1 minute 2minute 0 fuck fawk 0 swear isweaar 1 spider spiderr 1 francisco francesco 1 boston bostonnn 1 hanging hanginn 1 station sation 0 cancer caner 0 scroll scoll 1 advice advicee 0 said isaid 1 test testtt 0 fitness fitess 0 halfway halfways 1 foundation fundation 1 described discribed 1 screaming screaminq 1 replaced replacer 1 stone stoneee 0 fuckers muhfuckers 1 screaming screaminn 1 brought broght 1 sending sendingg 1 describes discribes 1 well weell 1 show showw 0 nigger niggerish 1 vibration vibrational 1 touchdown touchdooown 1 showcases showcas 1 bar barrr 0 rabbit rabbitmq 0 love lobve 1 norman normanby 1 bitches bitchies 1 wheels weels 1 spoiler spoilerish 0 for ffor 0 christina pchristina 1 barefoot bearfoot 0 target targe 0 engineering reengineering 1 incisions incisionless 1 shout shoutouut 0 cooking cookinn 1 shock shockk 1 shocked shockd 1 burn buuurn 1 amazing amazzing 1 oops oooppps 0 discovered dicovered 1 catalog catalouge 0 like slike 0 joel joels 1 victory victoryyy 0 swear iswear 1 saying sayying 1 battery batere 1 busy bussyy 0 spike spizike 0 saying sayyinn 1 washington wasington 0 damn dayumm 1 chin chiny 0 backpack backtoback 1 no naww 1 not nawt 1 heading headng 0 sexual sexua 0 handling shandling 1 motorola motorolla 1 chin chinn 1 battery batery 1 read readdd 0 spotted spotte 0 nova novaas 1 spot spottt 1 between b'tween 0 kidding kidn 1 ready readdy 1 millimeters millimetres 0 nelly nellys 1 last lasttt 1 justin justin'm 1 eclipse eclipes 1 stereo stero 1 catches catchs 1 music musiq 1 skater sk8ter 1 bulls bullsss 1 catch catche 0 scorpions escorpion 1 catch catchh 1 grams grahams 1 catching catchn 1 cops copss 1 much muchy 1 something somehting 1 excel excl 1 eng engg 1 popularity populari 0 could couldn 1 listening listenin 1 listening listenig 1 saver saverrr 1 often oftn 1 simple simpel 0 granny qranny 0 often ofte 1 misunderstood misundastood 1 wanna wana 0 rhythm rythmn 1 nice niicee 0 extra xtra 1 wanna wann 1 ungrateful ungraceful 0 maria mariama 0 disappointed diappointed 0 purple purle 1 lindsay lindsy 1 could coulde 1 rhythms rythms 0 muffin mcmuffin 1 screaming screamings 0 marcus damarcus 1 shame shameee 0 excellent exelent 1 kevin keviin 1 because becaause 0 bastard brassard 1 bomb bombbb 1 min miin 1 waiting waitinggg 0 wheat wholewheat 0 revolution revolucion 1 clouds coulds 0 source souce 1 unforgettable unforgattable 1 mix miix 1 stolen stollen 1 miss miis 1 wait waiittt 1 fuckers fckers 1 million 1milion 0 supposedly supposely 1 underwear underwire 1 turned truned 0 final finalis 1 everything everythngs 1 comment comentem 1 comment comenten 1 welcome welcomee 1 pulling puling 0 asia assina 1 welcome welcomez 1 brother brotherrt 1 apologized apoligized 1 seconds 5seconds 1 brother brotherrr 1 really realyy 1 five fiv 1 classroom classrom 1 laboratory labratory 0 again againrt 1 please pleeasee 1 candy cndy 1 should shooould 0 dictionary nictionary 1 building bulding 1 really realyl 1 wallet walet 1 getting gtting 0 cousin counsin 1 fool foolio 1 trespassing tresspassing 1 pants paaants 1 college collge 1 admit admitt 0 legendary ledgendary 0 solve sove 1 officially offficially 1 avoid 2avoid 0 fine fi9 1 foreign foregin 0 lingerie klinger 1 tripled trippled 1 apparel apperal 1 crying cryinng 1 back baaacck 0 children childen 0 cursed cused 1 buttercup buttercupz 1 district distric 1 cincinnati cincinnatti 1 years 3years 1 remedial remidial 1 nasty nastyy 1 cinema cinem 0 nasty nastys 1 environment enviroment 1 nice noice 0 extra nextera 0 tennessee tennessean 0 cemetery cementery 0 dangling detangling 0 design djdesign 1 pumpkin pumpking 1 correct correcto 1 correctly correctl 1 class claaass 1 pumpkin pumpkinn 0 magical magickal 1 matter mattter 1 caramel caremel 0 would t'would 1 finally finalllyyy 1 trembling tremblin 1 self selff 1 forward farward 1 piercing piercinggg 1 bananas bannanas 1 wonderful wunderful 1 lies liies 1 look loook 1 amazing amaazinggg 0 introduced reintroduced 1 cherry cherrry 1 females femalesss 1 flamboyant flamboyan 1 breeze brezze 0 memo mermo 1 loop looop 1 compromise compromisso 0 introduces reintroduces 1 lot looot 0 know lknow 0 old olds 1 older oldr 1 goldberg goldberger 0 inclement mcclement 1 old olde 1 old oldd 1 sis sisis 1 understand understan 0 need needem 0 hello hiya 1 understand understad 0 fucker mafucker 1 she sheee 1 looking loking 1 worries worriess 0 singing slingin 1 international internationalis 0 legal llegal 1 load loaddd 0 aileen lail7een 1 oops ooopps 1 shampoo shampooo 1 feeling feelinq 1 feelings feelins 0 feeling feelinn 1 peoples pples 0 feeling feelinf 1 delete deleteee 1 longer longr 1 plagiarism plagarism 1 booty boootay 1 heterosexual hetrosexual 1 machine macine 1 demon deamon 1 distantly distantl26 1 long longg 0 longer longe 1 foundation foundational 1 credentials credentialed 0 olives olvides 1 finals finalsss 1 moralize moralizers 1 disappeared disappered 1 affair affaire 0 only noly 1 members memebers 1 witness witnes 1 o'clock 7o'clock 0 problem prollem 1 someone soemone 1 heads headss 0 unemployment funemployment 1 and aaannd 0 major majo 1 than thaan 1 horrible horribleee 1 drama dorama 1 more 4more 1 juice juiice 0 follow ollow 1 are arrreee 1 awesome awseome 0 unfortunately un4rtun8ly 1 single singel 1 major majr 1 frankly franklyn 0 saying sayinn 1 lag laaag 1 bitch bittchhh 1 special speciaaal 1 about abouutt 1 description descriptionif 0 download downloand 1 pitiful pitful 1 bullshit bullshitten 1 shopping shoppping 0 actually accually 1 bullshit bullshitter 1 house houuse 1 noticed noticeddd 1 months 24months 1 practice practiice 0 neighbor neighb 0 make mmake 0 hardest ardest 0 ate iate 1 treat treeeat 1 popular populair 1 tongue toungue 1 sliding slidin 1 gives givess 0 tonight onight 1 cooking cookinq 1 approach approch 1 out ouuuttt 1 alex alexxx 1 messy messsy 1 tornado torando 1 independence iowaindependent 0 portrait potrait 1 camera camrea 1 homeless homeles 1 life liffe 0 tip etip 1 only ooonly 0 lang palang 1 anniversary anniversa 1 smells smeels 0 everybody erybdy 1 insomnia insomina 0 confused confunde 1 smell smeell 1 drove drovee 1 lot lota 1 away awway 1 listening listeninggg 0 natural natura 1 indonesia ind0nesia 1 extension extens 1 background backqround 0 that ithat 0 watching warching 1 unemployed unemploy 1 creepy creeepy 0 looking lookin 1 tomorrow tomarrow 0 creep creeeps 0 ah yaaahhh 0 looking lookig 1 needed neededd 1 fans faaans 0 cellulose cellulosic 1 pairs 4pairs 1 organization organisational 1 customization customisation 1 study stdy 1 bothered botherd 1 freak frk 1 virgin virginnn 0 bother bothern 1 walking wlking 1 bother botherr 0 watching nowwatching 0 spirit spir 1 balloon baloon 1 followed follow'd 0 regular regul 1 hands hnds 1 ya yyaaa 1 totally t0tally 1 speeding speedin 1 doubt doubtt 1 wish wiish 0 help hepl 1 skillfully skilfully 1 macbeth macbeths 1 natural naturel 1 dreaming dreamming 1 glory glooory 0 exercise excersise 1 cholesterol colesterol 1 dollar 2dollar 0 honestly honeslty 1 without withouttt 1 could coould 1 wrapping wrapin 1 preaching preachin 0 great greatrt 1 fantasy fanatasy 0 honor hono 1 hon honn 1 hon honi 1 transactions transcriptionis 0 principal pricipal 1 honey hony 0 britney briney 0 jungle junge 1 watching watcing 0 zeal zealan 0 interests twinterests 1 south southe 0 inspiration inpiration 1 refill refil 1 hole holeee 1 south southh 0 workers woodworkers 1 corporation corporati 0 longing longkang 1 mug muuug 0 bookmark booksmart 1 controversial controversi 1 mum muuum 1 really relaly 0 jam jakjam 1 morning mornink 1 last lasst 1 success succsess 1 blah blaaahh 1 satisfying satisfyin 0 package pakage 1 stand stnd 1 immediately immeadiately 0 script noscript 0 hello hai 1 shit shiit 1 weeks weeeks 1 contact cantact 1 watercolor watercolour 0 knew ikneww 0 hacks hax 1 week weeekk 1 privilege privledge 0 economist theeconomist 0 roll roflol 1 elderly eldery 1 stranger strangerrr 0 stay istay 1 excitement exactement 1 staring stareing 1 recession reccession 1 favorite fav0rite 0 miss imiss 1 blueberry bluberry 1 delivery delievery 1 yeah yyyeaaahhh 1 alicia alica 0 sensational skinsational 1 weak weeaaak 1 delivers delievers 1 follow fooolllooowww 0 hacker ha> 1 happily hapilly 1 unabashed unabashedly 1 revealed reveiled 0 unthinkable unsinkable 0 boys bboys 0 ancient ancie 0 prepare repare 1 weird weirrd 1 crackers crackerz 1 filipino fillipinos 1 confused cnfused 0 fruit frui 1 dinner dinnner 1 jams jamss 1 completely completly 0 injunction injuction 1 original orginial 1 entrepreneurs enterpreneurshi 1 fashion fashin 0 persons petersons 0 followed refollowed 1 considering considerin 1 minutes 45minutes 0 trust itrust 0 doubt nodoubt 1 planes planesss 1 visiting visitng 1 afternoon afterno 1 constitution constitutio 1 piercing pericing 0 convince convice 0 hey ohhey 0 ready rrready 1 added aded 1 downstairs downstair 1 anyways anywayyys 1 sweetest sweatest 1 christmas christmassy 0 linger klingler 1 perform perfrom 0 shooting shooti 0 right rrright 1 being beingg 0 shooting shootn 0 creation creatio 1 creating creatin 1 mango mangoo 1 teacher teacherrr 1 cheese cheesse 1 available avalaible 1 unrecognizable unrecognisable 1 shoot shoott 1 greg greggg 0 came ckame 0 another anoher 1 rape rapee 0 chilling chilliin 0 orders wordpress 1 anonymous anonymus 1 rapper raper 1 medalist medallists 1 braces bracess 1 alexander alexandrian 1 headache headach 0 family mcfamily 0 created createpdf 1 normal normales 0 colonel coleone 1 headache headace 0 story toystory 1 advantage aadvantage 1 perfume perfumee 1 mommy mymom 1 blast blasst 1 university universitys 1 taste tasteee 1 toolkit toolkits 1 asian azn 1 dude dued 1 due duee 1 about abwt 1 stepping steping 0 introducing intoducing 1 ass azz 1 barking barkin 1 preparation prepration 1 caramel caramello 1 dying dyying 1 leave 2leave 1 mirrors mirros 1 times timeesss 1 congenital congenita 1 adorable adroable 0 clarified iclarified 1 batman batman3 0 thailand thailan 1 naked nayked 0 giants nygiants 0 goodrich bfgoodrich 1 public publick 1 crown crowne 1 epic epicc 1 smelling smellinq 1 eat eeat 1 intense intens 1 television televsion 1 frustration frustation 1 transported transportes 1 batman batmans 1 being beening 0 boxing xboxing 1 florida flordia 1 urging urgin 1 shopped shooped 1 minds mindss 1 crazy crazyyy 0 over pover 1 xmas xmasss 1 children childr 0 child childs 1 sexy sexxy 0 backstage bkstage 1 professor proffessor 0 apt apts 1 egypt egypts 1 child childd 1 child childe 1 like lioke 0 could coudl 1 clubbing clubing 1 restaurants restraunts 0 secret serect 1 catalyst catalys 0 rapper grappler 1 this thios 0 christmas chistmas 1 awesome aweseome 1 hallmark halmark 1 beautiful beeeautiful 1 obsessed obssessed 1 phone phoen 1 stayed stayd 1 minutes minuts 1 weeks 3weeks 0 sportsman unsportsman 1 collapse colapse 1 downloading downloadinq 1 unpleasant unpleasent 0 taking takign 1 laundromat laundrymat 1 inappropriate inappropriatene 1 stay stayy 1 amounts ammounts 1 werewolf wearwolf 1 claiming clamin 1 violating violatin 1 between btween 1 news newws 1 default defaultt 1 brazil braaazil 1 cooked cookd 1 cookie cooki 1 mediterranean mediteranean 1 cook cookk 0 recovery recove 0 cooking cookn 0 this tothis 1 allergic allerqic 1 pronounced prounounced 1 scene scen 1 shirt shirtt 1 bus buus 1 but buut 0 collapse collaspe 1 catalog catolog 1 buy buuy 1 years 23years 0 trailer traile 1 promoted promoed 1 sum 2sum 0 aficionado adicionando 1 someone sooomeone 1 inter inteeer 1 case casse 1 pervert prvrt 1 blessed bleesed 1 month 6month 1 performance performant 0 harrisburg harrisonburg 1 performance performans 1 honor honour 1 throw throwww 1 performance performane 1 consolidate consolida 1 possessions posessions 1 performance performanc 1 never neever 0 extreme xtreme 1 homework homeworkkk 0 timelessness shamelessness 1 jewish jewis 0 update upate 0 state staters 0 beginning thebeginning 1 bitches bitchees 1 flashlight fleshlight 1 clueless cluless 0 waving wavin 1 photo phto 1 mentality mentallity 1 random randome 1 random randomm 1 random randomn 1 cinderella cindrella 1 instead instad 1 cats catss 1 randomly randomnly 1 superintendent supernintendo 1 missed mssed 1 instant instan 1 bucks 2bucks 1 drinking drinkinggg 0 instead isntead 1 international internacional 0 eccentric petcentric 1 seeing seeeing 1 ghetto ghettto 1 working workinn 1 working workinq 1 radio radio21 1 calendar callendar 1 familiar familar 1 freestyle freestylin 0 hello chello 1 usually usuallly 0 gainsborough hansborough 1 tiny tiney 1 embarrassing embarressing 1 please pleaaassee 0 watching tching 1 windows windowsxp 0 wants wans 0 concessions consession 1 following followinq 0 following followinn 1 fantastic fantstico 0 laughs laughts 1 shopping shoopping 1 slept sleptt 0 following followinf 0 authorize reauthorize 1 excited exciteeddd 1 listen listenn 1 listening listeni 1 locked lockd 0 playing palyin 1 listened listend 1 lock lockk 1 listening listeng 0 perception herceptin 1 listen listent 1 immigrant imigrant 1 using usng 1 hair hairrr 1 liter litre 1 believing believeing 1 good gooda 1 possibly possiably 1 saying sayiing 0 circles cirlces 1 possible possiable 1 followers followeres 1 sucks suuucks 1 consolidation consolidator 0 dosing dosin 1 minutes mintues 0 students lawstudents 1 telepathy telepath 1 clothing clothings 0 heard heards 1 parking parkings 0 manhattan mahattan 1 good goodi 1 heard hearda 1 heard heardd 1 ashley assley 1 talking tlkin 1 much muuuccchhh 1 click clck 1 broadcast brodcast 1 occasionally ocassionally 1 link linkkk 1 episode episodee 0 feeding feedin 1 grandmother grandmotha 1 year yearr 1 secondhand seconhand 0 yeah yearh 1 pride pridee 0 year yeard 1 amazing amazinng 1 everything everythng 1 medals medallist 1 workforce workforces 1 martin marthin 0 time timen 1 trouble troublee 1 scotland scotla 1 freshman freshmans 1 milton miltons 1 condolences condolencias 0 watching nowatching 0 outlets outle 1 million 8million 1 episode episode1 0 careful kareful 1 below beloww 1 isolation isolations 1 herpes herpies 1 did didd 1 daddy deady 1 celebrities celebraties 1 plunge plung 0 dead deads 1 nikki nikkie 1 did didi 1 despite dispite 1 boom booomm 1 bomb booomb 1 dead deadd 1 hostile hostil 0 standard istandard 1 salad salade 0 ammo amamos 1 speedups speedbumps 1 home hooommmeee 1 recipe receipe 1 unfamiliar unfamilia 1 laugh laughhh 1 learning learnings 1 favorite favoriete 1 sixteen sixteeen 1 whore whooore 1 successful sucessfull 1 allowance allowence 1 internet internex 0 clarification scarification 1 seriously seriouslt 0 chihuahua hauhauha 1 occasional ocasionally 1 starting startiing 0 shit shizit 1 secretly secertly 1 boys bhoys 0 loneliness longines 0 telling telin 1 house houseee 1 marley marle 1 football fottball 0 ninja mcninja 1 opener openerp 0 charger recharger 1 passport paspor 0 morphology geomorphology 1 home hommmeee 1 dragging draggin 0 asshole assholish 0 spoke spoked 1 spoke spokee 1 loves looves 1 flirting flirtin 1 low looowww 1 love loovee 1 loved looved 1 tonight tonighht 1 kick kiick 1 long looong 1 contact contac 1 disappears disapears 1 relaxing relaxxing 1 goodbye goodbay 0 till intill 0 someone someome 0 surgery surgey 1 brooklyn brooklynnn 1 automatic automatisch 1 surgery surger 1 cut cuttt 1 anymore anymoree 0 cutting cutti 1 around arround 0 deliver delive 0 transforms 3dtransforms 0 cutting cuttn 1 anymore anymores 1 cute cutte 0 newsletter enewsletter 1 beginners begginers 1 buzz buzzz 0 boxing boxin 1 believe beilive 1 admitted admitedly 1 lilies lillies 0 avatar avartar 1 juice juuuice 1 disastrous disasterous 0 sweet schweeet 1 styling stylings 1 hungry hungrrry 1 jewelry jewelr 1 location locationn 0 albert laliberte 1 hungry hungryyy 1 contour contourmd 1 turns turnes 0 addition additio 1 warriors warriorz 0 ignoring ingoring 1 touch touch2 1 intended intende 1 trick trickor 1 maybe mayeb 1 lazy lazyy 0 oktoberfest rocktoberfest 1 booty bootyy 1 platform plattform 1 pencils pencilcase 0 whatever whteve 1 threatening threatenin 1 opposition oppositi 1 season season1 1 whatever whtevr 1 seconds 60seconds 1 evaluation evaluator 1 lucky luckkyy 1 fucking fuckkking 1 infinity infinty 0 horny horngry 1 this thsi 1 hoes hoeesss 1 touches touchs 1 market markt 1 season season6 1 these thse 0 chubby chumby 1 touch toucha 1 touched touchd 1 chronicles chronicals 1 presence presense 1 delicious delicius 1 touch touchh 1 oh ooohhh 0 touching touchn 1 stimulation stimulator 0 checkout checcout 0 style syle 1 happens happenes 0 bottles bottlenose 1 narcissistic narcisstic 1 hitting hittting 1 imagine imaginem 1 sticky stickyyy 1 membrane memberikan 1 anything anythinng 1 imagine imaginee 0 added iadded 1 opinion opionion 1 recommended recomended 1 pittsburgh pitsburgh 1 estate estat 1 try try2 1 closed closeddd 1 incense insence 1 pressed pressd 1 family faaamily 1 commented comented 0 war warcr 1 pressing pressn 1 season season5 1 like liikeee 0 anything aything 1 premiere premires 1 monday mondy 1 plotting ploting 1 monday monda 1 mentions mentionsss 1 crazy craaazy 1 try tryy 1 manufacture manufactu 1 straight straigth 1 beautiful beautifful 1 setting seeting 0 gloves agloves 0 excited ecited 1 questionnaire questionaires 0 baseball basle 1 attitude attiude 1 presenting presentin 1 conference confernce 1 thing thiiing 0 grandparents granparents 1 impressions impressionz 1 everything everytihng 1 accountant accountacy 1 official offficial 1 yeah yeahyeah 1 simon shimon 1 sunshine sunshyne 1 waterford weatherford 0 sorry isorry 1 absolutely aboslutely 1 instead instaed 1 television televis 1 enjoying enjoyn 1 moon moonn 1 daughter duaghter 1 enjoyed enjoyd 0 anymore anymoe 1 west westt 1 cats catsss 1 avail availa 1 wonderful wndrful 1 reality reallity 1 refresh refreshen 1 can caan 1 awarded awarde 1 call caal 0 tomorrow tomarrows 1 mobile moblie 1 grandma grandpaa 0 directing indirecting 1 cut cuut 1 downtown downtownnn 0 tropes tvtropes 1 have haveee 1 cat caat 1 rainbows rainbowbeyss 0 progressive progessive 0 footing footin 0 comfy comfty 1 development developpement 1 juicy juicyy 1 faggot faggit 0 naked nakeds 1 inappropriate inapropriate 0 simon simones 0 is s 1 earlier erlier 1 millionaires millionairs 1 furniture furnitures 1 naked nakedd 1 rubbernecked rubberneckers 1 unexpected unexpectd 0 everyone evyone 1 anthropology anthropologie 1 motorcycle motorcyc 1 compel compell 1 sparklers sparklehorse 1 yummy yuuummmyyy 1 king kinng 1 suppression suppressant 0 goodies googies 0 beautiful beaultiful 1 followers fallowers 1 cigarettes cigaretes 1 dancing daaancing 0 sitting siitin 1 formation forumotion 0 kicking kiking 0 want wantr 1 balls baaalls 0 amazing hamazing 1 degrees 40degrees 1 want wantt 0 get gget 1 photo photoo 1 wireless wirelesshd 1 lazy laaazzzyyy 0 answer asnwer 0 wanted wante 1 wanted wantd 0 wanting wanti 1 reading readingg 1 bestseller bestsel 0 running runnin 1 kitty kittyy 1 behave bhave 1 manhattan manhatan 1 running runnig 1 objectives objectivism 1 thru thruuu 1 please pleeaaasee 1 objectives objectivist 1 christians christiansen 1 baby baaaby 0 likeable unlikeable 1 heck heckkk 1 taylor taaaylor 1 technologies technologi 0 cool cobol 0 watch iwatch 1 babe baaabe 1 pores porres 1 indianapolis indianapoli 1 harrison harrisons 1 furious 2furious 1 school schooll 0 tutorial tutori 1 damn daammnnn 1 rock rooockkk 0 definetly defs 1 wales waless 1 management managements 0 missouri missouris 1 mortgage mortgage11 1 smile smlie 0 latest latets 1 confirmed confirmado 1 stupid stupida 0 favorite myfavorite 1 sing siiing 1 sign siign 1 picture picturre 0 screw srew 1 preference preferance 1 stunning stuning 1 stupid stupidd 0 energized reenergized 0 nothing nothin 1 problems problemos 0 instrumentals intrumentals 0 wasted watsed 0 sorry sorryz 1 sorry sorryy 1 possessed possesed 0 windshield winshield 1 marketing marketin 1 behind beind 0 someone sum1 1 possesses posseses 0 harlequin eharlequin 0 buisness bzns 1 everything everyything 1 knowing knwing 1 dick dickk 1 shortlist shortlists 1 teaches teachs 1 teacher teachr 0 silicon silic 0 teaching teachi 1 teach teachh 0 teaching teachn 1 exercise exercis 1 these theeese 1 hungry hungery 1 teach teache 1 category categoria 1 absence absense 1 category categorie 1 sorry sorry2 0 sum sumt 0 cigarette ecigarettes 1 sorry sorry4 0 sum sumn 1 sum summ 1 striving strivin 1 sum sume 1 energy energ 0 fulfilled funfilled 1 scared scareeed 1 hamilton hamiltons 0 bye bubyee 1 fingering fingerin 1 fiesta fiestaaa 0 energy enery 0 perhaps pehaps 1 yes yesso 1 yes yessh 1 europe europeee 0 dictionary dicktionary 1 dating datingg 1 group grup 1 easy ezi 1 version verision 1 doing doooing 1 yes yesss 1 gals gyals 1 excellent excelent 1 outsourcing outsourcin 1 thirsty thirstyy 1 thirst thirstys 1 sick siickkk 1 francisco francsico 1 little litttle 1 snapping snapin 1 online onlne 0 artist artivist 1 listen lstnite 1 love lvoe 0 mayer mayers 1 street strret 0 indeed ndeed 1 riverside riversideee 0 sneakers snackers 1 someone someeone 1 privileged privilaged 1 officially ofically 1 career carer 1 central centara 1 palette pallette 0 officially 0fficially 1 someone 2someone 0 conferences unconferences 1 country conutry 1 johnny johnnyy 1 hairdressers hairdryers 1 stunt stunta 1 failure failureee 0 bitches biches 1 misery missery 0 missing missn 1 miss missh 1 care caree 1 toronto torontooo 1 missed missd 0 gasoline vasoline 0 makes makesme 1 probably problably 1 franchise franchis 1 abandoned abandonado 0 miss missz 1 miss missu 0 turning turnin 1 miss misss 1 wit witu 1 nightmare nightmareyour 1 pregnant pregnan 0 wit witd 0 currently kurrently 1 pregnant pregnat 1 wit wita 0 treats treators 1 witch witc 1 yahoo yhoo 1 appreciate aprreciate 0 assist assi 1 money moneeyy 1 ask assk 0 boobies moobies 1 asses asse 1 pause puase 1 live livee 1 jealous jelouse 1 unusual unsual 1 hallelujah haleluja 0 ass assx 1 monopoly monopoli 1 dirt dirtt 1 stocking stockin 1 ass asss 0 dirt dirts 1 create creat 1 disease disea 1 australian australasian 1 browsing browsin 1 celebrities celebritys 1 hilarious hilllarious 1 chris chrisha 1 was wsas 1 ministry minstry 1 finally finallyy 0 welcomed unwelcomed 1 praise praiseee 1 tornado tornato 1 freaking friggin 1 sometimes sometymes 1 fine finnnee 1 circumcised circumsized 0 worse worster 1 compel compells 0 alba albas 0 alba albar 0 blackberry blacberry 0 later laterrt 0 close closeby 1 later laterrr 1 o'clock 4o'clock 1 possible posible 1 peninsula penninsula 1 attachment attachement 0 jamming jamminnn 1 trick trickk 1 throw thorw 1 trick tricka 1 possibly posibly 0 bloodstream coldstream 1 today todaaayyy 1 send sennd 1 ahead aheaddd 1 cause causee 0 beware beward 1 jeopardy jepordy 1 halloween howloween 1 twins twinsss 1 responded respondido 0 server xserve 1 reason reson 1 responded respondida 1 metamorphic metamorph 0 cause causer 1 anderson anderton 1 north nort 1 christian christion 1 blackberry blackberrry 1 teaching teching 1 symptom sympt 1 consciousness conciousness 1 answering answerin 1 believe beilieve 1 introduce introduc 1 people pple 1 checking checkin 1 passing passings 1 answers awnsers 1 computer conputer 0 people ppls 0 understand undstand 0 people pplz 0 essential essencial 1 monies moines 0 commit recommit 1 love looovvve 0 nutritious nutricious 1 washington washingto 0 software bgsoftware 1 focus focusss 1 already alraedy 1 colleague colleage 1 thrust thrustin 1 hear 2hear 0 guitar guita 1 brother brotheeer 1 harsh harshh 0 guilty guity 0 crossroads xroads 1 head 2head 1 student studnt 1 revenge revengeee 0 refresh refesh 0 cameron decameron 1 remember rmembr 1 green greeennn 1 going goinngg 1 delete delet 1 aye aaayye 1 foreign forign 1 street stret 0 study studyb4 1 columbus colombus 1 fragrance fragrence 1 weather waether 1 buy 2buy 0 green greenidge 1 has hase 1 but 2but 1 has hasa 1 attendance attendence 1 lying lyingg 1 ring riiing 1 fully fuly 1 fault fult 1 thumbs thumbsup 0 goodness goodess 1 criminals criminality 1 brothers borthers 1 welfare wellfare 1 totally toatally 1 moms momsss 1 finally fianlly 1 twenty twent 1 counting countin 0 warrant warran 1 followers folllowers 1 aware awear 1 life lfie 0 romance romace 0 following followen 0 followers followes 1 ass aaasss 1 swear swaer 0 like lilke 1 then theeenn 0 first firts 0 silver silve 0 describe decribe 1 pack 6pack 0 tomorrow moro 0 parents gparents 0 saturday sadturday 1 albert albertus 0 guys uguys 1 superstructure superstructs 1 nintendo nintendo64 0 sterling easterling 1 drank drankk 1 dog doog 0 eleven levent 1 like liiek 1 chuck chuckk 1 happy haapy 1 companies compani 0 protector protetor 0 normal nomal 1 drank dranky 1 hiding hidinggg 1 socially socialy 1 kong konggg 1 because bacause 1 social sociall 1 abraham abrahamic 1 violence violance 1 month mnth 0 insurance autoinsurance 0 recruit recrui 1 distracting destracting 1 points ponts 1 sick sikc 1 spanish spansh 1 jungle jungleee 1 since sincce 1 instead insteaad 1 evil eeevil 1 hug hugg 1 blasting blastingg 0 simply simpy 1 equinox equinix 1 swing swinggg 0 simple simpe 1 complete cmplete 1 simple simpl 1 them theemm 1 moment momment 1 away awaaayyy 0 commit decommit 1 institute institu 1 breath breth 0 called icalled 1 privileged priviliged 1 timing timeing 1 johnny johnnny 0 appreciate preciate 1 cigarette cigarete 0 giggles joeygiggles 1 feeling feelinng 1 people peaple 1 cigarette cigarett 0 feeling feelinnn 1 exclusion exclusions 1 restaurant resterant 1 signed signd 0 signed signe 1 jordan jordans 0 everyone eveyone 1 resort resorte 1 shower showeerr 1 sign signn 0 wool wools 1 alarming alarmering 1 james jamesss 0 flurries mcflurries 1 although althoug 0 pepper peppe 0 fried refried 1 dangerous dangermouse 1 sabotage sabatoge 1 jordan jordann 1 right riiighht 1 think thinkkk 1 bending bendin 1 boxing boxings 1 thinks thinkks 1 but buuttt 1 follow folloooww 1 weed weedd 1 anthony anthonyyy 1 idol idoll 1 things 10things 0 recorded rerecorded 1 idol idola 1 opportunities opportunties 1 idol idole 1 abandon abandone 1 course coursee 0 reaction reactio 0 between betweens 0 too ttoo 1 season seasonnn 0 top ttop 1 shit shhiitt 1 anybody anybod 1 den dennn 0 listen litsen 1 thanks thanksto 0 graphics gfx 0 question quesion 1 slow sloowww 1 procedure procedur 1 chris chrissy 1 chris chrisss 0 resources resouces 1 backlog backloggery 1 flexible flexiable 1 occur occure 0 pennington kensington 1 everybody everbodys 1 low looow 1 wall waaall 1 orlando orlanda 1 walk waaalk 1 solar soular 1 talk talllk 1 longer lnger 1 months 5months 1 helicopter helikopter 1 electrical electricals 1 amazing amazinggg 0 treadmill dreadmill 1 on oonnn 1 antagonist antigonish 1 foundation fondation 0 wait awit 1 superstars superstorms 1 anything anythingrt 1 actually aactually 1 signed sighned 0 chicken mcchicken 0 tagging geotagging 0 reception decepticon 1 one 2one 1 approval aproval 1 theater theathre 1 goal goooaalll 0 ferry ferrys 1 jamaican jamican 1 similar simmilar 1 probably probabaly 0 horrible horribe 0 follow followher 1 brutal brutalll 1 find findd 1 cupcake cupcakeee 1 first firstt 0 equip equi 1 always alays 1 you y00 1 avenue aven 1 saying saing 0 half ahalf 1 else elseee 1 essay essayy 0 halloween hallowee 0 barely ibarely 0 bilingual trilingual 1 kindergarten kindergartner 1 halloween hallowen 0 cocktails coctails 1 approaching approching 0 licenses lifesciences 1 premium premuim 0 jay mjay 1 dedicated deticated 0 called ckalled 0 nobody nodody 1 chapel chapelle 0 mention mencion 0 exercises excersises 1 holy hoooly 1 pursuing persuing 1 perfume perfum 1 walls 4walls 1 conversations conversationhid 1 hole hooole 1 hold hooold 1 bringing brining 1 repeat reapeat 1 question qustion 0 heartbreak hearbreak 1 hey hhheeeyyy 1 organizations organisations 1 keyboard keybord 1 package packag 1 aggravated agrivated 0 performance peformances 1 white whiite 1 belong blong 0 organization reorganisation 0 bridge uxbridge 1 buried burried 0 welcome urwelcome 0 stabilizing destabilizing 0 last alst 1 happening happeneing 1 amazing amazazing 1 anatomy antomy 1 swirling swirlin 0 found ifound 0 bastard bastad 1 serious seriouss 1 coffee cofe 1 pull 2pull 1 prostate prosta 1 single singlet 1 singing singinnn 1 experience experince 0 gaming igaming 1 supposed supposedd 1 techniques techniq 0 please pplease 1 single singlee 1 hyperventilate hyperventilatio 1 holiday hoilday 1 sometimes sometimez 1 bearer barrer 0 happened happeed 1 lab labbb 0 princess pricess 1 church chuuurch 1 administrator administrato 1 unreal unreall 1 understand understandd 1 understanding understandi 1 sometime sometimee 1 understand understandn 1 wicked wickeddd 1 alive alivee 0 alive alived 1 hugs huugs 1 more morrre 1 stuffing stuffin 1 girls girlls 1 charles carles 0 printing iparenting 0 colored colorized 1 huge huuge 0 circle cicle 1 wrap wrapp 1 marriage marrage 1 much 3much 0 kindness kinkiness 1 government guvernment 1 town townnn 1 girl giiirrll 1 color collor 1 wrapped wrapd 1 spam spamm 0 dollars dollahs 0 lesbian lezbo 1 bash bashh 1 letters lettrs 1 awesome aweosme 1 sun sunnn 0 spam spams 1 feelings feelinz 1 separated seperated 1 everything eeeverything 1 coming comiing 1 hallelujah hallelujiah 1 really reeeaaalllyy 1 barely barelyy 1 separates seperates 1 pleasure pleasuree 1 drugs drugsss 0 sip sipn 1 unconscious unconciously 1 insanity insani 0 scratches stratches 0 silly sillyrt 1 welcome wolcome 1 taking takking 1 packing packinq 1 loud louud 1 competition compeition 1 while whileee 1 kids 3kids 1 sudden suddden 1 siblings sibblings 1 restaurant restaurent 1 michelangelo michelangelos 1 thinking thinkinn 1 mcdonald mcdonnalds 1 apparently aperantly 1 internal internat'l 0 clippers laclippers 1 sip sip2 1 heels heelies 0 safety safey 0 space myspacee 1 sorry sooorrryyy 1 put puut 0 cruelty mccruelty 1 hair hiar 1 himself himsellf 1 longest longestt 0 familiarly familiaisraellu 1 old olld 1 people pepol 1 digits diqits 1 wow wooww 1 supporting sportin 0 post xpost 1 monsters monsterss 0 paving repaving 1 medicare medcare 0 nothing nohing 1 productions produccion 0 portrait portait 0 genre gbgenre 1 counseling counselling 1 electricity electricty 0 energy nrg 1 nostradamus nastradamus 0 sexiest sexisbest 0 know tknow 0 gets igets 0 killing killinnn 0 na nanaa 1 more 3more 0 press presser 1 promise prooomise 0 devon delvon 1 worked wrked 0 brownies xbrowniesx 1 nan nanan 1 invisible invisable 1 brother broter 1 sec 3sec 1 constantly constently 1 expanded expander 0 office coffice 1 simple simpleee 1 fucking fukcing 1 miniature miniatur 1 captain captin 0 motorola motoro 0 accurate accura 1 attorney attorne 1 apologize aplogize 1 madagascar madagaskar 1 offending offendin 1 power power96 1 class claass 1 name nameee 1 yet yett 0 yet yets 1 guarantee guarentee 1 attention atttention 1 males maleeesss 1 ltd ltda 1 cheering chering 1 dollars 2dollars 0 captain captai 1 get geett 1 something samething 1 gets geets 1 game gaaame 0 sitting sitin 0 run irun 1 know kno 1 finally finalllyy 1 logo loogo 0 listing delisting 0 rosenberg cronenberg 0 thai thail 1 know knw 0 download downloa 1 people pepole 1 everybody everrrybody 1 description descriptionan 0 nanny nannys 1 dreams drems 1 gotten gottten 0 happy happry 1 taylor taylorrr 1 entrepreneur entrepren 1 instruction instructi 1 sleepy sleeepyy 1 joints jointss 1 retrieve retrive 1 here heeerreee 1 torrent torents 1 parents parenta 0 look ilook 1 thanksgiving thaanksgiving 1 er eerr 1 cuff cufff 0 miami aimia 1 someone somoene 1 although altought 0 aiming aimin 1 parents parentz 0 sociable socialable 0 countdown countown 0 melissa ellisa 1 embarrassing embrassin 1 ever evvver 1 hygiene hygeine 1 indonesia indonesiaa 0 fail phayl 1 million milliion 1 weeks 10weeks 0 norman nordman 1 spin spinn 1 put 2put 0 spring sping 1 internet interweb 1 alexander alexandru 1 slept slepted 1 guess gueess 1 acting actting 1 explicable explainable 1 because beucase 1 technologies technologie 1 summarize summarise 1 bunch bounch 0 earrings earrin 0 ping pingt 1 waiting wiating 1 sample sampl 0 traffic traff 1 ping pingg 1 reality realityyy 0 spelled mispelled 1 atmosphere atmostphere 1 school schoolll 1 unknown unknow 1 alone alne 1 along alng 0 license licen 1 baby baaabbyy 0 behavior behavi 0 theme themse 0 monsters monters 0 hacker haxer 0 second sencond 1 automotive automoti 0 markers biomarkers 1 today toodaay 1 barbara barbar 1 take taake 1 superman supermann 1 jealous jealos 1 deserve deservee 1 somewhere somehwere 1 ready readddy 1 deserve deserver 0 teach teachme 1 completely completelyy 1 nelly nellly 1 paper papper 1 superman supermans 0 birthday b'day 1 intramural intramurals 1 putting puttingg 1 down dooown 1 anything amything 1 scary scaaarrryyy 1 default defult 0 laden ladens 1 terrorist terrorista 1 remembering rememberence 1 trending trendingnow 1 interactive interactivity 1 speak spak 0 bank mbank 0 spain spai 0 opening openi 0 opened opene 1 opened opend 1 meaning meaing 0 reflex refle 0 peter peterlg 0 hammered shmammered 1 weeks 7weeks 1 sexy seeexy 0 jacket jacke 1 jack jacka 1 except excpet 1 person 1person 0 pee peepee 1 editing editting 1 hysterical histerical 1 stratified strathfield 1 guaranteed guarnteed 1 recruitment recruitmen 1 tropical tropicalia 1 comprehensive comprehensi 1 membership memebership 1 doing doiing 1 sentiment sentimen 1 soldiers soliders 0 tsunami stunami 0 character char 1 rest reast 1 grenade granade 0 marvelous mahvelous 1 works worksss 1 that thaat 1 cramps crampsss 1 reason reasn 0 reason reaso 1 decision decsion 0 ryan ryans 1 dogs doggys 1 baby baaabbbyyy 0 exactly exatly 1 fans fanss 1 dilemma dillemma 1 sons sonsss 0 insurance reinsurance 1 charger chrger 0 nasty narsty 1 longest longesttt 1 everyone everyonne 1 undeniable undeniabletv 1 advertisement advertisment 1 screen screan 0 feeling feelign 1 superintendent superintendant 1 million millionnn 1 grabbed grabed 1 longest looongest 1 bra braaa 1 that 2that 1 pneumonia pnuemonia 0 cleveland levelland 0 coming comiin 0 salt seasalt 1 shit shiat 0 berlin breslin 1 inches 9inches 1 apartments appartments 1 sleeping sleepings 1 sleeping sleepingg 0 wonder onder 1 upload uploaded 0 dinner lindner 1 snacks snackss 1 hurting hurtng 1 magically magicaly 1 everybody everbdy 1 traumatized traumatised 1 friend freind 1 almost almostt 1 coffee cofffeee 1 decisions decisionsss 1 know knooowww 1 almost almosts 1 excited execited 0 analytical bioanalytical 0 technical techinal 1 kansas kansa 1 emergency emergancy 0 whoever whoevers 1 please pleeaasee 1 bank bankkk 1 mcnaughton macnaughton 1 answered answeredd 0 veterans vetera 1 veteran vetern 0 reconnect netconnect 1 spaghetti sphagetti 0 poisoning poisonin 1 university universty 1 sweat sweatt 0 verizon verizo 0 jersey newjersey 1 slowly slowely 1 announced anounced 1 meeting meetingg 0 sweating sweatn 0 post ipost 1 announces anounces 1 that that1 1 automatically automaticluv 0 research soresearch 1 norton nortons 1 forget forgeet 1 adam adma 1 comparison comparisson 0 chile chilena 0 tuberculosis bieberculosis 1 bed 3bed 1 influence influance 0 that thatm 0 than thatn 1 plus 2plus 1 that thath 1 parties parites 1 that thate 1 make makee 0 that thatg 0 would ould 1 that thata 1 make makea 1 official oficial 0 pinpoint spinpoint 1 that thaty 1 playing playinng 0 auction aucti 1 that thatt 0 makeup makeu 0 market maket 0 that thatr 1 show shoowww 1 sleep slleep 1 must muuust 1 pillow pilliow 0 cinema cineminha 1 mango manggo 1 mines minesss 1 quickest quickiest 1 driving drving 0 really rerally 1 ox oxox 1 tomorrow tomorrwo 0 nexus nexu 1 immense immence 1 blonde blondies 1 days dayyys 1 baby babi 1 actual actuall 1 snack snacky 0 props approps 1 actual actuals 0 scenario senario 0 william williamhill 0 losing losin 1 actually actualy 1 documentary documentarian 1 costumes customes 1 blah bllaahhh 1 forecast forcecast 1 irritating irriating 1 alex alexey 0 joining joinin 1 dreams dreamsz 1 customized customed 1 confession confesion 0 ladyfinger badfinger 1 dreams dreamss 1 jakarta jkarta 1 listening listeniing 1 power pwer 0 anyways nways 1 nearly nearl 1 chilling chillingg 1 chilling chillingz 1 near nearr 0 nearly neary 1 cheeks cheekies 0 hardware hothardware 0 allen palen 1 intelligence intelligenc 0 discounts dicounts 0 surname usernamee 1 procure procurem 1 success sucess 1 procure procurei 1 everywhere everywher 1 thinking thinkking 1 smile smiiile 0 sad sosad 0 southeast southcoast 1 mornings morningside 1 facebook fcbk 1 notice notcie 1 realize realizee 0 richard richar 1 acquisition acquisiti 1 extremely extreeemely 0 news hnews 0 snowboarding sandboarding 1 talking taalkin 1 against aganist 1 bored borde 1 directed directd 0 thing thign 0 running bruning 0 caribbean caribe 1 director directo 1 directly directl 1 direction directi 0 followers fallower 0 pathetic pathedic 1 positive posotive 1 apple aple 1 successful succesfull 1 asia aasia 1 noise noisee 1 unnoticed unoticed 1 conversation conversationali 1 really reaallyyy 0 young youg 1 team teammm 1 stopping stopin 0 lambert glamberts 1 snacks snaks 1 stay staay 0 deserve derserve 1 playstation playstations 1 overall overal 0 footwear footwears 1 star staar 1 disappearing disappering 1 stall staal 1 warning warining 1 prospect prospec 0 departure depature 1 waiting waithing 1 smacked shmacked 1 realized realizd 1 important importante 1 misfits misfitsss 1 fireworks firewrks 0 should shouldof 1 important importantt 1 important importants 1 trying trrying 1 booked bookd 0 since sicne 0 parents parets 1 book bookk 1 freezing freeezing 0 book bookm 1 cutest cuuutest 0 basketball baketball 1 everywhere evrywher 1 stuffed stufffed 0 worlds pcworlds 1 you youu 0 house henhouse 1 liking likings 1 burlesque berlesque 1 truly trully 1 properly propperly 1 mindbogglingly mindboggling 1 birthday birthdy 1 homosexual homosex 1 way wwaayyy 1 things thingsz 1 birthday birthda 1 voice voooice 1 default defualt 1 things thingss 1 halloween hlloween 1 therapeutic theraputic 1 lady laday 1 opportunities oportunities 0 mainframe mindframe 1 tomorrow tomrro 1 yummy yummmay 0 lovely loverly 1 book book1 1 catch catc 0 priceless precies 1 stressful stresful 1 tomorrow tomrrw 1 end ennnd 1 appreciated apreciated 1 chill chilll 0 chilling chilln 1 register registar 1 project porject 1 chilled chilld 1 repeat repeate 1 hard haaarddd 0 chill chillz 1 repeat repeatt 1 believe believeee 0 hand khand 0 leak letak 1 bored boreeed 0 healthy heathly 1 games gaaames 1 marijuana marijuanna 1 seriously seriouslyy 0 exclusive excusive 0 grow regrow 1 takes takess 1 enjoying enjoyin 1 good go0od 1 residential residental 0 extract exacttarget 1 everything everythinggg 1 memory memmory 1 beautiful beautifuuulll 1 trailers terlaris 1 triple tripple 1 embarrassed embarased 1 recommendation reccomendation 1 more mooorrreee 0 thanks kthankss 1 ill iwill 0 learned leanred 1 commenting commentin 1 interested intereste 1 interested interestd 1 interesting interesti 1 interesting interestn 0 making naking 1 two twoo 0 attention attetion 1 wins winss 1 gay gayy 1 graffiti graffiti6 0 bishop ishop 1 worry worr 0 tonight tonighh 0 week weekje 0 tonight tonighr 0 everywhere errwhere 0 tonight tonighy 1 tension tensioner 1 movie moviiee 1 turquoise turquiose 1 drink drinkkk 1 herald hearld 1 whoever whoevr 0 lounge mlounge 1 movies moviies 1 kisses kissus 1 bitch bitcchh 1 vibes vibesss 1 planned plannned 1 finish finsh 1 violated violateddd 0 discover outdiscover 1 subliminal sublimal 1 crazy craazzzy 1 stitches stiches 1 consists consisteth 0 can icaan 0 sometimes someimes 0 trying tryinn 1 stitched stiched 1 institute instit 1 thanksgiving thanksgivinq 1 beautiful beauitiful 1 scott scottt 1 disaster dissaster 0 scott scotts 1 rainbow rainboww 1 thunder thunderin 1 graffiti grafitti 1 about abotu 1 tap tapp 1 nursing nursin 1 terminal terminar 0 riding ridinn 1 very verryyy 0 happy sohappy 1 mattress matress 0 instead grinstead 1 echo echooo 1 homecoming homekoming 0 change changeup 1 ring ringg 1 express expres 1 reduce 2reduce 0 anna ananda 1 worship worshippin 0 few fews 1 maverick mavrick 1 traffic trafficcc 1 few feww 0 stuff stufs 0 copying copyin 1 skyline skyliners 1 counseling counsellin 0 least adleast 1 time tiiime 0 opportunity oppotunity 1 retarded retared 0 pictures pitcures 0 just sjust 1 skinny skinnyyy 1 strengthen strengthener 0 wallpapers wallpape 0 reconstruct deconstructs 0 taking taakin 1 always alwayys 1 vietnam vietnams 1 where wherre 1 nicole nicoleee 1 bricks bricksss 1 bath bathhh 0 excellent exellent 0 smith nesmith 1 depressing deppressing 0 reminds remids 0 feel feellike 0 once onces 1 staring starinq 0 dean deanda 0 once onced 1 once oncee 1 closing clossing 1 in iinnn 1 hour 8hour 1 seriously seriousely 1 again aagain 1 tomorrow tommmorow 1 bristol bristow 1 ham hammm 1 martin martn 0 hammer hamme 1 thanksgiving thanksgivig 1 writing writin 0 cut icut 1 themselves themselve 1 thanksgiving thanksgivin 1 philadelphia philadelpia 1 compare compareee 1 wearing wearning 1 anniversary anniversale 1 themselves themselvs 1 tomorrow tommrrow 1 homicide homocide 1 homophobic homophob 0 fucking uckin 0 immediate immedi 1 life liifee 1 bananas bannas 1 codeine codiene 1 pray praaay 0 saying sayyin 1 sweet sweet16 1 sweet sweet17 1 excluding excludin 1 tried trieeed 1 became bcame 0 calling kalling 1 smoking smokinggg 1 afterward afterdark 1 aggravating aggrevating 1 planet plannet 1 semester semestre 1 hair haiirr 1 governments goverments 1 nieces neices 1 bigger biggerr 1 glow glowww 1 stupid stpid 1 really reaaallly 1 holiday holidaaay 0 completely kompletely 1 motherfucker motherfukers 1 crossing crossin 1 contour contourhd 1 give giive 0 nowhere knowhere 0 never never3d 1 halloween halloweeenn 1 thursday thursdy 1 tattoo tattoe 1 calligraphy caligraphy 1 thursday thursda 1 paul paull 0 wings ewings 0 broadcaster roadmaster 1 picking pickin 1 broke brokeee 1 waking wakingg 1 tattoos tattos 1 today twoday 1 really rellly 1 same saame 0 sending resending 1 indeed indeeed 1 males muales 1 experience experien 0 imaginable unimaginably 1 dear deaaar 1 functionality functionalities 1 power powr 1 bracelet braclet 1 represents representers 0 fag phag 1 when wehen 1 shannon shanon 0 power powe 1 appreciate apriciate 1 burning burninggg 1 staring stairing 1 clock clockk 1 cents 25cents 1 revealed revelead 1 craving cravinggg 1 fifteen fifteeen 0 streets arstreets 1 department departemen 1 england englandd 1 scaring scareing 0 enter nter 1 when wen 0 cytoplasm ectoplasm 1 honoring honouring 1 england englands 0 liberal neoliberal 0 excitement xcitement 0 whatever wev 0 field enfield 1 diarrhea diarea 1 addiction addicition 0 racist racis 1 acting actiin 1 pie piee 1 archaeological archeological 1 piece piec 1 diaries diares 0 competition ukcompetition 0 offerings ioffering 1 presentation presentaion 1 probably probally 0 michigan michiga 1 pennsylvania pennsylva 1 smell smeeell 1 mcdonald mcdonal 1 visitors vistors 0 becoming becomi 1 assassination assasination 0 barbarian theebarbarian 1 scattered scatterd 1 present presentat 1 nuts nutsy 1 client clientel 1 nuts nutss 0 traveller travler 1 drunkenness drunkeness 0 collaboration kollaboration 1 clients clientes 1 massachusetts massachusettes 1 traveled travled 1 canceled cancled 1 home hoime 1 kids kidds 1 contest contesten 0 country xcountry 1 kid kiddd 1 largest 18largest 1 contest contestes 0 bought ibought 1 move moove 0 kidding kiddn 0 kidding kiddi 1 constitution constitucion 1 just jussst 0 router routers 1 boyfriend boyfirend 1 biology biologi 1 homework homewerk 0 allen allenby 0 alright aite 0 more mmore 1 roulette roullete 1 swimming swimminq 0 problem prolem 1 sneaking sneeking 1 character charachter 1 information informationname 0 way iway 1 cold cooollddd 0 airport airpo 0 was iwas 1 jersey jeresy 1 killing killng 1 letters letterz 0 everyone eeryone 0 awkward arkward 1 awareness awarenss 0 rapping rapppin 1 from frm 1 freezing frezing 0 portland spotland 0 peter petert 1 bundle bundl 1 peter peterr 1 popping poppinq 1 private privatee 1 years yrs 0 husband husba 0 asshole assholery 1 following fllowing 1 exist exsist 1 crap craaapp 1 defending defendin 0 everywhere everywheres 0 comics rwcomics 0 pro upro 1 awkward awwwkward 1 pendants pendan 0 biologists mixologists 1 freezing freezzzing 0 mature inmature 1 joke joooke 1 motherfucker motherfuckerrr 1 place placee 1 evidence evidenc 1 amazing amaaazing 1 basically basiclly 1 problem problen 1 authorities authoritie 0 nursery nursey 1 think thiinkk 1 nursery nurser 1 aim aiiim 1 cigarette cigaratte 1 platinum platnium 0 hell thehell 0 goodwill goodwills 1 characters charachters 1 apartment apartemen 0 customer cutomer 0 nothing notthin 1 steak steakkk 1 should shoould 1 choices chocies 1 dot dott 1 something s0mething 0 requirement recruitement 0 following follow'n 1 butter buttter 1 worthwhile worthwile 0 available aviable 1 carlton charleton 0 planning plannin 1 planning plannig 1 automotive automative 1 enlightenment enlightment 1 happen happpen 1 laying layingg 1 definitely deffinitley 1 slut sluut 1 fuck fuuck 1 yeah yeaah 0 murder muder 1 actual acctual 0 yea yeaas 1 year yeaar 1 saturday saturdat 0 cooperate coopera 1 chiropractic chiropracter 1 apparently apparrently 0 work twork 0 straight scraight 1 intimidated intimadated 1 bottles botttles 1 mastercard mastercam 1 creative creatief 1 porn pornn 0 worst worts 1 sup suup 0 swapping swappin 1 blowing blowinggg 1 wrote worte 1 neighbors neighbours 1 finger fingerr 1 spill spil 1 sun suun 1 sum suum 1 throat thoart 0 porn porns 1 ladies laides 1 system systeem 1 cerebral cerebal 1 hesitation hesitatin 0 license licsense 1 inspiration insperation 1 stupid stuiped 0 homemaker homemakeover 1 flags flagss 1 radio radiio 1 more 9more 0 work hwork 0 pittsburgh plattsburgh 1 jealous jalous 1 hair haiiir 0 comment cmt 0 kissed ikissed 1 flocks flockas 0 sleeping sleeing 1 machine machinee 1 bong bonggg 0 seeing seenin 1 depressed depresssed 1 melbourne melbournian 0 lesson lesso 1 sometimes sometimees 1 freezing freezin 1 pitiful pittiful 0 worst wosrt 0 eh weeehhh 1 lessons lessions 1 sometime sometimeee 1 brooklyn brokelyn 1 serious serouis 1 reversible reversable 1 hollywood holllywood 1 meaning manninggg 1 nasty nasstyy 1 equally equaly 1 damn dman 0 tommy tommys 1 shirtsleeves shortsleeve 0 season seaso 0 laughed ilaughed 0 regular regula 1 having hving 1 format formatura 1 welcome welcommme 1 smarter smartwater 1 home homme 1 stress stresser 1 actually acctually 1 studying studiying 1 perfect perfecttt 1 better bettterr 0 indescribable undescribeable 1 certificate certifica 0 brother bro 1 incorporate incorpora 1 sister sisster 1 drinking drinkingg 0 not unot 1 paul paaaul 1 bored brd 1 exactly exactl 0 snap osnap 0 sam saram 0 excess excelsis 1 please plox 1 displaying displayin 1 exactly exacty 0 lithium linthicum 0 society societys 0 trying tryin 1 eyes eyeeesss 1 nonsense nonsenses 1 unfortunate unfortunat 1 nice niicceee 1 over ooover 0 have ihave 1 camera camra 1 course coures 0 sometime hometime 1 stirring stiring 0 thanks tnx 1 holidays holidayss 0 here ere 1 making makking 1 village vilage 1 road raod 1 year 9year 1 anytime anytimes 1 mean meeeaan 0 report repor 1 procrastinating procrasinating 1 strangely strangelove 1 anytime anytimee 1 baseball basebal 1 supplying supplyin 1 happy happay 1 providing providi 1 buddies budies 1 diaries diariesss 1 nut nutt 1 actually actualyy 0 fries frites 1 cancel cancle 0 shaking shakin 1 journalists jornalista 0 sweepstakes tweetstakes 1 recovered recoverd 1 actually actualyl 0 cocktails mocktails 1 head heaaaddd 0 abolitionists evolutionists 1 wisdom wisedom 1 chinese chines 0 should sshould 1 product productiv 1 bare baree 0 worshipping worshipin 1 dumb dumba 1 custom customi 0 render remender 1 dumb dumbb 1 barely barel 1 restaurants restauranteurs 0 business buiness 0 politically holistically 1 respect respct 1 attempting attemping 0 reformer edreformer 1 finally finaaalllyyy 1 please plllease 1 kills killss 0 would wouldst 1 homeless homless 0 sniffing snifflin 0 wool woollen 1 video viddeo 1 diagnosed diagnos 0 together togeher 1 halloween hollaween 1 concerts conserts 1 seconds 12seconds 1 them 4them 1 guys guyyys 1 alright alrigth 0 anymore enymore 1 pretty pretttyy 0 themselves emselves 1 paranormal paranornal 1 middle middel 1 lover luver 1 illegal ilegal 1 appreciated apperciated 0 whatever wudev 1 teeth theeth 1 dude duddeee 0 smash kasmash 1 coffee coffea 1 crotch crotchal 1 drink drinnk 1 competitive competive 1 love loive 1 sharpener sharpner 1 disappointing dissappointing 1 year 7year 1 sauna suana 0 have lhave 1 wish wsih 1 mommy mommmy 1 devastating devasting 0 feed feedz 1 mom mommma 0 throughout thruout 1 together togheter 1 search serach 1 cute cuuute 1 vitamins vitamines 1 self slef 1 florida florda 0 sleep slee 1 northwest northwes 1 appreciate apreci8 1 volcano volcanoe 1 sleep slep 1 getting getitng 0 let slet 0 supposedly supposly 1 chris chrissie 1 camping campaining 1 believers biliebers 0 waterfront wavefront 1 traffic trafic 1 language launguage 1 confusing confusinggg 1 collection collecti 0 ornaments pornaments 0 parties arties 1 fix fixx 1 orchestra orchester 0 fix fixs 1 proponent propone 1 investment investmentweek 1 gorgeous gorgeousss 0 machines emachines 1 bored borred 1 uniform unifrom 1 fixed fixd 1 girls giirls 1 laughing luaghing 1 fix fixa 1 richardson richardsons 1 experimental experimentin 0 expressed unexpressed 0 partner patner 1 rocks rooocks 0 school toschool 0 excited unexcited 1 scandal scand 1 problem problemrt 1 entrepreneurs enterpreneurs 1 this thhis 1 alpha alllpha 0 mania maniax 1 spring sprin 1 forever forevar 0 sure isure 1 samples samplesale 1 talking talikin 0 decent decen 1 collapse collapsus 0 another anothet 0 consider cosider 0 practice pratice 1 looked loooked 1 waiting waitng 0 brilliant brillia 1 ha haaha 0 friend dogg 1 when whennn 0 dodge doge 0 morning monring 1 accepted acepted 1 up uuppp 1 down doowwwnnn 0 interesting intesting 1 sick siccck 1 shout shotuout 1 ultra ultrahd 1 their theiir 1 waste wastee 1 parties partiess 1 clubbing clubin 1 paradise paradize 1 nuts nuuuts 1 performed preformed 0 because becauce 1 sexy sexxyy 0 guilty guily 1 foundation foundati 1 funny funnyyy 1 entire entired 1 them theeem 1 content contente 1 fixed fixedd 1 they theeey 1 super supeer 1 single singleee 1 passed passedd 1 lazy lazyyy 0 secured unsecured 1 intrigued intruiged 1 indonesia indonesi 0 through trought 1 volleyball volleybal 0 gravity gravi 1 chronic cronic 1 ridiculously rediculously 0 stretches streches 1 opened openned 1 often oftenn 1 maybe maybee 0 really ireally 1 neither niether 0 stretched streched 1 influence infulence 1 reserve reserva 1 starts startsss 1 disturb disturbe 1 action actionaid 0 reproduction preproduction 1 recommend recomiendan 1 problem probleeem 0 popping popppin 0 tailored tailormade 1 operator operat 1 empty emptyy 1 lens lensa 1 storyteller storytellin 0 lebanon lebanons 1 lens lense 0 damn dddamn 1 panel pannel 0 unique uniques 0 bottles 1bottle 1 followed follwoed 1 hackers h4kz0r5 1 blackjack blackrock 1 marketing marketings 1 guts gutss 1 moving moveing 0 phoenix phoeni 1 necklace neckalace 1 cinnamon cinammon 1 believe beleive 0 y'all y'alls 1 hanging hangingg 0 emotional emo 1 democratic democratics 1 conspiracy conspiracy89 1 silvering silverline 0 whatever w/e 1 time tiiimmmee 0 drunk runk 1 trying triyng 0 payment payvment 1 headache headahce 0 comfortable umcomfortable 0 dehydration rehydration 1 optimum optimus 1 paper papaer 1 fake faake 1 cancel cancelar 1 sorry sorrryy 1 throwing throwning 1 cookies coookies 1 refresher refrescar 1 narcissist narcisist 1 tonight tongiht 1 speaking speeking 1 scandal scandle 0 supposed sppose 1 angry angryyy 1 babe babae 1 baby babay 1 revealing revealin 1 happiness happpiness 0 abstention robstenation 1 calls callsss 1 superstar superstores 0 kissing kissin 0 orange oragne 1 film fillum 1 favorite favirote 1 dies diess 0 reliable relateable 1 northampton northhampton 1 favorites favoritas 1 cents 5cents 1 legs legsss 1 awake awakeee 1 food fooddd 1 equivalent equivelent 1 disappeared disappeare 1 disappeared disappeard 0 interview inteview 1 louisiana lousiana 1 faded fadeddd 1 darn daaarn 0 outfit oufit 1 please pleze 0 me mmeee 1 questions questons 1 vacation vacaton 1 medicine medicene 1 marketing marketting 0 scissors sissors 1 administrative adminstrative 1 dark daaark 1 jobs jobss 1 point 2point 1 ton tonn 1 hate hattte 0 marley markley 0 you j00 0 junction juction 1 just justtt 1 subscribe subscrip 1 smashed smasheddd 1 message mssg 1 hi hhhiii 0 sleeper sleepover 1 subscribe subscrib 0 bishop bisho 1 heavy havy 0 supportive unsupportive 1 intervention intervencion 1 existed exsisted 1 shout shoutie 0 rather rathered 0 fucker fukr 1 opinion oppinion 0 shouting shoutin 1 comfort comfor 0 rumors armours 1 ends endsss 0 ruling rulin 1 word wooorrrd 1 morning mornnning 1 excited exctied 1 sometimes sometines 1 drums drumset 1 favorites favoritesss 1 particular perticular 1 going gng 1 months 12months 0 said ssaid 1 success succes 0 sucker succer 1 thursday thursdayy 0 merger demerger 0 continued cont 1 apartment appartement 1 billion 6billion 0 con conf 1 everyday everydaay 1 gonna gonnnaaa 1 octagon octogon 1 fly flly 1 where wheeere 1 unfortunately unfortunally 1 scary scarryy 1 patience paitence 1 annual anual 1 fuck fukc 1 birthday birrrthday 0 florida followfriday 1 park parkkk 1 transfer transfe 1 halloween holloween 1 transform transfo 0 quitting quittin 1 when wheen 1 record recorddd 1 finally finalyy 1 inside insideee 1 watercolors watercolours 1 traffic trafficc 0 too ttooo 1 insiders insider42 1 traffic traffick 1 hell heyll 1 where wheer 0 ant hant 0 musicians musicas 1 drunken drunkin 1 nick niiick 1 congratulations congrats 1 gorgeous gorgouse 1 spring springgg 1 proceeded preceeds 0 prospectus provectus 0 them htem 1 musician musican 1 secrets secretsss 0 jogging joggin 1 cute cuutee 1 negro negor 1 aggressive agressief 0 thanks thanka 0 thank thankn 0 drama kdrama 1 million 50million 1 thank thankk 1 alright alrightie 1 tradition traditiona 1 one onnee 0 friends afriend 0 should shoud 1 spinning spinking 0 should shoul 1 wondering wndering 1 tenants tennants 1 league leage 1 park parkk 1 much muuuchhh 1 typical tipical 1 fail faaaiiilll 1 league leagu 1 oppression opression 1 decided decieded 1 talking talkiin 1 packing packin 1 tired tiredd 1 specific specif 0 coolest cooles 0 motherboard motherload 0 nights nighs 0 tired tireds 1 darling daarling 1 anyways anywaysss 0 christmas chrismtas 1 eggs egggs 1 banging banggin 0 holiday hoiday 1 females femles 1 motherfucker motherfuckas 0 gets getsz 1 microsoft microsof 1 confusing confusinq 1 gets getss 1 suppose supoose 1 puberty pubert 1 maze mazee 1 fucking fucckin 1 bored bord 1 great greaaattt 1 cherry cerry 1 putting puting 1 laptop lappytop 1 asking askinn 1 school scholl 1 physics physicsss 0 courtesy coutesy 1 roll rooolll 1 entertainment entertainmen 1 pee peee 1 funding fundings 1 off ooofff 1 thinking thinkinng 1 duncan duncans 1 entertainment entertainmet 0 affairs affai 1 spiritual spritual 1 opinion opin 1 disappearing disapearing 1 dollars 20dollars 0 remembered unremembered 0 stranger stanger 1 clipping clippin 1 downloads dwnloads 1 addicted addicited 0 anything enything 1 service servise 1 ill iiilll 1 perfect prfct 1 wasting wastinq 1 unsuccessful unsucessful 1 sucked suckeddd 0 exactly exaxtly 0 creative accretive 1 focus focous 1 invitation invation 1 attack atttack 1 favorite favourte 1 threshold threshhold 0 spinning spinnin 0 berlin berli 1 alright alirght 1 guarantee garentee 0 overboard hoverboard 1 universal univeral 0 penis p33n 1 bitches biiitches 0 closed geclosed 1 ridiculous ridculous 0 ugly ungly 0 maximum maximun 0 monster iamonster 0 fucking fuckign 1 exact excact 1 grocery groccery 1 village villiage 1 ways waaays 1 prayers prayes 1 way waaayy 0 adventures aventures 1 y'all ya'lll 0 hear ihear 0 front nfront 0 factor refactor 0 enough eough 1 about aobut 1 awake awaake 1 cries criesss 0 subscribers subcribers 1 updates updats 0 costume kostume 1 hem hemmm 1 media mdia 0 bridge brigde 1 everybody eeverybody 1 song songg 1 song songa 1 thanks thnkss 1 bed bedy 0 breakfast mcbreakfast 1 ages ageees 1 cupcakes cupcakery 1 treatment treatmen 0 making amking 1 house houuuse 1 hello heeelllooo 0 soccer socceram 0 revival rivervale 1 tuition tutition 1 heels helles 1 wow wwoww 1 advantage advantag 0 millionaire billioniare 0 good ggoood 1 crush chrush 1 broken brokn 1 corporate corperate 0 heartbeat heatbeat 1 threads 2threads 1 gig gigg 0 stunning stunni 1 couple cople 0 lager alsager 0 recording recoding 1 drinking dranking 1 mountain mountin 0 grounds newgrounds 1 annoying annoyinggg 1 hugged huged 1 huge hugee 1 actually aktually 0 packing repacking 1 mall maall 1 holy hollyyy 1 candlelight candelight 1 smith smithh 1 popping poppingg 1 good gud 1 your yuor 0 happens happends 1 you yuou 1 sol soool 1 soon sooon 0 saved isaved 1 stuck stuckin 1 fuck fuuuck 1 happened happendd 1 turned turnd 0 turned turne 1 iron iorn 1 collect colect 0 breaking reaking 1 which whiich 0 justin ijustine 1 fine foine 1 okay oaky 0 fashion fashio 0 think ithink 1 yes yyeess 0 deficit defici 1 exercise exercize 1 wearing waering 1 electrical electrica 0 popping popinn 1 electric electrics 1 bang bangg 1 tomorrow tommorw 1 banged bangd 1 you yoouu 1 tylenol tylenols 1 banging bangn 1 officially oficially 1 screaming screamin 1 nevada neveda 1 goal gooaaalll 1 lasting lastin 1 whats whtas 1 sending sendinq 1 tomorrow tommoro 1 dress drees 1 extreme extre 1 where whwere 1 photography photograp 1 head heeead 1 corinthians corinthiansss 0 fuck phuxor 1 bitches biiitchesss 0 facebook fbk 1 soft softt 0 soft softs 0 saying saayin 1 wonderful wonderfulll 1 bigger bigr 0 big bigs 1 crush crushs 1 atlanta atlantas 0 mentality centrality 1 crush crushh 0 thingamajigs singamajigs 1 big bigo 1 crushing crushn 1 announcement announcemen 1 commercials commercializati 1 big biga 1 big bigg 1 biscuits buiscuits 1 apologize apoloqize 1 exhibition exhibiton 1 nebraska nebraskas 0 naturally natually 1 ignition ignitor 1 template templat 1 private privateee 0 bench bencher 1 serendipitous serendipitously 0 transexual trani 0 pumpkin pumkin 0 expensive spensive 0 calculator caculator 1 prepare prepar 0 defeated defeate 1 studio studio23 1 drifting driftin 1 system systemone 0 battery lowbattery 1 boycott boycot 1 global globaltv 0 chris chis 1 hangover hangovr 0 chick chik 1 chi chih 1 chi chii 1 chill chil 0 outside outide 1 misinterpreted misinterpretati 1 building buildng 0 incredible allieincredible 1 recently recentl 1 taking takingg 1 time timmme 1 especially espescially 1 economic economi 1 lean leean 1 spreading spreadn 1 description descriptionyou 1 spread spreadd 0 knowledge knowle 1 recent recents 1 link liink 0 team iteam 0 worth worthed 1 whether weither 1 line liine 1 yeah yeaahh 1 bullshitted bulllshittt 1 oops ooopss 0 damper dampener 1 without wthout 0 nose noser 1 wandering wanderings 0 justin jutin 1 american amercian 1 holland holand 1 nose nosee 1 folks folksss 0 laugh laff 1 girlfriend grilfriend 1 perfume purfume 1 sorry sowrry 1 stills stils 1 synergistic synergistics 0 asked aked 1 approve approv 1 high highhh 1 elements ellements 0 leaving leaviin 0 still stilk 1 underwear underware 1 roommates roomates 1 december decemberrr 1 sports sportsouth 0 lying lyin 1 spurs spursss 1 afraid affraid 1 sisters sistren 1 follow folllooww 1 slack slackn 0 know noe 1 opposite oppsite 0 multiple mutliple 1 walking waliking 1 creative creativ 1 slim slimmm 1 here heeerrre 1 magazine magazin 1 increases increaseth 1 discoloration discolouration 1 one ooonnneee 0 yea yeag 0 airport fairport 1 police policee 1 fantastic fanytastic 0 tank tankian 0 yea yeam 1 replace replac 1 were wereee 1 interesting interestingg 0 yea yeak 1 night nightty 1 honestly honestlyyy 1 candidate canidate 0 yea yeaz 1 nasty nassstyyy 1 team teamm 1 comes comees 0 unbelievable unbeweaveable 1 hopefully hpefully 0 thinking thikin 1 permanent perminent 1 forgetting forgettin 1 earlier earliar 1 pudding puding 1 last laaast 0 bar ibar 1 years 17years 1 dizziness dizzyness 1 yes yyyeeesss 1 weather wheather 1 feel feelll 0 bad ibad 1 true trueee 1 gadgets gadgetwise 0 leave ileave 1 liverpool liverpoo 1 scary scarry 1 grandpa grandpapa 1 shit shiyt 0 survival survivable 0 baked unbaked 0 romantic romanic 1 singapore singaporeee 1 tomorrow tomorroo 0 shopping shopin 1 fallout fallout3 1 dynamite dinamite 1 person persoon 1 mention menti0n 1 tomorrow tomorroe 1 tomorrow tomorror 0 tomorrow tomorros 1 jeopardy jeapordy 1 flick flickin 1 sterling sterlings 1 returning returnin 0 investment reinvestment 0 organizing reorganising 1 inspiration inspirator 1 hum hummm 1 inspiration inspiraton 0 fashion fahion 1 attention atention 0 marrying marryin 0 okay wokay 1 rangers rangersss 1 penis pns 1 lay layyy 0 satisfying satifying 1 police polce 1 brain brainn 1 appearance appearence 0 english inglish 1 appreciate appreciatee 1 sore soree 1 apple applee 1 remember remmbr 1 professionals professionalz 0 assignment reassignment 0 apples appler 0 running runnnin 0 for sfor 0 should youshould 1 pink piiink 1 looks loks 1 fucks fuckss 1 look lokk 1 holidays hollidays 0 jasmine jasmi 1 patrol patroller 1 nobody nbody 1 summers summerside 1 scratch scartch 1 disney disneeey 1 controversy controver 1 satellite satellit 1 walking wlaking 1 authorizing authorising 1 september septiembre 1 underwear underwears 1 graffiti graffitti 1 incentives incentivized 1 america americo 0 homepage homegame 0 very verdy 1 immature imature 0 family fanmily 1 congressional congressdaily 1 even evnn 1 for fooorr 1 williams walliams 1 text teext 1 cannabis canabis 1 compliance complian 1 famous famus 0 excuses exuses 1 stormy stormys 0 models modelers 0 worker woodworker 1 brussels brussells 0 lets llets 1 forever ferever 1 colleague collegue 1 training traning 1 day daay 1 yeah yeeeaah 1 understand undersatnd 1 another 1another 1 dam daam 1 while whilee 1 saturday staurday 0 atlantic theatlantic 0 vocal vocalis 1 ideological idealogical 1 everybody eveerybody 1 signing signing20 1 professional professionalwa 1 understand undertand 1 nice niiicee 1 appalling apalling 1 empathy emphaty 0 seen seent 1 seen seenu 1 another antoher 1 cleanse clense 1 kettle ketel 1 released releasedate 1 bait baitt 1 seen seena 1 seeing seeng 1 send seend 1 assuming asuming 1 christian christiania 1 seen seenn 0 laying layin 1 jump 2jump 0 douchebag dbag 1 networks networkers 1 home hoem 1 make maaake 1 hope hoep 1 episode episdoe 1 dollar dolllar 0 battlefield castlefield 1 opening oppening 1 stupid stupiiddd 0 punch puncher 1 colors colours 1 suspected suspecte 1 knows knowws 1 know knowww 1 attire atire 1 fifty 59fifty 0 fairness infairness 1 him hiiimmm 0 bored unbored 1 exercise exercisin 1 message massege 0 gift girft 1 hurt hurtt 1 because b'cause 1 undergraduate undergarden 0 aces hacees 0 monica monicas 1 nil nill 0 sausage snausages 1 monica monicaa 1 ha hhaha 1 fighting fighitng 1 resident residen 0 inspired inpired 1 cosmos cosmoss 1 flawless flawl3ss 0 word wordrt 1 harboring harbouring 1 attached attachd 0 attached attache 1 baby babbyyy 1 insolvency insolvencies 1 have hve 1 britney britne 1 britney britny 0 thrive thrivent 1 temper tempra 1 damage damag 1 forever foreveeerrr 1 managing managin 0 social geosocial 1 fuck fuuuccck 1 person personrt 1 unnecessary unneccessary 1 eating eatinng 1 aggression aggressions 0 forehead horsehead 1 pin pinyin 0 everybody eveybody 1 fourth fourt 0 alert aert 1 forum fourm 1 installation instalation 1 lay laay 0 fantastic fanastic 0 wink winkz 1 wink winky 1 bullshit bullshitin 1 wish wisshh 1 wink winkk 1 original orignial 0 heads headsup 0 scrub scub 1 twice twicee 1 explain expla 1 semester sememster 0 anyways nyways 0 recess reeses 1 absolutely absoloutley 1 cool cooolll 1 permanent permament 1 stealing stealin 1 class clss 1 err eerrr 1 inches 3inches 1 getting getiing 1 close clse 1 hilarious halirious 0 miller camilleri 1 amusement amusment 1 irresistible irresistable 0 bagpipes bagpiper 0 letting letin 1 blast blaaast 1 bored borrred 1 irresistible irresistably 0 almost amlost 1 dates datess 1 hers hersss 0 southern souther 1 plagiarism plagiarised 1 talking taaalking 1 networking netorking 1 metaphysical metaphysically 1 rap rappp 0 tax taxs 1 greetings greetingz 1 kevin keviiin 1 chance 4chance 0 career kareer 1 trees treees 1 europe europ 1 irritating irritatingg 0 instead unstead 1 deleting deletingg 1 dramatization dramatisation 0 man mman 0 version versi 1 gonna gonnn 0 screen onscreen 1 appearance appearanc 0 swift swif 0 dirty dity 1 diet dite 1 weird weirrrd 1 measurements measurments 1 ditch ditc 1 proper propper 1 delightful delightfull 1 codeine codein 1 swiss swis 1 everything everyrthing 0 crossing icrossing 1 appliance applian 1 shit sheiit 1 either eitherr 0 either eithers 1 wisdom wisdoms 1 scholastic scholastics 1 boy boooyyy 1 launching launchin 1 capital captial 1 captain captian 1 telling teeling 1 deeply deeeply 1 pending pendingg 1 argument arguement 1 exposure exposer 1 republic repubblica 1 war waaarrr 0 motherfucker mothafucker 0 texting txting 1 unlock unlocker 0 cool kwl 0 isfahan esfahan 0 might mightnt 0 worship tworship 1 wedding weding 1 australia austalia 0 perth xperthr 0 pants mypants 0 missing smishing 1 february februrary 1 birmingham birmingh 1 hater h8t3r 0 leather leatherette 1 overall overrall 0 economically ergonomically 1 peace peacee 1 feet 6feet 1 crying cring 1 thessalonian thessalonians 1 caribbean carribean 1 sounding soundin 1 contextual contextualize 1 election electn 0 charger chager 0 changes chages 0 backgrounds backrounds 1 secret seceret 1 mac maccy 1 breakfast 4breakfast 0 changed chaged 1 mac maccc 1 stabilization stabilisation 0 relationship relashionship 1 sensitive sensetive 1 bachelor bachlor 0 background backroundd 1 short shorttt 0 ah raahhh 1 idiot idiottt 1 college collegeee 1 allergy allergie 1 today tody 1 indiana indianas 1 boring boringer 1 fuck fuuuckkk 0 earlier ealier 1 sure surrreee 1 progress progressin 0 pittsburgh shitsburgh 1 montana monatana 1 favorite favourtie 1 bitter bittter 1 status satus 0 not nnot 0 departing deepthroating 1 shake shakeee 0 now nnow 1 best bessst 1 because becasue 1 chris chriis 1 school skewl 1 best besst 1 mind minnd 1 emailing emailin 1 corporate corporately 1 awesome awesme 1 min minnn 1 matt maaattt 1 out ouuttt 0 sandals jandals 1 crossed crossd 0 college colle 1 cold colld 1 fool fooll 0 stop sstop 1 fooled foold 1 fool fooly 1 princess prncss 1 core core2 1 follow foolw 1 registry registro 1 syphilis syphillis 1 volkswagen volkswagens 1 much muuchh 1 sexiest sexest 1 queer q33r 1 netherlands nederlands 1 monthly montly 1 queens queeens 1 illustrated illustrat 1 trek trekk 1 tomorrow tomrow 0 cinematic cinemagic 0 volcano volca 1 himself himslf 1 actually acutally 1 and aaanddd 1 core coree 1 lightweight lightweigh 1 resolution resoulution 1 perfection 33perfection 1 relationship relatnship 1 cousin cousn 1 degrading degradin 0 cousin cousi 0 restraining crosstraining 1 accreditation accreditations 1 intercepts interspecies 1 cracks craks 0 filming fiming 1 months monts 1 addition adition 1 appreciate apprecia 1 elizabeth elizabeths 0 escape exscape 0 surprised surpised 0 books bookers 1 sucker suckerrr 1 daniel danielly 1 making makiing 0 thoughtful thoughful 1 interface interfa 1 everything everythingrt 1 number nmbr 0 surprises surpises 1 daniel danielll 1 brighton brightons 0 industrialize deindustrializa 1 beautiful beutiful 1 commercial comercial 0 pyramid pyramind 1 body boddy 1 anything anytng 1 colored coloured 1 participating participatin 0 mechanic mechan 1 decided decidd 1 campus campusss 1 gorgeous goregous 0 obnoxious abnoxious 0 nap anap 1 pronounce pronounciate 0 monday mondaays 1 princess princesas 1 affair affiar 1 and anad 1 cousin cosin 1 starting startin 1 colorful colourfull 1 medium meduim 1 realistically realisticly 1 streets streetz 0 reality realitys 1 reality realityy 0 free freeed 0 necromancer neuromancer 0 unicorn runcorn 1 way wwaaayyy 1 leaving leeeaving 1 badgered badger32d 1 availability availibility 0 motivating demotivating 0 should should't 1 nobody nbdy 0 daily aily 0 point pointrt 0 topping toppin 1 questions questionsss 1 policeman policemans 1 buddy buddyy 1 vampires vampiros 1 should should'a 1 sponsoring sponsering 0 pacific pacif 1 track trackk 1 glasgow glasgows 1 skinned skinneded 1 cold colddd 0 wasted schwasted 1 who wwwhhhooo 1 tonight 4tonight 1 bored boreeedd 1 loser losser 1 arguments argumental 1 based basd 1 hammered hammrd 0 genesis vsgenesis 1 aggravated aggervated 1 wonderful wonderfu 1 inspired inspirer 0 rooms romcoms 0 just jjust 1 mate m8t 1 official officail 0 mates m8s 0 invented inveted 0 shitting shitttin 1 contact contct 1 long loonnggg 0 reading readig 1 none noneee 1 towels towles 1 formula formul 1 rabbits rabits 1 alone aloooneee 0 church churchrt 1 straight straightup 1 bite biite 1 loose looose 1 pending pendin 1 document documental 1 documentary documentar 1 casino casin 1 butterflies butterfliess 0 mobile mobileme 1 eternal eternals 1 problems problms 1 brainstorm brianstorm 1 paperwork paperworks 0 involve envolve 1 nan nanaon 1 vietnam veitnam 1 fight fighttt 1 passing pasing 0 everybody every6ody 1 scary scaary 1 girls grils 0 confidence cofidence 1 subscribe subscibe 1 after aftr 1 dead deaddd 1 halloween halooween 0 after afte 1 remember rememmber 1 propaganda propagandhi 1 publicize publicise 0 bandage bandpage 0 fear phear 0 another anoth 1 come commeee 1 jihad jihadi 0 mcdonalds mcds 1 bus busss 1 myself myseelf 1 stick stiick 1 bust busst 0 positioned repositioned 1 busy bussy 0 family sgfamily 1 thanks thnkks 1 sharks sharkies 1 blunt blunnt 1 okay ohokay 1 kinds kindsa 1 profile prfile 1 becoming bcoming 1 mobilize mobilise 1 fail faiiilll 0 discussing dicussing 1 intoxicated intoxicatin 1 favorite favortite 1 role roleee 0 forgot fgot 0 pendant penda 1 mischievous mischevious 1 everything evertyhing 1 mode modeee 1 something smethin 1 long looongg 1 referring refferin 1 because bcuz 1 o'clock 3o'clock 1 clarinet clarinex 1 boobs booboos 1 miss misssh 1 hero heroe 1 system systeme 0 different differet 1 jakarta jakartaaa 1 hero heroo 1 system systemm 1 hero heroi 1 sing siing 0 cutting cutin 1 founders founderz 0 project proje 1 surprises surprizes 1 introduction introdution 0 paving pavin 1 different differen 0 laying layyin 1 believe belieeve 0 geologist sexologist 1 evening eveninq 1 peter petter 1 them theemmm 1 commodities commodit 0 sex cex 1 stronger strongerrr 0 bike ebike 0 software sofware 1 knocking knockin 1 stephanie stephanies 1 blessed blesd 0 describes desribes 1 sucks sucksss 1 fairly fairl 1 fair fairr 0 problems prolems 0 oops ooopp 1 speechless speechlesss 1 about abaout 1 boyfriend boyfrined 1 driver driverrr 1 smile 2smile 0 portfolio eportfolio 1 but buutt 1 studio studiooo 0 documentary mockumentary 1 heaven heavn 1 barrel barrell 1 played playedd 1 sigh sigghh 0 medication midsection 0 trend tremendo 1 punctuation puncuation 1 snoring snoringgg 1 talking talkking 1 live livvee 1 camping campin 1 house housee 1 moves movesss 0 activists hacktivists 0 earned earne 1 earned earnd 1 confetti confettis 1 texts textsss 1 love lovvveee 1 losing losingg 0 earning earni 1 statements statments 1 frankfurter frankenfurter 1 apparently apparentl 0 appoint appoi 0 executioner mexicutioner 1 hate haate 1 apparently apparenty 1 america americaa 1 where wehre 1 waiting waititng 0 affordable afforable 1 madness madnes 0 gynecologist oncologist 1 knickerbocker knickerbockers 0 canvas canva 1 crap crapp 1 shocker shockerrr 1 pas pasos 1 crappy crapy 0 commerce ecommerce 0 respiratory respitory 1 once onceee 0 nelson donelson 1 priceless pricelss 1 hundreds hundres 1 remedial remedials 1 sarcasm sarchasm 1 counselor counsler 1 raw raww 1 rehearsal rehersals 1 loved lovedd 1 permanent permenent 1 accessory accesory 0 rock rawk 1 flow flowww 1 vision vision1 1 great gret 1 want wannttt 1 wish 2wish 1 processing processin 0 screw scew 1 norwegian norweigan 1 greensboro greensborough 1 usually usaly 1 green gren 0 jackson jakson 1 those thoseee 1 express expressin 0 afternoon aftnoon 1 organic organi 1 presentation presenation 1 favor faavor 1 commitment committment 0 morgan morga 1 deleting deleteing 1 world wooorlddd 1 temperature temprature 0 quantitative quantitat 0 singing sining 1 dunno dunnoe 0 lurking plurking 1 dunno dunnoo 1 oops ooopsies 0 army barmy 1 dunno dunnow 0 topic hottopic 0 sneak sneakin 1 now nooowww 0 vomit vomitted 1 foolish fooolish 1 blinking blinkin 0 packed repacked 1 equivalent equivilent 1 category 1category 1 santa snta 0 apologies iapologize 1 digital digtal 1 physics physick 1 freshman freshuman 0 physical physica 1 thanksgiving thanksiving 1 components componen 1 generalizing generalising 1 giants gints 1 sudden suden 1 celebrate celebratee 1 wow wwoowww 1 known knwn 1 know knwo 1 heaven heavenn 1 refer referr 1 headband headbangs 0 sewing sewin 1 when wehn 1 hello heelloo 1 government governemnt 0 busy buszay 1 knows knws 1 michelle mechelle 1 tomorrow tomro 1 hangar hanggar 1 christmas christas 0 screaming creamin 1 zone zoneee 1 ridiculous redicilous 1 queen quen 1 wanna wanaa 1 queue queu 1 quiet quet 1 criticizing criticising 1 tomorrow tomrw 1 wanna wanan 0 feeling feelg 1 stupid stupiidd 0 control icontrol 1 feel feell 0 feeling feeln 1 shoot 1shot 1 replaceable replacable 1 pictures picutres 1 struck struc 1 internships interships 0 transfer xfer 1 struggle strug 0 true strue 1 must musst 1 lay 2lay 1 boss booss 1 buying buyingg 1 violence voilence 1 celebrity celebritie 1 depressed depresed 1 sometimes sooometimes 0 integration intergration 0 saturday sarurday 0 burke burkes 1 shuffling shufflin 1 deluxe delux 1 gifts gfts 1 times 7times 1 locally localy 1 loss losss 1 closed closd 1 absolute absaloute 1 pictures picturez 1 smells smellls 1 have havve 1 those thoses 1 disappointing disappointin 1 those thosee 0 county countys 1 told tolld 1 picture picturee 1 become bcome 1 somewhere somwhere 0 missing missinn 0 effect effec 1 missing missinq 1 made madeee 1 heights hieghts 1 local local6 1 experiments experimentar 1 okay ookaay 0 laboratory collaboratory 0 supered supered86 1 accept acept 0 bitches bitchfest 1 decorating decoratin 0 everything eerything 0 wrote iwrote 1 forgot forgotted 0 survey suvery 1 teddy tedddy 0 would owuld 1 positively positivly 1 really reeaall 1 subsidized subsidised 1 rumble rumbleee 0 need ineeed 1 fin fiiinnn 1 listings lastings 1 merry meery 1 chick chiiick 1 earth earthhh 1 finished fineshed 1 thanksgiving thankgivin 1 destruction destructor 1 therapy therapyyy 0 threatened threated 0 ah laaahhh 1 mistaken mistakin 1 tenants tennents 0 healthy healthyish 1 intention intension 1 moment momnt 1 entertainment entrenamiento 1 like leik 0 glasses qlasses 1 love 3love 1 hugs huggsss 1 sexy sexxay 1 kisses kissess 1 appreciate aprecciate 1 favor favooorrr 0 patch pach 1 sponsor spons 1 devastated devistated 1 pissed piseed 1 babies babbies 1 britney brittny 1 sponge spong 1 election electio 1 australian austalian 1 electric electic 0 exhausted xhausted 1 hart haahart 1 wanna wnaa 1 burn burrnnn 1 aggression agression 1 granny grany 1 pointing ponting 1 leaves leavess 1 blah blllaaahhh 1 digital digitale 1 fat fattt 1 outsource outsourcers 1 brings bringss 0 black blaclk 1 chips chipsss 1 wow wo0ow 0 sports easports 1 cookie coookie 1 sorry sorrry 0 motherboard mobo 1 resolve resolveu 1 mob mobb 0 cooking coookin 1 loves loveees 1 consistency consistence 0 play iplay 1 school schhool 1 mouse mouseee 1 incumbent incumbant 1 older olders 0 wow owww 1 delicious deliscious 1 loved loveeed 1 technologies technlogies 1 silly sillay 0 resistance rezistance 0 interviews inteviews 1 devastating devastatingly 1 faster fasteeer 0 abortion obortion 1 beard beared 0 love ilovee 0 loved iloved 1 superbowl superbowls 1 kings kingss 1 colleagues colleages 0 college collegen 1 warehouse wharehouse 1 hungry hunngry 1 ha hhahaaa 0 street thestreet 1 wait wiat 1 smash smashh 0 showing showinn 0 smash smashn 1 everyday everydaaay 1 writing writein 0 sexy secksea 1 game gaame 1 otherworldly otherworld 1 dangerous dangerouss 1 party parrrty 1 showing showinq 0 bye kbyee 1 overreaching overarching 1 fresh freeesh 1 although altough 1 inappropriate innapropriate 1 random randoms 1 cleveland clevelan 1 friend firend 1 bare baare 1 attitude attitiude 1 december decembr 1 economists economis 0 corner coner 0 collect icollect 1 memories memoriesss 1 wishing wishingg 1 lip lipp 0 alcoholic acholic 0 school achool 1 december decembe 1 years 9years 1 smile smiiileee 1 january januaryyy 1 umbrella unbrella 1 area areaaa 1 awkward akward 0 assistant assista 1 babe baybeee 1 negative negativee 1 scared scaredd 1 besides besidess 1 boyfriend boyfrend 0 man gman 1 game gmae 1 positions postions 1 sleek sleeky 0 background bgd 0 would wouldnt 1 withdrawals withdrawels 1 birmingham birming 1 papa papua 1 developer developper 0 would wouldna 1 this thiiisss 0 handsome hansome 1 bed beedd 1 call caaalll 1 spaghetti spagethi 1 definitely deffinently 1 clock clockkk 1 computer computerrr 1 wrong wrongrt 0 renowned renowne 0 silence scilence 1 consistency consistancy 1 institute institut 1 disbelieves disbeliebers 1 something somethang 0 brown dbrown 1 sumptuous sumptous 1 institute institue 1 shannon shannnon 1 something somting 0 slapped snappped 1 enough enoughhh 1 going goiong 1 highway hiiighway 1 crazy craaazzzyyy 0 arguing agruing 0 earning ellearning 0 ranger erlanger 1 uncertainty uncertainity 1 remember reamber 0 internalizing externalizing 0 garlands sugarlands 0 newbie noobz0r 0 testing jetsetting 1 face faace 1 watch watchhh 1 automotive automotiv 0 arkansas aransas 1 everyday everydays 0 ugly ulgy 1 fucking fckin 1 everyday everydayy 1 favorite favoriiite 1 everyday everydayb 0 also ialso 0 calculated recalculated 0 going goign 1 time 2time 0 procurement eprocurement 1 between btwn 1 find 2find 1 arabic arabica 0 need uneed 1 authorities authoriti 1 winding windin 1 categorize categorise 1 welcome welcomert 1 inviting invitin 1 studying studyin 0 subscribe resubscribe 1 issues isues 1 smile smilee 1 category categorytv 1 enhance enhanc 0 combs mccombs 1 recession rezessionen 1 seven svn 1 jennifer jenifers 1 fucker fcukery 1 happens happenz 1 milk millk 1 fuckers fcukers 0 okay hokay 1 milwaukee milwakee 1 times 6times 1 shiny shinyyy 1 girlfriend girlfrend 0 dean denman 0 place placert 1 responsibility responsibil 0 funk funck 1 correctly corectly 1 enforcement enforcements 0 teeth teeths 1 first firstrt 1 like lke 1 accurate acurate 0 jay bjay 0 ashley cashley 1 teeth teethh 0 what hwhat 0 owned powned 1 stuttering stutterin 1 presented presenteert 0 minnesota minnesnowta 1 hat hihat 0 candles mccandless 1 gotta gotttaaa 0 justin jjustin 1 cash cashs 0 telling tellinn 1 pussy pussyy 1 hurricanes hurricans 0 actually iactually 0 love lloovvee 1 macaroni macroni 1 help 2help 1 fulfilled fullfilled 0 though thoughrt 0 georgia geogia 0 landlord randlords 1 believe beliebe 1 estimates estimat 1 eggs eggsss 0 daniels mcdaniels 1 secretary secratary 1 letters leters 0 detective dectective 0 queen queenbee 0 almost lmost 0 caught icaught 0 classics dcclassics 1 terrible terribleee 1 bleed bleeed 1 gen gen4 1 pretty preety 0 so sssoo 1 broccoli broccolis 0 outside ouside 0 lucky luckely 1 beautiful 2beautiful 1 weird weeeiiird 1 true truueee 0 rings irvings 1 reckless recklesss 1 percent 20percent 1 become becom 1 twitter twitter3 0 thankful 'mthankful 1 conversion convers 1 fisherman fishermens 0 capricorn capicorn 1 genre genr 1 obviously obviouslyyy 1 triple triple52 0 vacancy vacan 1 forth fourthh 0 missed imissed 1 stomach stomac 1 handful handfull 1 eng enggg 1 flow flooowww 0 managing managi 1 managed managd 1 tenant tennant 1 ideas ideias 0 hustle hussle 1 friday fridy 0 championship chamionship 0 answered aswered 0 world iworld 1 employees employess 1 difference diffrence 1 listened listene 1 conception concepcion 1 october oktober 0 fridge fride 0 sam isam 1 league legue 1 eco ecoo 1 chips chippies 1 project projecttt 0 already aleady 0 getting gettin 1 envy envyy 0 saw isaw 1 network newtwork 0 sat isat 1 couple cuple 1 me meeh 0 wearing wearin 1 transport transporta 1 concert concertin 0 downloaded dloaded 0 wearing wearig 1 lawyer lawer 1 leopard lepoard 0 actually acually 1 cold cooolldd 1 homework homeworkk 1 birthday birrthday 0 fantastic phantastic 0 even ieven 1 millionaire millionair 1 link linky 1 prioritize prioritise 0 india yindia 1 linked linkd 0 ever iever 1 gallery galery 0 linking linki 1 link linkk 1 watched wtched 0 relationship relastionship 1 anything anythinggg 1 burgundy burgandy 1 sharp sharrrap 1 parliament parlimen 1 pray pray4 1 amazing amazingrt 0 have ihavee 0 cool kewel 0 fuck farg 1 tonight toonight 1 link link2 1 note noteee 1 anniversary anniversry 1 interview intervie 0 far farn 1 smells smeells 1 smell smeelll 1 stressed streesed 1 far farr 1 interview interviw 1 absolutely abosolutely 0 magnanimous macknanimous 1 liter 2liter 1 native nativ 1 shower showeeer 1 follow folllow 1 favorite favouritee 1 school scool 1 other otehr 0 singer siger 1 pray prayy 1 favorites favourites 1 perfume parfume 1 including includinq 1 costumes costums 1 freestyle freestyl 1 pink piink 1 president presidentes 1 monday mnday 0 made amde 0 fashion fashionshow 1 material materiality 0 adam amda 1 featuring featurin 0 question cuestion 1 deck deeeck 0 enjoy ienjoy 1 appendix apendix 1 birthday birthhday 1 shooting shoting 1 segment segement 0 mountain mountai 1 dancing dancin 0 classifieds iclassifieds 1 temporary temporar 1 mad maadd 1 made maade 1 technology technologys 0 fail phail 1 morning morniiing 1 blessed bless'd 0 manhattan manmathan 1 initiative intiative 1 lightning lightnin 1 shameless shamless 