extended Abstracts, pp. 91-92,
Las Palmas, Spain, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-3603-7.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
and Miguel
A. Alonso,
Compiling Declarative Specifications of Parsing Algorithms,
in R. Wagner, R. Newell and G. Pernul (eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications, volume 4653
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 529-538, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-540-74467-2.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Miguel A. Alonso
and Manuel Vilares,
On Theoretical and Practical Complexity of TAG Parsers,
in Shuly Wintner (ed.), Proceedings of FG 2006: The 11th conference on Formal Grammar. Malaga, Spain, July 29-30, 2006, volume of FG Online Proceedings, chapter 7, pp. 87-101, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 2007. ISSN 1935-1569.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Jesús Vilares
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Prototyping Efficient Natural Language Parsers,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 246-250,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007. ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez,
Miguel A. Alonso
and Manuel Vilares,
Generation of indexes for compiling efficient parsers from formal specifications,
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, José Carlos Rodríguez, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and Roberto Moreno-Díaz (eds.),
EUROCAST 2007, Computer Aided Systems Theory, Extended Abstracts, pp. 87-90,
Las Palmas, Spain, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-3603-7.
- Miguel A. Molinero,
Fco. Mario Barcala,
Juan Otero
and Jorge Graña,
Practical application of one-pass Viterbi algorithm in tokenization and part-of-speech tagging,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 35-40,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007. ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3.
- Juan Otero,
Jorge Graña
and Manuel Vilares,
Contextual Spelling Correction,
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, José Carlos Rodríguez, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and Roberto Moreno-Díaz (eds.),
EUROCAST 2007, Computer Aided Systems Theory, Extended Abstracts, pp. 97-98,
Las Palmas, Spain, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-3603-7.
- François Role,
Milagros Fernández,
and Eric de la Clergerie,
Large-Scale Knowledge Acquisition from Botanical Texts,
in Natural Language Processing and Information Systems,
volume 4592
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 395-400,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-73350-8.
- Jesús
Vilares, Michael P. Oakes and Manuel Vilares,
Character N-Grams Translation in Cross-Language Information
in Natural Language
Processing and Information Systems, volume 4592 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 217-228, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007.
ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 978-3-540-73350-8.
- Jesús Vilares,
Michael P. Oakes
and Manuel Vilares,
A Knowledge-Light Approach to Query Translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval ,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 624-630,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007. ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3.
- Jesús Vilares,
Michael P. Oakes
and Manuel Vilares,
CoLesIR at CLEF 2007: from English to French via character n-grams,
in Alessandro Nardi and Carol Peters (eds.), Results of the CLEF 2007 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign, Working Notes of the CLEF 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 2007. ISSN 1818-8044 / ISBN 2-912335-32-9.
- Jesús Vilares,
Michael P. Oakes
and Manuel Vilares,
CoLesIR at CLEF 2007: from English to French via character n-grams (abstract),
in Alessandro Nardi and Carol Peters (eds.), Results of the CLEF 2007 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign, Abstracts of the CLEF 2007, pp. 10, Budapest, Hungary, 2007. ISSN 1818-8044 / ISBN 2-912335-31-0.
- Manuel Vilares,
A. Alonso and Víctor J. Díaz,
TIEMPO: IT Handling of Multilingual Financial and Economic
in José María Troya and Sascha Ossowski (eds.)
Jornadas de Seguimiento de Proyectos en Tecnologías
Informáticas (jspTIN 2007), pp. 324-336,
Móstoles, Madrid, Spain, 2007.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Entón, ¿é unha colocación ou non? Análise contrastiva das colocacións,
Cadernos de fraseoloxía galega, 8:29-43, 2006. ISSN 1698-7861.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A.
Alonso and Manuel
Estudio comparativo del rendimiento de analizadores
sintácticos para gramáticas de adjunción de
del Lenguaje Natural, 37:179-186, 2006. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Nancy Vázquez and Mauro Fernández
Marcadores de énfasis: "gayod", "gale" y "gane" en el chabacano de Zamboanga,
Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana, 7:27-40, 2006. ISSN 1579-9425.
- Jesús
Aplicaciones del procesamiento del lenguaje natural en la
recuperación de información en español (Ph.D.
dissertation abstract),
del Lenguaje Natural, 36:57-58, 2006. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jesús
Vilares and Miguel A. Alonso,
Tratamiento de la Variación Sintáctica mediante un
Modelo de Recuperación Basado en Localidad,
del Lenguaje Natural, 36:39-46, 2006. ISSN 1135-5948.
Libros (Books)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.),
Diccionarios y Fraseología,
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidade da Coruña, Anejo de la Revista de Lexicografía, Corunna, Spain, 2006. ISBN 84-9749-221-8.
Este libro se puede comprar en librerías on-line como
Casa del libro, ...
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Glosas para las colocaciones en el Diccionario de Colocaciones del Español,
in Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.), Diccionarios y Fraseología, pp. 59-88, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidade da Coruña, Anejo de la Revista de Lexicografía, Corunna, Spain, 2006. ISBN 84-9749-221-8.
- Alejandro Sobrino, Santiago Fernández, and Jorge
Access to a large dictionary of Spanish synonyms: a tool for
fuzzy information retrieval,
in Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Gabriella Pasi and Fabio Crestani (eds.), Soft
computing in web information retrieval: models and applications,
volume 197
of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing,
pp. 299-316, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2006. ISSN 1434-9922 / ISBN 3-540-31588-8.
- Jesús
Vilares, Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez and Miguel A.
Enfoques sintáctico y pseudo-sintáctico para la
recuperación de información en español,
in Alejandro Sobrino and José Ángel Olivas (eds.), Recuperación
de información textual: aspectos lógicos y
ecológicos --- Text
Information Retrieval: Soft-Computing and Ecological Aspects, pp.
127-137, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio
Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2006. ISBN
- Manuel Vilares,
Juan Otero and
Jesús Vilares,
Robust Spelling Correction,
in Jacques Farré, Igor Litovsky and Sylvain Schmitz (eds.), Implementation
and Application of Automata , volume 3845
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 319-328, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2006. ISSN 0302-9743.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Towards a dynamic way to learn collocations in a second language,
in E. Corino, C. Marello and C. Onesti (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth EURALEX International Congress, pp. 909-923, Accademia della Crusca, Università di Torino, Edizioni dell'Orso Alessandria, Torino, Italy, 2006.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Tratamiento interlingüe de las significaciones colocacionales,
in Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica, Alicante, Spain, 2006.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
and Miguel
A. Alonso,
Automatic Generation of Natural Language Parsers from
Declarative Specifications,
in Loris Penserini, Pavlos Peppas and Anna Perini (eds.), STAIRS
2006 - Proceedings of the Third Starting AI Researchers' Symposium,
Riva del Garda, Italy, August 28-29, 2006, volume 142 of Frontiers
in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 259-260, IOS
Press, Amsterdam/Berlin/Oxford/Tokyo/Washington DC, 2006. ISSN
0922-6389 / ISBN 1-58603-645-9.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A.
Alonso and Manuel Vilares,
On Theoretical and Practical Complexity of TAG Parsers,
in Paola Monachesi, Gerald Penn, Giorgio Satta and Shuly Wintner
(eds.), FG 2006:
The 11th conference on Formal Grammar. Malaga, Spain, July 29-30, 2006,
chapter 5, pp. 61-75, Center for the Study of Language and Information,
Stanford, 2006.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A.
Alonso and Manuel Vilares,
Generating XTAG Parsers from Algebraic Specifications,
in Proceedings
of the 8th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related
Formalisms. Sydney, July 2006, pp. 103-108, Association for
Computational Linguistics, East Stroudsburg, PA, 2006. ISBN:
- J. Miilicevic, Margarita Alonso-Ramos and M. J. Hamel,
Un dictionnaire d'apprentissage de type explicatif et combinatoire,
30th. Annual Meeting Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (APLA), Halifax, Canada, 2006.