0 necessary nessesary 1 kilometers kilometres 0 kidding jkidding 1 everyday everydy 1 everything evrytin 0 cute ckute 1 candles candels 1 naughty naugty 1 please 3please 1 down doowwwn 0 watched rewatched 1 university universite 1 sliding slidn 1 university universiti 1 mushroom mushrooom 1 though thouggh 1 worse wrose 1 with witha 1 fly flyy 1 worst wrost 1 confused confuzed 0 water warter 0 greatest grestest 0 arlington adlington 1 five fiveee 1 word wordd 1 maximize maximizer 1 freezing freeezingg 1 possible possble 1 cigarette cigarrette 1 harassed harrased 1 time time2 1 hours 13hours 0 calling calin 1 depression depresion 1 claim calim 1 flammable flamable 1 caused causd 1 intelligent intellegent 1 people peoople 0 watch wach 1 innings inngs 1 talented taleneted 1 hunting huntingg 0 mat amatt 0 math amath 1 preparing prepairing 1 improvisation improvisational 0 myself yself 1 embarrassed embarasses 1 riders raidersss 1 flipping fliping 0 muscle musle 1 blah blahhh 1 sleeping sleeepin 1 funky funkay 1 time timei 1 enter 2enter 1 time timee 0 question guestion 1 telephone telephonin 1 time timea 1 lunch lunccch 1 necessary neccesary 1 fertilizer fertiliser 1 airborne airborn 1 randomized randomizer 1 hitting hittingg 1 confused confusd 1 fertilized fertilised 1 fucks fucksss 1 auction acction 0 so soso 0 satellite satelli 1 getting gettiing 1 hankering hankerin 1 damn daaammmnn 1 engagement engagment 1 wow woow 1 saying saaying 0 defender bitdefender 0 lang lamang 0 broken boken 1 listen listen2 1 feet 3feet 0 ironic unironic 1 anymore anyymore 1 innovation innovati 0 travel trave 1 burn burnnn 1 list listt 1 chelsea chelseas 1 xmas 4xmas 1 listen listn 1 list listi 1 treating treatingg 1 participate partcipate 0 listed liste 1 listed listd 0 fuck fruck 1 best besttt 1 promise prmise 1 grilling grillin 1 better beeter 1 francisco franscisco 0 update ngupdate 1 comparison comparaison 1 crescent crescenta 1 conversation conversati 1 weird weeird 1 raining raning 0 loyalists globalists 1 daddy dadddy 0 teaching reteaching 1 behind behiind 1 moments momentss 1 congressional congression 1 connections connextions 0 affirmative rodger 1 life liife 1 fame fameee 1 pissed pished 1 surrounding surroundin 1 girls girlies 1 portland portlander 0 times nytimes 1 thing thiing 0 electronic eletronic 1 think thiink 1 exciting excitinggg 1 michelle michellle 0 discount discou 1 duly duely 1 claimed clamed 1 announcement announceme 0 egocentric eurocentric 1 disco discoo 1 university univercity 0 misery missterray 0 your ure 0 battlefield littlefield 1 attention attentio 1 river riverrr 1 believer beliver 1 believes belives 0 index inde 1 higher higherrr 1 calvin calvins 0 yours urs 1 believed belived 1 gonna goonnna 1 guess gess 1 chronicles chronicleby 0 paint mspaint 1 particular particula 1 themselves themseleves 1 wants wantsto 1 over oever 1 halloween halloweenie 0 dreamer dreamgear 1 aye ayee 0 everybody everyody 1 grammar gramar 1 grams gramas 0 made imadee 1 commissioner commisioner 1 aye ayeo 0 activism hacktivism 1 talking talkingg 1 follow folllooow 1 misunderstand misunderstandin 0 activist hacktivist 1 separately seperately 1 awesome awsomeee 1 talking talkings 0 respectful direspectful 1 males maleesss 1 settlement settlemen 1 burning buring 1 surprise surpriseee 1 something somethimg 1 first fiiirst 1 ha hhhaa 0 poker pppoker 1 tunnel tunel 1 feeling feeelingg 0 slime slimer 0 slime slimes 0 avatar avata 1 spending spendng 1 talking talking2 1 jokes jkes 1 feelings feeelings 1 truck truckk 0 aaron faron 1 cramps crampss 1 officially officiali 0 appropriate approriate 1 officially officiall 1 operator operater 1 o'clock 8'oclock 1 peeling peelings 1 caring caringg 1 gremlins grimlins 1 officially officialy 1 orlando orlan 1 film flim 0 wonderful wonerful 1 miscarriage miscarraige 1 humiliation humilation 1 sleep slleeep 0 shaved unshaved 1 kicking kickinq 1 vibrating vibratin 1 makeup makup 1 retarded retardedd 1 experience experiencia 1 sleepy slepy 1 kicking kickinn 1 please pleeeaaase 1 experienced experiencin 1 limit limitt 1 fashioned fashioneds 1 hit hitt 0 limited limite 1 aaliyah alliyah 1 hit hite 0 suddenly suddely 0 hitting hitn 1 advance advnce 0 followers newfollowers 0 afraid afaid 0 strong srong 1 university universitas 0 spite inspite 1 great greaaat 0 conscious consious 1 friday frday 0 hopeless phoneless 1 erase erasee 1 americans americanista 1 juvenile juvenille 1 cute cuuteee 1 maybe mayybee 1 roommate roomate 1 paradise pardise 1 impressed impresed 0 carlton carlmont 1 archaeologists archeologists 1 that tthat 1 shoulder shoulderr 1 museum musem 1 circuit circut 1 shoulders shoulderz 1 sleeping sleepying 0 hollywood nollywood 0 humidity huminity 1 attract attrac 1 studying studing 1 supposed supposted 1 yes yyess 1 television televison 1 learned learn'd 0 surfing smurfin 1 dream dreaam 1 streets streetsss 1 life laife 1 wanna wwanna 1 progress progressiva 1 guys guyysss 1 fabulous fablous 1 seriously serisously 0 simon simons 1 comet cometa 0 compete comete 1 free frrreee 0 science sciene 0 liverpool livpool 1 trouble trouuuble 1 science scienc 1 extrovert extraverts 1 welcome welcom 0 broadcasting podcasting 1 sleeve sleve 1 partner partn 1 part partt 1 steal steall 1 stealing stealn 1 months 2months 0 relation relatio 1 much muuuch 1 hopefully hopefulyl 1 phoenix phoniex 1 preview preveiw 1 completely completelly 0 steal stealz 1 phoenix pheonix 0 drown drownd 1 she shhe 1 seventeen seventeeen 1 advocate advocat 1 washington washingtonthe 1 cleveland clevland 1 montage montagem 1 multiply multiplyin 0 wardrobe wadrobe 1 part part2 1 part part3 1 part part4 1 part part5 1 part part6 1 part part7 1 someone 4someone 1 part part9 0 news newsx 1 excited excided 1 annoyed annoyedd 1 distance distanc 0 mane almane 1 factory factorys 1 collecting collectin 1 day daii 1 collection collectie 1 collective collectif 1 factory factoryy 1 well 2well 1 weather weater 1 text texxtt 1 highest higest 1 snowboard snowboar 1 collective collectiv 0 rainbow raibow 1 sentences sentances 1 admitted admited 0 dunno idunno 1 news newsa 0 world kmworld 1 seems seeems 0 lesbian lesbia 1 kenny kennny 1 buddies buddiess 1 bottom bottome 1 zombie zoombie 1 others otheres 1 petition petiton 0 newspaper newspape 0 division divisio 1 bouquet bouqet 1 crystal crystalll 0 really rearly 0 whipping whipin 1 bottoms bottomz 1 nikki nikkii 1 recommending recomending 1 something simething 1 fucks fuckks 1 anymore anymre 1 anticipate anticipa 1 taliban talibanwave 1 lifting liftin 1 service srvis 0 misty mistys 0 complicated compicated 1 gangster gangsterr 1 fucked fuckkd 1 winning winninggg 1 plus 5plus 1 ram rammm 1 fuck fuckkk 0 karen kmaren 1 battered batterd 1 more morree 1 thriller thrillerween 1 massage massge 1 coming comeing 1 account accounttt 1 doomed dooomed 0 visual visua 1 success successs 0 homosexual homo 1 criminal crimina 1 fresh freshe 1 family fammily 1 atlanta atlantean 1 fresh freshh 1 aggravating aggrivating 1 fan fannn 0 chat tchat 1 obsolete obselete 0 bullshit bullsh 1 telling tellingg 1 fans fanns 1 suspicion suspicio 1 often oftenly 1 fair faaair 0 acne bacne 1 anyone ayone 1 electronic electronical 1 deadly deadl 1 verizon verizons 1 idiot idyat 1 fail faaail 1 hands handds 1 motherfucker motherfucka 1 weakness weaknes 1 upcoming upcomin 1 nice naice 1 addicted addicteddd 1 mud mudd 0 nikki nikkis 1 number numberrr 0 cot cocot 1 dragging draggn 1 fuck fuuucckk 1 opportunity oportunity 0 facility facili 1 drag draggg 1 republican r3publicans 1 nasty naasty 1 previous pervious 0 torture tortue 1 using usuing 1 rich riich 1 sorry sorrryyy 0 obviously obviouly 1 approximately approximatly 0 bitch bitxch 1 parade parede 1 oxygen oxygene 1 unconscious unconcious 1 bismarck bismarchi 0 everyday everyyear 1 terrible terrrible 0 whats whatsup 1 weekend weekand 0 table itable 0 told itold 1 announcements anouncements 1 animation animotion 1 look 2look 1 suck succk 1 such succh 0 hunting untng 0 impatient impaciente 1 throughout throughtout 1 marylander marylanders 1 it itit 1 flashing flashin 1 humping humpin 0 beaten beate 0 kisses kissez 0 breath beath 1 vanguard vangaurd 0 yourself yourse 1 roll roolll 1 beat beatt 0 appeal apesal 1 beauty beaty 0 judgement judgemental 1 swear sweaar 1 yours yourss 1 visiting visitin 0 grandson lgrandison 1 bitches bitchhess 1 together togather 1 teenage teeenage 1 neighborhood neighbourhood 1 bullshit bulllshiiit 1 always alwayyys 1 cold coooldd 1 function functionn 0 straw staw 0 wanted iwanted 1 everybody evrybdy 1 logs loggs 1 seriously seriousli 1 themselves themeselves 1 staff staf 1 state stae 0 mac imac 1 stall stal 1 enjoy enjoyyy 1 stake stak 1 packed packd 1 amazing amaaazinggg 1 penalized penalised 1 company compny 1 dude duuuddee 1 seriously seriouslyyy 1 cancers concealers 0 collapsed collasped 1 day daaayyy 1 penetration penetrator 1 well weeell 1 excited exciited 1 frozen frozzen 1 space spaceee 1 wallpaper wallpapper 0 blown blowned 1 minutes 50minutes 0 elegant elega 1 consistent consiste 1 solution soultion 0 confused cofused 1 inch 7inch 1 attempt attemp 1 lives liiives 0 class classrt 1 shout shooout 0 attempt attemt 1 baby bayb 1 hero herooo 1 sore sorre 0 day bdaaayyy 1 sucks sucksz 1 pathetic patheticcc 0 special 5pecial 1 shed shedded 1 swear swar 1 bud buddd 1 bay bayy 1 hands handsss 0 signed sined 1 crater crathern 0 there tthere 1 texts textss 1 harry haryy 0 voice voie 1 voice voic 1 disney disneyy 1 actually acctualy 0 disney disneys 1 hide haide 0 christian khristian 1 subsidizing subsidising 0 assists assisitr 1 long looonnngg 0 presence prescence 0 anymore nemore 1 found founnd 0 simpson simson 1 thought thouqht 1 dying dyinggg 1 beginning begininng 0 circulated uncirculated 1 jamming jaming 0 battery batterys 0 intervention wintervention 1 battery batteryy 1 body bodyyy 0 matchmaking watchmaking 0 nip bnip 1 storms stormers 1 cried criedd 1 episode epiosde 0 understand undastand 0 indeed indeedly 1 confusing confusin 1 rosenberg rosenburg 1 problem probelm 1 whatever whateveeer 1 fuck fcuk 1 messenger messanger 1 guys guysss 1 months 13months 0 whatever meh 1 borrow borow 1 concur concour 1 organs organges 1 faces facesss 1 analysis analisis 1 lean leeean 1 antiseptic antisemitic 1 running runninggg 1 checked check'd 0 scopes scoopers 1 nice nicccee 1 vintage vintagey 1 forgot frgot 1 crazy crrrazy 1 comfortable comfortabl 1 lord lourd 1 enterprise entrepr 1 hello helloo 1 block blaylock 0 anesthetic kinesthetic 0 mean amean 1 achievement achivement 1 slice slicee 1 fantasies fantastis 1 sitting sittng 1 love loooveee 1 watch watcch 1 star 4star 0 righteousness unrighteousness 1 treat treaat 1 stunt stunt'n 1 devastation devestation 1 captain capitain 0 welcoming unwelcoming 1 happening happining 1 decisions decisons 1 blessed blesed 1 it iitt 1 leopard lepard 1 grabbing grabbin 1 answer answeer 0 browser webbrowser 1 bitch biatch 1 jealousy jealosy 1 sisters sistrs 1 sister sistrt 0 crashed crashe 1 crashed crashd 1 stories storiess 1 roll rool 1 movie moviee 1 percent procent 1 there therrre 1 crashing crashn 1 recipes receipes 1 crash crashh 0 reckon recon 1 movie moview 1 walking walkiin 0 household househol 1 climate climat 1 dying diying 1 inches inchs 0 fucked fuxored 1 hello hellow 1 performance performace 1 stressing stressinq 0 allen allens 1 slide slideee 1 amazing amazinq 1 cold coldy 1 sometimes somethimes 1 confirm confir 0 colon colonic 1 reference refrence 1 amazing amazine 1 stevenson stevensons 1 amazing amazinf 0 confirm confim 0 tickets etickets 1 cold coldd 0 spokesperson sportsperson 1 presentation presntation 1 impact impactfx 1 ego egoo 1 marley marly 0 over ova 1 disassemble disassembly 1 prospect prospe 1 love looove 1 automatically automaticly 1 any aaany 1 themselves themselfs 1 and aaand 1 operator operato 1 operating operati 1 member memeber 0 pits pittsb 1 family familly 0 cumin cumminq 1 sleepy sleepyyy 0 love wuv 1 what wut 1 before beforr 1 was wuz 1 monkey monkeyy 0 love wub 0 would wud 1 sorry sooorry 1 doctor docotor 0 workaholics jerkaholics 1 threatened threadneedle 1 gentle gentl 1 journal jurnal 1 sprayed sprayd 1 failure faliure 0 begging beggn 0 fought fough 1 chat chattt 1 cream crem 1 persona personas 1 decisions desicions 0 enemies enemie 0 yeah eyah 1 excellent eeexcellent 1 goodness goddness 1 necrophilia necrophiliacs 1 sixty 4sixty6 1 running runng 1 promised promis 1 run runnn 1 train traiin 0 running runni 0 alright iigh 1 impossible impossable 0 singer basinger 1 inspiration inspiriation 0 caramel karamel 1 might migght 0 mixes mixset 1 metaphor metaphoric 1 honestly honsetly 1 shirt shirrrt 1 booty bootay 1 chronological chronologic 1 need neeed 1 skinny skiny 1 chance chnce 1 ladies ladiees 1 bout bouut 1 bizarre bizzarre 1 skin skinn 0 cinema cinemags 0 skin skind 1 skiing sking 1 business buisiness 1 professor profesora 1 support supporttt 1 language langue 1 testicles testicals 1 language langua 1 rewrite rewrit 1 milwaukee millwaukee 1 believe belibe 0 gospel gospe 1 stinks stinksss 1 moved movedd 0 repeat irepeat 0 forth foth 1 mean meeaan 1 chromosome chromosomal 1 slamming slammin 1 thousand thousandaire 1 depressed dprsd 1 amsterdam amsterdamse 0 everything eveything 1 internet intarwebs 1 foreclosure foreclosu 1 tits tittties 1 seriously serriously 1 dollars dollors 1 cash caaash 1 knock 2knock 0 slam slamfm 0 angry agry 1 please pleease 1 mortgage mortage 1 floor floorr 1 harrington harringtons 0 popped unpopped 1 privileged priveledged 1 agree agre 1 mobile mobileee 0 lawsuit lawsui 0 superficial thesuperficial 1 sometime sometim 1 something sometin 1 body bodyy 1 genius geeenius 0 body bodys 1 wants wants2 0 dig digz 1 grammatical gramatical 0 missed missses 1 die diiieee 0 problems promblems 1 surprises surpresas 1 tiger tigerrr 1 footwear footware 1 drunkest drunkstep 1 angelina angelinas 0 scented unscented 1 goal goooaaal 1 bit bitt 0 don doont 0 download dowload 0 better etter 1 respectful respectfull 1 formerly formely 1 wants wantsz 1 beginning beging 1 audition auditon 1 wants wantss 1 promising promisin 1 begin beginn 1 jeopardize jeopardise 1 tell telll 1 wedding weddng 1 night niiight 1 tell tella 0 electronic eclectronic 0 tell tellz 1 tell tellu 1 tunnel tunnell 1 strong strongs 1 adamant adamantine 1 avoid aviod 1 hugs huggss 1 toddler todler 1 climb cliiimb 1 strong stronge 1 strong strongg 0 sarcastic scarcastic 1 situation sitiuation 1 harry haaarry 1 maintenance maintance 1 breaking breakingg 1 jasmine jasminee 1 tired tiiired 1 practice pracitce 1 hooters hoooters 1 flaming flamin 0 patience pacience 0 nothing nothiin 1 brilliant brrrilliant 0 annoy annoyes 0 shrimp shrip 1 shirt shrit 1 blessed blessedd 1 pumpkin pumpki 0 adjusted unadjusted 1 rehearsal rehearsels 1 breathe breathee 0 belle lebelle 1 problem probl 1 billion 10billion 1 surgeon surgen 1 study studay 1 photographer photograher 1 please plesase 1 lobster lobsterr 0 probably probz 1 frontal frontalin 1 probably probrably 1 weekends weekendz 0 relief reliefweb 1 videos vdeos 0 exercise excercise 1 signatures signitures 1 minutes 20minutes 0 wanna wkanna 0 cool kul 1 horror horrorrr 1 tons tonss 1 gangster gangsta 1 somewhere somwere 1 weekend weekendd 1 pissed piissed 1 rubbish rubbbish 1 freezing frrreeezing 1 schedule scheduale 1 grown grownn 1 time tiime 1 pistols 2pistols 0 miss imissd 1 saturday saturd 1 crystallized crystalised 0 grown growns 0 memorized mesmorized 1 days daaaysss 1 unnecessary unnecesary 1 hours 3hours 0 heard eard 1 taken tken 1 facilitates facilitators 1 exciting exiciting 1 oh ooohh 0 early eary 1 takes tkes 1 earth eart 1 visit vistit 0 fucking effing 1 ear earr 0 turkey tofurkey 1 commercialized commercialised 1 pretty prett 1 pretty prety 1 friends friendshp 0 mobility mobilicity 1 conference conferencia 1 candy canddy 1 nelson nielson 1 confirm confrm 0 campaign campai 1 talked talkedd 1 lacking lackin 1 first first48 0 understand undastnd 0 search seach 1 guaranteed garanteed 1 wear wearr 0 nintendo nitendo 0 obsessions obsessiveness 1 wrist wristed 1 photocopiers photoshoppers 1 anniversary aniversery 0 nashville cashville 1 laughing laughingg 0 mentions metions 0 wearing weari 1 good gooodd 1 referral refferal 1 civilized civilised 1 major maaajor 1 follow follo 1 literally literlly 1 ignore ignre 1 goods gooods 1 matters matterss 1 basically basicially 1 good gooody 0 drill driller 1 halloween hallowween 1 contrast contrats 1 gorgeous georgeous 1 cracks crackss 1 rain raaaiiin 0 having havin 1 antonio antnio 0 asked aske 1 asked askd 0 nipples nippies 0 design desing 1 stop stooppp 0 bee bece 1 think tink 1 ask askk 0 turtles turles 0 northern nothern 1 fuck fuuucck 0 buddy buddytv 0 twitter twitter4j 1 process processar 1 gaming gamings 1 really reaaallyy 1 serving servin 1 service servic 0 service servie 1 alive aliveee 1 congratulate congradulate 1 thirsty thirstay 1 topped toped 0 asses assness 1 symphony simphony 1 accomplishments accomplisments 0 canada cana 1 can cann 0 can canm 1 notes notesss 1 west wesst 0 fuller fullers 0 install nginstall 0 introducing reintroducing 1 why whywhywhywhywhy 1 steering sterring 0 can canz 1 frost frostin 0 jakarta dijakarta 1 preferred perfered 1 frost frostie 1 christmas chriistmas 1 politics poltics 1 paris pariss 1 planned planeando 1 floor floorrr 1 feminine femine 1 songs soongs 0 hello ello 1 already allready 1 meet meett 1 meet meetu 1 visited visted 1 sexy sexxayy 1 living liviing 1 cents 50cents 0 greatness realness 0 meeting meeti 0 meeting meetn 0 got ugot 1 confused confuseed 0 qualified qualif 1 century centurys 1 gynecologist gynocologist 1 refreshing refresing 1 struggles strugglethe 1 rolling roling 1 quality qualit 1 program programe 1 represent representin 1 program programm 1 people peoplle 1 soup souppp 1 pleasure pleassure 0 ago agom 0 halloween hallmooween 1 ago agoi 1 yeah yea 1 cars carsss 1 blessing blessin 0 getting etting 1 nervous nerveous 0 performance perfomances 0 ago agos 0 ago agor 1 disconnected disconected 1 savvy savy 1 gay g3y 0 janet janets 1 saved savd 0 sports esports 1 approaches approacheth 1 disgraceful disgracefull 1 northern northrend 0 feet feets 1 big biiig 1 here heeeree 1 rehearsal reharsal 1 closer closeeer 1 bit biiit 1 zombie zombiee 1 picture picutre 0 leader leadersh 1 packed packeddd 1 please pleasssee 0 arlington hadlington 0 offer offe 1 zombies zombiez 1 sick siiick 0 told tolds 1 jailbreak jailbreakme 0 teens tremens 1 told toldd 0 level leesville 1 somehow somehoe 1 general genral 1 appointment appointmen 1 personal personnal 1 man maannn 0 morning monrning 0 made mademe 1 running runing 1 impression impresion 1 stupid stupied 1 cart carta 1 rude rudeee 1 cart carte 1 itself itslf 1 fucking fuuckin 1 announcing anouncing 1 scoreboard scoreboardguy 1 repellent repellant 0 concert concet 1 concert concer 1 concept concep 1 cruise cruis 1 flipping flipin 1 lucky lcky 0 bored ored 1 liking lyking 1 hoes hoesss 1 settlement settlemnts 0 client clien 1 magazine magazing 0 hurt ihurt 1 afternoon afternoom 0 nikki kikiki 1 rally ralley 1 wait whait 0 suburb subu 1 hates hatess 1 hamburger hamburguer 1 attending attenting 1 mcmahon macmahon 1 blowing blowingly 0 sub subd 1 extra extraaa 1 sub subb 1 lazy lazzyy 0 nobody knowbody 0 comfort komfort 1 disorder dissorder 1 jealous jealouss 1 winter winterr 1 clapping clappin 0 initiative initiat 1 handicapped handicapp 0 tennis tennie 1 expectancy expectancies 1 analysis analysi 0 turn iturn 1 starving starvn 1 birthday birthdaaay 1 analyze analyse 1 around arouuund 1 enough enouugh 0 sara sagar 0 figured firgured 1 goodbye goodbyeee 1 works workss 0 vodka vodkas 1 tickets ticketsss 1 splitting splittin 1 positive positiv 1 surgery surgerys 0 keyboard keyboar 0 governors govenors 0 position positio 1 protect 2protect 0 keyboard keyboad 1 midget midgett 1 birthstone birthstrong 1 horse horseee 1 finished finish'd 0 thunder thund 0 expect xpectn 0 lang ulang 1 community communit 1 possible possbile 1 suspense suspence 0 expected xpectd 1 sunshine sunshineee 0 merry mmerry 0 estrogen oestrogen 1 comment comnt 1 blah blaah 1 illinois ilinois 0 fuck fffuuuck 1 unlimited unlimit 1 links linkies 0 flyer mflyer 1 himself himslef 1 innocent inoccent 0 course cousre 0 initial initia 1 obsessed obbsessed 1 connect connectwise 1 incentives incentivise 0 mechanical biomechanical 1 rechargeable rechargeables 1 supermarket supermarkt 0 antonio santonio 1 law laww 1 sushi sushiii 0 happening happeninn 1 happening happeninq 1 ignore ignor 1 informing informin 0 jawbreaker reajubreaker 0 checking cking 1 win wiin 1 will wiil 1 manager mananger 1 thanksgiving thinksgiving 1 wit wiit 1 penis penisss 1 dunno dunoe 1 these theesee 1 company companys 1 dunno dunoo 0 iraq iraqs 1 trader treader 0 vehicle vehic 1 fresh 2fresh 0 anything nething 1 diaper diper 0 spanked skanked 1 vacuum vaccuum 1 bell beelll 1 pictures picturess 1 please pleeassee 0 chestnut chesnut 1 monopoly monoply 1 imagine imaginei 1 loves lovvves 1 gleaming gleamin 1 hunters haunters 1 love lovvvee 1 loved lovvved 0 depressing destressing 1 help hlep 1 match mtch 0 interview inerview 1 belligerent beligerent 1 targeted targetd 1 targeted targete 0 pin pikin 1 talks talkes 1 target targett 1 scrumptious scrumptous 1 dealing dealinq 1 major majorr 0 afternoon arvo 1 brilliant briliant 1 intelligence intelligencer 1 delete dlete 1 seriously serioussly 1 boring booring 1 shout shouuut 1 finest finnest 0 majority majori 0 tending trendings 1 performances performaces 1 background bckground 1 preferable preferrable 1 preferably preferrably 1 hours hooours 1 seriously seriousllyyy 0 dictionary twictionary 1 thinks thinkss 1 tidbits titbits 1 covers coverss 1 her heerrr 1 boy boi 1 november novemberrr 0 think thinkso 1 jungle junglee 1 offering offerring 1 voice voiceee 1 department departement 1 disappointed dissappointed 1 criteria criterias 1 christians christains 1 reply repply 0 desktop destop 1 homework homewrk 0 clearly clealry 1 already alreayd 0 sugar tsugaru 0 launched lauched 1 jessica jesssica 1 probably probaly 1 locker lockerr 1 textures txters 0 unspoken uspoken 1 addict adict 1 staged stagedive 1 sweating sweatinq 1 slow slowww 0 fucked fuced 1 straight straigh 1 buffalo bufallo 1 mint minttt 0 terrorism bioterrorism 1 advertise adverti 1 shut shuuut 1 baby bbaby 0 sera espera 1 drag dragg 1 performs 2perform 0 dragon drago 0 making makinn 1 deserve desereved 0 rep repre 0 heels highheels 0 fucks fucs 0 wrapped drapped 1 struggle strugled 1 michigan michagan 1 normal nrmal 0 tearing tearin 1 meeting meating 1 bow bowow 1 inflammation inflamation 0 brushes btrushers 1 cow coww 0 password passwor 0 resell reseller 0 polymeric plyometric 1 wow wwooow 0 trade trademe 1 inspiration inspriation 0 almost amost 1 friend frienddd 0 theatre threatre 1 shoe shoee 1 loser lsr 1 remember remmeber 1 hacked hackeado 0 totally sotally 1 equity equit 1 friends friendds 1 sterile sterilite 1 apparently aparantly 1 cant cyant 0 policies polici 1 jokes jokess 0 ground groud 0 tired tiredaf 0 later l8ers 0 running nowrunning 0 ground groun 1 spiders spiderwebs 1 interesting interestinq 1 calendar calander 1 pussy pussay 1 season seson 1 outgoing outgoin 1 snowboarding snowboardin 1 condoms condums 0 prices reprices 1 minutes 4minutes 0 naughty naugh 1 bubbles bubblishes 0 filipino phillipino 1 focus focuss 1 finalize finalise 1 points 6points 1 massachusetts massachusett 1 focused focusd 1 focus focuse 1 slept slpt 1 followers follwoers 0 achievable unachievable 0 fucking mufucking 1 urbane urbangem 1 continue continu 1 whatsoever watsoever 1 puppy pupppy 1 continue contine 1 moisturizing moisturising 0 further furthe 0 brother bruva 1 multiple multiplayer 1 expensive expensiv 1 neighborhood neighborhoo 0 bout bkout 1 inspired insipired 0 never neverrt 1 never neverrr 1 romance romanc 0 redskins deadskins 0 statistic stuntastic 0 wrinkled unwrinkled 1 legalized leagalize 1 zombie zombi 1 double dubble 1 romantic romant 1 fucking fcuking 1 squad sqaud 1 dynamic dinamic 1 morning morninig 1 terrible teribble 1 lush lushy 1 caffeine caffiene 1 complement complament 1 funk funka 1 racism racisim 1 apologizing apologising 1 opportunities oppurtunities 1 lush lushh 1 receiving recievin 1 official offiicial 1 disappeared dissappears 1 homophobia homofobia 1 running runnung 0 trouble introuble 1 dies diesss 1 fall faaalll 1 interstate intrastate 1 joking jokinggg 1 replication replicator 1 extraordinary extraodinary 0 compatibles biocompatibles 1 speaking speakinq 1 disconnect disconect 0 yourself youself 1 o'clock 2o'clock 0 recognize regonize 1 sunday suunday 1 speaking speakinn 1 person persion 1 individual individ 1 sims sims2 1 home hoommee 1 passenger passanger 1 pepper pepperrr 1 totally ttly 0 amsterdam hamsterdam 0 member memb 1 phone phonnee 0 trash trashin 1 check checcck 1 shit siht 0 mortgage remortgage 0 ashley smashley 1 turn turrn 1 then theenn 1 friend friiend 1 assistant assisstant 0 everyone erveryone 1 happens hapns 1 excited excitted 1 australia austra 1 cheers cheerss 1 interconnection interconnectedn 0 science scien 1 homework homewoork 1 formula formula1 1 temporal temporada 0 chicks chiks 1 dismissed dissmissed 1 york yooork 0 governor govener 0 chick chikk 1 scotland scotlands 1 teasing teasingly 1 chick chikc 1 watching watchiin 1 johnny jhony 1 big biiiggg 1 followers foollowers 0 burning burnin 1 square squar 1 believe belieeeve 0 roaming roamin 0 acquainted reacquainted 1 cute cuuuttteee 1 formula formular 0 popping popin 1 wow wooow 1 bet bett 1 ugly uugly 0 queen queenb 1 can cannn 1 christian christiaaan 1 everything everythiiing 1 coming comingg 1 cant cannt 1 sunglasses sunglass 1 won wooon 1 pray praay 1 banging bangin 0 reminiscing feministing 1 charming charmings 1 smoking smokingg 1 badly badley 1 minute 20minute 1 controversial contraversial 1 slacking slackinggg 1 create 2create 1 comfortable comfortab 1 enjoy enjoye 1 member memberrr 0 powder powde 1 japanese japanesse 0 taking takin 1 cappuccino cappucinos 1 said saiid 1 documentary documentery 1 back backa 1 rosemary rosemarys 1 cousins cousions 1 delicious dericious 1 completely cmpletly 1 inconsistent inconsistant 1 storm stormm 1 mean meaan 1 storm storme 1 gay gey 0 seeking seekin 0 lights relights 1 technically techinically 1 nun nunin 1 computer c0mputer 1 people peopel 0 morning morninh 0 athlete athle 1 site sitee 1 mile milee 0 morning morninn 1 attempt attemptin 1 cold cooollld 1 replacing replacin 1 storm storm3 1 storm storm2 0 morning morninf 1 soul soulll 1 malaysia malaysias 1 lyrics lyricss 1 parents prents 1 morning morninq 0 knocked nocked 1 mornings mornins 1 anything anthing 1 contemplating contemplations 1 performing proforming 1 alright alrighhttt 1 cam caam 0 beautiful beautilful 0 shipping shippi 1 sea seai 1 tomorrow tomarroww 1 unfortunately unfortunetly 0 leather leathe 1 sea seaa 1 fabulous faaabulous 0 shipped shippe 0 bump bumpn 1 science scienceee 1 guarantee gaurantee 1 early eairly 1 pillow pillowww 1 fever feaver 1 brazil brazilll 1 alcoholic alchoholic 1 blow blooow 1 regular reguler 1 seasons 4seasons 0 connection macconnection 0 smashing mashin 1 time timme 1 tim timmm 1 funky funkyy 1 touch touc 1 blast blasty 1 tough toug 1 blast blastt 1 blue bluue 1 out owt 1 italy italyyy 0 wait waint 1 follow fllowe 1 sketches sketchs 1 unless unles 0 soccer socce 0 span spand 0 friends m8t's 1 please pleaaassseee 1 planning plannning 1 information informtion 1 wait waaaiiittt 1 tracks tracksss 0 retention retencion 0 lightning tblightning 1 iceberg iceburg 0 japanese janpanese 1 tasting tastings 1 honestly honstly 1 anticipated anticipatin 0 theater thearter 1 joking jking 1 follow folow 1 smooth smoothe 1 but buth 1 education educaton 1 car caar 1 dead deeaaad 1 are arrre 1 lame laame 1 adelaide adelaidenow 0 antelope cantelope 0 sex secks 1 final finial 0 demons desmonds 1 thoughts thaughts 0 stretching streching 1 laptop laptopp 1 snakes snakesss 1 right righhtt 1 gorgeous grogeous 1 sinking sinkin 1 and annddd 1 antonio antoni 1 wasted waaasted 1 alive alve 0 sounds souns 1 cocoa coco 1 fucked fuckedd 0 scott viscott 1 coconut coconutty 0 too tttooo 1 costume coustume 1 sleeping sleepinn 1 thanksgiving thanksgivingg 1 videos videooos 0 degradation upgradation 1 anything anithing 1 straight straig 0 shutting shutin 1 now now1 1 blasted blasteddd 1 people pepl 1 hum huuummm 1 supposed supossed 1 floors 2floors 1 west west1 1 suit suittt 0 pepper pepp 1 necessarily neccesarily 1 business buziness 1 guitar guittar 0 north northam 0 think ithnk 1 pineapple pinapple 1 extended extender 0 want iwant 1 alright alrighttt 1 alright alrightty 1 definition definiton 1 thankful thankfull 1 hilarious halarious 1 consistent consisten 0 middlebrow middlesboro 1 title titl 0 constructed deconstructed 1 poor pooorrr 0 feeling feeliin 1 pissing pissinq 1 advertising advertisings 0 gushing gushin 1 broadcast broadacasted 1 absolutely absoloutly 0 banned unbanned 1 fine fiiinnne 1 sunshine sunshinee 1 across accross 1 emotional emtional 1 thank thannkk 1 japanese japenese 1 everybody evrybody 1 teacher techer 1 everybody evrybodi 1 thanks thannks 1 harassing harassin 1 considered considerd 1 asleep asleepp 1 considered considere 1 dad daad 1 insane insaneee 1 games 2games 0 referring prefering 1 testament testiment 0 this thbis 0 boxes xboxes 0 exactly exaclty 0 school highschoool 1 theory thoery 1 maintenance maintenan 1 tired tiiireddd 0 except xept 1 adam adama 0 adam adamn 1 tweeter twitterer 0 paragraph pantagraph 0 building buidling 1 vagina vagin 1 understand 2understand 1 imagine imagen 0 building bullriding 1 sharing shareing 0 banana naan 1 some sommee 1 snoring snorinq 1 imagery imager 0 hundred huned 1 legal leeegal 0 output outp 0 out outr 1 preserve perservere 1 out outt 1 lot lotta 1 care caare 1 lot lottt 1 out outa 1 usher usherrr 1 out outi 0 out outn 1 hate hatteee 1 word woord 1 mental mentaaal 1 disappointing dissapointing 1 work woork 1 another anooother 0 map mapps 0 tender atender 1 somewhere smwhere 1 patronizing patronising 1 worry woory 1 out out1 1 out out2 1 accelerator accelerometer 1 shaking shakinggg 1 pocket pockett 0 draft draf 1 liquor liquior 0 everything erything 1 partisan partizan 1 shutting shuting 1 pockets pocketz 1 training trianing 1 help hellpp 1 decided dsided 1 saturday saturdae 1 achievement achivment 1 chocolates choclates 1 research researc 1 months 6months 1 great greeeaat 1 sweet sweettt 0 version versio 1 version versin 1 about abouit 1 bunch bunchhh 1 marry marryyy 0 ever evaa 1 o'clock 8oclock 0 send isend 1 rolling rollingg 1 feelings feelinqss 1 click 1click 1 surreal sureal 0 sent isent 0 this tthis 1 monday mondayy 1 characters chracters 1 cream creaaam 1 pizza pizzza 1 fucked fckked 0 went wents 1 heated heatd 1 whatever wahtever 1 front fronttt 0 everyone veryone 0 board iboard 1 brains brainsss 0 ireland irela 1 aye aayee 1 warm waaarm 1 pocket pocketpc 1 potato patato 1 chorus chrous 1 chocolate chocolade 1 highway higway 1 already arleady 1 defenses defences 1 broccoli brocoli 0 track amtrack 0 happening appening 1 population populatio 1 hungary hungarys 1 wish wiiish 1 guilty gulity 0 shrug shruggs 1 heat heatt 0 recognize recongnize 1 trilogy triology 0 time ttime 1 prosper prospereth 1 tweeter tweeterrr 1 indestructible indestructable 1 woke wokeee 1 buddy budddyyy 1 say saaayyy 1 fail faiiil 1 girls gurlz 1 fair faiiir 1 attend attnd 1 living lving 0 thanks thankls 1 asset assett 1 volcanic vulcanic 0 flying flyin 1 concede conceed 0 wanna wanta 0 you u 1 performance perfromance 1 promoter promotor 1 morning mornining 1 languages langues 1 military miltary 1 complete compelete 1 nonexistent nonexistant 0 without ithout 1 thirsty thristy 1 expression expressionz 1 college collegee 1 vehicle vechicle 1 every eeevery 0 eventually evidentally 1 achievement achievment 1 response respnse 1 giants giaaants 1 almost alomst 1 opera opra 1 restricting restringing 1 someone someeonee 1 enjoying enjoyinq 1 wanting wantn 1 betting bettting 1 increasingly increasingl 1 baker bakker 0 marijuana marijua 0 tempos uptempos 1 hello hellooo 0 best bestis 1 answering anwsering 1 checked checkedd 1 completely completley 1 vinegar vinegars 0 sitting sittinn 1 sorry sworry 1 history histroy 1 puff pufff 0 state ostate 1 busted busteddd 1 north northe 1 impressed inpressed 1 more moree 0 rearing ervaring 1 interrupt interpuc 1 convenient convienent 0 smarter smater 1 north northw 0 talking taling 1 excuse exscuse 1 mobilization mobilization4 0 charlie charlize 1 releasing releasin 1 woman wman 1 plugging pluging 1 revolution revolutionise 0 chocolate chococat 1 perspective perspectiva 0 stretch strechy 0 expect xpect 1 clearing clearin 1 defense defence 1 conference conferen 1 views viewsss 1 calculator calculater 1 relax relaax 1 why whhyyy 1 that thaattt 1 driving driveing 1 error erorr 1 politicized politicised 1 nobody noboody 1 teach 2teach 1 laundromat laundramat 1 witches witchs 1 own ooowwwnnn 1 face fayce 1 algorithm algoritma 1 out ouuut 1 related realated 1 partner partnersh 0 appointment apptment 1 mention mentionn 0 forward fwd 1 mention mentiong 1 mentioned mentiond 1 mentioned mentione 1 bingo bingooo 0 eric ervic 1 nope nopppeee 0 spandex vispandex 1 internet internetv 0 ruby jruby 1 seriously seriuosly 1 mattress mattres 1 twisted twisteddd 1 eaten eatten 1 gay gaay 1 internet internets 1 squirrel squirel 1 platinum platium 0 forum bkforum 0 acquisition aquisitions 1 outstanding outstandin 0 jailbreak ijailbreak 1 bye byyee 1 here herrree 0 that thaadt 1 bored boredy 1 supposedly supposidly 1 rest resttt 0 lo lloro 0 design desig 0 cellulite cellulitis 0 forgive fogive 1 competitions competizione 1 translation trainstation 1 statement staement 1 bored boredd 1 reply replyyy 1 internet internete 0 against agaisnt 0 guardian guardi 1 march marchhh 0 house houe 1 suck suckk 0 landscaping manscaping 1 sucked suckd 0 program progamme 0 day dayt 1 absolutely absilutely 1 sweet shweet 1 number numbero 0 wink winkin 1 attend atend 1 painful painfull 1 synchronized synchronizer 1 number numberr 1 explore explor 0 coming comin' 1 numbers numberz 1 coolest collest 1 still stil 1 flexed flexxed 0 sm smsm 0 stick stik 1 stiff stif 0 fragrance frangrance 1 forbidden forbiidd3n 0 need needz 1 act actt 0 stick stic 1 goldberg goldbergs 0 choking chockin 0 transmission cctransmission 1 need needd 1 tears tearsss 1 chocolate choklate 1 civilization civilisation 0 strip stip 0 needing needn 1 slapping slaping 0 friends friedns 1 alive aliiive 1 veins viens 1 scary scaryy 1 number number2 1 number number1 1 psychological pyschological 0 gate g8 1 different differnt 0 coming cominn 1 available availab 1 thanksgiving thanksgivinggg 1 churchill churchills 0 viagra viagras 1 nobody nobodyyy 1 filipino filipin 0 stole stoled 1 professor profesores 0 attractive unnattractive 1 ready readdyyy 1 flex flexxx 0 give giveme 0 upstarted jumpstarted 0 name uname 0 baby gbaby 1 hungry hunggry 1 directions directionless 1 disappears dissapears 1 burning burnining 1 motorola motorol 0 boston boson 1 treacherous trecherous 0 wrote cowrote 1 assignments asignments 1 bad baad 1 peace pce 0 medium smedium 1 realize 2realize 1 temperament temperment 0 tooth tooths 1 knocked knockedd 0 scratch scatch 1 tooth toothe 1 waiting waiitiing 1 please pleeaaase 1 england engelland 1 ha hahhhaaa 1 excellent excelentes 1 mysterious mysteri 1 organization organizati 0 heroes heroines 1 being 4being 0 alright s'alright 1 university universit 0 disconnected dc'd 1 friends frienddss 1 should shhould 0 shoulder shouder 1 innocence innocense 1 shopping shoppingg 1 continue cntinue 1 hours 0hours 1 fertilizers fertilisers 1 creationism creationists 1 tiffany tiffani 0 friend ffriend 1 shopping shoppings 1 pretending pretendin 1 stroking strokin 0 social soulcial 1 stand staand 1 weird weirddd 1 fantastic fantast 1 cares carse 1 indeed indeeddd 1 everybody everyyybody 1 everybody everybodeh 1 every evvvery 1 produced prodused 1 long loonngg 1 asleep assleep 1 midnight midniqht 1 ribs ribbs 1 warranty warrenty 1 extraordinary extraordinare 1 world wolrd 1 producer produser 0 support surport 1 secret secreet 1 where whre 1 conceived concieved 1 terrorist terroist 1 justin justintv 1 news n00s 0 arlington turlington 1 believe bliev 1 than tahn 1 newbie n00b 1 sleeps sleeeps 1 sleep sleeepp 1 slander slanderin 1 orthodontist orthadontist 1 exchange exchang 1 shaped shapped 1 sounds sounnds 1 surviving surving 1 desperate desprate 1 apparel apparell 1 art arth 1 messages messagesss 1 planet planet5d 0 watch watckh 0 champion champlin 1 sister sissster 1 japanese japonese 0 same samne 0 forum foru 1 troll trolll 1 dipped dippd 1 finished finsished 1 goal goaaalll 1 trolley trolly 0 dip dipps 1 dip dippp 1 awhile awile 1 speak speaak 1 attitude attitide 1 kick kickkk 1 jason jasooon 1 skipped skippd 1 cycling cyclin 0 nothing nothig 1 skipping skippn 1 tonight tonighttt 0 wedding weddn 0 wedding weddi 1 accepting acceptin 1 originally orginally 1 early earllly 0 punching puching 1 description descriptio 0 verified vertified 1 shower showere 1 breakthrough breakthru 1 psychology pyschology 1 problem problemoo 0 penis pen15 1 shower showerr 1 breakthrough breakthro 1 presentation presentacin 1 for fooorrr 0 binding dibanding 1 speechless speechles 1 lifted liftd 1 christmas christams 1 funny funnny 1 remembering rembering 0 nation ation 1 balance blance 1 especially especialy 1 enigmatic enigmatic82 1 especially especiall 1 egg eggy 0 about aout 1 rush rushs 1 cheese chease 0 password passwd 1 service servicee 1 espresso esspresso 1 rushed rushd 1 char chara 1 charge charg 1 rush rushh 1 facts factss 0 promoting promoing 1 wait waaiitt 1 opinions opions 1 peas peass 0 eyes myeyes 0 football footall 1 comedy comdey 0 murdered murded 0 being beinn 0 estimate esimate 1 stupidest stupidiest 0 financial financia 0 pushing slushing 0 little ittle 1 rebel rebell 1 headline headliner 1 commissioner commissione 1 idiot idiota 1 ion iion 1 olympic olympi 0 grandma gradma 1 mineral mineralize 0 galactic galatica 1 forsaken foresaken 1 performance prformance 1 idiot idiott 1 dehydration dehydrator 0 morning orning 1 bloody bloddy 1 all awlll 0 heartbreak artbreak 1 sleeping sleepping 0 fault myfault 1 soon sooonn 1 forever forevr 1 finishing finishin 0 winter winte 1 amazing amzin 0 panties paties 1 restaurant restaurante 1 yeah yeeeaaahhh 1 sorry sorryi 1 double doublee 0 level olevel 1 multilingual multilanguage 1 character charactor 1 laundry laundryy 0 patient patien 1 predictions predictio 1 logistics logistik 1 gender gendered 1 represent representive 1 freaking freeking 0 activation deactivation 1 nearly nerly 0 anniversary annivesary 1 reserve reserv 1 friendly freindly 1 bulletin bulleting 0 call icall 1 debate debat 0 ambassador embassador 1 rainbow rainbowww 1 contacts contactsss 0 grandma granmas 1 memories memmories 1 decisions descions 1 weekend weekeeend 1 bowl bowlll 0 defending defriending 1 cascade cuscaden 1 laugh lauugh 1 temporary tempor 0 experience xxxperience 1 tempo tempoo 1 once onece 1 dick dicka 1 hancock hancocks 1 anna ananya 1 deal deaal 1 broken broooken 1 holiness holyness 1 dead deaad 0 hang hangon 1 chocolates chocolatesss 0 change changert 1 global globals 1 session sesssion 1 single singgle 1 peaceful peacefull 1 dear deaar 0 outing outin 1 envy envyyy 1 belgium belguim 0 enjoyed njoyed 1 smooth smoth 0 referencing preferencing 1 everything eveyrthing 0 shortlist hotlist 0 ridiculously riculously 1 paranoid paraniod 1 stalker stalkerrr 1 official offcial 1 anything anythin 0 sup wssup 0 nuke nukex 1 address adresse 0 anything anythig 1 group grouppp 1 followers followwers 1 listening listein 1 sesame seseme 1 courtesy courtsey 1 address adresss 0 hearing hearin 1 likes liikes 1 awesome awesoomee 1 tonight tinight 1 like likke 1 like liikee 1 shit shhittt 1 shut shuuttt 1 still sitll 0 anonymous anonym 1 unbelievably unbeliveably 1 inappropriate innapropiate 1 heartbeat hartbeat 0 modern mondern 1 goal goaal 1 santana santanas 0 mcdowell mcdonell 1 unbelievable unbeliveable 1 disturbed distrubed 1 birmingham birminghams 1 ghetto gettho 1 words wordsss 1 another anohter 1 bitches bitcheesss 0 boys boyfs 1 mclean mclennan 0 argentina argetina 1 either etheir 1 migraine migrains 1 strip stripp 1 supported supporte 0 signing signon 1 verified varified 1 passed passsed 1 parents parentes 1 partner partener 1 wish wishhh 1 introducing introducting 1 georgia gerogia 0 espresso xpresso 1 stellar steller 0 list lijst 0 walkman waldman 0 tasty tasy 1 whore whoree 1 found founddd 1 everything everythig 1 visualization visualizations 1 prayers prayerss 1 taste tast 1 everything everythin 0 suicide suici 0 work worlk 1 elliptical ellipticals 1 alternative alternativo 0 lang nlang 1 bout bouttt 1 alternative alternativa 0 covered overfed 1 roger rgr 0 beautiful beautiul 1 finish 2finish 0 because cuz 1 perfect perrrfect 0 could cud 1 clydesdale clydesdales 0 secrets seacrests 0 arlington darrington 1 stationary stationaries 1 lord lorrrd 1 abundance abundan 1 pittsburgh pittsburghs 1 naked nekkid 1 drew drewww 1 nocturnal nocturnals 1 repeating repeatin 0 care carert 1 education educatio 1 education educatin 1 reusable reuseable 1 member mmber 1 appreciate appricate 0 guys yguys 0 knock knocc 1 practically practially 0 surprises suprizes 1 christmas christmasss 1 hovering hoovering 0 mania mmamania 1 unplugged unplggd 0 ecstasy ectasy 0 softly soflty 0 latest lastest 1 valley valleyy 0 statistic swagtastic 1 cranking crankinnn 1 early earily 0 shit shizz 1 balloons ballooons 1 justin jstin 1 montana montan 1 contacts contactos 0 garland sugarland 1 blame balme 1 phone phne 1 eliminate eliminat 1 the thhe 1 initial intial 1 lets let'ss 1 special sepcial 1 easiest easyest 0 static exstatic 0 cry icry 1 fortunately fortunatelly 0 reconstruction canstruction 1 karma karama 1 more mooree 1 apparently apperantly 1 interns intranets 0 complete uncomplete 1 bugs bugsss 1 digitalis digitalism 1 rough roughhh 1 bitches bitchsz 0 moore moores 1 gold gooold 1 adorable addorable 0 cancelled cancellled 0 deposits deposi 1 girls girles 1 diet diettt 1 baths bths 1 drag draaag 1 noticed noticedd 1 try trry 1 hour houur 1 underwear undewear 0 tiny tinsy 1 harmful harmfull 1 developing developin 0 tickets tikets 1 comeback comback 1 the 3the 1 affiliated affliated 1 antonio antonion 1 truth truuuth 0 under uder 1 neighbor nieghbor 0 rock roxor 1 invited invitd 1 absolutely absolutelyyy 1 took toook 1 too toooi 1 ton tooon 1 today todya 0 found foundout 1 fuck fuuuckk 1 top tooop 1 toy toooy 1 more mooorreee 1 plane planee 0 essentials d'essentials 1 california califorina 1 planner planer 1 meat meattt 0 magazine nowmagazine 1 curve curv 1 boyfriend b0yfriend 1 title titel 0 reminding reminscing 1 utility utilit 1 curry cury 1 insulting insultin 0 album jalbum 1 tits tites 1 dungeons dungen 1 weird wierddd 0 thermodynamic hemodynamic 1 obsessed obsesssed 1 jersey jersy 1 inflation inflatio 1 please pleeeaaasseee 0 translate trendslate 1 answer anser 1 wondering wonderin 1 cakes cakess 1 which whcih 1 smell smeel 0 episode pisode 1 minutes 21minutes 1 represent representat 0 raining rainging 1 practicing practing 0 rolling rolliin 0 monica monia 1 cookies cookes 1 monica monic 1 falling faliing 0 monitor monit 1 visualizing visualising 1 afterburner afterburn 1 easily eaisly 1 nintendo ninten 1 disappointed dissapionted 1 cranberry cranbury 1 guess geuss 0 later l8er 1 affiliates affilliates 0 stream strea 1 christmas christimas 1 something somethingrt 0 street stree 0 announce announ 1 fascinating fascinatingly 1 stress stres 1 players playerss 1 happy happy2 0 totally toally 1 neighborhood neighborhoood 0 activation hacktivation 1 professor professores 1 believer beleiber 0 much mmuch 1 measuring measurin 1 revenge revengee 1 situation situtation 1 become becomee 0 crappy crappily 1 recognize recoqnize 1 happy happya 0 happy happyb 1 happy happyy 1 object objec 1 feedback feedbck 1 somebody sombody 1 burst burstin 0 happy happyt 1 spirits spirts 1 letting leting 1 haven havenn 1 caramel carmal 0 skyline jcskyline 1 marvelous marvalous 1 algebra algeb 1 rachel raychel 1 spotting spottin 1 sitting siiting 1 haven haveny 0 haven havent 1 afternoon afternnon 1 jailbreak jailbreaker 0 happens appens 1 or oorr 1 shake shaaake 1 unforgivable unforgiveable 1 tunes tuness 0 purchases repurchases 1 alcoholic alcholics 0 actual acual 0 annoy anoys 1 galactic galacticos 1 inspiring inspring 1 home homeey 1 fourth furth 1 windows wndows 1 home homeee 0 inspiration insiration 1 sleepy sleeppy 1 sleep sleeppp 1 tournament tournment 1 safely safel 0 responses reponses 1 remembering rememberance 1 safe safee 0 drama jdrama 1 safety safet 0 watching wathing 1 absolutely absolutel 1 crystalline crystalshine 1 school skool 0 fearless warless 1 nutrition nutriti 1 saved savedd 1 basketball bsktball 1 villages villagesoup 1 never neveerrr 1 absolutely absolutey 1 greatest greatesttt 1 heaven heavan 1 barely barelly 1 hearing hereing 1 itself itsself 1 american amrican 1 democrats democra 1 birthday birthdaayy 1 technologies technologizer 0 check chk 1 manchester mancheste 0 hacked haked 1 website websit 0 character chr 1 scores scoresss 1 something someething 1 woke woooke 1 bird biiird 0 nonunion nontonnn 1 stuff stuuuff 0 amateurism obamateurism 1 flawless flawlesss 0 disneyland destinyland 1 further furthur 1 halloween halloweem 1 grinder grindcore 1 feeling feeeling 1 dude dudde 1 delayed delayd 1 requirements requirments 1 years 26years 1 experimental experiential 1 wedding weddinq 1 hours 4hours 1 lame lammee 1 called callled 0 bye bubye 0 online onlie 1 online onlin 1 absolutely absouletly 0 coating coatin 1 magical magikal 1 noisy noisey 1 missing misssing 1 probably proabably 1 wanted wantedd 1 variety variet 1 thug thuggg 1 crispy crispys 1 hold holdd 1 favor favorrr 0 highly highy 1 splash splashin 1 higher highr 0 high hight 1 splash splashid 1 high highh 1 outside outsiide 0 highlight highl 0 competency incompetency 1 especially expecialy 1 months 10months 0 higher highe 1 anonymous annoymous 1 wanted wanted2 1 solo soloo 1 where whwre 1 compared compaired 1 chasing chasinq 0 exchange exhange 0 motivational demotivational 0 performed perfomed 1 spanish spainsh 0 election byelection 1 nostalgia nostalgiaaa 0 rice ricek 1 natural nautral 0 haven haavent 1 rice ricee 1 finalizing finalising 1 could couuld 1 halloween hallowweeen 1 night niighttt 0 girlfriends realfriends 1 reunion reuinion 0 officially offially 0 creating caretaking 1 scary scarryyy 0 yes yesvs 1 top toppa 1 african africano 1 good gudd 1 beautiful beaautiful 1 entrance entrace 1 top toppp 1 muslims muslins 0 expert sexpert 1 instances instantes 1 area areeeaaa 0 himself hisself 1 pen 8pen 1 opposition oppositio 0 williams mcwilliams 0 list llist 0 anderson saunderson 1 spanish spanglish 0 studio mystudio 0 cookbook ecookbook 1 convinced convinved 1 battery baterry 0 remember rememer 1 observed observered 0 popping poppinn 1 holographic holographium 1 brings brngs 0 say ssay 1 celebration celbration 1 this thois 1 both 2both 1 expansion expansio 0 country coutry 1 extended extenders 1 since snce 0 sad ssad 1 laugh laaaugh 0 stuff istuff 0 responsibility resposibility 1 inside insid 1 everything everythiing 1 future futer 1 transcendental transcendentali 0 insists insis 1 regardless regardlesss 1 supposed suposd 1 suppose supose 1 everything everythiinq 1 dig diiiggg 1 catalina catalonian 1 tomorrow tomorroowww 1 miracles marcels 0 license liscense 1 nathans nathanson 0 missed misse 1 years yars 1 damn daaamn 1 alien allien 0 other onther 1 sauce sace 1 vanilla vanillia 0 please purlease 1 justin justing 1 justin justinb 1 justin justina 0 explain expain 1 battery batre 1 thanksgiving thankzgiving 1 downloading downloding 0 relevant revelant 0 hater h8er 0 chewing chewin 1 justin justins 0 studio instudio 1 pakistan pakistans 1 scan scann 1 chopsticks chipsticks 1 connection conection 1 official officialwire 0 dunno idunnoo 0 standing staning 1 neutral nuetral 1 stupid stupiiid 1 busy buisy 1 vagina vagine 1 dancing dansing 1 epic epiic 0 determined detemined 1 fast faast 1 gorgeous gooorgeous 1 position positon 0 asshole mcasshole 1 knowledge knowled 0 california kalifornia 1 economy economys 1 criticizing criticizin 0 elves alevels 1 rambling ramblin 0 baby babys 1 baby babyy 1 somebody somebodyy 0 server adserver 0 shy ashyy 0 practicing praticing 1 bitch btch 0 bye babye 1 believers bielibers 0 ebay ebays 1 baby babyi 1 dude duddee 0 soon asoon 0 bar vbar 1 jordanian jordanrhiana 0 awesome awesomert 1 attitude atitude 1 yum yumyum 1 proportion porportion 1 roosevelt roosevelts 0 fucks fuks 0 awesome awesomery 0 fucking fukn 0 fuck fukk 1 digital digitial 1 finished fininshed 1 study studyyy 1 concerned concernd 1 concerned concerne 1 crackling crackalacking 1 bow bowww 1 once 4once 1 confidence confidance 1 sports sprts 1 mustard mustards 1 unfortunately unfortunatelly 1 soul souuul 1 position postition 1 motherfucker motherfuckaz 1 conducting conductin 1 heavily heavly 1 greedy greddy 1 looking looking4 1 safe sfe 1 amazing amaazing 1 funny fuunnyy 0 bales gabales 0 cassette sacaste 0 things thigns 1 houston houstons 0 milan milans 1 sportsmanship sportmanship 1 okay okya 0 thankful thanful 1 hardcover hardcov 1 happened happned 0 dough doughs 1 inch 6inch 1 miles 30miles 0 happening happnen 1 spontaneous spontanious 1 spark sparky 0 expected xpected 0 facet factset 0 exercise excerise 1 montreal montrealer 1 clap clappp 1 popping poping 0 summer bummmer 1 clapping clappn 0 wit witj 1 versatile versitile 0 oops wooops 1 spark sparke 0 useful unuseful 0 makes akes 1 bullshit bulshitt 1 thursday thursdaay 0 birthday birhday 1 blistering blisteringly 0 nope nopez 0 laying laayin 1 bags bagss 1 ass assh 1 seriously serisouly 1 happy haaappyy 1 subway subwayy 1 sugar sugaaar 1 rhapsody rapsody 1 opinion opion 1 bored borredd 1 mediator meditators 1 stupid stupidrt 1 making 4making 1 twilight twlight 1 england englad 1 england englan 1 turkey turkeyy 1 albert albertine 1 decide decideee 1 gross grossy 1 every evrey 1 gross grosss 0 decriminalizing criminalizing 1 jealousy jelousy 1 positive posative 1 main maiin 1 thanks thansk 1 toes toesss 1 beautiful beautifal 0 ass assz 1 ruined ruinned 1 midnight midnigh 1 whatever whtvr 0 boating boatin 0 from ffrom 1 wig wiggg 1 nasty nassty 1 trip tripp 1 foundation foundatio 0 through throughthe 1 cigarettes ciggaretts 1 idiot idoit 1 tomorrow tonorrow 0 coolest koolest 1 anybody anybdy 1 realize rlze 0 buggy buggys 0 get iget 1 how hooww 1 fire firrreee 0 singleton fingleton 1 vegas vegaaas 0 sees eseses 1 despair dispair 1 musical musicality 1 drugs drugss 1 december dicembre 1 weakness weekness 1 practically practicaly 1 nice niccce 1 snaps snapss 1 babies babiess 1 interview interivew 1 temperature tempreture 1 senior seniorrr 1 philadelphia phialdelphia 1 thought tohught 0 moms gmoms 1 common commmon 1 influence influen 1 cheesecake cheescake 0 reading readin 1 once oonce 1 closet closett 0 quiz squiz 1 bloody blooody 0 tickets tickest 1 theory therory 1 alphabet alphabetti 1 japanese japanes 1 perverseness pervertedness 1 letting lettting 1 fighting figthing 1 attached attatched 1 follow follwo 1 chatting chating 0 quitting quitin 1 crazy carazy 1 finishing finshing 1 praise prais 1 towards torwards 1 juice jooce 0 economy econo 1 extension extention 1 sisters sisterz 0 hamster hampster 1 walking walkiing 1 sister sisterr 1 bottle bttle 1 comments commenters 0 lord ohlord 1 chicken chcken 0 figured ifigured 0 supposed possed 0 missing misin 1 checked chcked 0 know kknow 0 conversion upconversion 1 champions championist 1 started starteddd 1 heat 3heat 0 introduce reintroduce 1 hood hoooddd 1 chris chriiis 1 listening listenign 0 weapons weapo 1 nickname nicknamee 1 interior interio 1 store storee 1 theory theroy 0 exist excist 0 dean daegan 1 hold 2hold 1 whether wether 0 youngest yougest 1 shopping shoppinggg 1 stressful stressfulll 0 misnomer midsomer 0 grandma gma 0 reset resetted 0 interview twinterview 1 electrodes electroadhesion 0 neurologist nephrologist 1 entertainment entertainmentwi 1 nathan nathannn 1 mobile moble 1 interrupted interupted 1 available availalbe 1 singing sing'n 0 sandwiches sandwitches 0 wanted wanned 1 nails nailss 0 orchestra worchester 1 credibility credability 1 shoes shoesss 0 liking likn 1 likes liks 1 divorce divorcees 1 shots 2shots 0 awful awfu 1 alexander alexandros 0 ashley trashley 1 yeah yyeeaahh 1 stars starsss 1 mystery myster 1 hate hait 1 ever eveerr 1 realized realzied 0 would woud 1 lightning lightining 1 happened happent 0 would woul 1 win winn 1 existing exisitng 0 happened happene 1 happened happend 1 rails rails3 0 happening happeni 1 happen happenn 1 drinking drnking 1 shit shhhiittt 0 yesterday yestetday 1 informative imformative 1 vegas veags 1 rainy rainyy 1 prison prision 1 consuming consumin 0 probably propably 1 receiving recieving 0 afternoon gafternoon 1 patriots patroits 0 disgusting digusting 1 maneuver manouver 1 nine niiine 0 seeing seein 1 fucking fuckking 1 happen happen2 1 justice justic 1 fucking fuckkinn 1 bless blesss 1 bath baaath 1 bless blessu 1 introduced introducer 0 blessing blessi 1 watching waatching 0 tom toml 0 tommorow tomm 1 blessing blessn 1 craving cravin 1 consumers consumerist 1 blessed blessd 1 anymore anymooore 1 females femals 1 relaxing relaxingg 1 shipping shiping 1 kiss 2kiss 1 damn damnnn 0 recession recessi 0 encore encontre 1 implantation impartation 1 picture pictur 1 knuckles knucklez 1 thanksgiving thnksgivin 0 picture pictue 1 important importnat 1 nausea nauseaus 1 alcohol alochol 0 landed landsend 1 beginning beginng 0 beginners beginne 1 shocked shockedd 1 begin beginnn 1 between beetween 0 surprised unsurprised 1 anything anythang 0 beginning beginni 1 word 1word 0 boom bombom 1 inactive inactives 1 differentiates differentiators 1 maybe mayyybe 1 fix fixxx 0 flick flik 1 amused ammused 0 rock wrock 0 seeing sein 0 flick flic 1 lick lickk 1 period periodd 1 period periode 0 important mportant 1 invading invadin 1 determined determinded 1 live liive 1 sorority sorrority 0 converter inverter 0 national nazionale 1 living livinggg 1 tattoo tatttoo 1 news newss 1 newest newst 1 news newsu 1 juice juiceee 1 guidance guidanc 1 duplication duplications 1 somewhere somewere 1 relative relativ 1 eastern easterns 1 investigate investigat 1 although allthough 0 stuff stuffrt 1 jerk jerrrk 1 dog doooggg 1 clear clearrr 1 rebellion rebelion 0 excess xcess 0 everything e'rything 0 seventeen eleventeen 1 lunch lunchhh 1 convicted convicte 1 bankruptcy bankrupcy 1 still stiiilll 1 news news2 1 question questin 0 question questio 1 looked loked 1 automotive automotives 1 hello heelllooo 1 avatar avatarnyaa 0 climbing climing 1 contracts cntrcts 1 proposed propsed 0 spastic snapstick 1 something somethiing 1 tingling tinglin 1 bumping bumbing 0 havoc havock 1 bodyguard bodygaurd 1 appetite appetito 0 uncool lofi 1 involved invovled 0 eating easting 0 resort resor 1 filibuster fillibuster 1 explanation explainations 0 lantern olantern 0 streaming ustreaming 1 toes toesies 1 closely closley 0 letters lettes 0 obsessed obsesse 1 optometrist optometric 0 meaningful meaninful 1 oops ooopppss 1 shepherd sheperd 1 ten tennn 0 tennis tenni 0 identical bioidentical 0 inches inche 1 pounding poundin 1 wont wontt 0 school schooo 1 nights nigths 0 befriend bestfriend 0 tuition tuiti 1 banana bananana 1 glue gluee 1 possibility possiblity 1 concerned concered 1 foreign foriegn 0 fucking fucing 1 affiliate affialite 0 immediate immedia 1 snow snowww 1 bumping bumpingg 1 juicy juicyyy 1 spaghetti spaggetti 1 believing beliveing 1 baby baaabby 1 holland hollanddd 0 hiding hidn 0 blunt blut 1 changing chngin 1 sounds sonds 1 socialize socialised 1 rubber ruber 0 looks llooks 0 statistician biostatistician 1 today toooday 1 survive servive 0 goodies goldies 1 lately latley 1 beach bech 1 neighborhood neighborho 1 philips philipps 1 epic eeepic 1 party praty 1 england engla 1 wine winee 0 monkey mokey 0 leave leaver 1 english engli 1 ridiculous ridicula 1 resemblance resemblence 1 under undr 0 delicious delishious 0 cooking cooning 1 leave leavee 1 sorry srrry 1 chilled chillled 1 accounting accountings 1 article artical 1 then thennn 1 off offa 1 casino cassino 1 certificate certificat 1 printer printe 1 make maake 1 off offf 1 scientifically scientifical 0 mind mymind 0 off offl 1 health helth 1 interactive interacti 1 check checck 1 perfect perfct 0 reflection refection 1 mercy mercyyy 1 off off2 1 implement impleme 1 excellent excellend 1 off off9 1 reply replyy 0 concert koncert 1 apocalyptic apocalyptically 1 sleep shleeep 1 renowned renouned 1 character chracter 0 following refollowing 1 aye aayyee 0 gorgeous goegeous 1 coming comng 1 replying replyn 1 symbol symbology 1 some sommme 0 routine routi 0 monster montster 1 carter carters 1 fire fiiire 1 these theese 1 punjabi punjabis 1 allowed alowed 1 both bothh 1 attract attrack 1 girlfriend girlfiend 0 hardly ardly 0 doberman bomberman 1 both bothe 1 important importanttt 1 bother bothr 0 both boths 1 thought thouught 0 aerobic aerobatic 1 calendar calenda 1 differently diffrently 0 pennington kennington 1 issue issuse 1 teach teachhh 1 price priceee 0 perfect perect 0 make amake 0 bastards barstards 1 dads dadddys 0 before befoe 1 thank thaankk 1 though thoough 1 daddy dadddyy 1 before befor 1 charger chargerrr 1 degrees degreees 1 mama mamaaa 0 freak wtfreak 0 religion religio 1 weekend wekkend 1 sky skyyy 1 years 8years 1 santa saaanta 1 teleprompter teleprompters 1 brother broother 1 rule ruuule 0 husband husbad 1 eve evee 1 husband husban 0 simple dnsimple 1 trauma trama 1 day 6day 1 chemistry chemistryy 0 exposed xposed 1 likelihood likelyhood 0 logo blooog 0 quarter quater 1 rocking rockingham 1 bloom blooom 1 revenge revenqe 1 followers followres 1 international internationa 1 international internationl 1 black blackrt 0 straight skraight 0 mastering gamestring 1 international internations 1 nintendo nintendogs 1 expiration experation 1 school schoolie 1 talk taalk 0 seven seve 1 school schoolio 1 schooling schoolin 1 although althought 1 dragging draging 0 alert aler 1 downtown downtownn 1 information informaton 1 allen alen 1 slut sl^t 0 yacht yatch 1 injustice injusticia 1 forgot frogot 1 seriously seriusly 1 like liike 1 went wentt 1 consolidation consolidati 1 saturday saturdai 1 reserves reservas 1 nitrate nitrite 1 bitches bitcches 1 starting startinggg 1 independence independency 0 describe decribes 0 sandwich sanwhich 0 cool kuwl 1 outfits outfit7 1 day day2 1 thick thiick 1 germany germanyyy 0 night nite 1 wallpaper walpaper 1 into inot 0 november novemer 1 tomorrow tumorrow 0 really realky 1 association associati 1 went went2 1 scheme schem 1 sister siister 1 nephew nephewww 0 fuckers chuckers 0 strippers stippers 1 doors dooors 1 door dooorr 1 revision revision3 0 day dayx 1 day dayy 1 outfit outfitt 1 help heeelp 1 heels heeels 1 day dayu 0 longer longterm 1 changing changmin 1 heck heeck 0 day dayl 1 hell heeell 1 day dayi 1 morning morinig 0 probably probab 1 please pleaase 1 fantasy fantasi 0 military milita 0 mt mtmt 0 necessary necess 1 miami maimi 1 already alreeady 1 appreciate appreacite 1 embarrassed emberassed 1 suffering sufferin 1 primarily primari 1 affiliate affilliate 1 care carree 1 heights heightz 1 basketball basketballl 1 totally toootally 1 prince princeee 1 misbehaving misbehavin 1 career carrer 1 listening listenning 1 yeah yeaaahhh 1 carey carrey 1 trend trendin 1 tickling ticklin 1 hosting housesitting 1 loser lozer 1 play plaaay 0 concentrate concetrate 0 exotic xotic 0 kindness kindess 1 plan plaaan 0 forever foverer 1 white whiiite 1 kidnap kidnapp 1 hilary hillar 1 hated hatedd 1 basically basicallyy 1 genealogy geneology 1 vacuum vacum 1 homework homeowrk 1 slow slooww 1 franklin frankli 1 years yeears 1 blanket blankie 0 trying tryiin 1 smoke smke 1 effects efects 1 prescription presciption 1 lang laaang 1 screwed screwd 1 land laaand 0 love dlove 1 gorgeous gorgious 1 screw screww 1 wishes wishesss 1 disorganized disorganised 0 strength stregnth 1 max maxx 1 camp caamp 0 max maxs 1 another 2another 1 thinking thinging 1 came caame 1 prank pranker 1 clown clownn 1 opportunities opportunies 0 dwelling dwellin 1 still stiil 1 school 2school 1 bubbles bubles 1 underwood underwoods 0 hospital hostpital 1 invest inves 1 building bilding 1 activity activityy 0 counting couting 0 men dmen 1 missing mising 1 pussy pusssay 1 minimum mininum 1 wonderful wooonderful 0 schedule schedu 0 because ecause 1 carolina carolin 0 schedules scheds 1 saying sayinggg 0 systems biosystems 0 colorado colora 1 join joinnn 1 bias bais 0 colored colore 1 colored colord 1 conclusion conclution 1 about aboutt 1 cable cabel 1 whatever whateever 0 duplicate dupe 1 color colorr 0 anywhere anywhe 1 about aboute 1 about abouth 1 musically musicaly 1 absolute absolut 1 poison poisonnn 0 expansion fxpansion 1 appetite appitite 1 months monthsss 1 situation situationn 0 liquid liquified 1 spit spitt 1 knock knockk 1 knocking knockn 0 turned iturned 1 knocked knockd 0 incredible incedible 1 wanna waanna 1 ultimate ultmate 0 reference remergence 1 holiday howliday 1 angry angery 1 industry indstry 1 philippines philipines 1 inconvenience inconvience 1 believe beleeve 0 bead beadl 1 goodbye goodbyee 1 speaking speakng 1 rob robbo 0 han hagan 1 rob robbi 0 costume cotume 1 rob robbb 0 has hasn 1 rocking rockkin 0 acquire aquire 1 canadian candian 1 spaceship spaceshiptwo 1 discovered discoverd 1 discovered discovere 0 her hever 1 hopefully hopefulli 1 feeling feling 1 flaming flammin 1 wild wiiild 1 tom tomomi 1 will wiiill 1 heaven heven 1 cookbook cookbookif 0 that htat 1 newly newl 1 new newe 1 comparison comparisions 0 excite naexcite 1 relationship relatonship 1 statistic statistik 1 new neww 1 rebounds rebounders 1 candidate candidat 1 give giveee 1 online onlline 1 shoes shoooes 1 any anyy 0 gift egift 1 crazy crazayy 1 lucky 1lucky 1 creeping creepingg 1 squash sqaush 1 expensive expensi 1 really realllyyy 1 hierarchy heirarchy 1 fucking fuckingg 0 rounds rounders 1 appearance appreance 1 wow wowwow 1 definitely defiantely 1 spectral spectrolab 1 fucking fuckings 1 track 8tracks 1 together toghter 1 scary sacry 1 please pleaaase 1 official officialwillow 1 situation sitiation 1 christina chirstina 1 others 4others 1 obviously obvously 1 successfully sucessfully 0 angels vangelis 1 has hass 1 offense ofense 1 baby babaayy 1 fucking fucccking 1 loving looving 0 notes newnotes 1 unknown unkown 1 episode episde 1 effective effecti 1 characters charecters 1 friday fridayyy 1 marginals marginalised 0 and n 1 battery batterie 1 dripping drippin 0 might mightve 1 surround surrond 1 reducing reducin 1 censored censore 1 program prgram 1 puppy puupy 1 weekend weeekeeend 1 found fooound 1 song sonngg 0 scholar escolar 1 cadillac caddilac 0 readings gradings 0 scopes scopers 0 chili chilis 1 invitation invitaron 1 nikki niki 1 okay oookay 1 back bacck 0 chilling chilin 0 girl shawty 1 chili chilie 1 occasionally occassionally 0 this thibs 1 teen teeen 1 tea teeea 1 person persn 1 hundreds hundre 1 peak peaky 1 stand staaand 1 fabulous fabulos 1 physically phisically 1 sometimes smetimes 0 breaking breaki 1 dad dadd 0 dying dyiin 0 shit sshit 1 daddy dady 1 bullshit bullshiter 1 plugged pluged 1 restaurant restauran 1 reporting reportin 0 league leaguer 1 november novemberwish 1 grade gradee 1 away awaayyy 1 covers 18covers 1 greetings gretting 1 thanks thaankks 1 garden graden 1 stand 2stand 1 download downloaddd 1 mcdonald mcdonlads 0 followers followee 1 mansion mansion7 1 keeps keepss 1 pull pulll 1 export expor 1 anyway anyw 0 any anyt 1 tight tiight 1 hurry hurrryyy 1 halloween 14halloween 0 styles syles 1 lately latelyyy 1 wanna wannaaa 0 highway hiway 1 sing singg 0 burning burni 1 burn burnn 0 extended xtended 1 everybody everyboody 0 burner burne 1 fierce fierceee 1 terrible turrible 1 break breakk 1 really reaallly 1 breaking breakn 1 break breaka 1 grade grade8 1 and aaannnd 0 pulled pulle 1 break breake 1 relationships relationshipsss 1 sandy sandhy 0 thanksgiving cranksgiving 0 singing singi 1 somebody somebodyyy 0 rename renamer 1 creditors creditmore 0 spreading speading 0 love iloove 1 lad laddd 1 anyone any1 0 footage foota 1 channeling chanelling 1 lady laddy 1 single singl 0 match matchup 1 bout bhoutt 1 wanted wanteeed 1 intentions intensions 1 month 18month 1 accept 2accept 1 contest conteste 0 blush blushin 1 fin finnn 1 addictive addictin 1 chest chestt 1 find finnd 1 fine finne 0 lucky clucky 1 contest contestt 1 such suuuch 1 suck suuuck 1 change chaange 1 bandwagon bandwagoner 1 prevention preventions 1 bible bieble 1 absolutely absoulutely 0 shirts tshirts 1 mirror mirrior 1 incontinence incontinency 1 change chaaange 0 commitment komitmen 1 peeing peeeing 0 sandman danman 1 delete deletee 1 shirt shirttt 1 refrigerant refrigerante 1 temporary temporarity 0 deleted deleter 1 pathetic pathic 1 alexander alexand 0 alcohol acohol 1 possess posess 1 attack attackk 1 believe beliieve 1 terminals terminamos 1 announce anounce 1 attacked attacke 1 attacked attackd 1 nose noseee 1 encounter encuentra 1 use usse 0 unconsciousness anxiousness 1 answer awnser 1 for 2for 1 daily dialy 1 people ppl 0 brighton albrighton 1 for ferr 1 different differnet 1 systems systemes 0 pussy ussy 1 hang hanggg 1 sing sinng 0 double mcdouble 0 bartender barktenders 1 training tranning 0 hardly harly 0 backyard bankcard 1 that tyhat 1 dreaming dreamin 0 fucking ifucking 0 stuck stucc 1 bouquet boquet 1 forgot frgt 0 hollywood lollywood 1 italian italien 1 impossible imposssible 1 description discription 1 germs germies 0 no nnnooo 1 went wenttt 1 really reeaalllyyy 0 suffers sufre 1 success succeses 0 string gstring 1 tell teell 1 flavor flavour 1 amateur amature 0 rock jrock 1 design desgin 1 band baand 0 attention attn 0 jimmy jimminy 1 lunch lnch 1 camera camara 1 times timees 1 listen lissten 1 sometimes sometims 1 pleases pllleeeaaasssee 0 throwing thowin 1 receive recive 1 monkey monkee 1 pres peres 1 dark darkk 1 madonna madonn 1 trance tranceee 1 liberals liberalise 1 mary maryy 1 feeling feelling 1 madonna madona 1 across acros 1 survivor survior 0 traditional tradional 1 paperback paperb 1 wheel whel 1 where wher 1 borrow borro 1 paper paperr 1 happened happeened 1 reference referance 0 spelling mispelling 1 pancakes pankcakes 0 little llittle 1 condition conditon 1 smacked smackeddd 1 consider consid 1 pictures picturs 1 committing commiting 1 blunt bluunt 1 poison posion 1 ending endinggg 1 totally totaly 1 deleted delted 1 butterflies butterflys 0 innings inklings 1 fastest fastes 1 movies movieees 1 dude dood 1 sack sackk 1 mustache moustached 0 nuclear nuclea 1 paper paper1 1 paper paper2 0 notebook fonebook 0 affirmative roj 1 die diieee 0 mario marios 1 celebrity celebr 0 rocks rox 1 winning winningg 1 unplugged unpluggd 0 epidemic epistemic 1 best besth 1 mercedes mercedez 1 married marriedd 0 monitor csmonitor 1 artist artisit 0 best bestf 1 cloud cloud9 1 dream dreaaam 0 seriously seiously 0 drunk knackered 1 tempo tempooo 0 hopkins thompkins 1 best bestt 0 ride iride 1 there therree 1 tank tankk 1 sweet swwweeettt 1 irrelevant irrelivant 1 wallet wallett 1 these 2these 0 rape frape 1 sponsor sponsore 1 halloween hallween 0 dan edan 1 post postt 1 etiquette ettiquette 1 spain spaaain 1 everything everythink 1 birthday birthdaaayy 1 cloud cloudd 1 everything everythinh 0 posting posti 0 levels leves 1 best best2 0 posted poste 1 posted postd 0 day eday 1 chilled chilledd 1 prom porm 1 porch porc 0 bored imbored 1 shortcut shortcrust 0 learnt leart 1 sailing sailings 1 bitches bitchesz 1 lover loverrr 1 waiting waaaiting 1 ballet balet 0 should schould 0 productivity unproductivity 1 apparently apparenly 1 beautiful beautifuls 0 change chage 1 beautifully beautifuly 1 shrinking shrinkin 1 performance preformance 0 downtown downto 1 announcement announcment 1 king kiing 1 kind kiind 1 harry haaarrryyy 1 beautiful beautifull 1 school scho0l 1 walk wallkk 1 accidentally acidentally 0 bang bangun 1 toe toeee 1 pregnant pregnate 1 writing writng 0 effect jayeffect 1 exam exame 0 exam examn 1 profitable profitab 1 fucking fuckinng 0 lego legong 1 example examp 0 crunch krunch 1 laying laaying 1 pounds 2pounds 1 lovely lovelly 1 beast beeeast 1 name nmae 1 wholesale wholesal 1 positives positiveness 0 funny funnyaf 1 dis diiis 1 presents presentsss 0 still istill 1 heart hearrrt 0 sunday unday 1 die diiie 1 dig diiig 1 starting startng 1 trouble trooouble 1 time tiiimmmeee 1 tease teasee 0 authentic authenic 1 case casee 1 maximize maximise 1 confusing confussing 0 aramaic arabmagic 1 available availabel 1 face facce 1 hungry hngry 0 town dtown 1 appearance appearan 0 disability usability 1 while whle 1 masculine masculin 1 figured figurd 1 joining joing 1 party partay 1 literally litereally 0 number nuber 0 apprentice theapprentice 1 acting acttin 1 forty fourty 1 california calfornia 1 bucks 40bucks 0 chatting gchatting 0 vitamin vitam 0 refrigerator refridgerator 0 your j00r 1 inform informa 1 informed informe 1 practice practive 0 presentation representationa 1 even eaven 1 default defaulttt 0 occasion occasi 1 elementary elemantary 0 intense entiendes 1 dancing danciing 1 practice practie 0 looked ilooked 1 practice practic 1 bastard basterd 1 daddy dadddyyy 1 miles 20miles 0 rolling rollin 1 comment commnt 1 earlier earlyer 1 lopez lpez 1 revenge revenage 0 everything eveythin 1 fuck fuhck 1 batch batc 1 longer looonger 1 leg leggg 1 hacked hackeddd 1 legs leggs 0 bananas ananas 1 latitude lattitude 0 encryption decryption 1 stress streess 1 freaking freagin 1 weather weatherr 0 teacher teatcher 1 weeks 6weeks 1 tomorrow tommorrow 1 listening listinin 0 jennifer jennife 1 appreciate appreaciate 1 inventory invento 1 light lght 0 because cuzz 1 hugs hugz 1 debating debatinq 1 invented inventd 1 handset handse 1 guarantee garauntee 1 together togeather 1 wow wooowww 1 sin sinnn 0 your onyour 0 argue agrue 1 bust bustt 1 ha hhahaaha 1 from frrom 0 bust bustn 1 amazing amayzing 1 eating eaating 1 school skhool 0 homers homeruns 0 collection complection 0 bust bustd 1 cruel crule 1 exchanges exchangers 1 entertainment entertainment91 0 concentrate concerntrate 1 negative negativeee 1 eh eehhh 1 night nighht 0 survivor suvivor 1 play playyy 0 right rright 0 ha whhaha 0 amazon sambazon 1 successfully succesfully 0 nothing nothibg 1 milk milkkk 0 everything everying 1 migraine migran 0 rediscover yeardiscover 1 telepathy telepaths 0 factor xfactor 1 minnesota minnesot 1 guess guees 1 stuck stucks 1 your yur 1 fight fiight 1 stuck stuckk 0 automatically atomically 1 you yuo 0 workouts workboots 1 true ture 1 knew knewww 1 someone somene 1 jeans jeansss 0 intel mintel 0 sweetest bestestt 0 attitude actitude 0 watermark waterpark 0 rocks rawks 1 plane planeee 1 teenage teenag 1 reasonable resonable 1 downloading dwnloadin 0 sleepwalk sleeptalk 1 extremely extremelly 1 doors dors 0 playground slayground 1 greatest greatests 1 storm stooorm 1 everything everythn 1 motherfucker motherfuka 1 everything everythi 1 downloaded donwloaded 1 everything everythg 1 appreciation appriciation 1 tripping trippinggg 0 arlington barrington 1 maybe mabye 0 serious seriousrt 1 him hiimmm 1 having havng 1 same saaame 1 embedded embeded 1 card cardd 1 why whhhy 1 penguin pengin 1 fucks fukcs 0 sean seans 1 steroids steriods 1 minutes 10minutes 1 stress streeesss 1 enormous enourmous 0 learning elearning 1 sean seana 1 sean seann 0 how ghow 0 having havign 1 cigarettes cigarets 1 techniques techniqu 1 science sciencee 1 today todaayyy 1 square 9square 0 diamond ziamond 1 gangster gangstarr 1 delicious delcious 0 replying roleplaying 1 department departmen 1 joy joyy 0 gangland hangeland 1 everyone everyyonee 0 need nneed 0 lately latey 1 applications applicaton 1 kids kidsss 0 reply ireply 0 later lates 0 annual annua 1 sis siiis 1 sir siiir 1 lately latel 1 late latee 0 late lated 0 wildebeest wilderbeast 1 mailman malalaman 1 finals finials 0 short inshort 0 space spacek 1 evening evng 1 even evne 1 keep keeep 1 keen keeen 0 envy evny 1 switching swtiching 1 labeled labled 0 space spacex 1 long 4long 1 throw trow 1 apart aparttt 1 event evnt 0 cause ccause 1 construction constuction 1 glue gule 1 sour sourrr 1 popping poppinggg 1 teacher teahcer 0 division divisi 1 turns turnss 1 came camme 1 diego deigo 1 emperor emporer 1 cam cammm 1 mostly mstly 0 kepler keepalmer 0 california califonia 1 guarantee guarntee 1 trying tryingto 1 legendary legendry 1 bitches biatchesss 1 sunday snday 1 flicker flickr 1 tomorrow tomorrooow 1 joke jokee 1 expensive expnsive 0 beast beastin 1 thingamajig thingymajig 1 diamond dominando 0 candy candys 1 wow wwow 1 dick diiick 1 referring referin 1 young younggg 1 candy candyy 0 hopefully hopelly 1 dreaming dreaminggg 1 win wiiinnn 1 tonight toniiight 1 blue bluuue 1 minute minuite 1 install installer 0 throat thoat 0 johnny tvjohnny 1 houseplants houseplanetdj 1 somebody somebady 1 reason reaason 1 bargains bargins 1 instead insted 1 applied applyed 1 oops oopppss 1 bang baang 0 tomorrow tommorows 1 eclipse eclipe 1 tomorrow tommoroww 0 would wouldve 0 knocked knocced 1 hosting hostings 1 rumors rumours 1 cleveland cleaveland 1 bitch biotchh 0 blackberry blkberry 1 royal royale 1 quality qualty 1 treat treattt 1 shit shiiittt 0 suggestions suggetions 1 aye ayeaye 0 sweet ssweet 0 patrick waptrick 1 platform platfo 1 window windowww 1 east eastt 1 that thhat 1 you yyouu 1 inspired inspir 0 blackberry crackberry 1 number nuumber 0 catalina caticlan 1 newbie newbee 1 subscribe subscribee 1 relationship relationshp 1 sure 4sure 0 feeling feein 1 relationship relationshi 1 riverside riversidee 0 dark darks 1 clearly clearlyy 0 awaiting awaitin 1 please pllease 1 thinking thiinkiin 0 nurse nuse 1 annoying annoyinq 0 respond repond 1 veterinarian veterinaria 1 blocked bollocked 1 picture pictuuure 1 pillow pilow 0 routine rountine 1 falling fallinggg 1 people peaople 0 themselves thereselves 1 predominantly predominately 1 celebrate celbrate 0 whisper hispter 1 alright allrighty 1 freezing freezinnn 1 stabilizing stabilising 1 time timeee 1 festival fastival 1 cuisine cusine 0 malfunction multifunction 1 here heereee 0 detention dentention 1 different differenter 1 listen lsiten 1 monday mondayyy 1 cousins cusins 1 access acess 0 selling sellin 1 amazing amazzzing 0 explanation xplanation 0 drinks idrink 0 yeah yeahhs 0 mary marys 1 caribbean carribbean 0 mind mindn 1 motherfucker motherfuckin 1 yeah yeahhh 0 needed ineeded 1 english englsih 0 insecurity infosecurity 1 well weel 1 jimmy jimmmy 0 energy tenergy 1 direction directon 0 dragging braggin 0 mother mutha 1 paying payingg 1 captain cptn 0 edge egde 0 champagne champange 0 following folowin 1 quantitative quantitive 0 wanna wanba 0 street sreet 1 fantasy fantasma 0 screen sreen 1 armageddon armagedon 0 without withour 1 professional proffessional 0 operation operanation 0 motorbike motobike 1 spark sparkup 0 melville milledgeville 0 watch rewatch 1 supplements suppliments 1 johnny johhny 1 shit shhiiittt 0 deprogramming metaprogramming 0 left letf 1 followers followerrrs 1 blah blaaah 1 let lett 1 bitch beatch 0 initial inisial 1 philosophical philisophical 0 dancing daning 1 spreading spreding 1 now nowww 1 canada cananda 0 discovery ediscovery 1 nap nappp 1 crazy crazzzyy 0 boston bton 1 icon icoon 1 vintage vinatge 1 football footballl 1 marbled marblehead 0 gym gymn 1 gym gymm 1 tutoring tutorin 1 approve aprove 0 tutorial tutoria 1 happiness happinesss 0 anybody anyboy 1 credibility credibilty 1 ridiculous ridiculos 1 reacting reactin 1 jewelry jewellery 1 supposed sopposed 1 english englis 1 main mainnn 1 losing lossing 1 anyway aaanyway 1 miles miless 1 motivation motivatiors 1 alone aloone 1 introducing introducin 1 tomorrow tommarrow 1 super supperr 1 mom moom 1 times tiimes 1 landscape landscap 0 cause ause 0 free freel 1 time tiimee 0 free freef 1 free freee 0 shit schit 1 dice dicee 0 meter meterme 0 lincoln licoln 0 dice dicen 1 den denna 1 fucking fuckung 1 slack slackkk 1 birthday biiirthdaaay 1 baffling bafflingly 1 title titile 1 kindergartens kindergartners 1 climax climaxxx 0 redistrict artistdirect 1 neighbor neiqhbor 0 pepper drpepper 1 slow sloooww 0 sleepless sleepness 1 how hooow 0 anyone nyone 1 cursor curser 1 suspicious suspicous 1 curse cursee 1 hood hoood 1 instruments instrumento 1 bitch btich 1 hook hoook 0 sorry imsorry 1 manager mngr 0 everybody e'erbody 1 their theri 1 doctors doctorsss 1 fierce firece 0 they thery 1 there therr 1 theirs thers 1 hemorrhoids hemroids 1 fucking fuckiinq 0 relief relie 1 chevrolet chevorlet 0 everyday eeryday 1 volunteering volunteerism 1 suppose spose 1 passing passsing 0 yeah yesah 0 thanksgiving thksgiving 1 fucking fuckiing 1 reincarnated reincarnatedib 1 early earley 1 probably proably 0 sucking suking 1 competitive competitve 0 partisanship bipartisanship 1 earlier earler 1 apology appology 1 people peeople 0 surname username 1 break breakkk 1 direction dirction 0 feeling felin 0 sara sarkar 1 kicking kickn 1 pad paddd 1 rose rosee 1 deserves deservd 1 papa pappa 0 cracker craker 0 rose roset 1 randomly ramdomly 1 cartilage cartilidge 1 hilarious hallarious 1 deserves deservs 0 asia seasia 1 pillow pilloww 0 ticket eticket 1 heavy hevy 1 mississippi mississipp 1 recommend reccommend 1 cold cooollldd 1 dash dashh 1 blankets blankies 1 finally finaly 1 joke jooke 1 directors directora 0 cookbook comicbook 1 cry crrry 1 supposed suppossed 1 mathematics mathmatics 0 swift wift 1 topping toping 1 website websitee 1 lies lieeesss 1 could couuuld 1 alive allive 1 shout shouttt 1 snippets snippits 1 cartoons cartooons 1 stop stooop 0 acquainted aquainted 1 followers 4followers 1 walking walkng 0 single singtel 1 favorite favoriet 0 wellington lillington 1 accessibility accessability 0 debug debugdg 1 stood stoood 1 earlier earlierr 1 tits tittes 0 chatting chattin 1 almost alllmost 1 existing existin 1 ingredients ingrediants 1 thirteen thirtheen 1 maintenance maintenace 0 cracked craked 1 nicotine nicotene 1 morgan morgann 1 exist existir 1 dropped droppped 1 serious seriuos 1 salute saluteee 1 all aaall 0 wonderful wondeful 1 fly fllly 1 failure failur 1 before beefore 0 things thigs 1 tight tiiight 1 steve steeve 1 talking talkng 1 cause cuase 0 homosexual bromosexual 1 pulled pullled 0 occurred occurr 1 sweetheart swetheart 1 shots shotss 1 treating treatinq 1 cancel cancelin 1 own ownn 1 online onliiine 1 phoenix phoneix 0 album albulm 0 flick flicc 1 went whent 0 shining shinin 1 neither neithr 1 ham haam 1 when whene 0 when whend 1 appropriate appropiate 1 had haad 1 must mustt 1 must mustu 0 must mustv 0 understand unerstand 1 nutritional nutritionals 0 suck suk 1 drunk drunkrt 1 accent acent 1 woman womn 1 rosenberg rosenborg 0 must mustb 0 women wome 0 woman woma 0 sucks sux 1 evil eveil 1 bug bugg 1 themselves themselv 0 shocking shoking 1 sandy sandyyy 1 asked askeddd 1 together togethr 1 interception interceptionnn 1 dirty dirrty 1 rise risee 1 follow follloowww 1 manchester manchest 1 themselves themself 1 toe toee 1 about abuot 1 funny fuunnny 1 goodbye goodby 0 harder harded 1 thompson thompsons 1 feeling feelingrt 1 arthur arthurs 1 breakfast brkfast 1 interface interac 1 mexico mxico 1 magnitude magnitud 0 carnival karnival 1 disappointment dissappointment 0 london loddon 1 tired tireed 0 when whenthe 0 reader ereader 1 utilization utilisation 1 improper improvers 1 sometimes s0metimes 0 aces hacess 1 training trainging 0 verified verliefd 0 lounge jlounge 1 else elsse 1 bizarre bizare 0 little liltle 0 forgotten unforgotten 1 permanent permanente 0 exercising excercising 1 flash flas 1 material materiel 1 great greaattt 1 president presedent 1 horse horsee 0 rushing rushin 1 flame flam 1 mirror mirr 0 educate edumacate 1 kids kiddds 1 awesome awesomeee 0 popover kpoplover 1 hurt 2hurt 0 placement plenamente 0 line tline 0 waiting waiitin 1 please pleaseee 1 superman spearman 1 participants participantes 1 conspiracy conspira 0 decoration redecoration 1 vegetable vegatable 1 funny fuuunnny 1 fancy fancyy 0 left ileft 1 nice niceee 1 electrodes electrobeats 1 handsome handsomee 1 welcome welcooome 1 district distri 0 balance rebalance 1 handsome handsomes 1 follow followww 1 thank thannk 1 resources resourc 1 cleaning cleaing 1 devastated devestated 1 than thannn 1 tags tages 0 target taget 1 something 4something 1 capacity capasity 0 roman ironman 1 tagged taged 0 especially xpecially 1 yeah yyyeeeaaahhh 1 friends friendid 1 amendment ammendment 1 video 23video 1 installations instalaciones 0 tyler tylers 0 lisa alisia 0 brother brothe 1 please pleeeaassseee 1 manila manilla 1 cheeseburger cheezburger 0 arlington darlington 1 sketches sketchfest 1 brother brothr 1 multilingual multilang 0 bound boun 0 sensational sensacional 1 supply suply 1 making maaking 1 dead deeeaaad 1 melissa meliss 0 about bout 1 panasonic panasonics 1 support sopport 1 grip grippp 1 vinegar vinger 1 receipts reciepts 1 forbidden forbiden 1 somebody somebodi 1 happen hapen 1 porcelain porcelin 0 nice nnice 0 drunkest dunkfest 0 hollywood bollywood 1 months 8months 1 annoying annnoying 1 privilege priveledge 0 cottonmouth kottonmouth 1 permanent permanant 1 already alreadys 1 already alreadyy 0 complete comlete 1 gang gaaang 1 already alreadyrt 1 socialism socialismo 0 freethinking overthinking 1 karaoke karioke 1 error errorrr 1 preparing preparin 0 cancer cance 1 cancun cancn 1 hills hils 0 then kthen 1 complement compliement 1 movie moovie 1 engineering engineerin 1 stories storiesss 1 tomorrow tommorro 1 differences diffrences 0 herald nzherald 0 forehead moorehead 0 simpson simspon 1 uncomfortable uncomfortablene 1 categories catagories 1 friday fridai 1 tomorrow tommorrw 0 cold ckold 1 fantastic fantastical 1 available availiable 1 sane saine 0 fridge frige 0 ringer erzinger 1 broadcasting brodcasting 0 classic klassic 1 travel travelex 1 come 2come 0 flurry mcflurry 1 officially offcially 1 interview intervieww 0 stories stori 0 storage stora 1 interviewed interviewd 1 head headdd 1 poisoning poisening 1 contrariness contrarianism 1 real reeeaaal 0 respect irespect 1 favorite favouriteee 0 mentioned unmentioned 1 simplest simplist 0 kinda kina 0 department deparment 1 hell hhheeelll 1 translate translete 0 steve teve 1 christian chrstian 1 okay ohkayy 1 project proejct 0 ignore ingnore 0 fountain foutain 0 panorama japanorama 1 tongue tonguee 1 abandoned abandonin 0 tag jtag 1 brazilian brazilan 1 cobra cobrar 1 transaction transactional 1 angelic angelical 1 squad squaddd 1 please pelase 1 threw threww 1 gorgeous gorgoues 0 your toyour 0 racist narcist 1 gonna gonnae 1 gonna gonnaa 1 weapons wepons 1 quick quiiick 1 gonna gonnah 0 angle fangled 1 permanently permently 1 girl gilr 0 girls gils 0 apparently apparetly 1 noticed notcied 0 morning monying 1 okay okaye 1 script scripter 0 bookmark brookpark 0 stupid supid 1 hour 5hour 0 lying lyinn 1 please puhleasee 0 arrest arres 1 costume costumbre 1 grandma grandmaw 1 are arree 1 breakdown breakdwn 1 toilets toliets 1 grandma grandmaa 0 thousands getthousands 0 rent rentin 1 spelled spelld 1 till tilll 1 check cehck 0 glamorous polyamorous 1 giant gaint 0 coffeecakes coffeemakers 1 procedure proced 1 emailed emaild 1 play 2play 1 welcome wellcom 1 process proces 0 gained gaine 1 gain gainn 0 feel ifeeel 0 grinding gridin 1 baby baaabyyy 1 cousins cousinss 0 peeing peein 1 someone someonne 1 idea ideea 1 average averaqe 1 procrastinator procrastinater 1 england engalnd 1 million 20million 0 heading headin 1 city city2 1 law laaw 1 night nightout 1 hug huuug 1 blur blurr 1 lynx lynxxx 1 treat threate 0 laundry laundy 1 threaten threatn 0 against againts 1 numbers numbersss 0 direction diretion 1 stressed stresssed 1 faggot fgt 1 performance performence 1 city cityy 1 wow wohow 0 city citys 1 racing racings 1 helps helpss 1 shorthand shorthanded 1 september septemeber 1 chicken chickeeen 1 audition audtion 1 automatically automatica 0 incorporated unincorporated 1 intention intentio 0 birthday mybirthday 1 sitting sititng 1 moss mosss 1 showing shwing 1 southampton southhampton 1 all aall 0 dude dudet 1 harbor harbour 0 dude duder 0 performing peforming 0 senses sences 1 dude dudee 1 mistake mistak 1 diego diegooo 1 asleep asleeep 0 bands boybands 0 refresher renfrewshire 1 child chld 1 freight frieght 1 during durning 1 tweeter twitteeerrr 1 point poinnt 1 weak weeeaaak 1 replying replyin 0 watching twatchin 0 rochester dorchester 1 drama dramma 1 little litttleee 1 support supprt 1 suburban suburbian 0 charters crasters 1 hills hillis 1 account acount 0 conquered unconquered 1 menace menance 1 always alaways 1 addictive addictively 1 start strart 1 stomach stomachh 1 veggies vegies 1 dynasty dinasty 1 exam examm 1 preference prefrence 0 huntington hunington 1 mankind mankinds 0 rapper napper 1 bullshit bullshittin 0 amazing glamazing 1 holland hollandia 1 number numberone 1 wondering wonderinggg 1 license lisence 1 desensitized desensitised 1 maximizing maximising 1 everybody everibody 1 weird wierd 1 dream dreamm 1 not nooot 0 highest highes 1 now nooow 1 offices offces 1 difference differance 1 investment investme 0 school schoolrt 0 would would't 1 definition definitivo 0 telling telllin 1 portuguese portguese 1 splitting spliting 1 pain paiin 1 supposed spposed 1 discovery discoverys 1 miami miam 0 away awayz 1 away awayy 1 reviews reveiws 1 truth truthhh 1 hungry huuungry 1 choosing chosing 0 disaster dizaster 1 tolerate tollerate 1 fat fatt 0 file efile 0 wonder iwonder 0 patent paten 0 complete komplete 1 question questionz 1 birthday birthhhdayyy 0 shit hsit 0 browser browers 0 coalition coaliti 1 varsity varisty 0 dragging defragging 1 election elction 1 penis peeenis 1 attacked attcked 1 cliff clifff 1 what 4what 0 healthy heathy 1 cinnamon cinnamin 1 reply replly 1 bitch bitchhh 1 corporation corporationhome 1 requirement requireme 0 invite reinvite 1 ashley ashleyy 0 version verion 0 culbertson cuthbertson 1 apologize apologiz 1 waves wavesss 0 pony ponyboy 0 generation cogeneration 1 wants wnats 1 imagine imagne 1 campaign campagne 0 touchdown touchdo 1 melting meltingly 1 nerd nerrrd 1 sauce saucee 1 wide wiiide 1 amazing amamzing 0 this htis 1 one onnne 0 year yearrt 0 cover ecover 1 year yearrr 1 scandal scanda 1 you yooou 1 pathetic pathethic 1 lucky luckyy 1 priceless pricelesss 1 compare compaare 0 attack attac 1 auto autooo 1 straight straaight 1 return retrn 1 blacks blackops 0 attack attak 1 january januaryy 1 putting puttting 1 fortunately fortunatly 1 canada canda 1 burn burrrn 1 volleyball volleyballl 1 refuse refusee 1 underestimating underestimation 1 example exemple 1 please pleeeaaasssee 1 knowing knowingg 0 marcus jamarcus 1 wanna whanna 1 businesslike businesstalk 1 and ande 1 fresh fressshhh 1 dirty dirrrty 1 silence slience 1 parallel paralel 1 refurbished refurbed 1 suckers suckersss 0 and andf 1 seattle seatle 1 peter peterrr 1 supply suppl 0 church mychurch 1 sleepy sleeepppyy 0 browsing browing 1 john johnn 1 primer primeras 1 thornton thorntons 1 did diiid 1 sopranos sporeans 1 means meanss 1 technical techincal 0 except xpt 0 tickets ticets 1 enthusiasts enthusias 0 poser ponser 1 lemon lemmon 1 hyperventilate hyperventilatin 1 tight tighttt 1 aye aayyyee 0 supply suppy 1 myrtle mrytle 1 enthusiasm enthusiam 1 boyfriends boyfriendsss 0 nothing nonthing 0 hanging hagin 1 position possition 1 ha hhahahaa 0 cause ckause 1 smiling smilinq 1 gay gaaayyy 1 envelope envolope 1 dudes dudess 1 hunting huntin 1 tonight tonigght 0 revivalist survivalist 0 back backz 0 back backx 1 theirs thereis 0 back backn 1 bullshit bullshiet 1 old olddd 1 back backk 1 disappointed disappointd 1 back backi 0 loving rkloving 1 backed backd 1 back backe 1 administration administrati 1 frenzy freenzy 1 win wiiin 1 meaning meaninq 1 throwing trowing 1 myself myselff 0 janet janeane 0 user usern 0 launch relaunch 0 funny s'funny 1 send seeend 1 back back2 1 back back1 1 month monnnth 1 nuremberg nuremburg 0 teammate textmate 1 disdain distain 1 cadillac cadillacs 0 over overrt 1 together toqetherr 1 over overrr 0 enough enouh 1 happy haapppy 1 other otheer 0 fucking ef-ing 1 wind windd 1 moving moooving 0 under uner 0 grand gand 1 kansas kanas 1 coughing caughing 0 kill gank 0 soundtrack soundrack 1 minds mindsss 1 brazilian brazlian 1 friday friiiday 1 great greattt 1 shameful shamefull 1 agency agencys 1 including includi 0 break breack 1 talking tlkingg 0 unit junit 1 sleeveless sleevless 1 century 21century 1 angels angelenos 1 anderson andersons 1 perceived percieved 1 threatening threatnin 0 depressed despressed 1 block blockkk 1 dysfunction disfunctional 0 xmas xtmas 1 vacation vaccation 0 watching atching 1 make makke 1 follow folw 1 knoxville knoxville'd 1 appearance appearnce 1 noodles noodels 0 toilet toile 1 follow folo 1 let lettt 1 reconciliation reconcilation 1 letter lettr 1 lets letts 1 compare compar 1 compass compas 1 happens happensss 1 west westtt 1 ashley ashleyyy 1 revitalized revitalised 1 exact excat 1 shit shiot 1 ones oness 0 honest onest 0 letting lettn 0 ones onesz 1 crying cryinggg 1 calculator circulator 1 darkness darknes 1 everyone everyoness 1 degrees degres 1 explore explora 1 goes gooes 1 thought thiught 1 near neaaar 1 special speacial 0 leaving leavinn 0 okay dokay 0 english eglish 1 suggestion suggesti 1 pajamas pajams 1 pillow pillooow 1 weak weaaakkk 1 arrival arival 1 apparel apparal 1 leaving leavinq 0 incredible ncredible 1 finished finsihed 0 surprising suprising 0 runner runnerup 1 this tyhis 1 shield sheild 1 substitute substituir 1 hard hardd 1 extra exxxtra 0 boston bosto 1 puzzled pzled 1 surely surley 1 always alsways 1 harder hardr 0 hard hards 0 hart hardt 0 hardware hardw 0 neurology neurobiology 1 shower showwer 1 alright alllriiight 0 rod frod 0 abide abideth 1 good gooed 1 follow folllooowww 0 social socialgo 0 bitch bitchrt 1 recommended recomendado 1 contemplating comtemplating 0 drop idrop 1 list lsit 1 looking lookking 1 tattoos tattoosss 1 hard hard2 1 hard hard4 0 che chiche 0 cooling cooolin 1 ghost gosht 1 fire fiire 1 recession recessionary 1 angel angeel 1 programming programin 1 awful aweful 1 saying sying 1 sound sounddd 1 cheese cheesie 0 student estudante 0 favorite favouite 1 lines linesss 1 movies mvies 0 admissions readmissions 1 whatever whutever 1 sounds soundds 1 happy haeppy 0 ready rready 1 possible possibile 1 mike miike 1 performance performanceee 1 fucked fukced 1 possibility possibili 1 struggle struggler 0 inspire nspire 1 obsessed obsesed 1 specialization specialisation 0 decent deascent 0 haven havnet 1 possibly possibily 1 critical crtical 1 em eeemmm 1 room roommm 1 cornerstone cornerstore 1 committed comitted 1 wishes whishes 1 attend attent 1 clean cleane 1 something somethin 1 since siince 1 villain villan 0 begin begi 0 update udate 0 neurotically neurotypical 1 accomplished acomplished 1 fashion fasion 1 beg begg 1 freelances freelanceswitch 1 entrepreneurs entrepeneurs 1 exception execption 1 kindergartens kindergarteners 1 start satrt 1 actually actaully 1 appearances appearences 1 stare satre 1 later l8ter 1 brain brainnn 1 oops oopps 1 thrown trown 1 similar simlar 1 holiday holidae 1 fish fishhh 1 additional additiona 0 dropping jawdropping 0 discussed dicussed 0 happening crakalakin 1 throws trows 0 nearly nealy 1 teleconference teleconferencin 1 worldwide worldwideweb 0 revolution evolition 1 definitely defnitely 0 denver dever 1 growing growingg 0 biting bittin 1 committing comitting 1 firing fireing 1 bring briing 1 encounter encontrei 1 powerful powerfull 1 stressful stresssful 0 pas pakas 0 house housert 1 annoying annoing 1 balloons ballons 1 wrestling wrestlin 0 location lolocation 1 paddling paddlin 1 enrolling enroling 1 orientation orentation 1 culinary cullinary 1 settling settlin 1 download downld 0 leaving leavin 1 dishes dishess 0 download downlo 1 am aaamm 1 environment environmentor 1 deception decepticons 1 reply rply 1 magazine magizine 0 transporter travisporter 1 have hhave 1 influence influencia 1 watching watchinggg 1 weekend weekennnd 0 haunted hauted 1 depressing depressin 1 this thius 1 depends dpends 1 cousins cousinns 1 affected affective 1 heartbreak heartbreaker 0 sector secto 1 poured pourd 1 finally fnally 1 nowhere nowher 1 cholesterol cholestrol 0 beautiful sobeautiful 0 awesome aaawwweeesssooo 1 wanted wnted 1 congratulations congratualation 0 engineer ingenieria 1 dead deeeaaaddd 1 masturbation masturbator 0 search insearch 1 organic organix 1 eleven eleventy 0 mixing mixin 1 exaggerated exaggeratin 1 install instalar 1 agreement agreeme 0 vagina twat 1 years 1years 0 war twar 1 cause caause 1 valuable valuble 0 way tway 0 consultants pwconsultants 0 potter potte 1 years 50years 1 madrid madriddd 1 sucks scks 1 dis 2dis 1 descriptions descriptionthis 1 bout boout 1 really reaaalllyyy 1 called calledd 1 boom booum 0 hollywood hollywoo 1 maintain mantain 1 hollywood hollywod 1 collar colar 0 underground thunderground 1 target targettt 1 december decemeber 1 face faaace 0 internet inernet 1 enough enoughh 0 humor humours 0 diversion diver5ion 1 big biggo 1 big biggg 0 biggest bigge 1 cliff clif 1 activities activites 0 click clic 1 scared scaared 1 success succcess 0 climb clim 1 bigger biggr 0 club eclub 1 arrest arest 0 cactus catus 1 think thiiink 1 sounds soounds 1 bought bougt 0 yourself urselff 1 unconsciousness unconsiousness 1 birthday birtdhay 1 necessity neccessity 1 strange strangeee 1 works werkz 1 daddy dadday 1 present precent 1 officially officiallyy 1 feels feelsss 0 unnecessary unnessary 1 crack crackkk 0 about baout 1 phone phoone 0 designs desings 1 purple purplee 1 juggernaut juggernautbg 0 trusted untrusted 1 subconscious subconsicous 1 determine determin 1 wake wakke 1 please pleasey 0 please pleasex 0 chance hance 0 british bristish 1 agree agreee 1 when wheeen 1 wheel wheeel 1 colorful colorfull 1 repetitive repetative 0 explained xplaned 1 spankings spankins 1 please pleasee 1 conceptualized conceptualizati 0 house ihouse 0 flyers mcflyers 1 healthy healhty 1 fighting fightingg 1 listed listeds 1 impossible impposible 1 wants wantts 1 want wanttt 1 listed listedd 1 learn learnnn 1 last 1last 1 please please1 1 please please2 1 aim aiim 1 fucking fucknigga 1 air aiir 1 thighs theighs 0 kidding kidin 0 gossip gossi 1 bungalow bunglow 1 harrington herrington 1 monster monsterr 1 goose gosse 0 many manys 1 shit shiett 1 personal persoanl 1 many manyu 1 many manyy 1 forest forrests 1 overs ovrs 1 everything everythinnng 1 depends dependss 1 customize costumize 1 ideas ideass 0 anderson granderson 1 pennington penningtons 1 jesus jeeesus 1 movie moive 1 simpson simpso 1 donkey donky 1 skinned skinded 0 wired wireduk 1 slammed slamed 1 bloomingdale bloomingdales 1 happiness happieness 0 tyrant fxtyrant 1 flats flates 1 fat faaattt 1 bedroom bedrooom 1 stuck stucck 1 asshole assholeee 0 cell cellc 0 you joo 1 sick siiickk 1 tits titties 1 ground groundd 1 language lanugage 0 espresso nespresso 1 lots lottsa 0 stuff schtuff 0 relying relyin 0 outfit outfi 1 hilarious hilairious 1 standing stnding 0 energy enegy 1 because becasuse 1 whole wholeee 1 bump bumppp 0 growing growin 1 usually usally 1 clapping claping 1 lyrics lyricism 0 brownsville burtonsville 1 twilight twilght 1 environment environmenta 0 france frace 1 business busness 1 occurred occured 1 kidding kiding 0 corporation corronation 0 please please'm 1 renaissance rennaissance 1 respond respondn 1 beside besid 1 matriculate matriculants 1 motherfucker motherfuck 1 respond respondd 0 list jlist 1 cinnamon cinnimon 1 ok oookk 1 locked lockedup 1 concerned concernin 0 alice alices 0 whining whingeing 1 happiness happynes 1 alice alicee 1 appointment apointment 1 background backgrond 0 sam sadam 1 nothing nothinng 1 jealous jealousss 1 touched touchedd 0 entertain intertain 1 posing psoing 1 hindrance hinderance 1 tomato tamato 0 motion motio 0 business biness 0 thumb thum 0 romantic romancin 1 technician technici 1 hyped hypeddd 1 cold collddd 1 hot hothot 0 chatting ichating 1 today 4today 1 tight tighhht 1 whatever whaatever 1 broadcast broadcas 1 sacramento sacremento 1 publicity publicitate 1 pleasant plesant 1 prompt promp 0 exact xact 0 top wtop 0 maria mariza 0 please pleaae 1 perfection perfectoo 1 romance romanceee 0 what dwhat 0 fresh gfresh 1 perfect perfectos 1 perfection perfector 1 decline decliners 1 chrysler chryslers 1 limit limittt 1 sorted sorteddd 1 addition additon 1 came camee 1 katie katiee 0 service serice 1 only only1 0 came cames 1 camera camer 0 wonderful woderful 1 hangover hanqover 1 mcbride mcbrides 1 gut gutt 1 purchase purchse 1 started strated 0 genera generat 1 stays staysss 1 gut gute 0 shareholders stakeholders 1 pres presi 1 hugs hugsss 1 breathe breeeathe 1 referral referal 1 tomorrow tomorrooww 0 present prese 1 alert alerttt 1 seconds secondss 1 only onlyy 0 rolling rolin 0 hosted hoste 1 hosted hostd 1 wondering wonderi 1 candy canday 1 wondered wonderd 1 bout bouuut 1 belly bely 0 hosting hosti 1 relax relaaax 0 trends gtrends 1 unbearable unbareable 0 control incontrol 1 waste wasteee 1 wonder wonderr 1 concentrate concentrator 0 imagine reimagine 1 christmas chriiistmas 1 fame famee 1 singapore singapo 1 usually usaully 0 town atown 0 athletic unathletic 1 ready readyyy 1 bottles bottlesss 1 potatoes patatoes 1 end eeend 1 gigantic gigantism 1 admits admitts 1 him himmm 1 sara sarra 0 important imortant 1 crisps crispers 0 license liscence 1 asshole ashl 1 karaoke karaokee 1 sake sakee 1 dollars dollarss 1 ash asha 1 chief cheif 0 everybody ereybody 1 ash ashu 0 arguably unarguably 0 weekly weeklys 1 madagascar madagascars 1 promise promiss 1 telling tellinggg 0 brought ibrought 1 missed misseded 1 promised promisd 0 calling calliin 1 catching catchinq 0 resisted resiste 0 absolutely absoutley 1 property propert 1 resist resisti 0 props propers 1 proper properr 1 happily happly 0 work cowork 1 individual individu 0 looking lookign 0 connection conexion 1 alex alexa 1 torch torche 1 cellular celularrr 1 alex alexi 1 keeping keeeping 1 produced producedby 0 heatstroke deathstroke 1 different 2different 1 tomorrow tommrow 0 alex alexs 1 alex alexx 0 alex alexz 1 champs champsss 1 wearing wering 1 clown clownnn 1 entertainment enterainment 1 around arnd 1 cute cuutteee 0 shaping shapin 0 burning burninnn 1 anyone anyonne 0 biological unbiological 1 okay okaaay 0 supermarkets hypermarkets 1 dynamite dynamyte 0 labeled mislabeled 1 awesome awesoem 0 nymph nymphet 1 problem problemen 1 pyramid piramid 0 marijuana mamajuana 0 michelle micheles 1 bust busta 1 wow wwooww 1 automatically automaticall 1 similar simular 1 england englanddd 0 excuses xcuses 1 coffee coffeee 1 automatically automaticaly 1 disagree desagree 1 pumped pumpd 1 pump pumpa 1 johnson jhonson 1 counterparts counterpar 0 hustle husle 1 kind kinde 1 kind kindd 1 amazing amazinngg 0 wore iwore 1 singer singerr 1 toast toastt 0 laughing laugin 0 sat sast 0 laters l8rs 0 tomorrow tomoz 1 scientific scientif 1 partying partaying 0 say sasy 1 special spesial 1 india inindia 1 scientist scientis 1 happened happen'd 1 thanksgiving thanksliving 1 cry crrryyy 0 happening happen'n 1 definitely difinitely 1 website webste 0 shop shnoop 1 fingers fingerss 1 forever forvever 0 hospital hopsital 1 hours hoursss 1 bitch betch 1 unreleased unrealeased 1 coming cominggg 1 writing writingg 1 communicate communica 1 acapulco acapulcos 1 finger fingure 1 stars starss 0 bomb fbomb 1 abstinence abstinance 1 guys gyus 1 side siiide 1 toilet tolite 1 entrepreneurs entreprenuershi 1 awesome aweesome 1 wisconsin wisconson 0 travelling travellin 1 dealt delt 0 cancelled canceld 1 dragging draggging 1 english engilsh 1 commission commision 1 rhetorical retorical 1 needs neeeds 1 tattoo tatttooo 1 openness openess 0 plastics bioplastics 1 vibrant vivrant 1 funny funnnyyy 1 need neeedd 1 thursday thursady 0 christmas khristmas 1 miles milles 1 glass glasss 1 history histor 0 anderson sanderson 1 anywhere anywhereee 1 freaking freakkin 0 sweetest tweetest 1 glasses glasse 1 generating generatin 1 generation generatio 1 entrepreneurs entreprenuer 1 twitter twttr 1 super supeerr 1 jasmine jasmino 1 door dorr 1 jasmine jasmina 0 lightweight lightbright 0 sugar suga 0 accused accus 1 guitar gutiar 1 everyone everyine 0 average avera 1 setting settting 1 slightly sliiightly 1 real reeaaal 1 backs bcks 1 work workkk 1 infrastructure infrastructu 1 ignorant ignorantes 0 sexiest unsexiest 0 checking chking 0 overland riverland 1 conceded conceeds 0 drinking dinkin 1 best beeest 1 behind behnd 1 text txt 0 thanks txs 1 tired tiired 0 excel edexcel 1 switched swtiched 1 understand undertsand 1 cheating cheatinq 0 connection reconnection 1 step 1step 0 pineapples panpipes 0 official officia 1 penguin pinguin 1 hours hurs 1 holidays hoildays 1 symbolism symbolisms 0 related relat 1 oops oopsss 1 apologizing apoligizing 1 angel angeeel 1 heard heeard 1 naive niave 1 trust trsut 0 against agaist 1 loves lves 1 always aalways 0 pigeon pidgeon 0 yes yup 1 friends frieeends 1 loved lved 1 closer closerrr 0 fame famer 0 fame fames 1 political poltical 1 stress setress 1 inappropriate inappropiate 1 shit shhhit 0 response respose 1 disappear disappearin 1 national natinal 1 cosmetics cosmeti 0 scheduled sheduled 0 university univesity 0 times timesin 1 naming nameing 0 machine maching 1 machine machina 1 fantastic fantastisch 0 contact incontact 1 open opeeen 1 global global14 1 sip sippp 1 shore shoree 1 sweet swweet 0 pimp pimpn 1 really reaaally 1 insane insanse 0 gracefully ungracefully 1 assistant assitant 1 oops ooppss 0 sip sippn 0 here chere 0 partner parnter 1 secret secretos 1 parade paradeee 0 keeping keepn 0 keeping keepi 0 keep keepk 1 kept keept 1 keep keepp 0 whores hores 1 begins beginsss 1 cramped creampied 1 holidays holydays 1 cherry chery 1 compliment complimentin 1 sir siiirrr 1 maybe mabey 1 connection connecti 1 days 4days 1 hypersensitive hypersensitivit 1 happily hapily 1 overcome overcomer 0 people pleople 1 tumbling tumblring 1 ready ready4 1 lovely loveeely 0 liquid liqui 1 okay okkayy 1 different diffrent 1 between bewteen 1 mature maturee 0 frustrating fustrating 1 biscuits bisquits 0 food foodz 0 chapter chapte 1 unconventional unconventionall 0 system syste 0 anymore nymore 1 system systm 0 chapters chapts 0 already aready 1 missing missinggg 1 rumor rumour 0 ready readys 1 vivekananda vivekanand 1 really reaalllyy 1 dumped dumpd 1 ready readyy 1 grassland grasslands 1 died diedd 1 represent representa 1 please plees 1 mediocre medicore 1 please pleez 1 bombastic boombastic 1 musically musicly 1 raining rainig 1 piss pisss 0 results resul 1 resume resum 0 raining rainin 1 prohibited prohibido 1 pissed pissd 1 bowl bowll 0 school schoolies 0 pissing pissn 1 classes clases 1 upgrade upgraders 1 share 2share 1 heavy heavyy 1 suicide sucide 0 well eatwell 1 urban urbans 0 homework homewok 1 anything aaanything 0 themselves theirselves 1 nightmare nightmar 1 ages aaages 0 minded mindedly 1 king knig 0 homework homewor 1 returned returne 1 beat beeat 1 sometimes sometmes 0 damn dayum 1 milk miiilk 0 someone sm1 1 return returni 0 paging pagin 1 eating eatting 1 reach reachhh 1 listen listento 1 somebody sooomebody 0 relapse realspace 0 was wasx 0 was wasz 1 immense imense 0 want wansnt 1 was wass 1 waste wast 1 was wasw 0 hurricane hurric 1 was wasi 1 refreshed refreshd 1 falling fallingg 1 refresh refreshh 1 cunt cunttt 1 name nammmeee 1 others 7others 1 sure sure2 1 shopping shoping 1 london londooon 1 python phyton 1 study studdy 1 except exceptt 1 leg legg 0 keyword keywo 0 listed listei 1 moves mooves 1 getting geeting 1 won wooonnn 1 wanted wantted 1 goddamn goddamnn 0 good ggood 1 excited exicited 1 moved mooved 0 course coursert 1 lie liiieee 0 sure sures 1 paper paperrr 0 sure surez 0 dominance dominan 0 written writte 1 bodyguards bodyguardz 1 marry marryy 1 hey heyyo 1 sure suree 1 tomorrow tomorrw 0 hello heyya 1 snoring snooring 1 assistant assistent 1 smother smoothered 0 dress dressup 1 believe belev 0 likely liley 0 papers parsers 0 correction correxion 1 obsessed obssesed 1 sober soberrr 1 spaghetti spageti 1 needs needsss 1 flipping flippin 1 william willam 0 horoscope ihoroscope 1 survive surviveee 1 weekend weekenddd 0 night gnighttt 1 know 2know 1 page 4page 1 underarm underarmor 1 aggressive agressive 1 margarita margerita 1 kick 2kick 1 shout shouttout 1 haters haterrrs 0 doing doin 1 victories victorie 0 sheriff sherriffs 1 subliminal subliminals 0 signing singning 0 enactment reinactment 1 conversion conversando 1 weather weathr 0 carlton carshalton 0 sweets sweetums 1 today todaaay 1 asylum assylum 1 gordon gordons 1 tune tunnneee 1 download downlod 0 guys guysz 1 have haave 1 guys guyss 1 right riigghhtt 0 commissioned recommissioned 1 handling handlin 1 preventing preventin 1 everyone everones 1 lighting lightn 1 minimalist minimalistic 1 beneficial benificial 0 energy entergy 1 silly siilly 0 bombs boms 1 hopeless hopless 1 ghetto ghetttooo 1 change chnage 0 beloved mybeloved 1 satisfies satisfies69 0 cousin cousinz 1 kidnapped kiddnap 1 meant ment 1 wonder wondr 1 pronunciation pronounciation 1 ignoring ignorning 1 cousin cousinn 0 pleasure mypleasure 1 cape capee 1 them themm 0 wonder wonde 0 cousin cousing 1 them themi 1 cousin cousine 1 chicago chicagooo 0 anybody nybody 1 against againist 1 horsed horse7dc 1 kitchen kitchennn 1 lame lammeee 1 advertisement advertisments 0 extraordinary xtraordinary 1 happy haaappy 0 chilling chiilin 1 them them2 1 pig piggg 1 morning morninnggg 1 northern northerns 1 crush cruuush 1 baseball basball 1 bucks 5bucks 0 keep ikeep 1 charcoal charcol 1 pigs piggs 1 blue bleu 1 transportation transportatio 1 tall taaalll 0 cute cutert 1 bless bles 1 viagra viagara 0 thinking thingkin 1 technically technicaly 0 notebook notebo 0 lesbian lezzzie 1 response respons 0 blend blen 1 network netwrk 0 sis sists 1 pay payyy 0 happening happinin 1 orange orangeee 1 scored scord 0 sister sista 1 pocket pockettt 0 sister siste 0 stupid estupido 0 bites mcbites 1 birthday birtthday 1 remaining reminising 0 veterans verterans 1 suspenseful suspensful 1 broccoli broccolini 1 away awayyy 1 question questn 0 question questi 1 lighting lightings 1 dream drem 1 adventure adventuree 1 acoustic accustic 1 sorry soory 1 beach beachh 1 obvious obivious 0 computer compuer 0 black bblack 0 happening happenin 1 drinks drinksss 0 hammer mchammer 1 happening happenig 0 legendary lengendary 0 entertaining unentertaining 1 summary summar 0 beach beachs 1 sell selll 1 calendars calanders 0 never nevee 1 big bigh 1 criticized criticised 1 steel steeel 0 morning morniin 1 challenging challanging 1 angry angryy 1 would wuld 0 course o'course 1 criticizes criticises 1 william wiliam 0 assaults iassaultemos 1 beating beatting 1 awesome awsm 1 shortest shortshit 0 seller selle 1 writing writting 0 word nword 1 basement bassment 0 money moneyz 0 experienced unexperienced 1 money moneyy 1 different dfferent 0 chilling chiln 1 line linne 1 music muusic 1 lurking lurkin 1 forever forevvver 1 cooking cookingg 1 consolidate consolidat 1 tutorial tutorial9 1 here heeerrreee 1 favorite favroite 1 thomas thomass 0 digging digggin 0 gaming egaming 1 cooking cookings 0 hanging xchanging 1 piercing piercingg 1 interruptions interuptions 0 everyday erryday 0 time timne 1 top top5 1 top top3 1 awesome aweshome 1 nobody noboddy 1 visualized visualised 1 platinum platinium 0 shirts t'shirts 1 cosmetic cosmet 0 about abount 1 babe babiee 1 girlfriend girlfrind 0 missing wyomissing 0 hilarious hilariou 1 bicycle bycicle 1 smooth smooothhh 0 concert conert 1 which whichh 1 stacks 10stacks 0 subscribe subcribe 1 frustrating frustratin 1 math maath 1 alone alonnneee 1 organization organizatio 1 stiff stifff 1 taking takng 1 top topp 0 horses horseless 1 said saidd 0 rationalization nationalisation 1 jose joses 1 tomorrow tomarrrow 1 doing doinggg 1 harassment harrasment 0 fucker fker 0 hungry hugry 1 inter interrr 1 which which1 1 strong storng 0 already alweady 1 monday mondaay 1 halloween haloweeen 0 understand undetstand 1 blood blodd 0 blonde blode 0 something dosomething 1 course coruse 1 thoughts thouqhts 0 realized irealize 1 hem hemhem 0 giving givig 1 deductible deductable 1 bloody blody 1 what waht 1 honored honered 1 shows shws 1 beginner beginer 1 mcdonald macdonals 1 queensland queenslander 1 killed killedd 1 fine finneee 1 money moooney 1 immigrant immagrant 0 pissed pisted 0 butterfly butterly 1 world wrold 1 birthday birthdday 1 fragrance fragrancex 1 contestants contestent 1 meeting meeeting 1 stepped stepd 1 wheels wheeels 0 armageddon farmageddon 1 completed complexd 1 babies babiies 1 witness whitness 1 absences absenses 1 step stepp 1 brazilian brazilia 0 have hjave 1 complex complexo 1 surge surg 0 followed ifollowed 1 ok ookkk 1 peoples peopls 1 forever forevers 1 forever foreverr 1 forward forwad 1 appearance appereance 0 thanks thakns 1 forever foreverz 1 lets le'ts 1 girl giiirrrl 1 gasp gaspp 1 thinking thinnking 1 busy bizi 0 listening relistening 0 twain twains 1 south soth 0 eyebrow eyebrown 0 for fo` 1 fulfilling fulfillin 1 stop sotp 1 textbooks txtbook 0 fool foo 1 left leftt 1 masturbating masterbating 1 closest cloest 1 alexander alexandro 0 acquaintances aquaintances 0 fries refieres 1 marathon marthon 1 college colleg 0 coaching coachin 1 technology technologic 1 second secnd 0 clutch cluth 1 bitch bytch 0 loganberry lingonberry 0 tending treding 1 alexander alexandre 1 hello helllooo 0 nothing mothing 0 unknown uknown 0 compromised uncompromised 0 schools highschools 1 something someethingg 1 decorate decorat 1 structured structureddata 1 shakespeare shakesphere 1 hall halll 0 happens happe 1 cried crieddd 1 inches inces 1 dance daance 1 half hallf 1 lonely looonely 0 makes maes 1 secretly secretley 1 happy happp 0 perfect perferct 1 popping poppping 0 flyer mcflyer 1 amazing amaziingg 1 exhibition exibition 1 jumping jumpin 0 kissed snogged 1 residential residentia 1 panel panell 1 meaningful meaningfull 1 actually actuallly 1 chemistry chemestry 1 bleeding bleeeding 0 mentions meninos 1 accomplishments acomplishment 1 happiness happyness 1 dicks dicksss 1 messages messges 1 yeah yeaauh 0 scratch sratch 1 hits hitsss 1 dirty drity 1 jersey jerseeey 1 lay layy 0 long solong 1 prove provee 1 herself herslef 0 first irst 1 plan paln 1 spelling speeling 0 dos ddos 1 irish irsh 1 now nooww 1 california californ 1 stopping stoppin 1 tackling tacklin 1 fuzzy fuzzzy 1 heartbreaking heartbreakingly 1 republic republiq 1 revenge revange 1 accommodating accomodating 1 unless unlesss 1 trust truust 1 bankrupt bankrup 1 since snice 0 nick snick 1 republic republik 1 everything everrything 0 terrorist terroris 0 traditionally directionally 0 telephony teleph 1 neighbors neigbours 1 coalition coaltion 1 volunteering volenteering 1 because becase 0 appointment appoitment 1 sorry srryy 1 away awaay 1 next nxt 1 society societ 1 thank thannnk 1 replacement replaceme 1 block blocck 1 oktoberfest octoberfest 1 christina cristin 1 locked lockeddd 1 lightweight lightwieght 1 optimization optimizatio 0 invite uninvite 1 music musiic 1 blackberry blackcherry 0 either eiher 0 tour twtour 1 anniversary annyversary 1 wizards wizzards 1 space spacee 1 scratch skratch 1 today tooday 0 hackers hax0rz 1 asleep asleeppp 1 year yera 1 com comum 1 should shoulddd 1 biggest biggiest 1 should shouldda 1 chocolate chokolate 0 fraud fraudin 1 jokes jokesss 0 responsible reponsible 1 years yers 1 physical physcial 0 far farrt 1 congratulations congragulations 1 far farrr 1 prepare prepair 1 min 5min 0 fucked unfucked 1 antique antiqeus 1 cut cuuut 0 hitting hittin 0 fucking ucking 1 teach teac 1 tea teaa 0 nova noovas 0 bye gbye 1 certainly certianly 1 hours 48hours 0 touring tourin 1 tickets ticketss 0 represented unrepresented 0 tourist touris 1 civilization civilisations 1 premier permiere 0 freak freakd 1 competition compettion 1 currency currenc 1 education educatn 1 maybe maaybee 1 drew dreww 0 led oled 1 freak freakk 0 erotic necrotic 1 exam exaaam 1 nuremberg nuernberg 1 drama draaama 0 currency curreny 0 litigate relitigate 0 are iare 1 risking riskin 1 overnight overnighter 1 succeed succed 1 cavities cavaties 1 soldier soilder 0 jamming jammin 0 clothes cothes 1 yet yettt 1 loved lovd 0 impatient impacient 1 receiving receivin 1 suppressed supressed 1 talks talksss 1 blood bloodd 1 seattle seattl 1 well wwell 1 favorite faveourite 1 divulge divulgem 1 disgusting disgustinggg 1 wondering wonderinq 1 talking talikn 1 kicks kickss 1 again agaiiin 1 charles charlies 0 finances financebis 1 fucking fuckng 1 wondering wonderinn 1 retry rtry 1 tan taaan 1 related realted 1 tag taaag 0 look lookon 0 jealous jealou 0 ben kben 0 ridge ridgely 0 hacker haxor 1 afford affort 1 vegas vegs 1 adorable adorables 1 involved involvd 1 landing landin 1 apparently apparentley 1 adorable adorablee 1 o'clock 1oclock 1 believing believen 0 whatever whatev 1 believe believee 1 hide hidee 0 tonight toniht 1 disrespect disrespectin 1 flight fligth 1 capitol capitola 1 frog frogg 1 loads loooads 1 postman posthuman 1 advertising advertisng 0 defense defen 1 strangely strangley 1 administration administratio 1 convenient convienient 1 retention retentions 1 snap snapp 1 blasting blastinn 0 thats datz 0 snap snapz 1 living liveing 1 disco discooo 1 blasting blastinq 1 support 2support 0 apostle aeropostle 1 dinosaur dinosuar 1 freestyle freestylers 1 win 2win 0 sharking sharkfin 1 stay saty 0 avatar havatar 1 ladies laaadies 1 than thaaan 1 archaeologists archeologist 1 nelson neilson 1 clearance clearence 1 followers foloowers 0 global imglobal 1 that thaaat 1 know konw 1 pounds 7pounds 0 revivalists removalists 1 trend trenddd 1 unfortunately unfortuntely 1 know knoooww 1 october octobe 1 knows knooows 1 forecasts forecas 1 amazing anazing 1 irritating iritating 1 insomnia insomnio 1 handle handleee 1 appalling appaling 1 record recorde 1 recording recordi 1 recording recordn 0 feeling feelin 1 military milatary 1 fuck fuucckk 1 adding addingg 1 really reeealllyyy 1 still stille 1 records recordz 1 happening happenning 0 town ktown 1 bowling bowlinq 1 happened happpend 0 released rereleased 1 finish finsih 1 bitch bitcchhh 1 repair repairer 1 reverse revers 0 unacceptable unexceptable 1 fall faaall 1 democracy democrazy 1 stellar stellarium 1 happens happpens 1 liters 2litres 0 verb reverb 1 freezing frezzing 1 compile compil 1 because becauase 0 requirement recrutement 1 left leeft 1 transport transportaion 1 somebody soembody 1 loads looads 1 gays gaysss 1 contain containes 1 bathroom bathrom 1 finale finaleee 0 recruitment recuitment 0 getting ghettin 1 wait wwait 1 recommendation reccommendation 1 push pushhh 1 crazy craazzyy 0 pause unpause 1 everything everythangg 1 star 3star 1 its ittts 1 unusual unusal 1 bored boreeeddd 1 everything everythangs 1 pennsylvania pennsylvanias 1 open openn 1 turkey turkiye 1 chinese chineese 1 preferred prefered 1 democrats democrates 1 sledge sledgren 1 grad gradua 1 space spac 1 submitting submiting 1 sisters sistars 1 much muche 1 much muchh 1 much muchi 1 accurate accurat 0 maryland mayland 1 preferably prefferably 0 much muchs 1 mother motherrr 1 improving improvin 0 witchcraft ritchcraft 1 blast blassst 1 dumb duuumb 0 quoting quotin 1 indicative indicati 0 maintain maintai 1 program programar 1 fashion fashon 1 much much2 1 much much4 1 interests interesantes 1 photography photographie 1 style stle 1 madrid madriiid 1 still stll 0 weaving weavin 1 boring boaring 1 gonna goanna 1 kidding kiddinggg 1 financing financings 0 left leftrt 0 flip iflip 0 bartender barktender 0 distributors disruptors 1 rain raiiin 1 taste tastee 1 what whut 0 nice nices 1 nice nicey 1 nice nicee 1 thunder thunderrr 1 racist rasict 0 recycle recyclers 1 tasty tastey 1 why whhhyy 1 join joiin 1 following follwing 1 ha hhaahaha 1 takes taks 1 perception preception 1 renaissance rennaisance 0 talk takl 1 tennessee tennesee 1 fucking fuckkin 1 nice nice1 1 nice nice2 1 kelly kellly 1 before beofre 1 independence independance 0 album abum 1 guardian guardiannews 1 hilarious hilirious 1 blown blownnn 1 gangster gangsterrr 1 struck strucked 0 bad bads 0 bad badz 1 villain villin 1 bad badd 0 jakarta jakar 1 answered anwsered 1 badly badl 1 illusion illusionary 0 fucking flucking 1 always alwways 1 history historyyy 1 usual usuall 1 immigration immagration 1 snapping snaping 0 morgan jpmorgan 1 implying implyin 1 usually usualy 1 walking walkinq 0 usual usuals 1 tomorrow tomrrrow 0 movement chimovement 0 message messange 1 hibernation hybernation 0 wedding wedin 1 mines miines 1 crazy crazyy 1 talking tlakin 0 remission readmission 1 jack jackk 1 vet vettt 1 rob robi 1 earthquake earthquakeee 0 everybody evertbody 0 trapshooting sharpshooting 1 rob robb 1 comment coment 1 massage masage 0 storefront stormfront 0 famous famousdc 1 interfering interferring 0 surround surroun 1 bracelets bracelts 0 tampa tampabay 1 city cittty 1 bomb bombe 0 injustice unjustice 1 bomb bombb 1 disagree disaqree 1 already awlready 1 translate trnsl8 1 resources recourses 0 robust robus 0 christmas xmas 1 pavilion pavillions 0 feel ffeel 0 everything verything 1 responses responces 1 big 1big 1 stacks stackss 1 interesting iiinteresting 1 these thease 0 saturday caturday 1 australia austrlia 1 stops stopss 1 time thime 0 describe desribe 1 happy happyyy 1 fact facttt 1 kinda kiinda 1 houston housten 1 movies moives 1 fade fadee 1 decision decison 1 university universitario 1 medieval medival 0 exclusive exlusive 1 jet jett 1 thinkers tinklers 1 charlotte charlottes 0 fucking ifuckin 1 sore soreee 1 again aggain 0 translations franalations 1 last 2last 1 wrapping wrappn 0 african safrican 1 ant antt 1 feelings feelingsss 1 shannon shannen 1 impossible immpossible 1 wrapped wrappd 0 proxy phproxy 1 hockey hockeyyy 1 ant anto 1 embarrassing embarssing 1 calorific clarorific 1 proud prud 1 wrap wrappp 1 centralized centralised 1 wine wineee 1 disappear dissappear 1 bureau burea 0 breasts breats 0 nuclear nucle 1 station stationnn 1 bomb boomb 0 casual casua 1 boom boomm 1 renewable renewables 1 info infooo 1 check 2check 1 exactly exactaly 1 computer compter 1 feeling feeelinggg 0 know klnow 1 mechanics mechanicals 1 pretty pretyy 1 partnership partnershi 1 coming comming 1 either ethier 1 rocked rockeddd 1 tattoos tatoos 1 random randooom 1 games gamess 1 script scriptum 1 acting actings 1 mathematics matematicas 1 restaurant resturant 0 mention metion 1 acting actingg 1 tattoo tatooo 1 random randoom 1 bake bakeee 1 sauce suace 0 brothers bros 1 broke brok 1 broad brod 0 bowling bowlin 1 girl giiirrrll 0 hardcore hxc 0 substitute subtitute 1 shut shutt 1 economic econom 1 word worddd 1 months 7months 1 words wordds 1 embarrassed embarrased 1 extensions extentions 0 comment nocomment 1 asking askin 0 cheer cheerd 0 asking askig 1 december decembeeer 1 beside bside 1 letters lettersss 1 training trainning 1 monthly mnthly 1 cheers cheerz 0 thanks tks 1 thinks tinks 0 workout wkout 0 trainer traine 1 multicultural multiculturalis 1 training traing 1 giving 4giving 1 because b-cuz 1 demanding demandin 0 genius geniu 0 eclipse elipse 1 biggest biggist 0 training traini 0 costume costu 1 outsourced outsourcer 0 murder murde 1 beans beansss 1 flock flocka 1 raining rainingg 1 dreams dreems 1 processes processe 1 processor processo 1 processing processi 0 lawbreakers dealbreakers 1 present pressent 1 process processs 0 reasoning reasonin 0 shit ishit 0 little litte 1 blonde blondey 1 sponge spongie 0 lit littl 1 missiles missles 0 pension pensio 1 scared sceard 1 lit littt 1 alarms alarmism 0 hatching hatchlings 1 here herrre 1 sweet swwweeet 1 impressive impresive 1 release realese 0 watch atch 1 corruption curruption 1 blow blowww 0 reason noreason 1 jersey jershey 1 throughout througout 1 there tehre 1 plus pluuus 1 politically politcally 1 snap shnap 1 acoustic acustico 1 class clas 1 thinking thinkn 1 replay replayy 0 think thinkl 1 revolution revolutio 1 think thinkk 0 thinking thinkg 1 christmas 4christmas 1 think thinke 1 think thinka 0 playing playig 0 pharmacist karmacist 0 blocked blocced 1 christine cristine 1 probably probablly 1 scratch scratc 0 karaoke karokean 1 tub tubb 1 scratch scrath 0 situation situati 1 masterpiece masterpiece5 0 asthma athsma 0 nightclub fightclub5 0 sunday sundayrt 1 situation situatn 0 vote voteem 1 sleep sleeeppp 1 springsteen springstein 1 confidence confiden 1 cheesecake cheesequake 1 slam slammm 1 destroyed destroyd 1 juggling jugglin 0 account acc 1 sick siicckk 0 usher ushe 0 acknowledged ack 1 work worrkkk 1 fighting fightin 1 boring borinng 1 forever forver 1 cents 2cents 1 cowboys cowbows 1 industries industri 1 dreams dreaaams 1 living livingg 1 mosque mosqu 1 another anothers 1 another anotherr 1 defeat defeet 1 became bacame 1 magnificent macnificent 1 certifiable certifiably 1 strength strenqth 1 things thinngs 1 portfolio portfoli 1 another anothere 0 accelerator xcelerator 1 months 16months 0 invigorated reinvigorated 1 transsexual transexual 0 locked lokked 0 invigorates reinvigorates 0 esophagus oesophagus 0 oops whooops 1 continuing continuin 1 love loovveee 1 another another1 1 blaming blaiming 0 pontchartrain ponchartrain 1 recommended recommende 0 homeless chromeless 1 category categor 0 housing housin 1 disregard disregaurd 1 sympathy simpathy 1 gonna gona 1 movement movemen 0 assface af 1 gonna gonn 0 hackers haxorz 1 legalizing legalising 1 are ar 1 fever feverrr 1 achievement acheivement 1 midlands midlanders 1 mathematics mathematic 1 driving drivinggg 1 goal goooal 0 conjunction conjuction 1 just juist 1 mischievous mischievious 0 having havinn 1 whatever wtever 0 herbal herba 1 genuine genuin 1 frustrated frustratedd 1 subscribe subscri 1 genius genuis 1 amazing amizing 1 sweet stweet 1 apartment apartamento 1 stories strories 1 celtic celetics 1 convince convivencia 1 migraines migranes 1 copy cpy 1 though thoug 1 swear sweear 1 perfect perfict 0 melt meltz 1 searching searcing 0 godmother godbrother 1 without wihout 1 blessings blesness 1 athletic atheletic 1 followers 2followers 1 incoming incomin 1 dressing dressinq 0 like llike 0 daughter daugher 1 broken brokenn 1 juice jucie 0 supreme surpreme 1 watched whatched 1 juicy juciy 1 amigos amigoos 1 logistics logisitics 1 acclimated acclimatised 0 liked unliked 1 arguing aruging 1 round rounddd 1 enjoyable enjoyably 1 delinquent delincuente 1 price pirce 1 piss pissess 1 advances advancers 1 pillow pilllow 1 lifespan lifespa 1 creeping creaping 1 party partayyy 1 marvelous marvellous 1 cigarettes ciggarettes 1 duty dutyy 1 them thme 0 mansions mcmansions 1 whoever whover 0 duty dutys 1 automatically automaticlly 1 enterprise enterpris 0 thousand thousa 1 animals aminals 1 those thouse 1 fest festa 0 weak weakaf 1 imaging imagings 0 ups usps 0 calculate recalculate 1 motherfucker mutherfuckers 1 golden gloden 1 students studnts 1 studying studyinggg 1 smarten smartfren 1 you youuu 0 you youus 1 yourselves yourselfs 1 hudson hudsons 1 you youuh 1 yourself yourselff 1 wait waiiit 1 christopher christophe 1 hour houre 1 till tiil 1 text teeext 1 soon sooonnn 1 hour hourr 1 portfolio portfol 1 easy eassy 1 bucks 10bucks 1 official officiallly 0 crazy razy 1 morning m0rning 1 houston hueston 1 internet interent 1 razor razr 1 probably probalby 0 pictures pics 1 buddy buddyyy 1 actress actres 1 piece pice 1 fantastic fantasting 1 fashion fashoin 1 everyone everrryone 1 unbiased unbias 0 happy happty 1 yeah yeaahhh 1 tennessee tenessee 1 online onlines 1 fresh freesh 1 needed neededdd 1 online onlinee 1 archive archiver 1 shaking shakeing 1 okay okkkay 0 waking awakin 1 doctors doctorss 1 hot hottt 0 halfway halway 1 millionaires millionares 0 hottest hotte 1 spoil spoile 1 waiting waitinng 1 tradition traditi 0 catch cach 1 describe describ 1 everything eveerything 1 imagine imaginate 0 lizards slizard 0 scientist newscientist 1 killed kiled 1 points 10points 0 ironing ironin 0 shrug shurgs 1 beast beasst 1 mind minddd 1 state statee 0 beautiful beautifuk 1 register registr 1 against agianst 1 please plaseee 0 request equest 1 reverberation reverbnation 1 dislike dislikee 1 register registe 0 where hwere 1 brown brownn 1 pretty preeetttyyy 1 dressing dresssing 0 brown brownz 1 clinic clinc 0 clinic clini 1 entrepreneur entreprene 1 reason resaon 1 crazy crazzyyy 1 fascinating fascinatin 0 want wanrt 0 whipping whippin 0 cracked kracked 0 howard howards 0 not notrt 1 welcome wlecome 0 circus circumst 1 zombies zombiess 1 pretend pretened 0 fucking f-ing 1 drinking drining 1 analyzing analyzin 0 hurry hurryup 0 bulletin ebulletin 0 deem derem 1 radio radiou 1 supported suported 1 guarantee grantee 1 blowing blowning 0 latitudinal attitudinal 1 forever foreeever 1 boredom boredoms 1 love lovvve 0 dung dukung 1 supporter suporter 1 lose loseee 1 radio radioo 1 boredom boredome 1 wasting wasteing 1 baby babyboyy 0 everywhere erwhere 1 comfortable comfertable 1 film filim 1 fitness fittness 1 radio radio4 1 radio radio1 1 radio radio3 1 radio radio2 1 proposals proposa 0 fucking fuccing 0 good sgood 1 deliver deliever 1 expression expresion 1 upload uploadd 1 upload uploade 1 even evn 0 okay okaays 1 down dooowwnnn 1 okay okaayy 1 lazy lazzyyy 1 powerlessness prayerlessness 0 awesome aweomse 1 imaginable imagineable 1 visibility visibilities 1 horror horor 1 disappear disapparate 0 disgusting distgusting 0 throwing throwin 1 dragonfly dragonlily 1 tired trd 1 details detailsss 1 reminiscent reminisin 1 all aalll 1 hours 24hours 1 attention attentionn 1 warranty waranty 0 spin spinz 1 darling darlinq 1 exploring explorin 1 darling darlins 1 midnight 12midnight 1 silk silkk 0 nothing noothin 1 web weeb 1 cleaning cleaningg 1 wow wwwooow 1 yes yehes 1 truly truelly 0 cloudy cloudly 1 boyfriend boyyfriend 1 lifestyle lifestyl 0 vulnerable vunerable 1 millions 6millions 1 wrong worng 0 parker sparker 1 artist artsit 1 monogram monografia 1 freeze frezze 0 inside rinkside 1 physically physcially 1 community communtiy 0 with w 0 sweeping sweepin 1 mama momaa 0 buffet buffetts 1 protections protectionist 1 grown grwn 0 bridge oxbridge 1 whether whethr 1 oppression oppressions 0 guard guar 1 acceptance acceptence 0 whether whethe 0 making makiin 1 decisions decesions 1 poisoning posioning 1 movie moviiieee 1 smart smartie 1 zero zerou 1 videos vides 1 headed heade 1 head headd 1 head heada 1 relationship relationshit 1 decentralized decentralised 1 lending lendin 1 beast beasttt 1 friends friendsrt 1 only onlly 1 idiots 3idiots 1 tonight tonihgt 0 nested nestlefd 1 yours yooours 1 cube cubee 1 wake waake 1 disaster desaster 1 remembered rememberd 1 remember remembere 0 following follwin 1 cousin coussin 1 notebook noteboook 1 remember rememberr 1 theater teather 1 funniest funnyest 1 fight fightt 1 basically basicly 1 toss tosss 0 champions champignon 1 fighting fightn 0 wearing weariin 1 none nonone 1 step steppp 1 steps stepps 1 tracks trcks 0 journal geojournal 1 prostitutes prostitutin 1 tower trower 1 stepped steppd 1 probably prbably 0 guilty guitly 0 tomorrow tmoz 1 stepping steppn 1 attention attntion 0 plain plai 1 camera cameraaa 1 palm plam 1 handle 2handle 0 hottie hawtie 0 angel rangell 1 heartbeat healthbeat 0 working wokring 1 ran raan 1 homework homewrok 0 water h2o 0 experience exp 1 first firest 1 rap raap 1 run ruun 1 raw raaw 1 that that' 1 mines minees 1 soothing sooothing 1 outside outisde 1 please plasee 0 construction contruction 1 failure failer 1 heartless heartlesss 0 pouring pourin 0 nicholas mcnicholas 1 hated haaated 1 allotted alloted 1 adjustment adjustmen 1 down 2down 1 behave behaveee 1 relax relaxxx 1 mercury mercur 1 assuming assumin 0 hilton hilto 1 superstar superst 1 contest contestas 1 ash aashish 1 commercial comerical 1 confirmed comfirmed 0 friends ifriends 0 function funtion 0 schedule shedule 1 avatar avatarrr 1 alright alrighht 1 says sez 1 wrote wrot 1 asking askng 1 work wrok 1 said sed 0 second sec 0 midget miget 1 earthquakes eartquakes 0 wrong wrog 1 food fooodd 1 supposed sapposed 0 romantic romatic 0 brooklyn brookyn 1 raping rapeing 1 vitamin vitamine 1 frustrating frusterating 1 vitamin vitamina 1 propaganda propoganda 1 roommate rommate 1 check checkkk 1 heck heckk 1 everything eeverything 1 damn daymn 1 catherine catharine 1 light ligth 0 bullying bullyin 0 heck hecks 1 stronger strongerr 0 tell ttell 0 heck heckz 1 breathe brethe 1 addressing adressing 0 holy wholy 1 characters caracters 1 language lanuage 1 bonding bondin 1 phosphorus phosphorous 1 government goverment 0 finance financieel 0 location geolocation 0 right ryte 0 drug drung 1 blaming blamming 1 helping helpping 1 correspondent corresponde 1 pancakes panacakes 1 pants pantss 0 coalition koalition 1 hitting hittinq 0 filter filte 1 normal normaaal 1 attendance attendace 1 revolution rvolution 1 answer anwser 1 ray raaayyy 0 hitting hittinn 1 order orderrr 0 kindness pinkness 0 that thatl 1 episode epsode 1 those thosse 0 fun funs 1 town townn 1 funny funy 1 permission permision 0 sports d2sports 1 fun fune 1 news neeews 1 fall faall 1 insider insiderr 1 imperial imperiale 1 fun funn 1 responsible responsibl 1 that thati 1 format formate 0 morgan rogan 1 cotton coton 1 format formato 0 stadium stadiu 1 chair chairrr 1 increasing increasin 0 wounded unwounded 0 cover comeover 1 destroyed destoryed 1 church churc 1 manufacture manufact 0 explosion xplosion 1 gangster gangstar 1 baby bayby 1 level level1 1 babe baybe 1 economy ecomony 1 level level5 1 hemorrhoids hemmorhoids 0 robbie robbies 1 beach beachhh 1 artisan artisinal 1 jackson jackso 0 know nknow 1 just jusht 1 fun funnu 1 stating stateing 1 clubs clubes 1 groove grooove 1 friday friiday 0 evaluate revaluate 1 everything 4everything 1 make makey 1 yeah yeeah 0 world t'world 1 hand haand 1 hang haang 1 year yeear 1 happy happpyyy 1 stamping stampin 1 sadness sadnesss 1 interiors interiores 1 statement statemen 1 channel cannel 0 parents g'parents 1 stupid stuppid 1 converse conversas 1 times 8times 1 world worrrld 0 yard yarder 1 coming comingrt 1 then theen 1 them theem 1 nasty nastayyy 1 apart apaaart 1 peoples peoplees 1 thee theee 1 part 1part 1 mistake misstake 1 they theey 0 bored boed 1 teeth theet 1 you 3you 1 there theer 1 people peopleee 1 sexy shexi 0 anything nefing 0 courts mccourts 1 sesame seaseme 0 details deets 1 sexy shexy 0 fatty mcfatty 1 lifting liftn 0 snap snapps 1 snap snappp 1 illness illnes 0 chatting chatin 1 tie tieee 1 vampire vampier 1 swear swearrr 1 death deth 1 bones boness 1 cheeks cheeeks 1 sleepy sleeppyy 1 cameron camerons 1 spanish spanishhh 1 transformer transformers2 0 hacker h4xx0rz 1 guys guuuysss 1 disappointment dissapointments 1 views veiws 1 fairies faries 0 pictures pitures 1 dumpster dempster 0 hes sheess 1 central centraal 1 sign sighn 1 across accros 0 before b4 0 cheese sheese 1 be b3 1 million 4million 0 bait b8 1 scary scarrryyy 1 intelligence inteligence 1 efficiency efficiencies 1 durable durables 1 contestants contestents 0 birthday bd 0 boyfriend bf 0 background bg 0 because bc 1 been bn 1 neurological neurologic 1 bye bi 0 blowjob bj 0 back bk 1 sausage saussage 1 easily easilyyy 0 bathroom br 0 bullshit bs 0 emotional emocional 1 busy bz 1 bedroom 3bedroom 0 banned b@ 1 anything anythink 0 actually ctually 1 aggressive aggressiv 1 anything anythinn 1 anything anythinq 1 trip triip 1 could cuold 1 middle midlle 0 everyone every1 1 wireless wirless 1 thursday thrusday 0 school bschool 1 integrated integrat 1 prayers prayrs 0 advisor webadvisor 1 hilarious halirous 1 awake awke 1 double duble 1 joanne joanne79 1 waiting watting 1 glorious glorius 1 committing committin 1 attitude attittude 1 everyone everyne 0 morning mornian 1 unfortunately unfortunatley 1 everywhere everyw 1 miss 2miss 1 prescriptions perscriptions 0 linux linu 1 every everyy 1 everyday everyd 1 episode eppisode 1 amber amberly 1 talk tallk 1 unleashed unleased 1 tall talll 1 thursday tursday 1 fan faan 0 imp impt 0 confused concussed 0 help uhelp 1 horny horney 1 old 2old 0 goodness mygoodness 1 fat faat 1 block blooock 1 bed 4bed 1 far faar 1 reading readng 0 sexy sxc 0 love lovex 1 sexy sxi 0 forest forexstf 1 headphones headphoens 0 sex sxs 1 should sholud 1 monster monste 0 heater iheater 1 busy busyyy 1 hospital hospita 1 copy copyy 1 wait waiit 1 sound shound 0 nightclub fightclub 1 oops ooopsy 0 daddy goddaddy 1 rude ruude 1 code codee 1 their 4their 1 scared scurred 1 meal meall 1 freeze freez 1 side sidee 1 major mjor 1 kindergarten kindergartener 0 side sider 1 breckenridge brackenridge 1 help hellp 1 hell hellu 0 hell hellz 0 something summin 1 cigarettes ciggerettes 1 dating datting 0 very hella 0 shield ashfield 1 absolutely absolutelly 0 wicked wiked 1 hell helli 1 hell helll 0 sandra skandar 1 friends frends 1 cod codd 1 windshield windsheild 1 hello heeellooo 1 such succch 1 suck succck 0 everything errything 0 beyond beyon 0 introduce intoduce 1 translate transla 1 twins twinss 1 burglar burgler 1 forgot forgottt 0 might migh 1 expected expectedly 1 bent bentt 1 heart herath 1 might migt 1 innovation innovatio 1 beach beeeach 1 how hooowww 1 rolled rolleddd 1 weirdness wierdness 1 fun fuun 1 pleasant pleasent 1 development developmentally 1 cod cod6 1 cod cod7 1 cod cod4 1 premiere premeir 1 cod cod2 1 undertakings underthings 1 fur fuur 0 garden garder 0 party ppparty 1 chapter chaptered 1 happy haapppyyy 1 choreography choregraphy 0 mentioning metioning 0 nugget mcnugget 0 baking bakin 1 interrelated interrelat 1 keys keysss 1 vehicle vehicl 0 this ithis 0 except xcept 1 discussion disscussion 0 natural natur 0 afford affor 1 ken kenen 1 god 2god 1 gilgamesh girugamesh 0 happening appenin 0 whats whatssup 1 weekends weekendss 1 tomorrow tmorrow 1 punctuation punctuations 0 citizen citiz 0 export flexport 1 giving giviing 0 si sssiii 1 more 5more 1 birth birt 1 sentencing sentencin 1 channel channelll 1 australia austraila 1 simplest simpliest 1 came caaame 1 going goooing 1 indeed indee 1 indeed inded 1 twin twiny 0 cities citie 1 liverpool liverpoolfc 1 everything everytings 1 check chcek 0 trading tradeking 1 dentist dentis 1 realizing realisin 1 practitioner practioner 1 nov 7nov 0 lesbian lez 1 residential residenti 1 awesome awwwesome 1 blueberries blueberrys 1 magic mgic 1 technology technolog 1 religious relgious 1 spirit sprit 1 counseling counselin 0 unlock unclock 1 watching whatching 1 stuff stuuufff 0 enumerated unmoderated 1 stupid shtupid 1 privileged priveleged 0 break ibreak 1 existence exsistence 1 sir sirr 0 beautiful beautif 1 box boxx 1 shirt sirt 1 movies mooovies 1 guard gaurd 0 hacker h4x0r 1 privileges priveleges 0 leading leadin 1 died dieed 0 double doube 1 standing standind 0 community commun 1 double doubl 1 finished finisihed 1 apologize appoligize 1 judge judgee 0 tiniest stinkiest 1 portuguese portugese 1 library libary 1 most mosttt 1 jealousy jeeeaallloouuss 0 tired sotired 0 growing regrowing 1 list liist 1 unemployed unemployeed 0 person aperson 0 october rocktober 1 turned turnedd 1 together tagether 0 ben bens 0 million amillion 0 ben beng 1 animation animatic 0 working woring 1 hours 14hours 1 cute cuteee 1 pursuit persuit 1 shows showsss 0 fucker mofucker 1 animated animat 1 these theseee 1 management manageme 1 senseless sensless 1 officially officaily 0 space mspace 1 nope npe 1 stalker stalkerish 0 chilling chilllin 1 request requst 0 played iplayed 1 blocked blocke 1 firmware firmwares 0 upstart jumpstart 1 block blockk 1 talking tallkin 1 stole stol 1 represented representando 1 automation autonation 1 stone ston 1 issue issu 0 heather hatherley 0 come ocme 1 road roooad 1 halloween hallloweeen 1 standing standin 1 stick sitck 1 stupid stuupid 0 routing routin 0 stock stok 1 performance proformance 0 comment comme 1 com commm 0 common commo 1 blocks blcks 1 adidas adiddas 0 read iread 0 mailing mailin 1 nice nioce 0 bedroom bedroo 1 girlfriend grlfriend 1 heading headding 1 designs designz 0 grenade nade 1 boyfriend boifriend 1 design designa 1 disappear disapear 1 designer designe 1 designed designd 0 controversy kontroversi 1 crazy crayzay 0 database databa 1 letting lettingg 1 either eaither 1 opportunities opportunites 1 please pleaaasse 0 wish iwish 1 opposition oppostion 0 cosmology cosmotology 1 stress streesss 1 photograph photgrapher 1 share shaaare 0 panties panies 1 disappeared dissappeared 1 cardboard cardboards 0 fifth fith 1 classical classicclick 1 coffee cofffee 1 agricultural agricultura 1 banana banan 1 shit shiiit 0 sidebar slidebar 0 section secion 1 neighbor neigbour 1 cube cubeee 1 favors favours 0 fitness lafitness 1 fresh freshhh 1 pride prideee 1 accused acused 1 kick kcik 1 inappropriate innappropriate 0 often ofen 0 medicine biomedicine 0 maybe aybe 1 hurry hurrayyy 1 truth turth 1 thousand 10thousand 1 classes classess 1 none nonee 1 cleaning cleaninggg 0 bitch bicht 1 developed developted 1 following followingg 0 fans kfans 1 endorsed endors 1 pine piney 0 asia akasia 1 color colorrr 1 actually actlly 1 movie mvie 1 avatar avatarnyaaa 1 nerves nervesss 1 slick slickkk 1 owns ownes 1 blow bloww 1 lollipops lolipops 1 without withou 1 adopt adopte 1 without withot 1 fucker fuckerr 1 cornstarch cornstartch 1 experience exprience 1 anyone anyonee 1 brilliant briiliant 1 flow flooow 1 bottom botom 1 commence comence 1 mine miiineee 0 anyone anyones 0 err yerrr 1 bounce bounceee 1 financially finacially 1 contribute contribu 1 comfortable confortable 0 designer desinger 1 contributions contribs 0 classic classi 1 business buissness 1 saints saintsss 1 werewolf warewolf 1 fingering fingerbang 0 street steet 1 spectacular spectaular 1 sum 4sum 1 okay okkay 1 learn leaarn 1 loving lovingg 1 curly curlyyy 1 flowers flowersss 1 cunt cnut 1 hood hodd 1 kissing kissingg 0 cute kute 1 emergency emergenc 1 marketers marketeers 1 studying studyinn 1 demolished demolisher 0 weather weathe 1 average avarage 1 dunno dunnooo 1 probably probly 1 analyst anaylst 1 discreet discret 1 problem proble 1 foxy fxe 1 defender dfender 1 bit biit 1 problem problm 1 studying studyinq 0 forever fornever 0 fusion fusionhq 1 channel channle 1 barcelona barcellona 1 oracle oracl 1 controlling controlin 1 africa africaaa 1 helpful helpfu 0 alright a'ight 1 exclusive exclusiva 1 receipt recepit 1 whatever wathever 1 bitch biiitttch 1 jacksonville jacksonvil 1 thinking thnking 1 cookies cookiees 0 anymore aymore 1 bike bikee 1 promotion promoti 1 apply aply 1 suggested sugested 1 preach preeeach 1 directed directe 1 cookie cookieee 1 vancouver vancover 1 probably probbly 1 italian itallian 1 legitimately legitamately 0 happy ahappy 0 looking loookin 0 passenger pmessenger 0 hungry hunrgy 0 amber jamber 0 support suppot 1 suppose suppos 0 support suppor 0 completion incompletion 1 fuck fuuccck 1 mouth muth 1 lengths lenghts 0 commercial commerial 0 asshole masshole 1 fuck fuuckk 0 ace accel 0 accent accen 0 accept accep 1 access acces 1 exchange exchanger 1 alone allone 1 goblins gobblins 1 along allong 1 carlos carlosss 1 official offical 0 la lala 1 christina christinas 1 fucks fcuks 1 jokes jokeees 1 reminded remined 1 celebrate celabrate 0 morning mmorning 1 creationism creationist 1 profile profille 1 funniest funniestt 0 nowhere nowheres 0 nobody noody 1 unfortunately unfortuantly 0 johnson johnso 1 generation generational 1 alone alonnee 1 playing plaaaying 1 nowhere nowheree 1 alcohol alchohol 1 taken takenn 1 usually ussualy 1 underarm underarmour 1 chapel chappel 1 champagne champaigne 0 halloween hallowe 1 clean cleeean 1 clean cleean 1 massive masive 1 babe baabee 1 thanks thaankss 0 think ithinnk 1 supermarket supermaket 1 picking pickinq 1 graffiti grafiti 1 dislike dislik 1 wife wiife 1 ambient ambiental 1 dispute disput 0 sensational sexsational 0 legend lengend 1 figure figuree 1 almost almosttt 0 drunk drun 1 investment investmen 0 going goingto 1 please pl0x 1 halt hault 0 rather rathers 1 hottest hotttest 1 bottle bottel 1 chamomile chamomille 1 can cn 0 fearlessness fatherlessness 1 authorized authorised 0 congratulations cg 0 phone gophone 1 dunno dnno 1 premiere premere 0 spent ispent 1 hair haiir 1 stabilize stabili 1 migraine migrane 0 bottles bottes 0 corrected uncorrected 1 teacher teaacher 1 love looovee 1 loved loooved 1 great greeaaat 1 beat beaat 0 prospering paperspring 0 equip equipm 0 family myfamily 0 don adon 1 lame laaame 1 elite el!t 0 pumpkin pumking 1 michael michaelll 1 cookies cookiesss 1 atlantic atlanti 0 specially espesially 1 physical phsyical 0 pumpkins pumkins 1 atlanta atlante 1 everybody ev'rybody 0 favorite unfavorite 0 studying stuying 1 critical critcal 1 belly bellyy 1 asshole ashole 0 found ound 1 avatar avatarnya 0 that thart 0 use luse 0 night gnightt 1 home hooommeee 0 night gnights 0 watch wacth 0 salmon salmo 0 spam satpam 1 indonesia indonisia 1 rip ripp 1 beast beaaast 0 everything evything 0 gorgeous gorgerous 1 graphic grapic 1 basketball basektball 1 much muccchh 1 mall maaalll 1 tomorrow tomorriw 1 blow blooowww 1 martin martain 1 tastes tasts 1 hospital hosiptal 1 always alwaaays 0 ah ajahh 1 dangerous dangerousss 1 shirts shrits 1 overall overalll 1 night niggght 1 overly overally 1 receiving receving 0 field anfield 1 balls balz 1 juvenile juvinile 1 balls bals 1 stairs stairss 1 independent independe 1 chrome crome 1 color colour 1 hart hartt 1 currently cureently 1 indefinitely indefinately 1 therapist therapis 0 meaning mannering 1 facility facilit 1 moments momentz 0 edward jedwards 0 problem poblem 1 bananas bananaz 1 accepting acceptng 1 moment momentt 1 memorize memorised 1 frustrating frustating 1 relationship realitionship 1 sleep 2sleep 1 lower loer 0 loves loes 1 times 2times 1 statement statemnt 1 somebody somebod 1 microsoft microso 1 grand graaand 0 account accoutn 0 sweepstakes sweepsakes 0 accounts accouts 1 marilyn marlyn 0 somebody someboy 0 unidirectional omnidirectional 1 republican republician 0 portraits potraits 1 brooklyn brookline 1 karaoke kareoke 1 listening listeningto 0 yes mhm 1 soundtrack soundtr 1 crocodile crocadile 1 john johnnn 0 abusive anabusive 1 consecutive consecuti 1 crises crise 1 digestive digestives 1 appreciated appriciated 1 really raelly 1 crisis crisi 1 delicious delicioso 0 newsletter enewsletters 1 balloon ballon 1 crib cribby 0 murder murd 1 conservative conservat 0 audited unaudited 0 surprising suprisin 0 authorization euthanization 1 guarantee guarante 1 tendencies tendancies 1 crib cribbo 1 photo phoot 1 series seriesss 1 o'clock 4oclock 1 somebody sombodys 1 everything everythang 1 said saiidd 1 motherfucking motherfuking 1 forgive forgivee 1 wonderful wondrful 1 december decemberr 1 swift swiftt 1 temperature temperture 1 loud louddd 1 tomorrow tomorrrooowww 1 happening happing 1 together togethor 1 happen happine 0 rockefeller rockerfeller 1 billion 1billion 1 heartbreaking heartbeating 1 deserve deserveee 0 swift tswift 0 activate hacktivate 1 angles angeles 1 mississippi mississipi 0 bankrupt bangkrut 1 wow wowowowowowowow 1 system sistem 1 monkey monkeey 1 heads headsss 1 hour 6hour 1 excited excted 1 going goiing 0 touching touchin 0 totally itotally 0 consistent konsisten 0 loneliness likeliness 1 cleveland clevelands 1 chinese chinses 0 chunk chunck 1 switching switchin 1 frozen froozen 1 replied replieddd 1 put puuut 1 hanging hanggang 1 cool coooll 1 o'clock 5'o'clock 1 miscarriage miscarrige 0 gonna imgonna 1 delivered delivere 1 delivered deliverd 1 cold cooold 1 costume costumeee 1 champions campions 1 funny funney 0 cool coools 1 waiting waitiing 0 alright salright 1 before befooore 1 whatever whatevr 0 whatever whatevs 0 amanda maranda 1 ride riide 0 facial facialed 0 bedroom bedro 1 entertainment entrainment 1 otherwise otherwis 0 support isupport 1 sometimes soemtimes 1 barcelona barcelone 1 soccer soccerr 0 soccer soccers 1 bus buuus 1 vancouver vancouve 0 husband huband 0 auctions auctio 0 worlds wordls 0 exercise xercise 1 unfaithful unfaithfull 1 jealous jellous 0 worldly wordly 1 anywhere anywhre 1 sleepwalking sleepwalkin 1 happy hpy 1 interconnected interconnectivi 0 school newschool 1 damn daaammnnn 0 math emath 0 boyfriend myboyfriend 1 homecoming homecomingg 1 babe babbee 1 wanted wanteddd 1 boys boyss 1 holding holdng 1 evidence eviden 1 anyone anyoen 1 asking askinggg 1 millions milions 1 paid paiddd 1 maintenance maintanance 1 bitch biiitch 1 background backgrnd 0 quarter quarte 1 cheese cheeze 1 attend attened 1 why whhy 0 redeveloped redenvelope 1 that thaaatt 0 athletes mathletes 0 waiting wainting 1 deprivation depravation 0 goodness omgoodness 0 readings hardings 1 party party2 1 affiliate affiliat 1 eligible elgible 0 force forceer 0 flavored unflavored 1 yum yuuummm 1 saving saveing 1 innovative inovative 0 forming formating 1 drinking drinkin 1 drinking drinkig 1 cheerleader cheerleadin 1 specializing specialising 0 cinema cinemark 1 style stlye 1 honorary honourary 1 montana montanna 1 josephine josephines 1 hearing hearng 0 everything everyhing 1 little litle 1 adopting adoptin 1 aye ayyee 1 philosopher philospher 1 party partyu 1 party partyy 1 sports sprots 1 catch caatch 1 responsibility responsiblities 1 hours 12hours 1 blanket blankee 1 partying partyn 0 love lurve 1 shout shouout 0 unity unity3d 0 follow refollow 0 justin tojustin 1 regardless regaurdless 0 shit shnit 1 story sotry 1 vancouver vancuver 1 yogurt yougurt 1 hilarious halariousss 1 edited editted 1 freed free'd 1 class clasess 1 center centerrr 1 institutions institutionaliz 1 murdered murderd 1 institutions institutionalis 1 tongue tongueee 1 easy eassyyy 1 transportation transportations 1 listening listenings 1 bracelet bracelt 1 famous famouse 0 brood broodje 0 satisfied satified 1 listening listeningg 1 famous famouss 1 justin justinnn 0 appreciate ppreciate 1 bracelet bracele 0 satisfies satifies 1 extremely extremly 1 others otherss 1 information informati 1 fly 2fly 0 pleasure pleasue 1 pursuing pursuin 0 other toher 1 texture textured 1 morgan morgans 1 pleasure pleasur 1 plus plusss 1 decided decidedd 1 michael michal 1 listening listening2 1 some 2some 0 stud studz 0 err gerrr 1 berserk berserker 1 better betterer 1 waking wakingup 0 student stude 1 stud studd 0 smoking smoki 1 studio studo 0 unemployed employeed 1 macarthur macarthurs 0 eat ieat 1 speakers speakerss 0 cheat cheatd 1 bananas bananza 0 robe trobe 0 russian djrussian 0 security securi 1 sponsor sponser 0 carey careys 1 direction 1direction 0 cheating cheatn 1 congratulations congrulations 1 cheat cheatt 1 open oopen 1 lord lorrd 1 realize realice 1 memories memeories 1 chosen choosen 1 every everyway 0 arlington marlington 0 capitalism appitalism 0 chose choosed 1 choose choosee 1 irritating irratating 1 eclipse eclipseee 0 fall ifall 1 sleeping sleeeping 1 ladies ladiesss 0 valentines valenciennes 1 birthday birtday 1 its iiits 1 amount ammount 1 everything evvverything 1 gentlemen gentlemans 1 order oreder 1 darn darnn 0 marvelous marvy 1 kind kinddd 1 kinda kindda 1 central centralia 1 mechanics mechanix 1 chill 2chill 1 shirts shrts 1 discussed discusted 1 network ntwork 1 government governement 1 avoiding avoidin 0 games gamesave 1 keyboard keybored 1 atheists athiests 1 men 2men 1 tomorrow tommorowww 1 yesterday yestersday 1 jam 4jam 1 thursday thursdaaay 1 magazine megazine 1 sweetheart sweetheartt 1 everything everthings 0 skater sk8er 0 hurting huting 0 minutes minues 1 bitch bitttch 0 birthday bday 0 fascinating facinating 1 followers followerrs 1 theatrical theatricality 0 maria marija 1 helping 4helping 1 alternatives alternativemusi 0 canonicalization c14n 0 alex jalex 1 communication communcation 1 assholes asssholes 0 chilled chillem 1 regular regualr 1 gynecologist gynaecologist 1 involving involvin 1 letter letterrr 0 chill chillex 1 sovereign soverign 1 trick tricken 1 riding ridings 0 met imet 1 cool cooly 0 voted votedno 1 boots bootss 1 before befroe 1 disgusting disgustingg 0 marlin mcfarlin 0 sex zex 1 trick tricker 1 the the3 1 riding ridingg 1 goodness goodnesss 1 commitments committments 0 hands nohands 0 girl ggirl 1 times 15times 1 adaptation adaption 1 delicious deliciousss 1 wow wowowo 1 office offic 1 hey heeeyyy 0 picture pictu 1 pick pickkk 0 talking alking 1 kindergarten kindergarden 1 showed showedd 0 their thei 1 ears earss 0 theft thef 0 the thed 0 confess iconfess 1 guardian gardian 1 stainless stainles 1 silvered silverdome 0 the thev 1 these thes 1 there ther 0 launching relaunching 1 pedestal pedastal 0 struggle sruggle 1 shepherd shepperd 1 insomniac insomniatic 1 kid kiiid 1 yell yelll 0 materials biomaterials 0 costumes kostumes 0 health healthca 1 treating treatinn 1 melbourne melborne 1 background backgroundd 0 shooter hoster 1 interesting internetting 0 sexy smexy 1 cinderella cindarella 1 relationship relati0nship 1 probably probablyyy 0 already aredy 1 bout bouht 1 melbourne melbour 1 crime crimee 1 major mayjor 0 fortune fortu 1 scenes scens 0 swelling swellin 1 tongues toungues 1 poisoning poisining 1 cartel carteles 1 stranger strangerr 0 remaining remainin 1 monroe monro 0 monmouth avonmouth 0 people people'd 0 article 4rticle 1 misery miseryyy 0 educating redacting 1 crowd crwd 1 jakarta jakartaa 0 lovely loveyy 1 shows showss 1 put puttt 1 exception excepti 1 mate mateee 1 angle angl 1 combustion combusting 1 angry angr 1 starts startss 1 one onneee 0 lovely lovleys 1 installed installe 1 politics politicus 0 off orfff 0 gift grift 0 na nanaaa 1 tournament tournement 0 stacking stakin 1 believe belive 1 dreams dreamstm 1 listened listned 1 thought thoughtt 1 listen listnen 1 growing growning 1 australian australianthe 1 shipping shiopping 1 dnepropetrovsk dnipropetrovsk 1 freaks freeks 1 where whereee 1 air airr 1 come commmeee 0 academy acade 1 inflation inflati 1 please plesse 0 appreciate iappreciate 0 thank ithank 1 air airrr 1 class 2class 1 bible bibble 0 secret sercret 0 hypothermia hyperthermia 1 johnson jonhson 1 makeup makeuppp 0 baby ababy 1 when whenn 1 unknown unkno 1 literally literallyyy 1 lethal leathal 1 wow wwwooowww 1 orthodontist orthodonist 1 short shortt 0 tagging taggin 1 immediate immidiate 1 wife wiifey 1 wife wiifee 1 again agaaain 1 potato potahto 0 claimed claime 1 somebody somebooody 0 pissed pissses 0 slap slappn 0 horny honry 1 slapped slappd 1 involves involes 0 hardly harldy 1 chapman chipman 1 involved involed 1 outs outss 0 outs outsz 1 answers answrs 1 shit shyt 1 made madde 1 mad maddd 0 outside outsi 0 pudding puddin 1 hand hannd 1 irrelevant irrelephant 1 producing producin 1 photographs photographies 1 maroon maroon5 0 behaving behavin 0 behavior behavio 1 boring boreing 1 selfish selfishh 1 smarter smartset 0 date d8 1 montreal montreals 0 factor facto 0 time tinme 1 have havae 1 williams willliams 1 countdown countdwn 1 winner winnerrr 0 caring carin 0 personal pesonal 1 sky skyy 0 requirements recruitments 1 trick trikc 0 download dl 0 deathmatch dm 1 better bettrr 0 dickhead dh 1 promote promte 1 busy busyy 0 database db 1 jason jaison 0 the da 1 bangs bangsss 1 softest softspot 1 scenes scences 1 interested intrested 1 offers offres 1 birthday bhirtday 0 language slanguage 0 gearboxes gearsboxes 1 surprised surpirsed 1 sky sky1 1 sky sky3 1 sky sky2 0 deactivated preactivated 0 percent pcent 1 depends depende 1 assault assualt 1 depends dependz 0 proper prope 1 punchline punchlines 0 been ibeen 0 stress estress 1 practice practiceee 1 crackers crackerss 1 beautiful beautiiful 1 franchise franchize 1 proper propr 1 awesome aswome 1 justice justicee 1 ourselves ourselfs 1 please pleaze 1 scared scraed 1 downgrade downgrader 1 candidate candidata 1 headline headliners 1 vote vooote 1 predictable predicable 0 because cos 1 serious srious 1 bottles bottels 1 there thhere 0 because coz 1 requested requestd 1 memorable memoriable 0 commission commissi 0 ah baaahh 1 caught caughtt 1 investigation investigatio 1 request requestt 0 cool coo 1 skinny skinnny 1 amazing amzaing 1 friend friennnd 1 tucked tuckd 0 november brovember 1 cake cakeee 1 birthday borthday 0 jay jayz 1 homecoming homecomeing 1 eu eeeuuu 0 paris paradis 1 health healt 1 follow foollow 1 fantastic fantatics 1 country countryyy 1 buffet buffett 1 transponders transgenders 1 sorcerer sorceror 0 live llive 1 community communty 1 plans planss 1 forward forword 1 prefer prefr 1 plans plansz 0 readable tradeable 1 pissing pishing 0 necessary nessasary 0 avatar avarta 1 redesign redisign 1 familiar familier 1 wants wnts 1 morning mornign 1 compare comprarme 1 voting votingg 1 pounds 10pounds 1 wonder wondeer 0 viewing viewin 1 beautiful beauuutiful 1 pretty preeettyyy 1 was waass 1 essay esssay 0 never nnever 0 airing reairing 1 hour 4hour 1 archenemies archnemesis 1 somewhere somewhre 1 higher higer 1 morning moring 1 boyfriend boyfriiend 1 boulevard boulevar 0 submit sumbit 1 psychological psychologic 1 trust trussst 0 laughing laughting 1 chicken chickeen 0 nagging ngilang 0 err jerrr 0 split plit 1 please pliz 1 jeff jefff 1 plate platee 0 passing pasin 1 enough enoguh 0 luncheon lunche 1 closet closettt 1 fragile fragil 1 boredom boredum 1 afghanistan afganistan 1 housewives housewifes 1 closing closings 0 take itake 1 girls girlss 1 like likkke 1 intriguing intruiging 1 raise rais 1 message mesage 1 thru trhu 0 shit shizzle 0 conversations convosations 1 blame blamee 1 gonna gnnna 1 condolences condolonces 0 that th@ 1 keep kepp 1 camp campi 1 keeps keps 0 thanks thx 0 services eservices 0 playing plaayin 1 preceding preceeding 1 that tht 1 there thr 0 settlement resettlement 0 though tho 1 then thn 0 service serive 0 campus campu 1 the tha 1 thinking thiinking 1 similarities similarites 0 charlotte chatroulette 1 resist resisit 0 thieves thefive0s 1 liquor liquour 1 released releasd 0 cheeseburger cheesebuger 1 download donwload 1 amazing amazng 1 scream screeeaaam 1 ages ageesss 1 you yoyu 1 hill hille 1 boring boooringgg 0 roll iroll 1 attempted attemped 1 blackberry balckberry 0 describe descibe 1 phenomenal phenominal 1 relieved releived 1 cap capp 1 impossible impossibe 1 forwarding forwardin 1 sweater sweather 1 please pleassee 1 guns gunes 1 paris parisss 0 awesome awes 1 conscious concious 1 arrange arange 1 screen screeen 1 guidance guidence 0 monsters monsers 1 portuguese portuguesa 1 web webi 0 weather wearther 1 probably prbbly 1 almost almsot 0 sending sendi 1 sending sendn 1 production productionz 0 leaning leanin 0 maria marimar 1 chocolates chocolatos 1 quality quailty 1 send sendd 0 navy navys 1 comment commentz 0 animate anim8 1 comment commentt 0 anybody enybody 1 comment commento 1 somewhat somewat 1 comments commente 1 passion pasion 1 commentary commenta 1 supernatural sobrenatural 1 apparently apperently 1 arrive arive 1 justin justien 1 heck hecck 1 times 10times 0 going ggoing 0 friend whodi 1 graduate graduatee 1 opinions oppinions 1 quick quck 1 primitive primative 1 disregard disreguard 1 home hoommeee 1 their theirr 0 disney diney 0 whatever w/eva 1 continuous continous 1 bowling bolwing 0 sexy sxcy 1 there theire 0 hotel otel 1 pay payy 0 fingers fingies 1 calls callls 1 school scchool 0 whip iwhip 1 opportunity opportun 0 reporter ireporter 1 other oter 1 luck luuck 0 crackers crakers 1 dude dewd 0 cart xcart 1 step 2step 1 down dooownnn 1 clue clueee 0 ridiculous ridonculous 1 whisper wishper 1 wearing wearinggg 1 pleasurable pleasureable 1 cinematic cinematical 1 exactly exactlyrt 0 backwards bkwards 0 lister listserv 1 problem problema 1 people peopole 0 betting bettin 1 relax reeelax 1 pay pay4 1 lies liesss 1 again agaiinn 0 marriage marria 1 married marrid 0 mansion manion 1 market markett 1 caffeine cafine 1 sensation sinsation 1 shower shwer 0 quarters quaters 1 cracking crackingg 1 resell resel 1 place placeee 1 someone someeeone 1 girlfriend gurlfriend 0 hottest hottes 1 deserve dserve 0 mastheads themwasthedays 1 shout shoutotu 0 salad saltado 0 course ourse 1 gibson gibsons 1 mail maili 0 everybody erybody 1 mail maill 1 processor processoros 1 hate hateee 0 for dfor 1 joint jont 0 ignorant ingnorant 1 except execpt 0 jones jone 0 throwing thrownin 1 john jonh 1 nine nineee 1 internationale internacionales 0 politics politi 0 changing chging 1 conversation conversin 1 conversions conversio 0 wardrobe wardobe 0 coupons ecoupons 1 lord loard 1 jenkins jenkinson 0 everyone erryone 1 because becaues 1 loser loooser 0 together togethet 0 hauling haulin 1 yourself yourslf 0 hurry hurrys 1 happiness hapines 1 oops ooppps 1 quick quickkk 1 wells wellls 0 well welllp 0 programs progams 1 vampire vampiree 1 thru thrruuu 0 anna anand 0 windstorm mindstorms 1 really relly 1 false flase 1 tongue tounge 1 much muccch 1 please puh-leaze 1 human humn 0 humor humo 1 ugly ughly 0 human huma 1 smart smarttt 1 keep keeeppp 1 head heeeaaaddd 1 chocolate choccolate 0 encrypted unencrypted 1 cheese cheeese 1 responses responders 1 lyrics lyricsss 1 revolutions revolutionises 1 honey honeyyy 1 remember reember 1 revolutionized revolutionised 1 sadness saddness 1 silvering silvermine 1 haven hven 1 surely surelyy 1 conference conferance 0 times timesrt 1 remember remembeeer 1 participate participar 0 eric jeric 1 dublin dubliner 0 remembering imremembering 1 tune tunnne 1 o'clock 5o'clock 1 secret secrettt 1 tired tireeeddd 1 hope hoope 0 appeared appeare 1 addressed adressed 0 quotes equotes 1 available avialable 0 answer anwers 1 portland portlan 1 address adresses 0 killing killlin 1 changed changd 1 indiscriminate indiscriminatel 1 twins twiins 1 bomb bommmb 1 merchandise merchandize 1 another anoother 1 together tgether 1 train trian 1 please pleeeasse 1 companies companie 0 queens queensbay 1 italian italiano 0 description decription 1 thursday thursdayyy 1 alive aliiiveee 1 translation translational 1 immediately immediatly 0 chain chapin 1 lived livd 1 point pont 1 maharashtra maharastra 0 living livn 0 horror horrorshow 1 lesbian lesbiannn 1 french frenchh 1 bold boldd 1 massive masssive 1 felt feltt 1 williams willams 1 phone phonnneee 1 goodness godness 0 purchase purcha 1 thinking tinking 0 paying payin 1 pineapple pinapples 0 image animage 1 sleep sleeep 0 have ahave 0 knock nock 1 international internationalby 1 speak spk 1 freezing freeezinggg 1 real reeeaaall 0 performs peforms 1 productive productivo 1 screaming screming 1 scholarship scholoarship 1 freestyle freestle 1 talking taalking 1 millionaire millionnaire 1 finish fnish 1 liberalization liberalisation 1 same saaameee 0 everywhere erywhere 1 entertainment entertainmentpr 0 situation situacion 1 exhausted exhausteddd 1 occasionally occasionaly 0 horror horrorosa 0 felt ifelt 1 appreciate appreicate 1 ah aahh 1 chris chrisye 1 remember rememeber 1 spraying sprayin 1 offense offens 1 explaining explaing 1 definitely definetely 1 argue aruge 1 explained explaind 1 neighborhoods neighbourhoods 0 knowing nowin 1 whose who'se 1 bird birdd 1 sucks succks 0 killed fragged 1 bird birdy 0 col colb 1 address addres 1 arrangements arrangments 1 down dowwnn 1 superman supremenay 0 feature featu 1 priceless pricless 1 thrill thril 0 satellites skatalites 1 recall recal 0 getting gettign 1 shirt shiirt 1 third thrid 1 relatives relativism 0 there outthere 1 yourself yurself 1 piercing piercin 1 marry marrry 1 think 2think 0 headquarters headquaters 0 won wons 1 tons tooons 1 won wone 1 rolled rollled 0 reaction redactions 1 dramatic dramatical 1 conference confrence 1 won wonn 0 them em 1 fire firee 0 expo sexpo 0 fuck ef 1 early eaaarly 1 ostracized ostracised 0 hey ey 0 korean nkorean 1 easy ez 1 pleas pleeasse 0 everquest eq 1 amsterdam amsterdan 0 fucking fuxcking 1 uncomfortable uncomfortabilit 1 showed showd 0 shower showe 1 sunday sunda 1 distributed distributers 1 open openen 1 sunday sundy 0 love lovbe 1 sounds sunds 1 computer comptuer 0 wife twife 0 emily emilys 0 lambert dalembert 1 shower showr 1 washington washingon 1 there therreee 1 lisa lisas 1 apocalyptic apocolyptic 1 through throug 0 sheffield shenfield 0 gonna s'gonna 1 retirement retiremen 1 though thoughhh 1 pack packkk 1 because becauze 0 traditional tradisional 0 style stylert 1 spoon spooon 1 idiot id10t 0 mother mymother 1 dangerous dangerou 1 dome domee 1 night niiightt 1 thought thoughht 1 show show2 1 souvenir souveniers 1 tennis tenis 1 excuse excuuuse 1 company cmpany 1 violence violences 1 hatfield heathfield 1 guidelines guidlines 0 branding rebranding 1 salad saladdd 1 bookmarks bookmarc 0 grin *g* 0 she shees 0 grim ngirim 0 friends friens 1 nothing nothinnng 0 metro metrofm 0 procrastination procastination 1 silence silenc 0 judge juge 0 friend frienn 1 breeze breez 1 satellite satilite 0 lighter lightener 1 usage useage 1 artist aritist 1 psychic pyschic 1 expansion expansi 1 piercing pircing 1 sneakers sneakerss 1 mama mammma 1 peace pece 1 intelligent inteligentes 0 kept ikept 0 dollars dolar 1 because becuz 1 fruit fruite 0 lunch lunchen 1 without whithout 1 am aamm 0 pursuit pusuit 1 favor faaavor 1 calendar callander 1 sponsorship sponsership 1 kick kicck 0 um huumm 1 almost almos 0 almost almot 0 fruit fruitz 1 mountain mountainview 1 anthem anthemic 1 contemporary contempory 1 unnecessary unecessary 1 praise prase 1 contemporary contempora 1 impossible impossiblee 1 grenade gernade 1 days 9days 1 engine engin 1 powerful powerfulll 1 taking taaking 0 college kollege 0 bitch bizatch 1 monica monicaaa 0 freaking frecking 1 diesel diesal 1 afraid afraaaid 0 chihuahua hauahuahau 0 been bkeen 1 song sonnggg 1 saying sayinng 1 preparation preparatio 0 cool ckool 1 others 2others 0 morning morting 1 bedroom 1bedroom 0 filipino pilipino 1 alcohol alchol 1 shadow shado 0 circumcised uncircumcised 0 shaker mcshaker 1 christmas christmaaasss 0 chihuahua huahuahua 1 otherwise otherwize 0 chart kchart 1 couch couchhh 1 oklahoma oklahomas 1 fantasy fantsy 1 every everyyy 0 rating ratin 1 insomnia insomniaaa 1 next nextt 0 watching watchign 0 next nexts 1 forward froward 1 paid paied 0 recover ecovers 1 remote remotee 1 sufficient sufficent 0 broken brocken 1 shock shockkk 1 thought thougth 1 honors honours 1 those thooose 1 which whihc 1 pittsburgh pitsburg 0 finally ifinally 1 likes lieks 1 invited invitedd 1 beef beff 1 blind blnd 1 jackson jacksonnn 1 category catagory 1 next next1 1 ultraviolet ultraviolent 1 their 2their 1 blank blnk 0 other orther 1 though thougggh 1 occurred ocurred 1 glitter gliter 1 eh eehh 1 memory memry 0 awesome aweome 1 probably probaably 1 amazing amaaazzzing 1 man maane 1 equivalent equivelant 1 straight straiqht 1 man maann 1 down dooowwwn 0 pentathlon heptathlon 1 pleading pleadin 1 many maany 1 frustrated frustrateddd 1 appealing appealin 1 come come2 0 fitting fittin 1 hugs huggs 1 almost almooost 1 stuck stuckkk 1 night nighhhtt 1 straight straght 1 christian cristiana 1 across acrossed 0 yum yums 1 huge hugge 1 hug huggg 1 chill chiiilll 1 truly turly 0 yum yumz 1 dreadful dreadfull 1 unlocked unlockd 1 come comem 1 little littile 1 significant signifigant 1 come comee 0 come comed 1 freedoms freedomist 1 shannon shannyn 0 decision descision 0 yeah yeashh 1 monitor monitorthe 1 character charecter 1 watching watchiinq 1 definitely definitelyyy 1 body boday 1 purple pruple 0 heart heartrt 1 camcorder camcord 1 penis p-nis 1 watching watchiing 0 coffeecake coffeemaker 1 dangerous dangero 1 business biznesss 1 nickel nickle 1 class calss 1 boobs booobies 0 man amann 1 complete compleet 1 everybody everyboddyyy 0 chihuahua uhahuahua 1 house hoouse 1 sarcastic sarcasticly 1 undercover undercovers 0 goodnight goodknight 1 handicap handclap 1 brains braiiins 1 disappeared disapeared 1 tickets 2tickets 1 multiple mulitple 1 screen scren 0 aaliyah aaliyahs 1 everywhere everywere 1 pussy pusyy 0 cigarettes cigs 1 heck heeeck 1 hell heell 0 biting bitin 1 magazine magazineee 0 cigar ciga 0 maintenance maitenance 1 definitely definitley 1 help heelp 1 kenny kenye 1 mean meaaan 1 helping helpng 1 environmental environmentlate 1 requirement requirment 1 asset assest 1 effective efective 1 smoking smokein 0 matter nomatter 1 those tose 0 medium mediu 1 alright alrightt 1 alright alrights 1 mental mentalll 1 alright alrighty 1 cousins