- Begoña Sanromán and Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Using the Diccionario de colocaciones del español in the elaboration of didactic material for SFL,
in Collocations and Idioms 1: The First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, Joensu, Finland, 2006.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las etiquetas discursivas en un diccionario de marcadores pragmáticos: un puente entre lenguas,
in II Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica, pp. 278-284, Alicante, Spain, 2006.
- Jesús
Vilares, Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez and Miguel A.
Syntactic and pseudo-syntactic approaches for text retrieval,
in Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote (ed.), Current Research in Information
Sciences and Technologies: multidisciplinary approaches to global
information systems. Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and
Technologies --- InSciT 2006. October 25-28th, 2006. Mérida,
Spain, pp. 104-108, Open Institute of Knowledge, Badajoz, Spain,
2006. ISBN 84-611-3104-5.
- Jesús
Vilares, Michael P. Oakes and John Tait,
CoLesIR at CLEF 2006: Rapid prototyping of a N-gram-based CLIR
in Alessandro Nardi, Carol Peters and José Luis Vicedo (eds.), Results of the CLEF 2006
Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign, Working Notes of the CLEF
2006 Workshop, Alicante, Spain, 2006. ISSN 1818-8044 / ISBN
- Jesús
Vilares, Michael P. Oakes and John Tait,
CoLesIR at CLEF 2006: Rapid prototyping of a N-gram-based CLIR
system (abstract),
in Alessandro Nardi, Carol Peters and José Luis Vicedo (eds.), Results of the CLEF 2006
Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign, Abstracts of the CLEF 2006
Workshop, page 11, Alicante, Spain, 2006. ISSN 1818-8044 /
ISBN 2-912335-21-3.
- Leo Wanner and Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Local Document Relevance Clustering in Information Retrieval Using Collocation Information,
in Proc. of 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), pp. 1087-1091, Genoa, Italy, 2006.
Publicaciones docentes (Teaching-related publications)
- Nancy Vázquez and Inmaculada Báez,
La dimensión aplicada de la lingüística en las Universidades de Vigo y A Coruña: presentación del programa de doctorado “Lengua y sociedad de la información” ,
in Actas del II Congreso sobre la enseñanza del español en Portugal, Braga, Portugal, 2006.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Miguel A. Molinero, and Eva Domínguez,
Construcción de sistemas de recuperación de
información sobre córpora textuales estructurados de
grandes dimensiones,
del Lenguaje Natural, 34:41-48, 2005. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
and Miguel
A. Alonso,
Generación automática de analizadores
sintácticos a partir de esquemas de análisis,
del Lenguaje Natural, 35:401-408, 2005. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and E. Muñiz,
Diccionario de Colocaciones del español y enseñanza del léxico,
in M. Luisa Carrió Pastor (ed.), Perspectivas interdisciplinares de la Lingüística aplicada, pp. 471-477, AESLA, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, 2005. ISBN 84-609-6058-7.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Miguel A. Molinero, and Eva Domínguez,
Information retrieval and large text structured corpora,
in Roberto Moreno Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada
Arencibia (eds.), Computer Aided Systems Theory, volume 3643
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 91-100, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 /ISBN 3-540-29002-8.
- Enrique Méndez, Jesús Vilares
and David Cabrero,
COLE Experiments at QA@CLEF 2004 Spanish Monolingual Track,
in Carol Peters, Paul Clough, Julio Gonzalo, Gareth J. F. Jones,
Michael Kluck, and Bernardo Magnini (eds.), Multilingual
Information Access for Text, Speech and Images, volume 3491
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 544-551, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-27420-0.
- Francisco J. Ribadas, Jesús Vilares,
and Miguel
A. Alonso
Integrating syntactic information by means of data fusion
in Roberto Moreno Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada
Arencibia (eds.), Computer Aided Systems Theory, volume 3643
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 169-178, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 /ISBN 3-540-29002-8.
- Manuel
Vilares, Juan
Otero and Jorge
Spelling Correction on Technical Documents,
in Roberto Moreno Díaz, Franz Pichler, and Alexis Quesada
Arencibia (eds.), Computer Aided Systems Theory, volume 3643
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 131-139, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 /ISBN 3-540-29002-8.
- Manuel
Vilares, Juan
Otero and Jorge
Regional Finite-State Error Repair,
in Michael Domaratzki, Alexander Okhotin, Kai Salomaa and Sheng Yu
Implementation and Application of Automata , volume 3317
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 269-280, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-24318-6.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Semantic Description of Collocations in a Lexical Database,
in Kiefer F. et al. (eds.), Papers in Computational Lexicography COMPLEX 2005, pp. 17-27, Linguistics Institute and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
El Diccionario de colocaciones del español y sus vínculos con el PLN: EuroWordNet e Interlingua,
XXXV Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, León, Spain, 2005.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Miguel A. Molinero, and Eva Domínguez,
Information retrieval and large text structured corpora,
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and
José-Carlos Rodríguez (eds.), Proc. of Tenth International Conference on Computer Aided
Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2005), pp. 55-57, Las Palmas, Spain,
2005. ISBN 84-689-0432-5.
- Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
and Miguel
A. Alonso,
Compilación eficiente de esquemas de análisis
in Francisco Javier López Fraguas (ed.), Actas de las V Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE
2005). Granada, 13 al 16 de Septiembre de 2005, pp. 175-184.
Thomson Paraninfo, Madrid, 2005. ISBN 84-9732-438-2.
- Francisco J. Ribadas, Manuel Vilares,
and Jesús
Semantic Similarity between Sentences through Approximate Tree
in Jorge S. Marques, Nicolás Pérez de la Blanca, and
Pedro Pina (eds.), Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, volume
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 638-646, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-26154-0.
- Francisco J. Ribadas, Jesús Vilares,
and Miguel
A. Alonso
Integrating syntactic information by means of data fusion
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and
José-Carlos Rodríguez (eds.), Proc. of Tenth International Conference on Computer Aided
Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2005), pp. 96-99, Las Palmas, Spain,
2005. ISBN 84-689-0432-5.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las funciones comunicativas en la descripción de marcadores pragmáticos,
XXXV Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, León, Spain, 2005.
- Nancy Vázquez and Mauro Fernández,
La partícula basta en el chabacano de zamboanga,
Colloque International sur les Créoles Ibéro-romans / ACBLPE Annual Conference, Orleans, France, 2005.
- Jesús
Vilares, Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez and Miguel A.
Managing Syntactic Variation in Text Retrieval,
in Peter R. King (ed.), Proceedings of the
2005 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. November 2-4, 2005.
Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. 162-164, ACM Press, New York, USA,
2005. ISBN 1-59593-240-2.
- Manuel
Vilares, Juan
Otero and Jorge
Regional vs. Global Finite-State Error Repair,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.), Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text
Processing, volume 3406
of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pp. 120-131, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2005. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-24523-5.
- Manuel
Vilares, Juan
Otero and Jorge
Spelling Correction on Technical Documents,
in Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, Roberto Moreno-Díaz jr. and
José-Carlos Rodríguez (eds.), Proc. of Tenth International Conference on Computer Aided
Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2005), pp. 73-76, Las Palmas, Spain,
2005. ISBN 84-689-0432-5.
- Manuel
Vilares, Juan
Otero and Jesús
Robust Spelling Correction,
in Jacques Farré, Igor Litovsky and Sylvain Schmitz (eds.), Pre-Proceedings
of of CIAA
2005, Tenth International Conference on Implementation and Application
of Automata, pp. 151-159, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 2005.
- Leo Wanner and Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
What Type of Entity is a Lexical Function?,
in J. Apresjan and L. Iomdin (eds.), East West Encounter: Second International Conference in Meaning-Text Theory, pp. 518-528, Slavic Culture Language Publishing House, Moscow, Russia, 2005.
- Leo Wanner, B. Bohnet, Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Nancy Vázquez,
The True, Deep Happiness: Towards the Automatic Semantic Classification of Adjective-Noun Collocations,
in Kiefer F. et al. (eds.), Papers in Computacional Lexicography COMPLEX 2005, pp. 255-265, Linguistics Institute and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Miguel
A. Alonso,
Interpretación tabular de autómatas para lenguajes
de adjunción de árboles (Ph.D. dissertation abstract),
Resumo de teses de doutoramento 2000, pp. 537-546,
Comisión de Doutoramento da Universidade da Coruña, 2005.