cousinsss 1 day daayyy 0 call ccall 1 poor pooorr 0 flight inflight 1 trap trapp 0 pure purex 0 horses seahorses 1 interest interst 1 texas texasss 0 rape trape 1 cool coolioo 1 ricky rickyy 0 wit widit 0 ricky rickys 1 franklin frankin 1 increase incre 1 spell speel 1 boys booys 1 speech speec 1 crazy craazzy 1 moment momentus 1 identity identit 1 dream dreeaam 1 spinning spinnning 1 racism racismo 0 phones iphones 1 identify identif 1 excess exces 1 change cahnge 0 thanks thatnks 1 snowboarding snowboarden 1 participating participative 0 phone iphonee 0 health healthwatch 0 letters eletters 0 just ijusst 0 reach reah 1 actually actuallyy 1 thomas thomasss 1 million milllion 1 reach reac 1 fuck fuucck 0 ready reay 1 library librar 1 pronounce pernounce 1 library libray 1 real reeeaalll 1 starting strting 0 phone iphone4 0 phone iphone3 1 observing observin 0 latter latters 1 really reeeaally 1 pounding poundn 0 referee rererere 1 dies diez 1 afternoon aftrnoon 1 act acttt 1 exactly exactely 1 hacked hackd 0 missed smsed 1 perfect perpect 1 overwhelming overwhelmin 1 legends legands 0 male amalek 0 sausage sauage 0 ages agers 1 zero zerooo 1 dick d1ck 0 fathers featherless 1 operation opperation 1 hollywood holywood 1 drama drma 0 ohio ohios 0 could icouldd 1 happening happeninggg 1 public publicat 1 resting restin 1 circumnavigate circumnavigatio 0 microwave mircowave 1 friendship friendshit 0 enemy nme 1 seeing seening 1 hectic hectik 0 normal anormal 1 raise 2raise 1 bored boored 1 crying cryingg 1 degree degre 1 painting paintn 0 dragging raggin 1 jam jaaammm 1 its itts 1 protested proteste 1 experience experence 1 shame shamee 0 hypoglycemia hyperglycemia 1 brilliant brilian 1 another annother 1 prepared prepard 1 brilliant brillliant 1 hammer hammmer 1 degrees 90degrees 1 might maight 1 another anotherrr 1 sorry sooorryyy 0 following followering 1 arguing arguin 1 aye aaayyyee 0 electronics meelectronics 1 impossible impossib 1 occasion ocassion 1 metallic metalic 1 funny funnyy 1 charles charless 0 illinois illino 1 sticking stickin 1 goggles goggles4u 0 illinois illini 1 physics phisics 1 positive postive 0 been bbeen 0 como comico 1 beyond beyonddd 1 august agust 0 sexuality asexuality 1 movie movei 1 squares sqaures 1 beer beerrr 1 that tahat 1 awesome aawesome 1 hard haaarrrd 1 move movee 1 nerve nerv 1 friends friiiends 1 sailed saled 1 sale salee 0 library librarys 1 evening eveningg 1 batman batwoman 1 library libraryy 1 mathematics mathematica 1 marketplace marketplac 1 nowhere nowehere 1 jacksonville jacksonvill 1 days dayyss 1 cinderella cinderela 1 blackmail blackmagic 1 clever cleverrr 1 priorities prioritys 1 clandestine clandestino 1 ambiguous ambigious 1 jack jaaack 1 success sucesss 1 bored boried 1 girls 2girls 1 lonely lonly 1 balloons baloons 1 bootleg bootleggin 1 month 12month 1 fingering fangirling 1 particularly particuarly 1 bored booreddd 1 strings stringz 1 miles 5miles 0 forever foever 0 bullshit b.s. 1 lady laady 1 bunch bunc 1 early earllyy 0 quick quic 1 does doeees 1 privilege privelage 1 mcmahon mcmahan 1 crazy craazyy 1 maybe maybb 1 over oveerrr 0 cash icash 1 part parrt 1 speak speakkk 1 par parrr 1 anybody anybodys 1 bucks 3bucks 1 doctor doctorrr 0 robert robet 0 robert rober 1 anybody anybodyy 1 plus 7plus 1 verge verg 1 indonesia indonesiaku 0 entertainment intertainment 0 return retur 1 unemployment unemployme 1 craig craiggg 1 coming comiiing 1 matchbox matchbox20 1 nerd nerddd 0 considering cosidering 1 miss miiss 0 return retun 1 wild wiild 1 entries entires 0 haven havenot 1 will wiill 1 homecoming homcoming 1 bored borreddd 1 renault renaults 1 friday fridaaayy 0 toshiba toshibas 1 backstage backstages 1 sperm sprm 1 argument arqument 1 randomly randomlyy 1 wishes 16wishes 0 watching wachting 1 spray spra 0 sleepy c-p 0 surprisingly unsurprisingly 1 scoring scorin 1 song sonng 0 scene scence 1 answer answerr 1 answering answern 1 guaranteed garenteed 1 medicine medcine 1 answer answere 1 answered answerd 1 recruiting recruiti 1 you yo0ou 1 name naaame 0 yum yummz 1 says saysss 1 windows windowsss 1 spam spaaam 1 holland holyland 0 checked chked 1 hollywood hollyhood 1 power pwor 1 division divison 0 contact kontact 1 self seelf 1 after afteeer 1 medicine medicin 1 recess reccess 1 success suces 1 dripping drippn 0 except cept 1 crashing crashin 1 entered enetered 1 mention mentionan 1 ridiculous ridiclous 1 surprising surprisin 1 purchase purchas 0 danger dange 0 performs perfoms 1 experience expirence 0 thing thinger 1 averaging averagin 1 difficulties dificulties 0 simpson simsons 1 swimming swimmming 1 international internation 0 explosion exposicion 1 rocking rockingg 1 huge hugggeee 1 thanksgiving thankxgiving 1 monday mondaaay 1 nausea nauseas 0 mixes remixes 0 mixer remixer 1 precious precios 0 text itext 0 mixed remixed 0 brides brindes 1 hurt hurrt 0 webster webmaster 1 person personwho 1 asia asiaaa 0 hard hardrt 0 nightmare nighmare 0 fortress forresters 0 shaping reshaping 1 eyebrows eyebrowsss 1 church chuurch 1 against againest 1 daddy daddyy 0 fate f8 0 fine f9 1 stacking stackin 1 deleted deleated 0 confidential konfidential 0 daddy daddys 0 switch swicth 0 seriously seriouly 0 library brary 1 ceiling celing 1 remaining reminicing 1 oregon orgeon 0 papa apaapa 1 swallow swallo 1 harry harryy 1 downloading downloadin 1 business businessvn 1 breasts breasteses 1 gallery gallary 1 tomorrow tuhmorrow 1 chopped chopd 1 october octobre 0 winning winin 0 blacklist iblacklist 0 facebook fb 1 ransom ranson 1 okay oookaaay 0 cartridge catridge 1 photography photogra 1 gas gass 0 fuck fk 1 filmmakers filmakers 1 reasons resons 1 whats whatsss 1 bread breadd 1 whisper whisperin 0 fat f@ 0 superficial mssuperofficial 0 respond resond 1 frightening frightning 0 online inline 1 cute cuuuteee 0 marcus lamarcus 1 bug buga 1 anniversary anniversaire 1 ridiculous ridiculist 1 stunning stunnning 0 follower followersz 0 charles charile 1 chick chicky 1 followers followerss 1 marking markin 1 watching wtaching 1 chick chicka 1 stereo sterio 0 chicken chicke 1 chick chickk 1 chicken chickn 1 exaggerated exagerated 0 research resear 1 fine finee 0 management changement 1 moves movess 1 convicted convective 0 washington warshington 1 sale saleee 1 fuckers fuckerss 1 photocopying photoshopping 1 stage stge 0 fuck fook 1 panties pantiess 1 watching watchhing 0 maria marinaaa 1 thumb tumb 1 never neevr 1 for foor 0 fools foos 1 cutest cutesst 0 exception exeption 1 fuck fuhckk 0 referral referrer 0 brother mybrother 1 full fulla 1 same sameee 1 alexander alexandr 1 broken brokeeen 0 repair reparatii 1 greetings grettings 1 kidding kiddding 1 sick 2sick 1 referee referree 1 fine fine2 1 million 3million 1 dollars 5dollars 1 nightmare nightmere 1 page pageee 1 beginning beginging 0 albanian nalbandian 0 alcohol achohol 1 livelihood livelyhood 1 sweetest sweetiest 1 dear dearr 1 junior juniorr 1 sweets sweetiess 0 download d/l 1 robbery robery 1 dear deary 0 disconnected d/c 1 amazing amaaazzing 1 halloween halloooweeen 0 tomorrow 2omorrow 1 during duringg 0 already awready 1 elizabethan elizabethton 1 math mathh 1 dunno duno 1 tomorrow tomoorrow 1 florence florance 0 dirty diry 1 math mathe 1 energy energys 1 something somethng 1 math mathy 0 millionaire bilionaire 0 math maths 0 sworn swor 1 energy energyy 1 great greeeaaatt 1 exams examsss 1 available avaialble 0 falling falin 1 servant servent 1 practice practi 1 mobile mobilee 0 education edumacation 1 movies moviesss 1 amazing amazeing 1 november novemver 1 figured fugured 1 tan tannn 0 number numbe 1 voting votings 1 massage masssage 0 advert vadvert 1 thanksgiving thanksgving 1 translating triangulating 0 nothing northing 0 fucker mufucker 0 especially epecially 0 people prople 1 winner winnar 0 mighty mightly 0 methods metho 0 night mcnight 1 properly proply 0 leasing leasin 0 boxes inboxes 1 side siide 0 steroids roids 0 change hange 1 together toguether 0 factor exfactor 0 boxed inboxed 1 gets getsss 0 favor pofavor 1 opportunity opertunity 1 administer administra 1 floor flooorrr 1 click clcik 1 being beinng 1 sorry sorryyy 1 ourselves ourselvs 1 amazing amazinnggg 1 back backkk 1 laugh luagh 0 giving gvin 1 prefers perfers 1 fatty fattyyy 1 raped rapedd 1 her herrr 1 tomorrow tomoorow 0 her herrt 1 gathering gatherin 1 labor labour 1 herd herrd 1 here herre 1 granted 4granted 0 yes fyes 1 yogurt youghurt 0 freak freakum 0 clueless cluelessly 1 message messsage 1 boring boringgg 1 nice noiice 1 temperamental tempermental 1 penis pnus 1 discussing discusing 1 highlights higlights 1 proceed procede 1 cabbage cabage 1 gorilla gorrila 1 cool coowl 1 shout shoutout 1 awesome awesom 1 subconscious subconciously 1 giggles gigglez 1 own owwwnnn 0 enterprise alleyenterprise 1 favor favour 1 cash cashh 1 commentary commentarythe 1 interracial interacial 1 entrepreneurs entrepreneurism 1 birds birdss 1 jam 3jam 1 right rigth 0 point poit 0 whatever whateer 0 point poin 1 tree treee 1 development developement 1 workout workoutt 0 cologne colonge 0 girlfriend galfriend 1 without witho 1 within withn 0 within withi 1 with withh 1 inch 3inch 1 erotica erticas 1 with withy 1 with witht 1 chilling chillng 1 description descriptiona 1 gotta gottta 0 dieting dietin 1 thought thoought 1 money moeny 1 percent 10percent 1 lifetime lifetimee 1 rolls rollls 1 aim aimm 0 chicago chigago 1 was woz 1 pissed pisd 1 what wot 1 ride rideee 1 virginity virginities 1 simply simplypi 1 seeing seeingg 1 dramatic dramatico 1 dramatic dramatica 0 tapping tappin 1 pose poseee 1 workout wrkout 1 jacket jackettt 1 poured poored 1 oops ooppsss 1 give givve 1 print prnt 0 without withought 0 solicitations felicitations 1 hot hhhooottt 1 interested intrestd 0 anonymous anon 1 stress stresss 0 decision desition 1 interests intrests 1 like likee 0 successor successo 1 skipped skipd 1 like likea 0 kinda kidna 1 skipping skipn 1 successful successf 1 signing sigining 1 like likei 1 publishing publishin 0 like liket 1 like likeu 1 time tiimeee 0 batteries batteri 1 revolutionizing revolutionising 1 forgive forgiv 1 describe describee 1 nintendo nintendos 1 foreseeable forseeable 0 logging loggin 1 downloading downloadlink 0 hello hi2u 1 achieved acheived 0 sellers resellers 0 manchester madchester 1 badly badlyy 1 support suppourt 1 ignore ignoreee 1 cardiology cardiologie 0 movement movent 0 hit ihit 1 brian briannna 1 millennium milenium 1 jesus jesuis 1 grill grilll 1 atlanta atlantaaa 1 crushing crushin 1 grilled grilld 0 grill grillz 0 packed packe 1 like like2 0 fresh djfresh 1 between beetwen 0 packing packi 1 pack packk 1 paranoid paranoiddd 1 bristol bristols 1 yourself yourselve 1 forever foreverrt 1 forever foreverrr 1 sweetheart sweethrt 1 following foloowing 0 card icard 1 bookmarked bookmarklet 1 peaceful peacful 1 dancing dancingg 1 sarcasm sarcasam 1 content conten 0 told itoldd 1 context contex 1 socks sockss 1 okay oohkay 1 contest contes 1 counter conter 0 hacker h4xor 1 fireworks fireworksss 1 changed changedd 1 adventure advanture 0 millionaire billionair 0 fuck shag 1 corner cornor 0 contacts conectas 1 salon salonn 1 shall shal 1 use usee 1 normalize normalise 1 use usea 0 excuse exuse 1 plug plugg 1 disturbing distrubing 0 refuse irefuse 1 specializes specializ 0 website wesbite 0 changing chaning 1 night nightt 1 specialist specialis 1 pouring pooring 0 memorized mezmerized 1 grin grinn 1 sunset sunstone 1 wedding weddinggg 1 damn daamnnn 0 cleared cleare 1 cleared cleard 0 night nightx 0 clearly cleary 1 around arounnnd 1 nonunion nonononono 1 amazing amaziinggg 1 clear clearr 1 life liiifee 1 dudes doodz 0 grin grint 1 tomorrow tommor 0 septum stepmum 1 social socail 1 foreseen forseen 1 praying prayinq 1 quarterly quarterl 1 and annndd 0 yeah yeahp 0 suggest sugges 0 developed jdeveloper 1 faster fasterr 0 racing racin 1 quarterback quarterb 0 something somehing 1 recruiting recruitin 1 crush crus 1 night nighta 1 throat throatt 0 birthday twbirthday 1 transatlantic transatlanticis 1 throat throath 0 probably propbably 0 having havig 1 safe saaafe 0 teenager stenger 1 visit vsit 1 nothing nothinggg 1 prestige prestiges 0 marc marck 1 anonymity anonimity 1 characterize characterise 1 technicians technicien 0 christmas ichristmas 1 active activex 0 masters marsters 0 wow owow 1 cruz cruiz 1 conversion convertin 1 chair chairr 1 activated actived 1 don donnn 1 night nighto 1 accidentally acidently 1 accident accedent 1 trend trendd 0 chance achance 0 director edirectory 1 megan meganon 0 searching searchi 1 sister sisteeer 1 trend trendn 1 issues isssues 1 general 18general 1 squirting squirtinghot 0 heather heathcare 1 irritated irritateddd 1 whats whhats 0 decriminalizing criminalising 1 turn tuurn 0 chocolate chocol 0 coping copin 1 completely compeletly 1 dilemma delima 0 and xand 1 charging chargin 1 prestigious prestigous 1 collecting collecting4 1 sometimes sometiimes 1 time tiiimmme 0 neutral neutra 1 traditional tradtional 0 family ygfamily 1 nintendo nintendoware 1 another anotheer 1 technology techonology 0 pigeons pidgeons 1 december dezember 0 infield kingfield 1 beyond beond 1 maybe myabe 1 bitch biiittcchhh 0 eternal enternal 0 rolling rolln 1 roll rolll 0 rolling rolli 1 rite rittte 0 reckoning wreckoning 1 rolled rolld 0 birch bircher 1 understand understanddd 0 broke brokeup 1 downstairs dwnstairs 0 motherfucker fothermucker 1 seeing seeinq 1 ensure ensur 0 launching launchi 1 why wwhy 1 rounding roundin 1 anyway anywaay 1 accent accient 1 who wwho 1 struggling strugging 1 courtesy courtesty 1 imperfections imperfectionist 1 johnson jonsson 1 follow folllw 1 disney disneyyy 1 russia russias 1 always alwaayss 1 politicians politicans 1 seriously seruously 1 puzzle puzzel 1 speak speeak 1 talk taaalk 0 through thru 0 encyclopedia uncyclopedia 1 nuts nutso 1 temperature tempertrap 1 updating updatin 0 theory theorys 1 stacks stakks 1 does doese 1 some sommmeee 0 does doesn 1 does doess 0 shovel shovelin 1 apprentice aprentice 1 presents presentan 1 bastards basterds 1 adult adulto 0 does doesz 0 love flove 0 chicken chikken 0 enquiry enquirer 1 decide deside 1 forgot forgt 1 great grrreeeaaat 1 tit titt 0 turn toturn 1 ever evar 1 visit visitt 1 without wihtout 0 torture toture 1 sending sendng 0 visitors visito 1 visiting visitn 1 humanities humanties 1 visit visite 0 flowing flowin 0 daddy naddy 0 heater heate 1 hilarious hilariousss 1 urgent urgente 0 disguise diguise 1 company companyyy 1 extremely extreemly 1 citizen citzen 0 march malarchy 1 depot depto 0 morning gmorning 1 turn turnnn 1 get gt 0 impanel mixpanel 1 more morer 1 regurgitation regurgitator 1 gay gy 0 more mored 0 girlfriend gf 1 wash washh 1 good gd 1 chinese chinease 0 moore morel 1 more morei 1 washed washd 1 chat caht 1 congregate congregants 0 velvet velet 0 frames iframes 1 illness ilness 1 experiment experiement 1 ammunition ammunitions 0 defended defriended 1 what waitwhat 1 does doesss 1 conversations conversating 1 assistance asistance 0 answer answe 1 scientist scienti 1 go g0 1 sounds soundsss 1 happened happeneed 1 oct octo 0 lovely m'lovely 1 answer answr 0 council counci 1 freelancing freelensing 1 though thouhg 0 blues blueslr 1 freshman freshmeat 1 deleting deletinq 1 everybody everrybody 1 christmas chrstmas 1 bullshit bullshat 0 thought thouht 0 testers jetsetters 1 materialized materialised 1 arbitrate arbitragem 1 ha hhahahaaa 1 done donneee 1 silence silience 1 super suuper 1 singapore singapores 0 article newarticle 1 apple aplle 1 christmas christmasy 0 males malesin 1 valley valey 1 penis penius 0 sucks suxor 0 account accoun 1 cupcake cupcakee 1 please pleaasee 1 cellular celluar 1 lesbian lesbien 1 hatred hatered 0 already alteady 0 freezing unfreezing 1 person prson 1 okay okkaay 1 fairies faeries 1 repeat repet 1 production producti 1 unique uniqe 0 foothills foxhills 0 fascinated fasinated 1 crazy crazz 1 horny hrony 1 recording recordin 1 prove 2prove 1 century centur 1 opportunities opportunitie 0 ecosystems aerosystems 1 unnecessary unneccesary 0 panamanian panarmenian 1 awesome aaawesome 1 almost allmost 1 does deos 1 overdose overdosis 1 crazy carzy 1 settle settl 1 wicked wiicked 1 reflex reflectx 0 fiber fibe 0 the bthe 0 rangers grangers 1 subs subbs 1 nerves nervess 0 cant canrt 1 anniversary annivers 0 weekend weened 0 products eproduct 1 sub subbb 1 powerpoint propoints 1 excited exxxcited 1 crossed crosssed 1 everything everithing 0 airspace arianespace 1 classifieds classifiedsguy 0 imagination ecomagination 1 the theh 1 dropped dropd 1 extremely extrmely 1 drop dropp 1 church chrch 0 across arcoss 0 colonel kolonel 1 microphone microfone 0 halloween halloweed 1 working workng 0 halloween halloweek 1 affordable affordab 1 email emaill 1 soul sooouuulll 1 something soomething 1 freezing freeezzzing 1 before befoore 1 placement placeme 0 butterfly shutterfly 0 study sudy 1 stores storess 1 residence residencia 1 complicated complecated 1 origin orgin 1 favorite favoirte 1 jail jaill 0 flows inflows 1 maintenance maintenence 1 unlimited unlimite 0 breathe beathe 1 possible possibleee 1 week 3week 0 feminist feminity 1 tracks traccs 1 making makinggg 0 let llet 1 shut shhut 1 pay paay 1 katie kaite 0 thesis thesims3 1 everything everthin 1 behind behiiind 1 cupcakes cuppycakes 1 pal paal 1 believer bieleber 1 tell 2tell 1 commercial commerical 1 playing playiinq 1 during durng 1 abandoned abanded 1 offenses offences 1 hug huug 1 playing playiing 1 estate esate 1 york yorkk 1 black blakc 1 dreams dreeeams 0 everything eerthing 1 competitive competitiv 1 twisting twistin 0 anonymous nonymous 1 please pleassseee 1 consequences concequences 1 competition competitio 1 gram grahm 0 maine maines 0 steve stevies 1 ray raye 1 tasty tastyyy 1 followed follwd 1 whores whoresss 1 public publc 0 masters timewasters 1 alumni alumnis 0 lindsay linday 0 public publi 1 great grrreeeat 1 follows follws 1 messenger messnger 1 husband husbando 1 management manajemen 1 somewhere somewher 1 whatever whaaatever 0 sexy smexxy 0 standing stading 0 contest kontest 1 modeling modellin 1 mood modd 0 somewhere somewhea 0 somewhere somewhen 0 nevermind n/m 0 nickname n/n 1 sand sandd 1 fingering fingerling 1 people poeople 0 parade parkade 1 nails naails 1 opinions opinons 1 dinner diinner 1 cunt chunt 1 stepped steped 1 presents presentss 0 perverted perveted 1 noodles nooodles 0 commendable recomendable 0 central azcentral 0 therapeutics biotherapeutics 1 bliss blisss 0 portray potray 1 influence influenc 1 one onnneee 0 positioning repositioning 0 brown mrbrown 1 followed followeddd 0 staying stayin 1 house houusee 1 hush husssh 1 were weere 1 hardware hardwar 1 which wich 1 negro negroe 0 checks checcs 1 negro negroo 0 terra tercera 1 celtic celtica 1 said saaaid 1 been beeenn 0 reaction reacti 1 trash trashh 0 happens whappen 1 arms aaarms 1 myself myslef 1 training trainig 1 absolutely absaloutly 0 christmas chritmas 1 key keey 0 training trainin 1 whether wheter 0 behind behin 1 ministry ministrys 1 business busines 1 fresh fresssh 0 behind behid 1 goldberg goldburg 1 christopher christoph 0 described decribed 1 permanent permenant 1 morning morring 1 attach attatch 1 talk talkkk 1 screams screamsss 0 whatever w.e. 1 married merried 1 spoiled spolied 1 going goiiing 1 fell felll 0 attack attact 1 fellow fello 1 shoulders sholders 0 incarnation encarnacion 1 motorcycle motorcyle 0 attack attacc 1 strange straaange 0 before be4 1 spoiler spolier 0 judge jugde 1 dying dyng 1 platform platformer 1 everything everythign 1 wandering wanderin 1 technically technicly 0 so ssoo 0 soon sson 1 melissa mellissa 0 saw isaww 0 romanian arminian 1 assistance assistanc 1 photography photograpy 1 experiment expirement 1 drunk druunk 1 collage colage 1 boredom bordem 1 clocking clockin 1 bored borded 1 speechless speachless 1 carrot carrott 0 beef beefn 1 stadium staduim 1 something somethinng 1 disappointment disapointment 1 really reeeallly 1 apparently apparntly 1 something somethinnn 1 vision vison 0 kelly keneally 0 alderman halderman 1 around arouund 1 impeccable impecable 1 rabbits rabbids 1 delivering deleveraging 1 maintenance maintenanc 0 newspaper newpaper 1 maybe mabby 1 airport airpor 1 blasting blastinggg 1 thong thoing 0 batman beastman 1 evolutionary evolutionarily 1 perfect perrfect 1 superman superhumans 1 thirst thrist 1 business busniess 0 climates acclimatise 0 soapstone solarstone 0 busy unbusy 0 excursion xcursion 1 watching watchng 0 online downline 0 kidding kiddin 1 midwestern midwesterner 1 anyways anywas 1 squirrel squrriel 1 lunch luunch 0 hacker hax0r 0 fucking fuxing 1 anyways anywaz 1 hungry hungr 1 brooklyn brookyln 0 hollywood hollywoods 1 istanbul istanbulda 1 finals finalss 0 had hadn 0 internet tinternet 1 had hade 1 had hadd 0 down ddown 1 artist artits 1 easy eeeasy 0 site iste 0 had hads 1 fernando fernandina 0 suck isuck 0 stretch streach 1 slow sloww 1 slowly slowy 0 different differe 1 baby bbbyyy 1 steering steerin 1 shit sht 1 jasmine jasmin 0 science sience 0 should shd 0 something omething 1 either eitherrr 0 either eitherrt 0 sure sho 1 longer longerrr 0 nothing nuttin 0 just jujst 0 sorry ssorry 1 apparently apparentely 1 kill 2kill 1 prayers prayerz 0 internet nternet 1 funny funee 0 dream idream 1 bye byyyeee 1 love luv 1 flick flickn 1 perfection perfeccion 1 remarkable rimarkable 1 jail 2jail 1 writer writter 1 sensitive senstive 1 criticism critisism 1 refreshing refreashing 1 mess meeesss 1 labels lables 0 pictures flicks 1 look luk 1 squad squadd 1 jobs jobbs 0 election neglection 1 job jobby 1 job jobbb 1 facts factsss 1 eclipse eclips 1 justin justinn 1 study studyi 1 studying studyn 1 ginger gingery 0 campus ecampus 0 bitches bicthes 1 study studyy 1 qualified qualifed 0 caught uncaught 0 gonna ugonna 1 separating seperating 1 smoking smokeing 1 squeeze squezze 1 comes commes 1 limitless limitlessly 0 comment commet 1 correspondence correspondant 1 stunning stunnig 0 comment commen 0 stunning stunnin 1 again againn 1 come commee 1 pussy pusssy 1 campaign compaign 1 seriously serously 1 finally finaally 0 rather irather 1 aggression aggresion 1 minimize minimise 1 halloween hallaween 0 anniversary 4nniversary 1 kick kickk 1 mile mileee 0 jason jasons 1 years 10years 1 tropics tropicsz4 0 kicked kicke 1 kicked kickd 0 xmas xxmas 1 argentina argentinos 0 sneakers kicks 1 furniture furnitur 0 laptop latop 1 again againe 1 owned ownd 0 owner owne 1 dentist dentista 1 typing typeing 1 bucks 50bucks 1 beep beeeppp 0 follow followrt 1 air aiiir 1 followers followrs 1 opera operah 1 meet 2meet 1 reunion reunionnn 1 owns ownz 1 lamb lambi 1 speechless speeechless 1 kisses kisses4u 0 remember iremember 0 stage stageit 1 overseas oversea 1 review revie 1 bang banggg 1 view vieww 1 worried woried 1 cracking crackiin 1 clap clapp 0 inbound indiebound 1 yummy yuummmy 1 move 2move 1 bitches bietches 1 mature matureee 1 please palease 1 all aaalll 0 schools w3schools 0 rappers grapplers 1 million 6million 0 chase chase'em 1 gave gaave 0 headlines hardlines 1 florida floridaaa 1 optimization optimisation 0 lounge louge 1 month mooonth 1 represented representante 1 licking lickin 1 automatic automatico 1 burger burgerrr 0 horrible orrible 0 fuckers fukkers 1 both boht 1 conferences confrences 0 abundantly abudantly 0 obviously oviously 1 sleepiness sleepyness 1 extreme extream 1 close clooose 0 arlington dartington 1 spell spelll 1 spelling spelln 1 digs diggs 1 morning mornng 1 much muchhh 1 definition deffinition 1 jonathan jonothan 1 yeah yeeaahh 0 lining linin 1 extended extende 0 microsoft mircosoft 1 until untilll 0 details detai 1 past pasttt 1 playing playying 1 when wheenn 1 inch 5inch 1 deposit deposite 0 times imes 1 gasp gaaasp 1 leave leeeave 1 appreciate apprechiate 1 legitimate legitmate 1 theater theather 1 switch swtich 1 hypocrisy hypocricy 0 spelling upselling 1 fatty faty 1 possible possivel 1 that thaatt 1 sis sissi 1 rock roock 1 incredible inkredibles 1 exception exceptionnn 0 lender lende 1 sis sissa 1 sigh siggh 1 size sizee 1 month 9month 0 advertiser bidvertiser 1 sis sisss 0 signature siggy 0 drunkenness crunkness 1 rain raain 1 dating daiting 1 kisses kissses 0 trying trynin 1 forcing forcin 1 congress congresss 1 olympic olympicks 1 kissed kisssed 1 log 2log 1 playing palying 0 orlando borland 1 shenanigans shenanagins 1 senior senoir 1 warfare warefare 1 sizzling sizzlin 1 hypocrite hipocrite 0 audience audien 1 spiritual spirital 1 integrated integrantes 0 fascinating fasinating 1 encourage encourag 0 handle hadle 0 excerpts exerpts 1 happen happennn 0 cinema cinema4d 1 remembered remembrd 1 remember remembre 1 community comunity 1 blackness blackmens 0 taking takkin 1 wrong wrooong 1 whatever whateverrr 1 other 2other 1 everything everythong 1 absolutely absolutelyy 1 chickens chickenheads 0 amazing mramazing 1 before beforee 1 school scoool 1 starting strtng 0 crucial crutial 1 refreshed refresht 1 cancellation cancelation 1 scoop scooop 1 leave leaaave 0 ha ahhhaaa 1 busy buuusy 0 hate h8 0 thought thourght 1 dressed dresssed 1 arm armmm 1 plenty plentyy 1 choreography choreographies 0 might miht 1 mushroom mushroomy 1 driving drivein 1 freaking freaakin 1 wanna wannna 1 halloween hallowwen 1 eyes eyess 1 alexandria alexandras 0 rite ritert 0 eyes eyesz 1 notice noticee 1 daniel daniela 1 daniel daniele 1 eyes eyesi 1 cousin cousinnn 0 examined unexamined 1 netherlands netherland 1 gold golddd 1 hour hr 0 headshot hs 1 have hv 0 homework hw 0 music musicrt 0 nobody nobodys 1 baltimore balitmore 1 neighbors nieghbors 1 nobody nobodyy 0 hockeygod hg 0 broad broadb 1 international internatinal 1 fresh freash 1 radio radiooo 1 lists 20lists 1 hustler hustlegrl 1 damn dmn 1 headache headacheee 1 magically magicly 1 beauty beautyy 0 coasters coasties 0 rip brrip 1 description descriptionwe 1 believers belivers 1 thanks thnks 1 facilities facilites 1 space space58 1 definition definitiv 1 hilton hiltons 1 definitely deffinitely 1 useful usefull 1 declarations declaraciones 1 house houssse 1 mean meeaaan 1 okay okkkaay 0 sex nookie 1 hamilton hamilt 1 pacific pacifics 0 sunshine soulshine 1 apple appple 1 hours 5hours 0 rendezvous rendevouz 0 technology techology 1 jamming jamminq 1 interesting intersesting 0 rendezvous rendevous 1 releasing realeasing 1 band banddd 0 jamming jamminn 0 remember rememb 1 kissing kisssing 1 pacific pacifico 1 slumping slumpin 1 cute cuuttee 1 incompetent incompetant 1 unbelievable unbelivable 0 best bestrt 1 shirt shiiirt 1 shots shotsss 1 bottles bottless 1 hedge hedg 1 details detials 1 separately seperatly 1 across acroos 1 unbelievably unbelivably 1 galactic gallactica 0 kevin kevins 1 amazing amaizing 1 ruined ruinedd 1 marsupial marsupilami 1 ridiculous riduculous 0 kevin keving 1 kevin kevina 1 basically basicallly 1 chips chipps 0 anyway nyway 0 settings sbsettings 1 hills hillls 1 denver denvers 1 believing beliebin 1 dynamic dynamix 0 select selec 1 year yeaarr 1 years yeaars 1 front frontt 1 cream creaam 1 front fronta 1 amateurs amatuers 0 stage onstage 1 politician politican 1 fronts frontn 1 exams exames 1 erection errection 0 govern gover 0 anyway neway 1 hurricane huricane 0 recommend recomme 0 adjust ajust 1 real reeeaaalll 1 does doooes 0 kisses kisskiss 1 heading headinq 1 turbulence turbulance 0 according accoring 0 heading headinn 0 annoying anoyin 1 really reeeaaally 1 bringing bring'n 0 clothes clother 1 favored favoured 1 ever evver 1 strengths strengt 0 english enlgish 1 march marchh 0 visualization virtualization 0 portfolio porfolio 1 strength strengh 1 colorful colourful 1 even evven 1 beautiful beautfiul 1 california califronia 0 double edoublem 0 graham ingraham 1 comparison comparision 1 freshly freshlyfe 1 freedom freeedommm 1 nan nannn 1 combo combooo 1 friendliest friendslist 0 mat mamat 0 homestead hempstead 1 mama mamay 1 restart restar 1 dress dres 0 mama mamaz 1 mama mamaa 1 screamed screamd 0 mama mamab 1 overachiever overarchievers 1 child childdd 1 screaming screamn 1 mama mamah 0 chestnut chesnutt 1 scream screamm 1 mama mamam 1 dread dred 1 mashed mashd 0 shirt t'shirt 0 golden golde 1 gold goldd 1 bleaching bleachin 1 galore galor 1 golden goldn 1 french frenchhh 1 gallon galon 1 wear wearrr 1 assists assits 0 dedicate dedica 1 piercing piercinq 0 phones iphone4s 1 beauty bueaty 0 anyone ne1 0 counting counti 0 update gpupdate 0 anything nythin 1 gorgeous gorgeouss 1 sensationalism sensationalizin 1 counted countd 1 remembered remember'd 1 accessories accessorized 1 gorgeous gorgeouse 1 sweet 2sweet 0 packed pacced 1 accessories accessorizes 1 country countr 1 count countt 1 payday paydayyy 0 woodstock bloodstock 1 old ollld 1 recommend recomment 1 make maek 1 general generalauto 1 shower shoower 1 rat ratta 0 forced forcefed 1 chocolate chocolatehigh 1 something sumthin' 1 typed typd 0 island ftisland 1 just juhst 1 long loong 1 homosexual homosexually 1 nasty naaasty 1 any anyyy 1 rate rateee 1 molded moulded 1 right rightt 1 download downlad 0 singer kessinger 1 needs needds 1 actually actly 1 not noott 0 right rightz 0 goes goest 1 need needdd 1 morning morniingg 0 super ssuper 1 manson mansons 0 right rightn 0 so ssooo 0 freshest freshes 1 curious courious 0 giving givn 1 barbara barbera 1 gives givs 1 promoting promotin 1 promotion promotio 0 polling polin 1 policy polic 1 necessarily neccessarily 1 passport passaporte 1 party paaarty 1 still stilll 1 residence residencial 0 localization globalization 0 wondering wodering 1 millisecond milisecond 1 cheesecake chesecake 1 join joiiin 1 still stilla 1 board boarddd 1 laid laidd 1 memories memoires 0 mushroom shroom 1 varsity vrsty 0 london londo 1 management managemen 1 amend ammend 1 year 5year 0 outsmart hotsmart 1 noodles noddles 1 remembering remembring 1 blocks 2blocks 1 namibian nambahin 0 mice mices 1 titanium titaneum 0 attracted unattracted 1 karma kharma 0 stronger stroger 1 would woiuld 1 down doowwnn 1 hit 2hit 0 seinfeld steinfeld 1 piano pianoo 1 baby baabyyy 1 toys toooyyysss 1 succeed suceed 1 following followinggg 1 indispensable indispensible 0 transit njtransit 1 comments coments 1 cousin cosuin 1 windows windows7 1 sandwich sandwichhh 1 comment comente 1 would wolud 1 president prezident 0 sup tsup 1 pierced pirced 0 hotbed hotboxed 0 ireland erland 1 incense incents 1 academic academica 1 delivered delivereth 1 soon soonnn 1 corporation corporatio 1 night nigghhtt 1 scarlet scarletts 1 really reeaaallly 1 missed miised 1 acoustic acoustik 1 appalling appauling 1 news newsus 1 protection protectio 1 protecting protectin 1 beach beaaach 1 daughter daughterr 0 lunch luch 1 sleepy sleeeppy 1 rats rattus 1 people peeple 1 singing singinggg 1 pretty preatty 1 crawling crawlin 0 illegal illega 1 watch wtach 0 friend dawg 1 with wiith 1 publicly publically 1 appreciate apprecaite 1 tattoo tatto 1 channel channal 1 swallowed swollowed 0 robert obert 1 network networker 1 switching switchn 1 formulation formulator 1 surprised surprisd 1 running runnning 0 respect direspect 1 illiterate iliterate 1 switched switchd 1 angel angelus 1 adorable adorbale 1 seats seatss 1 thailand thailands 0 confusion konfusion 0 greatest greast 0 league dleague 1 crazy crazay 1 typed typoed 1 plethora plethera 1 differentiate differenciate 1 louis lous 1 addressing addressin 0 messenger messager 0 digit digifit 0 fucking fuckig 1 message messagee 1 killer kiler 1 fucking fuckin 0 thinking thking 1 truck truckkk 1 meeting meetting 0 followed unfollowed 1 times timmes 1 how hoow 1 classified classifed 1 perfect perfeeect 0 without widout 1 massive massiv 1 time timmee 1 curtains curtians 1 night niight 1 inches 2inches 1 feelings feelns 0 calories calori 1 maverick maveric 1 girl girll 1 girl girli 0 diaper gdiapers 1 millionaire millioner 0 girl girlf 1 girl girle 1 year 2year 1 feeling feelng 1 listen liisten 1 trips tripps 1 trip trippp 1 crying cyring 1 stockings stockins 0 knife nife 1 baby baabbyyy 1 month 7month 1 beginning beginnning 0 fuckers mafuckers 1 tripping trippn 1 other otther 1 character charcter 1 chicken chickeny 0 food fooods 0 drying dryin 1 girl girl2 1 girl girl1 1 again againnn 0 super stuper 0 short hort 1 happening heppening 1 thoughts thougths 0 federal federa 1 herself herslf 0 roll roflll 1 inspiration insperational 0 probably pbly 1 fucked fuckeddd 1 dragged draged 1 telegraphs telegraphnews 0 because beause 0 photography iphotography 1 spec specu 1 problems 99problems 0 bitch bixtch 0 certified recertified 0 everybody verybody 1 stitching stiching 1 professional professinal 0 moaning moanin 0 excellent xcellent 0 rapper rapperz 1 disturb distrub 1 kevin keeevin 1 still sttill 1 now noooww 1 greatest greatst 0 station thestation 1 pointed pointd 1 and anddd 1 mentioning mentionin 1 pointing pointn 1 point pointt 1 nasty nastey 0 expedition dxpedition 1 trading tradin 1 something 40something 1 exterminate extremamente 1 imagine imaqine 1 stretching stretchin 1 question questiong 1 christmas cristmas 1 katrina katerina 1 back baack 0 notification pontification 0 stressed stessed 1 despite despit 0 need neend 1 wizard wizzard 1 zeppelin zeplin 1 achieving acheiving 0 oxford boxford 1 businesslike businessfolk 1 complete comple 1 question questionn 1 halloween hollyween 1 that thattt 1 encourage encoura 1 right rigght 1 making makng 1 belly bellly 1 usually ususally 1 lets letss 1 stupidest stupidist 1 peter petre 0 lets letsz 0 stock stoc 1 language languge 0 brazil brazi 1 walking waalkin 1 corinthian cooorinthians 1 apparently appearntly 1 penetrating penetratin 1 stubborn stuborn 0 hull shull 1 should shuld 1 zone zonee 1 days 3days 1 floor flooor 1 without witout 1 very verey 1 own owwnnn 1 coconut cocunut 1 festival festiva 0 skinny skinty 1 o'clock 12o'clock 1 flood floood 1 there there'a 1 scary scray 0 there there'd 1 autumn autmn 0 careful becareful 1 pebbles pebblez 1 sorted sortd 1 scratch scrat 1 jessica jessicaa 0 rep recep 1 finished fnished 1 buddies buddiesss 1 scarf scraf 0 ore onore 1 titanium tytanium 0 reliable relatable 0 learned leared 1 extraordinary extrodinary 0 kansas manassas 1 complicated cmplcdd 0 first fisrt 1 zone zone2 1 motherfuckers motherfuckersss 1 kitty kittyyy 0 creative uncreative 1 homecoming homecomming 0 scanning scannin 0 much muckh 0 doing doign 0 fuckers fukers 1 abandoned abandonned 1 many mannny 0 backyard bakyard 1 bone boneee 0 winning winnin 0 sims simsim 1 degree 30degree 0 likes likers 1 winning winnig 1 blooming bloomin 1 wherever whrever 1 recommend recomand 1 recognizes recognises 1 particularly particulary 0 traffic taffic 1 arabic arbic 1 supposed supoosed 1 confusing confusingg 1 particularly particularl 1 anonymous annonymous 1 recognized recognised 1 accept accpet 0 earnings earnin 0 ether ethers 0 boys boysz 1 who whho 1 fitness fitnes 0 lord mlord 1 table tablee 0 buying buyin 1 have haavee 1 sunshine sunshiny 1 neighbors nieghbours 1 shout shoout 1 tan tann 1 goodness gooodnesss 1 pathetic patethic 1 chilling chillinq 1 download dwnload 0 stronger stonger 1 monster monstro 1 date dateee 1 mind miind 1 mine miine 0 exciting xciting 0 chilling chillinn 1 guaranteed gaurenteed 0 tan tant 1 insomnia insomia 1 is iz 1 solid soild 0 theatre theatr 1 stops stopps 1 stop stoppp 1 computer computar 1 stopping stoppn 1 slick slickk 1 salon salonnn 1 stopped stoppd 0 stopped stoppe 0 theater theate 1 rhythm rythm 1 dumb duumb 0 sleeping cosleeping 0 bottle bottler 1 innovative innovat 1 bottles bottlez 1 watched watced 1 cold coold 1 cool coole 1 bottle bottlee 1 dallas dalllas 1 cool cooll 0 fucking frucking 0 cooling cooln 1 weekend wekeend 1 cool cooli 0 alright i8 1 potentially potentiall 1 finished finshed 1 repeat repeattt 0 couple coulpe 1 wrong wronngg 1 villages villegas 1 finishes finshes 1 practice practicee 1 finally finially 1 complaining complaing 1 arrived arrrived 0 ashley ashleys 0 listen lisent 1 sorry soorrryyy 1 crazy crazzy 1 manufacturing manufacturin 1 congress congres 1 spitting spittin 1 room romm 1 wide wideee 1 acknowledge acknowledgin 1 identified identifi 1 personality personalites 1 absolutely absolutley 1 important inportant 1 killing killinggg 1 wait waaiit 1 fact factt 0 cracking crakin 0 delicious deliciou 1 thoughtful thoughtfull 1 ha hahahhaa 1 autumn autumny 1 regards regardes 1 amazing amahzing 1 germany germanys 1 you yyyooouuu 0 wicked wikked 1 che chahe 1 tomorrow tmrw 1 assist assit 0 jesus esus 1 slurping slurpin 1 reason reaosn 0 tomorrow tmrz 1 sleepy sleepppyyy 0 bitches mitches 1 morning morninngg 1 lot looott 1 lots looots 1 measure mesure 0 now nnnooowww 1 snatched snatchd 1 instant insta 1 ah aaahh 0 marina marianela 1 avatar avatarr 1 disorder disord 1 darling darlingg 1 weird weeeird 1 talking talkkin 1 truly trulyy 1 rachmaninoff rachmaninov 1 paranormal paranormals 1 following followimg 0 glowing glowin 1 austin astin 1 promoted promod 0 keep keepem 0 seattle seattlest 1 extraordinary extraordinaire 1 promo promoo 1 promote promot 0 beginning beinging 1 nightmare nightmaaare 0 naked nacked 1 website webstie 1 paranormal paranormal2 1 island islandd 1 islands islandz 1 incentives incentivised 1 yelling yellinq 1 baby babaayyy 1 hormones horomones 1 year 3year 1 capacity capacit 1 ensemble ensamble 1 telephone telephon 1 anniversary anniversaryy 1 chocolate chocolateee 1 message messege 1 important importent 0 students estudiantes 1 sip siippp 1 nerves nervs 1 hopefully hopfully 0 present pressevent 1 dead deaaddd 1 part parttt 0 town towson 0 had ihad 0 wish iwsh 1 appetite appettite 1 party partty 0 trying tryig 1 science sciennce 1 skinny skinney 1 flipping flippn 1 whose whoseee 1 worst worstt 1 for fori 1 gossip gosssip 0 for forn 1 info infoo 0 chicken ciken 1 foliage foilage 0 for forb 1 freezer frezzer 1 pilgrim pilgram 0 kayak akakak 1 yesterday yestreday 1 worst worste 0 would twould 1 for fory 1 those 2those 1 for forr 0 info infos 0 info infor 1 for forw 1 destroying destroyin 1 randomness randomest 1 one oneee 1 dad daddd 1 deletes delets 1 ones onees 1 morn mornen 1 tits tittiesss 1 deleted deletd 1 reflection refelction 0 beloved belove 1 classified classif 0 shift shif 1 more mooreee 1 classic classik 0 shit shiz 1 treats treets 1 stick sticke 0 classic classis 1 sticking stickn 1 wishing wishng 1 sarcasm sarcasim 1 classic classix 1 stick stickk 1 sticky sticki 1 filled filld 1 awesome awesomme 0 adrenaline radaronline 1 polarization polarisation 1 rapidly rapdily 1 internet internetan 1 whipping whiping 0 press jvpress 0 bargain ozbargain 1 hanging hangin 1 alert alerte 0 hartford startford 0 boxing inboxing 0 exclusive xclusiv 1 welcome wlcome 1 feels fels 1 transferred transferd 1 reason reasonnn 1 fill filll 1 please pleeeaaseee 1 feel fele 1 diego dieg 0 acquire acqui 1 die diee 1 reservation reservati 1 compare compaaare 1 alright allright 1 fine finnne 1 always awlays 1 dolls dools 0 french wtfrench 1 protect prot3ct 0 shit schitt 0 nice niceone 1 essential essentia 1 anyone anone 1 concert concerrrt 1 completely compleatly 1 tricolor tricolorrr 1 ski skii 1 louis louisss 1 accounting acounting 0 people peole 1 skill skil 0 awards awars 1 mood moooddd 1 lauren laurn 0 market marke 1 yes yeeesss 1 answers answeres 1 somersault summersault 0 listen ilisten 0 yum yumms 1 mark markk 1 yum yummm 0 perform perfome 0 victim victi 0 victory victo 0 year yeasr 0 leaving leavein 1 guys guuys 1 spiritual spirtual 1 conditioning conditionin 1 pumping pumpin 0 angel evangel 1 bilinguals bilingualism 0 dictionary chicktionary 0 pray ipray 1 fun fuuun 1 veterans veterens 1 years 7years 0 yeah yeash 1 artists aritsts 0 excerpt exerpt 0 designing desinging 1 awareness awarenes 1 travelers travele 0 tumor tumo 1 traveling traveli 0 travelling traveln 1 message meassage 1 travel travell 0 signing signin 1 cigarette ciggerette 1 ourselves ourselve 0 pasteurized unpasteurized 1 whenever wenever 1 calculus calculas 1 changed changeddd 1 psychology phsycology 1 getting gettinng 0 getting gettinnn 1 school schoool 1 friends furriends 0 duplication deduplication 0 cheers heres 1 here herer 0 bout boutrt 1 october octuber 1 here herei 1 hero hereo 1 here heree 1 hours 9hours 1 waited waitied 1 talking taliking 1 watching watxhing 1 easy eassyy 0 riding ridin 1 running runningg 1 suspended suspened 0 fever feverfew 1 time tiiimmee 0 laughing laughin 1 documentary documentarys 1 society society6 1 hours 7hours 1 home hooommee 1 somewhere smewhere 1 finally finnally 1 on ooonn 0 gadget gadet 1 celebrity celbrity 1 however howevr 1 one ooone 1 jets jetsss 0 yesterday yeaterday 1 messy messsyyy 0 prevent preve 0 life llife 1 spaghetti spagetti 1 playing plaaying 1 inside insidee 1 save saave 0 allowing allowin 1 there thre 1 sean seaan 0 research reseach 1 throw thrw 1 savvy saavy 1 sea seaaa 1 hiding hideing 1 just jus't 1 effort efford 0 happen appen 1 apple appel 0 motorcycle motocycle 1 hello heellooo 1 olivia oliva 0 appeal appea 0 showing reshowing 1 christmas christmast 1 safe safeee 1 christmas christmass 1 nonsense nunsense 0 black blacc 1 athletic atheltic 1 apparent apparant 1 secrets secerts 0 therefore thr4 0 oceanography iconography 0 grain grained 1 prescriptive proscriptive 0 hunting headhunting 1 snow snooowww 0 bundling unbundling 1 honey honney 1 request rquest 1 deceived decieved 1 society soceity 0 twilight twighlight 1 years 2years 1 feelings feelngs 1 drunk durnk 1 staring strainin 0 filipino pino 1 pin pinn 1 energy energyyy 1 ray rayy 1 definitely definatley 1 follow follloooww 1 controlled controled 1 history histry 1 boredom boredem 1 you youyou 0 ray rayj 0 tactics tatics 1 bored boreded 0 argument agrument 1 aye ayyyeee 0 sentenced resentenced 1 operator opeartors 0 beer grog 0 summer scummers 0 involved uninvolved 1 guy guyy 1 fantastic fantasic 1 dumb dummbb 1 check ceck 0 group grou 0 listen lissen 1 legs leggies 1 ages aages 0 women woment 1 sleeping slepping 1 discussion discussi 1 lazy lazzy 1 discuss discusss 0 studio tudio 1 democracy democr 1 trying tryinggg 0 bookmarks booksmark 1 kids kidss 0 average adverage 1 naive naiive 0 kids kidsz 1 dungeon dungon 0 males pemales 1 cut cutt 1 minutes 12minutes 1 moon mooon 1 mom mooom 1 sheets sheetss 1 entitled entitl 1 mood moood 1 tomorrow tomoroo 0 smooth smoothin 1 tomorrow tomoroe 1 jason jasonn 1 bring 2bring 0 jury jurys 1 tomorrow tomorow 0 aware awared 0 tomorrow tomoros 0 bullshit bullshii 1 touching touchinq 0 tonight tonig 0 financial financi 1 bullshit bullshid 1 rings ringss 0 truck towtruck 0 bullshit bullshiz 1 cute cut3 1 superstar supersaver 0 falling falllin 0 this rtthis 1 anything anythiiing 1 students studentsnew 0 see sseee 1 again agin 0 unreleased unrevealed 1 dimension dimensi 0 lot aloot 1 expensive expencive 0 sexy shmexy 0 shit nshit 1 devastating devistating 0 look alook 0 year ayear 1 shopping sh0pping 0 careers careergps 1 continue contiune 0 enjoying injoying 1 send 2send 0 angry anrgy 0 robert cobert 0 deposition loadposition 0 maybe makybe 1 watch waatch 1 sooner soooner 1 right righhhttt 1 eagles eaglesss 0 boy boyboy 1 responsible responsibilty 1 ready raedy 0 jacket jaket 1 publicized publicised 0 tall atalll 1 moisturizer moosturizers 0 enough nuff 1 aye aaayyyeee 0 writer rewriter 0 nation enation 1 street streeet 0 hopping hoppin 1 consider considr 1 oh oohh 1 carrier carri 0 few afew 1 homework hmwrk 1 consider conside 1 car carrr 0 car carrt 1 bitch biiitchh 1 gone goneee 1 formally formall 1 playing plaing 0 bicycle bicyclette 0 spicy spicys 1 cincinnati cincinatti 1 helping helpingg 1 spicy spicyy 1 recipes recipies 1 galactic galacticas 0 subs subjs 1 massage massagee 1 waterspout watersports 0 overland neverland 1 forgotten forgotton 1 pregnant pregna 0 massage massagem 1 stay staaayyy 0 cinnamon cinnabons 0 massage massager 0 greener greenberg 1 sent sentt 1 manning mannng 0 fucking fuking 1 gotten gottn 1 grammar grammer 1 ghetto gehtto 0 appreciated preciated 1 click clikc 1 victoria victorias 1 torrents torrentz 0 orgasm orgy 1 cracked crackd 1 cracked cracke 1 always aaalways 1 crack crackk 1 intentions intentioned 1 victoria victoriaa 1 cracking crackn 1 got gottt 1 peanut penut 0 physicist geophysicist 1 slut sult 1 remember rembr 1 wardrobe wordrobe 1 delicious delecious 1 friday frieday 0 november snowvember 1 gorgeous gorrrgeous 0 alone alones 1 promoters promotors 1 brother brther 0 yelling eyerolling 0 edition editio 1 editing editin 1 opportunity opportunit 1 clinton clintons 1 alone alonee 1 centralization centralstation 1 opportunity opportuniy 1 semester smester 1 security securty 1 thee thheee 1 back baaack 0 dwelling indwelling 1 champagne champagn 1 leopard leapord 0 colon conlon 1 champagne champage 1 desktop dekstop 1 dear deear 1 motherfucking motherfcking 1 dead deead 1 cryptozoic cryptologic 1 cant caant 1 deal deeal 0 filling filln 0 ground gound 1 centerfold centrefold 1 messages mesgs 0 premier premi 1 curly curley 1 schedule scheduele 1 long lonngg 1 nobody noobody 1 asian aisan 0 young youngin 1 broccoli broccli 1 increase incrse 0 preteen pt33n 1 revisions revisionism 0 school chool 1 over ovver 1 wanker wnkr 0 reading readinn 1 deficit defecit 0 blah blach 1 gag gaga 1 involved invloved 1 updated up2date 1 various varios 1 filipino fillipino 1 midsummer midsummers 0 various variou 1 offered offerred 1 conversation conversacion 1 want waant 0 get tget 1 description descriptionwith 1 hypothetical hypotheticals 1 woman womannn 1 favorite favorte 0 fuck fffuck 0 check checkt 1 wanna waana 1 choose chosse 1 jack jackkk 1 intergalactic intergalatic 1 degrees degress 1 doing doingg 1 honest honestt 1 reach 2reach 1 scaring scarying 1 honestly honestl 1 awesome awsesome 1 snippet snippit 1 relationship relatinship 1 horizon horison 1 could coulddd 0 partying arting 1 could couldda 0 neighbors neighbs 1 checking checkn 0 subs unsubs 1 check checkk 1 check checki 0 dumbass dmba* 1 checked checkd 0 checked checke 1 upcoming upcomming 1 reading readinq 1 radio radi 0 following folown 1 follows folows 0 behind behine 0 karen karmen 1 follow foloww 1 check checky 0 reading readind 0 breaking beaking 0 imagine emagine 1 ready rady 1 retarded retardedly 0 please ppplease 1 traumatic tramatic 1 mcfarland macfarlane 0 killing killinn 1 ambitious ambitous 1 to tuh 1 girl giirrrl 0 reality realitytv 0 sushi sushitei 0 jailbait jb 1 streets streetss 1 its ittsss 0 cakes cakers 0 scratches scraches 1 shuffle suffle 1 bashing bashings 0 highest hightest 1 date datee 1 very veeerrry 1 christian christia 1 according accordinq 1 such suuch 1 hear heaar 1 guinea guniea 1 justin justians 0 town jtown 0 sigma gxsigma 1 unemployed unemploym 1 spending spendingg 1 musicians muscians 0 family famiy 1 read reeead 0 everybody errbodyy 1 killing killinq 1 real reeeal 1 send sned 1 tumor tumour 1 quit quittt 1 art artt 1 honey hoooney 0 uncle ucle 0 art artz 1 suicide suicid 1 sent snet 0 wow wowzers 1 alcohol alcahol 1 vehicle vechile 1 administrator administrat 0 the thethe 0 holistic wholistic 1 spill spilll 1 dunno dunnnoo 1 from froom 0 metal metalica 0 morning norning 1 legs 2legs 1 solidarity solidario 1 nothing ntohing 1 apologized apologised 1 dawn daaawn 1 long looonnggg 1 referral referall 1 misses missess 1 eligibility eligibilty 1 person preson 1 legitimate legitimise 1 head heaad 0 reported unreported 1 referrals referals 0 exactly exatcly 0 concert oncert 1 min 4min 1 encounter encuentran 0 been beens 1 bath bathh 1 finally finnaly 1 been beenn 1 feeling feelinggg 1 kinda kind'a 1 liters litres 1 management mngmt 0 academia macadamia 1 several sevral 1 kinda knda 0 help ehlp 1 sam sami 1 sam samm 0 episode episo 1 eh eeehhh 1 epic eppic 1 elementary elementry 1 sam samy 0 shaving shavin 1 people peopple 0 store istore 1 later laaater 1 sam samu 1 after afteer 1 sensation sensatio 0 something aomething 1 been been2 0 rep reppn 1 loving lovinggg 0 member meber 0 totally totallt 0 between inbetween 1 grow 2grow 1 disappointing disapointing 1 appropriate appropri 1 motherfucker motherfxcker 0 waiting watin 1 music muisic 1 karaoke karaokeee 1 underage underagers 1 organizing organzing 1 hypertension hypertensi 1 message meesage 1 mean meaannn 0 followers myfollowers 1 criminals criminalise 1 wife wifee 1 gang gangg 1 gang gange 0 nothing bothing 1 wife wifey 0 traffic traffi 1 traffic traffc 0 wife wifes 1 coming cming 1 asleep asleeeppp 1 breakfast breakfastt 0 back backl 0 background backround 1 nuremberg nurnberg 0 cobalt colbalt 1 boyfriend boyfrieeend 1 episode epsiode 0 hoping hopin 1 redhead readhead 1 independent independente 1 yourself y0urself 1 malaysia malysia 1 collection colection 1 party partyyy 1 nights nightss 1 rainbow rainbo 1 tomorrow tomorrowww 1 light lighttt 1 raining raing 0 feeding feedn 0 introduced intoduced 1 tight thight 1 apologize apoligize 1 away awaaay 1 celebrate celibrate 1 robert robbert 1 quantum quantam 0 righteous unrighteous 1 compare compair 1 entertainment entertainme 0 single ingle 1 interesting interestng 0 textbooks nextbook 1 dolls dols 0 splash spash 1 stayed stayedd 1 friday fridayy 0 apologetically unapologeticall 1 class claaasss 1 audience audiance 1 forgetful forgetfull 1 happened hapenned 1 caring careing 1 asses assesss 1 gross grose 1 article artcile 0 sunday suday 0 deserve deseve 1 blast blaast 1 hurts hurrts 1 awesome awsome 1 seconds secnds 1 live livve 1 asynchronous asynchrony 0 clique cliquem 1 broke brokee 0 broke broked 1 second seconde 1 second secondd 1 shoot shooottt 1 metaphor metaphore 1 something 30something 1 grant garanta 1 slang slng 1 totem totteham 1 taste teast 1 station stationn 1 needed neded 1 alliance allianc 1 other othr 1 already alreadly 0 sup sssup 1 destination destinatio 1 problem problemi 0 lady landy 1 notebooks netbooks 1 disappearing dissappearing 1 land landd 1 champions championsss 1 longevity lungevity 1 problem probleme 1 insane insaaane 0 fiscal fisca 0 aliens atliens 1 coffee c0ffee 0 night na'night 1 ken kenan 1 art arte 1 bugs buggs 0 escalation scanlation 1 sorry sorreh 1 morning morningz 0 useless souless 0 bible brimble 1 colossal collosal 0 rothko rothkopf 1 beats beatss 1 skin skiiin 0 supposedly supposably 1 charleston charlestown 0 sponsored unsponsored 0 decline decli 0 excited xited 1 parents parnets 1 certified certifi 1 pessimistic pesimistic 1 business bisness 0 sandwich sandmich 1 drill drilll 1 restaurants resteraunts 1 parliament parlament 1 desperate desesperado 0 section sectio 1 kingdom kingdo 1 eyes eyeees 1 each 2each 1 leaks leakes 0 excellence exellence 1 fantastic fantasticly 1 universality universalism 1 really reeeaaalllyyy 0 okay okayys 1 enough enoug 1 messenger mesenger 0 wee weeep 1 wet weeet 1 week weeek 0 markets avmarkets 1 were wer'e 0 remind remin 1 legislation legislations 1 weed weeed 1 students studentz 1 impossible imposibble 1 video video1 1 progressives progressiveness 1 jealous jeolous 1 brand brandd 1 biscuits buscuits 1 grades gradesss 1 hacking hackin 1 friendship freindship 0 checked checced 0 overboard hoverboards 1 pages 5pages 1 starting startinq 1 chill chiilll 1 certified certfied 1 come commme 1 starting startinn 1 talk talkk 0 apartment aparment 0 talk talkm 1 followed followeed 1 illegally illegaly 1 scandal scandel 1 talk talke 1 pleasure plessure 0 intervention thintervention 1 talk talky 1 early ealry 1 changes changesthe 0 followers followeer 0 talk talkt 0 room rrom 0 exclusive xclusive 1 triathlon triathalon 1 marry 2marry 1 bur buuurrr 1 investigation investigational 1 come commmee 1 tranquility tranquillity 1 climb climbbb 1 really reeeallyyy 1 chemistry chemistryyy 0 hamsters hampsters 1 goodbye gooodbyeee 0 billion billio 1 radiology radiologic 1 falls fals 1 incinerator insinkerator 1 silent silente 1 justin juustin 0 jack tjack 1 movies moviess 1 fail fali 1 long looonnng 0 movies moviesz 1 talk talk2 1 wearing wereing 1 hours 21hours 1 mommy mummmyyy 1 pavilion pavillon 1 mother motherr 1 surely surelly 1 happened happpened 0 targeting retargeting 0 mother motherf 1 family famiily 1 necessity neccesity 1 difficult diffucult 1 fullest fulliest 0 background bakground 0 faint faintin 0 michael lemichael 0 watching eatching 1 mortgage mortga 0 warning warnin 1 take takke 0 meditation meditatio 0 unfortunately unfotunately 0 fanatic f1fanatic 1 compound compund 1 handing handin 0 appeal sfappeal 1 hooked hookd 1 activation activations 1 home hooome 1 favorite faaavorite 0 val valk 1 christmas christm 1 apologies apologises 0 whatever watevs 1 whatever watevr 0 whatever wateve 1 awesome awesone 0 whatever wateva 1 seconds 2seconds 1 recycle recyle 1 had haddd 1 sleepy shleepy 1 value valu 1 rhythm rhytm 0 sweepstakes tweepstakes 1 please pleeeasseee 0 fixing fixn 1 milk milke 1 chill chiil 1 sounds souunds 1 milk milka 1 annoyed annoyeddd 0 beatles beales 0 alderman clayderman 1 basket bsket 1 bored borreeddd 1 sleep sllep 0 school myschool 1 agreed agreeed 1 beautiful beauutiful 1 fuck 2fuck 1 possibility possibil 1 killing kiling 1 agrees agreees 1 morning mowrning 1 suppose supposeee 1 but butit 0 join ijoin 0 forehead forheads 1 prevent preven 1 including includn 0 consultant jconsultants 1 fixed fixxed 1 there therre 0 ironically unironically 1 recommendations recomendations 0 amazing amaing 1 never nver 1 which whicch 1 girlfriend gurlfriends 0 epsilon upsilon 1 bulgarian bulgarias 1 baby baaabyy 1 studio stuido 0 there der 1 dangerous dangerious 0 pin tpin 0 not nont 0 them dem 0 definitely def 1 december decembre 1 potato potatoe 1 compared compard 1 looks lokks 1 compare compari 1 lets lettss 1 song sooonggg 1 hacker haxxzor 1 been beena 1 liar liarrr 1 characteristic characteristica 0 motherfucking mothafucking 0 intersection innersection 1 sec sec1 1 sec sec3 0 boxes boxset 1 sec sec4 1 airplanes airplains 0 nasty nastyrt 0 anyway nway 0 thinks hinks 1 blow bloow 1 services servicers 1 charm charmy 1 wear waer 1 rocking rock'in 1 gucci guccci 0 consultancy econsultancy 1 celebrate 2celebrate 0 charming charmi 1 balloon bloon 1 necessary necesarry 1 lips lipsss 1 canadian canadien 1 virgin virigin 0 coast coas 1 grandpa grandpappy 1 retirement retireme 1 finally finnnally 0 coach coah 1 sec secy 1 alpha alph 1 coach coac 1 important imprtant 0 forget fuhget 1 thinking thinkingg 1 diamond damond 1 damn daamn 1 thinking thinkings 1 pumpkins pumpkiin 0 staring staing 1 halloween holoween 1 doll dolll 1 exam exammm 0 mother muvva 1 later latr 0 chasing chasin 1 falling fallling 0 dollar dolla 1 kindergartens kindergardeners 0 holland tolland 0 spend pend 0 also alson 1 also alsoo 0 doll dollz 1 lamborghini lambourghini 1 inch 9inch 1 difference differenc 0 alex malex 1 divulge divulguem 0 chirping chirpsing 1 walk wallk 1 driving drivingg 1 wall walll 0 love lllove 1 and aanndd 1 girl giiirll 1 inches 5inches 1 achieved achived 1 hurting hurtingg 1 hide hiiide 1 cant caaant 1 tomorrow tamorrow 1 soundtrack soundtracked 0 surprise suprise 1 loose looossseee 1 elegant elegan 1 superstitious supersticious 1 soy soya 1 baby babbbyyy 0 ransom djransom 0 herself thereself 1 everyone everyong 1 came cameee 1 year yeaaarr 1 everyone everyonw 1 mcdonald macdonalds 1 drinks drnks 1 everyone everyonr 0 anytime nytime 0 drawing drawin 1 much mucchhh 1 admission admiss 1 projects projecten 1 european eurpoean 1 numbing numbingly 1 original origanal 1 total totalll 1 followers 10followers 1 carry carrry 1 slang slangin 1 young younng 1 bitch beyotch 0 day gday 0 cheeses cheezels 1 photocopied photoshoped 1 unswerving unswervingly 1 hottest hottiest 0 luck gluck 1 never neeever 1 stupid stuupidd 1 wife wiffey 1 maintenance maintence 0 woodlands woodmans 1 hassle hassel 1 hacker haxz0r 1 exclamation exclaimation 0 picking picing 0 parties partiers 1 singing singng 1 saturday satrday 0 ted tedx 0 inspiration inpsiration 1 commitment commitmen 0 ted teds 0 consume conseguem 1 where whhere 1 dear daer 0 pain paing 0 cool koo 1 piano paino 1 pain painn 1 anniversary anniversay 0 lot lotrt 1 belong belooong 0 crib crizib 1 anniversary anniversar 0 reckon rekon 1 people peple 0 invite nvite 0 nevada nevadas 1 hugging huging 1 stir stirr 0 workbook bookbook 0 apple applebee 1 monster monsterrr 1 satisfied satisf 0 stern susteren 0 begging geggin 1 confirmed confirmo 1 seriously seirously 1 choose chooose 0 strawberry skrawberry 0 battle bartlet 0 morning mornting 1 confirmed confirme 1 everything everytthing 0 miami tamiami 1 version verson 1 bought boght 0 learnt lernt 1 hope hooope 1 something somethinnng 1 veterans vetrans 0 company compa 0 subscribe suscribe 1 babes bbes 0 convention covention 1 happens happenss 0 murdered mudered 0 been bben 1 full fuuull 1 dinosaur dinasour 0 popping poppinnn 0 murderer muderer 1 babe bbee 0 computer compy 1 schwarzenegger schwarzeneggers 1 continuing continueing 0 kilobite kb 1 everyone evryones 0 guess guessrt 0 ok kk 0 cool kl 0 boss brosss 1 everyone evryonee 0 throwing thowing 1 conquer conquor 1 mail mailll 1 wanna waannna 1 incredible increibles 1 careful carefulll 1 fiesta festaa 1 models modles 1 nuts nutsss 1 feminine femenine 1 outside outsiiide 1 optimistic optomistic 1 pronunciation pronounciations 1 kitchen kitchn 0 assignment assingment 0 commercial commecial 0 popping poppin 1 yep yeeeppp 1 last lasstt 0 letter lette 1 review reivew 1 teachers teachrs 0 signing sign'n 0 performance peformance 0 riding riddin 1 slain salahin 1 double doubble 1 hoes hoeeesss 0 vacation vacantion 1 religion religon 1 battle battel 1 definitely defenitly 0 stars t4stars 1 bitches btchess 0 cheapest cheapes 1 luck lukc 0 lucky luky 1 published publishe 1 point piont 1 slings slingers 1 publishing publishi 1 company compan 1 potter pottter 0 comfort uncomfort 1 bike bikeee 1 forever forever21 1 glasses glassesss 1 deep deeepp 0 cola chocolaaa 0 kicked kiked 1 thought thougght 1 heartache heartcatch 1 monkey monkeyyy 1 controller controlla 1 claiming claimin 1 plus 6plus 1 control controlll 1 controls controlls 1 charlotte charlette 1 moving mooving 1 veteran vetran 0 underworld wonderworld 0 spirit espirit 1 positive positivity 1 weather wethr 0 lighting uplighting 1 leadership leaderships 1 wrestling wrestlings 0 sense scense 1 makes makkes 1 obsessed obesessed 1 floating floatn 1 missed mised 1 appreciate appreci 0 rubbing rubbin 1 followers follwers 1 fire firrre 1 piercing peircings 1 relationship realationships 1 apparently apparantly 1 or ooorr 1 skate skateee 1 admit 2admit 1 purple purpl 0 security sercurity 1 bet beettt 1 tightened tightend 0 expect exspect 1 information informatio 1 informative informatic 1 alone alon 1 freaking freaaaking 1 dinner dinnerrr 1 also alos 1 body boddyyy 1 allow alow 1 tighten tightin 1 hungry hungryy 1 lambert lamberts 1 request reqst 1 shifting shiftin 0 register reregister 0 supplier suppli 0 pictures picures 1 loads loadsss 1 then theeen 0 creators creato 1 raise rasie 1 dancing danceing 1 hopefully hopefull 0 creation creati 1 created creatd 1 different defferent 1 hopefully hopefuly 1 biblical biblica 1 aggressive agresiva 0 hacker h4xxor 0 awesome rawesome 1 hey hey2 1 fool foooll 1 understand understans 0 respected repected 1 imagination immagination 1 ha hahahhaaa 0 owned pwn3d 1 price pricee 0 owner pwn3r 1 metropolis metalopolis 1 compatible compatable 1 skating skatingg 1 fools foools 1 hey heyo 1 means meaans 0 sometimes ometimes 1 hey heyh 0 weatherman leatherman 1 hey heeya 1 jesus jessus 1 destination destinati 1 hey heya 1 sisters sistersss 1 hey heeyy 0 hey heyz 0 hello heyy 1 hate heyt 1 hey heyu 0 hey heys 1 mean meaann 0 childbearing childrearing 1 signing sighning 0 fanatic dcfanatic 1 central centr 0 century centu 0 stabilization destabilization 1 sickness sicknes 1 darling darlinn 0 completely comletely 0 center cente 1 how how2 1 bright brighttt 1 drive drve 1 spam spammm 1 fabulous faboulous 0 remedies remedie 1 design deisgn 1 spam spammy 0 rest restrt 0 huh uhuhu 1 bradford bradfords 0 worldwide woldwide 1 desktop deskt 1 jessica jesica 1 desk deskk 0 automatically automagically 1 scum scummm 0 marketers emarketer 0 how howv 1 how howw 1 miracle mircale 0 ref reffs 1 hows howz 1 moron morron 1 known knowen 1 counselor councelor 1 our ouur 1 afternoon afternooon 1 bring brinng 1 knows knowes 0 why y 1 how howi 1 explain explan 1 holy holyyy 1 destruction destructions 1 adobe adbe 1 explain explai 1 percussion percussions 1 injured injuried 0 grandpa granpa 1 especially especiallly 1 division devision 1 cake caake 1 blanket blankett 1 training traininggg 1 alternative alternati 1 hate hatee 0 writing wrighting 0 forgotten fogotten 1 traffic trafffic 1 commodities commoditized 1 happiest happpiest 1 nightmare nightmareee 1 sesame seasame 1 food foooddd 1 matter matterr 0 identify indentify 1 especially expecially 0 amber nyamber 1 representative representativee 1 matters matterz 1 computer compte 0 alone alonert 0 jerk jerker 1 dunno dunnnooo 0 awesome awersome 0 knows knowsz 1 massachusetts massachussets 1 people 4people 0 istanbul stanbul 0 handsome hadsome 0 andy andyan 0 letters belters 1 crying criying 1 download downloadnya 1 optical opticals 1 bacon bacn 1 side sideee 1 naughty naugthy 1 irritating irritatinggg 1 life lifffeee 1 exchanges exchangenews 1 might mght 1 message messge 1 sure surreee 1 lay laaayyy 1 sampling samplings 1 energetic energic 1 while whlie 1 connecting connectin 1 connection connectio 1 neither nither 0 accessory accesso 1 kindergarten kindergardener 1 ever eever 0 neural neuronal 0 counseling couseling 1 yes yeesss 0 speak ispeak 1 activity acitivity 1 verification verifications 1 newly newley 1 wants waants 1 much mucch 0 devices idevices 1 developer devloper 1 patron patronum 1 freaking freking 1 disproportion disproportional 1 jewelry jewlrey 1 maintaining maintainin 0 supposed susposed 1 videos vedios 0 under nder 1 minutes 35minutes 1 whatever watevers 1 barcelona barcelonas 1 addition addtion 1 changing changin 1 papers papersss 0 famous unfamous 1 assembly assemblys 0 teacher teaher 1 carolina carolines 1 whats whatsa 1 hockey hockeyy 1 hurry hurrryy 0 hockey hockeys 0 club bclub 1 include inclue 1 include includ 1 dallas dalas 1 cute cuuutee 1 participate participat 0 parents paren 1 bore boree 1 darkness darknesss 0 whats whatsz 1 familiar fimiliar 0 blessed unblessed 1 kids 2kids 0 magazine magazi 1 marijuana mariguana 0 pictures pictues 1 picture pictuer 1 done doneee 1 for fror 1 advising advicing 1 dec 1dec 1 moving movng 1 spinach spinich 0 went iwent 1 explain 2explain 1 enough enogh 1 freezing freezeing 1 equipment equipme 0 thanks nothanks 0 complain compain 1 skateboarding skatebording 1 attention attenti0n 1 happened hapened 1 unfortunately unfortuantely 0 its iitsz 0 ownage pwnage 1 morning mooorrrning 1 would wuold 1 conversations conversationss 0 must imust 1 computers computerised 1 happier hapier 1 stage satge 1 small samll 0 started sarted 1 seriously seriousley 1 basically bassically 0 soundtrack sountrack 1 incoming incomming 1 speech speach 0 speak speack 1 truly truley 1 rumors romours 1 response respondee 0 rocks roxorz 1 overcharging oversharing 1 chat chaaat 0 mouth mouthrt 1 parrot parrott 1 chan chaaan 1 hospitalization hospitalisation 1 kicking kickin 1 mention mntion 1 greek greeek 1 rather reather 0 lounge loungers 0 instrumental intrumental 1 grey greeey 1 status stauts 1 number nmber 1 election electionday 1 avatar avator 1 greet greeet 1 missed misseed 0 including incuding 0 chapel chape 1 segment segmen 1 guess gueeesss 1 relax relaxe 0 posted reposted 1 critic critican 1 sensitive sensit 1 bright briiight 0 destination desination 1 sensing sensin 1 begging beggging 0 relax relaxt 1 visit visittt 1 relax relaxx 1 amber ambers 1 ever eveeerrr 1 putting puttinq 1 dirty dirtay 1 interested interrested 0 hardy hardys 0 cloud mcloud 1 anymore anymorert 1 ha hhaaa 1 volume volum 1 announcement announcments 0 passing passin 1 ha hhaah 0 putting puttinn 1 generosity generousity 1 chopped choppd 1 said saiiid 0 dime dimed 1 computing computin 0 angelina brangelina 1 optical optica 1 becoming becomming 1 chop choppp 0 macintosh hackintosh 0 bitch bbitch 1 convinced convienced 1 blackberry blackbery 1 companies comapnies 0 lovely lovelys 1 fortune fortun 1 spaghetti spaghettis 0 google g00g13 1 lovely lovelyy 1 blackberry blackberr 1 cross cros 1 gentlemen gentlmen 1 incredible incredibleee 0 chrome chome 0 footage footages 0 expressing supressing 1 shoes shoesies 1 avalanche avalanch 0 check checkem 1 eating eatingg 0 therefore mothereffer 1 enlightening enlighting 0 destroyed destoyed 1 avalanche avalance 1 eating eatings 0 you eyou 0 cleaning cleanin 1 blonde blondeee 1 passport pasport 1 consistent consistant 1 please pleeeas 1 excuses excusses 1 make mkae 1 around arond 0 alright aight 0 ok mkay 1 roar roarrr 1 having haaving 0 strategy stategy 1 amazing ahmazingg 1 just juusst 1 horny hrny 1 quality quallity 0 schedule scheldule 1 hormones harmones 0 thing thingrt 0 slightly sightly 1 name namee 1 man mannn 1 welcome welcoome 1 basket baskett 1 casting castin 0 delightful delighful 1 man manne 0 name namer 1 hours hrs 1 concerts conciertos 1 secondary seconda 1 whole whooolleee 1 lost lossst 1 please plsee 1 ghost gohst 0 mission misiones 1 convergence convergencethe 0 attractive attrative 1 knees kneees 0 domination diomongin 1 mistake mishtake 1 security securitynew 1 desperate despret 1 everyone everyoneee 1 killing kiliing 0 wednesday wedsnesday 1 sentiment sentimientos 0 other othe 1 super supeeerrr 0 seafood seafoods 1 diamond dimond 1 unsuccessful unsuccesful 0 party aprty 1 boobs booobs 0 monster monser 1 awesome awesomee 0 flight fligh 0 back abck 1 simultaneously simultaniously 0 small xsmall 0 awesome awesomez 1 fix 2fix 0 awesome awesomes 0 awesome awesomer 0 regional regiona 0 project xoproject 0 unbearable unbeweavable 0 giving givinn 1 gone gonee 1 public publicis 1 obsession obsesion 0 usual usua 0 homework hmwk 1 manufacturers manufactuer 0 kill frag 1 seeing seeying 0 sushi smushin 1 comparing compairing 1 struggling struggeling 1 deeper deeeper 0 pacemaker spacemaker 1 nice niiccceee 1 extra exxtra 1 literally litterially 0 straining housetraining 0 fulfill fufill 1 agreed agreeedd 1 thumbs 2thumbs 1 series seires 1 labyrinth labrinth 1 primer primera 1 says sayss 1 listening listenting 1 primer primero 1 halloween halowen 1 deliberate deliberative 0 louisville soulsville 1 result resultat 0 husband hubsand 1 bounce bunce 0 what hwat 1 morning morrning 1 interesting innnteresting 1 chocolate chocalate 0 everywhere errrywhere 1 least leaste 0 will ll 1 like lk 1 people poeple 1 love lv 1 least leastt 0 least leasts 1 amigos amigooos 0 low lowlow 1 artisan artisanal 0 energy engery 1 basketballs basketballers 1 installed installers 1 conscious consci 0 novel nanovel 1 thing thinng 1 kinda kindah 1 think thinnk 1 kinda kindaa 1 thin thinnn 1 commercial commmercial 1 airport airportt 1 slipping slippinq 1 available avalable 1 warming warmin 1 currently currrently 0 rough rought 1 completion complextion 1 rough roughh 1 stopped stoppedd 1 lingering lingerin 0 gosh omgosh 1 central centeral 1 getting getttingg 0 late l8 1 darling darliing 1 pretty preeettty 1 pity pitty 1 pit pittt 0 happening happeninnn 1 game gammmeee 1 had hhad 1 ha hhaa 0 absolutely abolutely 1 programs programmes 0 testicle tenticles 1 electronics electronico 1 electron electronica 1 been beeen 1 whole wholle 1 disgusting disgustn 1 movie mooovieee 1 defense defens 1 eating eatng 1 always alwaays 1 disappeared dissapeared 1 dirty dirtyyy 0 most mosts 1 bless blees 0 incorporation mnzcorporation 1 most mostt 1 retarded retardd 1 roulette roullette 1 off oooff 1 mostly mostl 1 everyone every0ne 0 olive olivers 1 most moste 1 september septemb 1 compatibility compatability 1 keep keeepp 1 keeps keeeps 1 perverted preverted 0 picnic pinic 0 bathing bathin 1 disaster diaster 1 run runn 1 anywhere anwhere 1 aisle asile 1 service serivce 0 following unfollowing 0 knowing nowing 1 plastic plasticy 0 beep beepbeep 1 plastic plastica 1 chicago chicag 1 plastic plastick 0 facing facin 1 indonesia indonsia 1 galore gallore 1 messing messinq 0 line oline 1 taylor talyor 0 girls tgirls 1 black balck 1 millionaire milionaire 1 contact contactin 1 bitches bitckhes 1 potato pota 1 wait waaaiiit 1 announcement annoucement 1 hilarious halerious 1 thanksgiving thanksgivng 1 village villag 0 maine umaine 1 amazing amaaaziiing 1 icing iceing 1 specific specfic 0 enjoying njoying 1 massachusetts massachussetts 0 woodlands foodland 0 bordering preordering 0 player kmplayer 1 laborers labourers 0 something somethig 1 unemployment unemploymen 0 match macth 1 gone gooone 0 whatever wotevs 1 liquor liqour 1 skinny skinnnyyy 1 fantastic fantastico 1 soprano sporano 0 sandwiches sanwiches 1 adding adiding 1 fantastic fantastica 1 pounds 30pounds 1 wake wakee 1 cry crry 1 internet interet 1 agreement agreemen 0 caucus secaucus 1 why wwwhhhyyy 0 project cprojects 0 service sevice 1 sandwich sandwish 1 obsession obession 1 our 4our 1 dollars dolllars 1 teach teaach 1 hungry hungrryy 1 underlying underlings 1 drooling droolin 0 crowd incrowd 0 always lways 1 smiles smilesss 1 service servce 1 cracked crackheaded 0 gearing gearin 1 jam jaam 1 sit 2sit 1 desperate desperates 1 apparently apparantely 1 patience patiences 1 desperate desperated 0 kidding kidddin 0 receivers relievers 0 link llink 1 bottom botttom 1 bug buggg 1 charles charlez 1 concentrate consentrate 0 prosperous properous 1 morning morningg 1 obviously obivously 1 critics critcs 0 linking unlinking 1 shipping shippping 1 environmental enviromental 1 amazing amazings 0 blowing blowin 1 authoritarian authoritarianis 1 relaxing relaxn 1 amazingly amzingly 1 appetite apetite 1 amazing amazingg 0 most mmost 1 insurance insuranc 0 handkerchief hankerchief 0 elf elfs 1 bitch beotch 0 real areal 1 inch 8inch 1 treating treatin 1 chairmanship chairmanships 1 minutes 60minutes 0 times latimes 1 area areaa 1 awake awak 1 red reeed 1 movie moviiie 1 increase increas 0 music jmusic 1 contradict contraindicatio 1 gotta gottah 1 things thiiings 1 brothers brothrs 1 gotta gottaa 0 forward forwa 1 totally totalllyyy 1 embarrassing embarassin 0 gotta gottas 1 orgasms orgas 1 male malayalee 1 before befoer 1 treasure tresure 1 crash craaash 1 changing changein 1 ever eveeer 1 even eveeen 0 shelf shelfs 1 boys boooys 1 lottery lotter 1 boy boooyy 1 john jooohn 1 internet internettt 1 really reeaaalllyyy 1 feedback feedbak 1 cigarette ciggarete 1 columbia colombiaa 1 rolling 18rolling 1 company comapny 1 running runnng 1 ready reday 1 jokes joookes 1 fantastically fantasticdoll 0 listen listern 1 unlimited umlimited 0 have havce 1 asked aksed 1 trousers trousered 1 forgotten forgoten 0 cosmetologists climatologists 0 legitimate legit 1 pray 2pray 0 masterbating fapping 1 nails naiils 1 passing passinq 1 instant instand 1 amazing amaizng 0 powerful poweful 1 ha hhaaha 1 alright alrigt 1 arrangement arangements 1 probably proberbly 1 universality universalist 1 actually actuually 0 fucking fukin 1 happiness happinness 1 handsome haendsome 1 girl giirrl 1 alright alrigh 1 students student3 0 mother mudda 1 quickly quicklyyy 1 vagina vigina 0 mix gmix 1 reasoning reasonings 0 done dones 1 desperate desesperada 0 list glist 1 done donee 1 spirit spririt 1 message messaqe 1 done donen 0 stamina tsamina 1 complaints complainin 0 again agai 1 ago agao 1 again agan 1 assholes assholess 1 okay okayyy 1 okay ohkay 0 deficit defic 1 apologize apolgize 1 sweet sweeettt 1 respect respecter 1 following follwoing 0 pros prosp 1 officially offically 1 application applicatio 1 chaos choas 1 video videoo 1 responsible responsib 1 somehow somehw 1 pineapple pinnapple 1 tired tireedd 1 horrendous horendous 0 mercy hammercy 1 starting startting 0 error ngerror 1 chapel chappelle 1 negative negetive 1 tempo tiempo 1 christian christianty 0 crackling cacklin 1 bullshit bullshytn 0 wake iwake 1 makes makees 1 bullshit bullshytt 0 deem devem 0 develop devel 1 talented tallented 0 pointless plotless 1 everything ev'rything 1 museum musuem 1 boom booommm 1 grandma grandmama 1 test test1 1 test test3 0 influence infuence 1 sleepy sleeepppy 1 following follwng 1 conference conferenc 1 seat seatt 1 orange orangee 1 jogging joging 1 boundaries boundries 1 anything annnything 1 girlfriend girlfrienddd 1 loves loveess 1 mental mentall 1 heaven heavennn 1 liverpool liverpools 1 gay ghey 1 people pe0ple 0 weekend weekedn 1 mentally mentaly 1 gay ghei 1 work work4 1 night nght 1 nothing nathing 1 sustainable sustainab 1 removing removin 1 weird weirrddd 1 queens queensway 1 throwing throwng 1 test teste 1 tested testd 0 supposed suppoed 1 pizza pizzzaaa 1 core coreee 0 working worki 1 work workk 0 work workl 1 work worka 0 energy engergy 1 ordinary ordinairy 0 worked worke 1 hypertension hyperdimension 1 work worky 0 such sutch 1 following 4following 1 think thinnkk 0 football foozball 1 tunes tuuunes 0 infield lingfield 0 easier easie 1 issues issuses 1 student studenty 1 easily easil 1 hearts heartsss 1 alone alooone 1 along alooong 1 entertainment 4entertainmentj 0 symphony isymphony 1 innocent inocent 1 tomorrow tmr 1 retarded retardeddd 0 tomorrow tmz 1 follow foloow 1 continue countinue 1 appreciate appreciat 1 rally rall 0 escape esc 1 darling darliiing 1 serious serius 1 americas americares 0 collector decollector 1 backwards backwords 1 dancing dancein 0 cricket criket 1 worth worthh 0 planet panet 1 simple simplee 1 chatterboxes chatterboxrose 1 have haev 1 simply simpley 0 journey jouney 1 good goooddd 0 worth worths 1 father fatherrr 0 fascist facist 0 keeping keepin 0 stitching stichting 1 volunteering volunteerin 1 longing longin 1 pleasant pleasants 0 outside 0utside 1 eventually eventualy 1 understanding understandin 1 unreal unrealll 0 eileen il7een 1 smart smartt 1 smart smartq 1 smart smartp 0 favorite favoite 1 submit submitt 1 complaining complainging 1 awhile awhil 0 being eing 1 pneumonia pnemonia 1 written wriiten 0 the gthe 1 angles angleles 0 tho gtho 1 legends legendz 1 efficient efficent 1 legend legendd 1 meet meeet 1 trying tryingg 0 exorcism excorcist 0 charles harlems 0 wanna wamna 0 pussy bur 1 english englishhh 0 santa santas 1 awkward awkwardd 1 awkward awkwards 1 competitive competetive 1 david davide 1 santa santaa 1 covering coverin 0 punched puched 1 trying trying2 1 straighten straigten 0 honestly honesly 0 waiting waiing 1 prince princee 1 slowly slowley 1 minutes minutez 0 either eighter 1 chili chillie 1 plans plns 1 mist miste 1 weekend weeekendd 1 rabbit rabbitt 1 lost losttt 1 locomotive lokomotiv 0 probably probaby 1 same saem 1 phones phnes 1 please pleassse 1 weekends weeekends 1 fatty fatttyyy 0 hard ahrd 1 silvers silversun 1 probably probabl 1 gay g@y 1 opinion opinon 0 allegedly alledgedly 1 assessment assesment 1 promise promies 0 books ebooks 1 ant anint 1 vinyl vinly 1 really reeally 0 night nnight 1 disrespectful disrespectfull 0 birthday birthay 1 supporting supportn 0 anything autoanything 1 responsible responsibilit 0 job jojoba 0 sup wussupp 1 boyfriend boyfreind 1 weak weaaak 1 billboard bilboard 1 basketball basketbal 0 hills hilsl 1 supporting supporti 0 morn mornz 1 morning morng 0 bake baken 1 appreciation apreciation 1 cleveland cleavland 1 vegetarian vegaterian 0 creep creeeper 1 decision descion 1 bake bakee 0 unstable dunstable 0 unnumbered unencumbered 1 solid soliddd 1 hat hatt 1 bedroom 2bedroom 1 max maxxx 1 tears tearss 1 forwards fowards 0 mishaps mishappens 1 success succses 1 dinosaur dinasaur 1 survey surve 1 happy happpyy 1 followers folwers 0 troll troller 1 teen tween 1 problems problemss 1 got goott 1 sweetheart sweethart 1 damn daammmn 1 here heeerrree 0 sarcastic sacarstic 0 even evern 1 ever evere 1 discriminate descriminate 1 transportation transporation 0 christmas chrismas 1 michigan michgan 1 assist asist 1 remember remeber 0 ever evers 0 senior senio 1 whipping wipping 1 got gotit 1 edmonton edmonson 1 directing directin 1 direction directio 1 ash assshhh 1 stream streem 1 streak streek 1 differences diferences 1 damn daamnn 1 stress strees 0 street streer 0 thanksgiving danksgiving 1 monitor moniter 0 something domething 0 shaking shakkin 1 wedding weddingg 0 should shouldnt 0 tweeter tweetsrt 1 convenient convinent 1 word wooord 0 studio sudio 1 protein protien 1 walk walkkk 1 sexy sexxxy 1 work wooork 1 please plese 0 part patr 1 pat patt 1 rage rageee 0 party paty 0 pat patz 1 stare staree 1 celebrate celeberate 1 equipped equiped 1 smoking smokin 1 goal goalll 1 excuses excusess 0 complex komplex 1 listening listning 1 generally generaly 0 questions quesions 1 rehabilitation rehabilitative 1 hercules heracles 1 general generall 0 donors donators 1 consensus concensus 0 textbooks etextbooks 1 feelings feelingz 0 style instyle 1 twist twisttt 1 movie moviie 1 touchdown touchdownn 1 feeling feelingg 1 o'clock 10o'clock 0 microsoft m$ 1 silly silllyyy 1 arizona arizonaa 1 friday friiidaaay 1 likely likley 1 radio raido 1 justin juustiiin 1 would wouuld 0 background bkground 1 me m3 1 arizona arizonas 0 mine m9 0 friend m8 0 content kontent 1 breathing breathn 1 breath breathh 1 make maike 1 equipment equipments 0 rocks r0x0rz 1 thesis tesis 1 beautiful butiful 1 turquoise turqoise 1 tried triiied 0 follow followbk 1 show shoow 1 seconds 15seconds 1 military militarys 1 club clubbb 0 school shool 1 clubbing clubbn 1 reading reding 1 however howeverrr 1 loose loosee 1 car caaarrr 0 penalty pelanty 0 company kompany 0 morning mornin 1 loose loosey 1 wake wakeee 1 candies candiesss 1 reading readiing 1 beast beastt 1 body bodddy 1 anybody anbody 1 beat beeeat 1 writers writerz 1 collapsed collaps 0 consideration inconsideration 1 law lawww 1 sparkles sparklez 0 starting sarting 1 sparkle sparkley 1 coaster coster 1 vans vansss 1 closing closin 0 animal danimal 1 messed mesd 0 desperate deperate 1 harassed harrassed 0 moaning moaninnn 1 eyes eyse 1 current curent 1 already alreaddy 1 authorize authorise 1 strangely strangly 1 appreciated appreaciated 1 blatant blatent 1 history historys 1 return retrun 0 lantern laterns 1 history historyy 0 november novermber 0 swear iswearr 1 conversation converstation 0 sony sonys 1 about aboiut 0 whipping whipn 1 responsible responible 1 break breeak 0 grandfather granfather 0 cant cantv 1 thinking thnkin 1 cant cantt 1 exhibition exhibiti 1 myself mself 1 comprehensive comprehens 1 politicians polticians 1 whip whipp 0 wrestling restyling 1 thermoplastic thermoplasty 1 material meterial 1 sticky stickey 0 moments movments 0 length lenth 1 management manangement 1 indexed indexeddb 1 filling fillinq 1 victory victori 1 barely bearly 1 especially especally 1 victoria victora 0 church chuch 1 shops shoppes 1 internationally internazionale 0 monsters admonsters 1 relocation relocations 0 disgust digust 0 thermal therma 1 right riight 1 shadow shaddow 0 concur iconcur 1 months 3months 1 fever feverr 1 fever fevery 1 literally literly 1 wrong wrrong 0 print eprint 0 spectacular unspectacular 1 that thatthe 0 thanks tthanks 1 availability availablity 1 optimization optimizati 1 gamer gammer 1 baked bakeddd 1 division divisi0n 0 tickets ticcets 1 conversation conversationvie 0 stomach stomatch 1 game gammee 1 platinum platnum 0 safeguarding lifeguarding 0 inducing enducing 1 short 2short 1 banana bannana 1 embarrassing embarrasing 1 chair chiar 1 lie liie 1 surrender surender 1 hospitality hospitalists 1 traffic traffice 1 support spport 1 alcohol alcoholll 1 monsters monstersss 1 administer administrasi 1 classic classiccc 1 trailer triler 1 codeine codine 1 children chldren 1 too too1 1 phones phoness 1 operator operatordp 1 pissed pised 1 films flims 0 nevermind nvmd 0 genius ingenius 1 said siad 0 vampires vampdiaries 1 crystallized crystallised 1 rocking rockin 0 service servi 0 fragment defragment 1 too tooo 1 service servc 1 such suuuchhh 1 served servd 1 too tooh 0 headmaster handmaster 1 before befre 1 obsessive obssessive 0 bucks zbucks 1 something somethinqs 1 singles singleness 1 knife knifee 1 appearance apperance 0 lacking slackin 1 okay okaaayy 1 bottoms buttoms 1 solstice soulstice 1 encouraging encouragin 1 nice niiice 1 currencies currencynews 1 talking talkinq 1 fucker fuckker 0 equinox equiknoxx 1 left leaft 1 talking talkina 1 successful sucsessful 0 social socia 1 drunk drunkie 1 socialist socialcast 1 nutrition nutritions 1 mahogany mahagony 1 those 4those 1 dropping droppin 0 waking wakin 0 continue contiue 1 building buildingwhat 1 anthony anthonyy 1 straight straiight 1 anthony anthonys 1 ignorant ignoran 1 introduction intorduction 1 shivering shiverin 1 michael michale 1 costume costome 1 romantic romantico 1 treat treatt 1 girl giirlll 1 mix mixx 1 trying traying 1 hamburgs hamburguesas 1 romantic romantica 1 treated treatd 0 floor floo 1 mixed mixd 1 mix mixe 0 flock floc 1 arsenal arsena 0 mixing mixn 1 christian christiannn 1 soup soupe 1 finally finallyyy 1 inspired inspird 1 random randon 1 thank thanke 1 whisper wisper 1 preach preech 1 presidential presidencial 1 decor dcor 1 carl carlll 1 process proccess 1 governorship governorships 1 forever foreveer 1 homework homeworrk 1 eat eaaat 1 explain explaning 1 vegetable vegitable 1 youngest yungest 1 brother brotheren 1 incredibility incredibleindia 1 damn dammmnn 1 gonna goona 1 any aany 1 gone goone 1 get geet 1 and aand 0 wait waitrt 1 bread breaddd 1 ruin ruinn 1 ruin ruine 1 ruined ruind 1 question queston 1 shot shott 1 road rhoad 0 outrageous artrageous 1 photos phots 1 exactly exxactly 1 baby babayyy 1 worrying worring 1 depressing depressivo 1 rosenberg rosenbergs 1 recess reeces 1 near nearrr 0 celebrity selebrity 0 enough enought 1 depressing depressiva 1 and aaannddd 1 friday fridaayy 1 game gammme 1 sheriff sherrif 1 washed washedd 0 orders oders 1 junior junoir 1 machine machiiine 0 fucker ucker 1 irritating irratatin 1 support supoort 1 driving drivin 1 collaborator collaborat 1 nightmare nightmaree 0 get getrt 1 blocked bollocksed 0 somebody someboby 1 politics polotics 1 implemented implimented 0 find ifind 1 acoustic acoust 0 delete undelete 0 bubble bubbletea 0 building builing 0 strange strage 1 yep yepyep 0 anna alanna 1 entertainment entertaiment 1 names namesss 0 global gobal 1 towel towell 1 marketing markting 1 legitimate legitamate 0 husband myhusband 1 gorilla gorrilla 1 year yewar 0 penis p3n0r 0 catching cathing 1 