ISBN 84-9749-029-0.
- Carlos
Compilación de esquemas de análisis
Proyecto de fin de carrera de Ingeniería Informática, Facultade de Informática, Universidade da Coruña, Spain,
- Jorge
Técnicas de Análisis Sintáctico Robusto
para la Etiquetación del Lenguaje Natural (Ph.D. dissertation
Resumo de teses de doutoramento 2000, pp. 595-604,
Comisión de Doutoramento da Universidade da Coruña, 2005.
ISBN 84-9749-029-0.
- Jesús
Aplicaciones del procesamiento del lenguaje natural en la
recuperación de información en español,
Ph.D. Thesis, Departamento
de Computación, Universidade
da Coruña, Spain, 2005 (297 pp). ISBN 978-84-693-3266-5.
[Thesis website at RUC]
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Jesús Vilares,
and Francisco J. Ribadas,
Experiencias del Grupo COLE en la aplicación de técnicas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural a la Recuperación de Información en español,
Inteligencia Artificial, 22:123-134, 2004. ISSN 1137-3601.
- Manuel Vilaresx,
Víctor M. Darriba,
Jesús Vilares,
and Francisco J. Ribadas,
A formal frame for robust parsing,
Theoretical Computer Science, 328:171-186, 2004. ISSN 0304-3975.
- Nancy Vázquez and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Tratamiento lexicográfico de la interjección ¡ojo! en un diccionario de marcadores del español,
Verba, 31:399-430, 2004. ISBN 0210-377X.
Libros (Books)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Las construcciones con verbo de apoyo,
Visor Libros, Madrid, Spain, 2004. ISBN 9788475229201.
Este libro se puede comprar en librerías on-line como,
Casa del libro, ...
- Mauro Fernández,
Manuel Fernández and
Nancy Vázquez (eds.),
Los criollos de base ibérica,
Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, 2004. ISBN 9788484891628.
Este libro se puede comprar en librerías on-line como,
Casa del libro, ...
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie,
Víctor J. Díaz and
Manuel Vilares,
Relating tabular parsing algorithms for LIG and TAG,
in Harry Bunt, John Carrol and Giorgio Satta (eds.),
New Developments in Parsing Technology,
volume 23
Text, Speech and Language Technology Series,
chapter 8, pages 157-184,
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht-Boston-London, 2004. ISBN 1-4020-2293-X.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos
Elaboración del Dicionnario de colocaciones en español y sus aplicaciones,
in P. Bataner and J. deCesaris (eds.), De Lexicografia. Actes del I Symposium internacional de Lexicografia, pp. 149-162, IULA y Edicions A Petició, Barcelona, Spain, 2004. ISBN 84-96367-06-1.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
and Francisco J. Ribadas,
COLE Experiments at CLEF 2003 Spanish Monolingual Track,
in Carol Peters, Julio Gonzalo, Martin Braschler, and Martin Kluck (eds.),
Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems,
volume 3237
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 345-357,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-24017-9.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos
Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
XV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Español Lengua Extranjera (ASELE), Seville, Spain, 2004.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos
Actancia y Colocaciones en el Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
Seminario sobre relaciones verbales y esquemas sintáctico-semánticos, Vigo, Spain, 2004.
- Enrique Méndez,
Jesús Vilares
and David Cabrero,
COLE at CLEF 2004: Rapid Prototyping of a QA system for Spanish,
in Carol Peters and Francesca Borri (eds.),
Results of the CLEF 2004 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign,
Working Notes for the CLEF 2004 Workshop, pp. 413-418,
Bath, United Kingdom, 2004.
- Francisco J. Ribadas,
Miguel A. Alonso
and David Cabrero,
Phrase Similarity through Approximate Tree Matching,
in Salvador Lucas, M. del Mar Gallado and Ernesto Pimentel (eds.),
PROLE 2004, Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, pp 201-214,
Malaga, Spain, 2004.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Nancy Vázquez,
Unidades léxicas no descriptivas: la expresión de las emociones en el Diccionario de colocaciones del español,
I Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica, Corunna, Spain, 2004.
- Jesús Vilares
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Dealing with syntactic variation through a locality-based approach,
in Alberto Apostolico and Massimo Melucci (eds.),
String Processing and Information Retrieval,
volume 3246
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 255-266,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-23210-9.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
and Manuel Vilares,
Morphological and syntactic processing for Text Retrieval,
in Fernando Galindo, Makoto Takizawa and Roland Traunmüller (eds.),
Database and Expert Systems Applications,
volume 3180
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 371-380,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-22936-1.
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
and Jesús Vilares,
Parsing incomplete sentences revisited,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 2945
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 102-111,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-21006-7.
- Manuel Vilares,
Juan Otero
and Jorge Graña,
On asymptotic finite-state error repair,
in Alberto Apostolico and Massimo Melucci (eds.),
String Processing and Information Retrieval ,
volume 3246
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 271-272,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-23210-9.
- Manuel Vilares,
Francisco J. Ribadas
and Jesús Vilares,
Phrase Similarity through the Edit Distance,
in Fernando Galindo, Makoto Takizawa and Roland Traunmüller (eds.),
Database and Expert Systems Applications,
volume 3180
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 306-317,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-22936-1.
- Leo Wanner,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Antonia Martí,
Enriching the Spanish EuroWordNet by Collocations,
in Proceedings of 4th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2004), vol. IV, pp. 1087-1091. Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. ISBN 2-9517408-1-6.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
and Víctor J. Díaz,
Variants of mixed parsing of TAG and TIG,
Traitement Automatique des Langues, 44(3):41-65, 2003.
ISSN 1248-9433.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Leo Wanner,
Información colocacional y recuperación de la información,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 31:315-316, 2003. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Vicente Carrillo,
Víctor J. Díaz
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Análisis ascendente bidireccional de TAG dirigido por el núcleo TIG,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 31:151-158, 2003. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Vicente Carrillo,
Víctor J. Díaz
and Miguel A. Alonso,
A Predictive Left-Corner Parser for Tree Adjoining Grammars,
Revista electrónica e-rThabla, 1, 2003. ISSN 1695-9914.
- Santiago Fernández,
Jorge Graña,
and Alejandro Sobrino,
Introducing FDSA (Fuzzy Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms): Applications on Information Retrieval and Stand-Alone Use,
Mathware & Soft Computing, 10(2-3):57-70, 2003. ISSN 1134-5632.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Pero ya hablé gallego, lle dixen eu: Análisis de un caso de alternancia de códigos en un contexto bilingüe,
Estudios de Lingüística, Universidad de Alicante, 17:589-606, 2003. ISSN 0212-7636.
- Jesús Vilares
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Un enfoque gramatical para la extracción de términos índice,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 31:243-250, 2003. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jesús Vilares,
Fco. Mario Barcala,
Santiago Fernández,
and Juan Otero,
Manejando la variación morfológica y léxica en la Recuperación de Información Textual,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 30:99-106, 2003. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
and Jesús Vilares,
Análisis sintáctico de sentencias incompletas,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 30:107-113, 2003. ISSN 1135-5948.
Libros (Books)
- Nancy Vázquez,
Marcadores discursivos de recepción,
volume 13 of Colección Lucus-Lingua, Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2003. ISBN 84-9750-156-X (215 pp.)
Este libro se puede comprar en librerías on-line como
Casa del libro, ...
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Víctor J. Díaz,
and Manuel Vilares,
Bidirectional Push-Down Automata,
in J.-M. Champarnaud and D. Maurel (eds.),
Implementation and Application of Automata,
volume 2608
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 35-46,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-40391-4.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
La nature des collocatifs: leur statut en tant qu'unités lexicales,
in F. Grossmann and Agnes Tutin (eds.), Les collocations: analyse et traitement, pp. 45-60, Editions De Werelt, Amsterdam, 2003.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Hacia un Diccionario de colocaciones del español y su codificación,
in Antonia Martí, Ana Fernández and Gloria Vázquez (eds.), Lexicografía Computacional y Semántica, pp. 11-34, Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2003. ISBN 84-8338-405-1.
- Jorge Graña,
Gloria Andrade
and Jesús Vilares,
Compilation of Constraint-based Contextual Rules for Part-of-Speech Tagging into Finite State Transducers,
in J.-M. Champarnaud and D. Maurel (eds.),
Implementation and Application of Automata,
volume 2608
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 128-137,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-40391-4.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Francisco J. Ribadas
and Manuel Vilares,
COLE experiments at CLEF 2002 Spanish monolingual track,
in Carol Peters, Martin Braschler, Julio Gonzalo and Martin Kluck (eds.),
Advances in Cross-Language Information Retrieval,
volume 2785
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 265-278,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-40830-4.
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
Jesús Vilares
and Leandro Rodríguez-Liñares,
Robust parsing using dynamic programming,
in O. H. Ibarra and Z. Dang (eds.),
Implementation and Application of Automata
volume 2759
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 258-267,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-40561-5.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso
and Víctor J. Díaz,
Parsing Tree Adjoining Grammars and Tree Insertion Grammars with simultaneous adjunctions,
in Proc. of
8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2003),
pp. 19-30, Nancy, France, 2003. INRIA, ISBN 2-7261-1243-9.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Éléments du frame vs. Actants de l'unité lexicale,
in S. Kahane and A. Nahr (eds.), Proc. of
First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, pp. 77-88,
pp. 19-30, Paris, France, 2003.
- Jesús Vilares
and Miguel A. Alonso,
A Grammatical Approach to the Extraction of Index Terms,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nikolai Nikolov (eds.),
International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings, pp. 500-504,
Borovets, Bulgaria, 2003. ISBN 954-90906-6-3.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
and Francisco J. Ribadas,
COLE experiments at CLEF 2003 Spanish monolingual track,
in Carol Peters and Francesca Borri (eds.),
Results of the CLEF 2003 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign,
Working Notes for the CLEF 2003 Workshop, pp. 197-206,
Trondheim, Norway, 2003.
- Jesús Vilares
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Extracción de términos índice mediante cascadas de expresiones regulares,
in Actas de las
II Jornadas de Tratamiento y Recuperación de Información (JOTRI 2003), pp. 204-211,
Leganés (Madrid), Spain, 2003. ISBN 84-89315-33-7.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
and Víctor M. Darriba,
Generation of incremental parsers,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 2588
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 191-202,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-00532-3.
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Searching for Asymptotic Error Repair,
in J.-M. Champarnaud and D. Maurel (eds.),
Implementation and Application of Automata,
volume 2608
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 276-281,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-40391-4.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Interpretación tabular de autómatas para lenguajes de adjunción de árboles (Ph.D. dissertation abstract),
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 28:119-120, 2002. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Vicente Carrillo,
and Víctor J. Díaz,
Análisis sintáctico combinado de gramáticas de
adjunción de árboles y de gramáticas de
inserción de árboles,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 29:65-72, 2002. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Colocaciones y contorno de la definición lexicográfica,
Lingüística española actual, 24(1):63-96, 2002. ISSN 0210-6345.
- David Cabrero,
Jesús Vilares,
and Manuel Vilares,
Programación dinámica y análisis parcial,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 29:129-136, 2002. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Vicente Carrillo,
Víctor J. Díaz
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Algoritmos de análisis para gramáticas de
inserción de árboles,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 29:89-96, 2002. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jorge Graña,
Técnicas de Análisis Sintáctico Robusto
para la Etiquetación del Lenguaje Natural (Ph.D. dissertation abstract),
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 28:117-118, 2002. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Jorge Graña,
Fco. Mario Barcala, and
Miguel A. Alonso,
Compilation Methods of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata for Large Dictionaries,
in Bruce W. Watson and Derick Wood (eds.),
Implementation and Application of Automata,
volume 2494
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 135-148,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-00400-9.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Gabriela prego and
Begoña Sanromán,
Unidades léxicas no descriptivas: un puente entre la lexicografía y la pragmática,
in José I. Pérez and Mar Campos (eds.), Cuestiones de Lexicografía, pp. 235-247, Ediciones Tris Tram, Lugo, Spain, 2002. ISBN 84-89377-35-9.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Vicente Carrillo,
and Víctor J. Díaz,
Mixed Parsing of Tree Insertion and Tree Adjoining Grammars,
in Francisco J. Garijo, José C. Riquelme and Miguel Toro (eds.),
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2002,
volume 2527
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 694-703,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-00131-X.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Jesús Vilares,
and Víctor M. Darriba,
On the Usefulness of Extracting Syntactic Dependencies for Text Indexing,
in Michael O'Neill, Richard F. E. Sutcliffe, Conor Ryan, Malachy Eaton and Niall J. L. Griffith (eds.),
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science,
volume 2464
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 3-11,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-44184-0.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Víctor J. Díaz,
and Manuel Vilares,
Bidirectional Push-Down Automata,
in Jean-Marc Champarnaud and Denis Maurel,
Seventh International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2002), pp. 41-50,
Tours, France, 2002.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Un vacío en la enseñanza del léxico español como lengua extranjera: las colocaciones léxicas,
in Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress, volume 2, pp. 222-232, Copenhague, Denmark, 2002.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Presentación del Diccionario de colocaciones y marcadores del español: estructura y objetivos,
in Muñoz et al. (eds.), Actas del IV Congreso de Lingüística General, volume 2, pp. 47-61, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, 2002. ISBN 84-7786-738-0.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Eva M. Domínguez,
Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero,
Jorge Graña,
Jesús Vilares,
Manuel Vilares,
Guillermo Rojo,
M. Paula Santalla
and Susana Sotelo,
Una aplicación de RI basada en PLN: el proyecto ERIAL,
in Emilio Sanchís, Lidia Moreno and Isidoro Gil (eds.), Actas de las
I Jornadas de Tratamiento y Recuperación de Información (JOTRI), pp. 165-172,
Editorial UPV, Valencia, Spain, 2002. ISBN 84-9705-199-8.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Eva M. Domínguez,
Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero,
Jorge Graña,
Jesús Vilares,
Manuel Vilares,
Guillermo Rojo,
M. Paula Santalla
and Susana Sotelo,
El sistema ERIAL: LEIRA, un entorno para RI basado en PLN (demo description),
in Emilio Sanchís, Lidia Moreno and Isidoro Gil (eds.),
Actas de las
I Jornadas de Tratamiento y Recuperación de Información (JOTRI), pp. 173-174,
Editorial UPV, Valencia, Spain, 2002. ISBN 84-9705-199-8.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Jorge Graña
and Manuel Vilares,
Tokenization and Proper Noun Recognition for Information Retrieval,
in A Min Tjoa and Roland R. Wagner (eds.),
Thirteen International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. 2-6 September 2002. Aix-en-Provence, France, pp. 246-250,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, USA, 2002. ISSN 1529-4188 / ISBN 0-7695-1668-8.
- Vicente Carrillo,
Miguel A. Alonso,
and Víctor J. Díaz,
Análisis eficiente de gramáticas de
inserción de árboles,
in Actas de las
II Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla,
Granada, Spain, 2002.
- Víctor J. Díaz,
Vicente Carrillo
and Miguel A. Alonso,
A Left Corner Parser for Tree Adjoining Grammars,
TAG+6, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks, pp. 90-95,
Venice, Italy, 2002.
- Santiago Fernández,
Jorge Graña,
and Alejandro Sobrino,
A Spanish e-Dictionary of Synonyms as a Fuzzy Tool for Information Retrieval,
Actas del XI Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF-2002), pp. 31-37
León, Spain, 2002. ISBN: 84-7719-933-7.