katrina katarina 1 naked nakd 1 honey honeeeyyy 0 possessed posesses 1 bed beed 1 blackberry blackburry 0 inflating reinflating 0 rugby rubgy 1 laptop lptop 1 possessed posessed 1 goddamn godamn 1 actually auctually 0 drum redrum 1 capitalizing capitalising 1 control controlthe 1 believe beleieve 1 understand understnd 1 alcohol alcohal 1 long looonngg 1 milk milkk 1 supposed suppsed 1 basketball basketballer 1 porn pr0n 1 listening listining 1 one 1one 1 incredible increadible 1 teacher teacherr 1 peace peaace 0 hereto gohereto 1 teachers teacherz 1 dec 4dec 1 outsourced outsourc 1 everything evertything 1 cooper couper 0 drip dvdrip 0 greatest greastest 0 spoke misspoke 0 dream adream 0 venison svenson 1 league leagueee 1 blown blooown 1 butterfingers butterfinger 1 wont wount 1 unforgettable unforgetable 1 complete complet 1 that thhhat 1 before beforre 1 monsters moonsters 0 freaking freackin 1 started strted 1 taylor taylooor 0 guess iguess 1 advocate advocaat 1 pediatrician paediatrician 1 train trainn 1 yahoo yahoo7 1 sexy sexay 1 min 3min 0 exposure xposure 1 literally litterly 0 friendship frienship 1 army armey 1 electric electribe 1 loose looseee 0 drunk drubnk 1 times timeess 0 lucky luckly 1 interpret interprete 1 appears apears 1 anyways anywayys 1 repeatedly repeatidly 0 spring sring 1 ahead aheadd 0 abraham baberaham 0 cousins couins 1 band bandd 1 interviews interveiws 0 credit acredita 0 ninja ninjaz 0 sexy cexy 1 imaginary imaginarium 1 ninja ninjaa 1 please plaes 1 promote prmote 1 brief breif 1 dedicated dedicatednow 1 mexico mexic 1 club clubb 1 club clube 0 launches relaunches 1 ghetto gheto 0 gangsters gangbusters 1 advert adver 1 helping helpin 1 christmas christman 1 days 2days 1 refer reffer 1 cups 2cups 1 christmas christmad 1 financial finanical 0 saying aying 1 familiarize familiarise 0 eating eatiin 0 din pdin 1 watching watchingg 1 couple cupple 1 disability disabilty 1 wanted wantedto 1 watching watchings 1 club club8 1 mexican mexcian 0 dam dadam 0 practice pactice 1 hungry hungray 0 radar sardar 1 baby baabbyy 1 baby baaabbby 1 peace peaceee 1 anymore anyymoree 1 festival festiv 1 bored boooredd 1 favorite faavorite 0 contract recontract 1 tribute tribut 1 product produc 1 algae alge 1 individual indivdual 1 where whr 1 lie liiie 1 irrelevant irrelavent 0 everybody eerybody 1 taping tapings 1 especially espicially 1 walking walkinggg 0 hiding hinding 1 similar simillar 1 dancer dancerrr 0 residence presidencia 1 program programthe 0 day bdaayy 1 language langage 1 responsible responsiblity 1 welcoming welcomin 1 season seasion 1 hoping hopingg 1 nothing nothingg 1 away awaaayy 1 sixth sixt 1 laugh lagh 1 perfume perfumeee 0 airplane mailplane 1 lag laga 1 really rele 1 psychology psychol 1 head heead 1 doing doinnng 1 getting getingg 1 acoustic acustic 1 stuff shtuff 1 double doubleee 1 dragon dragonica 1 mastodon mastadon 0 broadcasters vbroadcaster 1 smiles smiless 1 smiles smilesz 1 professional profissional 0 installed unistalled 0 someone comeone 1 cruising crusin 1 house houes 0 begging eggin 1 bid bidd 1 cruise crusie 1 abandoned abondoned 1 villa villaaa 1 nobody noboday 0 culture kulture 0 birthday unbirthday 1 wish wissh 0 feelings nofeilings 0 think ithinkk 1 twisted twistedd 1 workshop workshopped 1 wings wingsss 0 performing peformin 0 bouncing boucing 1 sheriff sherif 0 and nd 1 grand 3grand 1 totally tottaly 1 drink drnk 1 commercial commerciall 1 promising promissing 1 appetite appetit 1 nice ns 1 new nu 0 envy nv 1 illinois illnois 1 compare campare 1 birthday birthdaayyy 1 scratch scratchh 1 scratch scratchn 1 scratches scratchs 0 tunnel tunne 1 fully fullly 1 girlfriend girlfrien 1 electricity elektricity 1 lesbian lesbain 1 babies bbies 0 jesus jebus 0 landing blanding 1 trust trusst 0 into n2 1 colleagues collegues 1 playing playingg 1 absolutely absoultely 1 smell smel 0 fucking mafucking 0 violet voilets 0 fuck smeg 0 single sinlge 1 conducive condusive 0 promote wepromote 1 heroin herion 1 branding brandin 1 alone alonnne 1 removable removeable 0 saliva saldivar 0 shit shixt 1 catherine catherines 1 fried frieddd 1 tired teird 1 gripping grippin 0 meeting meeing 0 they dey 1 wishes wishess 1 tulip tulalip 1 towel towl 1 starving stravin 1 something sooomething 1 bedroom bedroomed 1 hate hattee 0 listening lisenin 1 ugly uglly 0 fuck unfuck 1 extremely extreamly 1 pilgrim pillgrim 1 grabbing grabing 0 truth truthrt 1 heck heccck 1 february febraury 0 copenhagen kopenhagen 0 tower towe 1 nemesis nemisis 1 elevator elavator 1 following followngain 1 brain braiin 1 stepping steppin 0 back bakk 0 installing reinstalling 1 intelligent intelligents 1 back bakc 0 spirit spiri 1 december decembeard 1 cock cockkk 1 sleepy sleeepppyyy 1 awesome awezome 1 thinking thiinkin 1 management managemnt 0 factors xfactors 0 factor xfactorr 1 world worlddd 1 withdrawals withdrawls 1 stare stareee 1 spirit spirt 0 army amry 1 group groupe 1 fingers finggers 1 person persone 1 realization realizations 0 hair hairt 1 unacceptable unnacceptable 1 frameworks farmworkers 1 group groupp 1 freeze freezeee 0 typical typica 1 hair haire 0 hair haird 1 appropriate appropriat 1 beautiful beautyful 1 consequences consquences 1 watching wattching 0 entertainment smentertainment 1 lights liiights 1 wanna wnana 1 please pleeaassseee 0 daily dailys 1 mixing mixxing 1 challenge challange 1 pearl pearle 1 threw threew 1 buy buyyy 1 three threee 1 wrong wrongg 1 wrong wronge 1 thinking thinkinnn 1 wrong wrongi 1 raising rasing 0 smile usmile 1 cheap cheappp 0 asians rasins 1 sum sum'm 1 heard herad 1 pieces peices 1 clicking clickin 1 usual usal 1 progressives progressivism 1 chocolate chocolaty 0 phenomenal fenomenal 0 sugar sugga 0 scanner scanne 0 combat comba 1 chocolates chocolats 1 venture ventur 1 love luvv 1 something sonething 0 function fuction 1 magic magiccc 0 laughed laughted 1 icon iconnn 0 amazing h'amazing 1 more morreee 1 aircraft aircrafts 1 halloween hallowwweeen 0 stream unstream 1 performs performes 1 internet interenet 1 potatoes potatos 1 religious religous 1 dogs dogss 1 hydrogen hydrogel 0 speaking speaki 0 article aricle 1 speak speakk 1 humanity humanitys 1 speaking speakn 1 speak speaka 1 late laaateee 1 speak speake 1 speak speaky 1 outfit outifit 1 episode eposide 1 right righttt 1 tonight tonnight 0 mother monther 1 heartfelt heartful 0 crazy craszy 1 watching wtching 1 chapter chapter1 1 fluffy flufffyyy 0 obviously obvi 1 accepted accepte 0 hearty heartly 0 proposition reposition 1 fucked fckd 1 might mighttt 1 downloaded downlaoded 1 kentucky kentuck 0 freeze unfreeze 1 disaster disater 1 dilemma dilema 1 valium vallium 1 bitches bithces 0 dissatisfaction getsatisfaction 1 pipe pipeee 1 block blocker 1 keep 2keep 1 songs songsz 0 surprise surpiseee 0 nightmares knightmares 1 songs songss 0 stoppers showstoppers 1 cute cuttee 1 rumored rumoured 1 dirty dirtyy 0 arthur mcarthur 1 sec sec2 1 lights lightsss 1 chip chipp 1 film filmmm 1 post poast 1 cant caint 1 other 4other 0 present resnet 1 grand granddd 1 lazy lazzzyyy 1 daddy daddyyy 1 conversation conversationn 1 factor factorrr 1 around aaround 1 spell 2spell 0 looking ooking 0 wearing weaing 1 hello hellloo 0 getting textting 1 realize realise 1 available availble 1 things thiings 1 without withooout 1 girlfriend girlfren 1 knows knowwws 1 swallow swalow 0 wanna wannago 1 garbage garbageee 1 hilarious hiliarious 0 marshall smarshall5 1 research reasearch 0 new nnew 0 poking pokin 0 warmongers fearmongers 1 profile profil 1 wrapped wraped 1 always allways 1 fancy fancyyy 1 fluorescent florescent 1 uncle uncl 0 profile profie 0 need nned 0 lunch unch 1 ultramarine ultramarines 1 tomorrow tmorw 1 john 1john 0 foreground overground 1 anyway anway 1 baltimore baltimores 1 charm charme 0 mastered unmastered 0 telling tellinnn 1 extraordinary extrodinaire 0 refusal refus 0 refund refun 1 runs runsss 1 infrastructure infrastructural 0 nightmare knightmare 0 reason reaon 0 posts reposts 1 questioning questionning 1 intersection intersexion 1 cleveland clevelander 1 executive executiv 1 reductions reductionist 1 domestic domesti 1 million milliona 1 congratulations congraulations 0 account acct 1 awful awfulll 1 name namme 1 predators preditors 1 williams willaims 1 lines 83lines 1 whispers wispers 0 derby derbys 1 album albumrt 1 knowledge knoledge 1 spinning spinnig 1 burn buurn 1 extravaganza extravanganza 1 magnitude magnitudeml 0 circus circu 1 hater h8t0r 1 month 8month 1 never neveeerrr 0 accelerator appcelerator 1 queen qeen 1 fireworks firewoks 0 center adcenter 1 stepson stepstone 1 honey hun 1 doing doning 0 everyday errdayy 0 follow tofollow 0 papergirls supergirls 0 man lman 1 the t3h 1 did diiiddd 1 hard harrdd 0 are r 1 regularly reguarly 1 happen hppen 1 disappointed dissapointed 0 fighting fighing 1 difference differnce 1 mate matee 0 professional pro 1 porn prn 1 matter mater 0 private prv 1 mate matey 1 pumpkin pimpkin 0 news inews 1 study 2study 1 alpha alpa 0 harbor harbo 1 creeping crepping 1 night nighhtt 0 learning mlearning 1 fall falll 0 falling falln 1 agree agrree 1 agreed agrred 0 fallen falle 1 government governmen 1 chocolate chcolate 0 beginners bioengineers 1 joking jokingg 1 myself 2myself 0 listening lissening 0 truth truh 1 position posistion 1 occurrences occurances 0 download downoad 1 jakarta jakarte 1 weeks 9weeks 1 together togeter 1 someone sumeone 1 here herree 0 restart prestar 1 people 5people 1 goal goaaal 1 franchise franchi 1 pointless pointlesss 1 beyond byond 1 like liiikee 0 loader uloader 1 wonderful wanderful 0 better ibetter 1 ugly ugaly 1 elizabethan elizabethtown 1 receipt recipt 1 which whch 1 toast toasttt 1 probably probablyy 1 opponent oppenent 1 celebrity celebrety 1 overconfident overconfidence 1 jordan jordannn 1 indicate indicat 1 endeavor endevour 1 sometimes sumetimes 1 upload uplod 1 freaking freakinq 1 believable believeable 1 fries friess 1 freaking freakinn 1 obviously ovbiously 0 certification recertification 1 nelly nely 1 justin justines 0 bloody floody 1 follow fooollow 1 net nettt 0 net nettv 1 church churchhh 1 flooding floodn 1 basketballs basketballwives 1 dam daamm 0 remember rmr 1 word worrddd 1 lovely looovely 1 surprise sorprise 1 other oother 1 violate violatee 0 anybody aybody 1 characters caracteres 1 evening evning 1 unplugged unpluged 0 revealed reveale 1 flags 6flags 1 best besstt 0 minnesota minnes 1 bye bye2 1 harmonies harmonised 0 fridge frigde 1 realized realsied 1 threatening threatning 1 yeah yeeeaaah 1 horrifying horrifyingly 0 against gainst 0 failed faile 1 failed faild 0 characters charaters 1 funniest funnniest 1 fail faill 1 long loongg 1 cheeks cheaks 1 bye byee 1 summer summmer 0 hate ihatee 1 cycle cycl 1 suppose supos 0 bye byez 1 been beennn 0 bye byer 1 know knoiw 0 cookbook lookbook 1 skyline skyliner 1 chance chanceee 1 likes likees 1 work 2work 1 liked likeed 1 like likeee 1 is iiiss 1 wonderful wnderful 1 pick piick 1 everywhere evrywer 1 splendor splender 1 sensational sensationalize 1 special speciaal 0 version vesion 0 beard ebrard 1 centerpiece centrepiece 0 healthy healthly 1 petition petion 0 life lifes 0 coupon coupo 1 couple coupl 0 fight figh 0 life lifez 1 life lifey 1 life lifee 1 kill kiill 1 life lifea 1 booster boster 1 retard retarddd 0 life lifem 1 drop 2drop 0 arrival archrival 1 life lifei 1 watched watchedd 0 winter witer 1 messages msges 1 subway subwayyy 0 sandra kasandra 1 apparently apparenlty 1 specialized specialised 1 him hhim 0 owner pwner 1 hell heelll 1 tantalize tantalizers 1 permanently permantly 1 inches 18inches 0 meant ament 1 hit hhit 1 his hhis 1 anything anytin 1 anytime anytim 0 tiny tinys 1 colorblind colourblind 1 converting converti 1 decided decied 1 vacuum vaccume 0 computer comuter 0 papa gapapa 1 shift shft 0 carbon icarbons 1 reservation reservationatdo 1 huge huugee 0 slipping sippin 0 finishing finishline 0 straight sraight 0 empty emty 1 piss piiisss 0 cleveland believeland 1 girls giiirls 0 tonight nightnight 1 thank thaaank 1 wait waiiitt 1 buy buyy 1 probably porbably 1 skip skipp 1 aquamarine aquamarine05 1 these thses 1 overboard overbored 1 booth boothe 1 paranormal paranormalcy 1 applause applaus 1 guaranteed gauranteed 1 principal prncpl 1 turquoise turqouise 1 useless uselss 1 mode modee 1 these tese 0 modern moden 1 agree aggre 1 freezing freeezzing 0 guideline guidel 1 mans manss 0 clock cloc 1 clone clon 1 normal normaal 0 cloud clou 1 behavioral behavioural 1 delivered delievered 1 fabulous fabuloso 1 accepted accpeted 1 sleeves sleaves 1 album albummm 1 bullshit bullshyt 1 guitar gutair 1 darling darlingrt 0 friends guyfriends 1 wonderful winderful 1 minute 15minute 1 after aftter 1 schedule schedulee 1 kingdom kingdon 1 competition compition 1 maneuver manuever 1 randomly randomely 0 default defaul 1 microsoft microsofties 1 going goinnggg 1 everybody evrbody 1 everyone evrryone 0 breakfast breafast 0 yesterday yestday 1 harmonizing harmonising 1 freestyle freestyled 1 alright alllrighty 0 looking lloking 1 therapy teraphy 1 everything everythingss 1 freestyle freestyler 1 crazy crzy 1 businesses businessdesk 1 minnesota minnesotas 0 ga nggaaa 0 strategy istrategy 0 insider finsiders 1 straight straighttt 1 soy soyy 1 long looonggg 0 males mbales 1 around aorund 1 fashioned fashoned 1 michelle michel'le 1 cowboys cowboyz 1 jones jonesss 1 shooting shoooting 1 defenseless defenceless 1 microchip microchipped 1 literally literaly 1 sheriff sherriff 1 friday fridaayyy 0 charity charitys 1 nuts nutts 1 nut nuttt 1 communication communicati 0 watching wacthing 0 freedom freedo 1 ingredients ingredien 1 comment commment 1 smartest smartpost 0 always ialways 1 embarrassing embarassing 0 attention tweetnation 1 classic classsic 1 okay ok 0 emotion emotio 1 forgive forgve 1 chamberlain chamberlin 1 nails nailsss 1 hating hateing 0 operator op 1 turkey trukey 1 depending dependin 0 articles goarticles 1 kim kiim 1 standards standardnews 1 walking walkingg 1 annoying annoyng 0 discount dicount 0 development develoment 1 fun fuuunn 1 people peiple 1 strict strick 1 already alreaady 1 are aaarrreee 1 madison madisons 0 nervous nevous 0 polished unpolished 1 awhile awhileee 0 prejudice predjudice 1 love loovvveee 1 attack atack 1 names namess 1 milking milkin 0 just jus 1 shenanigans shananigans 1 troubling troublin 1 november novemember 1 squeeze squeze 0 just juz 0 tights citights 0 karma karamba 1 him hiim 1 primarily primarly 1 freezing frrreezing 1 shouts shoutoutss 1 whistling whistlin 1 quintessential quintessentiall 1 sick siickk 1 walking walking2 1 fries friesss 1 proof prooof 1 sullivan sullivans 1 politician politici 1 night nighhttt 1 politics politica 1 camp campo 1 velcro velcrow 0 moron mormont 1 treat treaaat 1 loves lovves 1 foot 6foot 0 mail imail 1 insiders insidershq 1 demoralizing demoralising 0 kisses besos 1 love lovvee 0 athlete mathlete 1 rollers rollersss 1 champ champpp 1 sip siiippp 1 write wirte 1 within wthin 1 commissions commisions 0 lab ilab 0 letting ketting 0 boyfriends exboyfriends 0 christened rechristened 1 researched researchs 0 lay ilay 0 bed bedz 1 researchers researche 1 screamed scremed 1 stop stooopp 1 roll roooll 1 sorry srry 1 sportsman sportsmail 1 teller teler 1 probably probbably 1 anyone anyne 1 entire enitre 1 sake saaake 1 craving craaaving 1 backpack backback 1 horrible horrivel 1 lucky luckkkyyy 1 thing tihng 1 frankfurt frankenfruit 1 think tihnk 1 says saays 0 throat throated 1 remember remembeer 1 sealed seald 1 say saayy 1 released realesed 0 revolver prevolver 1 follows follos 1 showcase showkase 1 take taaake 1 tons tonsss 1 coffee cooofffeee 1 congratulations congratulatons 1 feelings fellings 1 account acoount 1 would woould 0 gossip gossipin 1 christmas christmans 0 eagles gaels 0 averaging avging 1 follow follooowww 0 ha whahaa 0 xmas xxxmas 1 bubble bubbley 1 solely soley 1 suppose supppose 1 recently resently 0 preparing preping 1 eric ericcc 0 invasion indiavision 1 adorable adorableee 1 london londan 1 decision decission 0 completely competely 0 visualizing virtualizing 1 water wter 1 insane insaine 1 rush rushhh 0 vibe vibez 1 the teh 1 true truuuee 0 hitting hittn 0 hitting hitti 0 direct direc 1 hit hittt 1 hits hitts 1 please pleeeaaaseee 1 radio radioio 1 hanging hanginggg 1 cunningham cunninghams 0 have dhave 1 awesome awwweeesssooomm 1 direction directionn 1 smoking smooking 1 absurdity absurdist 1 mcclellan mcclelland 0 suppress surpress 1 observe observ 1 spanking spankin 0 behind behindme 1 alternatives alternativas 0 change ichange 1 christmas chiristmas 1 skinny skninny 0 text textd 1 text texte 0 imitation emitations 1 screening screeni 1 jerome jerome79 0 fucked fucced 0 goo gggooo 1 text textt 0 customs kustoms 1 screen screeny 1 text texty 0 streets skreets 0 nasty ansty 1 eh eeehh 1 park paaark 1 coverage coverag 1 part paaart 1 photography photograhy 1 heaps heeeaps 1 blues bluesss 1 trying tryng 0 expecting xpecting 1 yahoo yaho 1 obsession obessions 1 romantic romantical 1 birmingham birminham 1 people peoplewho 0 brush bumrush 0 internet innernet 1 without withouut 1 fun fuunnn 1 valuable valuabl 0 hydrotherapy hypnotherapy 0 occasion occasio 1 funny fuunny 1 warehouse wearhouse 1 always alwasys 1 encounter encounte 1 believers bielebers 0 artist arist 1 chicago chicagoo 1 competition competion 1 frightening frightenin 1 sexy sexyyy 0 squeeze squeezin 1 aggravated agravated 1 impossible impossiable 1 simple simplegeo 1 scratched scratchers 1 really reallyyy 1 atlanta atlana 1 remember rememberin 1 describing discribing 0 fucking fuckling 0 cracking wracking 1 conversation converstion 1 bucks 20bucks 1 awesome awwesome 1 smoking somking 1 refreshing refreshin 1 absconded absconder 1 receivers recievers 1 talks talkss 1 addiction adiction 1 forward forwarddd 1 bored boreedd 1 until unitl 1 fest festi 0 promotion ergomotion 1 cause caus 0 undeserved underserved 0 seeing cing 0 baby barby 1 random randommm 1 faced 2faced 0 feminine feminized 0 pierced repierced 1 oregon oregons 1 differentiation differentiator 1 down dowwn 1 damn dammnn 1 australian australien 1 slow sloow 1 ruined runied 1 hugs huges 1 worry wrry 0 listening lisning 1 gonna goinna 0 alright alrite 1 island islan 0 worthiness airworthiness 0 pioneer ponerse 0 rose drose 1 accelerate accelera 1 sure suuree 1 fulfillment fullfillment 1 lean leannn 1 football foootballl 0 jobs jobsdb 1 behavior bhavior 1 pancakes pancakess 1 senate senat 1 partying partyin 1 gotta gotah 1 patrick patrickkk 1 asbestos asbestosis 0 framed unframed 1 freestyle fleestyle 1 gotta gotaa 0 sorry orry 0 exchange xchange 0 biggest bigget 1 inches 12inches 1 stupid stupiiiddd 0 biggest bigges 1 playful playfull 0 later l8ta 1 athletic athletico 1 athletic athletica 1 young yng 0 politicians politians 1 nephew nepheww 1 continent cantonment 1 schools schoools 1 days 3dayss 0 bless blessrt 1 without withowt 1 later l8tr 1 surely shurely 0 dialing dialin 1 listen listeeen 1 woman womaaan 1 black blaack 1 saying syaing 0 penis penor 1 everything everthng 1 healthy healty 1 mexico mexicoo 1 cuddly cudddle 1 coming cominng 1 awkward awakward 0 mexico mexicos 1 turn turnn 1 songs sooongs 1 fireworks firworks 1 snoop snooop 1 snow snooow 1 pillow pilllowww 1 adams adamski 1 generation generati 1 overflowing overflowin 1 sense senseee 1 dare dareee 1 fair fiar 1 nervous nervousss 1 shoot shhot 1 highway highwa 1 seconds 1second 0 perhaps perhap 0 moustache moustachioed 0 weeping weepin 1 throw throww 1 trapped traped 1 sorry soorrry 1 still stiilll 0 oyster yster 1 commercial commercia 0 famous famou 1 arizona arizonia 1 famous famos 1 camp campe 0 sexiest smexiest 1 wait waaaiit 1 postgraduate postgrad 1 steaming steamin 1 hamburger hamburgler 1 girls girlsss 1 million 80million 1 mixed mixxed 1 brooklyn broooklyn 1 busy bzzy 1 tonight tonght 1 swear sware 1 online onlinethe 0 throughout throughou 1 recycling recyclin 0 silent silet 1 daydream daydreamin 0 aurora auroras 1 along alonggg 1 boom boommm 1 pronounce pronunce 0 hanging haning 0 silence silen 1 banging banginn 1 adorable adorabl 0 school schoo 1 school schol 1 via viaa 0 whenever whenev 1 remote remot 1 remove remov 1 punjabi panjabi 0 stupid estupid 1 janet jannet 0 always laways 1 fly flllyyy 0 wellington skellington 1 menopause menapause 0 diplomatic undiplomatic 1 party parttyy 0 got igot 1 atmosphere atmospher 1 tried tride 1 rug rugg 1 hours 72hours 1 sportiest sportsfest 0 sackcloth jakcloth 1 home hoome 0 goo igoo 1 comparison compariso 1 athlete athelete 1 money mney 1 pony poney 0 article smarticle 1 security securitys 1 concert conocerte 0 radio pdradio 0 should ishould 0 added adden 1 snapped snaped 1 warning warningg 0 accomplished unaccomplished 1 independent indpendent 1 wasted wastedd 1 visitor vistor 1 overturning overtraining 1 attending attendin 1 mirror miror 1 effective effectiv 0 gram gramp 0 conversation convosation 1 degrees 50degrees 1 worries worrries 1 much mucchh 0 grammar gramm 0 flavor flavo 1 doorstep doorstop 1 dinosaurs dinosours 0 network networ 1 should shouuld 1 detroit detriot 0 couch coutch 1 unpack unpackin 1 genuine geniune 1 penalty penalti 0 present representou 1 restaurants resturaunts 1 rockets rocketts 0 billy billys 0 boyfriends bfs 0 personality professionality 1 america americathe 1 illinois illinios 0 marina carmina 1 congratulations congratuations 1 stone stone2 1 tomorrow tommorow 1 where wherrre 1 finance financ 1 franklin franklins 1 animal aminal 0 barbershop babershop 0 sealing sealin 1 morning mornong 0 came camed 1 modified modifed 0 wonder iwonderr 1 sustainable sustainably 1 would wouuuld 1 activities activiti 1 actually acctully 1 bacon baccon 0 sam sanam 1 years yearsss 1 please plse 1 desperate desesperate 1 hilarious hilarous 0 fucking mofucking 0 dedicated deicated 0 days daysz 0 wonderland ponderland 0 doing doingrt 1 days dayss 0 publishing epublishing 1 recommend recommen 1 donate 2donate 1 nowhere nowwhere 0 recommend recommed 1 after afterr 0 trailering trailerdig 0 watch watchit 1 walks wlks 1 walked wlkd 1 obstructions obstructionism 1 lunch luncch 0 watching watchig 1 necessary necassary 1 big biiigg 0 exception expection 1 watching watchin 0 december decemer 1 lipstick lipstic 1 korean koren 1 lipstick lipstik 1 kornberg kronenburg 0 christmas chrismass 0 christmas chrismast 1 followed followeeed 0 well ewlll 1 breaking breakin 1 still stiiill 1 arena areana 1 motorcycle motorcycl 0 really rreally 0 adversary zetaversary 1 part part8 1 heading headingg 1 studying studyng 1 letting lettinq 0 forced unforced 1 reason reasonn 0 tomorrow omorrow 1 well whell 1 everything everuthing 1 breakfast breakfa 1 peace pz 1 succeeded succeded 1 supposed suppsoed 0 brick bricc 1 lips lipss 1 page pg 0 fucking fluckin 1 coughing couging 0 lips lipsz 1 there there2 1 strategy strategi 1 sunshine sonshine 0 darling daling 1 transmission transmision 0 gotta igotta 1 confirmed confirmd 1 apocalyptic apocalyptica 1 girl giirrrll 1 procedure proceedure 1 type tpye 1 assure asure 0 conversation coversations 0 ignorance ignance 1 popcorn popcornnn 1 floating floatin 1 out outtt 0 there thered 1 marketing marekting 1 fast fassst 1 trims trimas 0 domestic undomestic 1 there therer 1 guys guyys 1 neuron neurone 1 ignoring ignorin 1 guy guyyy 1 yeah yeeeaahh 0 learn leanr 0 update udpate 1 nothing nuthing 0 gainsborough kingsborough 1 minute miinute 1 series sries 1 danger dangerrr 1 telling tellng 0 chelsea chelseafc 1 instrument instrume 1 bacon baconn 1 awhile awhilee 0 follow ofllow 1 february februa 0 revolution revolucin 1 murdering murderin 1 appreciate apreciat 1 xmas xmass 0 perseverance perserverance 1 bouncy bouncey 1 printable printables 1 jokes jookes 1 from fromme 1 from frommm 0 never nevered 1 dressed dresed 1 losers looosers 0 freeze feeze 1 from frommy 1 lot looottt 1 hampton hamptonian 1 banana bahana 1 tagged taggd 0 tagged tagge 0 halloween halloweenish 0 satellite safelite 0 northwest northwe 1 christmas christmaas 1 expiration expirations 1 wondering wondern 1 cliffs cliffside 0 loving lovin 1 okay okkkayy 1 minute 5minute 1 places placess 1 boyfriend boyfrind 1 sapphire saphire 0 maria marlia 1 ha hahha 1 semester semestr 1 years 20years 1 minute miniute 0 store instore 1 word worrdd 1 coming cooming 0 dresses dreadsss 1 last laast 1 wonderful wonderf 1 fucking fuckinn 1 yeah yeeaaahh 0 eddington coddington 1 loud loudd 1 bubble buble 1 babies babiesss 1 surprise surpris 0 loud louds 0 twist twiits 1 ever eeever 0 detestation tradestation 1 media medi 1 please pleeeasee 1 even eeeven 0 laptop lappy 1 book bokk 1 replay replayyy 1 jump jumpp 1 round rooound 1 witness wittness 1 house houssee 1 providing providin 1 jumped jumpd 1 bleeding bleedn 1 table tble 1 grace graceee 0 exercise boxercise 1 jewels jewells 1 acquisition acquistion 0 fourth fouth 0 extremely xtremly 1 independence independencia 0 gave gaves 0 regret reget 1 statement statment 1 mustache mustached 0 gave gaved 1 gave gavee 1 love loove 1 climbing climbin 1 jealous jeaaalous 0 hubby hubbys 1 cute cutee 1 please plleeeaaassseee 0 fuck fucxk 1 atlanta atlantan 1 canada canad 1 styling stylin 0 length lengh 1 length lengt 1 son sonnn 1 zeppelin zepplin 1 shooting shotting 0 thank thatnk 1 lamers l4m3rz 0 dylan dylans 1 loads loadss 1 finished finisheddd 1 loads loadsa 1 rated ratedd 1 asian asain 1 second 7seconds 1 daughter doughter 1 fantastic fantasticcc 1 crushed crushd 1 chef cheffy 1 strengthen strengtheneth 1 atlanta atlantaa 1 dazzling dazzlingly 1 predictions predications 1 privilege priviledge 1 ice iceee 1 person perosn 1 benefit benfit 0 notification quantification 1 explanation explination 0 but bbut 0 thankful unthankful 1 basement basment 1 everything evrythn 1 interview intervieuw 1 everything evrythg 1 potter potter7 1 calligraphy calligraphic 1 wants wannts 1 sorry sooorrry 1 embarrassing embarrsing 0 integration reintegration 0 probably pobably 1 verified verifed 1 wish wissshhh 1 develop develope 1 drank dranked 1 saturday saturady 1 developing developi 0 car ccard 1 sexy sexii 1 develop developm 1 chris chirs 1 transsexual transexuals 0 session esiason 1 torture tortureee 1 geek geeek 0 negro kneegrow 1 updates 4updates 1 potter potterr 0 great gr8 1 pioneer pioner 1 suffered sufferd 0 suffered suffere 1 debut debute 1 get geeet 1 cranberries cranberrys 1 jimmy jimy 1 awesome awsomee 0 jim jims 1 jim jimm 1 tumors tumours 0 procrastinator procastinator 1 sweetheart sweatheart 0 whatever whaever 1 barcelona barcelo 1 hate haaateee 0 could ckould 0 market martket 1 treatment treatmnt 1 help hellppp 0 records irecord 0 nevermind nvrm 1 resilient resiliant 1 open ooopen 1 assume asume 0 nichols mcnichols 1 drinking drinkinq 1 outdoors outdoorsy 0 grind gind 1 drinking drinkinn 0 even eeen 1 flashlight fleshlights 1 environmentally enviromentally 1 aye aayyyeee 1 banged bangeddd 1 incredible increiblee 0 finished ifinished 1 sleeve sleave 0 finish inish 1 nowadays nowdays 0 ugly hugly 0 remembered membered 1 molding moulding 1 florist floristry 1 desire disire 0 immortal inmortal 1 nasty nastyyy 1 wont wont't 1 million 2million 1 totally totallly 1 injuries injurie 1 verified verfied 0 listing lising 1 liked like'd 0 stylistic msstylistik 1 thoughts thoghts 1 everybody everybdy 1 services servies 1 service serviceee 0 sexy sexc 1 sexy sexe 1 sexy sexi 0 worlds myworlds 1 past pastt 1 please pleeeassee 0 sex sexs 1 real reeaalll 1 sex sexx 0 ability abili 1 pushing pushinq 1 month 5month 1 depressing depresing 0 talking takling 1 everything evrithing 1 boys boyys 1 save 2save 1 neck neckkk 1 cute caute 0 hacking haxoring 1 newbie newbe 1 letter lettter 1 eagles eagless 1 ready redy 1 profitable profitabl 1 integration integrations 1 worries worriesss 0 ventricular lenticular 1 this thiiis 1 horrible horrrible 1 red redd 1 platform platfor 1 laundry laundryyy 0 sleep sleeprt 1 chili cili 1 chill cill 1 okay ookay 1 blending blendin 0 passed ipassed 1 for fer 1 inner iner 1 confused confussed 1 comments comentam 0 internet inet 1 changing chnging 1 columbia columba 0 starter starmeter 1 want whant 1 sorry sorr 1 columbia columbi 1 sorry sory 1 january janaury 1 productive productivee 1 answers anwsers 1 ash ashh 1 impressed impresd 0 blast iblast 1 canada canadaaa 0 alert nyalert 1 maryland marylands 1 terrorist terroristic 1 should shuold 1 nowhere nowere 0 immune immuned 1 somethings somethins 1 something somethinq 1 expanding expandin 1 seriously siriously 1 pictures pictuers 1 asshole asshle 1 appreciate appericiate 1 something somethinf 1 something somethink 1 something somethinh 1 something somethinn 1 furniture furnit 1 summer summerr 1 tennessee tennesseee 0 follow dfollow 0 its itsx 1 damn daaammmn 1 its itss 0 imagined imagekind 1 spain sapin 1 important importan 0 gallery galle 0 its itsd 1 information informations 1 gal galll 1 camouflage camoflauge 1 its itsa 1 sadness sadeness 1 thighs thighsss 1 unforgivable unforgivably 1 multiple multipl 1 opera oprea 1 half halfa 1 forget froget 1 like liiike 1 strap strapp 1 happiness hipness 1 activity activty 1 america americ 1 martin martinn 0 america ameria 1 living livingtv 0 looking lookg 1 looked lookd 1 look looke 1 dem demmm 1 look looka 0 looking lookn 1 charity chairity 1 look lookk 0 looking looki 0 installation reinstallation 1 newest newwest 0 look lookt 1 unfortunately unfortunatel 1 homework homeworrrk 1 look looky 1 pass 2pass 1 nostalgia nostalgie 0 saying sayiin 1 humility humilty 1 shit shiittt 0 offending reoffending 0 screen amscreen 1 materializes materialitems 1 thought thouhgt 1 bitch biatchh 1 making makingg 1 fuckers feckers 1 awaiting awating 1 unpredictable unpredictably 1 great greeeaattt 1 terminology termanology 1 anybody anyb0dy 1 boring broing 1 more 6more 1 videos 2videos 0 mesmerizing memorising 1 crappy crapppy 0 yet yetrt 0 backpack trackpack 0 adding readding 1 freaking fraking 1 learn leran 1 studio studioo 0 studio studion 1 perform performe 1 performed performd 0 should shouldbe 1 shots 4shots 1 performing performn 1 promise promiise 0 coughing coughn 1 pigeon piegon 1 bunny bunnny 1 like lkike 1 explain explian 1 standardization standardisation 1 super suuuppper 0 obsessed robsessed 1 internal internatl 1 misunderstood missunderstood 1 hello heellloo 0 health heatlh 0 going imgoing 0 hun hunnz 1 very verrryyy 1 elements element14 1 someday somday 0 hun hunns 0 question quetion 1 metal metalll 0 spending spening 1 hun hunnn 0 following nowfollowing 0 mentally metally 0 myself mysefl 1 dramatic dramtic 1 deserving deservin 1 rose roseee 1 monday moonday 1 slide sliiide 1 watch whatch 0 right righ 1 someone sommeone 1 eliminate elimina 1 controller controlle 1 home hoomeee 0 waiting w8ing 1 cousin couusin 1 right rigt 0 kelly kellys 1 slide slidee 1 kelly kellyy 1 regarding regardi 1 kelly kellye 0 smoke ssmoke 1 academic academi 1 cousin couisn 1 birthday birthaday 0 boring borinn 1 um uuhmm 1 invincible invincibles 1 pairs 2pairs 1 over oveeerrr 1 hearing hearingg 1 someone someoone 0 dynamic dynami 1 wondering wondrin 0 lagging slaggin 1 years 14years 1 mohammedan mohammedamine 0 expectations xpectations 0 elected unelected 1 how howww 1 percent 40percent 1 while whille 1 interesting intresting 0 europe europes 1 jessica jesca 1 europe europee 0 european europea 1 alike alikee 0 throw ithrow 0 proud roud 1 european europen 1 district distrito 1 thirsty thirstayyy 1 hilarious hilariouss 1 comes comess 0 decisions descisions 1 volleyball voleyball 0 the rthe 0 close iclose 1 project prject 1 hilarious hilariouse 1 famous famousss 1 hungry hungrry 1 raining rainning 1 fault fualt 1 campus campuss 1 blacklist blocklist 0 looked lookes 0 bookstores ibookstore 1 very veyr 1 francisco franciso 1 countries countires 0 sweet sosweet 1 human humain 1 francisco francisc 1 what wwhat 1 democratic democrate 1 planning planninq 1 grenades granades 1 calling callingg 1 democratic democrati 1 grabbing grabin 1 questions qustions 1 check chekc 1 ok oookkk 1 o'clock 8o'clock 1 candy caaandy 0 tomorrow 2morrow 0 jerseys jerseyans 0 exactly exsactly 1 tease teese 1 motherfucker mtrfkr 1 mug mugg 1 films filmes 1 test teest 1 ladies ladieees 1 vacuum vacume 1 discount discoun 1 here heere 1 started staarted 0 taste tatse 1 vacuum vacumm 0 discount discout 1 bandwidth bandwith 0 apologists audiologists 1 balloon ballooon 0 please pleasr 0 cutie qt 1 beethoven beethovens 1 communities communites 1 batman batuman 0 somebody somedody 1 categories categorised 1 osteopathy osteopathic 1 peacefully peacfully 0 cool ql 1 employment employmen 0 abstract theabstract 1 unknown unkn 1 friends freinds 1 expense expen 1 weird wierdd 1 expect expec 1 connected concieted 1 handsome handsomeee 1 hyperventilate hyperventalatin 1 expert exper 1 because becaus 1 wish wisssh 0 soaring soarin 0 into itno 0 approach approa 1 break breaak 1 ha hahhaaa 1 everywhere evrywhre 1 effect efect 1 british britis 1 junk junkk 0 toys etoys 1 work 4work 1 hobby hoby 1 capabilities capabilites 1 having havingg 1 conversion convertion 1 having havinga 1 yeah yeeaah 0 projects proyects 1 backpacker backbreaker 1 others 5others 1 commander commande 1 committee committe 1 bronze bronz 0 boiling boilin 1 wireless wireles 1 dementia dement 0 making makig 1 make makie 1 disenfranchised disenfranchisem 0 making makin 1 education educati 1 justin justtin 0 hopefully hoefully 1 unchanged unchange 1 shut shuit 1 ghetto ghettoo 1 proves prooves 0 best bbest 1 proving prooving 1 amsterdam amsterdammm 1 proved prooved 0 gay gaygay 1 whistle wistle 1 special speacil 1 proven prooven 0 shrimp shimp 1 sticks stickss 1 revision revison 0 rabbit wabbit 0 listen isten 1 problems problemes 0 homework hmw 1 numbers numberss 1 definitely defiently 0 step istep 1 worry worrryyy 0 avis akvis 1 handful handfulls 1 back baaackkk 1 apologize apologizeee 1 these thiese 0 kicking kikkin 1 great gr8t 0 tagged untagged 1 customized customiz 0 avatar avy 1 america amercia 1 straight staright 0 fulfilling fufilling 1 text texttt 0 milan acmilan 1 dumb dumbbb 0 strasbourg stroudsburg 0 magazine emagazine 0 continue kontinue 1 cute cuuutteee 1 dictionary dictonary 1 blackberry blackberyy 1 listen lsten 1 agreed agreeddd 1 back baackk 1 halloween hallow'een 1 wanting wantin 0 payment paymen 1 earthquake eartquake 1 dem deeem 1 definitely deffinetely 1 suggestion sugestion 1 sacrifices sacrafices 1 environmental environmentalis 0 watching wathin 1 kevin kevinnn 1 healthful healthvault 1 perfect prfect 1 strippers stripers 0 response repsonse 0 thankful thanksful 1 sacrificed sacraficed 0 bench benchin 1 bitches bithches 1 ate ateee 0 releasing rereleasing 1 beer beeerrr 1 chocolate chocolat 1 fighting fightinq 0 stripper skripper 1 chocolate chocolatte 0 specially especiallyy 1 laugh laaugh 0 ugly fuggly 1 thinking thinkkin 1 shall shalll 0 empty emtpy 1 overprotective overprotected 0 deserves derserves 1 tag taag 1 sterling sterlin 1 like likkee 0 reprint preprint 1 tan taan 0 models modellers 1 thing thhing 0 nick nickj 1 mas maaasss 0 nikki nicki 1 nick nicko 0 steadfastness stateofnautness 1 probably probbaly 1 left leeeft 1 accordion acordion 0 nickel nicke 1 poison poision 1 movies movieess 1 world woorld 0 listening litsening 1 need nedd 1 shots shooots 1 seconds secounds 1 orgasms orgasims 1 controlling controling 1 homophobic homophobics 1 shepherd shephard 1 smashing smashin 1 skins skinss 0 dragon gdragon 1 exactly excactly 1 lose losee 1 school schooolll 1 dunno duuno 1 everyone eeveryone 1 committing commitin 1 check cheack 0 ah laahhh 0 wired wireds 1 arrested aressted 0 trouble troub 0 nonsense nosense 1 mine minee 1 learn 2learn 1 retarded retartd 1 load laod 1 skipping skipin 1 schoolwork schoolworks 1 starving starvin 1 shocked schocked 1 partying partyingg 1 analyzed analysed 1 then theennn 1 analysis analyses 1 urgent urgen 1 takeover takover 0 church upchurch 1 baby babbbyy 1 radio raidio 1 tickets ticktes 1 discussed discusse 1 curry currry 1 sadly saddly 1 followers followersku 0 creations kreations 1 hit hiiit 1 length lenght 0 makeout m.o 1 automatic automat 0 handler sandler 0 sounds soudns 0 negative negati 1 mike mikey 1 desirable desireable 1 anxiety anxiet 1 him hiiim 0 yekaterinburg jekaterinburg 1 this thisa 1 aggressive agresive 0 this thisd 0 happy appy 1 this thisi 1 this thish 0 certification desertification 0 appointment appt 1 himself himsel 1 this thiss 1 apple appl 1 program progra 1 hard harddd 0 himself himsef 1 watch wwatch 1 complete compleate 1 bitches bitchez 0 decision decisio 1 intensely intensly 1 asked askeed 1 mathematics matematica 1 mathematics matematico 1 superman superwoman 1 become 2become 0 pamela palmela 1 com cooom 1 cool coool 1 status staus 1 cook coook 0 trouble troube 1 injury injur 1 silicon sillicon 1 accessory accessorie 1 trouble troubl 1 this this1 1 praying parying 1 married maried 1 cow cooow 1 creeping creeeping 1 sleepy sleppy 0 spectrum inspectrum 1 multiple multip 0 phone iphone 1 album albuuum 1 quit 2quit 0 seattle seattlepi 1 fucking fucknig 0 dunno dunkno 1 tomorrow tomor 1 understand understant 1 brainstorming brainstormin 1 fast faaassst 1 constructions construccion 1 correct corrrect 1 download downlaod 1 experience expereince 0 believe beieve 1 persistent persistant 0 great gggreat 1 scandalous scandelous 0 bastard barstard 1 best beeessst 1 perform preform 1 bitches bitcheeesss 1 much muuccchhh 1 dude duudee 0 october ottobre 1 ha hhhaaa 1 reliable reliabl 0 premium supremium 1 amazing amazimg 0 potatoes tatoes 1 quiet queit 1 blast balst 0 collection coleccion 0 beatles thebeatles 0 raging bragin 1 bigger biger 0 paused unpaused 0 german angerman 0 found foun 1 advice advices 1 cheese chesee 0 citizens twitizens 1 choreography coreography 1 raining raininq 1 talked tlked 1 sure shure 0 video videoen 0 nicer ngincer 1 videos videoes 0 mccormick mccririck 0 great grea 0 calling callin 1 straight stright 1 definitely defintly 1 matter mtter 1 screaming screamingg 1 cracking crackin 1 ocean oceana 1 weird werid 0 usually iusually 1 pencils penclis 1 incredible increble 0 technically techinally 1 comment commenter 1 knowledge knwledge 1 fantastic fantastisk 0 dare idare 1 dude duuuddeee 0 subs usbs 1 manchester manchesterrr 1 special specialll 1 shut 2shut 0 follow youfollow 0 fuck fux 1 weak weeeaaakkk 1 fuck feck 1 secs 3secs 1 boot b00t 1 really rweally 0 history kisstory 1 galactic galactics 1 very veerrry 1 bills bils 0 doing dooin 1 probably probubly 0 want wantrt 0 ate ated 1 ate atee 0 asleep aleep 1 possessions possesions 1 could culd 0 eaten aten 1 ate ateh 1 please plleeease 1 calm calmmm 0 after ater 0 expecting unexpecting 1 depressing depresssing 1 added addded 1 sure suuure 0 concerned conceided 1 give giiive 1 fin fiiin 1 atlantic atlantica 0 ok k 1 yesterdays yesteryears 1 marriage marrige 1 snoring snorin 1 billy bily 1 someone smone 0 pulling pullin 1 move moveee 1 specifically specificall 0 chipmunk chimpmunks 1 criticize criticise 0 large xlarge 1 instruments instrumen 1 cheering chearing 1 remember remamber 1 sister sistter 1 interrupts interupts 1 annoying annoyingg 1 fetish fettish 0 commemorate comemorar 0 magnetization monetization 1 laughter laughters 1 laughter laughterr 0 board eboard 1 interesting intrsting 1 science sciencenow 1 comparison comparrison 0 nothing notin 1 sorting sortin 1 females femalez 1 notice notic 1 female femalee 1 slapped slaped 1 recommend recommand 1 without wiithout 0 pursuit pursui 1 olivia oliviaaa 1 something somethn 1 crack craaack 1 especially espcially 0 cardboard carboard 0 brewing brewin 1 till tiill 1 hanging hangingout 1 grew greww 1 sincerely sincerley 1 breathing breating 1 obviously obviusly 1 building buliding 1 condition conditi 1 type type1 1 year 8year 0 featuring featuri 0 going oging 1 interrupting interupting 1 understand undrstnd 0 feeling feeelin 0 following folllowin 1 electronic electonic 1 topic topiccc 1 amazing amazzinggg 1 earlier earlierrr 1 preceded preceeded 1 grandma grandad 1 type typee 1 type typea 0 travels atraves 0 resistant hesistant 1 hurricane hurricaine 1 proud prouud 1 advertise advertsie 1 infinite infinte 1 continuous continuos 1 around aroundd 1 fight figt 1 hard haaard 1 classes 2classes 0 sweetheart tweethearts 0 sweetheart tweetheartz 1 around arounds 1 west weast 1 pounds 3pounds 1 likes lkes 0 jordan jorda 1 yesterday yestersay 1 journey jurney 1 rather rahter 1 um uuummm 1 smoke smoooke 0 with witrh 1 nearly nearlly 1 charleston charlston 1 fight fght 1 incredible increible 1 easiest easiet 1 goodbye goodbey 1 all allla 1 weather wheater 1 sigh siigh 0 school schoold 0 school schoolz 1 school schooly 1 termination tramontina 1 colorless colourless 1 weekend weekened 0 jasmine yasmine 1 financial finacial 0 clumsy clumpsy 1 best beest 1 struggling strugling 1 song sooong 0 seriously iseriously 1 presence pressence 1 looks lookks 0 website websi 1 americans americanas 0 commission commiss 1 much 2much 0 roleplay rp 1 gravity gravityyy 1 ceremony ceromony 1 downtime downtimes 0 prospects iprospect 1 recognizing recognising 1 tricks trickss 0 reply re 0 elite l33t 1 stuck stuuck 1 room rm 1 tricky tricksy 0 all jall 1 like liiikkkeee 1 look lookkk 1 unexpectedly unexpectable 1 respect rspct 1 recommendations recomendaciones 0 lesbian lesbo 1 allergy allerg 1 speeding speedn 1 shirts shirtsss 0 earlier earier 0 announced annoucned 1 gorgeous georgous 1 interrupted interruptin 0 rate r8 0 locksmith rocksmith 0 billing liebling 0 elite l337 1 alert allert 0 hosted cohosted 0 difficult difficu 1 diabetes diabetis 1 confused confus 0 wintergreen westergren 1 trick triick 1 doing diong 1 celebrations celebrators 1 nicole niccole 1 channel channell 1 splits spilts 0 dion dions 1 concentration concentratin 1 thou thouuu 1 weak weakkk 1 mix mixxx 1 recreation recreationally 0 really rrreally 1 want waaanttt 1 presentation presentatio 1 girl girlll 1 strawberries strawberrys 0 heard iheardd 1 presentation presentatie 1 were werre 0 cologne colone 1 network netwerk 1 channel channel5 1 channel channel4 1 match matchhh 1 channel channel9 1 hallelujah halelujah 0 surprisingly surpisingly 1 girl girlly 1 commercials commericals 1 persuade pursuade 0 trend tren 0 treat trea 1 easy easyy 1 deserves desreves 1 pin piin 0 during durin 1 construction constructio 1 shows showes 1 visit visist 1 true treu 1 threw trew 0 miller millen 1 independent indepedent 1 filmmaker filemaker 0 ticket ticcet 1 yourself yourslef 0 shit hoshit 1 homecoming homecominggg 1 dilemma dillema 1 followers followeeers 1 alkaline alkalize 1 vending vendin 1 door doori 1 laugh lauuugh 1 cam cam4 1 long loonggg 0 chilling chllin 1 door doorr 1 huntington huntingtown 0 travelling travlin 1 miracle mircle 0 well wellz 1 retarded reatarded 1 mistaken mistakened 0 well wellp 1 well welll 0 hot hotrt 1 together togetherrr 0 gotta gottago 1 tripping tripppin 0 austin austi 1 pressure preassure 0 early arly 1 messenger msngr 1 regret regreted 1 grateful greatfull 1 guilty guility 1 going gooing 1 gave 4gave 1 cam camm 1 dumb dummb 1 endless endles 1 autobiography autobiographica 1 sigh sigghhh 1 office officeee 0 assholes massholes 0 everyday erday 1 definitely definatelty 1 breakfast breakfasttt 0 managed unmanaged 1 shout shotout 1 crazy craazzzyyy 1 playstation playstation2 1 playstation playstation3 1 rapper rappper 1 annoying anooying 1 incredible incrediblee 0 sounds souds 1 away awaayy 1 aye ayyye 1 incredibly incredibley 1 taking tking 1 incredible incredibles 1 tradition traditio 1 champagne champaign 1 communication comunication 1 dreams dreamies 0 save saveme 0 poker pocker 1 contribute contributer 1 shaking shakingg 1 initials intials 1 mission mision 1 joseph jospeh 1 panorama panarama 1 prepared prepaired 1 israel isreal 0 slowing slowin 1 pad padd 0 petty pettys 1 generalization generalisation 1 living livng 1 decent desent 1 often offten 0 windows windowless 1 security securit 0 inappropriate unappropriate 0 figure figue 1 identity idenity 0 ring ringt 0 hitting hitttin 0 frame aframe 1 ringing ringn 1 figure figur 1 yourself yourselfff 0 republicans lawrepublicans 0 book fbook 0 yogurt yoguru 1 abusing abusin 1 ring ringa 1 boundary boundry 1 fin fiin 0 tagging untagging 1 analogy anology 1 school skwl 1 sarah srah 0 proud pround 1 told toled 1 benchmark benchmarked 0 building buiding 1 fix fiix 1 scarlet scarlette 1 obviously obviouslyy 1 dance 2dance 1 spoke spke 1 probably probebly 0 family familyguy 0 ocean ocea 1 concentrated concentrat 1 countries countri 0 reliability replayability 0 swallowing swallowin 0 studio estudio 1 was waaas 1 war waaar 1 freaky freakkky 0 scotland slotland 1 aye ayeee 1 improvement improvment 1 way waaay 1 cadillac cadilac 1 respond respnd 1 her herr 1 bleeding bleedinggg 1 fucks fucksz 1 understand undrestand 1 very veerrryyy 1 tried triedd 0 anyway anywyas 1 beta beta3 1 beta beta2 1 beta beta1 1 squeezed sqeezed 1 crackers crackered 1 excited excitedd 1 recommend recomend 1 wife wifeee 1 mclean mclellan 0 dot dotc 1 suicidal sucidal 1 blurred blured 1 yeah yeha 1 only onyl 0 sugar suar 1 wife wifeey 1 mission misson 1 lazy lazzzy 1 everyone eberyone 1 language languege 1 overweight overweigh 1 tried tried2 1 killed kild 1 hospital hospitalll 1 forgiveness forgivness 0 tint tintin 1 via viia 0 tomorrow 2morrrow 1 controller controler 1 destroy destory 1 boring borring 0 so sssooo 0 storm destorm 0 ultimate ulimate 1 congratulations congratulatios 0 dan udan 0 goldsmith golfsmith 0 miss iimiss 0 hollywood bollywoods 1 shuffle shuffel 0 gotta igota 0 similar simil 0 seen seened 1 scooter scotter 1 constitutional constitutionali 1 costume costum 1 electric electri 0 video xvideos 1 understand understandrt 1 keeper keeeper 1 first fiirst 1 accounts acounts 1 fucked fcuked 1 guardian guardianthe 0 alright aightz 1 rain raaain 1 booty bootyyy 0 sydney syndey 1 great graet 1 following folling 1 fucker fcuker 1 ridiculous ridiculus 1 remembered rememebered 0 creative kreative 1 troublesome troublesum 1 movie mooviee 1 fucking fuckinggg 1 ingredients ingridients 1 english englsh 1 mystical mystikal 1 football foootball 1 slept sleept 0 always akways 1 sleep sleepp 0 sleep sleepz 1 definitely deffinitly 1 hating hatingg 0 can ucan 0 nickname nicname 0 kinship skinship 1 sleep sleepo 1 sleeping sleepn 1 sleep sleepi 0 sleep sleepk 1 union unio 1 million 40million 1 dare daaare 1 banner bnr 0 la lalaaa 1 suggestions suggesties 0 thumb thumbin 0 experts xperts 1 shopping shpping 1 genius geniusss 1 nothing noothing 0 think thinkrt 1 sanity sanit 1 structures structurals 1 equipment equipmen 1 ha hhahaha 0 camels cameltoes 1 wish wihs 1 with wiht 1 does doees 0 squirt quirt 1 anywhere anywere 1 sunday sunnyday 0 special specia 0 both bothrt 0 watching rewatching 0 followers unfollowers 1 special specil 1 temptation tempation 1 vegetable vegtable 1 cents 75cents 1 welcome wlcm 0 back bback 1 conscientious conscientiousne 1 parker parkerrr 1 engagement engagemen 1 adam adammo 1 cash cashhh 1 moms mommys 1 tongue tonge 0 variety varietys 1 sucks suckkks 1 sides 2sides 1 everyone everyyone 0 going goping 1 astrology astrologybee 1 elephants elephantitis 1 leave leeave 1 explained explainer 0 discipline disipline 0 blackberry backberry 1 sided 2sided 0 today todayrt 1 diarrhea diarreah 1 spermicide spermicidal 1 elements elementals 0 frozen unfrozen 1 middle midddle 1 superstars supercars 1 shake shakee 1 right rihgt 1 unhealthy unhealthily 0 surgeon sucrogen 0 stereo estereo 0 she sshe 1 publicly publicaly 1 exchange exchan 1 filipino filipina 1 bed beeeddd 1 george geroge 0 attracted attacted 1 yeah yeahya 1 magazine magazinee 1 porn pooorn 1 charity chairty 1 mean meaaannn 1 like likkkeee 1 so soo 1 discount discount20 1 luggage lugage 1 night nighttt 1 rest resst 0 satellite satell 1 volume volumeee 1 nerve nerveee 0 sorry soz 0 jamming jammmin 1 facilitate facilita 1 wait waitt 1 explain expalin 0 lincoln millencolin 1 legal leagal 1 lighting lightin 1 waited waitd 1 grandma grandama 0 waiting waitg 1 wait waita 0 causing causin 0 waiting waitn 1 proud prouuud 1 wait waith 0 waiting waiti 1 miscarriage miscarrage 1 journey journe 0 journal journa 1 every 4every 1 adorable adorible 1 journey journy 0 bitch beech 1 awards awrds 1 wait wait4 1 wait wait2 1 mind miiind 1 mine miiine 1 demonstrate demonstra 1 beautiful beaaautiful 1 bitch beyatch 0 hair ahir 1 listening listenening 0 free afree 1 hart hahaart 1 nov nov2 1 excited excied 1 sweet saweet 0 extremely xtremely 0 holland hollan 1 country cuntry 1 hurry hury 1 drops dropss 1 confirm confrim 0 elite leet 1 trick triiick 0 sleep leep 1 nice niiiccceee 0 although athough 1 treating treatinggg 1 aye aaayyeee 1 presents presenteeism 1 being bieng 1 exaggerated exagerate 1 tired tireeddd 1 hollywood hollywoood 1 teeth teath 1 idiot idiooot 1 asymmetric asymetrical 1 model modell 0 cookbooks comicbooks 1 friend frieend 1 kidding kiddng 1 luxury 18luxury 1 downloads downloaders 0 elite lee7 1 vegetarian vegitarian 0 anything nything 1 mouth mouuth 0 cumberland slumberland 1 yesterday yesterdy 1 week weeekkk 1 saw saaw 1 please plwease 1 yesterday yesterda 1 baby babyyy 1 donate dontate 0 super ub3r 0 whether wheth 0 boring borrin 1 trapping trappn 0 tits tlists 1 hangover hangoverr 0 trapped trappe 1 trapped trappd 1 trap trappa 1 asymptotic asymptomatic 1 surprise surprisee 1 wait waaaitt 0 looking looling 1 trap trappp 1 decide decid 0 inmates minimates 0 sick sosick 1 cocaine coccaine 1 bring bringg 0 following followig 0 poor poorq 0 following followin 1 poor poorr 0 patrol tvpatrol 0 yesterday yeserday 1 gone gooonnneee 1 world worrld 1 hangover hangover2 0 put iput 1 initiatives initiativ 1 strength streng 1 acoustic accoustic 0 telling telliin 1 leaves leavs 0 cholera choleras 1 wagnerian wagnerlaan 1 loaded loade 1 load loadd 1 fingerprint fingerpaint 1 profession professio 1 correcting correctin 0 raped fraped 1 correction correctie 0 leaving leavi 1 wasting wastin 1 cry cryyy 0 night ninight 1 reminding remindin 1 thieves theives 1 strength strenghth 1 sorry soorry 1 strengths strenghts 1 entrepreneur entrepreneu 1 deprivation deprevation 1 trash trashhh 0 firearm firealarm 1 minute 10minute 1 penalty penalt 1 invisible invicible 0 before efore 1 friends frieends 1 bargain bargin 0 while whilert 1 sister sisther 1 chasing chaseing 1 surveillance surveilance 1 thanksgiving thankgiving 1 numbers numbrs 0 decamp democamp 0 instamatic hipstamatic 1 lang langg 0 followers folower 1 brilliant brillante 1 dance dnce 0 games ebgames 1 language langu 1 system systemwide 0 paraphernalia caraphernelia 1 worldwide worldwid 1 nobody nooobody 1 bitches bitchhes 0 bankers barners 1 eyes eeeyes 0 birthday bitrhday 1 while whiel 1 alright alriiight 1 cruising crusing 1 cant canit 1 dream dreeeam 0 chrome chromeos 1 bills billls 1 black blck 0 northerner northeners 1 billy billly 1 helicopter helicoptor 1 textbooks txtbooks 0 america ameri 1 right riggght 0 hospital hostipal 0 cried icried 1 papa papai 1 definitely defintley 1 papa papaa 1 spaghetti spagheti 0 comfortable comftorable 1 everyone eeeveryone 0 bitch mcbitch 1 pending penting 1 scratch scratcher 1 relationship relationsh 1 min 8min 1 smoking somkin 0 commits recommits 0 charles charest 1 veterans veterns 1 postage postgame 1 roots rooots 1 fantastic fantasticks 1 internship intership 1 remaining remaning 0 eh weehh 1 king kinggg 1 haunting hauntin 1 pretend pretent 0 vanity jpvanity 0 couple acouple 1 screwed screwedd 1 themselves thmselves 1 awesome awesomw 1 cancers cancerians 1 runner 4runner 1 everyday everyda 1 really realllyy 1 favorites favouritest 1 paranormal paranorma 0 scooter scoote 0 mild milds 1 soccer soccerrr 0 whoever whosever 0 mildly mildy 0 playing playiin 0 clara aclarar 1 holidays holidaysss 1 united uniteddd 1 vinegar vinigar 1 shuffle shuffl 1 contradicted contraindicated 0 antelope canteloupe 1 throat thorat 0 sorry sz 1 sex sx 0 screenshot ss 1 pieces 2pieces 0 pittsburgh shittsburgh 0 jewelry bling-bling 1 celebration celebrati 1 approved aproved 1 tomorrow tommorroww 0 tomorrow tommorrows 1 offensive offencive 1 experimental experimenta 1 burglar burgular 0 follow followhim 1 frequently frequentl 1 drunk drunked 1 stroll strole 1 flip flipp 1 flipping flipn 0 about aboutchu 1 classified classifi 1 surprise surpirse 1 flipped flipd 0 avatar avie 1 jason jasson 1 gentleman gentelman 1 torch torc 1 avail avil 0 museum museu 0 asked iasked 0 please ploxxorz 1 logging loging 1 down dooowwwnnn 0 aaron ganaron 0 feeling feellin 0 enjoying enoying 1 fast fassstt 1 hardly hardlyy 1 aha ahaha 1 exit exittt 0 should shoudl 1 arriving ariving 1 hour 2hour 0 annoying naning 1 hand handdd 1 speedometer speedmaster 1 ibuprofen ibuprofin 1 performing preformin 1 gourmet gormet 0 okay mmmkay 1 blah blaahhh 0 everything errythin 1 called clled 1 spontaneous spontaniously 1 slowly slowwwly 0 clanless cless 1 houston houstonnn 0 popping poopin 1 eggs eggss 1 char charrr 1 begins begings 1 everyday everydamn 0 sip sipps 1 breakthrough breakthough 1 square squaree 1 disney disne 1 disney disny 1 interim intermix 1 loser loserr 0 calculating recalculating 1 prostitute prostitutas 1 bumped bumpd 1 peter pieter 0 booking bookin 1 cracking crackinnn 0 crying cying 1 nostalgia nostalgila 0 husband exhusband 1 kids kiddss 1 warehouse wherehouse 0 subs subsc 1 english englissh 0 record recod 1 ungrateful ungreatful 1 weekend wekend 0 available avaiiable 1 dark darkkk 1 washington washingtons 1 arrives arives 0 extremely exremely 1 mesopotamia mesopotamian 0 record recor 0 party artyy 1 hilarious hilareous 1 mad maaaddd 0 miami umiami 0 spicy mcspicy 0 radiologist audiologist 1 flight flght 0 all almal 1 distant distan 0 school inschool 1 get 2get 1 parliament parliame 1 real reaaalll 1 urine urin 1 comedy comedyyy 1 cassette cassete 0 bitch bith 1 franchise franchisor 1 unprofessional unprofessionali 1 bitch bitc 1 bit bita 0 bucket buket 1 status sttus 0 times ibtimes 1 definitely definitly 0 packing spackling 1 finished finised 1 betting beting 1 whats whatss 0 adorable adorkable 1 illusions illusionist 0 covered hoovered 1 smoked smokedd 1 crazy crrazy 1 anti antii 1 urge urgeee 1 jasmine jasminev 1 follow follw 1 favor favorr 0 johnson johnstons 1 tendency tendancy 1 telling teling 1 russian russin 0 favorite favori 1 snack snackk 1 time timmeee 1 asshole azhol 1 list lisst 1 bucks 60bucks 0 johnson johnstone 1 party partayy 0 arlington garlington 0 diabetes diabete 1 alex allex 0 alleged alleg 0 called alled 0 messages messagers 0 comic comiccon 1 chinese chineseee 1 cabinet cabnet 1 attraction attracti 0 shit gshit 1 yeah yeyah 1 mas masss 1 approach aproach 1 moments momentje 0 struggle stuggle 1 backpack back2back 1 birthday burthday 0 amazing mazin 1 instructor instructer 0 anderson handerson 0 massive massi 1 wings wiings 1 alternative alternetive 1 glasses glassesusa 1 blueberry blubbery 0 cant icaant 1 unnecessarily unecessarily 1 lunch lunnch 1 palpitations palpatations 0 driving drivi 1 driving drivn 0 lord lawd 1 beautiful beautuful 1 systematically systemically 1 holiday holiday15 1 holiday holiday10 1 subscribe subscribeee 1 filmmaker filmaker 1 tolerance tollerance 1 translate translat 1 systems systmes 1 brandy brandys 1 brandy brandyn 0 day dday 1 swear sweeear 1 truth trueth 1 unfinished unfinish 0 strongly stongly 1 true truuue 1 straight straigt 1 miserable miserableee 1 active activ 1 punches punchs 1 buying bying 0 action actio 1 punch punchh 1 punched punchd 1 maps mapsa 1 alright alrighhht 1 their theirrr 1 poop p00p 1 freezing freezinn 1 apparently apprently 1 against agnst 0 orgasms eargasms 0 blonde blone 1 city citty 1 blackberry blackber 1 freezing freezinq 1 ghosts ghosties 1 telling tellling 1 something 20something 0 breakfast breaksfast 1 vision vizion 0 play pplay 1 specifically specificly 1 priorities priorites 1 protect protact 0 sucker suker 0 honestly ihonestly 1 listening lstening 0 sucked suked 1 anyways anywayz 1 anyway anywayy 1 grassland glasslands 1 man man1 1 man man2 0 sister siter 1 lonely lonley 1 tiny tinyy 0 yep yepz 1 opinion opnion 1 victimized victimised 0 unthinkable thinkable 0 installed uninstalled 0 what wjhat 1 smooth smoothy 0 tickets tickects 1 scream screem 0 minutes miutes 1 ready ready2 1 spectacular sweepstacular 0 cultivation recultivation 1 inspiration inspriration 0 weeks tweeks 1 mudslinger mudslingerit 0 house ouse 1 professional professonal 0 man mand 1 flooding floodin 0 man manj 0 capacity compacity 1 consider considero 0 panic panick 1 coke cokee 1 forget forgettt 1 between betweeen 0 please perlease 1 forgetting forgettn 1 follow 4follow 1 minimum minimu 1 father fathr 1 description descriptionmy 1 rolling rollings 0 hershey hehehey 0 crappy crampy 1 people 2people 1 seasonal sessional 1 cracking cracklin 1 immigrants immigrat 1 love luff 1 males malesss 1 boarding boardin 1 common commonnn 1 intellectual intelectual 0 dramas kdramas 1 play plaaayyy 0 already lready 1 music 4music 0 experiment xperiment 1 buffalo bufalo 0 international intenational 1 halloween halowe'en 1 flight flighttt 1 architect archite 1 sponsored sponsered 0 do ddooo 0 pragmatic grammatic 1 polo pollo 1 she 1she 1 internet internett 1 pink pinkk 1 apparel apparel1 1 pink pinko 0 control ctrl 1 bullshit bulshit 1 internet internetz 1 quite qutie 0 incredible uncredible 0 town mtown 1 pursue pursu 1 trivial trival 1 vanilla vainilla 1 there theeree 1 sweet swwet 1 news 9news 1 everyday everday 1 embarrassing embarrising 0 referred referre 0 suspect suspe 1 righteous rightous 1 singing singign 1 deserved diserved 0 siblings scribblings 0 caught caugh 0 obsessed tfobsessed 1 caught caugt 1 deserves diserves 0 harder arder 1 external extern 1 journey jorney 1 help heeelppp 1 purple purpleee 0 grow igrow 0 housework coursework 1 begging beggning 0 ci cicii 1 holler holller 1 its iitss 1 talented talanted 1 partner partnerrr 1 months 9months 1 financing financin 0 weddings mcweddings 1 turkey turkeyyy 1 usual ussual 0 implement simplemente 0 alright arright 0 forever foreve 0 sprinkle spinkles 0 braid braidin 1 cavalcade cavalcante 1 height hieght 1 posted postedd 0 spirit esprit 1 hold holddd 1 afternoon afternnoon 1 starving starvinn 1 dump dumpa 1 tickets tickts 1 regime regim 0 region regio 1 points 4points 1 conscience consciente 1 already alredy 1 legalized legalised 1 daughter daugter 1 kenny kenney 0 everybody errebody 1 football fotball 1 stampede stampeders 1 dedicated deddicated 1 went wwent 1 dirty dirttty 0 chocolate chololate 0 nothing nufin 1 shiny shiney 1 after affter 1 five fivee 1 streets streeets 1 constitute constitut 1 memories memoriez 1 revenge revenger 1 favorite favourite 1 such sucha 1 knowledgeable knowledgebase 1 hem heeemmm 1 jamaican jamacan 0 shuffle shuff 1 reindeer raindeers 1 boots bootsss 0 damn damnt 0 everyone everysong 1 dude dudddeee 1 battery batteryyy 0 missed issed 0 thought thoughtchu 1 marching marchin 0 making makign 1 confused confuuused 0 second seond 0 account accou 1 game gammeee 1 face faaaccceee 1 original origina 1 slightly slighty 1 happens hapens 0 shield shiel 1 the t#3 1 survive surviv 1 shit shiet 1 bastard bstrd 0 coming comimg 1 nipples nippples 1 happened hapend 0 mama makam 1 survive survie 1 something sumtin 1 sisters sisterss 1 heights hights 1 succeeded suceeded 1 programmers programers 0 explains xplains 1 deserve deserv 0 haha heh 1 commercials comerciales 1 yours yourrrs 1 wedding weddding 1 pineapple pinneapple 1 thought tought 0 korea nkorea 1 worried worriedd 1 castle castello 1 obvious obviouss 1 asking askiing 0 neurologist numerologist 0 pissed pisse 1 cartilage cartlidge 0 ecosystems geckosystems 1 nights 3nights 1 obvious obviouse 0 constant contant 0 spectacular espectacular 1 obviously obviousl 1 hum hohum 1 church 2church 0 fry fryn 1 are aere 0 engineering imagineering 1 scream screaaammm 0 bangkok bankok 1 spaghetti spaghettini 1 norfolk norfolks 1 shoulder sholder 1 cigarette ciggarette 1 straightened straightend 0 fry frys 1 scandalous scandolous 1 yummy yummmy 1 shoe shoeee 1 themselves themslvs 1 rub rubb 1 evening eveninggg 1 wanna waaanna 1 teachers techers 1 thighs tighs 1 back baacck 1 advertiser advertisedge 1 storage storages 1 somewhere somewhereee 1 terror terro 1 breakfast breakfasst 1 four fourr 0 pockets pokets 0 chester chichester 1 whose whoose 1 forgotten forgetten 1 everybody everyboby 1 businesses buisnesses 1 cracking crackinggg 1 blazing blazin 1 things 7things 1 days daysss 1 movie mooovie 0 mars masr 0 town ctown 1 tempo teeempo 1 smart smrt 1 left lefttt 1 encountered encontreee 0 its oits 1 journalism jurnalis 1 lonely lonelyyy 0 finland baffinland 1 obsessed obsessd 0 sandals mandals 0 suppose surpose 1 raised rasied 0 laughing laughiin 0 plastic platic 0 eminem mnm 1 nice nicce 1 amateurs amatures 1 raises rasies 1 straight straaaight 1 realists realistwest 0 thanks tx 0 television tv 0 distorted undistorted 1 withholding witholding 1 looking loooking 1 volunteer volenteer 0 train tain 1 time tiiimmeee 0 terminated sperminated 1 tomorrow tomorrrow 1 like likkeee 1 interested intereted 0 disrespectful disrepectful 0 joking jokinn 0 neck kneck 0 instrument intrument 0 trigger trigge 1 project projec 0 project projet 0 philadelphia killadelphia 1 return returner 1 commissioner comissioner 0 founders cofounders 0 dodge dodgem 1 apart appart 1 sorry soryy 1 achievement acheivements 1 hard harrd 1 incorporated innncorporated 0 could ccould 1 chinese chinees 1 somewhere sumwhere 1 many manyyy 1 angel angelos 0 salmon samon 1 almost aaalmost 0 yourself yourelf 1 honorable honourable 1 tough toughy 0 morning morming 1 anniversary anniversity 0 hacker xor 1 bitch bittch 0 picture piture 1 successful successfull 1 expandable expandables 1 freelance freelan 1 implacable implantable 1 smiling smillin 0 was wasn 1 transport transportat 1 babe baibee 1 relaxed relaxd 1 ice iiice 1 iceberg icebridge 0 products produts 1 realizing realizin 1 tomorrow tomoro 1 ordered oredered 1 everybody everyboddy 1 tomorrow tomorw 1 talked taalked 1 please pleeeaasse 1 tomorrow tomorr 0 person perso 0 shopping shoopin 1 blockbuster blackbuster 1 restaurant restaruant 0 pulling pulli 0 pulling pulln 1 achieve acheive 1 ghost gost 1 pulled pulld 1 whose whosee 1 movie moviieee 1 penis peanus 1 goes gose 1 whose whoses 0 eating ating 1 run 2run 1 occasion occassion 0 thinks thiks 1 nil 2nil 1 grave gravee 1 quickest quickstep 0 think thikn 1 successfully successfuly 1 comeback comebck 1 became becam 1 guess guesss 0 portal sporthal 0 thriller thrille 1 um umhum 1 track traaack 1 guess guesse 1 guessed guessd 1 old oold 0 guessing guessn 0 think uthink 0 oops whooopss 1 under underr 1 underwear underw 1 guards gaurds 0 watch watcht 1 watches watchs 1 watching watchn 0 watching watchi 1 watch watchh 1 underage underg 0 watched watche 1 watched watchd 0 watching watchg 1 miles 7miles 1 opposition oppositional 1 beating beatinq 1 challenge challeng 0 sera seran 0 science bioscience 0 blended unblended 1 better beetter 0 arlington farrington 0 built buil 0 scrap scap 1 naturalization naturalmotion 1 munchies munchiesss 1 around arooound 1 hollywood hollwood 0 surgeon spurgeon 1 box booox 1 pretty prretty 1 boot booot 1 amazing ahmazinggg 1 bow booow 0 living iving 1 boom booom 1 celebration celebratio 1 celebrated celebratin 1 incident incedent 1 book boook 1 bob booob 1 major majorrr 1 wave wavee 0 greatest qreatest 1 download donload 1 either eithier 1 reference referenc 1 drafting draftin 0 something somethg 1 marketplace marketpl 0 highlight highlite 1 indonesia indonesianya 0 phone iphoneee 1 cheesecake cheeesecake 1 perverted pervertedly 1 refused refusd 0 teams teamers 1 piss piiss 1 louisiana louisana 1 song sonnng 0 artlessness effortlessness 1 street streetwear 0 protect unprotect 1 registered registed 1 boyfriend booyfriend 1 television televisi 1 fabulous fabalous 1 license licensure 1 louis loius 1 western wester 0 bring brin 0 make makeme 0 brick bric 0 kidding kinding 1 bird brid 1 families familes 1 family familey 1 assets assests 1 work wrk 1 dam dammm 1 damn dammn 1 dam damme 0 bullshit nobullshit 1 festivities festives 0 followers followerr 1 ask askkk 1 person personnn 1 sucks suckes 1 chicken chickennn 1 limited lmtd 0 eliminate elimate 0 followers 1follower 1 fishbowl fishbowldc 1 indiana indianna 1 in iinn 1 especially esspecially 1 definitely deffiently 1 downtown dwntown 0 happy happyrt 1 homemade homeade 1 investigators investigatory 1 suspect suspectin 0 syndrome sydrome 0 except xcpt 1 weekend weeknd 1 resolution resoluti 1 changing changeing 1 intelligent intelligen 1 ridiculous riddiculous 1 player palyer 1 was wasa 1 jewelry jewlery 1 parts parts1 1 november novenber 1 played palyed 1 clean cleaan 1 government governmnt 1 was wase 1 attitude attitudeee 0 was wasd 1 black blacke 1 tired tierdd 1 black blacka 1 gorgeous gourgous 1 fine finnee 0 location geoloaction 1 black blackk 0 qualified qualifi 0 believe beliee 0 statistics stochastics 1 quick quicky 0 rise rised 1 brother brotheer 0 george geoge 1 believe believ 1 somebody sombdy 1 quick quickk 0 together togethe 1 quickly quickl 1 santa sanata 0 came icame 1 legacy lagacy 1 strong strongbow 1 worst worsst 1 next neext 1 secs 5secs 0 descendants decendants 1 amazing ammmazing 1 beautiful beatuiful 1 think thinik 0 particular inparticular 0 maryland marsland 0 playoffs playof 1 helicopter helecopter 0 treatment treament 0 wishing wishin 1 country contry 0 guess guesz 1 contract contra 1 school skoul 1 regards reguards 0 illegal illeg 1 control contrl 1 believe beileve 1 control contro 1 personal perosnal 1 confused confuseddd 1 tomatoes tomatos 0 freak phreak 1 tomato tomatoe 1 montreal montral 1 shut shuuutt 1 should shld 0 wasted twasted 0 taxing taxin 0 used iused 0 attitude attitute 0 fuckers fuccers 0 promotions promociones 0 chatting chattn 0 really weally 1 tattoo tat2 1 honey honeyy 0 honey honeyx 1 sexiest sexxxiest 0 searching seaching 1 most mosst 1 brain braaain 1 sound sooound 1 freak freakkk 1 moss mosse 1 pregnant preqnant 1 guacamole guacomole 1 listening listeining 1 animal animaaal 0 everything erythng 0 artist chartist 1 prisoners prisioners 1 internet internat 1 sometimes somtimes 1 slipping sliping 1 circulation cirqlation 1 potter pother 1 combo cmbo 1 honey honey3 1 spaceship spaceshipone 0 minutes 1minute 0 anything anyhing 0 transfers ttransfer 1 bout bhout 1 guys guuuys 0 parker paker 0 keeping keppin 1 february februar 1 sleeping sleepng 1 favorites favorties 1 allegiance allegience 1 six sixxx 1 privilege privelege 1 williams wiliams 0 thinking hinking 1 command comand 0 canvas recanvass 0 company comany 1 final fianl 0 lang laging 0 energy enegry 1 flirt flirter 1 attraction atraction 0 pretending prentending 1 art aaart 1 ability abillity 1 exercise exersise 1 industry indust 1 are aaare 1 success sucsess 1 written writen 0 virginia virgi 1 write writee 0 sugar surgar 0 din udin 1 achievement achievments 1 insurance insurence 1 bathroom bathrrom 1 conservatives conservatives4p 0 boyfriend exboyfriend 0 dedication rededication 1 jail jailll 1 hey heyyy 1 everyday everydayyy 1 crap crp 1 same sammeee 1 accident acciden 0 freezing fweeezing 0 warming swarmin 1 disappearing dissapearing 1 headache hedache 1 minutes miniutes 1 best bessstt 1 republican r3publican 0 lawsuit lawsu 1 soft soooft 1 investment invesment 1 inspiration insperations 1 syndrome sindrome 0 email emai 1 appreciate appericate 1 email emal 1 possibility possibilit 1 office offce 1 spiritual spiritu 1 seconds seconden 1 trick trickkk 1 terrified terrifed 1 legend legenddd 1 monsters monsterz 1 trapping trappin 1 anyone anoyone 1 cranberries cramberries 1 avatars avitars 1 sissy sisssy 0 knowing knowinn 1 versus versu 1 pirate pirat 0 lived unlived 1 exactly exaccctly 1 restaurant resturaunt 1 knowing knowinq 1 earthquake earthqu 0 apologetic unapologetic 1 crypt cryptid 1 desperately desparately 1 goal goooalll 1 those thos 0 sure surem 0 painting paiting 1 said saaid 0 insert nsert 1 healthy healthyy 1 nice niccee 1 other otherr 1 many mannyyy 1 please pleeze 0 delectable unelectable 0 plenty plenny 1 imaging imaginan 1 wave waveee 1 nearly nealry 1 friends frinds 0 tar ntar 1 heaven heaveeen 1 chocolate choclate 1 morning marning 0 develop develo 1 tornado tornadoe 1 stupid stoopid 0 tight tigh 1 race racee 0 tiger tige 1 special specail 1 reply reaply 0 bottles bottlers 0 soothed sosothedj 1 waiting whating 1 environment environnement 0 addicted addited 1 cookbook cookbookthe 1 pair piar 1 point ponit 0 loves lovest 1 loves lovess 1 wait waaaittt 1 pain pian 1 errors erros 1 understand understend 0 geek geeker 1 transform transfor 1 qualifying qualifing 1 photographs photographics 0 camcorder camcoder 1 red reddd 1 beginning begginning 0 knowing knownin 1 contestants contestan 1 brother 4brothers 1 everyone everyoone 0 alleged alledged 1 everything everythingharry 1 contest contestar 0 widen wideopen 1 waste waiste 1 honey honeeey 1 rabbit rabit 0 arrange rearange 1 wasting waistn 0 appreciate appeciate 0 campaign campaing 1 certainly certainl 1 cake caek 0 worshipping workshopping 1 normal normale 0 elect elec 1 pressure pressureee 0 attention attension 1 certain certains 1 normal normall 0 paris parijs 1 thanksgiving thnaksgiving 1 blown blownn 1 tomorrow tomorro 1 else eles 1 incredible incredib 1 expensive expens 0 clothes klothes 1 ginger gingerale 1 academic academ 1 kisses kissesss 1 normally normaly 1 tomorrow tomorra 0 homosexual romosexuals 0 northern northmen 1 family faamily 1 maybe maaybe 0 shopping shopppin 1 illegal illeqal 1 confusing confuseing 1 too to0o 1 ontario ontarios 0 thankful thanksfull 1 satisfied sadisfied 1 nope nooopppeee 1 rehab rebhab 1 save saveee 0 clark auclark 1 incredible incredable 1 obsessed obseesed 1 and 3and 1 praying prayinggg 1 wow wwoooww 1 new neeewww 1 shown shwn 1 not notta 1 cincinnati cincinati 1 australia australis 0 expression xpressions 0 watching waching 0 just ujust 1 shower shwr 0 shit shitts 1 shit shittt 1 mccormick mccormicks 1 not nottt 1 wireless wirelessly 1 document documentum 0 least alteast 0 obsessed obses 0 vintage vinta 0 escape scape 1 ladies ladiess 1 continue continuo 1 probably problyy 0 pokemon pkemon 1 play paly 0 senator senato 1 absent absnt 1 might mighta 1 partying partyinn 1 beautiful beatifull 1 embarrassing emberrasing 1 partying partyinq 0 doing doig 0 banging bagin 1 goal goaalll 1 might mightt 1 trouble trble 1 straight straught 1 baby baaabbyyy 1 kinda kiiinda 1 right rigghhht 1 fools foolios 1 bullshit bullshytin 1 understand undrstand 1 president presidente 0 monroe monroes 0 mandatory madatory 0 please plocks 1 teams teamss 1 thought thoght 1 out oout 0 problems aproblem 1 our oour 0 basketball baskeball 0 banishment garnishment 1 wisdom wisdome 1 mortgage mortgag 1 analyzing analysing 1 answers answerss 1 searching searchin 1 constitutes constitut'l 0 avatar avvie 0 girlfriends girfriends 0 boring bornin 1 vegetables vegtables 1 interview interiew 1 ones onesss 0 lindsay linsay 1 volcano volcan 0 originality unoriginality 1 back bcak 1 think thinnnk 1 wins winsss 1 insomnia insonia 1 thing thinnng 1 vinegar vinager 1 worth worht 1 uncle uncel 1 karma karmaaa 1 yeah yeeeah 1 posts postes 1 pissing pussing 0 goodbye goobye 0 tails oxtails 1 hardly hardley 1 gang ganggg 1 year yeeear 1 worst worssst 1 getting geting 1 someday somedayy 0 cigarette cig 1 bank baaank 1 philippines phillipines 1 band baaand 1 bang baaang 0 dying dyin 0 your ur 1 dude duuudeee 0 unlucky ul 1 condolences condolances 0 shutting shuttin 1 sorry soorryy 1 strong stronggg 1 everything evrythng 1 president presiden 0 excited xcited 1 milkshake milshake 0 whipping wippin 1 enjoying enjoing 1 come coome 0 moonlight moonlite 1 diapers dipers 0 getting hetting 1 monument monumen 0 features featurettes 1 bean beannn 1 friends friennds 1 acoustic acustica 0 that thjat 1 though thugh 1 careful carfull 1 stalking shittalking 1 freaking freeeaking 1 justin juuustin 1 wanna wnna 0 constitute catoinstitute 1 players playergps 1 republic republ 1 league leauge 0 seabirds steambirds 1 hungry hungrrryyy 1 holy holey 0 website webite 1 stressing stressin 1 superman suparman 1 ages agesss 1 wanted wanteed 1 hole holee 0 having havina 1 chicken chickin 1 try 2try 1 paid paaaid 1 pain paaain 1 revolt revoltado 0 incense inscents 1 backstage bckstage 1 sincerely sincerily 1 highway highwayy 1 quiz quize 0 native n8v 1 place plce 1 well wellwell 0 vacuum ezvacuum 1 percent percen 1 rumbling rumblin 0 everyone ev1 1 quiz quizz 1 tuned tunned 1 boom bomm 1 blisters bullshitters 0 encircle innercircle 1 static staticy 1 secretary secretar 1 bullshit bullshittery 1 collapsed colapsed 1 night niightt 1 girls girlys 0 hacks h4x 0 hacker h4xr 1 birthday biirthday 1 unfortunately unfortunely 0 ever eva 1 snacks snacksss 1 please pleeeaaasee 1 kicking kickingg 0 lake lakeem 1 special specal 1 hangover hangoverrr 1 kicking kickings 1 ever evr 1 true tru 1 abusive abusiv 1 happy hppy 1 everything everythings 1 spaghetti spaghetty 1 safety saftey 1 quite quiteee 1 missed miissed 0 dunno idunnno 1 followers follers 1 registration registeration 1 everything everythingg 1 least leaast 1 party paaartyyy 1 delicious delicous 1 ass aasss 0 purple puple 0 progress progess 1 sunday sundaaay 1 while whillle 1 skepticism scepticism 0 assignments assingments 0 china chinas 1 everything everything2 0 invites inventes 1 officially officailly 1 pants pantsz 1 percent 70percent 1 conveniently conviently 0 crazy cazy 0 although althou 1 deserves desrves 1 respond respon 1 technician technican 0 appreciate appretiate 1 celebrating celbrating 1 boyfriend boyfren 1 steps 2steps 1 deserved desrved 1 very veeery 0 jersey jesery 1 needed need'd 1 that 4that 0 although altho 1 relieve releive 0 good vgood 0 evening g'evening 0 cousin cousint 1 meaning mening 1 certified certifie 1 bitch bitttchhh 1 chocolate chocolatey 0 much mutch 1 edge edgeee 1 knock knck 1 town towwwn 1 aggressively agressively 1 supporting supportnya 1 burned burnd 1 amateur ameture 1 assignment assgnmnt 1 chocolate chocolated 1 chocolate chocolatee 1 grandma gramdma 1 copperfield copperfields 1 employing employi 1 imperfect inperfect 1 staring starrin 0 get hget 0 sydney sydneys 0 fin xfin 1 challenging challengi 1 internet internetnya 0 shouts shoutsout 1 mean mena 1 kidding kiddingg 1 coffee coffie 0 satisfaction satifaction 1 california californiaweath 0 slick slic 1 homepage hompage 1 hundred hundread 0 caribbean caribbea 1 lines liness 0 roberts mcroberts 1 such suchhh 1 absolutely absoloutely 0 peoples ipeople 1 cutest cutecute 1 such suchha 1 shuffle shufflee 0 honking hongkong 1 call 2call 1 opinion opini 0 posting reposting 1 thought thoguht 1 maroon marron 1 hot hawt 0 awesome awesomess 0 have habve 1 surface surfac 1 getting gting 1 beautiful btfl 1 hawaii hawi 1 originals orginals 0 jersey jersery 0 worries noworries 1 recipe recepie 1 sushi shushi 1 toys toooys 1 hates hatesss 1 hygiene hygene 1 class classs 0 tone tongen 0 lightning lighning 0 sometimes stimes 0 la ellaaa 0 sandra kassandra 1 very verrry 1 obsession obssesion 0 chilled chillmode 0 turkey turkeyday 1 homecoming homegoing 1 moves movs 1 hello heloo 1 degree degreee 1 chose chosee 1 wrestler wearstler 1 silence silenceee 1 astrological astrologically 1 should shold 0 bloody bloodly 1 mike meike 0 justification pussification 1 chooses choses 1 video videeeo 1 decade decad 1 therefore therefor 0 might imight 1 degrees degreez 0 doc docx 0 writing kriting 1 hurricane hurrican 1 roses rosses 1 loser lzr 1 strategy strateg 0 doc doct 1 doc docu 0 laugh laughrt 1 doc doco 1 damn daammn 1 penguin penquin 1 outline outliner 0 jogging yogging 1 referring refering 1 check cheeeck 0 bridge ambridge 0 betting betti 0 gong ngmong 1 prairie prarie 1 bet bettt 1 better bettr 1 warm warrrm 1 metro metr 1 starting startiin 1 met mett 0 angels changeless 0 writing riting 1 downs dwns 1 wont wonnt 1 won wonnn 1 pretty preetty 1 tight tightt 1 good gooodie 0 sweetheart sweeheart 1 just juzt 1 arguments arguements 0 hamburg schaumburg 1 hating haiting 1 frame fram 1 early earlly 1 water waterr 1 puppy puppyy 1 shakespeare shakespearian 1 decides decideds 1 necessary nessacary 1 macdonald macdonal 1 online onnline 0 luggage luggages 0 booty bootydo 1 championship championshi 1 friend frend 1 french frenc 0 fifty fiftys 1 cradle craddle 1 theaters theathers 0 friends frens 1 times tiems 0 watercraft mastercraft 1 recommended recomienden 1 building buildingg 1 supplement suppliment 1 yellow yellw 1 installing installin 0 yelling yelln 0 potential potencial 1 opportunity opportuni 1 recommend reccomends 1 washing wasing 1 dude duuudee 1 yelled yelld 0 melody melodys 0 someone somones 1 tourist touristic 1 finally fiinally 1 jeans jeanss 1 intelligence inteligencia 0 think thinkof 1 someone somonee 1 graffiti graffitied 0 minutes aminute 1 bowling bowlingg 1 loads loaads 1 friends friendies 0 fine kfine 1 unfortunately unfortuately 0 subscribe unsubscribe 1 short shorta 1 apparently apprntly 1 shorten shortn 0 meaning meanin 0 tuition tutions 1 friday fridaaay 1 associated associat 1 jam 1jam 0 marlborough barlborough 1 fall 2fall 0 winning finning 0 lineup lineu 1 lunch lunchy 0 lunch lunchs 0 huntsville huntersville 1 papa papaaa 1 pretty preetttyyy 1 lunch lunchh 1 tonight tonighhhttt 1 optimized optimiz 1 weeks 2weeks 1 babe babee 0 sexy sexys 1 bizarre bizar 1 furniture furnitu 1 sexy sexyy 1 dub dubbb 1 babe babeh 1 whole wholee 1 mil milll 1 thanks tnxz 1 financial financials 0 million milli 0 passed gasssed 0 never nevarz 1 freaking frakin 1 babe babey 0 babe babez 1 cant can'tt 1 availability availabilities 1 you yooouu 1 flew flewww 1 privilege privilage 1 afraid afraiddd 0 readers herders 1 degrees 10degrees 1 naked nakeddd 0 plastic pastic 1 tournament tornament 1 available availabe 1 sexy sexy5 0 take totake 0 elections byelections 1 highlight highlig 1 available availabl 1 grind grinddd 0 fancy facy 1 nobody nobdy 1 revision revsion 1 scream screeeaaammm 1 breakfast brekfast 1 natural naturale 1 naturally naturall 0 funniest funnitest 0 wont wotn 1 cannabis cannibus 1 naturally naturaly 1 everything evrythings 1 valencia valenciana 1 cigarettes cigarrettes 0 wrote wote 1 intolerance intolerances 1 whispers whisperers 1 fair fairrr 1 french frenchs 0 girl itgirl 1 switch switc 1 avail aval 1 parade prade 1 working wrking 0 avail avai 0 switch swith 1 please pleeease 1 locking lockin 1 interviewing interviewin 1 listening listenen 0 mean meand 1 realized realizedd 1 mean meana 1 mean meann 1 mean meani 1 system system50 1 wash washhh 1 ended ened 1 nun nunnn 0 same ssame 0 trying tryyin 1 launch launch48 1 throat thraot 1 attacking attackin 0 shout shoutme 1 mini minni 1 superstar superstarr 1 for foorrr 1 toys toysss 1 space spaaace 0 commission commissio 1 extras extraness 0 session sessi 1 immediately immediatley 1 thoughts thougts 1 ordering orderin 1 bitches bitchhhesss 1 timothy 2timothy 0 explain xplain 1 christina cristiano 1 finale finalee 1 but buttt 1 christina cristiane 1 cigarettes cigarretes 1 shit shiitt 1 button buttn 0 button butto 1 ended ende 1 end endd 0 shit shiits 1 likely likel 0 cousin mycousin 1 invite invitee 1 streaming streami 0 recognized reconized 1 smile smilie 1 smiling smilin 1 jelly jellyyy 1 incredible inkredible 1 taxi taxiii 1 irresponsible irresponsable 0 enjoy njoy 1 deserve desrve 1 liked likeddd 1 castle castell 1 chapter chapitre 1 because becaaause 1 responsibility responsibilties 1 outside outsidee 1 killed killeddd 1 percent 5percent 0 going gooin 0 remembers crewmembers 1 mistress misstress 1 rolls rolles 1 cake caaake 1 just jusst 0 together togeth 0 followers twollowers 1 winning winninq 1 forget foreget 1 average averge 1 accusing acusing 1 hopefully hopfuly 0 alaska spalaska 1 freak freaaak 0 tank tankin 1 worst worrrst 1 rhythm rythym 1 spitting spittn 0 surprise supriseee 1 britain britains 0 have ve 0 sitting sitn 0 geeks gleeks 1 harry harrryy 1 captain captn 0 speculating spectating 1 mercedes marcedes 1 income incom 0 icon incon 1 sit sitt 1 first firsst 0 subscripts surescripts 1 grandsons grandopens 1 chris crhis 1 matter matther 1 honestly honnestly 1 competitive competit 1 fans fansss 1 minutes minites 1 hazards hazzards 1 coffee coffe 1 sleeping sleepiin 1 infinity infiniti 1 competing competin 0 heroes sheroes 1 crap craaap 1 wow wowo 0 oops woopss 0 collar colla 1 philippines philippin 1 example exampl 0 biblical unbiblical 0 decision decisi 1 rewarding rewardin 1 movie movieee 1 trigonometric trigonometri 1 room roomm 0 tennessee genesee 1 those thoose 1 drive driive 0 sister siser 1 citrus citrusy 0 little witttle 1 movies moviees 1 jingle jinggle 0 needing needin 1 actress actresss 1 credits creditless 0 great agreat 1 shoulder shoulderrr 0 man mmaaannn 1 chase chayse 1 ages agees 0 singer slinger 1 strength strenth 0 electric dielectric 1 age ageee 1 issues issuess 1 bullet bullett 0 foreword freeworld 1 checking checkinn 1 never nvr 0 alright ayte 0 coast tcoast 0 balance unbalance 1 something somethong 0 clinton mcclinton 1 supervisors superviso 1 checking checkinq 1 issue isue 1 negative neqative 1 microbiology microblog 1 against aganst 1 peppers pepers 1 nerve nervee 1 rock rooock 0 grandma granmama 0 chairman chairm 0 never nerver 1 whispered wispered 0 present pretest 1 cousin cusin 1 captured captur 0 the lthe 1 fantasies fantasise 1 darling darlin 1 suit suiiittt 1 christians christianson 1 como comoo 1 fantasies fantasist 1 fabulous fabulousity 1 improvements improvments 1 blaze blaize 1 conversion convertions 0 stupid stupi 1 definitely definitelly 1 ability abilty 1 cozy cozzy 1 using usingg 1 drunk druuunk 0 blowing blowinn 1 watching wtchin 1 marathon marathonnn 1 singing singin 1 blowing blowinq 1 homophobic homophobe 1 enthusiast enthusia 1 followers fllowers 1 semester smster 1 pack 2pack 0 rubbing rubbn 1 rub rubbb 1 already alreadyyy 0 height hiet 1 interview intervew 1 anthrax antrax 1 shop shoppp 1 pussy pusss 1 gotta gotttaa 1 freak freaak 1 neither neitherr 1 environment environmen 1 lunch lunc 1 modified modifieds 1 shop shoppe 1 push pussh 1 suffering sufferring 0 shopping shoppi 0 shopping shoppn 1 investor invester 1 tutorial tutorialz 1 bash