- Jorge Graña,
Miguel A. Alonso
and Manuel Vilares,
A Common Solution for Tokenization and Part-of-Speech Tagging: One-Pass Viterbi Algorithm vs. Iterative Approaches,
in Petr Sojka, Ivan Kopecek and Karel Pala (eds.), Text, Speech and Dialogue,
volume 2448
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 3-10,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-44129-8.
- Jorge Graña,
Gloria Andrade
and Jesús Vilares,
Compilation of Constraint-based Contextual Rules for Part-of-Speech Tagging into Finite State Transducers,
in Jean-Marc Champarnaud and Denis Maurel,
Seventh International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2002), pp. 131-140,
Tours, France, 2002.
- Jorge Graña,
Fco. Mario Barcala,
and Jesús Vilares,
Formal Methods of Tokenization for Part-of-Speech Tagging,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 2276
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 240-249,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-43219-1.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Diccionario de colocaciones y marcadores del español: esbozo de una entrada de un marcador discursivo,
in Muñoz et al. (eds.), Actas del IV Congreso de Lingüística General, volume 4, pp. 2459-2472, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, 2002. ISBN 84-7786-741-0.
- Jesús Vilares,
Fco. Mario Barcala,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Using syntactic dependency-pairs conflation to improve retrieval performance in Spanish,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 2276
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 381-390,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-43219-1.
- Jesús Vilares,
Fco. Mario Barcala,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Jorge Graña
and Manuel Vilares,
Practical NLP-Based Text Indexing,
in Francisco J. Garijo, José C. Riquelme and Miguel Toro (eds.),
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2002,
volume 2527
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 635-644,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-00131-X.
- Jesús Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Francisco J. Ribadas
and Manuel Vilares,
COLE experiments at CLEF 2002 Spanish monolingual track,
in Carol Peters (ed.),
Results of the CLEF 2002 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign,
Working Notes for the CLEF 2002 Workshop, pp. 153-160,
Rome, Italy, 2002.
- Manuel Vilares,
Víctor M. Darriba,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Searching for Asymptotic Error Repair,
in Jean-Marc Champarnaud and Denis Maurel,
Seventh International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2002), pp. 275-280,
Tours, France, 2002.
- Manuel Vilares,
Francisco J. Ribadas
and Jorge Graña,
On Pattern-Matching as Query Facility,
in Moreno, J. J. and Carballo, J. M. (eds.), Proc. of
APPIA-GULP-PRODE 2002, 2002 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, pp. 293-310,
Madrid, Spain, 2002.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Gloria Andrade,
Extensiones del Formalismo HMM para la Etiquetación del Lenguaje Natural,
Proyecto de fin de carrera de Ingeniería Informática,
Facultade de Informática,
Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 2002.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Constructions à verbe support dans des langues SOV,
Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 96:79-106, 2001. ISSN 0037-9069.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Construction d'une base de données des collocations bilingue français-espagnol,
Langages, 143:5-27, 2001. ISSN 0458-726X.
- Vicente Carrillo,
Víctor J. Díaz,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Análisis sintáctico ascendente de TAGs guiado por la esquina izquierda,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 27:47-54, 2001. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jorge Graña,
Fco. Mario Barcala, and
Jesús Vilares,
Etiquetación robusta del lenguaje natural: preprocesamiento
y segmentación,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 27:173-180, 2001. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jesús Vilares,
Fco. Mario Barcala,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Normalización de términos multipalabra mediante pares de dependencia sintáctica,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 27:123-130, 2001. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Jesús Vilares,
David Cabrero,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Generación automática de familias morfológicas mediante morfología derivativa productiva,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 27:181-188, 2001. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Détermination, incorporation et phraséologie dans les constructions à verbe support,
in Xavier Blanco, Pierre-André Buvet, and ZoéGavriilidou (eds.), Détermination et Formalisation, volume 3 of Lingvisticae Investigationes. Supplementa, pp. 51-65, John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 2001. ISBN 90-272-3133-8.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Las interjecciones en el Diccionario de colocaciones y marcadores del español,
in Presente y futuro de la Lingüística en España. La Sociedad de Lingüística 30 años después, pp. 472-283, SEL, Madrid, 2001.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie,
and Manuel Vilares,
A formal definition of Bottom-up Embedded Push-Down Automata and their tabulation technique,
in P. de Groote, G. Morril and C. Retoré (eds.),
Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics,
volume 2099
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 44-61,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2001. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-42273-0.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Víctor J. Díaz
and Manuel Vilares,
Bidirectional Automata for Tree Adjoining Grammars,
in Proc. of the
Seventh International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-2001),
pp. 42-53, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, 2001. ISBN 7-302-04925-4.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Vers une approche sémantique pour lidentification des collocations en corpus,
in G. Williams and B. Daille (eds.), Rapport de Recherche: Journée détudes de lATALA: la collocation, pp. 10-14, Nantes, France, 2001.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Oscar Sacristán,
and Jorge Graña,
Stochastic Parsing and Parallelism,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 401-410,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2001. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-41687-0.
- David Cabrero,
Jesús Vilares,
and Manuel Vilares,
Dynamic Programming of Partial Parses,
in Actas de las
Primeras Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, pp. 63-76,
Almagro (Ciudad Real), Spain, 2001.
- Jorge Graña,
Fco. Mario Barcala, and
Miguel A. Alonso,
Compilation Methods of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata for Large Dictionaries,
in Bruce W. Watson and Derick Wood (eds.),
Proc. of the
6th Conference on Implementations and Applications of Automata, pp. 116-129,
Pretoria, South Africa, 2001.
- Jorge Graña,
Jean-Cédric Chappelier, and
Manuel Vilares,
Integrating external dictionaries into stochastic part-of-speech taggers,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nocolov and Nokolai Nikolov (eds.),
EuroConference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings, pp. 122-128,
Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 2001. ISBN 954-90906-1-2.
- Jesús Vilares,
David Cabrero,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Applying Productive Derivational Morphology to Term Indexing of Spanish Texts,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing,
volume 2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 336-348,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2001. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-41687-0.
- Jesús Vilares,
Manuel Vilares,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Towards the development of heuristics for automatic query expansion,
in H. C. Mayr, J. Lazansky, G. Quirchmayr and P. Vogel (eds.),
Database and Expert Systems Applications
volume 2113
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 887-896,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2001. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-42527-6.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
and Miguel A. Alonso,
On non-termination in DCGs,
in Bruce W. Watson and Derick Wood (eds.),
Proc. of the
6th Conference on Implementations and Applications of Automata, pp. 267-278,
Pretoria, South Africa, 2001.
- Manuel Vilares,
Francisco J. Ribadas and
Jorge Graña,
Approximately Common Patterns in Shared-Forests,
in Henrique Paques, Ling Liu and David Grossman (eds.),
Proc. of
the 2001 ACM CIKM, Tenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 73-80,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2001. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. ISBN 1-58113-436-3
- Manuel Vilares,
Jesús Vilares, and
David Cabrero,
Dynamic Programming of Partial Parses,
in Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nocolov and Nokolai Nikolov (eds.),
EuroConference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings, pp. 291-293,
Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 2001. ISBN 954-90906-1-2.
- Leo Wanner and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Fonctions lexicales: l'implémentation des règles de transition,
Journées sur la Modelisation des collocations: aspects didactiques, linguistiques et informatiques, Grenoble, France, 2001.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Mark-Jan Nederhof,
and Eric de la Clergerie,
Tabulation of Automata for Tree Adjoining Languages,
Grammars, 3(2/3):89-110, 2000. ISSN 1386-7393.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Verbos de apoyo, funciones léxicas y traducción automática,
Revista de lexicografía, 6:154-157, 2000. ISSN 1134-4539.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Begoña Sanromán,
Construcción de una base de datos de colocaciones léxicas,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 26:97-98, 2000. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Fco. Mario Barcala,
Oscar Sacristán,
and Jorge Graña,
Análisis sintáctico estocástico y paralelismo,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 26:125-132, 2000. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Víctor J. Díaz,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Análisis Sintáctico Bidireccional de TAGs,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 26:103-110, 2000. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Respuestas mínimas reguladoras: los límites de la marginalidad,
Oralia, 3:221-242, 2000. ISSN 1575-1430.
- Manuel Vilares,
Leandro Rodríguez-Liñares,
Miguel A. Alonso and
David Cabrero (eds.),
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 26, Special Issue with papers
presented at the XVI Meeting of the Spanish Society for
Natural Language Processing,
September 2000. ISSN 1135-5948 (254 pp).
Libros (Books)
- David S. Warren,
Manuel Vilares,
Leandro Rodríguez-Liñares and
Miguel A. Alonso (eds.),
Proc. of
Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD 2000),
Vigo, Spain, 2000. Depósito Legal VG-719-2000 (187 pp).
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero
and Manuel Vilares,
Generalized LR Parsing for Extensions of Context-Free Grammars,
in Nicolas Nicolov and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing II, pp. 81-92,
volume 189 of Current Issues in Linguistic Theory,
John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2000. ISBN 90-272-3695-X.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Discourse Markers: A Pragmatic Category?,
in Héctor Campos, Elena Herburger, Alfonso Morales-Front, and Thomas J. Walsh (eds.), Hispanic Linguistics at the Turn of the Millennium, pp. 352-363, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA, USA, 2000. ISBN 978-1-57473-114-9.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie,
Jorge Graña Gil
and Manuel Vilares,
New Tabular Algorithms for LIG Parsing,
in Proc. of the Sixth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2000), pp. 29-40, Trento, Italy, 2000.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie,
and Manuel Vilares,
A formal definition of Bottom-up Embedded Push-Down Automata and their tabulation technique,
in David S. Warren, Manuel Vilares, Leandro Rodríguez-Liñares and Miguel A. Alonso (eds.),
Proc. of
Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD 2000), pp. 101-112,
Vigo, Spain, 2000.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie,
and Manuel Vilares,
A redefinition of Embedded Push-Down Automata,
in Proc. of the
5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+5), pp. 19-26,
Paris, France, 2000.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Djamé Seddah,
and Eric de la Clergerie,
Practical aspects in compiling tabular TAG parsers,
in Proc. of the
5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+5), pp. 27-32,
Paris, France, 2000.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Critères heuristiques pour l'encodage des collocations au moyen des fonctions lexicales,
in Proceedings of the Ninth EURALEX International Congress, volume 2, pp. 222-232, Stuttgart, Germany, 2000.
- Víctor J. Díaz,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Comparing Tabular Parsers for Tree Adjoining Grammars,
in David S. Warren, Manuel Vilares, Leandro Rodríguez-Liñares and Miguel A. Alonso (eds.),
Proc. of
Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD 2000), pp. 91-100,
Vigo, Spain, 2000.
- Víctor J. Díaz,
Miguel A. Alonso,
and Vicente Carrillo,
Bidirectional parsing of TAG without heads,
in Proc. of the
5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+5), pp. 67-72,
Paris, France, 2000.
- Víctor J. Díaz,
Vicente Carrillo,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
A Bidirectional Bottom-up Parser for TAG,
in Proc. of the Sixth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2000), pp. 299-300, Trento, Italy, 2000.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Los marcadores discursivos en el diccionario de colocaciones y marcadores del español,
in Proceedings of the Ninth EURALEX International Congress, volume 2, pp. 761-771, Stuttgart, Germany, 2000.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
and Miguel A. Alonso,
On Non-Termination in DCGs,
in Alexander Gelbukh (ed.),
International Conference CICLing-2000, Conference on Intelligent text processing and Computational Linguistics, Proceedings, pp. 150-165,
Centro de Investigación en Computación of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional,
Mexico City, Mexico, 2000. ISBN 970-18-4206-5.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Interpretación tabular de autómatas para lenguajes de adjunción de árboles,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Computación,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2000 (491 pp).
[Información en español]
[Information in English]
- Jorge Graña,
Técnicas de Análisis Sintáctico Robusto
para la Etiquetación del Lenguaje Natural,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Departamento de Computación,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 2000.
[Información en español]
- Jesús Vilares,
Recuperación de Información: Indexación de grupos nominales y sus variantes sintácticas y morfosintácticas,
Proyecto de fin de carrera de Ingeniería Informática,
Facultade de Informática,
Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 2000.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Jorge Graña Gil
and Manuel Vilares,
Nuevos algoritmos tabulares para el análisis de LIG,
Procesamiento del Languaje Natural, 25:7-14, 1999. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Karine Chevreau, José Coch, José A. García-Moya and Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Generación multilingüe de boletines meteorológicos,
Procesamiento del Languaje Natural, 25:51-58, 1999. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Begoña Sanromán, Inés Lareo and Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Transferencia léxica y reglas de paráfrasis: verbos denominales de SP cognado,
Procesamiento del Languaje Natural, 25:183-189, 1999. ISSN 1135-5948.
Libros (Books)
- Mauro Fernández,
Francisco García and
Nancy Vázquez (eds.),
Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía lingüística,
Arco Libros, Madrid, 1999. ISBN 84-7635-350-2.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Las caras del signo lingüístico: de Saussure a Mel'cuk,
in Mauro Fernández, Francisco García and Nancy Vázquez (eds.), Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía lingüística, pp. 137-149, Arco Libros, Madrid, 1999. ISBN 84-7635-350-2.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Notas en torno a algunos elementos residuales: la interjección y los marcadores del discurso,
in Mauro Fernández, Francisco García and Nancy Vázquez (eds.), Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía lingüística, pp. 673-684, Arco Libros, Madrid, 1999. ISBN 84-7635-350-2.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero,
Eric de la Clergerie
and Manuel Vilares,
Tabular Algorithms for TAG Parsing,
in Proc. of
EACL'99, Ninth Conference of the European Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
pp. 150-157, Bergen, Norway, June 1999.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie
and David Cabrero,
Tabulation of Automata for Tree Adjoining Languages,
in Proc. of
6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL 6), pp. 127-141,
Orlando, Florida, USA, July 1999.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Répartition des actants syntaxiques dans les constructions à verbe support,
in I Symposium on Dependency Grammar, St-Just, France, 1999.
- Jorge Graña Gil,
M. Rajman
and Manuel Vilares,
Experimento de desambiguación para el español,
Actas del VI Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social, pp. 693-706, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, 1999. ISBN 959-11-0250-X.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
and David Cabrero,
An Operational Model for Parsing Definite Clause Grammars with Infinite Terms,
in A. Lecomte, F. Lamarche and G. Perrier (eds.), Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics,
volume 1582 of
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 212-230,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1999. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-65751-7.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
Miguel A. Alonso,
Some questions about non-termination in DCGs,
in Maria Chiara Meo and Manuel Vilares Ferro (eds.),
APPIA-GULP-PRODE'99 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Proceedings, pp. 545-558,
L'Aquila, Italy, 1999.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
Miguel A. Alonso,
Dealing with non-termination in DCGs,
Proc. of
Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Jorge Graña Gil,
Jean-Cédric Chappelier
and M. Rajman,
Using Syntactic Constraints in Natural Language Disambiguation,
Technical Report 99/315, Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle,
Département d'Informatique,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999.
- Jorge Graña Gil
and M. Rajman,
Disambiguation Experiment for Spanish,
Technical Report 99/314, Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle,
Département d'Informatique,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero,
Eric de la Clergerie
and Manuel Vilares,
Algoritmos tabulares para el análisis de TAG,
in Procesamiento del Languaje Natural, 23:157-164, 1998. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Javier Andrade,
Jorge Graña
and Teresa Romero,
Aprendizaje en la resolución automática de las ambigüedades léxicas del lenguaje natural,
tema monográfico Lengua y Tecnologías de la Información,
May-June 1998. ISSN 0211-2124.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero
and Manuel Vilares,
Construction of Efficient Generalized LR Parsers,
in D. Wood and S. Yu (eds.), Automata Implementation,
volume 1436 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 7-24,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1998.
ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-64694-9.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Algunas consideraciones a propósito de las respuestas mínimas,
in Gilles Luquet (ed.), Travaux de linguistique hispanique,
pp. 451-472,
Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle,
Paris, 1998. ISBN 2-87854-134-0.
- Manuel Vilares
Miguel A. Alonso,
An LALR Extension for DCGs in Dynamic Programming,
in C. Martín Vide (ed.),
Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural Language,
volume 45 of Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics,
pp. 267-278,
John Benjamins Publishing Company,
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 1998. ISBN 90-272-1554-5.
(offprints available on request)
Congresos (Conferences)
- Eric de la Clergerie and
Miguel A. Alonso,
A Tabular Interpretation of a Class of 2-Stack Automata,
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics and
17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
Proceedings of the Conference,
volume II, pp. 1333-1339,
Montreal, Canada, 1998.
- Eric de la Clergerie,
Miguel A. Alonso and
David Cabrero,
A Tabular Interpretation of Bottom-up Automata for TAG,
in Proc. of
TAG+4, Fourth International Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks, pp. 42-45,
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1998.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso,
Jorge Graña
and David Cabrero,
GALENA: Tabular DCG parsing for Natural Languages,
in Proc. of
Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD'98),
pp. 44-51,
Paris, France, 1998.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero,
and Miguel A. Alonso,
A Comparison for Unification-Based Parsers,
in M. Falaschi, J. L. Freire and M. Vilares (eds.),
Proc. of
APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1998 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming (AGP'98), pp. 113-123,
Corunna, Spain, 1998.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Dynamic Programming as Frame for Efficient Parsing,
SCCC'98, XVIII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, November 9-14, 1998. Antofagasta, Chile, pp. 68-75,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, USA, 1998. ISBN 0-8186-8616-2.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
and Miguel A. Alonso,
Exploring Parsing Efficiency in Computational Linguistics,
Utrecht Congress on Storage and Computation in Linguistics,
p. 65, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1998.
- Manuel Vilares,
Jorge Graña,
T. Araujo,
David Cabrero,
and I. Diz,
A Tagger Environment for Galician,
in Proc. of
Workshop on Language Resources for European Minority Languages,
Granada, Spain, 1998.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Étude sémantico-syntaxique des constructions à verbe support,
Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 1998.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Coocurrencia léxica y descripción lexicográfica del verbo dar: hacia un tratamiento de los verbos soportes,
Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 113:380-417, 1997. ISSN 0049-8661.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
La tercera cara del signo lingüístico,
Moenia, 3:51-77, 1997. ISSN 1137-2346.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Manuel Vilares,
Jorge Graña and
Pilar Alvariño,
Finite-State Morphology and Formal Verification,
in András Kornai (ed.), Extended Finite State Models of Language,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero
and Manuel Vilares,
A New Approach to the Construction of Generalized LR Parsing Algorithms,
R. Mitkov,
N. Nicolov and
N. Nikolov (eds.),
Proc. of
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'97),
pp. 171-178,
Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 1997.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
David Cabrero
and Manuel Vilares,
Construction of Efficient Generalized LR Parsers,
in Proc. of
Second International Workshop on Implementing Automata (WIA'97),
pp. 131-140,
London, Ontario, Canada, 1997.
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Eric de la Clergerie
Manuel Vilares,
Automata-based Parsing in Dynamic Programming for Linear Indexed Grammars,
in A. S. Narin'yani (ed.), Proc. of DIALOGUE'97 Computational Linguistics and its Applications International Workshop, pp. 22-27,
Moscow, Russia, 1997.
- Nancy Vázquez,
The Interviewers Role in the Sociolinguistcs Interview: Towards a Characterization of the Listeners Verbal Activity,
in B. Caron (ed.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Linguists, Pergamon Press, 1997. ISBN 978-0080434384.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Turnos del hablante y turnos del oyente: algunas reflexiones sobre los reguladores,
XXVII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Mallorca, Spain, 1997.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
David Cabrero,
An Operational Model for Parsing Fixed-Mode DCGs,
in Proc. of
Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL'97), pp. 61-64,
Nancy, France, 1997.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
David Cabrero,
Efficient Parsing of Fixed-Mode DCGs,
in Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Glyn V. Morrill and Richard T. Oehrle (eds.),
Proc. of
Formal Grammar 1997, chapter 17, pp. 199-209,
Aix-en-Provence, France, 1997.
- Manuel Vilares,
David Cabrero
Miguel A. Alonso,
An Approach to Infinite Term Traversal in DCGs,
in M. Falaschi, M. Navarro and A. Policriti (eds.), Proc. of
APPIA-GULP-PRODE'97 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming,
pp. 307-317,
Grado, Italy, 1997.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Nancy Vázquez,
Marcadores discursivos: respuestas mínimas reguladoras en la conversación semidirigida,
Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, Spain, 1997.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Hacia una generalización de la información colocacional en un léxico formal,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 19:51-62, 1996. ISSN 1135-5948.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Los marcadores discursivos en las obras lexicográficas,
Revista de lexicografía, 2:133-149, 1995-96. ISSN 1134-4539.
- Manuel Vilares,
Jorge Graña and
Pilar Alvariño,
Finite-State Morphology and Formal Verification,
Journal of Natural Language Engineering, 2(4):303-304, 1996.
- Manuel Vilares
Jorge Graña and
Alberto Pan,
Building Friendly Architectures for Tagging,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 19:127-132, 1996. ISSN 1135-5948.
Libros (Books)
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
Alberto Valderruten,
Programación Lógica, second edition,
Tórculo Edicións, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1996.
ISBN 84-89641-18-8 (252 pp).
- Manuel Vilares,
Jorge Graña and
Alberto Valderruten,
Concepción de Sistemas Tiempo Real Síncronos,
volume 41 of Monografías,
Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade da Coruña,
Corunna, Spain, 1996.
ISBN 84-89694-11-7 (186 pp).
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Agnes Tutin,
A Classification and Description of Lexical Functions for the Analysis of their Combinations,
in Leo Wanner (ed.), Lexical Functions in Lexicography and Natural Language Processing, pp. 147-167, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 1996. ISBN 978-90-272-3034-8.
- Nancy Vázquez and
Cristina Fernández,
Un caso de interferencia lingüística: la forma “y luego” en castellano de Galicia,
Scripta Philologica in Honorem Manuel Taboada Cid, pp. 715-735, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidade da Coruña, 1996. ISBN 84-88301-25-1.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
David Cabrero,
An Experience on Natural Language Parsing,
in C. Martín Vide (ed.),
Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales XII, pp. 555-562,
PPU, Barcelona, Spain, 1996. ISBN 84-477-0575-7.
(offprints available on request)
Congresos (Conferences)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Herencia de la coocurrencia léxica,
IV Workshop de Lexicografía computacional, Areso, Navarra, Spain, 1996.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Verbos soportes y Teoría Sentido-Texto,
II Congreso Nacional de Lingüística General, Granada, Spain, 1996.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Suzanne Mantha,
Description lexicographique des collocatifs: articles de dictionnaire autonomes?,
in André Clas, Philippe Thoiron and Henri Bejoint (eds.), Lexicomatiques et Dictionnairiques, pp. 233-253, Lyon, France, 1996. ISBN 2-920021-70-2
- Nancy Vázquez,
Corpus de lengua hablada en la ciudad de A Coruña: a la búsqueda de la esponpaneidad,
II Congreso Nacional de Lingüística General, Granada, Spain, 1996.
- Manuel Vilares
Miguel A. Alonso,
An LALR Extension for DCGs in Dynamic Programming,
in P. Lucio,
M. Martelli
and M. Navarro (eds.),
Proc. of
APPIA-GULP-PRODE'96 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, pp. 79-88,
Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, 1996.
- Manuel Vilares
Miguel A. Alonso,
Towards Analyzers Based on Efficient Logical Frames,
in II International Conference on Mathematical Linguistics (ICML'96): abstracts, pp. 97-98.