bashhh 1 believer beliber 0 saving savin 1 end eend 1 aim aimmm 1 biting biteing 0 alabama alaba 1 flying flyng 1 customizing customising 0 browser cobrowser 1 aim aimme 1 tomorrow tomoorw 1 embarrassed embrassed 1 now noowww 0 united younited 1 video vdeo 1 obliterated obliteratedhear 1 sympathy symphaty 1 pain paiiin 1 serra serra45 1 journal journalthe 1 soulful soulfull 0 house thehouse 1 tracks trackpass 1 computing computi 1 between betwwen 1 babe bbbe 1 computer computr 1 baby bbby 1 right righhht 1 again againi 1 massage massaqe 1 again againa 1 college colege 1 between bettween 0 inversion iverson 0 again againz 1 november novemb 1 against agains 1 packs 2packs 1 heart hearttt 0 against againt 1 fucked fuckdd 0 dig diggz 1 dis disss 0 sharing sharin 1 cups cuppas 1 released realsed 0 digging diggn 1 beloved bloved 0 world vmworld 1 dig diggg 1 automotive automot 1 view veiw 1 arrived arrved 1 arms armss 0 into in2 1 seize sieze 1 night nigghtt 1 everlasting everlastin 1 changing changingg 1 friend frieeend 1 last lassst 1 spanish spanishh 1 million 30million 1 luck luckkk 0 question uestion 0 practical pratical 1 cranking crankin 1 laptop leaptop 1 lucky luckky 1 tempting temptin 0 teaching teachin 1 trust trusttt 1 avatar avitar 1 fool fooolll 1 suspended suspeneded 0 sam saml 1 amazing amzing 1 bizarre bizzare 0 nation sination 1 minneapolis miniapolis 1 story storrry 1 full fulll 0 voting votin 0 regard regar 0 megan megaman 0 spent spet 1 super sper 1 heads heds 0 spend spen 1 spell spel 1 speak spek 1 rape r8p 0 yourselves yoselves 0 speed spee 1 rate r8t 1 bitch bittcchhh 0 hearing herhaling 1 stupid stuipid 0 touch toutch 1 scratching scratchings 1 cant canttt 0 collection colletion 1 impossible impossibile 1 tomorrow tomrorow 1 direct directx 1 nix nixxx 0 just ijuust 1 days daayss 0 prince pince 0 associate associa 0 madrid rmadrid 1 time timmmee 1 big biiggg 1 sunday sundaay 0 retarded retawded 0 submitted summited 0 whore hore 1 speech spech 0 special speci 1 um uuumm 1 galaxy galax 1 polymorphic polymorphism 1 website webside 1 most mosty 0 check chec 1 island islanddd 1 retarded retardo 1 mars maaars 0 check chek 1 frustrates firestarters 1 microsoft microsofts 1 official officialll 1 feels feelss 0 interview nterview 0 feels feelsz 1 cruelty cruelity 0 utilities winutilities 0 shut shutup 1 clouds cloudsss 0 sneak snea 1 come coem 1 retard r-tard 0 come ckome 1 farewell fairwell 1 thrombosis thrombosed 0 ashley ashlyne 1 far faaarrr 1 compatibility compatibili 0 reveals revela 1 battling battlin 1 sweet sweeet 0 watched wacthed 1 wow waoww 1 vagina v4g1n4 1 dude dudeee 1 surprise surpriiise 1 need neeeddd 0 kate kates 1 them 2them 0 internet theinternet 1 limousine limosine 1 potential potiental 1 exclusive exclusi 1 exclusive excluse 1 assassinated assasinated 1 ask aaask 1 sweets sweeets 0 highlight highli 1 suddenly suddnly 1 negative negativo 1 suspect suspec 1 stress setres 0 straight staight 1 road roooaaad 1 francisco fransico 1 apologized appologized 0 beef bleef 1 yeah yeeeaahhh 0 fragmenting defragmenting 1 immediately imediately 1 cruising cruisin 1 frustrated frusterated 0 hurt hurtrt 1 bands bandaids 1 top top2 1 pizza pizaa 1 top top1 1 again agaiinnn 0 es eress 1 already alreadddyyy 1 upload uploadin 1 society socity 1 pain painnn 1 children childrn 1 restore restor 0 custom custo 0 hilarious highlarious 0 radio radiotv 1 children childre 1 bunch buncha 1 uncensored uncensore 0 goodies goodvibes 1 magazine magzine 1 something somthin 0 cool qool 1 anything anythinnng 1 mid midd 0 child childrt 1 save saaave 1 apologies appologies 1 homecoming homecommin 0 products produits 1 bunny bunney 1 smarts smartasses 1 reply repley 1 much mouch 0 straight str8 0 austin augustin 1 significant significan 1 operating operatin 1 operations operatio 1 brilliantly brilliantlove 0 textbook tweetbook 1 pointing pontings 0 disability likability 1 impossible impossibleee 1 back beack 0 ibm ibms 1 hilarious hilarios 0 hearty heartcry 1 paradise paradice 1 olympic olimpic 1 compost composter 1 horror horrow 1 heavy heavyyy 1 demonstrate demonstr 1 buck buckkk 1 story stry 1 can caann 1 stars strs 1 strip strp 1 start strt 0 expression xpression 1 australia australi 0 after atfer 1 rehearsals rehursals 0 damn gdamn 0 street stre 1 believe blieve 0 tiffany tiffa 1 singapore singaporean 0 shoot reshoot 1 intelligence intelligender 1 established establishe 1 frank franka 1 place plaaace 1 long loonnng 1 tennessee tennesse 1 absolutely absoulutly 1 somebody sonebody 0 huge hudge 1 pam pammm 1 rock rock2 1 fuck fauck 1 violet violetta 1 vegetarian vegeterian 0 venture ventu 1 about abouut 1 coffee cofee 1 forgetting forgeting 1 bangalore bangalter 1 woke wokee 0 woke woked 1 battle battl 0 worker woker 1 ban bann 1 motivation motivationally 0 resting relisting 1 controlling controllin 0 lets lerts 0 running runnign 0 bout bbout 0 crotch croch 0 facial facia 0 party patry 0 halloween hallowhedon 1 rocker rockr 0 river riverine 1 artificial artifical 1 rock rockk 1 rocked rockd 1 patron patrn 1 considering 2'considering 1 sandbox sandboxed 1 transfer trnsfr 0 exgirlfriend xgf 1 technologies technolgies 1 log logg 1 activation activison 1 divided devided 1 whats whattss 0 long logn 1 preach preachh 0 angle mangler 1 funny funnnyy 1 skating skateing 1 one onne 1 killing killling 1 tears teaaars 0 defend defriend 0 goose goodsex 1 medicine medicina 0 starboard smartboard 0 fuck fuxck 1 campaign campaigne 1 cream creeeam 1 vet vett 0 ink inkin 1 hurts hurrrts 1 standards standars 1 exams exms 1 standard standart 1 jealous jelaous 1 whats whatts 1 freaking freeakin 1 right riiighhht 1 creator creater 1 suddenly sudenly 1 phrase pharse 1 indonesia indonesiaaa 1 excited exciteeeddd 1 texas texass 0 topic topi 1 chase chasee 1 animal animalll 0 thick thicc 1 said saidi 1 aching acheing 0 conversation convesation 1 smart smaaart 1 dead daed 1 baptized baptised 1 stamps stampers 1 kids kiids 1 headphones headfones 1 neighborhood neighboorhood 1 girl girrrll 1 yeah yeeaaahhh 1 dude d00d 1 family faimly 1 catastrophic catastrophicall 1 blissful blissfull 0 group mvgroup 1 girls girrrls 0 exchange exchage 0 caterpillar catepillar 1 completely completelyyy 0 geekiest geekfest 0 minute minue 1 valid vaild 0 digging diggen 1 alive aliive 0 marcus demarcus 1 breathe breaaathe 1 minute minut 1 scene scenee 0 premier premie 0 traditional tradicional 0 promoting promoin 1 vegetables vegatables 1 adidas addidas 1 convince convience 0 source jbsource 0 dedicated jedicated 1 indonesia indoneisa 1 online onilne 1 lately latelyy 0 terrible terrib 1 morning mouring 1 real reall 0 terrific terrif 0 torrent utorrent 0 real reald 1 really realy 1 relax realx 0 real realz 0 territory territ 1 knows knowss 1 insane insannne 1 december desember 0 real reals 1 ladder lader 1 samantha swaminathan 0 real realt 1 anatomy anatomi 0 brought broug 0 book ebook 0 gotta gotsta 1 time tiome 1 text teexxt 1 exercises exerciser 1 keyboard keyborad 1 believe 2believe 0 dentists adventists 1 mcpherson macpherson 1 respond respondes 0 night niht 1 respond respondem 0 venison levinson 0 stevenson steveston 0 fantastic fanstastic 1 unhealthy unhealty 1 flame flameee 1 well weelll 1 opposite opposit 0 tomorrow toorrow 1 trailer trailor 1 shirts shirtss 0 damned damed 1 sunset sunstein 0 carrying carryin 1 mommy mummmy 1 dads dadss 1 snap snaap 1 consolidate consolid 0 giving givin 1 thanks thannkkss 1 neighbors neighboors 1 annoying annyoing 1 pretty prettaye 0 son gson 1 painful painfulll 1 here hre 0 depth indepth 1 display displa 1 poor poorrr 1 got goot 1 assistant asistant 0 barbie barbies 1 display disply 0 diabetes diabet 0 breakfast beakfast 1 santa santaaa 1 capitalized capitalised 1 profile profle 1 bubbles bubbels 0 proxy proxypy 1 ordinary ordina 1 televised televized 1 eavesdropping evesdropping 1 alberta albertans 1 tired tirrred 1 black blacck 0 with w/ 0 chicago chicao 1 stairs staires 1 structure structur 1 saturday saturdaay 1 repairing reparing 0 experience xperience 0 deserves desevers 0 wait w8 1 love loveu 1 spanish spains 1 logo looogo 1 crying craying 0 fever lefevre 0 record rerecord 1 spain spainn 0 accent accsent 1 apex aphex 0 history histo 1 when wn 1 will wl 1 week wk 1 preferred perferred 1 inspector inspectorate 1 bra braw 1 psychology psycology 1 make makeee 0 just jusrt 1 wide widee 0 summer strummer 1 bra braa 1 cause caaause 1 shes shesss 1 break brak 0 brain brai 0 lived ilived 0 liberalism neoliberalism 0 rage frage 0 constantly contantly 1 retrieve retreive 0 lovely mylovely 0 transformer tranformers 0 christian chritian 0 often of10 1 friday firday 0 me mmee 1 whole whoole 0 network netwo 1 entered entere 0 sure usre 0 awkward hawkward 0 fresh fesh 0 chronically cryogenically 1 competition compatition 1 wonderful wonderfl 1 please pleasse 0 remember renember 1 nice nicceee 1 placeholder placeholders 1 apparent aparent 1 business businesss 1 johnson johansson 0 hey ohey 0 garden teagarden 1 dean daehan 1 pittsburgh pittsbur 0 availability unavailability 1 horror horrooor 1 miami miamii 0 tidal tida 0 something somerthing 1 towards twards 0 moving moviin 1 fantastic fantastics 1 excellent excelente 1 dance daaance 0 veteran veter 1 santana santanna 0 wings mcwings 1 chairman chairmans 1 status statuss 0 damsel damnself 1 pretty preettty 0 slit slittin 1 idea ideaaa 0 perspective perpective 1 tired tirred 1 final finaaal 1 something someting 0 chilling chiiillin 1 unlock unlockin 0 nuggets mcnuggets 1 boyfriends boyfrnds 1 candidates canidates 1 laughing lauging 1 episode episodio 0 careless cameraless 1 cleaning cleanning 1 exercises exercices 1 contacts contacs 0 apparently parently 1 whether whther 1 lie lieee 1 lesson leason 1 you yyou 1 miked miked85 1 remembrance remeberance 0 gonna igonna 0 later l8t 0 later l8s 1 males malesi 0 fucked ucked 0 rockers crookers 1 god godi 1 good godo 0 later l8a 1 thanksgiving thanksgiven 1 god godd 1 males maless 0 checkout chkout 1 disappointed disspointed 1 brazil braziiil 0 thought ithough 1 recessions recessionista 1 percent 75percent 1 always alawys 1 close cloose 1 bachelor bachelorhood 0 india indiausa 1 bastard bastardd 1 interpreted interpretando 0 toronto toron 1 bastard bastardo 1 virgin virginn 0 delaying delayin 1 honored honoured 1 cold cooolddd 1 bastards bastardz 1 exactly excatly 1 fail faiil 1 freaks freakss 1 cute cutteee 1 rid ridda 1 starting startining 1 virginia virginias 0 august augus 1 scrutinized scrutinised 1 fair faiir 1 networks netwrks 1 real reaaall 1 scooter skooter 1 start 2start 1 metaphors metaphores 1 hilarious hilaaarious 1 plans planns 1 highlights highligh 1 girl giirl 1 pissed pisseed 0 float mcfloat 1 printing printin 0 planned planne 1 planned plannd 1 tom tooma 0 planning planni 1 plan plannn 1 shoes shoeees 0 glamourous glamorousco 1 birds birdys 1 sam saaam 0 icons twicons 1 confess confes 1 sad saaad 1 hoping hopeing 1 say saaay 1 horrible horible 1 saw saaaw 0 monthly monthy 1 tonight tonighti 0 modification commodification 1 hockey hocke 1 month monthh 1 accepting acceptn 1 restart reeestart 1 physical phyiscal 1 tonight tonighty 1 eggs egss 1 hockey hocky 0 obviously obv 1 tonight tonightt 0 statement stateme 1 accepted acceptd 0 nights tonights 0 loving loovin 0 popularity leepopularity 1 caps capss 1 trophy trophey 1 exaggeration exageration 1 tonight toinight 1 biting bitting 1 lord lorddd 0 delivery mcdelivery 1 for forrr 1 understand undersand 1 frankfurter franknfurter 1 guarding guardin 1 take takee 1 victoria victoriaaa 1 tomorrow tmoro 1 what wat 1 cry cryy 1 conversion conversi 1 diary diaryy 1 truth trut 1 converse conversa 1 waterside waterslides 0 truck truk 1 truly trul 1 turn trun 0 truck truc 1 becoming becominq 0 cheek cheeck 1 strong strooong 1 capacity capcity 1 ibuprofen ibprofen 1 being beeeing 1 pimp pimppp 1 is iiss 1 church chirch 1 winners winers 0 member movemeber 1 asking askiin 1 forward forwrd 0 drawing darkwing 1 promise promisee 1 bent benttt 1 impulse impluse 1 rachel racheal 1 raven ravenna 1 minute mintute 0 forgiveness 4giveness 1 controversial controversia 1 absurd absurb 0 indian chindian 1 story storyy 1 juicy juicey 1 brother brotherr 0 workplace workspace 1 brothers brotherz 1 kissed kssd 1 northeast northgate 1 always alwyas 1 juice juicee 1 singing singging 1 hair haiiirrr 1 understand undertstand 1 lesson leasson 0 trina trinas 1 jesus jesuss 1 imagine imaginin 1 progress progresss 1 governor governer 0 losing lossin 1 trina trinaa 1 personalizing personalising 1 listening listen'n 1 listened listen'd 1 consumer consum 1 even eevn 0 mixed unmixed 1 just jusstt 1 wow wwooowww 1 practicing practisin 1 losing loseing 1 forming formin 1 heroes hereos 0 trust tust 1 absolutely absolutly 0 wrapping qrapping 1 killing killingg 1 secs 2secs 1 harbor harborne 1 digits digitss 1 mysterious misterious 1 straighten straightin 1 navigate navigat 1 vineyard vinyard 0 statuses statusnet 1 kitchen kitchenaid 1 jakarta jayakarta 1 hurts hurtsss 0 goings goslings 1 boring bouring 1 her heeerrr 1 pregnancy pregnacy 1 presents presentes 0 should ushould 0 classes classmen 1 pickpocket pickpocketed 1 here heeerre 1 ashley ashely 0 subsidized unsubsidized 1 irritated irrated 1 cooler coller 0 bestseller bestellen 0 injection kinection 0 huh uhuhhh 1 everything everytin 0 exactly xactly 1 comparison comparis 1 survive surive 1 type typpe 0 agree argee 1 rethinking rethinkin 1 satellite satelite 1 miracle miracleee 1 comparing comparin 1 handicapped handicaped 1 happening happning 1 always alwasy 0 opposed apposed 1 tonight toinght 1 suckers suckerz 1 remembered rembered 1 sparkles sparklies 1 sucker suckerr 0 goddamn gotdamn 1 portuguese portugus 0 other nother 1 sleepy sleepyy 1 homecoming homecominq 0 sleep sleepys 0 sex sexx0rz 1 usual usualll 0 forget foget 1 together t0gether 1 flame flamee 0 willow wilmslow 1 converter convertor 1 allergic alergic 1 lame lammme 1 affiliate affilate 1 malnutrition malnutritioned 1 narcissistic narcissitic 1 suggesting suggestin 1 suggestions suggestio 1 wondering wonderingg 0 online jsonline 1 gentlemen gentlemens 1 gentleman gentlement 1 morning morniing 1 wife wifie 0 themselves themelves 0 twisted retwisted 1 about aabout 1 selection selecti 1 liberties liebert 1 selected selecte 0 provide provi 1 email emial 1 edition edtion 0 cute cutez 1 france francesc 1 france francese 0 ashley lashley 1 socks socksss 1 concert conceert 1 saw sawww 0 lee dlee 0 earlier ealrier 0 friend m'friend 0 integrated intergrated 1 dollars dollarz 1 emphasizing emphasising 1 graphic graphik 1 dialing dailing 0 masturbater wanker 1 graphic graphis 0 camera cam 0 engineering bioengineering 1 conversation conversatio 1 conversation conversatin 1 hours houres 1 rocking rockiin 1 hear hearr 1 filmed flimed 1 accordion accordian 1 hear heare 0 this thjis 1 remember remebr 0 hearing heari 1 thoroughly thouroughly 1 demons deamons 0 deserves deseves 1 ion ionn 1 lamborghini lamborghinis 0 eric enric 1 freezing freezen 1 freeze freezee 0 expensive xpensive 1 orgasm orgasmed 1 packing packingg 0 core mcore 1 would woullld 0 season seaon 0 article artilce 1 guaranteed garunteed 1 love loovve 0 funky funcky 0 really ureally 0 anderson alderson 0 midnight mignight 1 russian russion 0 blues cnblues 1 ben bennn 1 high higgh 0 favorite favorie 0 favor favorif 0 sweating sweatin 0 performing perfoming 1 gorgeous georgeus 1 availability availabili 0 function funtions 1 weeks 8weeks 0 daily tgdaily 1 strawberry strawberrry 1 miami miamiii 0 former forme 1 entrepreneurs entrepreneurshi 0 yearning yearnin 0 massage massagers 1 definition defintion 0 formula formu 1 politician politicia 0 lovely unlovely 1 disguise disquise 1 fireworks fireworkss 1 money moneeey 1 grandma grandfa 1 easily easly 1 quick quiick 1 course couurse 1 surrounded surounded 1 bandwagon bandwaggon 1 anyway anywaaay 1 turns trns 1 investigate investigasi 1 permanently permanantly 0 halloween hallowgreen 1 monster monsteeer 0 chose ichoose 0 watermark waltermart 1 pillow pillo 1 pill pilll 1 stayed satyed 1 unknown unknownif 0 today todayby 0 christmas chrismassy 1 compartments compartmentaliz 1 happy happey 0 happened happed 1 bigger biggerrr 0 graduate qraduate 1 cents 20cents 1 groove groov 1 looking lookinq 0 bombastic bombtastic 1 pissed pisssed 0 looking lookinf 1 craziness crazinesss 1 making makeing 1 stronger stronqer 0 looking lookinn 1 cow cowww 1 increasing increasi 0 looking lookinh 0 doing udoing 0 route enroute 1 argue argu 1 punk punkk 0 purchase repurchase 1 cargo carg 0 credibility creditability 1 receiver reciver 1 creation curation 1 happen happn 0 confirmed reconfirmed 0 delicious divalicious 1 biggest biggestt 1 cheeseburger chesseburger 1 interesting interestinqq 0 wed wedn 1 seasonal seasonality 1 slimming slimmin 1 gel gelly 0 excess xs 0 experience xp 1 seriously seeeriously 1 christmas christma 1 worlds wolrds 1 christmas christms 1 mileage milage 0 nikki ikki 0 woke iwoke 1 bank bankk 1 airplane airplain 1 where wehere 1 really reeeaaallly 1 delete delate 0 super uper 0 qua quar 1 trusted thrusted 1 college colllege 1 someone someoneee 1 stratosphere stratospheric 1 expect espect 0 micrometer microcenter 1 thanksgiving thansgiving 0 background baccground 1 avatar afatar 1 armageddon armaggedon 1 shy shyyy 1 background backgound 0 drinks dinks 1 relationship relationsip 1 treating tertinggal 1 laughter laughterrr 1 therefore therfore 0 unstructured nanostructured 0 nice anice 1 appreciate aprece8 1 yours youurs 1 shit shti 1 friday friiidayyy 1 some sommeee 1 off ooff 0 entertaining intertaining 1 launched launced 1 winning winnning 0 exhibit exhib 0 bye bubyeee 0 lang nalang 1 website websiteee 1 tiger tigerr 0 console konsole 1 cartridge cartrige 1 okay okkaayy 1 looking lookinng 1 joseph joeseph 0 looking lookinnn 1 feedback feedbac 1 hips hipsss 0 replied ireplied 1 rescue rescu 1 fucked fuucked 0 bad bbad 1 achieve achive 1 nuts nuttsss 0 forever forevea 1 damn dammmn 0 offense nooffense 1 this 4this 1 theory teory 1 jewelry jewelery 1 slipping slipppin 1 tonight tooonight 1 straight straightly 1 featuring feturing 0 smoke ismoke 1 main mainn 0 africa afica 1 super supeeer 1 mind maind 1 nuts nuttts 0 making maing 1 loser loser' 0 ceremony ceremo 0 dictionary pictionary 1 friends friendsz 1 eccentric ecocentric 1 friends friendss 1 disappointment disppointment 0 roaring groharing 0 expect excpect 1 month 3month 1 course couuurse 1 matters mattters 1 testing testin 1 celebrity celebraty 1 main main2 1 halloween halloweeen 1 cushion cushin 1 celebrated celebratn 0 crying cryin 0 birmingham immingham 1 mango mangooo 0 vacation vacatio 1 company compnay 1 finally finlly 1 awesome awesooome 1 ha hahhahaaa 0 weekend w/end 0 look llok 1 raw rawww 1 attended attented 1 directions 1directions 0 for tfor 0 allow llow 0 heritage myheritage 1 keys keyes 1 configuration configurator 1 closely closly 0 analyst analy 1 instrumental instumental 1 selling sellling 0 brian febrian 1 soy sooy 1 checkout checkitout 1 phones phonesss 1 scotland scottland 1 decidedly decidely 0 ellen lel7en 1 disappointed disppointed 0 between betweet 1 experiences experinces 1 hands haaands 0 press pess 1 between betweem 1 passion passsion 1 experienced experinced 1 very vry 1 competing competiting 1 jesus jesuses 1 technology technolgy 1 family famly 0 father fathe 1 picture pcture 1 surprised surprized 1 crazy craaazyyy 1 night nihgt 0 african afican 0 linger aldinger 1 money mone 1 ripped rippd 1 representative representativ 1 function functi 1 systems systema 0 ripping rippn 1 rip rippp 1 pure pureee 1 money mony 1 right riiightt 1 followed folloed 0 bearing bearin 1 baltimore baltimor 0 scandal escandalo 0 bye byebyee 0 quicksilver quiksilver 0 handball handsball 1 days daaays 1 things thinkgs 0 cleveland leeland 1 day daaayy 0 listening nowlistening 0 rebounds reboun 1 jerk jerkk 1 question questionin 0 jerk jerkn 1 evangelist evangelista 0 feeling fellin 1 early eaarly 1 lord lorrddd 1 till t'ill 1 confectionery confectionary 1 breakfast breakfest 1 party parttty 1 million 43million 1 keys keeys 1 cancellations cancelations 0 before beforert 0 unreachable unteachable 1 boutique bowtique 1 gay gaaay 1 botanical botanic 1 strong strng 0 joined joine 1 sad saaddd 0 peeps peopless 1 halloween hollween 1 popular populer 1 bed beeedd 0 trick tricc 1 write wriite 1 these thess 0 mean memang 1 joined joind 1 battery batttery 1 hours 1hours 0 look ulook 0 era eram 1 homework homeowork 0 loving unloving 1 consulting consulti 1 follow fllow 1 millionaire millionare 1 consultant consulta 0 followers followere 0 followers followerd 1 monkey moneky 0 followers followera 1 playstation playstati 1 lit litt 1 pharmacy pharmacy2u 1 combination combonation 0 stauncher sitelauncher 1 pasta pastaa 1 little litl 1 especially especailly 0 christian tristian 1 followers followerz 1 drive driiive 1 favorite favoritee 1 tournament turnamen 1 whip whippp 1 everything everythime 0 super superly 1 favorites favoritei 1 follow floow 1 treadmill treadmil 0 sup ssup 1 square squre 1 sheep sheeep 1 wrote wrotee 1 weird weiiird 0 would wouldja 1 yes yyesss 0 happiest happinest 1 extensive extensible 0 several severa 0 please pleade 0 schools schoolers 1 listening listenin2 0 cant ccant 1 accused accussed 1 shout shouti 1 shout shouto 0 shouting shoutn 1 shout shoutt 0 shout shoutz 0 there therert 0 rocking roking 1 believe beleave 1 most msot 0 bankers banksters 0 pocket pocke 1 boredom bordom 1 saturday saturdaaay 1 listening listeninq 0 leave leave'em 0 beatles bealtes 1 justest juststore 1 hot hoottt 0 releases ereleases 1 cents 10cents 1 building blding 0 acceptable exceptable 1 transient transneft 1 rule rulee 1 listening listeninn 1 alright alrght 0 begging beggin 1 fair faire 1 workshop worksho 0 algebra algerbra 1 glasses glassess 1 greetings greetins 1 cant cannttt 1 coolest cooliest 1 bless blesh 1 younger yonger 1 damn dammnnn 1 excuse excuseee 1 knowing knowning 1 birthday birhtday 1 hospital hosptal 1 hooked hoooked 1 ugly ugggly 1 opportunity opprotunity 1 actually actuaally 1 happy haapppyy 1 lang lanang 0 agree agreert 0 furniture funiture 1 passion passionn 1 infrared infared 1 artist artis 1 told tooold 1 seeing seing 1 oops ooops 1 retirement retirment 1 english englisch 0 arctic artic 1 underground undergroun 1 portfolio portofolio 0 martin artin 0 biosphere blogsphere 0 crowded uncrowded 1 boring borning 0 oregon orego 0 lame lamela 0 holding holdi 1 sydney sydneyy 1 concert concerrt 1 serious srs 1 would wold 1 whole wole 1 sorry sry 1 probably prooobably 0 istanbul instanbul 0 actually atcually 1 bit bittt 1 indoor indor 1 jump jumppp 1 david dvid 1 believe beliveee 1 bit bitta 1 airlines airlin 1 insulation insolation 0 pastels astellas 1 bloody bloodyy 1 lovely lovly 0 soldier soldie 1 phone phonneee 1 love lov 1 gravity garvity 0 bitch biznatch 1 kangaroo kangeroo 0 cooling coolin 1 cool coolio 0 kindness kidness 1 deleted delated 1 verified verrified 1 arthritis arthiritis 1 thought thaught 0 mansfield stansfield 0 girlfriend qirlfriend 1 searching serching 1 thick thicky 1 delicious deliciouss 0 thick thicks 1 watering waterin 0 telling tellin 1 announce annonce 1 thick thickk 1 shade shade45 0 monitor monito 1 delicious deliciouso 1 thick thicka 1 thick thicke 1 restaurant restrant 1 hospital hospitall 1 problems probelms 1 arab arabi 1 unconscionable uncontainable 1 better betteeer 1 horror horrror 0 idiot eejit 0 chat crhat 1 ages ageeesss 0 crescent cresent 0 stupid tupid 1 juice juic 1 everybody eberybody 1 remember rememberwhen 1 peace peac 1 bestiality beastiality 1 artists artests 1 awake aake 0 australian unaustralian 0 situation situational 1 road roaaad 1 alright alrightey 1 means meansss 0 anyway anywayrt 1 intelligent inteligente 0 satisfy satify 0 autumn autum 0 awesome pawsome 1 true truuee 0 elliptical ecliptical 0 worry worryrt 1 fox foxxx 1 impress impres 1 quality qaulity 1 filming fliming 0 blankets slankets 0 difference diffence 0 blueberry puckleberry 1 passing passingby 1 pressing pressin 1 boring boriing 1 generalized generalised 1 sterling sterli 1 literally litterally 0 above bove 1 minutes 30minutes 1 phenomenal phenomonal 1 suppose soppose 1 his hiis 0 amongst amongs 0 meant meants 1 meant meantt 1 freezing freeezin 0 spiders spide 1 lab labb 0 electric eletric 1 cookies cookiez 0 expected exspected 1 cookie cookiee 1 joe joeee 0 vagina vajayjay 1 expectations expections 1 martini maritim 0 millionaire billionarie 1 him him2 0 together gether 1 consequences consequenses 1 disgusting disgustin 1 shocking shockin 0 kim kimz 0 presents preements 1 please pleaaasee 0 here herert 0 symptoms sypmtoms 0 kim kims 1 parents parnts 1 promise promisse 0 kim kimk 1 kim kimm 1 lost loost 0 modified modifi 1 life liffee 0 house houser 0 him himz 1 standard standar 1 popped poped 0 million jillion 0 working workig 0 him himn 1 him himm 1 beaver beaber 1 encouragement encouragment 1 him hime 1 story story3 1 story story2 1 virginia virgina 1 virginia virgini 0 nothing nuffin 0 merton ulmerton 1 presidential presidental 1 family famili 1 avatar avtr 1 changed canged 1 toy toyy 1 family famila 0 soothing soothin 0 talked taked 0 switch swich 0 but sbut 1 contained containe 1 years 12years 1 everything everrrything 1 pay 2pay 1 excuse excuss 1 stuck stucked 0 radios radio2xs 0 last laatste 0 hugging hugin 1 disease desease 1 called calleddd 1 cold 2cold 1 thumbs tumbs 1 boyfriend boyfrienddd 1 viewers viwers 1 snow snoowww 1 believing belivin 0 fulfilled fufilled 0 seasons seaons 1 revitalizing revitalising 1 encourage encourge 1 boyfriend boyfriennd 1 album albm 0 ion iont 0 able albe 0 obsessed obcessed 0 album albu 1 hospital hospitial 1 menu menue 1 extreme extreeeme 0 calmly calmy 1 ideology ideologue 0 leather pleather 1 calm calmm 1 communicate communicat 0 din jdiin 1 plotting plottin 0 circle cirlce 1 received recived 1 crazy craaazzy 1 excellent exclnt 1 boyfriend bfriend 1 art arttt 1 rite riiittteee 1 night ngiht 1 sweets sweetsss 1 benefits benifits 0 banking banki 1 dear drear 1 support suppport 1 scream screammm 1 exactly exactally 0 interesting winetasting 1 piece pieceee 1 funky funkey 0 install uninstall 1 slow 2slow 1 well weeelll 0 bitch bich 1 treasury treasurys 1 thank thnak 1 sol sool 0 sandwich sangwich 0 watched iwatched 1 mcdonald mcdonaldz 1 hello helo 1 subtract subtractin 1 freestyle freestlye 1 wrapping wrappin 1 exists exsists 1 spain spainnn 1 crap craaappp 1 yeah yh 1 yeah ya 1 knowledge knowldge 1 yeah ye 1 slapped slappped 1 loves loveesss 1 favor favoor 0 fading fadin 0 whipping whippn 0 wrote wroted 1 destroyed distroyed 1 whipped whippd 1 year yr 1 you yu 1 digital 7digital 1 sunday sundayy 0 serene serenbe 1 karaoke karokee 1 limit limmit 1 burners brenners 1 visions visionz 1 halo halllooo 0 upload ngupload 1 leg leeeg 1 workshop worksop 1 granddaughter grandaughters 0 hammer bammer 1 places placesss 1 let leeet 0 understands undastands 1 moving movinggg 1 whatever whatevers 1 with woith 1 pairs 3pairs 1 name nammme 1 it iittt 1 dryer dryerrr 1 definitely definintely 1 legislature legislat 1 trust trustt 1 reception recaption 0 dunno dunknow 1 celebrities celebritieszone 1 another anotther 0 engaged unengaged 1 chopping choping 1 single sngle 1 trusted trustd 1 muscles muscels 1 hurts huuurts 1 nashville nashvilles 0 wreck reck 1 everybody everybory 0 label labe 1 cheeseburger cheesburgers 1 wonder wnder 1 nice niiiceee 1 breckenridge breckinridge 0 think ithiink 1 dripping dripn 1 influence influnce 1 asleep asleeepp 1 underground undergrou 1 noodles noodlesss 1 oops opps 0 listening lisening 0 static ostatic 1 november novembe 1 cruel crueeel 1 butterfly buterfly 1 favorite favorit 1 attendance attendent 1 carolina carlina 1 character charcuterie 0 speakers spankers 1 literally literallly 0 seriously seriousy 1 heated heatedd 1 when wwhen 1 serious seriouse 1 knocking knockinq 1 literally litarally 1 seriously seriousl 1 flavorful flavourful 0 listing unlisting 1 fraudulent fradulent 1 ingredient ingredie 1 fantasizing fantasising 1 chocolate cocolate 0 asshole asshoe 1 minutes minutess 1 asshole asshol 1 tomorrow tomarow 1 congratulations congratualtions 1 selling sellinq 0 press presstv 1 smuggling smugglin 1 toilet toliet 0 tuning tunin 1 expensive expensivee 0 garlic galic 1 cheap chep 1 roar rawr 0 awesome mcawesome 1 ultra ultram 0 political polical 1 yes yees 1 yet yeet 1 imagine imagin 0 troopship dropship 1 squeeze sqeeze 0 beg ibeg 1 disappointed disapponted 1 normal norml 1 tetanus tetnus 1 contemplating contimplating 1 foreign forgein 0 bet ibet 1 after afterrr 0 mac macs 1 wanted wnated 1 weight weigth 0 mac macx 1 ankles ankels 1 music mussic 1 glory gloray 1 definitely defintiely 1 another anyother 0 morning gmornin 1 madness maddness 1 inspiration inspiracion 0 story storyrt 1 worlds worldcsm 1 install install0us 1 alone aloneee 0 sliding aslining 1 synergy sunergy 1 restaurant restuarant 1 road roaddd 1 hip hipp 1 boiling boling 1 commercial commericial 1 freaking freakn 1 registered registerd 1 nudes n00dz 1 spinning spining 0 freaking freaki 1 situation sittuation 1 worries wories 1 test test2 1 career carier 1 cute cutttee 1 shopped shoped 0 thinking thingking 1 wait waaait 1 wishing whishing 1 soundtrack soundtracknya 1 cinnamon cinnamony 1 long lonng 1 eating eatinggg 0 chatting ichatting 0 sake sakes 0 vomiting vomming 1 appreciate appreciatin 1 biggest biggst 0 yesterday yeterday 1 millennium millenium 1 avatar avataaar 0 either iether 1 resolution resolutio 1 spanish spannish 0 extension extesnion 1 upstairs upstairss 0 you uyou 1 cinnamon cinnomon 1 ages aggges 0 hinayana hinahanap 1 hawaiian hainan 1 upgrading upgradin 1 sharing sharings 1 above abovee 1 nutcracker nutcraker 0 transforms tranforms 1 fine fiiineee 1 thanks thaaanks 0 dallas dalla 0 number numer 1 years yeras 1 dallas dalls 1 pissed piiissed 1 thank thaaankk 1 baby baybayyy 1 speaking speakin 0 years yearsz 1 already alreaaady 1 secret secrett 1 secret secreto 0 innovation nanovation 1 secretary secreta 1 forever foreveeer 0 genre gerne 1 nasty nashty 1 contract contrac 1 chopped choped 1 hunting hauntings 1 immortal imortal 1 contracts contras 1 stopped stoped 1 anything anyything 0 chilling cillin 1 academy acedemy 1 dam damy 0 janet jantje 0 seeing seeein 0 administer axminster 0 plantation souplantation 1 collector collecter 1 sexiest sexxiest 1 speak 2speak 0 england fenland 1 discover discove 1 smacking shmackin 1 darn darnnn 1 gram garam 0 knew iknew 1 melbourne melbournes 1 vancouver vancouverite 0 tourists futurists 1 amazing amaazingg 1 tournament tournamen 1 different diiferent 1 offered offerd 1 low loow 1 talk tlak 1 keeping kepping 1 experience expierence 1 things thinggs 0 hunting bowhunting 1 songwriter songwritter 1 fly flyyy 1 education eduction 1 thing thinggg 1 pretty prettyy 1 actually actuallyyy 0 cluster lacklustre 1 transylvania transylvanian 1 test testt 0 emotions emoticons 0 particular paticular 0 town gtown 1 down dowwnnn 1 sec seccc 1 teacher tcher 0 wanna iwannna 0 reasons reaons 0 storm t'storm 1 pages 2pages 0 really ireallyy 1 cause cauuse 1 believing believein 1 hyper hyperrr 0 fucker muhfucker 1 whenever whenevers 1 whenever wheneverr 1 possession possesion 1 oldest oldes 0 tonight tonigh 1 bookstore bkstore 0 none noones 1 tonight tonigt 1 condoms condomns 1 followers folloers 1 cock cockk 1 snippets snipets 1 awesome aswesome 0 bye byebyeee 1 december decmber 1 seizure siezure 1 mention mentiooon 1 longer longerr 1 longer longers 1 tune tuneee 1 whole whooollle 1 actually actualllyyy 1 grumble grmbl 1 curve curveee 0 right riigh 0 scientist thescientist 1 wise wisee 0 eating eattin 0 mama asmama 0 online onine 0 lagging laggin 0 heartlessness shirtlessness 1 girlfriend girlfrnd 0 sorry sowwy 1 rhymes ryhmes 1 become becme 0 time itme 0 sandwich sandwitch 1 remember remmember 1 announcements annoucements 1 implement implemen 0 banging bangbang 1 disappeared dissapered 1 loves lovs 1 going goinggg 1 included inclued 1 lingerie lingere 0 notifications pontifications 1 worked workd 1 nigger nizzle 1 meters metres 1 saturday saturdayy 0 privatization prioritization 1 last last2 1 pancake pankcake 1 syndrome syndrom 1 forgetting forgetn 0 injured reinjured 1 prepare preapare 0 debris debri 0 finger finge 1 girlfriend girlfreind 1 finger fingr 1 forget forgett 0 late laste 0 victory vicktory 0 stack jstackz 1 opportunities oppertunities 1 sociology sociologia 0 steel stee 1 vincent vincents 0 circle cirle 1 show shooowww 1 last lastt 1 officially oficialy 1 ended eneded 1 field feild 1 dream dreaaammm 0 eh neehh 1 plot plott 1 llama lilmama 1 shining shing 1 classics classicl 1 classic classica 1 dick diccck 1 istanbul istanbuls 0 mac macb 1 smell smelll 1 smelling smelln 0 lonely alonely 1 mar maar 1 strategy strategy1 1 boss boss4 1 with withit 1 aaliyah aliyah 1 miracle miraclee 1 folklore folklorico 0 would iwouldd 0 script vbscript 0 simpson simpons 1 prisoner prisioner 0 boyfriend boyfrie 0 clock 5oclock 0 fishing fishn 1 supposed soposed 1 regardless regardles 1 muslim musllims 1 fish fishh 1 dip dipp 0 fishery fishe 1 manufacturing manufacturi 0 password pwd 1 boss bosss 1 fishes fishs 1 is iiisss 0 physician physici 1 friend frnd 1 mistakes mistakess 1 homemade homade 1 test tessst 0 hacked hacced 1 score scoreee 1 front frnt 1 australia australlia 1 computer cumputer 0 over uber 0 grill grill'd 1 comments commentors 1 trouble trubble 1 hair haaairrr 1 professor professo 1 busy bzy 1 gorgeous gorgeus 0 himself himse 1 launch launc 0 king imking 0 absolutely absoutely 1 goodbye gooodbye 1 ok ookk 0 inspiration ispiration 1 this thiisss 1 everybody everybodys 1 everybody everybodyy 1 broke borke 1 start staart 1 merlin merlins 1 relaxing relaxxin 1 chocolate chocalte 1 themselves themselvess 1 nicely nicly 1 smiling smilings 1 stick stickkk 0 crib cribk 1 crib cribo 1 smiling smilingg 0 today ttoday 1 when whne 1 guarantee guarant 1 backing backin 0 encounter rencontre 0 retail etail 1 sleeping sleping 1 pages 4pages 1 off oofff 1 credit crdit 1 yesterday yestarday 0 acquired aquired 1 psychic psychi 1 exercise exersice 1 registered registere 1 phenomenon phenomenom 0 bothered unbothered 1 herpes herps 1 gadgets gadgets4u 0 glitter clitter 0 exclusive xxxclusive 0 bitch biach 0 kitchen kicthen 1 gone gonneee 0 herpes herpe 1 sir sirry 0 doing dogin 1 miserable misserable 0 right riht 1 grow growww 1 sir sirrr 0 getting qetting 1 brilliant brillian 1 takeover takeoverrr 1 inches 4inches 1 obsessed obssed 1 pierced pierceddd 1 mind minnnd 1 mine minnne 0 mineral minera 1 shrimp shrimpy 0 broke roke 1 oops oopss 1 oops oopsy 0 spatial geospatial 1 grade gradeee 1 diaries daries 0 rocks roks 1 take taakee 1 slain selain 1 upsetting upsettin 0 cute ccute 1 university unversity 1 children childeren 0 sucks sux0rz 0 climbed climed 1 honor honore 1 called calleed 1 honor honora 1 offensive ofensive 0 hampton roehampton 0 alike alikes 0 killings kiplings 1 breakfast breakfeast 1 defense dfense 1 brick brickkk 1 connected connecte 0 sightings sitings 1 surrounded sorrounded 1 greasy greesy 1 suggestions sugestions 1 mcdonald mccdonalds 1 hotter hottter 1 awesome awesommee 0 healthier healthie 1 pajamas pjamas 1 whole whoooleee 1 paper papier 1 accessories accessor 0 random rando 0 buses buskers 1 chocolate chocoloate 1 goose gooose 1 felt fealt 1 random randm 1 neurosurgery neurosurgeon 0 chan chans 1 milwaukee milwauke 0 this isthis 0 channel chann 0 change chane 1 terrific teriffic 1 chance chanc 0 with wif 1 with wid 1 northern norther 0 without wio 0 with wiv 1 with wit 1 heavenly heavenly6 1 interested interesed 1 death deathhh 0 included inlcuded 1 personal personel 1 crash cras 1 gotta gtta 1 quantity quanity 1 girl grrl 1 bush bushhh 1 care crae 0 remaining remaini 1 guitar gitar 1 cheeks cheekz 0 crack crac 1 flame flaaame 1 miles 6miles 1 remaining remaing 0 remained remaine 1 remind remaind 1 cares caresss 1 again agaaaiiinnn 1 amsterdam amsterdams 1 year 4year 1 spelling speling 1 amsterdam amsterdamn 1 effect efct 1 mirror mirro 1 losing looseing 1 started startes 1 commentators comentators 1 involvement involvment 1 beyond beyondd 1 invitation invitatio 1 laser lazer 1 sleeping sleepinggg 0 marshal marshable 0 name anme 1 change chnge 1 pittsburgh pittsbugh 1 usher usherr 1 whenever wheneverrr 1 freak freeak 0 playing playyin 1 weird weiird 1 glad gladd 1 really reeaallly 1 optimized optimised 0 memorized mezmorized 1 welcome welcoem 1 press prees 1 malaysia malaysi 0 feeling feeli 0 set iset 1 blank blanktv 1 comparison comparsion 1 narnia narnia3 1 serious serrious 0 bareback brokeback 1 oops oooppss 1 growing growinggg 1 cat cattt 1 alexander alexanders 1 endeavors endevours 1 account acccount 1 ball 3ball 1 understand understnad 1 machine machiene 1 government governme 1 capricorn capricornio 1 felt feelt 1 analyst anlyst 1 mcfarland mcparland 1 glistening glistenin 1 belong belonggg 0 thought ithought 1 sunday sundayyy 1 children childrens 1 right rigtht 1 row rowww 1 followers followeers 1 booth boooth 1 filming filiming 1 boots booots 1 notorious notorius 1 booty boooty 1 rock rocck 0 madrid madri 0 dreams deams 1 hand handd 0 handle hande 1 handbag handb 1 handle handl 0 hand handm 1 dick dikc 1 depressed deppressed 1 inspiration inspration 1 having haveing 0 rochester colchester 1 oops ooopsss 1 nations 4nations 1 yogurt yogourt 1 placing placin 0 readable reactable 1 shaking shakking 1 study studddy 1 shaking shakinq 0 clearly clealy 0 matches matche 0 sushi sukishi 0 shaking shakinn 1 photos photoes 1 truthful truthfull 0 apocalypse batpocalypse 1 secret seeecret 1 listen listeen 1 transferred transferrin 1 smart smarta 1 sydney sydne 0 comment komment 1 nervous nervious 1 where wwhere 1 ultimate ultimat 1 boys boysss 1 ill illl 1 what whhat 1 ill ille 1 flying flyingg 1 mattress matresses 1 assignment assigments 1 drive driveee 0 o'clock 0'clock 0 member memer 1 sad saaadd 1 convenient convinient 1 already alreddy 1 mark marek 0 first myfirst 1 servers serverside 0 demand deman 0 internet t'internet 1 world worllld 1 either eithr 0 preconditioning airconditioning 1 fantastic fanytastics 1 everywhere eveywhere 0 basement bemusement 1 ill i'lll 1 safety safty 1 wonderful w0nderful 0 wired wiredvc 1 description descriptionthe 1 vegas vegass 1 interesting interesing 1 striking strikin 1 christian cristian 1 hilarious helarious 1 amazing ammazing 0 seasonal seasonably 1 yesterday yesterd 0 absorbs reabsorbs 1 memory memoryyy 1 most mooost 1 crazy crazzzy 0 night n'night 1 any annny 1 special spcial 1 pavilion pavillion 0 the wthe 1 someone soomeone 1 fantastic fantactico 1 porno prono 1 choice chocie 1 anna annna 1 advertise advertize 1 reputation reputational 1 rebel rebelll 1 feel feeell 0 construct deconstruct 1 similar similars 0 cyber cyb 0 goodbye cya 1 getting gitting 0 heart heartif 1 feels feeels 1 blew bleww 1 best besht 1 response respones 1 laughs laughss 1 minutes 15minutes 1 academy acadamy 1 colored 4colored 1 cartoon cartoonish 1 wake waaake 0 suggestion gestion 0 boxes unboxes 1 thankful thnkful 0 godliness ungodliness 0 marketing maketing 1 responded responed 0 downtown dowtown 1 muffin mufffin 0 slightly slighlty 1 prep prepa 0 incredible bencredible 1 secondary secondry 1 name nammeee 1 fine fineee 1 excited ecxited 0 automation idautomation 1 useless useles 1 tonight toniggght 1 legislative legislatively 1 like liiikeee 1 knowing knowinggg 1 grateful gratefull 0 mother mothe 1 way waayy 0 conservatism neoconservatism 1 variety varity 1 ways waays 1 berry berrry 1 spin sipppin 1 mother mothr 1 glasses galsses 1 want weant 1 victoria viktoria 0 the thte 1 wrong wronng 1 though thoguh 1 that thta 1 offended offened 0 animation reanimation 0 lauren laurens 0 barber babybear 0 teenagers taegangers 1 thanksgiving thanksgiveing 0 confirmed confimed 1 lauren laurene 1 academic akademics 0 somebody someody 1 year yaer 1 past passt 1 pass passs 0 exorcism excorcism 1 honor honnor 1 freeze freeeze 1 passed passd 0 lifeline limelife 1 yeah yaeh 1 raise rase 1 pilgrims pilgrams 1 dropping droping 0 imagine magine 0 trademark terremark 0 would itwould 1 pressured pressurised 0 forever forev 0 forget foret 0 foreign forei 1 birthday biirthdayy 1 trailer tralier 1 already alreaddyyy 0 people peolple 1 experienced expereinced 1 different diffirent 1 improvised improvisers 0 minutes minuten 0 separate separa 0 that rthat 1 celebrity celeberity 1 guys gusy 0 sweetest bestest 0 everybody eerbody 1 grass gras 1 great grat 0 enzyme coenzyme 1 even evennn 1 believes beleives 1 canadian canadain 1 believed beleived 1 professional profesional 1 grace grac 0 sandwich sanwich 1 minute minutee 1 freezing freezn 0 essentially d'essential 1 friendship frndship 1 waiting waitiiing 0 confirm reconfirm 0 posted iposted 0 challenge challen 1 marina marahin 1 collaboration colaboration 1 hypnotize hypnotised 1 brain barin 0 take ttake 0 fuck ffuck 1 stay stayyy 1 bucket buckett 1 bitch biitch 1 really 4reall 0 hiring hirin 1 ridiculous ridiculousss 0 children chidren 1 entertainment entertainement 0 geek gleek 1 air aiiirrr 0 could icould 1 staring staringg 1 administrator admin 1 pumped pumpedd 1 really reaalllyyy 1 explosion explosio 1 voice vioce 1 parade paradee 0 talking stalkin 1 hard 2hard 1 king kingg 1 kingdom kingd 1 claim cliam 1 hovering hoverin 1 maybe m/b 1 gentle gentel 0 heart myheart 1 penis peniss 1 definitely deffinetly 0 nationwide nationwi 0 how nhow 1 hater h8tr 1 accessories acessories 1 annoying anoying 1 supposed suposed 1 permission permisson 1 will willl 1 sleepy sleeeppyyy 0 willing willn 1 hate h8te 0 start sart 1 recommended recomendo 0 always allway 1 together togetherr 1 studying studyingg 1 trying triying 0 sup wsup 1 spain spanien 0 newspaper inewspaper 0 card ecard 1 itinerary itenerary 1 disgusting disguisting 1 recommended recomends 1 jeep jeeep 1 music msuic 0 certified uncertified 1 flashers filesharers 1 borrowed barrowed 1 knowing knoing 1 misfits missfits 1 information infromation 1 buck buckk 1 years yearss 1 nikki nikkiii 1 ireland ierland 1 pervert pervertida 1 dem demm 1 sigh siiigh 1 stop 2stop 0 dem dems 1 grind griiind 0 michelle michelles 1 kneeling kneelin 1 stranger strangr 1 record recordd 1 guaranteed guranteed 1 appears appers 1 liking likeing 0 dedicated idedicate 0 backwards bakwards 1 american amercan 1 one oone 1 guarantees gurantees 0 panels planels 1 colonization colonisation 1 civilian civillian 0 collins hollins 1 advertising advertsing 1 spread spred 0 spread sprea 1 talking talkiing 0 falling falliin 0 welcome welc 1 paralyzed paralized 1 afraid afriad 1 throwing throwingg 1 talking talkiinq 1 power powerrr 0 honda onda 1 mistaken mistaked 1 mistake mistakee 1 alberta albertas 0 now nnnow 1 threaten threatin 1 missile missle 1 sick siiickkk 1 pictures picturehouse 1 commentary comentario 1 two twooo 0 strength stregth 1 gorgeous gorgeouuus 1 video vido 1 announce annouce 1 yes yeess 1 chanting chantin 1 escape escapeee 1 information informacin 0 themselves demselves 1 videos vids 1 clean cleann 1 accommodate accomodate 0 cheeks cheecks 0 accounted unaccounted 1 suspended suspende 1 sponsored sponserd 1 england engeland 1 holy hollyy 1 suffer sufer 0 modern mordern 1 professional proffesional 1 months mnths 1 blah blaahh 1 sponsors sponsers 1 star starrr 1 stars starrs 1 start starrt 0 freaking ifreakin 0 coordinator ordinator 1 mcdonald mc'donalds 0 keep ikeeep 1 loved loveded 1 pronounced pronouncin 1 ashley ahsley 1 existing exisiting 1 otherwise othrwise 1 awful awefull 1 wear weaaar 0 peter petee 1 spread spreaded 1 welcome welocome 1 horses horseys 1 members membrs 0 hubs husb 1 house huse 0 penalty penatly 1 dying dyyying 0 configurable reconfigurable 1 boobs bewbz 1 competition competiton 1 went wnet 1 boobs bewbs 0 midget smidget 1 rain raiin 1 vegetarian vegatarian 1 every eevery 0 bitches bitchless 0 midnight mightnight 1 tonight tonighhht 0 domino dominios 1 freedom freedon 0 headphones handphones 1 though thouugh 0 being beign 1 upsetting upseting 1 skipping skiping 1 application aplication 0 could couldny 0 could couldnt 0 enough enuff 0 hangover fangover 1 holiday holidaay 1 commentary commentariat 1 interactions interactives 1 others 6others 1 belly bellay 1 might mihgt 1 life liffeee 1 king kiiing 1 kind kiiind 0 twisting retwisting 1 bell beeell 1 goal goall 1 write writeee 0 thugs rethugs 1 ongoing ongoin 1 berlin berlinale 0 computer komputer 1 talking tallking 1 turning turningg 0 err yeeerrr 0 mention mension 1 thursday thirsday 1 bored borreeeddd 1 smile simle 1 biased baised 1 trash traaash 1 originally orignally 1 dizzy dizzzy 1 really reeaaally 0 arrangement orangemen 1 upset upsett 0 asthma ashma 1 arguing arguingg 1 yard yaaard 1 countertenors counterterroris 1 real reeaaalll 1 setting seting 1 are arre 1 katie katieee 1 arrow arro 0 several serveral 0 there thetre 1 funniest funiest 1 games gmes 1 rumor rumore 1 smarter smartarse 0 talking talkig 1 talking talkin 0 harry arry 1 friend friendo 1 friendly friendl 0 pragmatically programmaticall 1 friend friendi 1 friend friendd 0 panther japanther 1 whispering whisperings 1 dude duuude 1 friends friendz 1 friend friendy 1 spaghetti spaguetti 1 sticky stickyy 1 extra extraa 0 morning mornn 0 bitch bch 0 funding defunding 1 back bck 0 morning morni 1 assumed asumed 1 sister sisteer 1 too 2too 0 lantern o'lantern 1 live liveee 1 err eeerr 1 messages msgs 1 asia asias 0 walked iwalked 0 quite uite 0 stole istole 0 oscilloscope socialscope 1 whose whoss 1 gentlemen gentelmen 0 reaching reachin 0 ash vash 1 apparently aparently 1 caffeine caffein 1 cemetery cemetary 1 portland portlands 1 hot hooottt 0 something sumfin 0 namesakes namespaces 1 bout boiut 0 roses n'roses 1 hes hesss 0 coughing coughin 1 funny 2funny 1 unauthorized unauthorised 1 creeping creepin 1 priority priorty 0 events ents 1 entry entr 1 excuse excuseme 0 scouting imscouting 1 agree aggree 1 now 4now 1 nov 4nov 1 not 4not 0 fixing fixin 1 furnace furnance 1 orchestral orchestre 1 getting gettimg 1 weekend weeeknd 1 briefs breifs 1 ability ablity 1 meaning meanning 1 domestic domest 1 exactly eeexactly 0 think tthink 1 interest intrest 0 factor cheffactor 1 weirdo wrdo 1 words wrds 1 tooth toooth 1 music 2music 1 studied studyed 1 justin jussstin 1 introduction introducti 1 dude duuudddeee 1 network netowrk 1 suggest sugest 1 something somethinggg 1 convert convert2ev 1 prenatal perinatal 1 rest restt 1 dream drm 1 friendly frendly 1 search serch 0 mexican mexian 1 ninth nineth 1 flies fliesss 1 dollars 3dollars 0 having aving 1 viewing veiwing 1 historical historicals 1 war war3 1 regeneration regeneron 0 blanket slanket 1 legal legaal 0 rewrite rewri 1 family familyyy 1 upright uprightly 1 leaked leakd 1 sup suuup 1 small smalll 1 mcfarland mcfarlanes 1 majesty majestys 1 wasted waasted 0 presents apresenta 1 negatives negativism 1 fucking fckingg 0 expecting xpectin 1 war warr 0 dull adull 0 cars casares 1 desert desserted 1 rage raeg 1 paradise paradies 0 bolivia boliviana 1 vicinity vacinity 1 everything evrythinq 1 hungry hunnngry 0 status statusmu 1 rain raiiinnn 1 candidates candidature 1 afternoon afteroon 1 arrested arreste 0 guns guns'n 0 master seamaster 0 friends frieds 1 preferred preffered 0 friend friedn 1 sun suuun 1 sum suuum 0 surrender surpreender 1 asleep aslepp 1 popular popluar 0 design bydesign 0 cracking rackin 1 fault faultt 1 degree 90degree 1 construct construc 1 updated updat 1 sometimes sonetimes 1 followed folowd 1 until untill 0 inspiration skinspiration 1 addicted addcited 0 everybody erebody 1 until untile 0 chemistry khemistry 0 naturally natch 1 tangential tangentially 0 remember rembember 1 attempts attemps 0 boyfriend boyfried 1 ass aass 0 route roquette 1 registered registred 1 ask aask 1 diaries diariess 1 sterilization sterilisation 1 receives recieves 1 receiver reciever 0 possible possib 1 happy hhhaaapppyyy 1 different differrent 1 seldom seldomly 1 destiny destinyy 1 destiny destinys 1 week weeki 1 want wnat 1 week weekk 1 united uniteds 1 weekly weekl 0 weekend weekn 0 weekend weeke 1 rose rooose 0 does idoes 0 weekly weeky 1 subject subjct 0 updater webupdater 1 ever everr 0 therapist therapi 1 such suchh 1 nervous nervus 1 great greeaat 1 shit sheitt 0 think unthink 0 the tthe 0 nick finnick 1 becoming becomeing 1 lingerie langerie 1 letting leeting 1 ethics ethicist 0 strange lestrange 1 then theni 1 then thenn 1 switzerland switzerlands 0 them thenm 1 boner bonr 0 bonus bonu 1 then thene 1 week week8 1 cousin cousion 1 fucked fuccked 1 week week1 0 then thens 0 circulating recirculating 0 brian briand 1 stealing stealinq 1 complicated complicateddd 1 choir chior 1 earth erth 0 insurers reinsurers 1 gun gunnn 1 award awrd 1 wheel 4wheel 0 light ligh 1 halloween hellowen 1 light ligt 1 sara sahar 1 follow follooww 0 nashville smashville 1 watching watchimg 1 death deaaath 1 read readed 0 chilling chiillin 1 something smthin 1 halloween hellaween 1 imagine immagine 1 generic generico 1 taller taler 1 patrick patricks 0 commerce oscommerce 1 january januray 0 exist excists 1 talk 2talk 1 woke wooke 0 best ebst 1 struggling struggli 1 favor favr 1 struggling struggln 1 sunshine sunshin 1 university univeristy 1 columbia columbians 1 phoenix phenix 1 down dowwwnn 1 tongues tounges 1 mood mooddd 1 bitch bittchh 1 times tmes 1 brazil brazils 1 brazil brazile 1 unlike unlik 1 said saied 1 brazil brazill 1 brazil brazili 1 fluoride flouride 0 qualification calcification 0 getting geetin 1 sometime smtime 0 exercise excersice 0 tagged geotagged 0 shining shinnin 1 example ex'ample 1 darling darlinggg 1 actually actully 1 lets letsss 1 mystery mysterie 1 severely severly 1 initial inital 1 helm helem 1 account accunt 1 super suppper 1 smile smillleee 1 coverage coverages 1 want wannit 1 shout shoutoutt 1 interrupting interuptin 1 shouts shoutouts 0 praying prayin 1 girls girlsrt 1 disappeared dissapeard 1 throw trhow 1 follow follloww 0 ionian nixonian 1 follows folllows 0 guessing guessin 1 control cntrol 1 see seew 1 snoring snorring 1 potential potiential 0 moderate modera 1 inauguration inaguration 1 called caled 1 traffic trafico 0 brilliant briljant 1 sex seex 1 see seee 1 toronto toronado 1 boys boyyys 0 minutes mins 1 min minu 0 loom lolomg 0 frogman thefrogman 1 wow wowowowo 1 literal litteral 1 sweetheart sweeetheart 0 crowned uncrowned 0 knowledge knowlege 1 association assocation 1 minimum minium 1 grenades grenadine 0 stress stess 1 peter 1peter 0 relaxing laxing 1 when whhen 0 doubt idoubt 0 regular regulat 0 plan iplan 1 scorpions scorpians 1 presidential presidentia 1 celebrities celeberties 0 interstate centrastate 0 am m 0 parents pezzas 1 real reeaal 1 welcome wellcome 0 contest conest 1 mercy mercyy 1 thanksgiving thanskgiving 1 copy coppy 1 avatar avataar 1 belly bellyyy 1 great grreat 0 subscribe subsribe 1 cold colldd 0 paranoid parano 0 sorry sowi 1 think thnik 1 soldiers soilders 1 remembering remebering 1 difficult difficul 1 fierce feirce 1 recommendations reccomendations 1 performing preforming 0 backwards baccwards 1 thanksgiving thanksgivn 0 reality unreality 1 thanksgiving thanksgivi 0 confirm konfirm 1 folk folky 0 another aother 1 maker makerrr 0 sugar sugaa 0 thirteen thinkteen 1 hardcover hardcove 1 questionnaire questionaire 0 gucci guccis 1 makes makesss 0 second secon 1 chris chrish 1 number nummber 0 second secod 1 progress prgress 1 everybody everyboy 0 biologist mixologist 1 chinese chinesse 1 new newww 1 submit submittal 1 mainstream mainsteam 1 extremely extremley 0 hairstyle hardstyle 1 given 4given 1 everybody everybod 0 temperature tempature 1 about abbout 0 comments momentos 1 vampire vampir 1 truss terusss 1 professional professionnel 0 vampire vampie 1 championship championsh 1 someone smeone 1 smack smackk 1 aggressive aggresive 1 smack smackn 1 comical commical 1 intramural intermural 0 slightly slighly 1 could caould 1 peter petr 1 link liiink 1 name nammee 1 signing siging 1 fruit friut 1 disappointment disapointments 0 presenter apresentar 1 visualize visualise 0 summary summarythe 1 dressing dressin 1 adultery adultry 1 noise nosie 0 lawbreakers jailbreakers 1 brothers brotherss 1 finish finishh 1 finishing finishn 1 finished finishd 1 finish finishe 1 funny fny 1 waiter w8ter 1 good gewd 1 stereoscope stereoscopic 1 finishes finishs 1 studying studin 1 background backgorund 0 hospital hopital 1 sigh sighhh 0 halloween halloweener 0 christmas crismas 1 immensely immensly 0 vanilla nilla 1 yeah yeaaahh 1 tonight tonightrt 1 going gowing 1 leave leeeaaave 1 inform informat 1 forgetting forgetin 1 idiot idot 1 first frist 0 showed ishowed 1 okay okayh 1 believing beleiving 1 immensely immensley 1 more moooreee 1 okay okayy 1 feeling feelimg 0 okay okayz 0 suddenly suddendly 1 absolutely absoulty 1 ceiling cieling 1 cartoon cartooon 1 happened happenned 1 assessment assessmentof 1 concerned concerened 0 pussy chut 1 absolute absoulte 1 websites websits 1 another anotherday 0 cool qoolz 0 dedicate dedicame 1 laryngitis larryngitis 1 okay okay2 1 min 7min 1 anymore anymor 0 charm chamaram 1 cant ca'nt 1 most moust 1 wilson wilsons 0 believe ibelieve 0 alright ight 0 everywhere errywhere 1 bell belll 1 alternative alternat 1 hemorrhoids haemorrhoids 1 writing writinggg 0 sorry sorryrt 0 connection connetion 1 vibrator vibrater 1 selection selectio 1 selecting selectin 1 solo solooo 0 followers fllower 1 opportunities opportuniti 1 management managment 1 boss boosss 1 scarf scarff 1 scarf scarfe 1 interview interwiew 1 smashed smashd 0 extra xxtra 0 aces haces 0 serious seious 1 even eveen 1 superstar superstore 1 edinburgh edinburg 1 wow wowowowowow 1 superstar superstorm 1 tired tiered 1 different diifferent 1 acting actng 1 lingo lingo24 1 ugly uglay 1 preparations preperations 1 ending endin 1 battery bettery 1 please plase 1 verse versee 1 transform transforma 0 follow unfollow 1 personage personagem 1 vancouver vancouvers 1 certainly certaintly 1 hitchhiker hitchiker 0 eating eaing 1 miserable misrables 1 language languag 1 vomiting vomitting 1 arrogant arogant 0 polo polos 0 translations pstranslations 0 rumbling grumblin 1 american amerikan 1 sexier sexierrr 1 motherfucker motherfckers 1 sure sureee 0 fuck ufck 0 fulfill fufil 1 arrived arriveddd 1 address adress 0 boom bbom 1 deleted deletedd 1 dreaming dreamn 1 constitutional constitutionall 1 environment enviornment 1 apple applie 1 dream dreame 1 dreamed dreamd 1 optimized optimizely 1 dream dreama 0 long llong 0 boy bboy 1 dirty diiirty 1 please pleaaasseee 1 something somethingg 1 photos photosss 0 kinship winship 1 pointer 3pointers 1 ever eveer 0 yesterday yesteday 1 imagine imaginext 1 only onnnly 0 orleans orlea 1 engaged engadgethd 1 beatles beattles 0 elementary elemetary 1 becomes becames 1 customization customizations 1 indefinite indefin 1 performing performinq 1 taken takken 1 interview interv 1 outage outtage 1 systems systemsays 1 interim interm 1 please pleeeassse 1 related relatedly 1 clean cleaaan 1 interest intere 1 interface interf 1 packages packagesnew 1 inter intera 0 cute ckutee 1 becoming bcomin 1 schedule scedule 0 cartoon carrolton 1 changed chnaged 1 goddess goddes 1 options optionshouse 1 pretty pretttyyy 1 electromagnetic electromagnetis 1 apparently apperntly 1 instinct instict 1 heaps heapsss 1 raid raide 1 restaurant restorant 1 insomnia insonmia 1 crazy craaazzyyy 1 perform prform 1 completed compleated 0 sleep sleepage 1 banging banginggg 1 hours houurs 1 embarrassed embarassed 1 about abouuut 0 supposed isupposed 1 joint jointtt 0 heartbeat hearbeat 1 helicopter hellicopter 1 true trrue 1 warrant warrent 1 vagina vaginaa 1 excellence excellance 1 sake sakeee 1 what whatt 0 designs idesign 0 what whatr 1 energize energiser 1 television televisio 1 what whaty 1 arms armsss 1 recruiting recruting 1 what whate 1 worldwide worlwide 1 contribution contrib 1 together tgther 0 working woking 0 downloaded jdownloader 0 boxer boxter 1 whipped whiped 0 already alreay 1 sojourn sojourner 1 change channge 0 moving unmoving 1 forehead forhead 1 wipes whipes 1 cigarette cigarrete 1 snaps 2snaps 1 already alread 1 yards yrds 1 disarming disarmingly 1 christian chirstian 1 anything annything 1 what what' 1 low loww 1 struggle strugle 1 cents 15cents 0 did idid 1 pin pinny 0 rapid rapidkl 0 worked outworked 1 embarrassed embarrsed 1 brunch brunchy 1 competition compeiton 0 shit ashit 1 midnight midnightt 1 metropolitan metropolitana 1 mark markkk 1 mouths mouthes 1 puppy puppyyy 1 bound boundd 1 phrase phras 1 fest feesta 1 recorded recored 0 terry terrys 1 trucking truckin 1 salad sald 0 about ablout 1 leave leeve 1 facilitate facilitator 1 discounts discounters 1 difficult difficultly 1 crib criiib 1 grabbing grabbn 1 aunt auntt 1 finished finshd 0 phillips mcphillips 1 aunt aunty 1 aunt aunte 1 daniel daniellle 1 bored broed 1 aunt aunti 1 assists assts 1 awake awaaake 0 yesterday sterday 1 dirty dirtty 1 shattered shatterd 0 excited exitedd 1 junior juinor 0 can ccan 1 eagle eagleee 1 rush russh 0 russian russi 1 female femal 1 towards towrds 1 potato potata 1 substitute subsitute 1 fast fst 0 jay ejay 1 temporarily temporarly 1 mammography mammographer 1 people 3people 1 forth forthh 1 walking walkind 0 cutting cuttin 0 manager managem 0 notch knotch 1 attractive attractivee 1 sunshine sunshiiine 1 grandma grandmamma 1 office offfice 1 negative negitive 1 suffers sufferes 0 young oung 1 hurting hurtin 0 depends depens 1 again 17again 1 morning merning 1 whats wahts 1 warning warninggg 1 walking walkinn 0 funny unny 1 brazilian brazillian 0 going goingon 1 studying stdying 0 kisses yikesss 0 motherfucker mf 1 mccartney mccartneys 1 haters hatersss 1 sitting stting 1 language lenguage 1 conspiracy conspiracywatch 1 halloween 4halloween 1 preach preachhh 1 loser loserrr 1 relationship realtionship 1 trend trender 1 cheeseburger cheesburger 0 love llove 1 terrible turrrible 0 giants sfgiants 1 amateur amatuer 1 definitely deffinatley 1 coke cokeee 1 boyfriend boyfrenn 1 hazard hazzard 1 skiers skiiers 0 photography phonography 0 roach roachs 1 freaking freakingg 0 cole jcole 0 address addy 1 added adde 1 atoms atomsk 1 possibilities possibilites 0 shaking shankin 0 tying tyin 1 sweater sweaterr 1 quantitative quantative 1 outside outsite 0 boston boylston 1 either eiither 1 fiber fibre 1 according accordin 0 eh weeehh 0 eric deric 1 hilarious halrious 1 working wroking 1 remember rember 0 later lateron 1 want wwant 1 steve stev 1 media meida 0 monsters mosters 1 toilet tiolet 0 boxes boxsets 1 absorbed absorbers 0 shedding sheddin 1 face faaaceee 1 slut sluuut 1 blind blindd 1 relationship relatinships 1 tracking trackin 1 australia australiaaa 1 another anouther 1 bathroom bathrooom 1 watercolor watercooler 0 babes baes 0 swear swea 1 december decmeber 1 manganese manganext 1 university univers 0 sweet swee 1 memory memeory 0 babe baee 1 tear tearr 1 whats wwhats 1 swear swer 1 michigan michigans 1 sweet swet 0 potential potenial 0 thirsty thirtsy 1 without w/out 1 dublin dublins 1 slave slaveee 1 deep deeeppp 1 bother botherrr 1 developed developped 0 nothing nutin 0 mall pmall 1 times 30times 0 problem noproblem 1 great greeaattt 1 ways wayss 1 casserole caserole 1 ring riing 0 magazine usmagazine 1 solution soulution 0 lord lordt 1 lord lordy 1 lord lordd 1 presentation presentacion 1 everybody everyboday 1 miles 10miles 1 talking tlaking 1 fish fishies 0 ballad ballards 1 follow fooolllow 1 tangled tangeled 1 convention conventio 1 smile smillle 1 fire fireee 1 show shooww 1 journalist journali 1 translating transgaming 1 teachers teacherss 1 secret secreat 1 sustainable sustainability 1 genre genere 1 eyed eye'd 1 my mai 1 my mah 0 millionaire chamillionare 1 stroke strokee 0 call ckall 1 stupid stuuupid 1 anything anyhting 1 efficient effecient 0 angel rangeela 1 avenue avenu 1 uncivilized uncivilised 1 gone gonnneee 1 bastard bastardly 1 pages pagess 1 addicted adddicted 1 computer computor 1 nothing nothiing 0 hypocrite hyprocrite 1 herbs herbsmd 1 genres geners 1 right roight 1 motivation motavation 1 jesus jeus 0 drunk drunlk 1 obsessed obessed 0 plastic aplastic 1 sucks suckkss 0 psychology phycology 1 fucking f#cking 1 starter startrek 0 subscribing unsubscribing 1 answer answear 0 shaking shakein 1 during durring 0 integrity intergrity 1 hormonal hormonally 1 obviously obiviously 1 seriously srsly 0 seduction miseducation 0 server verveer 1 latest latests 1 quoted qouted 1 line lineee 0 technical geotechnical 0 gadget engadget 1 months monthss 1 goddesses godesses 1 kids 4kids 1 collaborate colaborate 1 purple purpley 1 broadcasting broadcastin 1 out ouuutt 1 across acrosss 1 address adres 1 hurts hrts 0 layman laymans 0 bitch bizzle 1 finally fiiinally 1 chill chiiill 0 guests nuggests 1 early earlllyyy 1 child chiiild 0 butt butbut 1 temporary tempora 1 goes goes2 1 trifling triffling 1 stressed stresseddd 0 canadian canadi 0 fuck phux 1 christian christain 1 fast fasst 0 fuck phuk 1 funniest funest 1 emerging emergen 0 fun phun 1 appreciate apperciate 1 disease diseas 1 gotten gotn 1 ask asskk 1 gotta gota 1 slurp slurppp 1 tripping tripin 1 headlines headlin 0 never inever 1 money moneeyyy 0 got gotr 0 got gots 1 chile chilee 0 remember remenber 0 alignment realignment 1 got gott 1 goes goess 1 nicely nicley 0 trying tyrin 1 neutralize neutralise 1 past passst 1 episodes epsiodes 0 awareness awarene 1 parties partiesss 1 lord looord 1 happy haaappyyy 1 thin thinn 0 moral namoral 1 sounding soundn 1 celestial celestica 0 challenge challege 1 sound soundd 0 buttsex but6 0 halloween skalloween 1 hey hheeyy 1 calling callng 1 chris cris 1 commitment comittment 1 away aaway 1 shouts shotouts 1 saturday saturaday 1 conservative conservati 1 christ chirst 1 softball softballl 1 please pleeeasssee 0 funny funnyxd 1 melbourne melbourn 1 parts prts 1 prom prommm 1 people pople 1 awesome awesommme 1 party prty 1 cut 2cut 0 but butr 1 eye eyee 1 fired firered 1 but buty 1 ice iice 0 crooked krooked 1 greetings greatings 1 cinematic cinematics 1 seriously serouisly 1 singing snogging 1 rage ragey 1 y'all yalll 1 boobs boobiess 1 wanna wannnaaa 0 learning learnin 1 topic topicc 1 fruit fruitty 1 heard heared 1 your youor 1 sponsor sponso 1 disrespectful disrespecful 0 experience asxperience 1 speakers speakerz 0 portrayed potrayed 1 until untiil 1 fine fiine 1 find fiind 1 ego egooo 1 bitch bitccch 1 definitely deffintly 1 gasp gasppp 0 computer comouter 1 inspiring inspirin 1 luck luuuck 1 wonder wonderrr 1 bring brng 0 symptoms symtoms 1 school shcool 0 prefer pefer 0 location colocation 1 dying dyiing 1 damned damnd 1 learned lerned 0 damn damnb 0 damn damnm 1 damn damnn 0 underwear wunderbar 1 drawing drawingg 1 shows shos 1 boston bostonn 1 okay okayokay 0 shock shoc 0 never enver 0 shock shok 0 need ineed 0 missing misssin 0 instead istead 1 horrible horrribleee 0 penis dick 0 disco dico 1 commentary comentary 1 maneuver manoeuvre 1 negativity negitivity 0 custer custserv 1 donating donatin 0 donations donatio 1 okay ookayy 0 towels teatowels 1 talk twalk 1 resistance resistan 1 worst wooorst 1 george georg 0 spectacular espetacular 0 enjoying njoyin 1 chilling chillingly 0 coming ccoming 1 environmental environmental4u 1 ever eveeerr 1 destiny destinyyy 0 important impotant 1 however hwever 1 taking takiing 1 pregnant pregant 1 why whhyy 1 ireland irelan 0 heaven dehaven 1 everywhere everywhr 1 together togetheeer 1 church curch 0 manchester lanchester 1 infinite infinit 0 recorded recoded 0 because becaue 1 bangs bangsat 1 sleeping sleepin 1 hair haaair 1 world worlldd 0 players 4player 1 taste t8st 0 sleeping sleepig 1 run ruuunnn 1 gratis gratiss 0 acoustic coustic 1 straightened straighteners 1 diamonds diamondz 1 everyone eveyrone 0 bomber bromberg 1 breathing breathin 1 fantasy fantasyyy 0 download gedownload 1 pie pieee 0 insecure unsecure 1 splendor splendors 1 yeah yeauh 1 million 9million 1 affordable affordably 1 christopher cristopher 1 morning mrning 1 touch tuch 1 control contol 1 listening listeninng 1 gum gummm 1 motherfucker motherfuker 0 inside indside 1 environment enviorment 1 tomorrow tomorrrowww 0 lopez lopezs 1 is iisss 0 shocked shoked 1 bowling bowlinggg 1 tuition tuiton 1 proof proff 1 wipe whipe 1 madrid madrids 0 profit profi 0 hearing hearding 1 someday somedaay 1 interesting interestin 1 function functionin 1 eat eattt 0 jay rjay 0 stores instores 1 old ooold 1 males maleess 0 made imade 1 ugly uglyyy 1 scratches scritches 0 excited soexcited 1 chills chillls 0 stored instored 0 burgers bugers 0 background baground 1 feel feeelll 1 heated heateddd 1 take tkae 1 bothered botheredd 1 threaten threathen 1 joker jokerr 0 audiophile studiophile 1 bedroom bdroom 1 makes maakes 1 available availabie 0 factor facor 1 celebrate celebrat 1 make maakee 1 entertaining entertaning 1 celebrity celeberty 0 yourself urself 1 straightening straightenin 1 contacts contactss 0 watson waston 1 nirvana nirvanas 1 decided dcided 1 disgrace discrace 1 bout boutt 0 commodity commodi 1 breakfast brakefast 1 inseparable inseperable 1 restaurants resturants 0 alien atlien 0 right riggh 1 know knnow 1 referred reffered 1 medicine madicine 1 secretly secretely 1 motherfucker mutherfuck 1 bumping bumpinq 1 right riightt 0 everything everyrhing 1 collins colins 1 bitches bitchesss 1 wait waaiiittt 1 executive execut 1 toronto tronto 0 insane insrance 1 merchandise merchandisers 1 calls callss 1 guessing gussing 1 pills pils 0 tuition tuitions 1 send senddd 1 inn iiinn 1 missing missingg 0 jason ason 1 please pleeaasse 1 carrying carring 1 second seccond 1 hilfiger hillfiger 1 comes cmes 1 babysitter babysister 1 stuff stuuff 1 insurgents insurgentes 0 jacks jaks 0 box cbox 1 essence essense 1 girl gril 1 trifling trifiling 1 definitely definently 0 town ttown 0 serve servem 0 piracy biopiracy 1 hurry 2hurry 0 especially escpecially 1 took tookk 0 chicago uchicago 1 yourself yhurself 0 internet intenet 1 took tooke 1 menace meance 1 decided desided 1 properties propertie 1 cable cabl 1 pittsburgh pittsburg 1 cab cabb 1 incendiary incinerador 1 motherfucker motherfcker 1 consultant consultan 1 freshmen freshmens 0 know nkow 0 tangle detangle 1 inning ining 0 twilight twitlight 0 storms tstorms 1 straightening straightning 1 prominent prominen 0 airing airin 0 fever ferver 1 saxophone sousaphone 0 kiss mwah 1 london londons 1 ridiculous ridicolous 1 furniture furnature 0 ur yuurr 1 london londona 1 rocks rocksss 0 gave igave 1 london londonn 0 understand inderstand 1 personnel personell 1 whats whaatss 1 original originalsha 1 reference refference 1 awesome aweasome 1 videos videoss 0 eight eigh 0 princeton provincetown 1 dreaming dreaminq 1 share shre 1 indian indain 1 strict stric 0 annoying annoyn 0 genes ngences 0 getting gettiin 1 strike strik 1 annoyed annoyd 0 world oneworld 1 clothes clothess 1 wild wildd 1 compilation cumpilation 1 please pleaasse 0 wild wildn 1 besides bsides 1 faces facess 1 made maddee 1 pretend pretendd 1 pretend pretende 1 images imagess 1 shit shyit 1 truth thruth 1 weekend weekkend 1 shell shelll 1 messy messyyy 1 marlboro marlboros 1 era eraa 1 stresses stressors 1 halloween holloweeen 0 shrug shrugz 1 strike strikee 1 horoscopes horscopo 1 marijuana marijuna 1 together toghether 1 down doown 1 mischievous misschievous 1 possible possibl 0 looking lukin 1 cause casue 1 romantic romantik 0 possible possibe 0 state ncstate 1 north nrth 0 daily tvdaily 0 general generac 1 flip filp 0 these deez 0 practically pratically 0 smart unsmart 0 comments commets 1 field fild 1 baby babyboy 0 conversation konversation 1 driver driverr 1 biggest bigggest 0 prison priso 0 fucking effin 1 skateboarding skateboardin 0 flying fying 1 important importand 1 importance importanc 1 tired tireddd 1 suburban suburbpat 0 safely safetly 1 professor proffesor 0 payable payables 1 positive postitive 1 played playeddd 1 amazing amazinnng 1 videos videosss 1 robin robinnn 1 alright alrighh 1 evil evilll 1 wet wett 0 doing doiin 0 november lovember 1 member memebr 1 chile chileee 0 revisions qrvisions 1 minutes minuites 1 hungry huungry 0 downloaded redownloaded 0 storms t'storms 0 across acoss 0 dollars dollas 1 divine devine 0 mushrooms shrooms 1 sun sunn 1 filled fillled 0 dollar dollah 1 worry 2worry 1 wednesday wednes 1 sun sune 0 already akready 1 multicolored multicoloured 1 along alongs 1 albert alberts 1 bullshit bullshit'n 1 bullshit bullshiiit 1 nine ninee 1 alabama alabam 0 popovers kpoplovers 1 along alongg 1 petty pettty 1 bitches betches 1 position postion 1 sushi sushii 1 holy holllyyy 1 month 10month 1 seriously seriousssly 0 explosive xxplosive 1 reading rading 0 utility utili 1 hammering hammerin 0 stripes stipes 1 sushi sushis 1 cereal cerealll 1 tomorrow tomrrow 1 are arreee 1 katie kati 1 eligible elligible 0 brother brover 1 messed mesed 1 split splitted 1 mes meses 1 serious seroius 1 assignment assignement 1 joke jokie 1 disorder disorde 1 investigation invesigations 0 joking jokin 0 someone omeone 0 contactable uncontactable 1 discussion disscusion 1 tomorrow tomorrooowww 1 grabbed grabd 1 friends friendsss 1 grab grabb 1 grab graba 1 extravagant extravagent 1 saturday saturda 0 turned tunred 1 through trhough 0 marathon maratho 1 bring bringgg 1 consumption consumptions 1 subscription subscripti 1 saturday saturdy 0 chartered unchartered 0 lacking slackinn 1 cooked coooked 1 visiting visting 1 corporation corporatist 1 highly higly 1 write wrtie 1 minutes 9minutes 1 treadmill tredmill 1 jewelry jewellry 1 better betteer 1 minute minuete 0 islands oilsands 1 liter 2litre 1 jacking jackin 1 dress dresss 0 entitled intitled 1 there theeere 1 amendments ammendments 1 stays stayss 1 outrageous outragous 1 fortune fourtune 1 massage massageee 1 georgia georiga 1 later laater 0 wanna iwanna 1 fantasies fantasmas 0 approved unapproved 1 really reeeally 1 flats flatts 0 dunk dunkn 1 plenty plentyyy 1 exclusive exclusiv 0 fire firert 1 videos vidoes 1 assists asts 1 fiery firery 1 drawing drawinggg 1 wanted wannted 0 depend depen 1 bright brightt 1 brighten brightn 1 details 4details 1 discussions discussionsbuy 1 explain explainnn 1 constantly consistantly 1 frustrating frustratingly 1 raining raininggg 1 smoke somke 0 refrigerator frigerator 1 half hlaf 1 smart smartfx 1 madrid madird 1 weight wieght 1 describe discribe 0 filling fillin 0 everywhere neverwhere 1 amber amberrr 1 miles milesss 0 canadian cascadian 1 twisting twistn 1 cowboy cowbo 1 toronto torontos 1 genius geniuss 1 toronto torontoo 0 lance lawrance 0 wedding twedding 1 mortgage mortg 0 black blac 0 asses sses 0 though thouh 0 plenty pleny 1 stop stoooppp 0 see ssee 1 songs sngs 0 thought thout 1 motherfucker mutherfucker 1 touch tocuh 1 heartbreak heartbrake 1 damn daaamnnn 1 yep yeppp 0 thinking thinkig 1 telling tellinq 0 ginger giner 0 rats drats 1 site siteee 0 reviewing reviewin 1 steps stepss 1 brains brainiacs 1 playing playinq 1 that that'a 1 days dayyyss 1 recipe recipie 1 your youir 0 playing playinh 0 playing playinn 1 that that't 1 occupation occupati 1 approaching approachin 1 being beiing 1 much muucchhh 1 followed folowed 0 checked cked 1 morning morining 1 therapy therpy 0 getting gettibg 0 hanging haging 1 suffering sufering 0 treating teating 1 horoscope horrorscope 0 london lodon 1 miss miiiss 1 height hght 0 supermarket premarket 1 excited excitied 1 impact impac 0 keepers jeepers 1 literally 26literally 1 music muisc 0 cold cccold 1 already alreadt 1 difficult diffcult 1 anymore annymore 1 today todayyy 1 video videooo 1 leave leaave 1 inches 10inches 1 already alreadi 1 hair haiirrr 0 tomorrow 2m 1 launched launchd 0 launched launche 1 mystery mystry 1 rachel rachelll 1 believing beliving 1 scholarship scholorship 1 assignment asignment 1 harry hary 1 launches launchs 1 yesterday yesteray 1 basically bascially 0 imagining reimagining 1 wherever wherevr 1 fighter figther 1 supreme suprem 1 prince princ 0 wherever whereva 0 where whereve 0 remembered memberd 1 constantly constantin 1 type typeee 0 sir sirrt 1 motherfucker motherfucken 0 money moneyrt 1 embarrassing embarrassinggg 1 weapon wepon 1 member memberr 1 world wrld 0 pizza zpizza 1 members memberz 1 computer computery 0 bitterness twitterness 1 doing dowing 0 worse wose 0 jimmy jimmys 1 computer computerr 1 rocks rcks 1 london londonnn 0 email emailmu 1 loved loveeeddd 1 additional additonal 0 hardware shareware 0 don donr 0 don dont 1 down donw 1 aaron aarron 1 don dony 1 article artcle 1 brick briiick 1 afternoon afternoo 1 afternoon afternon 0 mccartney mccarney 0 warmongering fearmongering 1 letting lettng 1 seconds 20seconds 0 between betwe 0 waking wakinn 1 complement completamente 1 affordable affordabl 1 yard yarddd 0 setting settin 1 sorry shorry 1 backwards bckwards 1 calendar calandar 1 hurry hurrry 1 innocent innocentive 1 holy hollly 0 florida forida 0 state okstate 1 hurt hurrrt 0 paris pari 1 yesterday ysterday 0 velocity elocity 1 resurrected ressurected 0 leaders leaderless 1 hold hollld 0 redheads dreadheads 1 creep creeep 0 party pary 0 expired xpired 0 guideline guideli 0 ringo ringcon 1 fucked fcked 1 chilling chiiling 1 film filum 1 half halfff 1 considering concidering 1 suppose supposee 1 mastermind mastermix 1 personally personly 0 bitch bkitch 1 ordered orderd 1 arrangements arrangment 0 raining waining 1 lindsay lindsays 1 console consol 0 learned ilearned 1 order orderr 1 maine maineee 1 governors governers 1 snatch snatchin 1 kidnapping kidnappin 0 waiting waitin 1 distributed distribut 0 waiting waitig 0 official ufficiale 0 budget buget 1 gratis gratisss 1 naturally natrually 1 please pleeasseee 1 chain chainnn 0 asking asskicking 1 found fouund 0 chicken shicken 1 vampire vampiro 0 beach beachin 0 responsible resposible 1 remembered rememberedd 1 corruption corruptn 1 early eearly 1 present presenttt 1 carlton carltons 1 networking networki 0 talking alkin 1 chan channn 1 guts gutts 0 thriller thiller 1 personal personall 1 everything everyting 0 struggling stuggling 1 morning morningrt 1 squirrel squirell 1 architecture architektur 0 seasoning seasonin 0 alien adaline 1 harvard harvards 0 soccer msoccer 1 squirrels squirels 1 both bothhh 1 probably probabably 1 revolt revoltz 1 silly sily 1 head heeaaaddd 1 capacity capicity 0 younger youger 1 revolt revolta 1 affected affectees 1 personally personaly 1 california californias 0 michigan michig 0 removal remova 1 geographic geographics 0 benefits benefi 1 beat 2beat 1 california californiaa 1 respondents respondendo 0 common commom 0 formatted reformated 1 bored boerd 0 commodity commod 0 coolest foolest 0 watch watchj 1 gym gymmm 1 why whyyy 1 cutting cuttting 1 chevrolet chevrolets 1 loneliness lonelyness 1 feelings feelinqs 1 fancy fanc 0 sentence sentece 1 good gooddd 1 naked nakked 1 gay gaaayy 1 fan fann 1 radical radikal 1 starting startingg 1 balcony balconys 0 fucker phucker 1 benefits benfits 0 storage stormrage 1 transferred transfered 1 strengthen strenghten 1 world worldrt 0 signing sigin 1 happening happeing 0 roles rolexes 1 drink driink 0 sheep sheeps 0 comic comicon 0 popular popul 1 brilliant brillant 1 minutes 7minutes 0 voice voicert 1 kitchen kitchenn 1 craftsmanship craftmanship 1 symptoms symptons 1 again agaaainnn 1 fancy faaancy 1 mat matto 1 instant instante 1 beautiful beautifuul 0 canada canadas 1 cake cakey 1 install instantl 0 subject subje 1 let 2let 1 canada canadaa 0 agreed iagree 0 saints aints 1 world wrlod 0 everyone everyo1 1 dick dcik 1 account accont 1 dictionary dctnry 0 color bgcolor 0 jackson jacson 1 comedian commedian 1 wanna wannan 1 blonde blondee 1 and aannddd 1 wanna wannaa 0 wanna wannab 1 dance dance2 1 gay gai 1 under underrr 1 slipping slipn 1 more moreee 1 follow follloow 0 desire desirehd 1 fantasy fantas 0 trying rying 1 shadowbox shadowboxer 0 conversation convo 1 stereo stereooo 1 ghost ghostie 0 airports airpots 1 philadelphia philidelphia 0 everyone everyoe 0 ghost ghostin 1 gen genu 1 eyes eyees 1 dumbfounded dumbfoundead 1 buffalo buffallo 1 eye eyeee 1 talking talkinn 1 pedestal pedistal 0 virtual virtu 1 almost alomost 0 eng engr 1 bum bummm 1 trend treand 0 chemical chemica 0 flattened flattred 1 strength strenght 1 trying tryiing 1 english englishh 0 society socie 1 pills pillss 1 friday fridaaayyy 1 orangeade orangevale 1 husband husbandd 1 rocks rockss 0 bullshit bullshi 1 resuming resumin 1 herd herrrd 1 bullshit bullsht 1 registration registrati 1 right rioght 1 wow woooww 1 bitch biiitttchhh 0 timing timin 1 eng eng3 1 entire entireee 1 register registrate 1 frankenstein frankenstien 0 inclement finalement 1 ceremony cermony 1 success succces 1 extension extensionfm 1 torture tourture 1 international internationaliz 1 pussy pssy 0 that nthat 0 live ilive 0 floyd floyds 1 played plyed 1 gorgeous gorgoeus 0 japan cdjapan 0 west nwest 0 anymore amymore 1 company conpany 0 secretly secrectly 1 thanksgiving thanksging 0 flexible flexeril 1 bought boughtt 1 stirring stirrin 1 lay laaay 1 time twime 1 totally totallyy 1 discipline disciplina 1 spitting spitin 1 bullshit buuullshit 1 complicated complicatedd 1 administration administrativo 1 dancing dancingkyu 1 black blackkk 1 cancel cancellin 0 colony clooneys 1 cowboys cowboyss 1 insurance insuran 1 memories memoriess 1 dropped droped 1 heartrending heartwrenching 1 seem semm 1 here heerreee 1 whining whinning 0 alright alrt 1 bite biteee 1 alarm alrm 0 school lawschool 1 travel travle 0 flu flus 1 australia austrailia 1 flu fluu 1 best bset 1 public publics 0 problem promblem 1 twice twiceee 1 life liiife 1 shock schock 1 mirror mirrow 0 tournament tounament 0 yoga yogas 1 public publica 0 marina amarin 1 instinct instint 0 yoga yogax 1 substitute substitue 1 wasted wasssted 1 exams examss 0 goodnite good9 0 arc larc 1 large larg 1 portland portlandia 1 boring boriiing 0 beauty beautyuk 1 learn larn 0 camera camers 1 trinidad trinidadian 0 paris paribas 1 north northey 1 patient patiend 1 optimized optimiza 0 northern northen 1 extend extendin 0 taxes taxe 0 just justb 1 just justa 1 ban 4ban 0 just justg 1 just juste 1 cold collld 0 big bigk 0 justin justi 1 justin justn 0 looking lokin 0 manager manag 0 just justs 0 just justr 1 good goodd 0 bitch bish 1 just justt 0 training trainline 1 call caaall 1 calm caaalm 1 steve stevey 1 aye ayye 1 misunderstand misunderstander 0 steve steves 0 steve stever 1 hosted hostedby 1 grams gramms 1 boy boy2 1 state stateee 1 crazy craz 1 freshman freshmann 0 falling fallin 0 steve steveb 1 relaxation realisation 0 helpless helllsss 1 anniversary annversary 1 flipping flipppin 0 absence abscence 1 hellenism hellenismos 1 elected electeds 1 dancing dancinggg 1 specifically specifical 1 mistake mistaaake 1 transferable transformable 1 ghetto getto 0 getting gettn 0 alberta halbert 0 mix mixs 0 via vivaa 1 birthday brthday 1 boy boyi 1 get getta 0 floyd floy 1 will wiilll 0 pound pounder 1 friday frida 1 include inclu 1 get gettt 1 boy boyy 0 gd gdgd 1 thinks thinksss 1 gets getts 1 happy hapyy 1 carefully carefuly 0 mute unmute 0 country counrty 1 careful carefull 0 crack crak 0 sex seks 1 pushed pushd 1 tonight toniight 1 name naem 1 older olderrr 0 but ibut 1 neck neckk 0 playing playin 1 transfer transf 1 feel feeel 1 vertical verticle 1 bucks buckss 0 materials materia 1 anyway anywa 1 excuse excusee 1 pornography pornographico 1 teens tweens 1 that thaht 1 changed chnged 0 think htink 1 everyday evrydy 0 glamourous glamorousesh 1 changes chnges 1 anyway anywy 1 years 30years 1 deal deally 0 eco econ 1 prepared preparen 1 beautiful beatiful 1 inconvenience inconvinience 1 cupcake cuppycake 1 mcdonald mc'donald 0 canton cranston 1 different diffferent 1 treating treatn 1 pizza pizzaa 1 deal dealll 1 casualty casuality 0 studio flstudio 1 ugly uglyy 0 ugly uglys 1 speedup speedbump 1 yesterday yesturdayy 1 fingers fingures 1 afghanistan afghanistans 1 pounds 20pounds 0 automation datamation 1 article articel 1 o'clock 2oclock 0 streams xstream 0 hacker haxxor 1 started startet 1 kills killsss 1 network newtork 1 helpful helpf 1 vote voteee 1 helped helpd 1 help helpe 1 document documen 0 since scince 1 pressure preasure 0 helping helpi 1 office ofice 0 help helpt 0 exist exis 1 help helpp 1 except excpt 0 help helpz 0 frustration fustration 1 after afther 1 yummy yummmyy 0 electric lectric 1 frequency frequen 1 successes sucesses 1 fine fiiine 1 find fiiind 0 another anothe 1 boys boyyysss 1 later lter 1 having havinggg 0 heartfelt hertzfeldt 1 wave waaave 1 another anothr 1 villains villians 1 with withthe 1 bottle botle 1 present presentasi 1 shower showeer 1 museum muesum 1 fucked fckedd 1 move moooveee 0 beige beiges 1 hunger hungerrr 0 cookies kookies 0 later lata 1 homework homwork 1 emergency emergencia 1 may mayyy 1 pipe pipee 1 holland hollandd 1 wishes whises 1 misleading misleadingly 1 because bcause 0 everything averything 0 vacuum vacumn 1 opening opeing 0 saying sayign 0 sucks suxorz 1 california califor 0 sucks suxors 1 sung seung 0 fucking fukkin 1 hotel htel 1 halo halooo 0 angel nagel 1 member membersh 1 won wewon 0 hope ihope 0 dramatically gramatically 1 pulling pullinq 0 shannon channon 1 intended intented 0 exercise excersize 1 every 2every 1 block bloock 1 grandma grandmum 1 tomorrow tmmrw 0 despite depite 0 best bestes 1 lovely lovley 1 colors colorss 1 foreign forgien 0 believing unbelieving 1 funny funnnay 1 movement movemnt 1 right rightio 1 olympic olymp 1 exclusive exclusivas 1 alike alik 1 display displ 1 alicia alic 1 blackburn blacksburg 1 orange o'range 1 account accound 0 launch launchher 0 ali alis 0 dispute dispu 1 alive aliv 1 review reveiw 0 countdown mcountdown 1 oh ohoh 1 yeah yeaaah 0 stretch strecth 1 year yeaaar 1 women wmen 0 papa parapa 1 awful awwwful 0 downloading dloading 1 idea ideia 1 seriously serioiusly 1 reason rason 1 procrastination procrastinatin 0 love ilove 1 year yeaaarrr 0 nipples nips 1 adding addding 1 nip nipp 1 hopefully hopefullyy 1 partner partne 1 pan paaan 1 will wiiilll 1 pas paaas 1 ins insu 0 spike spiketv 1 jasmine jasmen 1 pay paaay 1 massachusetts massachusettsht 1 much muhc 0 getting getttin 1 balls 8balls 1 hopefully hopeefully 0 recess resses 1 storm stormmm 1 advertising advertisin 0 money monery 0 saturday saurday 1 there theree 1 upload uploaddd 1 predator preditor 0 bang babang 0 reader fbreader 1 listening lsitening 0 school schoolday 0 grams gramps 1 willing willinq 1 optimizer optimiser 1 gratis grtis 0 rinse rinsefm 1 hour hourrr 1 diesel deisel 1 dirty drty 0 germany germa 0 album lbum 1 never nevrr 1 experience expirience 1 greatest greates 1 spectrum spektrum 1 dead deaaad 1 scary scaaary 1 deal deaaal 1 replied replyed 0 created greated 1 percent 25percent 1 badly baddly 0 channel channelview 0 attending bartending 1 michael michaell 1 blazing blazinn 0 have havethe 1 messages messgaes 0 but dbut 0 manager magnetar 1 february februari 0 supercharger procharger 0 converted coverted 0 attention attencion 1 satisfied satisified 1 themselves themsleves 0 quotes quotesby 1 alex aleeex 0 child cichlid 1 violent voilent 0 transexual tranny 0 filming filmmaking 1 forward frward 1 eating eathing 1 jones joness 0 fucked fuckered 1 matter matr 1 dying dyinnggg 1 failure failiure 1 stuff stuf 1 match matc 1 smoke smok 0 jail tjail 0 smoke smoe 0 stuck stuk 1 tried tryied 0 hart khart 1 affiliated affilated 0 classic classist 0 the fthe 1 affiliates affilates 0 mas dmas 1 limited limted 1 full fuuulll 1 glory gloryyy 0 max dmax 0 spokespeople sportspeople 1 maybe mayybe 1 putting puttng 1 eva evvva 1 sweet shweeet 0 cleveland loveland 0 knuckles knucles 0 careful becarful 0 millions 5million 1 favorite faveorite 0 classes classtest 1 confused comfused 1 strategies strategie 1 gen 4gen 1 everyone everymove 1 laptop laptoppp 1 fairy fary 0 weatherman mrweatherman 1 message messag 1 kisses kisess 1 degrees degreaser 1 therapy theraphy 0 dream dreamrt 1 grandma grandm 0 sweet unsweet 1 complete completel 1 amazing ahmayzing 1 complete completee 1 finding findin 1 migraine migrain 1 completely completey 1 tonight tonigth 0 prayers praye 0 cereal cerelac 1 favorite favortie 1 prayed prayd 1 glasses glassses 1 kisses kissis 1 description descriptionwhen 1 whatever whattever 0 visit visitem 0 scream sceam 1 occasions occassions 1 saying sayng 1 universe universum 1 magistrate magistral 1 have hav 1 beauty beuty 0 marketing emarketing 1 athletics athleticism 1 everybody everybodie 1 twilight twilights 1 hero hero2 1 same sammmeee 0 bitch bitckh 1 boy boyyy 1 months 4months 0 minute min 1 following folloing 0 then hten 0 microphone mic 0 feminine aufeminin 1 heaven hevan 1 park parki 1 jealous jealus 0 absolutely absoutly 1 parked parkd 0 israel israe 0 they htey 0 categorized uncategorized 1 holding houlding 1 cards cardss 1 heart heaart 1 sucks suucks 0 spiral inspiral 0 where where'd 1 announcing annoucing 1 bastard bastarddd 1 where where'r 1 heard heaard 0 prince d'prince 1 savage savagee 0 where where'z 1 thousand thousaaand 1 weeks weeksss 0 blowing blownin 1 skinned skinnd 1 normal normalll 1 skinny skinni 0 graphic graphi 1 skin skinnn 1 gum gumm 0 highlights highlites 1 connected concited 1 alaska alaskas 1 thank tahnk 1 paris parris 1 nonsense nonsence 1 probably probobly 0 surname usrname 1 retarded retarted 1 shannon shannonnn 0 premium freemium 1 grenade grenadeee 1 sweater 2seater 1 between btwen 0 deletes celestes 1 receiving reciving 1 christmas christnas 1 crunches crunchsms 1 seen seeen 1 seem seeem 1 seek seeek 1 control controll 1 homeless homelss 1 set seeet 1 sees seees 1 infringe infringers 1 control controle 1 controls controla 1 relaxing relaxinggg 1 sex seeex 1 thailand thailnd 1 wonderful wonderfull 1 bikes bikies 1 february febuary 0 hardcover headcover 0 right rightrt 1 lobby loby 1 something somethhing 1 wonderful wonderfuls 1 morgan morgannn 1 working workin 1 designing designin 1 come comeee 1 restaurant resteraunt 1 control control4 1 talented talentedd 1 disappear dissapear 1 weekends weeknds 1 integrate integr 0 problems probiems 0 ripper dripper 0 started istarted 0 bunny nobunny 0 follow follownow 1 insecure inscrever 1 rapper rapperrr 0 september oseptember 1 practice prctice 1 primer primeiro 0 ah haaahh 1 disagree dissagree 0 youngsters sooyoungsters 0 utah utahs 0 workshop worshop 1 much muuch 1 penguins pinguins 1 singing sanging 1 pregnancy pregancy 1 international internasional 0 papers rapers 1 animals animalia 1 everybody eeeverybody 1 creates creats 1 around arounnd 0 wire webwire 1 tomorrow tomororw 0 emitted emitter 1 balls ballls 1 depressing depressingg 0 taking takinn 1 yeah yeeeahh 1 heels heelys 0 florida florinda 0 tastes tates 1 bad baaaddd 0 ordering odering 0 further futher 0 useful usefu 0 much murch 1 looked lookedd 0 dictionary nicktionary 0 walked walke 1 track trackkk 1 great greaaatt 1 astronauts astronautalis 1 seconds 30seconds 0 hackers haxors 1 elected electe 0 realized irealized 1 division division1 1 ghost ghooost 1 controversy contraversy 1 election electo 1 tits tittys 1 election electi 0 slippery slippy 1 slipped slippd 1 love lovveee 1 fast fassttt 1 electric electr 1 destiny desteny 1 slipping slippn 1 arresting arrestin 1 crafted craftmade 1 potter poter 1 built bult 0 marketing iimarketing 1 walk walkk 1 build buld 1 august augusto 0 hypertension hypotension 1 ourselves oursleves 1 washing washings 0 holding olding 1 sand sanddd 0 hildebrand hillenbrand 1 happening hapening 1 awesome aesome 1 recognize recgonize 1 switch switchhh 1 candy caandy 1 sunday sundaaayyy 1 kings kingsss 1 interchangeable interchangable 1 business bissness 1 premiere primiere 0 reserve reseve 1 sandals sandels 0 pissing pissin 1 little liitle 0 going oing 1 chocolate chocoalte 1 fox foxx 1 curiosity curiousity 1 weakened wakemed 0 point oint 1 statistic statisti 0 fox foxs 1 supposed suppposed 1 started startedd 0 working workign 1 blaze blaaaze 0 close upclose 0 asking aking 0 bye byebye 1 hoes hoooeeesss 1 years 4years 1 invisibility invisiblity 0 city cityrt 1 cutest cutesttt 0 indiscriminate nondiscriminati 1 blues bluess 0 katie katies 1 england englund 1 fox fox8 1 why whywhy 1 knots knotts 0 motherfuckers fothermuckers 1 deleting deletin 0 orlando norland 1 tonight tonoght 1 fox fox2 1 other otherrr 0 bad abad 1 morning morniiingg 1 body booody 1 crazy craazyyy 1 anymore anymoore 1 loose losse 1 plus pluus 1 that thaaattt 1 cassette casette 0 lancers lancegross 1 lost losst 0 changed ichanged 1 giving giivng 0 mastering remastering 1 churches churchs 1 reunion reunio 1 reunion reunin 1 where wheere 1 tattoos tattoes 1 partner pardner 0 fever feve 1 thanks thankies 1 worst worest 1 icon icooon 0 emails emailers 0 swimming swimin 1 workers wrkers 0 print psprint 1 broccoli brocolli 1 philips phillps 1 parallel paralelo 1 miller mller 1 older olderr 1 parallel paralell 1 week weekkk 0 afternoon g'afternoon 0 snap snapn 1 digitizing digitising 0 the athe 0 common incommon 1 laughing laghing 1 termination terminaron 1 shoes shoess 1 swift swfit 1 snowman snowmans 1 friends frienddds 0 sanctuary santuary 1 hugs hugggs 1 pretty preettyy 0 explore xplore 1 huge huggge 1 problem ploblem 1 beautiful bautiful 0 strippers skrippers 1 feedback feedbk 1 please pleaassee 1 exciting exciti 1 please pleeeaasee 0 michael lamichael 1 gambling gamblin 1 percent 90percent 0 halloween hallopeen 1 ridiculous ridicilous 0 hustler husler 1 esther estherrr 0 think thinlk 1 regardless reguardless 1 struggling strugglin 0 awesome pawesome 0 getting ettin 1 parenting parentin 0 trailer tailer 0 about abouu 1 swimming swimmingly 1 actual actaul 1 fasting fastin 1 modest modestep 1 recipes recepies 1 decriminalize decriminalisati 0 mandate bandmate 1 assertion assertiv 1 anymore anmore 1 accessory acessory 1 squad sqad 1 apparently appparently 0 poor poors 0 grounded ungrounded 1 just jiust 0 motherfucker mothefucker 1 asparagus aspargus 1 bless blss 1 freaking freakng 1 shit shhhiiittt 0 extremely extemely 1 easy easssy 0 stripping soundtripping 1 vacation vaction 1 form 6form 1 quantity quanti 0 driving rving 1 scholarships scholarshipzone 1 pathetic pethetic 1 unexpected unexpect 0 receive receiveth 0 excuse xcuse 1 chatting chattinq 1 excited exicted 1 brother brooother 1 unrecognized unrecognised 1 know knoow 1 birthday birthdate 1 sack sackkk 1 ankle anklee 1 laying layinggg 1 stylist stylelist 0 column colum 1 progressive progresive 1 could colud 1 bird birddd 0 dangerfield lagerfield 1 indeed indeedy 1 skating skatinq 1 ear earrr 1 incentives incentivize 0 monster montes 0 monster monter 1 friendly friendlys 1 more mroe 1 enjoy 2enjoy 1 beast beassst 1 christina christiano 1 christian christiann 1 aye aaaye 1 nearly nearlyy 1 christina christiane 1 philadelphia philadelphi 1 christina christiana 0 nation cenation 1 muse 9muses 0 going goig 0 pocket poccet 1 eating eatiing 0 idiot eedyat 0 going goin 1 heartbreaking heartbreakin 1 immediately imediatly 0 fireworks firwork 1 time time4 1 support suporta 1 cause causs 1 treatment treatme 1 reclassified reclassificatio 1 real reeal 0 reachable searchable 1 tickets ticketsnow 1 hardcover hardcores 1 sucks suckss 0 follow ufollow 1 entering enterin 1 shit shhhiiitt 0 limit limiter 0 monkeys monkey3 1 fantasies fantasties 1 development developme 0 environment aerovironment 1 die diiee 1 american amarican 1 its iits 1 excited excitd 0 highlight hilight 1 job jooobbb 1 girl girrrl 1 truss teruusss 0 around aroud 1 those thsoe 0 around aroun 1 tickets tickits 1 surprise surprisely 1 superstar supersmart 1 hours 25hours 1 could chould 1 night nighhhttt 0 planning planin 1 bizarre bizzarro 1 losers loosers 1 guessing guesing 0 acquaintance aquaintance 1 absolutely absoluetly 1 whats wha'ts 1 lesson leson 1 case caseee 0 coming oming 1 buffalo bufflo 1 smacked smackkked 1 welcome welcone 0 through throught 1 please pleeeaassee 0 manual manua 1 capitalization capitalisation 1 tits titis 1 okay okeay 1 really reaaallyyy 0 partner parter 1 were werer 1 stripping strippin 1 friendship friendshipp 1 everybody everybodddy 1 sues seusss 0 throughout througho 1 party partey 1 worse worsee 1 how 4how 1 posted possted 0 were weren 1 lamborghini lamborgini 1 ringing ringin 1 everyone everyooone 0 worse worser 1 wild willd 1 feelings feellings 1 high hiiighh 0 market haymarket 0 booked rebooked 1 represent representer 1 stressed stressedd 1 internet intrnet 1 different 3different 1 remembered remebered 1 indonesia indnesia 1 function functio 1 mention menton 1 difficult dificult 1 online onlien 0 fireworks fireworkkk 0 achieve achie 1 seriously seriosly 1 popular populaire 1 served sereved 0 comparing compaining 0 picture picure 0 out outrt 1 birds birdsss 1 journal journalnew 1 prerogative perogative 1 concert concrt 1 stars stras 0 food forwood 1 strange stran 1 happiness hapiness 1 just juust 0 torrent torren 1 shit shyat 1 speech speeech 1 devil devilll 1 swing swingg 1 mad maaddd 1 swinging swingn 0 lovely dovely 1 overwhelming overwelming 1 dreams dreamsss 1 chocolate chocloate 1 company companyy 1 bullshit bulllshit 1 photocopying photoshoping 1 tweaking tweeking 0 addition additi 0 lang wlang 1 actually actially 1 heard hearrd 1 usher usheer 1 little litlle 1 consulting consultin 0 people peolpe 1 hear hearrr 1 heart hearrt 0 discover dicover 1 unstoppable unstopable 1 caramel carmel 0 carmen carmem 1 bye byye 0 fantasy fanasty 1 okay okkaaay 1 mama maama 0 have havbe 1 great grrreat 1 favorites favortism 1 immigration imigration 1 interesting interestinggg 0 ghetto qhetto 1 awkward akwardd 1 assistant assistan 1 flipped fliped 1 thanks thannnks 1 jumping jumpinq 1 telegraph telegeography 0 popcorn kpopcon 1 huge huuugggeee 1 pole poleee 1 something somethiiing 0 annoying annoyin 0 greenhorn treehorn 1 jealous jealious 0 freaking feaking 1 nice niiicceee 0 channel newschannel 0 reset reseted 0 whites whitesox 1 accommodation accomodations 1 hibernate hybernate 1 jakarta jakartans 1 unemployed unemplo 1 strong stroong 1 letterbox letterbomb 1 watch wtch 1 colorado colorados 1 million 13million 0 maryland arland 1 plans plansss 1 watching watchhin 0 enjoying ejoying 0 getting getiin 1 awful awfull 1 minutes 5minutes 1 occurring occurin 0 cadence decadance 1 downloaded dwnloaded 1 propaganda propagandas 1 eclipse eclpise 0 lemon bluemoon 1 traffic trafficwave 0 stumbled tumblred 1 wilkinson wilkinsons 0 control kontrol 1 might miight 0 seriously srly 1 happened happenedrt 1 search searc 1 only onley 0 research researh 0 search searh 1 mine miiinnneee 1 healing healings 1 lucky luckkky 1 sis sissie 0 lunch lucnh 1 ghost ghostt 1 christopher christophers 1 creepy creppy 0 berry berrys 1 weak weaak 1 objective objectified 1 responsibility responsibili 1 much muccchhh 1 wear weaar 1 awkward awkwaaard 1 championship championchip 1 followed folled 1 correct corect 0 listed relisted 0 have ihaave 0 presenter supercentre 1 lunch luuunch 0 kicks icks 1 participation participacion 1 scared scarrred 1 everything everyyything 0 about imabout 0 earthquake heartquake 0 upload reupload 1 also alsooo 0 application app 0 shooting shootin 1 development devlopment 1 skid sakid 1 magic magicc 1 austin austinn 0 punch puch 0 girl girlrt 1 ran rann 0 magic magick 0 ur youuurrr 1 hearing hearinq 1 help helppp 1 feedback feedbacks 1 combat combate 1 white whiteee 0 ceiling ceilin 1 background backgrounddd 0 cool kewl 1 americans americanos 1 joints jonts 1 superstar superswarm 1 yours you'rs 1 trip triiip 1 shining shineing 0 infomercial informercials 1 concert consert 1 sorcerer sourcerer 0 pregnant prego 1 beans beanss 1 long longgg 0 response reponse 1 role rolee 1 rolled roled 0 lipstick ripstick 1 and annnd 1 chicken chciken 1 homecoming homecomin 0 lets lests 1 cricket cricke 1 please pleeeaase 0 fisher fleisher 1 together toqether 1 boyfriend boyfrnd 1 fuck fuccck 1 anything anyyything 1 gross groooss 1 pancreas pancras 1 pussy pusssyyy 1 yelling yellling 1 thomas thoms 1 avatar avatarku 1 healthy healthyyy 0 kitchen kitch 0 notion nontoon 1 deserve diserve 1 antonio antonios 0 bisexual bsx 1 jesus jesssus 0 follow pafollow 1 next 4next 0 girlfriend exgirlfriend 1 thought thougt 0 hummingbird humminbird 1 supposed spossed 1 antonio antonioo 1 aye aaayeee 1 hungry hungrryyy 1 fantastic fantasmic 1 tell teeell 0 caribbean caribbe 1 jersey jerse 1 realize relieze 1 wild willld 1 declared declar 1 unfortunately unforunately 1 harsh harshhh 0 twilight twatlight 1 then thhen 1 changes changeset 0 choice choicert 1 ha hahhahaa 1 continued 2continue 1 thee thhee 0 put pput 1 coordinator coordinat 0 adulthood kidulthood 1 navigation navigations 0 hate ahte 0 follow ngfollow 1 symphony symphonia 1 suggestions suggestionss 1 symphony symphonie 1 feed feeed 1 desperate desparate 0 you hyou 1 opinion opinio 1 together toghther 1 mascot mascott 1 asshole assshole 1 few feeew 1 feet feeet 1 fail failll 1 killer killerrr 1 direction directionnn 0 people peoole 1 glad glaaad 1 discuss disscuss 0 alright alryt 1 amazing amezing 1 orlando orlandoo 1 nervous nervouse 1 dream dreeeaaam 1 beaver beever 1 perfect perfeect 1 thinking tinkin 1 automation automatio 1 nervous nervouss 0 chilling chilaxing 1 orlando orlandos 0 powerful powerfu 0 post postus 1 antebellum antabellum 1 receive recieve 1 boss bowss 1 jersey jerseyy 0 missing pmsing 0 henry henrys 1 everyone everyome 1 laser lzer 0 writing wrtg 1 game game2 1 game game1 1 pronounce pronouce 0 henry henryk 1 worth wrth 1 hi hhiii 1 surgery surqery 1 summer summerrr 0 eclipse eclispe 1 wheat weat 0 girlfriend gilfriend 1 intelligence intellegence 1 irrelevant irrelevent 1 game gamee 1 henry henry5 0 game gamen 0 reliable reliab 1 sympathies sympathiser 1 touchdown touchdownnn 0 almost alsmost 1 hair haaaiiirrr 1 complete completeee 0 ramblings grumblings 1 plague plauge 0 stretch strech 1 discussing discussin 1 discussion discussio 1 yeah yeeeaaahh 1 wrong wronnggg 1 sunglasses sunglases 0 started sharted 0 exploits sploits 1 formula formulary 0 maryland maryla 0 exploits sploitz 0 michelle mitchelle 1 recommended reccomended 0 future furure 1 night nigth 1 tunes tunesss 1 submarine submarino 1 leaders leadrs 1 spirits sprits 1 deadliest deadlist 0 impressive immersive 1 straight striaght 1 drug drugg 1 mathematics mathmatical 1 definitely definetly 0 workshop wkshop 0 shaped reshaped 0 girl gyal 1 deep deepp 1 del delll 0 toward towar 1 shit shhit 1 cheers cheeers 0 ashley jashley 1 somebody smebody 1 yes yyyeesss 1 expert experto 1 walking wallking 1 starting strating 1 received receieved 1 battle batlle 1 chicks chickss 1 bitch bietch 0 masturbating wanking 1 talking talkinng 1 goddamn gaddamn 1 million millin 1 lovely loveely 1 thanks thaanks 1 party parrtyy 1 very verryy 1 seized siezed 1 most mossst 0 charged uncharged 1 our ourrr 0 schedule sched 0 prince bxprince 1 negative negativ 1 rocking rockinggg 1 dangling danglin 0 harbinger warbringer 1 positive positivee 1 candidates candidatos 0 smoke moke 1 miracle mirical 1 portable portab 1 johnny johny 1 wisconsin wisconsins 0 your joor 1 saving savingg 0 austin faustina 1 worry worryy 1 testing testng 1 hair haair 0 worrying worryn 1 problem probleem 1 treadmill tredmil 1 hugs huuugs 0 smacked schmacked 0 statistics biostatistics 0 whatever w.e 1 doubt dobut 1 britney britteny 1 marriage marraige 0 hello elo 0 allergic allegic 1 appetite apetit 1 please pleeeaaasse 0 collars collard 0 teenagers teenages 1 trying tring 0 anything anythign 1 anthony anthon 1 kelly kely 1 diarrhea diarhea 1 mountain mountian 1 bananas banannas 0 times timesthe 1 falcons falconsss 0 afternoon afernoon 1 afford aford 1 addicted addictd 1 worried wrried 1 office officee 0 listening istening 0 hun hunz 0 hun hunx 1 zoo zooo 1 quotes quotess 0 woohoo zoot 0 fluffy fluffly 1 pregnant preganant 1 flu fluuu 1 peoples peoplesss 1 everybody everbody 1 spotted spoted 1 specialties specialities 1 times 50times 0 insurer reinsurer 0 nobody noboy 1 everything everythins 1 everything everythinq 0 language languange 1 awards awardsss 1 amazingly amazingphil 0 talk totalk 1 everything everythinn 1 nobody nobod 0 everyday eveyday 1 quite quitee 1 whore whoreee 1 building buildin 1 missed missedd 1 joy joooy 1 seems seemss 1 joe joooe 0 called kalled 1 job jooob 0 download redownload 1 replying repling 1 question questionnn 1 different diferents 1 activity actvity 1 pattern patern 0 how lhow 1 video videeo 1 here herreee 1 hands handss 0 goodbye qoodbye 0 stock istock 1 high higggh 1 honest honesttt 1 justin justiiinnn 1 day dayyy 1 haunted hauntd 1 storage storag 1 days dayys 1 give giv 0 seek seeked 1 existence existen 0 focused unfocused 1 alike alikeee 0 devastation drivestation 1 minutes mintes 1 crew creww 0 naughty naughy 0 proposition prosition 1 moderator moderato 1 sigh siiighhh 0 mixing remixing 1 around aroound 1 improve impro 1 pray prayyy 1 simplicity simplicities 1 angels angellist 1 brushing brushn 0 moment monent 1 best bessttt 1 admit admittin 1 apparently aperently 0 tingling dingaling 1 platform plataforma 1 escape escapa 0 definitely deinitely 1 fundamental fundament 1 ruins ruines 1 decorating decorati 1 passion passionnn 1 fur furr 1 morning moorning 1 family fmaily 1 early eeeaaarly 0 annoying annoyinn 1 candlelight candlelit 0 annoying annoyinh 1 cocaine cocain 1 bristol bristo 1 ham hamm 0 usher ursher 1 assembly assembl 1 afraid afarid 1 classic clasic 0 beautiful beauriful 0 disturbing distubing 1 assembly assemby 1 rock rockkk 1 smile smille 1 was waaasss 1 girl giiirrl 0 extra exra 1 december decemberwish 1 connect conect 1 tee teee 0 blocked bloked 1 quite quiiite 1 yeah yeeaahhh 1 hormonal hormon 1 outing outtings 0 today toay 1 believe belivee 1 applause aplause 0 goalpost globalpost 0 nobody nody 1 ash ashish 1 college c0llege 1 rhineland rhinelander 1 paradise paradiseee 1 canada canadia 1 interesting interessting 0 terms interms 1 girls 4girls 0 stuff stuffby 0 nothing nthin 1 manpower manpowers 1 shame shaame 0 phone hpone 0 leader leade 0 leading leadi 0 witchcraft bitchcraft 1 regularly regulary 1 leader leadr 1 sensitive sensitve 0 follow difollow 1 stylist stylest 0 believe belieee 1 spoiled spoild 1 styles styless 0 lovely alovely 0 loading loadin 0 godfather hogfather 1 bottle bottleee 1 neither neitherrr 0 official 0fficial 1 drowning drowing 1 priorities priorties 1 charging chargn 1 anything anuthing 1 hammer hammerr 1 cold cooldd 1 source sourc 1 fantastic fantatic 1 sometimes sometimesss 1 against aginst 1 sour sourr 0 could cood 1 team teeeam 1 christensen christenson 1 com coom 1 dis dhiiss 0 enough enof 1 nightmare nigthmare 0 people peeps 0 passing passn 1 witness witnesss 1 people peepl 0 moving moovin 0 enjoy enoy 1 singing singingg 1 wagon waggon 0 chevrolet mychevrolet 1 connection connectify 1 james jaymes 0 please rtplease 0 feeling feelig 1 christmas christamas 1 satisfied statisfied 1 vacation vication 1 retarded reatrded 0 everything erething 1 flowers flowerss 1 special speical 1 keeping keepinq 1 embarrassed embarresed 0 blush blushn 1 followed folllowed 1 wait waitto 1 forgot forogt 0 good goold 1 hush haushaush 1 proposal propsal 0 world pcworld 1 fighting fightiiing 1 leaving laving 1 wait waittt 1 stunt stuntin 0 janis jancis 0 health healths 1 stomach stomache 1 slime slimmmeee 0 guilt guilts 0 chambers chalmers 1 tired tird 0 variety varie 0 love lovce 1 paralyzed paralyzer 1 humor humour 1 early earlyyy 1 emerging emergi 1 lucky luckey 1 bangs 21bangs 0 catching atchin 1 loving loveing 1 messages messeges 1 handle handlee 1 meeting meetng 1 sport sportv 0 pregnant preggers 1 finalized finalised 0 support suppo 1 sup suppp 0 doc gdoc 1 lounge loung 0 yellow lellow 0 loud lound 0 vampire vampi 1 message messageee 1 silly sillyyy 0 capital capit 0 portfolio eportfolios 0 earthworms heartworms 0 travelling travling 0 championship champship 1 wherever werever 1 tomorrow toomorrow 1 loved love'd 1 november nopember 0 transfer tranfer 1 myself myselft 1 homecoming homecumin 0 appointment appoinment 1 world worllddd 0 popular popula 1 judge judg 0 world tworld 1 angela angelpad 1 commissioned commisioned 0 physiology physcology 0 fucking unfucking 1 garlic garlicy 1 password passwordd 1 counting countinq 1 dollars 10dollars 1 garlic garlick 0 blowing blowiin 1 great greeeat 1 plenty plently 1 invite inviteee 0 began bega 1 como comio 1 disappointed dispointed 1 anyone anyon 0 handsome handome 0 death dealth 0 frontrunner printrunner 0 begun begu 1 decorations deocrations 1 paid paidd 1 teenage tennage 1 super suuuper 1 hated hateddd 0 crash crasher 1 aspirin asprins 1 philadelphia philadelp 1 melting meltinggg 0 ocean oceanup 1 aston astonnn 1 all 3all 1 getaway gettaway 1 specially speacially 1 harassing harrasing 1 investing investi 1 investors investo 1 young youngy 0 africa frica 1 noble nobile 1 snack snackin 1 o'clock 9oclock 1 mug muggg 0 fingers figers 1 following followinng 1 herbalist herbaliser 1 years 25years 1 irritated irriated 1 interview interviewww 1 months mounths 0 nightclub flightclub 0 soon soonz 0 offered offere 0 soon soonx 1 graft graftin 0 offering offeri 0 beats ibeats 0 classes klasses 0 soon soons 0 getting gtn 0 hater h83r 1 soon soonn 1 ridiculous ridiculouss 0 offer offert 0 happening happenen 0 international outernational 1 song soong 0 sooner soone 1 soon soona 1 rolling rollinggg 0 try itry 0 jokes jokesby 0 policy policys 1 fantastic fantasitc 0 english engish 1 busy busssy 1 named namd 0 sexy sexcy 0 laugh ilaugh 0 shit terd 1 executive executi 1 biography biograph 1 each eachh 1 bastard basturd 1 five fiiive 1 recognition recognitions 1 pleasanter pleasantweather 0 zoning rezoning 0 vegas gvegas 1 melting meltin 0 especially ecspecially 1 tune tunee 0 cracker kracker 1 acupuncture accupuncture 1 space sapce 1 itching itchin 1 mama mamama 0 happening happennin 1 checking checkingg 1 trusting trustin 1 cancel cancell 1 mama mamamu 0 santana sanjana 1 cupcakes cupcakess 1 cancels cancela 1 never neveer 1 miss miisss 0 similar simila 1 glimpse glimps 1 just juuussst 1 real reeall 0 clothes clothers 0 lang plang 0 choice choicefm 1 avatar avatr 1 motherfucker motherfuckerz 1 davenport devonport 1 bracelets braclets 1 motherfucker motherfuckerr 0 whatever wuteva 1 dec 6dec 1 entrepreneurs entreprenuers 1 smiling smilein 0 introduction reintroduction 1 oops oopsies 1 competition compotition 1 grandma grandmova 0 give givem 1 walked walkedd 1 great greaat 1 returned returnd 1 about aboutit 1 politely polietly 1 give givee 1 legal legalll 1 return returnn 0 representing reppin 1 squirting squirtin 1 maltese maltesers 1 only ownly 1 independent independant 0 itching iching 1 interview interveiw 1 yourself yrself 1 specific specifc 0 mexican texican 1 adventurous adventerous 1 specific specifi 1 release releasee 1 cop copp 0 cop copt 0 knight g'knight 0 school schooler 1 o'clock o'clocks 1 holidays hollydays 0 airport aiport 1 whatever whateeever 1 balance balanc 1 used uesd 0 selling selli 1 michelle michell 0 discipline dicipline 0 humanity humani 0 selling selln 0 again againg 1 decisions decsions 1 typical typicall 1 genocide genocides 1 self sellf 1 syndication syndications 1 talking talikng 1 crazy creazy 1 bored boooreddd 0 gotta ugotta 0 chipmunk chimpmunk 1 euphemism euphamism 0 homer homerun 0 later laer 0 idea idear 1 hilarious hialrious 0 constructing deconstructing 0 presidential unpresidential 1 idea idead 1 oops opss 1 idea ideaa 0 problem probem 1 opportunity oppurtunity 1 games 3games 1 aspect aspec 1 turn 2turn 0 thailand maithailand 1 million 15million 1 ink inkk 1 pain paain 1 fuck fck 1 alright aaalright 1 best 4best 1 street streetteam 0 tart tarpat 1 ankle ankel 1 hear heear 1 minutes 6minutes 1 founding foundin 1 everyone evereyone 1 everybody everyybodyy 1 bitches biitches 1 everybody everybooody 1 fitzgerald fitzgeralds 0 secret sercet 1 bye byyye 1 diligence dilligence 1 thailand thailanddd 1 touchdown touchdwn 0 click clikk 1 analyst analys 1 beast beaast 1 deck deckkk 0 getting getin 1 up uuupp 0 man masan 0 freaky freakday 1 uncle unclee 1 get getit 0 drama dramaz 1 moment momenttt 1 boring boringg 1 weaknesses weeknesses 1 moments momments 0 crackers krackers 0 homeowners homeowne 0 fucking fruckin 1 drama dramaa 1 first firrst 0 motherfucker motherchucker 1 needs needs2 1 intelligent inteligent 1 collection collectn 1 great greate 1 application apllication 1 collected collectd 1 collected collecte 1 journalist journalis 0 wonder nowonder 1 able ablee 1 definition definiti 0 radio radion 1 car caaar 1 jerk jerkkk 1 midst midstate 1 cat caaat 1 definitely definity 1 something smethng 1 can caaan 1 cam caaam 1 totally totly 0 his hisz 1 needs needss 1 october ocotber 1 taylor tylor 0 needs needsz 1 please ple's 1 passengers passangers 0 admit dmit 1 able able2 1 end enddd 1 welcome welcommee 0 website wesite 1 jessica jessika 1 ages agess 1 blues bluuues 1 out 1out 1 crazy craazzyyy 0 location pmlocation 0 repeat threepeat 1 afterward afterwards 1 curls curlsss 0 messing messin 1 brick brickk 0 poop poo 0 tomorrow tomorrowrt 1 released realeased 1 stable stabiel 1 super suppperr 1 jones jooones 1 hurting hurtting 1 merry merrr 0 tried trie 1 either eiter 1 freezing freazing 1 premiere premeire 1 squirrel squirrell 1 directions directioners 1 desperately desperatley 1 mama mommaaa 1 performance perforance 1 growing groing 1 chinese chineses 0 center centegra 1 blessing blessinq 0 borrowing borrowin 1 blessings blessins 0 hunting hunti 1 almost almoust 1 swimming swiming 1 everybody everybodddyyy 0 hunter hunte 0 stranger stavanger 1 licking lickn 1 minutes 90minutes 0 real rexall 0 reflection relection 1 number numbr 1 couple couplee 0 anything nethin 1 embarrassing embrassing 1 bomb bommb 1 downloaded download2 1 wait waiiittt 1 chopsticks chapsticks 1 believing believin 1 foreclosure forclosures 0 sleepwalking sleeptalking 0 diving divin 1 january januar 0 ha ahhaa 1 messages messaqes 1 ireland irelands 1 message messaqee 1 finally finnallly 1 mentoring mentorin 1 down dowwwnnn 1 business bussiness 1 else elese 1 confident confidente 1 you yyoouuu 1 joy joyyy 1 person personn 1 personal personl 0 worlds aqworlds 0 jarlsberg carlsberg 0 suspended unsuspended 1 downloading downloadn 1 downloaded downloade 1 download downloadd 1 barbara barabara 1 handsome handsom 1 hands handson 0 filament finalmente 1 enthusiastic enthousiast 1 arguing argueing 0 downloading redownloading 1 army armyy 1 braces bracesss 1 retailers retailerthis 0 highlights hilights 1 everybody everyybody 0 any ne 1 action actionn 0 planting replanting 1 ideas ideasss 1 objecting objectifying 1 dummy dummmy 0 digits digitimes 1 scenario scenerio 1 darkness dorkness 1 recommend reccomend 1 apache apache2 1 about abouttt 1 amusing ammusing 1 great greeaaattt 1 dumb dummmb 1 seemed seemd 1 minutes minutesss 1 gain gainnn 1 independent independen 1 subversive subversively 1 whats whattts 0 threw ithrew 1 not noottt 1 believe beeelieve 0 killed kille 1 killed killd 1 kill killl 0 chilling chillinnn 0 killing killn 0 killing killi 0 hollywood tollywood 1 divorced divorc 1 taken takennn 0 champion champi 0 dakota dakotans 1 deep deeppp 1 bed beeddd 1 all 2all 1 generations generationals 1 potent potentia 1 problem problemmm 1 bitch bitcch 1 prediction predicition 0 entertained interesante 1 cooking cookinggg 0 tried itried 1 university universitat 1 morning mooorning 1 dazzling dazzlin 0 keepers kreepers 1 warfare warfare2 0 saturday satuday 0 meeting menteng 1 frontage frontpages 1 males maleeess 1 hardest hardst 1 achieve achiev 1 semester semseter 1 hopefully hopefullly 1 something somwthing 1 affair afair 1 upset upsetted 1 efficiency efficiencyin 1 fondling fondlings 0 haven havennt 1 park paark 0 flawless flameless 0 decision decition 1 doing doiiing 1 yum yuummm 1 truth truthh 1 mischief mischeif 1 awesome awes0me 1 katie kaitie 1 greeting greetin 1 authorization authorisation 1 part paart 1 piano pianooo 1 stomp stompin 0 always alwaya 1 offering offereing 1 girlfriend girlfried 1 pennsylvania pennslyvania 0 checked cheked 0 football foorball 1 naughty naughtyy 1 spend 2spend 0 first ifirst 1 embracing embracin 1 silvering silverpine 1 amazing amaaazin 0 olivia olivias 1 tracks trackss 1 committee cmte 1 babes babesss 1 sleepy sleeppyyy 1 accounting accounti 1 overcompensate overcompensatin 1 few fewww 1 account accountt 1 what wahat 1 forward foreward 1 always alwayyysss 1 dollar 5dollar 0 deviant devianart 0 quiet quie 1 min 9min 1 secret scrt 0 something sthing 0 bud budz 1 buddy budy 1 stink stinkin 1 shit shiiitt 1 interface interfac 0 screen scre 1 buddy budd 1 stranger stranqer 0 problems prollems 1 transparency transparancy 1 interesting interstin 1 exactly exctly 1 mall maaall 1 bur burrr 0 tunes jtunes 1 volcano vulcano 1 grounding groundlings 1 yesterday yestrdy 1 proactive proactively 1 blunt blunttt 0 necessary necessa 1 real reaal 0 pictures piccies 0 quick quik 1 needed neeeded 1 avatar avater 1 read reaad 1 fucker fuckerrr 1 retrospective retrospectiva 1 wilson willson 1 decisions decissions 1 mum mumm 1 doing dooing 0 listening listerning 0 young young'un 1 moon moonnn 1 together togethers 1 chance chaaance 1 violet 78violet 1 requirement requiremen 1 fake fakeee 0 classmates castmates 1 harvest harveys 1 everyday evryday 1 signing signingg 1 airplane airoplane 0 homework hwk 1 babe babbbe 1 motorcycle motorcylce 0 hugs shugs 1 words wordss 1 hatsheput hatshepsut 1 irrelevant irrelavant 1 spoilers spoliers 1 breakfast breakfst 1 recognize recognise 1 baby babbby 1 smoking smokinq 1 smoking smokinn 1 brooklyn brooklin 1 sanctions sanctis 1 thunder tunder 1 transport transporte 1 same sammmee 1 truss trusss 1 potential potenti 0 ranked unranked 1 here heerrreee 0 treats treaters 1 ultimate ultimative 1 screening screenin 1 drinking drunking 1 always alllways 0 dis disx 1 separate separat 0 dis disz 1 druid dr00d 0 bit abit 1 chinese chiness 1 video videeoo 1 disease dise 1 apartment apartement 0 center newscenter 0 church chuuch 0 big abig 1 gonna gonnnaa 1 thursday thursdae 0 hamilton hamiton 1 together togethere 1 dream dreammm 1 dis dis1 1 darling darlink 1 watch wathch 0 anniversary l'anniversaire 1 permanently permanetly 1 follower followerrr 0 teach reteach 1 kinda kinnda 1 stand stannnd 0 lined unlined 0 listen liten 0 tested retested 1 say sayyy 0 neutral neutr 0 fragrance fragance 1 says sayys 1 program programms 1 flabbergasted flabergasted 1 programming programmi 1 gentleman gentalman 1 program programma 1 program programme 0 bye bybye 1 season seasson 1 pearl peral 0 whats whas 1 tasting tastin 1 ticket tickt 1 jennifer jeniffer 1 tick tickk 1 high hiiighhh 1 cheese cheesee 1 amazon amazonuk 1 comfort confort 0 kingdom kindom 1 cruise cruse 1 charlotte charlote 1 hear heaaar 1 behavior behaviour 1 tag tagg 1 head heaaad 1 card carddd 0 watch wacht 1 withdrawal withdrawel 0 revoked unrevoked 1 anybody anybodyyy 1 sportscaster sportscenter 1 very verry 1 party parrty 1 short shooort 1 extremely extremel 1 midnight midnig 1 imagine imagina 1 shore shooore 0 graduation groundation 1 depressed depres 0 starfish smartfish 1 things thingsrt 1 screaming screeming 1 ha hahaaa 1 box boxxx 0 express xpress 1 ha hahaay 0 ghetto boughetto 1 story strory 0 rolling dorling 1 poisoning poisioning 1 head heeaaad 1 marketing marketi 1 marketers markete 1 tough toughh 1 imagine imagino 1 over oover 0 artful alertful 0 goldberg goldenberg 1 wrong wronnng 1 market marketp 0 emotion emoticon 1 know knoww 1 buck bucka 1 ride riiideee 1 glass glas 0 reservoir resevoir 1 consequence consequen 1 know knowe 1 know knowa 1 hair haaaiiir 0 know knowm 1 know knowi 1 moose mooses 0 carter craster 0 jagger mcjagger 0 elder eder 1 lets lettsss 1 moms momas 1 updates updaters 1 sympathizers sympathisers 1 girl girrlll 1 goddess goddesss 1 irritating irritatin 1 tough toughie 0 bashing bashin 1 influence influencee 1 explain explainn 1 course cours 0 with witgh 1 explain explaine 1 something sometihng 1 brooklyn brooklynite 1 leopard lepord 1 british brittish 0 course coure 1 influence influencer 1 finally finaaally 1 shields sheilds 1 overdrive overdreven 1 balls ballss 0 yeah gyeah 0 dress headress 1 tomorrow tomoroow 1 bottoms bottums 1 small smaaall 1 motherfucker motherfocker 1 prefer preferr 1 richmond richmonds 0 maria marica 0 sometime moretime 1 immigration immigrations 0 college collegedj 1 prefer prefere 0 username u/n 0 upload u/l 1 complaints compliants 1 interactive interactiv 0 indonesia idonesia 1 likes liekz 0 teachers headteachers 1 disagree disagreee 1 give 2give 0 awakening awakenin 1 school scol 1 james jamess 1 score scor 0 attention attenion 0 would wouldn 0 confirms reconfirms 1 would woulde 1 would wouldd 1 awesome awesume 1 would woulda 1 already alrady 1 waiting waiiting 1 sucking suckinq 1 barcelona barcelonaaa 1 transformation transformative 0 would wouldv 1 mate mayte 1 fucked fucccked 1 forward forwardd 1 imagine imagineee 1 digitally digitalspy 1 trying tryning 0 involved envolved 1 master masterkey 0 rather rarther 1 lonely lonelly 1 speed spped 1 organized organised 1 industry indusrty 0 surprise supprise 1 charlotte charolette 0 private unprivate 0 probably prolly 1 significant significa 0 probably prollz 1 semester semesteran 1 induced inducer 1 light liiight 0 album alblum 1 sick siick 1 times 5times 1 thanks thaaanksss 0 cards ecards 1 confirm cnfirm 1 regarding reguarding 1 jam jaaam 1 losing losinggg 1 really reallly 0 bounce bouce 0 cooking cookin 1 ohio ohiooo 1 sucks suckks 1 campaign campaig 1 lady ladyyy 1 right righhttt 0 session sessio 0 welcome wlc 1 would wld 0 already laready 1 suck suckkk 1 coloring colouring 1 whose whoes 1 overstating overstanding 1 stupid stupiid 1 few feew 1 probably problly 1 ever eveerrr 1 silly sillly 1 pleasing pleasin 1 would wwould 0 hang hangz 0 locked loced 1 drink drinkk 0 thanksgiving thaksgiving 1 hanging hangn 1 years 16years 1 jackass jackass3d 0 shave noshave 1 hang hangg 1 farmer farmar 0 proposed repurposed 1 playstation playstatio 1 kids 5kids 1 attempt atempt 1 second secound 0 backs baks 1 ready readdyy 1 taking takeing 1 feeling feeliing 1 karaoke karok 0 study pmstudy 1 architect architech 1 unmistakable unmistakeable 1 risk riskk 1 charlotte charlot 0 easiest beastiest 1 swallow swollow 0 aiming aimn 0 mobiles mobile9 1 slowly slowlyyy 1 table tabela 1 just jsut 0 series reise 1 drink drinkt 1 tune tunneee 1 hate haaate 0 magnetic geomagnetic 0 yeah yeahz 1 part part1 0 processed unprocessed 0 well ohwelll 1 finding findinq 0 game kagame 0 huge ahuge 0 yeah yeahm 1 night nighte 1 yeah yeahh 0 legends ledgends 1 night nighti 0 discussion dicussion 1 lightning lightenin 1 buying buyng 1 yeah yeaha 1 everybody evrbdy 1 searching searchn 1 cigarettes cigaretts 1 minister ministe 0 searches searche 1 searched searchd 1 just jst 0 nothing nothinn 0 engaged fuengaged 0 nothing nothinh 1 searches searchs 1 home hommmee 1 enthusiastic enthusiasticall 1 quit qiut 1 night night2 0 girlfriend g/f 1 yeah yeah2 1 oklahoma oaklahoma 0 classy unclassy 0 chameleon charmeleon 0 translated itranslate 0 account accout 0 finish ifinish 1 please pleaes 0 doomed domdom 1 future futre 0 stuff suff 0 please pleaee 1 stand standy 1 ham haaammm 1 typo typo3 1 little liiittle 1 thanks tahnks 0 make imake 1 east easttt 1 same saaammmeee 1 collection collectio 1 allowed alllowed 1 thursday thursaday 1 airports airprt 0 attitude attitu 1 bitch biiatch 0 jingle gingle 1 late lateee 1 percent 80percent 1 stone stooone 1 impossible impossble 0 moore lemoore 0 championship chapionship 1 later lateer 1 whats whaaats 1 como comooo 1 ugly ugllyyy 0 figure firgure 0 drive driveby 0 finish fiish 0 closer closter 1 sir sihir 1 submarine submariners 1 met mettt 1 birthday birthdaay 1 after afterthe 1 medicine medicinee 1 investigation investigati 0 shops hosps 1 pictures piktures 1 stomach stomachhh 1 romance romancee 1 underwear underbar 1 proactive proactiv 1 guardian gaurdian 0 hair hairz 1 demonstrated demonstrat 0 laughing laughinls 0 hospice hospi 0 disney disneyxd 1 roar roooaaarrr 1 false falsee 1 liquor liquore 1 countertenor counterterror 0 earthquake eathquake 0 explorer xplorer 1 carving carvin 1 electrocuted electricuted 1 appeared apparated 1 hair hairr 1 err eeerrr 1 megan megannn 1 getting gettingg 0 maxwell maxwells 1 precise percise 1 leaving leavingg 0 kings lakings 1 getting gettings 0 bar mbar 0 entire intire 1 phone phooone 1 dream dreeeaaammm 1 fulfill fullfill 1 acceptable acceptible 0 member newmember 1 balance ballance 1 happily happilly 1 supplement suppleme 1 love loveee 1 loved loveed 1 personal persnal 1 chickens chickensoup 1 blood bloood 1 trick trck 1 video vide 1 wasted wasteddd 1 loves lovees 1 lover loveer 0 yes oyes 0 everyday ereday 1 shore shoreee 1 hilarious hilariousrt 0 tension tention 1 deputy deput 1 supporters suporters 1 money moneeeyyy 1 grade grde 1 have havvve 1 told tollld 1 referred refered 0 kong akong 1 reference referen 1 superman supermarine 1 rocking rockinq 1 blow 2blow 1 shopping shoppiing 1 rocking rockinn 1 terrorists terroists 0 broke ibroke 1 comment c0mment 1 testicles testies 0 fighting fighti 1 friend 2friends 1 georgia georgio 1 attention attentionwhore 0 templates nameplates 1 days 1days 0 calling calllin 1 impossible imposibles 1 those thoes 1 sign sgin 1 figure figuer 1 fuck fucckk 0 illinois illinoi 1 interrupted interuppted 0 living livin 1 people peoplee 1 getting gettting 1 people peoplel 1 surround suround 1 heard heeeard 1 phenomenon phenonmenon 0 fighters fighte 0 advisor adviso 0 violent viole 1 drinking drinkinnn 0 people peoples 1 heart heeeart 1 decriminalize decriminalizati 1 holiday holidayy 1 holidays holidayz 1 literature literatura 1 flow floww 0 could couldve 1 augmentation augmentin 0 flower flowe 1 ends endss 1 died dieddd 1 funny fuuunnnyyy 1 recommendation recomendacion 1 problematic problematique 1 looking lokking 1 chicken chickenz 1 worst worsttt 1 diesel desiel 1 horror horro 1 chicken chickenn 1 cheese chees 0 dermatology dermology 1 moved movd 1 myspace myspce 1 pretty prettay 0 dinner dinne 1 anything anythiing 1 din dinnn 1 dinner dinnr 1 boss booosss 1 hurry hurryyy 1 love looovvee 0 standby stanby 1 opinion opinan 0 definitely definely 0 globe jglobe 1 growing grwing 1 close clsoe 1 monster monstra 1 much muich 1 polishing polishin 1 swear sweaaar 1 childhood chilhood 1 yesterday yesturday 0 disaster distaster 1 mood moodd 0 harbor habor 1 orgasm orgasme 1 waist wasit 0 more morde 1 awake awakee 1 because becauuse 1 associations associationa 1 complaints complaine 0 lilting liliputing 0 gambling grambling 1 jealous jaelous 0 cock cawk 1 chin chinny 1 shape shapee 0 forming formsping 1 pun punnn 1 dunno dunnno 0 shape shaper 0 york yorker 1 barely barly 0 service inservice 0 compile decompile 0 julia jullian 1 flipped flippd 1 promises promisses 1 homers homerism 1 stylist styleist 1 miniature miniture 0 nerves nervers 1 promised promissed 1 flip flippp 1 perseverance perseverence 1 flip flippy 1 colors colorstay 1 beautiful beautifil 0 performance perfomance 1 heard hearrddd 1 seriously srzly 1 passed passeddd 0 anything anyrhing 1 believe beleev 0 dicks mcdicks 1 freaking frekin 1 information informatica 0 everglades everblades 0 scream sream 0 bulletin vbulletin 1 squeeze squeez 1 galleries galeries 0 weird weid 0 wont iwont 1 want wannt 1 australian australias 1 sleep shleep 1 wanna wannn 1 starts strts 1 resistance resistence 1 years 6years 0 women womens 1 believer blieber 1 heritage herritage 1 cant canntt 1 bistro bistromd 1 butterflies butterfiles 1 message mssage 1 place plac 0 announced announc 1 security secuirty 1 mommy mommm 0 before beore 1 legendary legandary 1 might miiight 1 bags baggs 1 underground undergound 1 mention mentionku 1 boring booorrring 1 bag baggg 1 seriously seroiusly 1 commission commison 1 already alrready 0 file filer 1 anticlimactic anticlimatic 1 jealous jeleous 1 message msg 1 delete delte 1 team teaam 1 disproportion disproportionat 1 tea teaaa 1 neighborhood nieghborhood 0 through throuh 1 exactly exactlyyy 1 looking lookinggg 1 months 14months 1 hysterical histerically 1 fresh fresha 1 bubble bubbble 1 section section8 1 green greeen 1 fashion fashionn 1 friend friiiend 1 next neeext 0 real freal 1 elizabeth elizabet 1 les leesss 1 supplements supplemen 0 ranking rainmaking 1 night noight 1 coast coasttt 1 ridiculous rediculous 0 gary glary 1 blah blahh 0 honey honeyrt 1 family famil 1 blah blaha 1 whatever wateverrr 1 pool poool 1 easily easilly 1 rain raini 1 evil evill 1 caffeine cafeine 1 consistently consistenly 0 waiting waittin 1 poor pooor 1 evil evile 0 missing missig 1 piercing percing 1 problems problemz 1 helping helpinq 0 mission missio 0 missing missin 0 need ineedd 1 problem problemo 1 problem problemm 0 workout workou 0 sis missis 1 helping helpinn 1 hacked hackked 1 because bcoz 1 crying cryng 0 pictures apicture 1 enough enugh 0 happening happnin 1 has haaas 1 hat haaat 1 yes yeeess 1 ham haaam 1 selling seeling 1 respect respecttt 1 had haaad 1 knowledge knowledges 0 remind remid 0 experiences xperiences 1 calgary calgarys 1 points 5points 1 festival fesitval 1 apartment apartme 0 tasting catsitting 0 experienced xperienced 0 sweetheart sweetheat 1 here herrreee 1 very verrryy 1 crossfire crossfirex 0 autism austism 1 cup cuppp 1 hacker haxzor 0 funny funnyrt 1 drug druggg 1 there theere 1 elegant elegent 1 lollipop lolipop 1 for 4for 1 scream screeeam 1 gal gaaal 0 other t'other 1 drugs druggs 1 whole wholleee 1 overtime overtimeee 0 release relea 1 sweetest sweeetest 0 checked ichecked 1 refreshing refreshinggg 1 sometimes sometimesz 1 parents parentals 1 sometimes sometimess 0 factored refactored 1 cheese cheeeze 1 valentines valentimes 0 leaders leavers 0 feeling feeing 1 composition compositing 1 probably probabbly 0 miracle mirac 0 monster mosnter 0 you dyou 0 wilson wilso 1 scared scareed 1 scare scareee 1 off oufff 1 visualization visualisations 1 italian itailian 1 tumbling tumblin 0 spoof spoofaloo 0 please pleae 1 semester semister 1 dreams dreaams 1 goodbye godbye 1 alignment allignment 1 heard hearrrd 1 organizing organizin 1 captain capitan 0 denying denyin 1 staring stearing 1 trailer trailler 0 throwing trowin 1 someone sumonee 1 pollution polution 0 marlboro malboro 0 transmission retransmission 0 had ihadd 1 motherfucker motherfuckn 1 doing doinng 1 wings wingss 1 panties panites 1 thanks thankkkss 1 head 5head 1 electronics electronicas 1 invisible invisble 0 regret iregret 1 super suuuperrr 0 adidas adida 1 around arund 0 hangover bangover 1 passionately passionatly 1 follow flollow 1 fighting fighthing 1 cooking coooking 1 spread 2spread 1 whatever wateverr 0 marathon marath 1 david daivd 0 catalina mactalian 1 thanks thanksgi 1 even eeven 1 everything everythinqq 1 everything everythinqs 1 messages messsages 1 early erly 1 blessed blesssed 0 brushed unbrushed 1 navigation navagation 1 bullying bullyinguk 1 shostakovitch shostakovich 1 consider 2consider 0 register ocregister 1 party partttyyy 1 proud prouddd 1 chinese chinse 1 luxury luxur 0 secretary sectary 0 decorated undecorated 1 exciting excitingg 1 major majour 0 savage savatage 0 weighing weighin 1 dedicated dedicat 0 suburban surburban 1 solve slove 1 parents perants 1 moving movingg 1 stroking strokn 1 town tooown 0 sister sis 1 following folliwing 1 parlor parlour 1 cause causse 0 improve imrpove 0 signature sig 1 down dwn 1 phone phonne 1 beef beeef 1 bed beeed 1 synchronized synchronised 1 christina christien 1 protest protesteth 1 vacuum vaccum 1 bet beeet 1 beer beeer 1 bees beees 1 considered concidered 1 received rcvd 0 computer pooter 0 abusive abusi 1 improvised improviser 0 attestations battlestations 0 pretty bretty 1 freedom freedommm 1 interest interes 0 flushed unflushed 1 please pleeaase 0 lights lighs 1 since sinceee 0 hem ehem 1 eh eheh 1 mile 6mile 0 returned retuned 1 was waws 1 cant cannnt 1 knowledgeable knowledgable 0 storm tstorm 0 thanks kthanks 1 asses assses 1 unstable unstabled 1 cool coolll 1 predictable predictible 1 tells tellls 1 horse horsie 0 beautiful bealtiful 1 cocoa coacoa 1 obviously obviuosly 1 separation seperation 0 carolina caroli 1 release relese 1 carol caroll 1 rise riseee 1 yesterday yesterdayy 0 redefines regdefense 1 orange orangey 1 streaming streming 1 transmissions trancemission 0 awards adwards 0 flyer fler 1 felt flet 1 orange oranger 1 exactly exactley 1 aspirin asprin 1 down dowwwn 1 being beeing 1 bill billl 1 worldwide worldw 0 northerner northener 1 phone phoneee 1 head haed 1 yesterday yesterdaaay 1 embarrassing embaressing 1 fuzzy fuzy 1 world worldd 1 pick 2pick 1 hate haet 1 hear haer 1 situation sitaution 1 privatization privatisation 1 horses horsies 1 ball 8ball 1 months monthes 1 jasmine jasmineee 1 gotta goota 1 remembrance remebrance 1 revelation revelator 0 tagging naggin 0 george geor 1 follows followss 0 behavior behaviours 0 geo geom 1 minnesota minnesotaweathe 0 skating sk8ing 0 animal shannimal 1 support supportt 1 stacks stacksss 0 geo geog 1 jakarta jakart 1 times 3times 0 just jusdt 1 vacation vacationn 0 pod ipod 1 willow willlow 1 disbelieve disbelievers 0 forgiven unforgiven 1 retard rtard 0 avatar twavatar 1 maintaining maintaing 1 later ltr 0 diamond diamon 1 transforming transformice 1 ninja ninjaaa 1 profile proflie 0 screaming sceaming 1 emergency emergencyyy 1 chance chnace 1 possibility posibility 1 demoralized demoralised 1 standardized standardised 1 freaking freeaking 0 sticker stiker 0 strikes stikes 1 spanish spanis 1 this theis 1 ears earsss 1 birthday birthdat 1 microsoft microsft 0 asking askign 1 reds redsss 1 towards twords 1 behind bhind 0 fuck fuk 0 shelter shelt 1 gangster gengster 1 happy haappyyy 1 into intooo 1 industry indistry 0 phones phonesex 0 answering answeing 1 carnival carnaval 1 endless endlesss 1 right rigghhtt 0 wrong wron 0 monster moster 1 live liiive 0 little wittle 1 blows blooows 0 fault faul 0 blind blin 0 bitches bithes 1 bliss blis 0 fault faut 1 european europian 0 come ccome 1 pants pantsss 1 second scond 1 future futrue 0 gorgeous mcgorgeous 0 minus tminus 1 drunk druink 1 change cange 1 remembers remebers 1 valencia valencian 1 anyway anywayyy 1 weed weeeddd 1 cracking crackinq 1 girl giiirrlll 1 happiness happines 1 worry worryyy 1 really reeeaalllyyy 1 lame lamee 0 class clasd 1 transmission transmisson 1 natural natrual 1 class clasa 1 telegraph telegr 0 class clasz 1 advice advic 1 knocked knooocked 1 cracking crackinn 0 talkative talkactive 1 comfortable comfortablee 1 wait waiitt 0 pierce repierce 1 milwaukee milwaukie 0 israel yisrael 1 went weent 1 okay okaay 1 bigger biggger 1 fucks fcks 1 snorkel snorkle 1 skeptical sceptical 1 love loovvee 1 ever evverrr 0 loneliness lovelyness 0 cookbook nookbook 0 feedback feeback 1 bars barsss 1 bye byyeee 1 hours 19hours 0 turned tured 1 chance chancee 1 sooner sonner 1 attitude atittude 1 beach beaach 0 watermarked aftermarket 1 anniversary anniverssary 0 wordsworth holdsworth 1 fingers fingerless 1 vertebrate vertbaudet 0 letme lemme 1 maybe maaaybeee 1 aye aayyye 1 watching watchind 1 contributor contribut 1 watching watchinf 1 watching watchinh 1 watching watchinn 1 watching watchinq 1 magnet magent 1 blackberry blackberryyy 1 definitely definitelyy 1 praying prayng 1 wow woowww 0 recession precession 1 slow sllooowww 1 morning morrrning 1 argentina argentinean 1 awesome awesommeee 0 listen llisten 1 artist artst 1 times timeees 1 knowledge knowledg 0 bothered arsed 1 join jion 0 reddest redsfest 1 adolescence adolescentes 1 there therrreee 0 laundry laudry 1 authentic authentics 1 bear bearr 1 ready reeady 1 repellent repellants 0 friends riends 0 hatred h8red 1 friend furriend 0 banned banne 1 lush lushhh 1 barbecue barbeque 1 splendid splended 1 brazil braziil 0 hell hellls 1 help helllp 0 exact exac 0 hell helllz 1 gone gonnee 1 hilarious hilrious 1 fabrication fabricator 1 hello helllo 0 avoid avoi 1 successful succesful 1 impossible impossivel 0 lining onlining 1 intense intensed 1 scene scne 1 snake snaaake 1 dragon dragonoid 1 utilizing utilising 0 think idthink 1 story storry 1 constant constantino 1 foreclosure foreclos 1 tomorrow tmorro 1 arrive arriv 1 looking lookingg 1 sluggish slugish 1 tomorrow tmorrw 0 idiot idjit 1 influential influentials 1 far faaarr 1 babysitting babysittting 1 huge huggeee 1 night nigght 1 writing writeing 0 bank ambank 0 chicken chiken 0 whichever whicheva 1 fantastic funtastic 1 represent representati 1 neighborhood neiqhborhood 1 sprung sprunggg 1 chips chipss 1 bay baaay 1 crap crappp 0 forum vforum 1 presence presenc 0 citizen citize 1 peek peeek 1 administration administracion 1 single siingle 1 liverpool liverpoop 1 whatever whtever 1 losing looosing 1 wake 2wake 0 potter potret 1 ridiculous rawdiculous 1 absolutely absoluty 1 cape capeee 1 transport transpo 1 digital digtial 0 cape capeek 0 highlight hightlight 1 bag baaag 1 bad baaad 1 mall malll 1 poop pewp 0 frustrated fustrated 0 forecast foreca 1 message messgae 1 twins twinnies 1 ref reff 0 convinced conviced 1 ready readddyyy 0 inc incs 0 fucking fkn 1 ghetto geto 1 get geta 1 quarter qaurter 0 openness openpress 1 knows knowsss 0 get getg 1 get gety 1 immigration immigratio 0 get getr 1 get gett 0 configuring reconfiguring 1 monday moanday 0 neighbors neibors 0 hosting cohosting 0 blame iblame 1 smile smileee 1 christopher christofer 1 follow foolow 1 exactly exxxactly 0 collapse collap 1 mare mareee 0 ongoing ongoi 0 realizes realises 1 apart aparty 1 get get1 1 apart apartt 0 haven ihavent 1 realized realised 1 surprised surprisedd 0 could could't 1 counseling councelling 1 batteries batteriez 0 exactly eactly 0 touchdown touchdow 1 console consola 1 same samme 1 toilet toilett 0 chihuahua huahuahau 1 everybody evreybody 1 concert conzert 0 lawyer lawye 1 kitchen kitchin 1 stressed stresed 1 schedule schedul 1 apparently appearantly 1 blast blasttt 0 staying stayiin 1 thanksgiving thanxgiving 1 favorite faviorte 1 adorable adorble 1 angels angelas 0 teacher twatcher 1 asians asains 1 status statusss 1 banana bananaaa 1 happened happaned 1 commercials comercials 1 empty emptyyy 1 racist racista 1 subscription subscriptio 0 just ijustt 1 awards awardss 1 obsessed obsessedd 1 whole whooollleee 1 scare scaree 0 wheels wheelset 1 jumper jumprope 1 fast 2fast 1 they theyyy 0 that thatrt 1 scary scarey 1 story storyyy 1 econometric econometrics 0 yes iyes 1 impossible imposible 1 himself himselff 1 advantage advantaqe 1 strip strippp 1 snooping snoopin 1 fuck fucck 1 stripped strippper 1 strip strippa 1 believe bealive 0 tapestries tapemasters 1 alternative alternativ 1 investing investin 1 architect architec 1 awkward akwarddd 1 million 25million 1 leave leavve 1 blowing blowingg 1 friends frienda 1 really reeaally 0 swear sweaa 1 universe universo 1 university universi 0 indian ndn 1 universal universa 0 chilled chilllen 0 likable linkable 0 store estore 1 ancestors anchestors 0 tendencies tendecies 0 lonely loney 0 sustainable unsustainable 0 thanksgiving spanksgiving 0 pas patas 1 everyone evryone 1 lonely lonel 1 smoking smokiin 0 installs uninstalls 0 seen iseen 1 stressful stressfull 1 favorite favoritest 1 favorites favoritess 1 knocked knockeddd 1 explicit explict 0 vagina vag 1 remember rememebr 1 coffee caffee 1 cinderella cinderelly 1 kidding kiddinq 1 parker parkers 0 anything nythng 1 yeah yeeahhh 0 something soething 1 tell teelll 1 love looovve 1 another anoter 1 army armyyy 0 james stjames 1 rumor rumor2 1 mad madd 0 everquest evercrack 0 coaching geocaching 0 belong belon 1 lazy laaazy 1 thought th0ught 1 sing singgg 0 beloved belov 1 cemetery cemetry 1 know kniow 0 exposed mrexposed 1 percent 50percent 1 welfare welfair 0 productions pbpproductions 1 shoot shooot 0 attempt attem 1 show shooow 1 shop shooop 0 matter atter 1 mine myn 1 incarceration incarceron 1 dick dickkk 1 clicking clickn 1 yourself yorself 1 click clickk 1 plans plaaans 1 clicked clickd 0 yesterday yersterday 1 appreciate apppreciate 1 environment environme 1 try trrry 0 computer coputer 0 quarterback quaterback 1 think thhink 1 plane plaaane 1 gag gaggg 1 world worlld 1 town towne 1 low lowww 1 socializing socialising 1 refusing refusin 1 resolution resoultion 0 booklet bookplate 1 sandals sandles 0 fun funz 1 assembly assemb 1 experience experienc 1 joint joiint 1 skills skillls 1 crumbling crumblin 0 volume volumen 0 television venevision 1 why whhhyyy 1 good goodday 1 approach approac 0 something somrthing 0 squad xsquad 1 agreement agruement 1 children childern 1 galactic galactica 1 married marrieddd 1 responsible responsibi 1 buttons bottons 0 first firt 1 casserole cassarole 1 upset upsettt 0 dallas daldal 1 authorities authorit 0 category catego 1 impressive impressiv 0 hardly ihardly 1 exclusively exclusivly 0 ecstasy xtc 1 bitch bitchh 1 impress impressin 1 expense expence 0 something som'm 1 beetle beedle 1 sims simsss 1 advice adivce 1 eyebrows eyebrowss 0 attacks katstacks 1 hormones hormons 1 bubble bubl 0 ash akash 0 bye bubi 1 days 5days 0 pam padam 0 appoint appoin 1 ask asssk 0 seconds secons 1 smarts smartads 0 tire tirem 1 voice vocie 0 honestly honetly 1 her her2 1 night nigt 1 minutes 8minutes 1 spelling spellin 1 excellent excelllent 1 fingers fingerz 1 bullshit bullshiit 0 torrent bittorrent 1 something sometthing 0 carbonate bicarbonate 1 rings ringsss 0 what whatrt 1 sitting sittingg 1 entirely entirly 0 bullshit bullshiii 1 wondering woundering 1 holiday holdiay 0 orange l'orange 1 specialize specialise 0 her herz 1 obviously obviosuly 1 specialist specialism 1 degrees 70degrees 1 dancing 18dancing 1 lesson lessson 1 movies moovies 1 goddess godess 1 reporting reporti 1 reported reporte 0 around aroudn 1 pairing pairings 1 expect expct 0 until unil 1 scared scaried 1 ah aahhh 1 folks folkss 1 funny fnny 1 dry dryy 1 not nooott 1 shrimp shirmp 1 attention attenti 1 hate haaattteee 1 long 2long 1 mad maaadd 1 made maaade 0 writers rewriters 1 oakland oaklan 1 lovely lovelyyy 1 june junee 1 glass galss 0 reform refor 0 lee leese 1 mercury mercuryx 1 festivities festivites 1 majority majorit 0 idiots twidiots 1 active activeee 1 breakfast breakfassst 1 bringing bringi 1 bringing bringn 1 less leess 0 dan adnan 1 majoring majorin 1 done donnne 1 boys boyysss 1 fastest faststone 1 conception concepto 1 disagree disgree 1 black 2black 1 level level3 0 traffic kltraffic 0 ignore ingore 1 invisible invisivel 1 must muust 1 sitting sittting 1 launching launcing 1 desperate desperateee 1 must mussst 1 competition compitition 1 celebrate celebrateee 1 sometime smtm 1 vector vectron 1 irrelevant irrelvant 0 imagined reimagined 1 somebody somebodys 1 without with0ut 1 home hom 1 invite invte 0 league leaguers 1 hypertension hypertensive 1 allergies alergies 1 revision revisin 1 ill i'ill 1 moisturizer moisturisers 1 outrageous outragious 1 fist fisty 0 night nighh 1 arrived arived 1 hard harrrd 1 wax waxxx 0 bursts itbursts 1 loves loveeesss 1 harry harrry 1 huh huhuh 1 florida floridaa 0 politics politricks 1 warfare warfar 1 machine machineee 0 terrorist teroris 0 times atimes 1 florida floridas 1 frontier frontliner 1 video vidoe 1 jealous jelous 0 afford offord 0 installing uninstalling 1 trailer trailernya 0 daily dailyfx 1 bootstrap bootstrapper 1 barcelona barcalona 1 hype hypeee 1 divorce devorce 1 videos vidos 1 rehearsal rehersal 1 reunion reunian 0 connect connec 1 much muuchhh 0 surprise surpise 1 first frst 0 connect connet 1 bloomsbury bloomsburg 1 fresh frsh 1 fun funnn 1 baby baaby 1 programmer programer 1 programs programes 0 arlington partington 0 company accompan 1 something somethung 1 babe baabe 1 yours yourrs 1 exciting excitng 0 style tyle 1 serious surious 1 serious sirious 1 cooler coooler 1 armored armoured 1 noticeable noticable 1 degrees 27degrees 1 understand understa 1 ignorance ignorence 1 understand understd 1 while whil 1 grace gracee 0 which whih 1 working worrking 1 room 1room 0 while whie 1 which whic 1 snake snakee 1 born bornn 1 daddy doddy 0 water vawter 1 with whit 1 short shoort 1 boring borng 1 work wwork 1 remember rememver 1 yellow yellooow 0 little lilttle 1 century centuary 0 returning retuning 1 commissioned comissioned 1 seriously seri0usly 1 carrying carying 0 flush flushin 1 grow grooow 1 bastard bastardos 0 course ofcourse 1 battery batrey 0 chilling chillaxing 0 dungeon dugeon 1 pizza piizza 0 schools eschool 1 classy classsy 1 water waaater 1 final finalll 0 thanks kaythanks 1 project projct 1 nice niiicce 1 strangers stranqers 1 research reserch 0 himself hiself 0 atlanta atl 0 prefer iprefer 1 clouds cloudss 1 balance balence 1 sacrifice sacrafice 1 unable unabl 1 fucked fuckked 1 freedom fredom 1 straight streight 1 angelina angelin 0 cast vcast 1 angel angelis 0 careful carefu 1 pounds 5pounds 1 grandmas grandmamas 1 sexy seexy 1 anything anythingg 0 rs rsrs 1 motorized motorised 1 o'clock 6o'clock 0 wrong rong 0 graham graphjam 1 identity identi 1 building buildinggg 1 conversations converstaions 0 exit xit 1 invites invitaste 1 donuts donutsss 1 apartment apartmen 1 likes likess 0 packed paked 1 more 1more 1 please pleeaaaseee 1 lucky luucky 1 dying dyinnng 1 activists activisions 1 intel intels 1 collateral collaterals 1 prisoner prizoner 0 period perio 1 shopping shoppinng 1 occasional occassional 0 shopping shoppinnn 0 nationwide nationw 0 whining whinging 1 sugar shugar 1 trimming trimmin 1 early earrly 1 front frontrow 0 national nationa 1 bored booorrred 0 corner corne 0 april apri 1 fast fastt 1 apart aprt 1 reportage reportagem 1 concord concordia 1 converse conversar 1 high hiigh 0 last llast 1 unprecedented unprecedent 0 launched relaunched 1 irritating irrating 0 pumpkins lumpkins 1 air aaair 1 downtown downtwn 1 auditions audtions 1 loud loooud 1 jason jasonnn 0 fox kfox 1 necklace neckalce 1 cute cuttte 0 along aong 1 smiling smilinggg 0 alone aone 1 amazing ahmazing 1 bullshit bullshittn 0 judging juggin 1 canada chanada 1 skater sk8tr 0 exams exaam 1 ting tinggg 0 fucked ifucked 1 scene sceneee 1 definitely definitaly 1 bullshit bullshittt 1 handwriting handwritting 1 como coomo 1 drunk drunkk 1 drunk drunkl 1 drunken drunkn 1 hospital hospit 1 transgression transgressive 0 everything evething 0 blush iblush 1 drunk drunky 1 incomplete incompleta 1 batman bateman 0 warehouse scarehouse 0 dropping roadtripping 1 treasures treasurechase 1 church cherch 1 lies liess 1 price pric 0 pride prie 1 pride prid 0 messy messymya 1 prize priz 1 september septembe 0 running runin 1 legendary legendaries 0 teasing teasin 1 would woulld 1 guarantee garantee 1 daddy daaaddy 0 roaring roarin 1 shannon shannan 1 louis louiss 1 bus busi 0 undistinguished indistinguishab 1 bus busa 1 fight fiiight 0 negotiated negotiat 1 panda pandaa 1 cant cannott 1 requires requries 1 crocodile crocidile 1 negotiable negotiab 1 bananas bananasss 1 pin piiin 1 chilling chillling 0 colder coler 0 cole coles 1 pie piiie 0 chilling chilllinn 1 perfect purfect 1 easy easyyy 1 tighten tightn 0 abusive abrusive 1 people ppeople 1 free frree 1 green greenn 1 college coleg 1 increase increse 1 skull skulll 1 that thatha 1 opposite oposite 0 reckless reccless 0 vapor vaporub 1 inadvertently inadvertantly 1 fredericton fredericktown 1 clean clen 0 vacations vacaciones 0 clear clea 1 ribs ribsss 0 lee clee 0 subtle suttle 1 birthday brithday 1 hiding hidingg 1 ambitions ambitionz 1 illegal illigal 1 stamp stampp 1 wisconsin wiscons 1 jail jaail 0 really reallty 0 whatever wtv 1 leland lalaland 1 opening openning 1 snapping snappn 1 advertise advertis 1 toilet toilettt 0 ting tingz 1 missing mssing 1 cards crds 1 asks askes 0 computer puter 0 found foudn 1 definitely defffinitely 0 awesome owesome 1 crime crimeee 1 biggest bigest 1 pitch pitc 0 spell mispell 1 truss teruuusss 1 camouflage camoflage 0 attitude actitud 1 matt mattt 1 halloween halloweeennn 1 matter mattr 1 nope nopppe 1 period prd 0 drift dift 1 matt matty 0 keyword keywor 1 stupid stupd 0 words wods 0 update autoupdate 0 difference diff 1 matt matti 1 math matth 1 door dooor 1 dos dooos 1 anything anytihng 0 invaluable inigualable 1 crazy craaazzzy 0 freezing feezing 1 congratulations congradulations 1 dog dooog 1 anything anythng 1 assault assult 1 holding holdingg 0 everybody erbody 1 likely likly 1 ugly uuugly 1 skis skiis 1 nice niiiccce 0 grease greasers 1 inches 8inches 1 awesome awwsome 1 skin skiin 0 like likle 0 feeling eveling 0 vagina cunt 1 anything aanything 1 manner maner 0 chung chungs 1 organizers organisers 1 commercial commerci 1 many maney 1 sports supportsd 0 meeting meetin 0 anyways anw 1 marriage marriag 1 temporary temperary 0 interesting insteresting 0 kicked kicced 1 present persent 1 birthdays birthdates 1 nonsense nonesense 1 characters charactors 1 allegedly allegedl 1 therapy thearpy 1 heard hearded 1 sleepy sleeepyyy 0 girlfriend girlsfriends 0 think thingk 1 thing thingi 1 thing thingo 1 bought bougth 1 replied repliedd 1 relationship relationshipss 0 muffins mcmuffins 1 thing thingg 1 dummy dummyyy 1 preaching preachn 0 gary gabry 0 memorial memoria 1 jokes jkz 0 turn tunr 1 pressure presure 1 jokes jks 1 flexible flexable 0 joking jkn 1 boyfriend boooyfriend 1 trees treess 0 fast fastrt 0 england newengland 1 jessica jessicaaa 1 tuned tund 1 books boooks 0 failed ifailed 1 please pleasae 0 officially ollyofficial 0 barcelona fcbarcelona 1 burger burgerr 1 wasting waistin 1 technically tecnically 0 maximize maximi 1 booty boootyyy 1 minute 30minute 1 specifically specifica 1 distribution distributi 0 boom kabooom 1 performing perfroming 1 challenge challenege 0 hustle ihustle 1 already alreaddyy 1 drive drvie 1 entry entery 0 looking lokkin 0 like ilke 1 driving drvin 1 follow folllowww 1 defense deffense 1 entered enterd 1 determine determ 1 tarot tarrot 1 fantastic fantastik 0 unless inless 1 loyalty loyality 1 synchronization synchronisation 1 times 20times 1 war war2 1 bush bushh 1 bush bushs 1 shower showeerrr 1 follow foillow 1 previously previousl 0 measures measur 0 mama gmama 1 saturday satruday 0 precious presious 1 seriously seriiously 1 already alreday 1 mommy mommmyyy 1 second 30second 1 bob bobbb 1 multiple multipla 1 liverpudlian liverpudlians 1 latitude latitiude 1 prefer preffer 0 right righh 1 tour tourrr 1 with witth 1 christian christiaan 1 long looonng 1 wit witta 1 anyways anways 1 faded fadedd 1 goes goooes 1 wit wittt 1 matter matterrr 0 york yorks 0 bet ibett 0 furthest furtherest 1 york yorka 0 anna annas 1 immediately immidiately 1 uncle uncleee 0 playing nowplaying 1 funny funnayyy 1 oh o 1 housewife housewive 1 prick prickkk 0 professional pr0 1 kiss kisss 0 drew jdrew 0 respond repsond 1 shit shhitt 1 jewelry jewlry 0 motivated demotivated 0 banned b& 1 whatever whatver 1 kisses kisse 1 kissed kissd 1 girls grls 0 kissing kissn 0 articles smarticles 1 uncluttered unclutterer 1 desperately desperatly 1 assistance assitance 1 talented talente 1 talented talentd 0 pops gpops 1 rain raaaiiinnn 1 tighter tiqhter 1 candle candel 1 sis sissys 1 talent talentt 1 spinning spinninggg 1 apples 13apples 1 late laate 0 fearless mcfearless 1 fuckers fuckersss 1 jan jan2 1 brown brwn 0 situation situatio 0 terminator sherminator 0 skating karting 1 ton tonnn 0 repertoire repetoire 1 tried triied 0 retarded tarded 1 exist exsit 0 sigh sighz 1 happened happenend 1 applying applyin 1 across acorss 1 offer offfer 1 confused confusedd 1 smells smels 0 music imusic 1 warm warmm 1 only onlyyy 0 actress acress 0 river riverview 1 warm warmy 0 floor flooo 1 because becuase 1 together togetherrt 1 muslim muslima 1 crazy crayz 0 fabric fabri 1 rolling rollinq 0 rolling rollinn 1 technology technol 1 eyes eyesss 1 threesome threesum 0 oregon obregon 0 cleaning kleaning 1 literally litrally 0 spacious spacio 0 love loveme 0 bus busz 1 alright alriggght 1 pussy pusy 1 sending sendin 0 asleep asle 1 balls ballsss 1 bored boreddd 0 also aslo 1 kind knid 1 ghetto ghettooo 1 armstrong armstrongs 1 mother mther 1 gotta gottaaa 0 plastic bioplastic 1 happy happpy 1 prairie praire 1 bears bearss 0 waste watse 1 anytime anytimeee 1 accelerators accelerometers 0 slightest slighest 1 lorena lorena69 1 oops oooppsss 1 shenanigans shananagins 1 minutes mnutes 0 rock irock 1 early eraly 1 adidas addias 0 woohoo w00t 1 smooth smoothhh 0 chevy chevys 1 restaurants restuarants 0 expert seexpert 0 siberian hibernian 1 holiday holliday 0 strangers stangers 0 teammates tweetmates 1 dollars dolars 0 outside oustide 1 machine machin 0 parents rents 1 lyrics lirycs 1 starving starvinggg 0 parents rentz 0 shout shououts 1 generalization generalisations 1 flashlight flashlite 1 brazilian braziliam 0 overtones evertons 0 order orde 1 other ohter 1 falling fallinq 1 saw saw7 1 arizona arizonaaa 0 boyfriend boyfiend 0 falling fallinn 0 found foud 1 order ordr 0 cycle cyle 1 yard yardd 1 inspiration inspirtation 1 principles principales 0 centers venters 1 overweight overweig 0 london uklondon 0 fucking fking 1 military militar 1 contagious contageous 1 everything evrything 1 contest contestame 1 whipping whupping 0 american ameican 1 saw saww 1 saw sawe 1 birthdays birthdaysby 1 believe beliiieve 0 fillip filmclip 1 supporting suportin 1 smash smasssh 0 country kountry 0 apparently appartently 1 heartbreaking heartbreakn 1 must musttt 1 series seriess 1 bad baaadd 1 brainstorm barnstormer 1 inches 6inches 0 which whitch 1 argentina argentinas 1 film filmi 1 bored booreed 1 film filmm 0 conventions innoventions 1 filmed filmd 1 anyone anyyonee 0 loving lovinn 0 millionaire chamillionaire 1 replacement replacment 0 people peope 0 album sealbum 1 enterprise enterpri 0 clock 6oclock 1 people peopl 1 search srch 0 getting gttin 0 looks ooks 1 blackberry blackerry 0 attract attra 1 michelangelo michaelangelo 1 december decembrie 0 translations patranslations 1 background backgroun 1 ridiculous rediculious 0 wasted swasted 1 background backgroud 1 hang haaang 0 promise ipromise 0 private priva 1 problem problemas 1 reunion runion 1 fantasize fantasised 1 logo logoo 1 film film4 1 compatible compatiable 1 messages mesages 1 buddy budddy 1 anesthesiology anesthesiologis 1 bay bayyy 1 offensive offensi 1 marathon maraton 1 graphics grapics 0 janine jajanin 1 coming coooming 1 original oriqinal 1 rude rudee 0 sunshine sushine 1 hundred hundert 1 teenage tweenage 1 original orginal 1 corruption coruption 1 way wwaayy 0 sucks sucs 1 hand haaand 0 dollar dollla 1 extra extrano 1 grey greyyy 1 standard standardly 0 trek treck 0 remain remai 1 johnson johanson 1 destiny destiney 1 predictions predictors 1 birthday brthdy 0 moment momen 1 music muzik 0 whatever wtva 1 timing timming 1 religious religeous 1 bed 2bed 1 spark sparkin 1 whatever wtvr 1 engineering enginnering 0 truck trucc 0 girls girsl 0 moment momet 1 finally finaaallly 1 attitude attidude 1 unfair unfairrr 0 chilling chillien 1 goodness goodnes 1 bomb bommbb 1 knees kness 0 bandwagon bangwagon 1 habit habbit 1 total ttl 1 software softwear 1 party parttyyy 0 some somne 0 coolest uncoolest 0 revenge 'srevenge 1 bait baittt 0 thumbs thums 0 virgin vigin 1 early earlyy 1 legs legss 1 lied lieddd 0 early earlys 0 carol caracol 0 retailer retaile 1 today todaay 0 wasted shwasted 1 bipolar bipolor 1 hours 16hours 1 weekend weekemd 1 amazing amazinn 1 development develpment 1 followed follwed 1 throat throattt 1 luck lucck 0 followers follwer 1 amphetamine amphaetaemin 1 whip whiip 1 house hooouse 0 plain palins 1 superior superior5 1 permanent permanet 0 nationals nacionales 1 sucking shuckin 1 johnny jonny 1 monsters monstars 1 permanent permanen 1 trying tryinng 1 concert c0ncert 1 answer answerrr 1 date daaate 0 fantastic mantastic 1 blue blu 1 overwhelmed overwelmed 1 cover coverrr 0 cheers heerst 1 present presnt 0 black blk 0 blowjob blj 1 blog blg 1 formula formule 0 besides besided 1 following folowing 1 please ples 1 descendants descendents 1 staying stayng 0 amanda maganda 1 twins twinsies 1 freak freaaakkk 1 fresh fresshhh 1 quit quitt 1 read raed 0 alcohol alcoh 1 pound pund 1 custody custod 1 days daaayyysss 1 rape raep 1 bass basss 1 motherfucker motherfckn 1 man maaannn 1 walk wlak 0 orleans neworleans 1 edinburgh edinbrugh 1 working workiing 1 shut shuutt 1 chapter chpter 0 gregorian grosgrain 1 minute mintue 0 capacity capaci 1 listening listeneing 1 fucking fuckinnng 1 fault falut 1 beautiful beautful 1 clause clauss 1 semester semestral 1 blank blankk 0 pussies wussies 1 cemeteries cemetaries 1 watch wathc 1 bittersweet bitttersweet 1 ignore ignorem 1 direction directioner 0 hiding hiddin 0 referee rerere 1 fulfill fullfil 1 member mamber 1 structure structurer 1 photo photo4u 1 ignores ignoren 1 consolidation consolidatio 1 province provinc 0 kiss snog 1 mama ma'ma 1 then theeennn 1 boyfriend boyfrienn 0 mercy mercys 1 very veery 0 host cohost 1 bars barss 1 remember remembr 1 halloween hall0ween 1 our 2our 1 as awasss 0 remember remembe 0 remember rememba 1 received recieved 0 claptrap clapclap 1 pancakes pannycakes 1 masturbating masturbatin 1 sportscasts sportscards 1 password pasword 1 ignore ignorer 1 electric elektric 1 loads laods 1 boyfriend boyfrien 1 more 8more 1 hierarchy hierachy 1 page page2 1 page page3 0 night nightrt 1 not nott 0 not nots 0 not notr 1 not noty 1 eve eveee 1 wanting wantinq 0 squeeze exsqueeze 1 political politcal 0 not notb 1 invincible invinsible 1 guys guyyss 1 instantly instanly 1 attached attched 0 manchester blanchester 1 page pagee 1 tired tireeedd 1 smoke smooke 1 choice chioce 0 suggest isuggest 1 smoking shmokin 1 believe beleve 1 business bussines 1 piece peice 1 not not1 1 something something2 1 coconut cocoanut 1 hello heeello 1 hell heeelll 1 beautiful baeutiful 1 soda sodaa 1 next nexxxt 1 transition transunion 0 turner turnberry 1 keys keyss 1 recommendation recomendation 1 its itits 1 later lateeer 0 themes ithemes 0 when iwhen 1 surgery surgury 1 blind blinde 1 already alllready 1 forward foward 1 element elemen 1 just jussstt 0 romania romanias 1 cunt cuuunt 1 cards cardsss 0 going goinn 1 rage raaage 1 genre genero 0 positions repositions 1 mountains mountians 1 obese obease 1 sesame seasme 1 happy haaapppy 1 christmas chrsitmas 1 chilled chill'd 1 embedded embedd 1 facing faceing 0 believe belee 1 fucked fuuucked 1 tell twell 1 basically basicaly 1 where wherr 1 soccer socccer 0 affirmative roger 1 artist artise 0 when whern 1 beautiful beatuful 1 skyline skylink 1 basically basicall 1 pictures picturesss 1 easy eaasy 1 june juneee 1 graceful gracefull 0 testifying demystifying 0 lincoln lincon 1 deck deckk 1 legal legall 1 noodles noodless 1 cute cuutte 1 whats waths 1 deck decky 1 way waaayyy 1 approaching aproaching 1 legally legaly 0 owing owin 1 marshall marsal 0 coma acoma 1 hard haard 0 letting lettin 1 spray spary 1 horrible horriable 1 worry worrry 0 factotum factaboutme 1 hate hateit 1 word worrrd 1 please plaese 1 job jobb 1 harry haary 1 mosquito mosquitoe 0 woods woodsen 1 work worrrk 1 spider spiderweb 1 beg beggg 0 least leats 1 yet yeeet 0 special unspecial 1 yes yeees 0 scratch stratch 0 imp impl 1 party parrrtyyy 1 knock knockkk 0 leather leath 0 dear dearrt 1 scrap scrapheap 1 dear dearrr 1 more morrreee 0 supposed surposed 1 quiz quizzz 0 deleted idelete 1 subscribe subscr 1 advice adviceee 1 sit siit 1 sis siis 1 sir siir 1 cousins cosins 1 hospital hospitaal 0 opportunity opporunity 1 professional professionalwan 1 sunshine sunsine 0 theatre theat 1 cheer cheerrr 1 than thean 1 yellow yelllow 0 thread thead 1 trick trick'n 1 anyways anywayyss 1 nothing nooothing 1 clutch clutchin 0 lane lanez 1 lane lanee 1 support supprot 1 convenience convinience 1 curly curlyy 1 reading reaading 0 youtube utube 1 mastering masterin 0 curly curlys 0 champagne champayne 1 dressing dressn 1 dresses dresse 1 dressed dressd 1 ambassador ambasador 1 corporation corporatism 0 myself myelf 0 miami minami 1 jesus jesusss 1 riding rideing 0 sum summn 1 obsessed obssesd 1 fancy fancey 1 exercise exercisetv 1 worldwide worldwi 1 boot bewt 1 twist twistt 0 movie moviert 0 black blak 1 total totaal 1 west wessst 1 cant canot 1 sexy sxy 1 upload uplaod 1 take 2take 1 born bornnn 1 boob bewb 1 twisted twistd 1 better btter 1 lame lamme 0 bang bangna 1 combination combinatio 0 think thinkim 1 thinking thinkin 1 runs runns 1 parents perents 1 madness madnesss 0 single sigle 1 mccormick mccormack 1 threatened threatend 1 summer summr 0 trader daytrader 1 younger yunger 1 phantom phanton 1 birthday birthd 0 pittsburgh pittburgh 0 receiver retreiver 0 feelings keflings 1 informal informula1 1 killer killler 1 homework hmwork 1 minutes 2minutes 1 standardized standardise 1 killed killled 0 least aleast 0 husband hubby 1 looks looksss 1 convenient convient 1 personality personali 0 chihuahua huahuaha 1 awesome awesoom 1 slim slimm 1 slamming slamin 1 postage postagem 0 chihuahua huahuahu 0 les lemes 1 thanks thanksrt 1 stopped stoppped 1 yeah yeeaaah 1 want waaant 1 but buuutt 1 desire desireee 1 retiring retirin 0 morning mornimg 1 relevant relavent 1 residence residance 0 riddance ringdance 1 followed followedd 0 means meas 1 money moneey 1 impossible immposible 1 month mounth 1 hateful hatefull 1 gonna gnna 1 lucky luckyyy 1 only oonly 0 lolita lolitas 1 strange stranges 1 trouble trobule 1 miles 2miles 1 strange strangee 1 come cooome 1 something smthng 0 ruby rubys 1 music musci 0 much musch 1 birth brith 1 muscle muscl 1 jackson jackson5 0 brian briant 1 things 3things 1 push pushh 1 would whould 1 ride riiidddeee 1 definite definit 0 like ilike 1 pathogens pathogenesis 1 total totl 1 not noot 1 charger charqer 1 changes changess 1 harry harryyy 1 must msut 1 interview intervi 0 reforming terraforming 1 half haalf 1 jackson jacksonn 1 jackson jacksons 0 lifetime lifet 1 interview intervw 1 begin 2begin 0 strong stong 1 traveling travelin 1 professionals proffesionals 0 carpenter arrepentir 0 youtube y2b 1 john jhon 1 yeah yyeeeaaahhh 1 convince convinve 1 duly dually 1 notebook netbook 1 favorites favorits 1 connectivity connectivism 1 dependency dependancy 1 charles charls 1 elton eltons 0 pal paypal 1 lost lostt 0 burning burninn 1 burning burninq 0 charles charle 0 fantastic tantastic 1 out oouut 1 whose whoos 1 marriage mariage 0 buzzing buzzinnn 1 antonio antoniooo 0 cracking crakkin 0 reader reade 0 vicious viscious 0 noticed inoticed 1 folks folkes 1 italian italin 1 fucked fuckeed 0 bottom botto 1 bottle bottl 1 bottom bottm 1 both botth 1 book bookkk 0 smiles ismile 0 bottle botte 0 device idevice 1 course courseee 1 mile 5mile 1 booty botty 0 please pleasert 1 completely complety 0 attractive unatractive 0 through throu 1 vegas vegasss 1 insane insanley 0 frequent freque 1 wash 2wash 1 unveiled unveile 1 trouble troubleee 1 corrupt currupt 1 spaghetti speghetti 1 born booorn 1 different deferent 0 defense deferens 0 upgrade upgade 1 system system32 0 mountain moutain 0 walking walki 0 civil civi 0 shirt tshirt 1 late latteee 1 washington washingt 1 character caracter 1 crazy craaazzzyy 1 accents accente 1 labyrinth labrynth 1 someone someonee 1 survivors survivers 0 firing firin 1 weekend weeekend 1 texts textes 1 pretty pertty 0 watching wachin 0 asleep alseep 0 cant kcant 0 opening openin 0 smile *s* 0 presenter supercenter 0 sing ising 1 gift giftt 1 wait waait 0 good grood 1 cinderella cinderalla 1 explain explane 0 candidate candida 0 knowledge knowlegde 0 symptoms syptoms 0 airfields hairfield 0 talking talkign 0 cola chocola 0 everywhere er'where 0 question queation 0 tour tourn 0 nails analis 1 alright alrigght 0 tourism touri 1 tour tourr 1 july julyyy 1 elementary elemantry 1 believe bleve 0 how ihow 1 thirty thrity 1 winter winterrr 1 dramatic dramat 1 smiling smiln 0 star jstar 1 those thoese 1 normal normals 1 sociology sosiology 1 birthday birthady 1 gratis gratisan 1 convenience convienience 0 talent talen 1 lies liiies 1 station staion 0 assholes arseholes 1 planning plaining 1 master masterrr 1 strange strang 0 sup wassuupp 0 laying layinn 1 laugh laug 1 alcoholic alcholic 0 people peoe 1 occurring occurrin 1 poem peom 1 someone s0meone 1 mentality mentalist 1 morning murning 1 could coulld 1 catholic catolica 1 news newswise 0 arranging rearanging 0 only olny 1 vinyl viynl 0 which hich 0 gadget n'gadget 1 fuck fucky 1 orange orangery 1 fuck fucku 1 brilliant brillient 1 table tableee 0 fuck fuckl 1 fuck fuckk 0 fucking fucki 1 addiction addiciton 1 fucked fuckd 0 fucked fucke 1 babe babbbeee 1 always alwayas 1 racks racksss 1 blows blowwws 0 favorite fave 1 website wbsite 1 timberland timberlands 1 house houssseee 1 blown blowwwn 0 amber samberg 1 sunny sunnny 1 today tday 1 room rooomm 1 long loonng 1 sniffing sniffin 1 new 3new 1 please pleeaaseee 1 weekend weeekenddd 1 words wooords 1 regulations regulatio 0 according accoding 1 insecurity insecurites 1 video vid 1 converter converte 0 happen happenrt 1 heat heattt 1 catch catchhh 1 enterprise entreprise 1 year yeaarrr 1 learning lerning 0 brushes brushless 1 unfortunately unfortantly 1 cares carees 1 stand standed 1 fatty fattyy 0 album ablum 1 tell teel 1 unbelievable unbeliavable 1 freelance freelanc 0 excellent xellent 1 sensor sensored 1 everybody everybdys 1 words wrods 1 teeth teet 0 cruises 3ecruises 1 lots lotsa 1 fucked fuckkked 0 thanks thaks 1 fault faulttt 1 students studenten 1 out ouut 1 scene sceen 1 lovers loversss 1 take thake 0 nova novata 1 gonna goonna 0 mainstream mangastream 1 never nevere 1 dressed dresd 1 soda sodaaa 0 telescoping teleshopping 1 freaks freaksss 0 never nevert 1 never neverr 0 nerves nevers 1 badly badlyyy 1 what 2what 0 pregnant unpregnant 0 epic jepic 0 hitting hitin 0 hectic hecktic 1 about abouht 1 voting voiting 0 master maser 0 have uhave 1 lifestyle lifest 1 planned pland 1 exist exisit 1 plan plann 1 antennas antenas 1 condition conditio 1 gross groosss 1 transparent transparant 1 tentacles tentacled 1 messy messyy 0 dave daven 1 giving givingg 0 whatever whever 1 everywhere everywea 1 aaliyah aalyiah 1 doubt doubttt 1 internet interneeet 0 dave daves 1 dave davey 1 cod cod3 0 great greatr 0 trading tradi 1 smart samrt 1 great greatt 1 million 12million 0 alright ite 1 pumpkin punpkin 0 basket baske 1 french frnch 1 nice ncie 0 characters creaters 0 yourselves urselves 1 imagining imaginings 1 life lifeee 1 all alla 1 watching watchinnq 1 all alll 0 all allk 1 chinese chinesee 1 allow allw 1 hours 2hours 0 all alls 0 generation generacion 1 digging diging 0 nothing nothg 1 billboards billboardbiz 1 others othersss 1 watching watchinng 0 all allz 1 mouth mouthhh 1 verizon verzion 1 ready reaaady 1 great great1 1 looks lookss 1 zeppelin zepellin 0 looks looksz 1 cause caues 0 bye kbye 1 everybody everybodies 0 sleepy sleeply 0 press epress 0 christian chistian 0 army armys 1 reminds remindes 1 whats whatis 1 essentials essentialism 1 grounded groundedd 1 yellow yelloww 0 valuable valuab 1 weed weeddd 1 royalty royality 1 necessary neccessary 1 exec execu 1 damn daumn 1 presentation presentati 1 list listtt 1 physiological physiologically 1 really realle 1 real realll 1 blue bluee 1 out ouuta 1 dysfunction disfunction 1 can caaannn 1 lame lameo 0 reconditioned airconditioned 1 clean 2clean 1 out ouutt 1 understand understamd 1 stars staaars 1 start staaart 1 change 2change 1 difference differnece 1 vancouver vancouv 1 space spce 1 what whayt 1 lives livesss 1 trafficking trafficing 0 prince dprince 1 everybody eveyrbody 1 exception exceptiooon 0 look loock 1 superb superbbb 1 preferably perferably 0 spectacular spetacular 1 struggle struggl 1 picked pickedd 1 someone sameone 1 stranger stranraer 0 blast blat 0 orange orage 1 husband husbnd 1 wont wooont 0 scared ascared 1 beyond beyound 1 say 2say 0 church chch 1 attractive attractice 1 check chck 1 land landdd 1 marketers marketraise 1 really 4realll 1 bored boreed 1 matching matchin 1 hot hott 1 devastating divastating 1 plans plaans 1 frank franken 0 campaign campain 1 elsewhere elswhere 1 threatened threatned 1 unnecessary unnessecary 0 hotel hote 1 extend exten 1 hot hoto 0 hot hotn 0 explaining splaining 1 love 2love 1 householder householdhacker 1 vengeance vengance 0 rebuilt prebuilt 1 intersections intersexions 1 defending defendi 1 descriptions descriptionstai 1 computer comput 0 bang bangon 1 never nevvver 0 after fter 1 young yung 0 communicating conmmunicating 0 arlington shirlington 1 katie kattie 0 exercise sexercise 1 parking prking 1 bills billsss 1 rubbish rubbishhh 0 social ocial 0 stop istop 1 help helep 1 accountability accountabilitie 1 pussy pusssayyy 1 organized organizado 1 year 6year 1 nothing nothong 1 sure shuree 0 disrespect disrepect 1 wish wisha 1 wished wishd 