Report 7/96,
Grup de Recerca en Lingüística Matemática i
Enginyeria del Llenguatge,
Universitat Rovira i Virgili,
Tarragona, Spain, 1996.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
David Cabrero,
Autómatas Lógicos y Lenguaje Natural,
V Congreso Iberoamericano de
Inteligencia Artificial, IBERAMIA'96,
pp. 341-351, Editorial Limusa, S.A. de C.V., Mexico D.F., Mexico, 1996.
ISBN 968-18-5429-2.
- Manuel Vilares,
Jorge Graña and
Fidel Cacheda,
Verification of Morphological Analyzers,
in Proc. of DIALOGUE'96, pp. 69-72, Moscow, Russia, 1996.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Hacia una definición del concepto de colocación: de J. R. Firth a I. Mel'cuk,
Revista de lexicografía, 1:9-28, 1994-1995. ISSN 1134-4539.
- Cristina Fernández and
Nancy Vázquez,
¿Espontaneidad o planificación? Marcadores textuales en lengua oral,
Lenguaje y Textos, 6-7:187-196, 1994-1995. ISSN 1133-4770.
- Alberto Valderruten,
Manuel Vilares and
Jorge Graña,
Instrumentación de modelos reactivos para evaluar el comportamiento,
118:33-38, 1995. ISSN 0211-2124.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Corpus de lengua hablada en la ciudad de A Coruña: El rol del entrevistador en la conversación semidirigida,
Moenia, 1:181-202, 1995. ISSN 1137-2346.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Una aproximación a algunos marcadores con función textual de “resumen”, “conclusión” y “cierre”,
Estudios de Lingüística, Universidad de Alicante, 10:349-390, 1995. ISSN 0212-7636.
- Manuel Vilares
Miguel A. Alonso,
A Predictive Bottom-up Evaluator,
Logic Programming Newsletter, 8(4):9-10, 1995.
- Manuel Vilares
Miguel A. Alonso,
Exploring Interactive Chart Parsing,
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 17:158-170, 1995. ISSN 1135-5948.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Description lexicographique des verbes supports dans le Dictionnaire Explicatif et Combinatoire,
in J. Labelle (ed.), Lexiques-grammaires comparés et traitements automatiques, pp. 95-111, Université de Quebec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 1995.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Agnes Tutin and
Guy Lapalme,
Lexical Functions of the Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary for Lexicalization in Text Generation,
in Patrick Saint-Dizier and Evelyn Viegas (eds.), Computational Lexical Semantics, pp. 351-366, Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN 978052144410.
- Jorge Graña,
Manuel Vilares and
R. Bernhard,
Communication Protocols Verification with Esterel,
in Software Engineering in Higher Education II (SEHE'95-II), pp. 255-265,
Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston, 1995.
Congresos (Conferences)
- Jorge Graña,
Manuel Vilares and
R. Bernhard,
Verificación de Conexiones Telefónicas con Esterel,
in J.M. Troya Linero and C. Rodríguez León (eds.),
Actas de las I Jornadas de Informática, pp.707-709,
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 1995.
- Alberto Valderruten,
Manuel Vilares and
Jorge Graña,
Instrumentation of Synchronous Reactive Models for Performance Engineering,
in W. Schaefer and P. Botella (eds.),
Software Engeneering - ESEC '95, volume 989 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 76-89,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1995. ISSN 0302-9743 / ISBN 3-540-60406-5.
- Nancy Vázquez,
Un tipo de discurso y un índice de cohesión textual: marcadores discursivos en las entrevistas,
Congreso Nacional sobre Lingüística do Texto e Ensinanza da Lingua, A Coruña, Spain, 1995.
- Manuel Vilares
Miguel A. Alonso,
Friendly Incremental Prototyping,
M. van den Brand,
A. van Deursen,
T. B. Dinesh,
J. Kamperman and
E. Visser (eds.),
ASF+SDF'95 Workshop on Generating Tools from Algebraic Specifications
, pp. 127-142.
Technical Report P9504,
Programming Research Group,
University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 1995.
- Manuel Vilares,
Alberto Valderruten,
Jorge Graña
Miguel A. Alonso,
Une Approche Formelle pour la Génération d'Analyseurs
de Langages Naturels,
in P. Blache (ed.),
Actes de la Seconde Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, pp. 246-255,
Marseille, France, 1995.
- Manuel Vilares,
Miguel A. Alonso
Alberto Valderruten,
Programación Lógica,
Tórculo Edicións, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1994. ISBN 84-88967-36-5 (200 pp).
Congresos (Conferences)
- Nancy Vázquez,
Marcadores discursivos: una aproximación al problema de la sinonimia,
XXIV Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Madrid, Spain, 1994.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Miguel A. Alonso,
Edición Interactiva en Entornos Incrementales,
Tesis de Licenciatura,
Facultade de Informática,
Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 1994 (224 pp).
- Jorge Graña,
Miguel A. Alonso
Alberto Valderruten,
Análisis Léxico no Determinista:
Etiquetación Eficiente del Lenguaje Natural,
Technical Report TR16,
Departamento de Computación,
Facultade de Informática,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 1994 (37 pp).
- Manuel Vilares,
Jorge Graña and
Alberto Valderruten,
Una Estrategia de Integración de Modelos de Comportamiento
en el Desarrollo de Sistemas Tiempo Real,
Technical Report TR15,
Departamento de Computación,
Facultade de Informática,
Universidade da Coruña,
Spain, 1994.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and
Agnes Tutin,
Les fonctions lexicales du Dictionnaire Explicatif et Combinatoire pour l'étude de la cohésion lexicale,
Lingvisticae Investigationes, 17(1):161-188, 1993. ISSN 0378-4169.
Libros (Books)
- Antonio Blanco,
José L. Doncel,
Jorge Graña,
Daniel I. Iglesia,
Introducción a la Teoría de Códigos:
Corrección de Errores y Compresión de Datos,
Tórculo Edicións, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1993. ISBN 84-86728-86X (210 pp).
Congresos (Conferences)
- Nancy Vázquez,
Marcadores con función textual de “resumen”, “conclusión” y “cierre” en el español actual,
XXIII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Lérida, Spain, 1993.
- Manuel Vilares and
Jorge Graña,
Parsing as Resolution,
in Proc. of First COMPULOG-NOE Area Meeting on Parallelism and
Implementation Technology,
Madrid, Spain, 1993.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Las funciones léxicas en el modelo lexicográfico de I. Mel'cuk,
Ph.D. Thesis, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 1993.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Agnes Tutin,
A Classification and Description of Lexical Functions for a treatment of their Combinations,
Workshop on Meaning-Text Theory, Darmstadt, Germany, 1992.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos and Agnes Tutin,
The Lexical Functions for the Study of Lexical Cohesion,
II Seminar on Computational Lexical Semantics, Toulouse, France, 1992.
Otras publicaciones (Other publications)
- Jorge Graña,
Códigos para detección-corrección de errores
y compresión de datos: códigos lineales y
codificación aritmética,
Tesis de Licenciatura,
Facultade de Informática,
Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 1992.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Verbes supports et fonctions lexicales ,
Lingvisticae Investigationes, 15(1):203-223, 1991. ISSN 0378-4169.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Agnes Tutin and
Margarita Alonso-Ramos
Las funciones léxicas del Dictionnaire Explicatif et combinatoire para el estudio de la cohesión léxica,
in C. Martín Vide (ed.),
Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales VII, pp. 247-254,
PPU, Barcelona, Spain, 1991. ISBN 84-7665-988-1.
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos,
Aproximación a un nuevo modelo lexicográfico: el Dictionnaire Explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain. Recherches lexico-sémantiques de Igor Mel'cuk
Verba, 16:421-450, 1989. ISBN 0210-377X.
Capítulos de libro (Book chapters)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos
La formalización de la coocurrencia léxica en el Dictionnaire Explicatif et Combinatoire de I. Mel'cuk,
in C. Martín Vide (ed.),
Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales V, pp. 317-332, PPU, Barcelona, Spain, 1989. ISBN 84-7665-688-2.