1 wish wishe 1 lacrosse lacross 1 later lattter 1 wish wishh 1 wish wishi 0 wishing wishn 0 dig dign 0 october shocktober 1 birthday birthdaaayyy 1 wishes wishs 1 donkey donkeyy 1 everywhere eeevvveeerrr 1 bitch biitchhh 0 watched swatched 1 artist artistik 1 families famlies 1 adjusting adjustin 1 weeks weekss 1 preparation preperation 1 suppressed supercedes 0 seriously criously 1 walls wallls 1 arrested arested 0 reno sereno 1 apologies aplogies 1 thanksgiving thangsgiving 1 together togther 0 picked picced 1 quote qoute 0 should shouldst 0 saying sayin 0 saying sayig 0 throughout thoughout 1 feelings fealings 1 annoyed annnoyed 1 apartment aprtment 1 missed misssed 0 mans mansz 1 atlantic atlanticwire 0 father myfather 1 kills kils 1 occurring occuring 1 parliament parliment 0 lily lillys 0 fear ph34r 0 clock clok 1 you yyyou 1 definition defenition 1 lying lyinggg 0 have thave 1 new neeew 1 very veryyy 1 there theeerrreee 0 cup acup 0 the sthe 1 heard heaaard 1 smile smle 0 clearly klearly 0 fedex fedexal 1 small smll 1 laid laaaid 0 seriously serioulsy 0 orchard orchad 1 counseling counceling 1 pouring pouringgg 1 flavors flavours 1 fucks 2fucks 1 released relased 1 bath 1bath 0 retail retai 0 moving movin 1 knew kneew 1 using useing 1 maybe mybe 1 michael micahel 1 her 4her 0 remote remotefx 1 muslim muslimah 0 johnson johson 1 retarded retarteddd 1 knee kneee 1 done doone 0 right rite 1 movies movis 1 impressive impressi 1 ridiculous ridiculious 0 difference differece 0 sister gister 1 feel 2feel 1 tournament tourname 1 impressed impressd 1 feed 2feed 1 trigger triger 1 lion liion 1 relationship realationship 0 washington washigton 1 feet 2feet 1 funeral funneral 1 nan nanana 1 improves improvem 1 great greeeaaattt 1 improved improver 0 green gogreen 1 prospective prospecti 1 woke wokke 1 lauren laren 1 celebrate celebra 1 episode episod 1 themes themis 1 celebrity celebri 1 sam sammi 0 extra etra 1 see seeu 1 sam sammm 1 honest honnest 1 sweet seet 0 loads loas 1 frustrated frustated 1 blew blewww 1 waiting waitting 1 warner warnertv 1 biggest biggesttt 0 player myplayer 1 device devic 1 opposite oppisite 1 practically practicly 0 spherical aspherical 0 mobile onmobile 1 practical practicle 1 watching waaatching 1 beginnings beginings 0 sleeve sleeved 1 bitches bitchs 1 definite deffinate 0 afternoon aftenoon 1 everything evreything 1 sabbath shabbat 0 see seez 0 everything erthing 0 blood bloo 0 bitches bitche 1 see seey 1 bitch bitcha 0 comeback comeba 0 bitch bitchk 1 salon salooon 1 laughing laughng 0 sometimes somestimes 1 dying dyiiing 0 installed reinstalled 0 emily mle 1 smell smeeelll 1 kissing kissinq 1 cheese cheesus 0 knocked konked 1 stay staaay 1 fucking fuccking 0 loveliest lonliest 0 mind mindin 1 star staaar 1 restaurant restauraunt 1 understand understaaand 1 beautiful beautifulll 1 duck ducky 1 follow folooww 1 residence residente 1 houston houstan 1 downtown downton 1 series sereis 1 this thiis 0 downtown downtow 1 duck duckk 0 penis pen0r 1 commission comission 1 options optionsma 0 underground undaground 1 comeback comebak 1 promise promiseee 1 comeback comebac 1 supernatural supernaturally 0 launching lauching 0 pumpkin pupkin 1 apologize apologizin 0 stack stacc 0 complete imcomplete 1 transmitted transmitiendo 1 friends friendsies 1 it iiittt 1 superman supermannn 0 students stents 1 picking pickn 1 pick pickk 1 picked pickd 0 picked picke 1 dude duude 1 john johan 0 bucks buks 1 possibility possibilty 1 arrested arrestd 0 servers xserves 1 stockholm stockholms 1 finish finishhh 1 strasbourg strasburg 0 until unti 0 countdown qountdown 0 appetizer appletiser 1 until untl 1 project project2 0 space adspace 0 populate repopulate 1 fingering fingerlings 0 obtain obtai 0 burning burin 1 signals signalz 0 blizzard slizzzard 0 drama djdrama 1 quoting qouting 0 crying cryinn 0 millionaire billionaireee 1 project projecto 1 amazing amaziiinggg 1 buddies buddiez 1 boring boooriiing 1 legal leegal 1 regular regualar 1 middle midle 1 nausea nauseus 0 smiling smizing 1 hopefully hoepfully 1 should shouuuld 1 project projectt 1 appetizer appetiser 1 voice voiice 1 pretend preten 0 journal journ 1 thanks thankkks 1 for 1for 0 dunno iduno 1 adorable adorablest 0 false fasle 1 product producttry 1 expansion expansionary 0 gotten qotten 0 bitches 6itches 1 nexus nexus2 1 sponsorship sponsorships 1 premiere premire 1 reincarnating runecrafting 1 wonderful wonderul 1 mum mumma 0 liverpool livepool 0 online ifaonline 1 boxes boxs 1 precious preciousss 1 temple templo 1 template templa 1 embarrassing embarrasin 1 baby babbyy 1 recognized recogniz 1 rubbing rubing 0 really leally 1 cranks crankset 1 everyone 2everyone 0 technical techical 1 director directeur 1 lyrics lryics 1 commentary commentor 1 smith smithe 1 destruction distruction 1 panasonic panason 0 mac cmac 1 recurring reoccuring 0 flow jflow 1 ill iill 0 mystified demystified 0 material materi 1 interact interactyx 1 matters maters 0 clothing klothing 0 err errrg 1 liberty libert 1 german greenman 1 err errrh 0 liberty libery 0 err errrm 1 proper properrr 1 ministers minsters 0 almost olmost 1 mistake mistakeee 0 studied studdin 0 excellent vexellent 0 severe servere 1 normal noormal 1 worth wooorth 1 anymore anyomore 1 bottle botttle 1 wellingtons wellingtonians 0 homograph homotography 0 sneak sneakn 1 anniversary anniversarry 1 long lonnngg 1 spending spendinq 1 perfectly purrfectly 1 confirmed confrimed 1 standing standinq 1 chocolate chocolately 1 really reeaallyy 1 smooth smooothie 1 popcorn popkorn 0 scott lescott 0 boys dboys 1 early earrrly 1 thursday thrsday 1 niche niche15 1 activity activitie 1 broke brke 1 goal goooaaalll 1 blows blowss 1 brighter brigther 0 suppose suspose 1 dinner 4dinner 1 cheese chesse 0 coleman holleman 1 vengeance vengence 1 shower shooower 1 activity activitiy 1 pump pumppp 1 heard hearddd 1 sign signnn 1 relevant relevent 0 goodness qoodness 1 yes yyes 1 flying flyinggg 1 stopping stoping 0 touch itouch4 0 capable uncapable 0 assistant exsistant 0 evening evenin 0 retard tard 1 rule ruleee 0 excellent exelente 0 tough tuff 1 prayer prayerrr 1 actually actuly 1 rainbow rainbooow 1 lost losta 1 workout workouttt 1 elements elementz 1 everyone everyyyone 1 memorial memoral 1 years 40years 1 married murried 1 maximum maxium 1 ha hahhaaha 0 slick slicc 1 again agn 1 radio raaadio 1 ha hahahhhaaa 1 still stlll 1 please pleaassseee 1 francisco fransisco 1 drinks drinkies 1 cheese cheeeseee 1 suppose s'pose 1 interview intrview 1 join 2join 1 dinner dinr 0 chilling chillig 1 freaking freakin 1 transaction transistion 0 relaxing chillin 0 scoop scooper 1 cheap cheapy 1 much mcuh 1 hesitate hesistate 1 cheap cheapp 0 cheap cheaps 1 corporate corporat 1 says saaays 1 cheap cheapo 1 whole whooole 0 cheapest cheape 1 say saaayy 1 says syas 1 scarlet scarlett 1 everywhere everywer 0 album l'album 0 mortgages remortgages 0 march marbach 1 words wordsrt 1 continue continuem 1 sit sittt 1 continue continuee 1 ding dinggg 0 getting gettig 1 literally literall 0 competitive uncompetitive 1 liked likeded 1 mare marre 0 married marri 0 drinking drikin 1 beautiful beuatiful 1 fried friiied 1 instinct instinctual 0 exercising excersizing 1 successful sucessful 1 getting gwtting 1 mood mooodd 0 drunken druken 0 india indias 0 castle n'castle 0 befriends bestfriends 1 standards standers 1 jealous jealouuus 0 concert cocert 1 permanent permeant 1 discovered descovered 0 thick thic 0 chose chosed 1 giants giantsss 1 course courrrse 1 dinner dnner 0 box boxor 0 kingdom atkingdom 1 received receivd 1 ready rdy 1 crack craack 1 morphine morphin 0 eating eatin 0 trouble touble 0 ballot ballo 0 jan jalan 1 involve involver 1 athletes atheletes 1 possible posssible 1 told toold 1 watching whatchin 1 groups groupsex 1 heart heaaart 1 michael michiel 1 jam 2jam 0 get uget 1 decide dcide 1 whatever whateverr 1 upgrade upgrad 0 cigarette zig 1 session sesion 1 lifestyle lifesty 0 lasers lasters 1 whenever wenevr 1 recorded recoreded 1 issue isssue 1 nobody nobdoy 1 league leaugue 1 elizabeth elizebeth 1 explicate explicame 1 haircut haircutt 0 fingers finers 1 structures structs 1 thinking thinkiing 1 turn tuuurn 0 texas utexas 0 photos phot 0 third thir 1 animals animalz 0 billion bajillion 0 think thik 0 phone phoe 0 him thim 0 proud poud 1 weakness weaknesss 1 affecting affectin 1 animal animall 1 ball balll 0 houston housto 1 phone phon 1 palette pallete 1 with wioth 0 networks newsworks 1 piece piecee 1 criminal crimin 1 purpose purposee 1 possibly posssibly 0 ben benj 1 teeth teeeth 1 crap craap 1 insecure insecured 0 ripping rippin 1 been benn 1 unbelievable unbelieveble 1 presentation presention 0 mississippi mississippis 1 trash trsh 1 cheek cheeek 1 tie tiee 1 drugs durgs 1 cheer cheeer 1 every evry 1 noticed noticeed 1 favorite favrite 1 trust trst 1 cheese cheeez 1 ever evrr 1 research resarch 1 surround sorround 1 pyramid pyramide 1 build bulid 1 essential essenti 1 lied liedd 0 serious seriou 1 serious serios 1 incorporated incorporatin 0 rappers larpers 1 built bulit 1 cheer cheeerrr 0 mail ymail 1 tinkerbell tinkerbells 1 upgrade upgra 0 batteries b82rez 1 playstation playsation 1 alarm alram 1 really reaaalllyy 0 cause becausse 1 gone goine 1 crabs crabbs 1 hypothermia hypothermic 1 months 18months 1 turn turrrn 1 version verison 0 hospital spital 0 cornball hornballs 1 outside outsideee 1 bothering botherinq 1 louisiana louisianna 0 inside nside 1 giving gving 0 speed hispeed 0 people eople 1 clearly cleeearly 0 halloween halloweiner 1 ontario ontari 1 kills killls 1 scandinavian scandanavian 1 interruption interuption 1 butterflies butterfliesss 0 foreheads horseheads 1 journeys journies 1 simon simonon 0 what twhat 0 doing doinn 1 activist activis 1 stats statis 1 activity activit 0 underpants thunderpants 1 read 2read 1 temp temp2 1 opportunity oppertunity 1 itself itsel 0 station statio 0 stating statin 1 headphones headphoness 1 overlooking overlookin 1 blackboard blackbeards 1 credence creedence 1 from frooom 1 fantasy fantasyy 1 overestimated overstimulated 1 shortlist shortlisted 1 laughed lauged 1 fantasies fantasys 0 got ggot 1 inch 4inch 1 snorkeling snorkling 1 ups upps 1 important imprtnt 1 pending pnding 0 shit shitrt 0 doing doin' 1 craving cravinq 0 should shud 0 republic myrepublica 0 sleep isleep 1 prove proove 1 player playerrr 1 liverpool liverpo 0 great ggreat 0 atlanta altlanta 1 females femaless 1 blocked blockd 1 accounting accountin 1 outside outsid 0 outside outsie 0 pumpkin plumpkin 1 females femalesz 1 scared scard 1 noise noooise 1 signals 37signals 1 have have2 1 have have1 1 notice noticeee 0 sleep sleepies 1 photography photgraphy 1 further furterer 1 blocking blockn 1 quebec qubec 1 sexy sexayy 1 proud proudd 1 annoying annying 1 license licens 1 adrenaline adrenalyn 1 lovely loveley 0 exclusive xclusives 0 late latert 1 smells smellss 1 later laterr 0 later laters 0 crazy ccrazy 0 have haver 1 have havew 1 have haveu 0 cocktail mocktail 1 speaking speakingg 1 have havea 1 initials initals 1 have havee 0 have haved 0 respect repect 0 buffered unbuffered 0 have havem 0 ellipses djellipses 0 sweet sweetpea 1 beautiful beauitful 1 around arounddd 1 decide decidee 0 submit submi 0 forecast cforecast 1 agree agrre 1 details dtails 1 test tesst 1 ignoring ignoreing 0 greece greeces 1 followers folloowers 1 dudes dudesss 1 degrees 80degrees 1 headache headche 1 interested intersted 1 trust truuust 0 expecting exspecting 1 gay gayyy 1 persistence persistency 1 home hooomee 0 sucker suka 1 suck sukc 1 jurisdiction jurisdictions 1 performance performences 0 watching whaching 0 beat ibeat 0 sucks sukz 1 everybody everybodyyy 1 april aprill 1 that thtat 0 choices choises 1 closer cloooser 1 again agaaaiiin 1 challenge chalenge 1 visit vist 1 snoring snoaring 1 enemies enimies 1 aficionados afficionados 0 affiliate affilia 1 contact contect 0 visit visi 1 smacked smackked 0 somewhat somewh 1 centimeters centimetres 1 yours yoursss 1 tired tireeed 0 melville mitchellville 0 amongst amoungst 0 english enlish 1 up uuuppp 1 fucking fuckiiing 1 replied rplied 1 loser loseeer 0 actually actucally 1 persistence persistance 1 orgasm orgasim 1 bedroom bedroon 1 chorus chours 1 guess gues 1 asshole assholee 1 speaking speking 1 football footbal 1 more 7more 1 shit shoit 1 smart smartme 1 weeks 4weeks 1 guarantee gaurentee 1 romanticism romanticised 1 line liiine 1 somebody someboddy 1 passenger passeng 1 working workingout 1 buddy budddyy 1 luck lucka 1 crank crankn 1 ceremony ceremon 1 luck luckk 0 produced unproduced 1 blame blameee 0 bitches yitches 1 chick chickkk 1 watching watchong 0 recognize reconize 1 eat eeeat 1 huge huuuge 1 pissing pisssing 1 better btr 1 brother borther 1 armageddon armegeddon 1 different difrent 0 cutie qte 1 exactly exactlyy 1 scratches scrates 0 ireland nireland 1 weird wird 1 confirms confirman 0 girls mygirls 0 ash yash 1 passed pased 1 illuminated illumenated 1 you yhew 0 services sevices 0 blackberry blakberry 1 grateful greatful 1 florist florissant 0 miss imisss 0 millions jamillions 1 holiday holidy 0 empowerment temperamento 0 marketing markeing 1 dynamite dynamiteee 1 holiday holida 1 laugh 2laugh 1 against aqainst 1 dam daaammm 1 damn daaammn 1 superstar superstarrr 1 research reserach 1 ethnicity ethnicities 0 literally literately 0 ancient acient 0 webcam webby 1 ram ramm 0 believe beelee 1 told tld 1 talk tlk 1 trivia triva 1 minimum minumum 1 trying tryying 1 flexible flexib 1 mean meeeaaan 0 walker jwalkerz 0 recognize recongize 0 constitution reconstitution 1 depression depressi 1 depressed depresso 1 maturing maturin 1 depressed depressd 1 cute cuttteee 1 milestone milesto 1 spending spendi 0 missed missread 0 alright y'alright 1 somebody smbody 0 skateboarding kiteboarding 1 difference diference 0 michael mcmichael 1 wasted wastd 1 fiercely fiercly 0 hurricane hurrica 1 dude duddde 1 wasted wasteeed 1 heating heatings 0 really eally 0 grandma qrandma 1 neighbor neighbour 1 these thesse 1 technology tecnology 0 lucky ucky 1 scream screeam 0 indescribable undescribable 0 fucks ucks 1 average averagely 1 support suport 1 hours 6hours 1 accessible accesible 1 internet intranet 1 blackened blackenedwhite 1 mocking mockin 1 walked walkd 1 administration adminstration 1 sensitive sensitiv 1 lights lightss 1 archive archiv 0 astroturfs astroturfers 1 nine 9nine 1 trademark trademarkia 1 mutual mutal 1 something somthings 0 malpractice macpractice 0 goo googoo 0 watermark waterparks 1 sad sadd 1 suppose suposse 0 checkout checkou 1 said sadi 1 somewhere somewer 1 sophisticated sofisticated 0 yekaterinburg ekaterinburg 0 technically techically 0 sadly sady 1 morning morninnng 1 shut shiut 1 endure endureth 1 kicked kickedd 1 connecting conecting 0 sciences biosciences 1 basketball baskteball 0 arizona arizo 1 focusing focusin 1 gwen gewn 0 interpreter entrpreneur 1 lesson lession 0 later laterz 1 everyday everrryday 1 predicting predicti 0 else lese 1 square squareee 1 stabilize stabilise 1 tomorrow tomorroow 1 watching wathching 1 guinea guine 1 priority priorit 1 catch ctach 1 and 1and 1 contempt contemptx 0 granny ganny 1 optimizing optimising 0 idiot ijit 1 sandwich sandwichh 1 announcement anouncement 1 going goingg 0 basement dabasement 0 delicious delious 1 yesterday yeasterday 1 chinese chinise 1 sandwich sandwiche 1 strap strappin 0 going goingt 1 tear tearrr 0 random radom 1 whisper whispery 0 probably iprobably 0 spying spyin 1 sandpaper sandpapery 0 monday mondayrt 1 england engerland 0 fucking muhfucking 1 mushroom mushroomhead 0 tend itend 1 explanation explaination 1 works wrks 1 fucking fuck'in 0 tucked untucked 1 bleeding bleedin 1 easily easilyy 1 please pleeeaasseee 1 white whtie 1 portland portla 1 potato potatooo 1 look loookkk 1 playing playinggg 0 jo jojo 1 leaving leavinggg 1 begins beginss 1 forth forthhh 1 lonely lonelyy 0 constantly contently 1 blur blurrr 1 hands 2hands 1 baby babayy 1 ventured venturedeal 0 kinda ikinda 0 categories catergories 1 celebrity celebrit 1 please pleeaasseee 1 meet meeettt 1 overhaul overhaulone 0 answer aswer 1 cause cauuuse 0 revision revisi 0 shit shiznat 0 shopping shoppig 1 over oveer 0 shopping shoppin 1 melissa melissaa 1 merry mery 0 they theyv 0 they theyt 1 thousand 2thousand 1 they theyy 1 privileged priviledged 1 something somethiin 1 they theya 1 brethren bretheren 1 they theye 1 privileges priviledges 1 tripping trippping 1 merge merg 1 embarrassing embarassingly 1 hallelujah hallelujahhh 1 december decemburr 0 million gillion 0 crucial crucia 1 smart smartph 0 reply relpy 0 millionaire billonaire 0 obesity obesi 0 commendable recommendable 1 compilation compliation 1 huge hugeee 1 again agian 0 admit iadmit 0 congratulations gratz 1 relationship relationshps 0 congratulations grats 1 fries frise 1 acoustic acousitc 1 interesting interseting 1 hey hhhey 0 don idon 1 grown grownnn 1 faster fasterrr 0 engineering dungeoneering 1 followers followersss 1 villains villans 0 american unamerican 1 harassment harrassment 1 have hvae 0 worrying worryin 1 sausage suasage 1 freak freeeaaak 0 discuss dicuss 0 payment payme 1 welcome weeelcome 1 fantastic faaantastic 1 follow folloow 0 xerox xeroxs 0 improper theimproper 1 participate participem 1 packed paaacked 1 twilight twilightish 1 please pleaaaseee 1 actually actally 1 cherish cherrish 1 stylist stylista 1 nike nikey 1 rally rallly 1 research resrch 0 trio trimo 0 monroe montrose 0 since sinced 1 since sincee 0 transfer wetransfer 0 time trime 1 reaches reachs 0 reaching reachn 1 reach reachh 1 rescue rescueee 0 reached reache 1 reminds remindss 0 lobby lobbys 1 sincerely sincer 0 since sinces 0 good ggod 1 above aboveee 0 careful bcareful 0 watch watchrt 1 fail faail 1 folklore folkloric 1 tried trieddd 1 finally finallly 0 heartbeat heartrate 1 fair faair 0 save savem 1 degree 40degree 1 themselves themslves 1 never neveerr 0 decided idecided 1 relationship relationshipp 0 consult consu 0 minnesota minneso 1 heartland healthland 1 relationship relationshipz 0 vote votez 1 ability abilit 1 psychological psycological 1 vote votee 1 meridian meridan 1 ending endingg 0 thomas thomason 1 revelation revalations 1 goodness gooodness 0 chapter chaper 1 obviously obviosly 1 experienced expierenced 1 ask ask4 1 save save5 1 freaking freaaking 1 executive excutive 1 antibiotics antibotics 1 exhibit exibit 1 popped poppd 1 vote vote4 1 wish whish 1 ticket tickett 0 popping poppn 0 rock roxxor 1 pops popps 0 chicken chiccen 1 ambulance ambulence 1 real reaaal 1 eagles eagels 1 read reaaad 0 thong whaletail 0 day bdayy 0 cool coolz 1 sophomore sophmores 1 phone phonee 1 uncontrollable uncontrolably 0 especially exspecially 1 family fmily 1 internet intergen 1 amazing amazinger 1 uncontrollable uncontrolable 0 motivated unmotivated 0 personal peronal 1 locked lockedd 1 attack attackkk 1 messenger messinger 1 phone phone7 1 phone phone4 1 fired fireddd 1 localization localisation 0 countdown coundown 0 class cpclass 1 commercials commericials 1 system system76 1 algebra algebra2 1 internet interne 0 reaction reation 1 guess guuess 1 diesel diezel 1 jessica jessic 1 shout shoutou 1 shout shoutot 1 walking walkin 1 right riiight 0 walking walkig 1 likes likesss 1 wants wantsss 1 sweet swweeettt 0 newspaper newspap 1 ha hhaahhaa 1 tolerate tolerate4 1 attitude attitud 0 you ryou 0 can canb 1 triumph triump 0 waiting aiting 1 yes yyyesss 1 standings standring 0 peter popeater 0 there htere 1 straight straiiight 1 parking parkin 1 exhibition exhibtion 1 label lable 1 diamonds dimonds 1 enjoy enjy 1 scotland scotlan 0 recent recen 1 ha haha 1 enjoy enjo 0 friends m473z 0 phone phonert 0 richer ritcher 1 can cani 0 footage thefootage 0 friends m473s 0 costume constume 1 other othher 1 percent 30percent 0 worth worh 0 dragon drangon 1 offended offeneded 0 world worl 0 francisco fancisco 0 attended bartended 1 can canu 1 music musiccc 0 obvious ovious 1 everybody everybodu 1 worry wory 1 volkswagen volkswagon 1 polish plish 0 they ithey 1 secret secert 1 good goood 0 independent indie 0 either ither 1 obsessive obssesive 1 head heeeaaad 0 likes fblikes 1 heavy heaaavy 1 got gooot 1 goo gooow 1 fake fakee 1 cheating cheeting 0 cite citer 0 list plist 1 obsessed obbsesed 1 funny funyy 0 growth regrowth 1 gorgeous gorqeous 1 other outher 0 amanda amanhaa 1 unpredictable unpredictabilit 1 browser broswer 1 questions questns 1 apparently apparantley 1 squirrels squirells 0 listen lisen 0 secret secre 1 lazy laazy 1 parts partsss 1 jokes jokees 1 secret secrt 1 everything evrrything 1 pathetic patheic 1 bitch bithc 0 festival bestival 1 average averag 1 kids 6kids 1 simpson simpsons 1 occurrence occurence 0 can ican 0 ordered orded 0 morning moning 1 loser luzar 0 channel wxchannel 0 everyday eryday 1 office offica 1 fuck fcukk 1 software softwar 1 driving drivng 0 official offici 1 snow sonw 1 younger youngr 0 young youngs 1 strawberry starwberry 1 jessica jesscia 1 distracting distractingly 1 blackjacks blackcaps 1 fight 2fight 0 bacon bacons 1 young youngg 1 young younge 1 laughing laughinggg 0 everybody e'rybody 1 emptying emptyin 0 nanking nangkring 1 juice juce 1 shed shead 1 enjoyable enjoyble 1 disorientation disorientating 0 supplements a1supplements 1 myself myselfff 1 wondering wondring 1 juicy jucy 0 member amember 0 morning mmmorning 0 there upthere 1 greeting greating 0 breasts breas 1 successful sucesful 1 strictly strickly 1 constructing construccin 0 breast breat 0 factoring refactoring 0 breath breah 0 talked italked 1 research reaserch 1 especially espically 0 brought brough 0 happened appened 1 wonderful wounderful 0 proper pwoper 1 brought brougt 1 unlimited unlimted 1 room rooom 1 attachment attatchment 1 standardized standardbred 1 halloween hallloween 1 roof rooof 1 trailblazer trailblazes 1 rob rooob 1 pepper peper 1 china chinaaa 1 dancing dancings 1 streaming streamin 1 through thorugh 0 over nover 1 please pleeeaaassee 1 evil eviiil 1 snacks snackies 1 performance performnce 1 ha hhahaa 1 camera cameraa 0 reconnect webconnect 1 admit admite 0 involved inloved 1 pumped pumpeddd 1 definitely definietly 0 nothing ntn 0 boxing unboxing 1 come cooomeee 1 friend frind 1 fuckers fuckerz 1 thanks thaaankss 1 move mooove 0 discuss disuss 1 sound soound 0 hungry ungry 0 opposite opposi 1 also allso 0 carrying carryn 1 radar radar9 1 commit comit 1 concert concerteza 0 single signle 0 coming comin 1 fiberglass fibreglass 1 or ooorrr 0 penis p3n15 0 coming comig 1 routine rutine 1 lawyers laywers 1 rate ratee 0 spending speding 1 anyways anywaaays 1 fitness fitnesss 1 jennifer jennifers 1 rejected rejectd 1 rejected rejecte 1 responsible responsable 1 intellect intelect 1 freedom freedome 1 compromise compromiso 0 water twater 1 rapist r8pist 1 overrated overtired 1 beyond beyooond 1 am aaammm 1 going giong 1 followers folowers 1 sauce sauceee 1 actual acutal 1 mile 2mile 1 boulevard bulevard 1 happiness happinesses 1 penis p3n1s 1 panda pandaaa 1 solving solvin 1 baby bebe 1 organization orginization 1 proving provin 1 instruments instrumentalz 0 bar ebar 0 dealing dealin 0 inexplicable unexplainable 1 department departme 0 powerful powerf 1 power powere 1 powered powerd 1 hacking hackinq 0 mercury mercu 1 garbage garabage 0 ordinary unordinary 1 pressure pressur 1 notes notess 0 proud prouds 1 power powerr 0 baltimore seobaltimore 1 applaud applaude 1 funk funkkk 1 invited inviteddd 1 album alubm 0 light relight 1 horrible horriblee 1 congratulations congradulation 0 front infront 1 decent decenttt 1 percent 15percent 1 consent concent 1 deactivated deactivatin 1 mandatory manditory 1 please pleese 1 customize customise 1 swim swimm 1 gonna gonnna 1 index indexer 1 among amng 0 many amny 1 higher higherr 1 guaranteed guarenteed 1 halloween hallooween 0 remembered rememered 1 suppress supress 1 california californa 1 circle circlee 1 guarantees guarentees 0 strawberry stawberry 1 california californi 0 some ssome 1 cinema cinemaa 1 basketball baseketball 1 excuse excus 1 wrap wraaap 0 hater h80r 1 boyfriend boyfriendd 1 punk punkkk 1 handle hndle 1 philosophy philosphy 1 stretch streeetch 1 ago agoo 1 pussy pussyass 0 owning ownin 1 spencer spencers 1 free frreee 1 thanksgiving thankzgivin 1 crescent crescenzo 1 calendars calenders 1 usually ussually 0 rolling rooollin 1 punishing punishin 1 charlotte charlott 1 apparently apparentlyy 1 love loovvvee 1 involve invole 1 moves moooves 1 stressing stresssing 1 profile profileee 0 tables iptables 1 tattoos tattooes 0 understand undestand 1 organization organizacion 0 hacked hax0red 1 perfect perfact 1 tantalizing tantalising 1 beginning beginnig 1 album allbum 0 beginning beginnin 0 silent unsilent 1 voted vote'd 1 have 2have 0 stayed istayed 0 click cick 1 enjoy ennjoy 1 meeting metting 1 disoriented disorientated 0 ha phahaa 1 posthumous posthumus 1 real reeeaal 1 inn innn 0 smile smilert 1 basement bashment 1 direction driection 1 things thngs 0 smiles smilers 1 what whaat 1 mean meeean 1 orlando orlandooo 1 you yew 1 magic 18magic 1 some soem 1 into intoo 1 clue cluee 0 international incarnational 1 down dooownn 1 inch 1inch 0 tomorrow o2morrow 1 wasting wastein 1 super supeerrr 1 pregnant pregnanttt 0 gotta igottaa 1 davidson davidsons 1 everything everyhting 0 gotta igottah 0 crossed uncrossed 0 chihuahua hauhauhau 1 milan milannn 0 however howev 1 pronounced pronouced 1 training traininq 1 because becauses 0 linked unlinked 0 picture pitcure 1 outfit outift 0 fighting flightin 1 getting getng 1 important importnt 1 widely widel 1 nasty nastty 1 pathetic patetic 0 fucking fkin 1 contribute contributin 1 waking wakeing 0 spread spead 1 bike bikie 1 mate maaate 1 math maaath 1 masterpiece masterpeice 0 locked locced 1 memorize memorise 1 knows knowns 1 revenge reveng 0 gadget gogadget 1 statistic statistika 1 struggle strugg 1 tricks trickers 1 engineer enginee 1 revenue revenu 0 cola coloca 0 salmon salom 1 knowing knowng 1 days daays 1 believed beliebed 1 day daayy 1 known knownn 1 reader reeder 0 interior antiterror 0 really ireallly 1 balcony balconytv 1 relaxing relaxinq 0 lost ilost 1 follow foolllow 1 entertained entertaind 0 davis davison 1 entertaining entertaing 1 weekend weakend 0 purposes repurposes 0 hiding hidin 0 government egovernment 0 birthday b-day 1 traditional traditonal 0 edit reedit 1 sleeping sleepiing 1 christmas christmaaas 1 making makinng 1 furious furios 1 rules rulesss 1 kaleidoscope kaleidescope 1 problem proplem 0 likewise ilikes 0 they tthey 0 madison maidstone 1 roger rogerrr 1 properly propley 0 liked iliked 1 costumes coustumes 1 neutron nuetron 1 night niiighttt 0 wellington eglington 1 blackberry blckberry 0 dragon dagon 1 surprise surpresa 1 philadelphia philadelph 1 yesterday yesterdayyy 1 avoid avoide 1 awesome aweseom 1 like lyke 1 especially espacially 1 pierced periced 0 putting puttin 1 outer outter 0 drafted undrafted 1 okay okaayyy 1 emphasize emphasise 0 alumni alumi 1 alumni alumn 0 employment unemployement 0 something somethign 1 ant aiant 1 waffles wafflehouse 1 hurts hurtts 1 hurt hurttt 0 you ayou 1 freedom freeedom 1 bored boooreeed 0 headphones heaphones 1 self selfff 1 crushing crushingly 1 centered centred 1 like lyk3 1 criticism critism 1 beautiful beautifuuul 1 oh oohhh 1 gorgeous gorgeousjuicy 1 drill dril 1 sleepy shleeepy 1 died diiied 1 centers centres 0 then tthen 1 quote quotee 0 them tthem 0 dancing dacing 0 multiplication multilocation 1 given given92 1 swear swearr 1 big biig 1 excuse excuuse 0 impression empression 1 campaign campagin 1 confidential confidencial 1 country countrys 0 latin lating 0 berlin anberlin 0 fascinated facinated 1 bookmark bookmarker 1 again agaain 1 country countryy 1 smoking smookin 0 maybe maye 1 submits submittals 1 stupid stpd 1 maybe mayb 0 text textn 1 plenty pleanty 1 letterbox letterboxes 1 stop stpo 1 steps stps 0 forgiveness unforgiveness 1 may mayy 0 sucks suks 0 thought tthought 0 africa safrica 1 crap craappp 0 box xbox 1 happening hapning 1 challenge challengin 1 somebody somebodie 0 coming comign 1 call caall 1 respond respondam 0 later laliter 1 million 7million 1 never nevr 0 polite unpolite 1 joking jokeing 0 plate pl8 0 never neve 1 facility facilty 0 never neva 1 newbies n00bs 0 sister mysister 1 favorite favoriite 1 selfish selfishhh 1 inspiration inspiratio 1 skinned skined 0 act iact 0 blistering blithering 0 encoding geocoding 1 inspiration inspiratif 1 older 18older 1 cab cabbb 1 please pls 1 question qestion 1 challenged challanged 1 please plz 1 claiming claming 1 fighters figthers 1 source sorce 1 challenges challanges 1 foot 5foot 0 person peson 1 blaze blazeee 1 damn daaamnn 1 quality qulity 0 product myproduct 1 slowly slooowly 1 because beacuse 1 catherine cathrine 1 physically physicaly 1 shit shite 1 same samee 1 curious curiouss 1 according accordi 0 dream deam 1 positive possitive 1 easy easssyyy 1 hey hehey 1 australia austral 1 place palce 1 krystal krystals 1 snow snoww 1 same same1 1 martin martinnn 1 inter interr 0 hating hatiin 0 american amerian 0 champagne champane 1 skater sktr 1 going goiingg 0 why whyz 1 why whyy 1 why whyu 0 why whyn 1 mention meantion 1 suspended suspendedd 1 marley marely 1 why whyi 1 musical muscial 1 musician muscian 1 cracking crackkin 0 meeting mtg 1 interior interi 1 savage sauvage 1 dry dryyy 1 tomorrow tomoroww 1 expressed expresse 0 tomorrow tomorows 1 degrees 98degrees 0 cracking craking 1 christmas crhistmas 1 flaming flamming 1 designing desiging 0 enjoy ejoy 1 certificate certific 1 express expresss 1 holding holdinq 1 babe baebae 0 friends myfriends 1 survived survied 1 arrogant arrogante 0 dying dyinn 1 myself miself 1 verizon verizion 1 death deat 0 pregnant shepregnant 1 breathe breatheee 1 stacks staks 1 virtual virtualdj 1 reality realiti 1 score scoree 0 logic illogic 1 thought thoughttt 1 stand satnd 1 apology apoligy 1 train traaain 1 mine mineee 1 soprano sparano 1 little littlle 1 lucky luuucky 0 gaining gainin 1 singing singen 1 maryland marylan 1 internet interneet 1 mentality mantality 1 seriously seriouslly 1 babysitters babysteps 0 extensive exspensive 1 honestly hoenstly 1 dancing dancn 0 dancing danci 0 well kwell 1 independent independiente 1 slave slaaave 1 combination combinati 1 episode episdio 0 backpack bagpack 1 middle middl 1 seriously serioisly 0 middle midde 1 appropriate apropriate 1 having havinng 1 thing thingie 1 done donnee 1 private privite 1 friday friidayy 1 attracted atracted 1 funny funnay 1 thanks thankkss 1 lunch 4lunch 1 james jaaames 0 however h/e 0 anthony deanthony 1 catastrophic cattastrophe 1 went wennt 0 bundled unbundled 1 follow folooow 1 administer administr 1 november novembeard 1 fast faaast 1 kick kikc 0 surprised suprised 1 jordan jourdan 1 beating beeting 0 handsprings handprints 0 joking jokiin 1 guitar guitarr 1 release relase 0 surprises suprises 1 complicated complicaaated 0 foreign foreing 1 satellite satalite 0 become beome 1 blisters bullshiters 0 forgot iforgot 1 slipping slippin 1 tempted temptd 1 hater htr 1 trailing trailin 0 please pplleeaassee 1 far faarrr 0 moment momemt 1 wanting wnting 0 homework h/w 1 yellow yellowww 1 portuguese portugues 1 loving loooving 1 pending pendinggg 0 present reprezent 0 comfortable comfotable 1 god gawd 1 downloads downloader 0 butterfly zbutterfly 1 friends frineds 1 clean cleannn 0 chapter chater 1 always alwayss 1 downloads downloaden 0 peel peeler 0 bunch buch 1 montreal montreat 1 involve involv 1 today 2today 1 david daviddd 1 boarding bording 0 nd nndd 1 hotel hotelll 1 appreciate apprecite 0 cutting kutting 1 masturbate masterbates 1 hop hopp 0 stranger etranger 1 bad baaddd 1 orleans orlean 1 customized customised 1 dull dulll 0 character charater 1 samba sambaaa 0 clutch klutch 0 atlantic alantic 0 street fxstreet 1 angles angele 1 dating dateing 1 slag slaggg 1 angel angelz 1 cameras camaras 1 yours youres 0 sharon sharons 1 years 21years 1 today todday 1 minutes 25minutes 1 accommodation accomadation 1 joint jointt 1 sick sickkk 1 judging judgin 1 industry industrys 1 beginner begginer 1 purpose perpose 1 mouse mousee 1 marcus marcusss 0 focus focu 0 brooklyn crooklyn 1 forget frget 0 stopped istopped 1 grass grasss 1 exercise exerci 0 fashion fashiontv 0 reggae redgage 0 written writt 0 congratulations congatulations 0 monster mummonster 0 reserved regserve 0 church churchin 1 memory memoryy 1 message messeage 0 spinster spinmaster 1 allergy alergy 1 writing writn 0 writing writi 1 glamorous glamours 0 night ninght 1 daughter daugther 1 instead insteadof 0 otherwise otherwi 1 smooth smoot 0 diamond diamo 1 watching wathcing 1 hyper hyperr 1 emotional emotionality 1 attitude attuide 0 hyper hyperx 1 destroy destroooy 1 america americaaa 1 future futuree 0 cyber cybr 0 excited sexcited 1 embarrassing embarresing 1 composites compostthis 1 killing kiiilling 1 text texxxt 1 currently currentlyy 1 lifeguard lifegaurd 1 working workinggg 0 give igive 0 appear appearin 1 finally finaallly 0 karen karlene 1 classes classesss 1 successful successfu 1 little littleee 0 killings wildlings 1 accessories accesories 1 cream creammm 1 god goddy 1 cosmopolitan cosompolitan 1 mention mentiion 1 started statred 1 hallelujah halleluja 0 titled retitled 1 superstar superset 1 handsome hands0me 0 talent battlenet 1 clothes clothesss 1 boys boyos 1 nipples nipplesss 1 breaking breakinq 0 christmas chritsmas 1 ticking thicking 0 outstanding oustanding 1 laundry luandry 1 high hiiigh 1 sugar sugarr 1 sarah sariah 1 performance preformances 1 girl giiirlll 0 hum uhum 1 goes goees 1 prosecutor prosecutorial 1 misappropriated misappropriatio 1 happening happeningg 0 mario demario 1 excited exciteed 1 contact cntct 1 tickets ticketnews 0 general qeneral 1 cafeteria cafetaria 1 margin marginize 1 grief greif 0 clearer clairebear 1 birthday biiirthday 1 cigarettes cigarrets 1 really rly 1 anyone anyyone 1 rules rlz 1 choose chooseee 0 cranberry crunchberry 1 kingston kingstonian 0 bothered bovered 1 could coulda 0 biggest biggets 1 could couldd 1 bitch biotch 1 industrialized industrialised 1 edition editon 1 kingdom kingdome 0 could couldv 1 stomach stomack 0 relationship relatioship 1 brothers brothersss 1 yourself yourseld 0 apple appletv 1 yep yeeppp 0 revivalists survivalists 0 bloodstream goldstream 1 confusion confussion 0 ashamed ashame 1 conversion converstaion 0 pumpkins blumpkins 0 andaman anpanman 1 voyeur vouyer 1 idiots idoits 1 dawn dawnn 0 follow mefollow 0 combines mobinews 0 sitting sitttin 1 there thar 1 tried treid 1 bald baldy 1 everyone evveryone 0 thank thak 1 lovers loverss 1 glad gladdd 1 works workks 1 mil 2mil 1 weak weeeak 1 min 2min 0 gelatin ngeliatin 0 cause caue 1 ungrateful ungratefull 1 name nayme 1 mississippi missippi 0 nearly neally 0 sup wsuup 0 slope upslope 1 anywhere anywher 1 especially espeically 1 easier eaiser 0 stuck stuc 1 falling faling 1 grandma granda 1 packed packedd 1 friendship frendship 1 pin pinnn 1 blue blueee 1 similar similiar 0 thee ethe 1 how hhow 1 commentary commentry 0 anything anythg 1 show showww 1 division divsion 1 anything anythn 1 disappointed disappionted 1 looking lookimg 1 ridiculous ridicoulous 0 kill ikill 1 television telivision 0 fantastic fangtastic 1 clips clippies 1 aggressively aggresively 1 springsteen springsteens 1 crying creying 1 thanks thankiss 1 snap snaaap 1 interfere interfer 1 enjoy enjooy 1 innovation inovation 1 banged bangedd 1 concur concurr 1 night nighhht 0 helmet helment 0 pepper pepperami 0 bucket bukket 1 point pointtt 1 accent acccent 1 gorgeous goregeous 1 millionaire millionarie 1 several sevrl 1 floyd flloyd 0 everywhere overhere 1 somethings 20somethings 1 bracelet bracelete 1 beetle bettle 0 won iwon 1 jacket jackett 1 bracelet bracelett 1 pas pases 1 bones bonesss 1 imagine imagaine 1 rescue resuce 0 delicious delisious 1 hosting hostin 1 days 7days 0 bullshit bullshxt 1 sick siiiccck 0 bang abang 1 sign siiign 1 revolution revoluti 1 evening evenning 0 authorization reauthorization 1 concrete concrete5 0 contain contai 1 reduction reductio 0 little littles 1 horoscope horiscope 0 hanging anging 0 texts texters 1 going goinng 1 foreclosure forclosure 1 god goddd 1 favorite fovorite 1 o'clock 9o'clock 1 recognizable recognisable 1 nutrition nutrtional 1 noticed noticd 0 registered bridgestreet 1 manager managerour 1 seeds seaweeds 1 connected conected 1 hours 20hours 1 stupidity stupidy 1 listening listnin 1 cloned clonedvd 1 wheels wheelz 1 heartthrob hearthrob 1 nationals nationalised 1 stupid stupido 0 hate ihate 1 wearing wearingg 0 okay m'kay 1 stupid stupide 1 finished finnished 1 learning learninq 0 lullaby lullabot 1 yummy yummmyyy 1 wrestlers wrestlerage 0 carelessness godlessness 1 finger 2fingers 1 bound bounddd 1 group gruop 0 news newsnew 0 worlds wolds 1 serious seriousss 1 many 2many 1 fools foolies 1 skipping skippin 0 stringently strikegently 1 button buttton 1 care carea 1 awesome aewsome 1 happened hppened 1 highlight higlight 0 schedule sked 0 eyebrows eyesbrows 1 lame lammmeee 0 unemployed funemployed 1 forecast forcast 1 functionality functionalit 1 stupid stupppid 0 tomorrow torrow 1 optimize optimise 1 recruitment recruitme 0 maps gmaps 1 interesting intrestin 1 nothing n0thing 1 sister sisiter 1 favorites favoritist 1 dolphins d0lphins 0 taped apted 1 please pleaassse 0 crumbs crums 0 around alround 1 challenge chalange 1 shine shineee 1 hardware heartware 1 word worrd 1 written writtn 0 soldier soldi 0 always alwaysrt 1 hilarious hilerious 1 work worrk 1 explain explainin 1 profile profiel 0 sold solds 1 up uupp 1 sandra sandraaa 0 protect prote 1 interference interferences 1 rest 2rest 0 someone someoe 1 abominable abominables 1 merry merrry 1 adventure adventu 1 someone someon 1 banging bangiin 1 huge huuugeee 0 watching wayching 1 weak weakk 1 weekend weekennd 1 paranormal paronormal 0 waiting waitiin 1 interesting interresting 1 response responce 1 remotely remotly 1 coordinator coordinato 1 males maleees 1 rather ratherr 1 frontage frontpage 1 charge chargee 1 craft crafter 1 friends furiends 1 vote 2vote 1 decided dicided 0 prepared preped 1 hide hideee 1 dancer dancerr 0 daughter daughte 0 just ijust 1 intramural intermurals 1 hard harrddd 1 daughter daughtr 1 conservatory conservatoire 1 everybody everybuddy 1 thinking thinkinh 0 strings starlings 0 drama jdramas 0 gentleman thegintleman 1 started starded 1 thinking thinkinq 1 level levelll 1 should shoullld 1 ireland irland 1 thought thught 1 offense offence 0 feature featurette 1 coming commming 1 days 8days 1 historian historica 1 careful carful 0 daughter daught 0 stevenson levenson 1 famous famosos 0 legend leyend 0 health ehealth 1 computer cmputer 0 sources sourcers 1 please pleees 1 talking talkinggg 1 problem porblem 1 password 1password 1 without withoutt 1 squirrel squirl 1 blaming blamin 1 blurry blurrry 0 spectacle espectaculo 0 infinity xinfinity 1 fine fiiinnneee 1 platinum platin 1 fluorescent flourescent 1 family famliy 0 williams willia 1 without withouth 1 excellent exxxcellent 1 coincidence coinsidence 1 sniff snifff 1 hope hopeee 0 hackers h4xrz 1 holiday holidayyy 1 freestyle frestyle 1 villain vilain 1 divorced devorced 1 chef cheff 0 princess pwincess 1 waiting waaiting 1 soul soooul 1 bleachers bleechers 1 dis diiss 1 fresh fresshh 1 orgasm orgasam 0 dis diisz 1 inspired inspirated 1 you youo 0 you youn 0 plastic plasic 0 you youj 1 you youi 1 you youh 0 dream mydream 0 you youb 1 you youa 0 forefingers fivefingers 1 african africian 1 permanently permenantly 1 nowadays nowadayz 1 you youy 0 you youx 1 nurse nurs 0 failing failin 1 remember rmber 0 are arel 0 are arem 1 burning burningg 1 era eraaa 0 cant catn 1 are arew 0 are aret 1 weekends weekenders 1 are arer 1 burning burnings 1 submission submiss 1 premium premiu 1 attract atract 1 positive postivie 0 kitchen kichen 1 training trainings 1 please pleeaassee 1 tried trieed 1 respect respec 1 hilarious halariouss 1 fight fighht 0 shape shapers 1 avatar avatarny 1 you you3 1 you you1 0 respect respet 1 tone tonee 1 past paaast 1 loves loooves 1 drug druuug 1 pass paaass 1 years yearrs 1 lover looover 0 terminal trigeminal 1 playstation playstaion 0 marge mzmarge 1 difference diffrnce 1 strawberry strawbery 1 chambers chambre 1 prescription perscription 1 social soical 1 positive positiveee 1 sometime sometyme 1 graduating graduatin 1 christ christos 1 rhythmic rythmic 1 understatement understatment 0 scratch scracth 1 elementary elementar 1 adobe adob 1 sometimes sometyms 1 pajamas pijamas 1 supposed sposed 1 musketeers 3musketeers 1 your yor 0 speak espeak 1 spanish spanich 1 eat eaaattt 1 face faceee 0 really teally 1 restaurant restraunt 1 characters characte 1 realizing realising 1 reduce reduc 1 philosophy philosoph 0 repair repai 0 predicted unpredicted 0 your yo' 1 thick thiiick 1 approximate approxima 1 siblings sibilings 1 everywhere everywheree 0 dining dinin 1 building buildinq 0 strange stange 1 girlfriend girlfirend 0 message messa 1 tomorrow tomorroww 0 generalization mineralization 1 messed messd 1 message messg 1 harmonization harmonisation 0 tomorrow tomorrowz 1 tsunami tsumani 1 center centerr 0 messing messn 1 break breaaak 1 mess messs 0 tomorrow tomorrowm 0 correct correc 1 foreclosures foreclosuresdai 1 accuse acuse 1 article artice 0 americans mericans 0 everybody errybody 1 happened happeneddd 1 article articl 1 icon icone 1 oversimplified oversimplificat 1 months mooonths 0 that sthat 1 icon iconn 1 icon icono 1 tears ters 1 worse wrse 0 muffin nufffin 1 important imporant 0 homework homewk 1 suppose sappose 1 worst wrst 0 they theyve 1 production productio 0 long slong 1 cousin cusion 1 ginger gingered 1 speak speaaak 1 institutions institutio 0 exciting sexciting 1 receiving recieveing 1 heavy heavey 1 customize customerize 0 england enlgand 0 wrench rench 1 bridgeport bridgepoint 1 littler littlearth 1 gentle gentille 0 legend ledgend 0 french fench 1 about abooout 1 thoroughly throughly 1 jealous jelouss 0 testicles chesticles 0 gay gayly 0 green greenup 0 poppies poppie89 1 disruption disruptor 1 session sesson 1 y'all y'alll 1 emotions emotionz 1 maybe maybeh 1 bring briiing 0 y'all y'allz 1 darling darrrling 1 post posttt 1 appreciate apprciate 1 maybe maybey 1 emotional emotiona 0 wherever whereeva 0 smack schmack 0 atkins watkinson 1 description descripti 1 turns truns 1 cant cannit 1 wow wowowow 0 anyway anywys 1 among amoung 0 maria marilia 1 yesterday yesterdaay 1 available availible 1 followers followerrss 0 shit shiznit 1 course coourse 1 skins skinsss 1 creep creepa 1 creep creepo 1 creeping creepn 1 beetle beatle 1 shepherds shephards 0 dummies dumbies 1 extraordinary extrordinary 1 resources ressources 1 swinging swingin 0 dating datin 1 clips clipsxl 1 solicit solicitud 1 sweater sweaterrr 1 lets leeets 0 demonstration demostration 1 curling curlin 1 fucking fuckingly 0 dropped idropped 1 autograph autography 0 troop 4troops 1 joking joooking 1 awesome awesm 0 awesome aweso 1 bitches bitces 0 after afer 1 georgia georgiaaa 1 ah aaahhh 1 main mainin 1 subconscious subconcious 0 downloaded dowloaded 0 lily lilys 0 smoked ismoked 0 that trhat 1 aesthetically aesthetica 0 asp aspx 1 pregnant pregnantt 0 roman afroman 0 clicks klicks 1 valuable valueable 1 aggravated aggravatin 1 million millionn 1 conversation convorsation 1 anyone aanyone 1 attention attentionnn 0 company compagny 0 cookie coockie 1 burst burster 1 deciding decidin 1 spanish spainish 1 sniper snipper 0 years yearsrt 1 sexiest sexyest 1 belong belongg 1 holy hooly 1 headquarters headquartered 1 illegal illeagal 1 hole hoole 1 hold hoold 0 had ihaad 1 grizzly grizzley 0 helplessly headlessly 0 converter convencer 1 number numbre 1 mantra mantrap 1 tigers tigres 0 dam ddamn 1 documentary documentaire 1 morn mooornin 0 alongside longside 1 fat faaat 1 far faaar 1 marriage marriaqe 1 fan faaan 1 motherfucking motherfxckin 1 cigarettes cigerettes 1 error eror 1 actually actuallt 1 actually actuallu 1 relaxing relaxin 1 incredible increibleee 1 shots shotts 0 minimalist maximalist 0 bow babow 1 shot shottt 0 follow followeth 0 french frech 1 peanut peanutt 1 actually actualli 0 backfield blackfield 1 sentence sentenc 0 anytime manytimes 1 superb superbe 1 very veeerry 0 friends frienns 1 baggage bagage 0 homelessness homebusiness 1 although althogh 0 supposedly supposebly 1 friend friennd 0 evening eveni 0 album abulm 0 fantastic fabtastic 1 even evenn 1 lip lippp 1 cross crosss 1 evening eveng 1 therapy therepy 1 lease leaseee 1 marilyn maralyn 1 democrats democraps 0 beyond beyone 0 interesting intetesting 1 lose 2lose 0 korean skorean 1 fast fasstt 0 birthday bthday 1 feelings feelingss 1 because beacuase 1 sprinkle sprinklin 1 expansion expans 1 music msic 1 targeted targetted 1 torrents torrontes 1 rothschild rothschilds 1 miles 3miles 1 session seesion 0 sonar sonarfm 0 robbery robbe 1 realized relized 1 school schhoool 1 fantastic fanatastic 0 category catergory 1 appreciate appreci8 1 party paarty 1 lifetime lifetim 0 panties pannies 0 missing misn 0 michelle micheline 1 devastating devestating 1 chinese chinnese 0 anywhere anyweh 1 missed misd 1 aye ayyeee 1 anywhere anywer 1 please pleeeassseee 0 treasury treasu 1 sloppy sloopy 1 traffic traffiic 0 hydrogen dihydrogen 0 delicious delicio 1 new 4new 1 rarely rarly 0 facts fatcats 1 applications aplications 1 whats whaats 1 waiting waiitng 0 stoned st1 1 everywhere evrywhere 1 state st8 1 chat 2chat 1 biscuits biscuts 0 deadline dealine 1 album albumm 1 apparently apparentally 1 album albumn 0 tragedy tradgedy 1 album albume 1 candidates candidatas 0 roll reroll 1 album albumu 1 information imformation 1 without wothout 0 second isecond 1 birds brids 1 anderson andersson 1 realize relaize 0 something sth 1 rainy rainny 0 episode epidode 1 sepulcher spellchecker 1 click clicky 0 camera fxcamera 1 rain rainnn 1 branches branchless 1 got gooottt 1 party parrrtayyy 1 jersey jerseyyy 1 loving lovng 1 drowning drawning 1 housework houseworks 1 miscarriage misscarriage 0 reserve arcserve 0 awkward ackward 1 controversial controvers 1 just jusyt 0 chocolate cholate 1 everyday evrday 1 hospitality hospitalist 1 writing writtin 0 little lil 1 discount discounter 1 like lik 1 live liv 1 shoes shose 1 defensive defensiv 1 first firsttt 1 thailand thailland 0 fried fridged 1 fridge fridgee 1 wait wati 0 optimal poptimal 1 fly fllyyy 0 domain domai 0 chemical alchemical 1 watch watc 1 different diferent 1 clothes clothez 1 whats wats 1 quarterly quarterlife 0 qualified qualifie 1 competitive competiti 1 jealous jealouse 0 assistance exsistance 1 follow foolloow 1 carol carool 1 performance performancee 0 whenever wheneve 1 could coiuld 0 morning g'morning 0 whenever wheneva 0 cheering cheerin 1 shit sheit 1 hype hypee 1 modeling modelin 1 whenever whenevr 0 whenever whenevs 1 sure surree 1 laptops labtops 1 homework hmewrk 1 intelligence intelligences 1 essay essayyy 0 yeah oyeah 0 filament facilmente 1 could cooould 1 add addd 1 flight flightt 1 oshkosh oshkoshs 1 industrialists industrializati 1 fantastic fannntastic 1 second 3seconds 1 hey heeeyy 1 hangar hangar09 1 everything evrthing 0 nation natio 1 month monthhh 1 smashed smashedd 0 carving caregiving 1 reorganize reorganise 1 homework homeworks 1 nice niccceee 0 inspiration thinspiration 1 outing outting 0 garbage gabage 0 links inlinks 1 almost almst 1 consignment consigments 0 masterbate masterb8 1 mentions mentionss 0 grandmother granmother 1 monster monsterous 0 digging diggin 1 sloppy slopppy 1 load loada 1 stomach stomch 1 gel gell 0 throwing throwinn 0 blinking backlinking 0 dan dans 1 just juuust 1 you yoouuu 0 skater s8ter 1 leaving leavng 1 throwing throwinq 1 home hooomeee 1 veteran veteren 1 weekend wkend 1 probably probabli 1 inside insiiide 1 participate particip 1 probably probablt 1 love loev 1 guitarist guitarrist 1 really rlly 1 abdominal abdominals 1 month 4month 0 serious unserious 1 invisible invisibles 1 but buuuttt 1 thank thaaankkk 0 virtual vitual 1 more 2more 1 food foodd 1 philadelphia philadelphians 1 obsession obsessin 1 cousin cousiin 0 try ttry 1 welcome welocme 1 shit shhiiit 1 please pleasseee 1 been beeennn 1 stripteased stripedsweater 1 booked boooked 1 bout botu 1 weekend weekned 1 cookies cookiess 1 ashley ashleey 0 arrested rearrested 1 stay 2stay 0 whatever whateves 0 whatever whateven 1 justin jusitn 0 whatever whatevea 1 alas 5alas 1 myself myslf 0 governor govenor 1 life liifeee 1 business buisness 1 tender tenderoni 0 awesome amesome 1 papers paperchase 1 fiesta fiestaa 1 opportunities opportunitys 1 coloring colorings 0 nap napk 1 walked wlked 1 volleyball vollyball 1 amazing amazzingg 1 compromise compromiser 1 mercedes mercades 1 crazy crazzzyyy 1 image imag 1 dragon dragonair 0 mastercard bartercard 0 may imay 0 max imax 1 fronts fronters 1 street streetview 1 marijuana marijauna 0 detect detec 1 glad gald 0 god igod 0 jasmine jamine 1 crash crashhh 1 bored borreed 0 blowjob bljb 1 will whill 1 light liight 1 dear deeear 1 following folllowing 0 flip flipt 1 stupid stuipd 1 hello helloh 1 run ruuun 1 silly sillyy 1 hello helloe 1 continuously continuesly 0 literally iliterally 1 dead deeead 1 season season3 1 oops oppss 1 friends firends 1 hello hellou 1 cheated chateado 1 manipulate minipulate 1 girlfriend girlfrie 1 somewhere somehere 1 excited exciteddd 1 lemons lemmons 1 kill kiilll 0 phenomena phonearena 1 enjoy enjoooy 1 luxembourg luxemburg 1 cleaning cleaninq 0 choking chokin 1 bay baaayyy 1 extreme extrem 1 dollar 1dollar 0 follow ifollow 1 ashes ashs 1 criminals criminalize 0 sauce soysauce 1 impossible inpossible 1 thanks thanksya 1 earlier eariler 0 mainstream magistream 1 flirting flirtn 0 lookalike lookslike 0 sara saras 1 maintenance maintanence 1 hotel hotell 0 court cour 0 count cout 1 congratulations congratulatiooo 1 seconds 10seconds 1 embarrassed embarressed 1 couch couc 0 could coud 1 cares caaares 1 diesel disel 0 could coul 1 sandwiches sandwichs 0 release rerelease 1 agreeing agreein 1 butter buter 1 wicked wiiicked 1 massive massiveee 1 codes codesss 1 pretty prtty 1 complete compleat 1 ridiculous rediculus 1 definitely definitiely 1 assholes assholesss 0 fixing fixxin 1 girls gilrs 1 dicks dickss 1 walk 2walk 1 collaborative collaboratively 1 seen seeennn 1 bookmarks bookmar 0 ant iant 1 them theeemmm 1 asleep aslep 0 refrigerator fridgerator 0 resign resig 1 translate translater 1 ashley asley 0 must musnt 0 asleep aslee 1 unnecessary uneccessary 1 please pleaaseee 1 acting actin 1 improper improprio 1 parade parada 1 urban urbn 1 definitely defintely 1 definitely definitel 1 fool foolll 1 random randomer 1 inaugural inaugura 1 friend furiend 1 clothing clothin 0 eh heehh 0 drinking driking 1 definitely definitey 1 beauty beuaty 1 becoming becomin 0 ecology econlog 0 maybe mmmaybe 1 firework fireworrrk 0 answer anwer 1 bottoms bottomsup 0 talking talki 1 article aritcle 1 jazz jazza 0 launches lauches 0 eating eatinn 1 jazz jazzz 0 someone som1 1 greedy gready 0 jazz jazzs 0 mobility motability 0 johnson johnstown 0 bicycling unicycling 0 things hings 1 exterminating extremewriting 0 semester semeter 0 block blocc 1 stop stoopp 1 giving givng 1 window windooow 1 treat trate 0 nightlife aznightlife 1 things 2things 1 suppose suppse 1 supposed suppsd 1 really reeeaallly 1 staying stayingg 0 docs gdocs 0 watching watvhing 1 universities universalis 0 confuse unconfuse 0 revised unrevised 1 day daaay 0 asleep alsleep 0 insurance esurance 1 completely comepletely 1 dan daaan 1 strictly stricly 1 dad daaad 1 beautiful beutifull 1 marketer marketshare 0 brazil bazil 1 drivers driverless 1 greatest greatist 1 amazing amaziiing 1 disrespectful disrespectul 1 whole whollle 0 newest newes 1 govern governm 1 governor governo 1 money monney 0 anyways newez 1 crib cribbb 1 worried worrried 1 hip hiphip 0 clash clsdash 1 annoyed anoyed 1 someday somedayyy 0 cool kuhl 1 above abve 1 transit transmite 1 hurt huurt 0 together togerther 0 fuckers mufuckers 1 argumentative argumentativene 0 reps repres 1 metal metall 1 ladies ladieeash 0 sudden suddenl 1 their thier 1 questions quesitons 1 time tiiimee 1 insomnia insomniaa 1 yes yyeesss 1 no nah 0 between b/t 1 boulevard bulevar 0 between b/w 0 central wlcentral 1 no naw 1 times tiiimes 0 because b/c 1 alright alriight 0 background b/g 1 cigarette cigerette 1 never nevar 1 machine mechine 1 egyptian egyptia 1 figuring figurin 1 scream screaam 1 cincinnati cincinnatis 1 william willian 1 thanks thhanks 0 drank dran 0 never nevah 1 dark drak 1 cryptography cryptographic 1 dissolve disolve 1 excellence excellents 1 after afetr 1 picture pictuure 0 books ibooks 1 bare bareee 1 excellent excellente 1 argument argume 1 days dayysss 0 farmers farme 1 thanks thannkss 1 fucking ficking 1 messed meesed 0 sinister 1csinister 1 shadow shawdow 1 them tehm 1 number numbeer 1 then tehn 1 true truuueee 1 football foodball 1 prepared prapared 0 ty tyty 1 computers computerless 1 o'clock oclock 0 ideological radiological 1 used useed 1 they tehy 1 responsible responsbility 1 adventuresome adventuretime 1 pillow pillooowww 1 may maay 1 max maax 1 talked talkd 1 stupid stupud 1 mas maas 1 reaper reeper 1 man maan 1 mad maad 1 exit exitt 1 justin jsutin 1 chile chillle 1 button buttom 1 platforms platformers 0 mode momdel 0 conversation coversation 0 through throuth 1 ahem ahemmm 1 click clickkk 1 yum yuuummmy 1 incredible incredibl 1 nagging naggings 1 pussy pussayyy 0 kicking kikin 1 kate kayte 1 mcdonald mcdonalds 1 inconvenient inconvient 1 play playy 1 optimization optimzation 0 players playe 1 played playd 1 surprise surprice 1 appreciation appreciator 0 playing playi 1 halloween hallooweeen 0 follow follow'em 1 excuses excusesss 0 hollywood hollywo 1 experience experiece 1 bathroom bthroom 1 busy 2busy 1 optimized optimizers 1 weird weirdd 1 small 2small 0 mother motherfu 1 play play2 0 heating heatin 1 music 6music 1 find finddd 1 bitch beitch 1 citizens citzens 1 silent slient 1 singing singinq 1 couch couchh 0 apple appleby 0 killing kilin 1 singing singinn 1 couch couche 1 tomorrow tumorow 1 snow snoow 1 welcome welcme 1 about aboout 1 waiting waiiiting 1 dentist dentistt 1 episode episodeee 1 lets lehts 1 awesome awesooommmeee 0 cabbage gabbage 1 clubbing clubbin 1 tickets ticketts 1 ticket tickettt 1 fabulous fabulousss 0 riding ridn 1 dinosaurs dinosaurus 0 rolling rollinnn 1 rid ridd 1 broken borken 1 slam salam 1 salary salar 1 connections conections 1 cheap cheapie 1 passenger passenge 1 on ooonnn 1 activity aktivity 1 explanatory explanitory 1 specialty speciality 0 what whart 0 class cklass 0 bidding biddin 1 wow wowww 0 private inprivate 1 interesting interneting 1 overseas overse 1 contemporary contempor 0 rant rantin 0 chemistry chemisrty 1 freezing freezinggg 1 thinking thinkning 1 direction drection 1 bitches bitchess 0 bye byeebyee 0 mansion ahmanson 1 hilarious hillarious 1 awesome awwweeesome 0 acquiring aquiring 0 festival twestival 1 wet wettt 1 period perioddd 1 yearbook yrbk 0 chilling chilliiin 1 wet wetta 1 marilyn marylin 1 dirty diirty 1 origins orgins 0 seriously serioulsly 1 marketplace marketplacenow 1 crazy crazey 1 colorado colorad 1 damn 2damn 1 good 4good 1 available avalible 0 free refre 1 adversarial advertorial 1 mentioned mentiones 1 computer cmputr 0 suddenly suddently 1 hard hrad 0 newsletter newletter 0 struggles stuggles 1 pussy pussyyy 1 home hommee 1 interested interesant 1 helicopter helicoptero 1 charge chargeee 1 magic maaagic 0 else esle 1 sweet sweeto 1 emphasize emphasised 1 fake faaake 1 hurts hurttts 1 sweet sweett 0 falling falli 1 road roadd 1 uncomfortable unconfortable 0 grind igrind 1 pricing pricin 1 master masterr 1 unbelievable unbeliebable 1 tutankhamen tutankhamun 1 amazing amaziing 1 profession proffesion 0 portfolio bioportfolio 1 nights nightsss 1 abstract abstrakt 1 katie katti 1 mastered masterd 0 streetcar storestacker 1 minutes mintutes 1 senior seniorr 1 holy hly 1 every everrry 1 weeks 12weeks 0 blackberry blaccberry 0 global globa 1 help hlp 1 hello hlo 1 hell hll 1 decision decesion 0 endings encodings 1 hold hld 1 explosion explosi 1 its ittss 1 theirs thiers 0 animal shanimal 0 infomercial informercial 1 governor governator 1 aye ayyyee 0 dislike idislike 1 glasgow glasgowww 0 messed messedup 1 bitches biatches 1 potter potterrr 0 lesson lessoned 1 weird wiered 1 almost almosted 1 tiffany tifanny 1 winner winer 0 relationship relantionship 1 fancy fnci 1 giving giveing 1 o'clock 1o'clock 0 wine winex 1 writing wirting 0 night gdnight 1 disease diease 1 sugar sugarrr 0 watched wached 1 massacre masacre 1 daughter daughterrr 1 slipped sliped 0 member embree 0 origin origi 1 bitch biitchh 0 chocolate hotchocolate 1 spot spott 1 remembrance remberance 1 aggravating agrivating 1 ways wayys 1 activity activity2 1 certified certif 0 india ndia 1 way wayyy 0 formats floormates 1 library libraryyy 0 brothers rother 0 proposition superposition 0 departed deepthroated 0 recess resees 1 folding foldin 0 you tyou 1 overcome overcomers 1 adapter adopter 1 tomorrow tomorrrooow 1 better betterrr 0 finance finan 1 tonight tnight 1 stuck stck 0 mercy nomercy 1 activity activitys 1 response respone 1 reason reasson 1 apologize apologise 1 withheld witheld 1 responsibility responsibilites 1 amazing amzng 0 survey survery 1 understand understaand 0 makes makesz 0 berliner berninger 1 exactly exactli 1 makes makess 0 surveys survers 1 excited exxcited 1 craving cravingg 1 which whichhh 1 eating eting 0 weekend weeend 1 blame blaaame 1 homework homewooork 1 oversight oversightof 0 behavior behaviors 1 undoubtedly undoubtly 1 sec 5sec 1 tiffany tiffanyy 1 whenever whnevr 1 maple mapple 1 new neew 0 never neer 1 show shoooww 1 very veryy 0 vent ventin 0 table tabe 1 secret scret 1 smash smashhh 1 medal medali 0 tiffany tiffanys 1 next nexttt 1 infrared infrareds 1 scared scred 0 screen scree 1 alternate alterna 1 wants whants 0 scream screa 1 preferably preferbly 1 important improtant 1 scream screm 1 singing singn 1 party parrrtay 1 hands handsup 1 officers officeworks 0 oops woops 1 bothering botherin 1 problem prblm 1 nice niicce 1 very very2 0 awkward awk 0 moron monmon 0 excellent xlnt 1 represent represen 0 contacted uncontacted 1 dos dosss 1 jelly jellly 1 shut shuuuttt 0 bless blessup 1 thinking thiniking 0 celebrity 'macelebrity 1 debating debatin 0 reprinting reimprinting 1 amusing amusin 1 stroll strollin 1 badly baaadly 1 soldiers soldierz 1 smiles smellies 1 something sommething 1 friends friiends 1 name neame 1 myself 4myself 1 faithful faithfull 1 already alredyy 1 jamming jamminggg 1 upstairs upstair 1 manufacturer manufactur 1 system systemmm 1 pearls perls 0 hospitals myhospitals 1 gross grooosss 1 anytime anytyme 1 translator trnsltr 1 maybe maybeee 1 character charactr 1 visitors visiters 1 chapman chapmans 0 crazy crazyrt 1 suppressed superspeed 1 anyone annyone 1 join joinn 0 joining joini 1 appreciate apreciate 0 championship champioship 1 bomb bomby 1 release realease 0 boring borin 1 jam jammm 1 freaking freakiin 1 head heaadd 0 illness wellness 1 winter winterwear 0 campus oncampus 0 listen relisten 0 whatever whatevv 0 strings gstrings 0 bacon backon 1 according acording 1 lovers loveeers 1 amazing aamazing 0 bullshit bullspit 0 giggling jigglin 1 condom comdom 1 clark clarkin 1 asked askedd 1 shame shaam 1 down doowwnnn 1 style styyyle 0 exhibit exhibi 1 veggies veges 1 wishing wishinq 0 status statu 1 beautiful beautifl 1 international interventional 1 cant cant't 0 that thatb 1 bad baadd 1 everyone eveeryone 1 feeling fealing 0 station stati 0 beautiful beautifu 1 whenever whnever 0 eclipse ecplise 1 actress actrees 1 crazy crazayyy 1 description descriptionour 0 proceeding receeding 1 cutest cuttest 1 development developmen 1 giants gaints 0 fishing fishin 0 whatever whateve 0 comparable uncomparable 0 metro metrotv 1 middle middlee 1 comeback comebackkk 1 scrolling scrollin 1 miniature minature 0 middle middler 1 weed w33d 1 mind mindi 0 favorite favotite 1 stunning stunningone 1 mind minde 1 mind mindd 1 feels feeelss 1 mind minda 1 care careee 0 dentist denist 1 headache headeache 1 breeze breeeze 1 model modle 1 but buuut 1 assignment assignmnt 0 more nmore 0 paranormal paranomal 1 quiet quiettt 1 nightmare niqhtmare 1 industrial industrials 0 highlights hightlights 1 rarely rarley 1 queen quenn 1 christmas chirstmas 0 team tream 1 relieve releave 0 np npnp 1 customers costumers 1 pitching pitchin 1 back baacckk 1 standards standaard 0 funny funnty 1 unavailable unavaliable 1 promises promesses 1 love liove 1 sense sensee 0 needs needsto 1 buy buuuy 1 celebrity celebirty 1 wonderland wonderman 1 please pleeaaasseee 0 liking unliking 1 male maleee 1 hardest hardes 1 nowhere nooowhere 1 present presant 1 males malees 1 conspiracies conspiracist 0 communism communalism 1 sensible sensivel 0 hebert ehehert 0 wicked wkd 1 santana santanaaa 0 holden holdren 1 everyday everyyyday 1 nike nike5 1 blood bloooddd 1 something soemthing 1 freezing freezingg 1 tongue tonuge 1 excellent excelle 1 meeting meetinggg 0 journalism jounalism 1 aluminum aluminium 1 rubbish rubish 1 really reeeaaallyyy 1 asthma astma 1 ankle ankl 1 exhilarating exhilirating 1 colors colorsss 1 brethren bredren 0 resource resour 1 giggling gigglin 1 thanksgiving thanksgivingday 0 recorder tricorder 0 mailer emailer 1 networking 4networking 1 lucky luccky 1 awkward awkwarddd 0 school scho 1 adorable adorab 1 quantum quantumfx 1 rehearsal rehearsel 1 skills skils 0 school schoolish 0 that thatv 1 finally fianally 1 tits titts 0 sports 2ksports 1 circulation circulon 1 sleeves sleves 1 gotta gootta 1 smile smiile 1 refuse refuuuse 0 ashamed ahamed 1 forums fourms 0 okay sokay 1 characteristics caracteristicas 1 samson samsonov 1 freezing frezzin 1 square 4square 0 penny pennys 1 tomorrow t'morrow 0 martial martia 0 birthday bitrthday 1 point 3point 1 possibilities possibilties 1 she shee 0 rembrandt relembrando 1 career carreer 1 slight sleight 1 hollywood holliwood 0 wilderness holderness 1 chill chiill 1 here hereee 1 continue contin 1 thanks thanks4 0 amphetamine nymphetamine 1 irresistible irrisistable 0 she shez 1 secret secreeet 0 please pleasde 0 acknowledge aknowledge 1 river riveeer 0 pacific pacifi 1 solicitors solicito 1 quotes qoutes 1 okay okokay 1 she she' 1 dis diis 1 dip diip 1 flying flyyying 0 sac usac 1 stuff stuuf 0 chicks chics 1 epicenter epicentre 1 fighting fightng 1 dig diig 1 did diid 1 die diie 0 cosmetically cosmeceutical 0 using usinn 1 murmuring murmurings 1 throbbing throbing 0 fragmentation defragmentation 1 happy haappy 0 break unbreak 0 cleaning cleani 0 rosenberg kronenberg 1 episode episide 1 cleaned cleand 1 confessed confesse 1 artist artista 1 stereotype stereotypetay 1 medicine medecine 1 artist artisti 1 color colourrr 1 primary primar 0 girlfriends exgirlfriends 1 adrenaline adrenalin 1 endeavors endeavours 1 microeconomics macroeconomics 1 sis siiisss 0 explode xplode 0 would wouldbe 0 dartboards smartboards 1 sucked suckedd 1 funny fuuunny 1 sportsman sportsmans 0 swearing swearin 1 francisco franciscooo 0 profile pf 1 fun fuuunnn 1 please plleeaasseee 0 times timesz 1 times timess 0 forgot fogot 0 ideas idears 1 always alwayysss 1 times timesi 1 hating hatinggg 1 fixed fixeddd 1 times timesa 0 la lalaa 0 muscle muslce 1 cell celly 0 pissing pisssin 1 although althouqh 1 home hooommmee 1 sweet swt 1 cell celll 1 literally litreally 1 many mannyy 1 smarter smartcar 0 square suare 1 weeks 5weeks 1 keeping keepng 1 lately latly 1 haircut haircuttt 0 must mustnt 1 course cooourse 0 germany gemany 1 packaging packagin 1 got got1 1 piece pieace 1 hours 30hours 1 lucky lucccky 1 future futur 1 antenna antena 1 birthdays birthdayss 1 ha hahhaa 1 awesome awsme 0 eat eatrt 1 hammer hammerrr 0 asking asing 1 philippine philippopin 1 worksheets workshee 1 with withhh 1 reached reachd 0 internet enternet 0 games gamers 1 songs songsss 0 airport airpot 0 girls bgirls 0 chestnuts chesnuts 1 december decemb 1 already alreadddy 0 respond reponds 1 nominate nominat 1 behind behinddd 1 connect connect4 1 back baackkk 1 control controool 1 today todayy 1 updated update2 0 scratch scrach 1 presents presenta 1 house hosue 1 visible visable 1 speed speeed 1 getting geetting 1 presents presento 1 teaching teachinq 1 young yoooung 0 ignored ingored 1 baby baabbbyyy 1 present presentt 1 presents presentz 1 characterized characterised 1 size sizeee 1 stalker stalkery 1 update updatee 1 girls girllss 1 stalker stalkerr 0 decisions desisions 1 connection connectn 1 shepherds shepards 1 games gamesss 0 bottle 2bottles 1 better betterr 1 asshole asswhole 0 apparel appar 1 connected connectd 1 sara saare 1 wealth wealt 0 shank shawshank 1 sarah saara 1 skills skillz 0 forecasters forgemasters 1 bonus bnus 1 common commonn 1 tired tiiredd 1 deception deceptacon 0 skills skilll 1 airport airporttt 1 city cityyy 1 japanese japanease 1 forced forcd 0 goo ggooo 1 thousand thousanddd 1 athletic atletic 0 warning warni 0 connection conniption 0 singing singkong 0 believers bieblivers 1 mention mentioon 0 nothing nthg 0 the nthe 1 japanese japaness 0 nothing nthn 1 warned warnd 1 jam jam5 1 everything evrythang 1 jam jam1 1 jam jam2 1 jam jam3 1 vigorously vigourously 1 trade trde 1 jam jam8 0 fuck phuck 0 autobiography oughtobiography 1 save savee 0 bored boredaf 1 something somethngs 1 light lightt 0 every evey 1 rhymes rymes 1 criticized critisized 1 kiss kiiiss 1 grace grce 0 buddy buddyrt 0 manufactured remanufactured 0 villages ivillage 0 irish oirish 1 activity activi 1 morning mrnng 1 hey hheeeyyy 1 blimp blimpin 0 got gotz 1 guy guuy 1 slower slowerrr 1 interrupt interupt 1 eighth eigth 1 influential influentialdee 1 gut guut 1 tape tapee 1 happened happended 1 scream screaaam 1 jam jamm 0 jam jamn 1 visuals visualiser 1 sector sectoral 0 british briti 1 drink drinkie 0 whitening whitenin 1 long lonnggg 1 eyebrows eyebrowz 0 disasters godsisters 0 forward forwar 1 fragrance fragranced 1 possibilities possiblities 1 november november10 0 american mercan 1 welcome welcm 1 eclectic ecclectic 0 welcome welco 0 fixed unfixed 1 waiting waitings 1 smashed smaaashed 0 hello elloo 1 please pahlease 1 waiting waitingg 1 arm armm 1 wings wiiings 1 establish establis 1 massive massivee 1 called cald 1 plus puls 1 answer ansewer 0 homosexuals conosexuals 1 shut shhhut 0 carpenter parmenter 1 conversations conversationlis 0 vote votem 0 florida flori 1 points 2points 1 floor florr 0 punches punchless 0 software softwa 1 hours 8hours 1 original orignal 0 relax relaxar 0 country lowcountry 0 kinetic kinet 1 definition defination 0 laugh laught 0 laughing laughn 0 defeat defea 0 laughing laughi 1 laugh laughh 1 laughed laughd 1 unsigned unsign 0 honest honet 1 star satr 1 sat satt 1 pissed pisseddd 0 someone soneone 1 blanket blankey 1 story stroy 1 kitty kittty 1 rumors rummors 1 storm strom 1 strong stron 1 stroke strok 0 inclement janeclement 1 trailer trailerr 1 inspiration inspirationally 1 missed misseddd 1 outside outsde 0 really reallyrt 1 philosophy phylosophy 1 love louve 1 capitalize capitalise 1 infinite infinate 1 university univerity 1 australian austrailian 1 open 2open 1 contact contactme 1 headed head'd 1 died dieeed 1 authority authoritah 0 decor deco 0 decide deci 1 dec dece 1 down down2 1 did diddd 0 headphone handphone 1 daddy diddy 1 fifth fift 1 grandma grandmaaa 0 normal unnormal 1 trying tyring 1 regulator regulato 1 brownsville bronxville 1 happy haaapppyy 0 captain kaptain 1 time tiem 0 better bettee 1 repeat repete 0 messaging messenging 1 please plleeaassee 0 better bettet 1 nightshirt nightshifts 0 effort effor 0 cranberries crunchberries 0 girl tgirl 1 fuck fuuckkk 0 down downt 1 down downi 1 excited exciteeed 1 dec dec8 1 down downn 1 down downa 0 resisting resizing 1 down downe 1 dec dec1 0 commercials commerials 1 grams grammas 1 cinnamon cinamon 1 somebody someobody 1 mcfarland mcfarlane 1 nothing nuthingg 1 massaging massagin 1 charge chrge 0 giants gigantes 0 should hould 1 screwed skrewed 1 hurt huuurt 0 doubt dout 1 forwarded fowarded 1 inn iiinnn 1 halloween hallowean 0 doubt doub 1 missing missng 0 protein protei 1 originally origionally 1 protect protec 1 sad saadd 1 pop poppp 0 currently currenlty 1 affiliate affilaite 1 stretch stretc 1 opportunity opportuned 1 sparkle sparkly 1 slut slutt 1 laid laiddd 0 hating haitin 0 locations locatio 1 actually aaactually 1 legend legendado 1 finger fingerrr 1 respect respectin 1 beat beattt 0 cheating cheatin 1 entrance entran 0 coldest koldest 1 fire firreee 0 turning turninn 1 mil 1mil 1 turning turninq 1 min 1min 0 paper paer 1 styles stylesss 1 biochemical biochemically 1 hey heye 1 loosely losely 0 without withput 1 start startt 1 fight figth 1 starting starti 1 starting startn 1 professional professiona 1 realized reliezed 1 start starta 1 started startd 1 started starte 1 lounge longue 1 resurrection ressurection 0 waiting waintin 1 yeah yeauhh 1 worldwide worldwideee 1 clearly clearlyyy 1 grad gradu 0 bobcat bombcast 1 lag laggg 1 youngsters youngstas 0 blah blagh 1 lollipop lolypop 1 probably probibly 1 zero zeroo 1 school sch0ol 1 you yooouuu 0 confused konfused 1 settlement settleme 1 main mainan 0 hollywood kollywood 1 okay okkkaaayyy 0 austin agustine 1 bringing bringin 1 focus foucs 1 someone somone 1 perfect peeerfect 1 sims sims3 1 anniversary anniversery 1 eligible eligibile 1 again agaiiinn 0 being beiin 1 much muucchh 1 marketing mrkting 0 rothschild rothchild 1 guitar gutar 1 live liiivvveee 1 point poiint 1 thoughts thghts 1 talking twalking 1 literally literallyy 1 choice coice 0 church churh 1 nasty nasssty 1 cheese chese 0 karma karmas 0 threw threwup 1 hood hoodd 0 creativity reactivity 1 morning morninggg 0 imagination marination 1 karma karmaa 1 chilling chiling 1 depressed depresseddd 1 yesterday yestrday 1 time tym 1 eyes eyez 0 total toal 1 sportsman sportsfan 0 adams mcadams 1 kill kiiill 0 sup wasuupp 0 myself mysel 0 myself mysef 1 bounce bouncee 0 nonprescription nonedescription 1 dance danceee 1 refinance refinanc 1 anybody anybodi 0 ringing rining 1 definitely definitelt 0 raisins raisinets 0 wonder woder 1 williams willians 0 hiking hikin 0 field upfield 0 nelly donelly 1 schedule schdule 1 dry drrryyy 1 tomatoes tomates 1 whatsoever whatsover 1 book boookkk 1 acquire acquir 1 bored boared 1 thriller thrillerrr 0 accessories yogaaccessories 1 rice riceee 1 favorites favoritos 1 die dieee 1 horny hornyy 0 listening llistening 1 and aaannndd 0 galaxy galaxys 1 would woulddd 0 american merican 1 anniversary aniversarry 0 wearing wearinn 1 strawberry straberry 1 clowns clownsss 1 wearing wearinq 1 please pllleeease 1 out oouuuttt 0 amusement easement 1 stepping stepin 0 sleep tosleep 0 founder cofounder 1 hopefully hopefullyyy 0 back bak 1 bye bai 1 halloween helloween 0 marijuana reefer 1 guns gunnas 1 delicious deeelicious 1 match matchh 1 chocolate chocolatito 1 semester semster 1 branch branche 1 kill kiil 1 anymore anymoar 0 credit credi 0 overhanging everchanging 0 pragmatically programatically 1 katrina katrinas 0 mortgage morgage 1 char chaar 1 politics politcs 1 credit credt 0 vitamin vitamix 0 crashing cashin 1 ghost ghosttt 1 quietly quitely 1 obviously obviouslly 1 tag taggg 1 pineapple pineaple 0 atmosphere artmosphere 1 anywhere anywheree 1 everything everythinng 0 suburbs burbs 0 expected excpected 1 pioneer pionner 1 fields feilds 0 guess iguesss 1 rise riiise 1 whatever whateveer 1 done dooonnneee 1 sticky staticky 1 tolerance tolerence 1 gorgeous gorgus 1 acupuncture acupunture 1 situation sitution 1 little lttle 1 blind blinddd 1 hey heeyyy 1 different differant 1 comeback cameback 0 threat threa 0 tag taggs 0 morning goomorning 0 negotiation renegotiation 1 rolling rollling 0 ophthalmologist opthamologist 1 back baaacckk 1 mosquito misquito 1 wood woood 1 terrific terriffic 1 halloween hollowen 0 rolling rolllin 0 now nowl 0 now nowm 0 known nown 1 bitches biotches 1 now nowh 0 content conent 0 quickly quicly 1 now nowe 1 sleep slp 1 out ooouuuttt 0 sera seras 1 maybe maaaybe 1 resolved resolvido 1 slow slo 0 now nowx 0 suppose supposd 0 now nowz 1 please pulease 1 now noww 1 ace aceee 0 michael michae 1 sexy sexxyyy 0 amount amoun 0 mexican mexica 1 judging judgeing 1 splendor splendour 1 love lovve 0 amount amout 1 hour 9hour 1 face f4c3 0 growing growi 1 receive receiv 1 same sammee 1 rap rapup 1 least leasttt 1 schedule schedual 1 learning learnig 0 jack jjack 1 pierced piercedd 1 pumpkin pumpkinnn 1 awkward awkard 1 grow groww 1 growth growt 1 ha hahaa 1 drop droppp 1 drops dropps 0 famous imfamous 1 over overe 1 smoked smokd 1 peas peasss 1 friday friiidaaayyy 1 sentence sentance 0 dropped droppe 1 dropped droppd 1 thoughts thoughtz 0 dropping droppi 0 fucks ifucks 0 trading daytrading 1 over overr 1 dropping droppn 1 positive positve 0 dries driessen 1 claiming claimn 1 tell teeelll 1 coaches coachs 1 awkward awkwarrrd 0 students studes 1 chilling chylling 1 digitized digitised 1 nowhere nower 1 student studen 1 fullness fulness 1 smoke smokee 1 psychic psycic 0 just juss 1 superb superbug 1 freaking freakinggg 1 fellow felllow 0 angel d'angel 0 remember crewmember 1 thriller triller 1 traumatized tramatized 1 lover loveher 1 cakes cakesss 1 school schhol 1 woodland woodlawn 1 candidates candidats 1 bunch buuunch 1 wanted waanted 1 delusion dellusional 1 babe babeeh 1 what wht 0 health mhealth 1 guarantee garuntee 1 babe babeee 1 tomato tomahto 1 background backgroung 0 babe babees 1 gals galsss 1 athletes athlet 1 accident acident 1 mclaughlin mcloughlin 1 just jusat 1 following followng 0 espresso capresso 0 wings withings 0 questions quetions 1 babies babieees 1 mention 2mention 0 superstars supastars 1 better betr 0 blatant blantant 1 pleasure pleasureee 1 dream dreeam 1 revenue reven 1 dramatic dramati 1 miles 4miles 0 color adcolor 1 subject subjec 1 follow 2follow 0 sweetheart tweethrt 0 loosing loosin 0 beginning beginin 1 status statuse 0 miller midler 1 bold bold2 1 bold bold3 1 fashioned fashionindie 1 pounding poundingg 0 photographer phoblographer 1 habits habbits 1 reviewed reviewthe 1 question questiion 1 extreme extreem 1 everyone ev'ryone 1 junior juniorrr 1 fucking fuckiin 1 billion billon 1 kornberg kronenbourg 0 somebody somebosy 0 brown brown'd 0 coming commin 1 unnecessary uneccesary 0 wonder woner 1 caffeine caffine 1 morning mornning 0 amplifier famplifier 0 processors prostores 1 military millitary 0 while whilest 1 holland hollandse 1 exchange exchangin 1 tired tyred 0 work towork 1 scenery scenary 0 commission commis 1 committee comitee 1 queens queenz 1 lie liee 1 like liek 1 follow folloowww 0 tomfoolery twoofmyfollower 1 err errr 1 scared scaaared 1 maharashtra maharastar 1 business business44 1 back baaackk 1 fucking fuckinh 0 volatile volati 1 fucking fuckinf 1 garbage garbages 1 before beforeee 0 mix imix 1 beer berr 0 evening eventing 0 nikon nikons 1 yourself youurself 1 japanese japanse 1 stream streamyx 1 store storeee 1 stage stageee 1 screaming screaminggg 1 embarrassing embarasing 1 hug huuuggg 1 watching wwatching 1 stage stagee 1 building buildn 0 attach attaches 0 building buildi 1 sliding slidding 1 wrong wronggg 0 examine yearexamine 0 kong kongs 0 quick kwik 1 cover coverr 0 quit kwit 1 herald heraldthe 1 covering covern 1 hollywood holleywood 1 caribbean caribean 0 covered covere 1 covered coverd 0 coverage covera 1 drops 2drops 0 quiz kwiz 1 listening listenng 1 hours 17hours 1 tide tideee 1 listen listennn 1 visit visti 1 hugs hugss 1 handy handey 1 fucking fuckinq 0 handed hander 1 it iiitt 1 brian briannn 0 kidding kiddinnn 1 surfing surfin 1 subscription subscribtion 1 toy toyyy 1 kidding kiddinng 1 original origional 1 fantasy fantasias 0 bars akbars 0 mixing bmxing 1 never neveeer 1 eat eatt 1 twenty twenty20 1 person prsn 1 mars marrs 1 down doownn 1 gasp gasssp 1 sterile sterlite 0 theme themer 1 soul soull 1 reserve resrve 1 should sould 1 sole soule 0 somewhere comehere 1 finally finalli 1 definite definate 1 summers summarises 1 tumbling tumblrin 1 guess gueesss 0 whispers whipers 1 finale finalle 1 welcome welcomeee 1 noticing noticin 1 summarized summarised 1 whining whyning 1 alexander alexandrea 0 amazon amazo 0 amazing amazi 1 cute 2cute 0 finally finallt 1 eyebrows eybrows 1 ya yyaa 0 welcome weclome 1 minister minist 0 gagging gaggin 1 stairs stairsss 1 nobody nobodey 1 dark darrrk 0 previous previo 1 battery battry 1 preview previe 1 release releaseee 1 special speciale 0 teaming reteaming 1 specialist speciali 0 vermont lievremont 1 special speciall 0 cute crute 0 episode epidsode 1 cheese cheeesee 0 especially specialy 0 this dis 1 drunk drunkkk 1 purchasing purchasin 1 constantly constanly 1 arguing arguein 0 register theregister 1 smoke smokeee 1 tonight tonighhttt 1 bunch bunchh 1 shave shaveee 1 guys guyses 1 church chruch 1 worse wors 1 club cluub 1 else elsee 1 popcorn popcorns 1 anthony anthoney 1 insupportable insuportavel 1 else elses 1 popcorn popcornn 1 software softwares 1 institute instituto 1 excellent excellant 1 exploratory exploratorium 1 odor odour 1 tavern taverner 1 hours 36hours 0 vibe viben 1 relief releif 1 featured feautured 1 cereal ceral 1 jewelry jewllery 0 unless enless 0 explosives xplosive 1 thanks thnaks 1 sad saddd 1 cream creamm 1 rumpelstiltskin rumplestiltskin 1 period peroid 1 potter potteeer 1 cream creame 1 everybody everybodi 1 goo goooi 0 bar bazar 0 pervert perv 1 everywhere everywhre 1 definitive definitve 1 sad saddy 1 tomorrow tmrrw 1 crazy craazy 1 despise dispise 1 resurrection resurection 1 day 5day 1 bugs bugss 1 reckless reckles 0 levels olevels 1 problems prblems 1 sharing sharinq 0 thing thig 1 duck duckkk 1 or oorrr 1 wow wowowowow 0 sound soud 1 care caaare 1 bite bitee 1 cant cnat 1 unique uniqu 1 not nooottt 0 sound soun 1 foreclosure foreclosur 1 south sout 1 arrived arrivd 1 attention attenton 1 bitter biter 1 enchantment enchantmints 1 favorite favourit 0 months twomonths 1 stop sttop 1 swift swifttt 1 drawers drawes 1 electrical electricit 1 agency agenc 1 agenda agend 1 nephew newphew 1 lunch lunchie 0 alright ahright 0 idiot idio 1 halo halo3 1 time tiiimme 0 nights nighters 1 hotel hoteeel 1 singapore singpore 1 shedding sheding 0 hassle hastle 1 damn daaammnn 1 thinking thinkinggg 1 raven rayven 0 staying stayinn 1 criticism critici 1 staying stayinq 1 messages messagess 1 bitch biiitchhh 1 better bether 1 accessories accessori 1 chilling chlling 1 sure surrre 1 africa africas 0 anyone ny1 1 blasting blastin 0 comes omes 1 halo halow 1 eat eate 0 posing posin 0 hugs hungs 0 flyer flayer 0 hungry hungy 0 dynamics biodynamics 1 costume custume 1 graduate graduat 1 simpler simplier 1 hung hungg 1 countries countrie 1 argue arguee 1 christian chrisitian 1 than thann 1 justin jusstin 1 cute cuute 0 thai thani 1 keeping keping 1 credited creditread 1 music muuusic 1 oldies oldiess 0 haven haveent 0 yogurt gogurt 1 kinda knida 0 thanks thans 1 flex flex4 0 being beig 0 kinky kky 1 yeah yyyeah 1 inappropriate inapproriate 0 being bein 1 illiterate illeterate 1 viewed viewd 0 viewed viewe 1 holidays holdays 0 raisins craisins 1 thanks thanksss 1 accommodation accomodation 0 mansion mcmansion 1 hours 15hours 0 original oringinal 1 truth truuth 0 teachers twatchers 1 flex flexx 0 thunder therounder 0 flex flexs 1 brisbane brisbanes 0 solid olid 1 lets lettts 1 worrying worryinq 0 girls girs 1 ran rannn 1 trend treeend 1 thank thankkk 0 healing healin 1 thanks thankks 0 ask iask 0 party party'd 1 joke jokeee 1 potential pottential 0 theme themers 0 living livinn 0 with iwth 1 dis 4dis 0 boring boriin 1 bronx bronxxx 1 perfectly prefectly 1 learning lrning 1 trust turst 1 department departamento 1 yours yurs 1 crazy craaazzyy 1 sheets sheeets 0 nobody knobody 1 physically physicall 1 motorola motorolas 1 charismatic charasmatic 1 yes yesh 0 drowning drownin 1 equipment equipement 1 communicate comunicate 1 yes yesa 1 lindsay lyndsay 0 yes yesz 1 yes yesy 1 yes yess 1 substrate substrates 1 dead deaaaddd 1 easier easierr 1 looking lookng 1 everywhere everywhe 1 america americano 1 separate seprate 0 streaming sreaming 1 gonna gonnaaa 0 costume cosume 1 sleep slepp 0 still sstill 1 countries contries 0 cancelled canclled 1 asking askingg 1 fingers fingrs 1 gorgeous gourgeous 1 epic epiiic 0 please meplease 0 the atthe 1 recommended reccommended 1 celebrities celebritiesonne 0 luminescent bioluminescent 1 exclusion exclusionary 0 classy klassy 1 fucking fuucking 1 help heeelllp 1 cutest cutiest 1 absolute absoloute 0 required requir 1 laugh lugh 0 holly ollly 1 hilarious hilarius 1 hello heeelllo 0 safety safetyweb 1 neighbors neigbors 1 emotions emtions 1 password passwrd 1 recommended recomienda 1 lime limee 1 penalties penalities 1 movement movment 1 melissa mellisa 1 wow wowow 1 spent spnt 1 hilarious hilarrrious 1 open opeen 1 counterfeit counterfit 1 diabetes diabeties 1 remember remmber 1 voice voicee 1 meant menat 1 spend spnd 1 grabber grabbers 0 cheesecake cheesemaker 1 mother motheer 1 means menas 1 commercials commercialisati 1 inspiration insparational 0 advisor advis 1 conversation converstations 1 answering answerinq 1 single siiingle 0 already ialready 0 track tracc 1 coloring colorin 0 neighborhood neiborhood 1 talks tlks 1 spent spentt 0 checking chekin 1 tracks tracs 1 pretty purty 1 talking tlkn 0 dylan dyland 1 food 4food 1 finally finaaly 1 ask 2ask 1 bastard bustard 1 satellite sattelite 0 business showbusiness 0 pricing priving 1 linda linnnda 1 lets leets 1 sleepy sleepie 1 yeah yeeahh 1 dark daark 1 spoiler spoilertv 1 orgasmic orgasming 0 poetry poerty 0 amazing mazing 1 seriously seriosuly 1 lawyer laywer 0 dynamic biodynamic 1 action actionnn 1 laser lazor 1 female feamle 1 worth worthhh 1 possessing possesing 0 just jkust 1 ha hhahhaa 1 electronics electroni 1 guns gunsss 1 neighboring neighbouring 0 discipline disiplin 0 understand uderstand 0 reply repy 1 sensation sensati 0 rep repr 1 milkshake milkshakes 1 rep repp 0 changing chaging 1 reply repl 1 precious prescious 1 rankings rankins 1 killers killerz 1 hips hipps 1 here heeere 1 stupid stupit 1 hero heeero 1 posted posteed 1 right righhhtt 1 hacked hackedd 1 her heeerr 0 feeling feeening 1 transferal transdermal 1 democratic democractic 0 basketball basetball 1 outside outiside 1 life lyfe 1 pleasantly pleasently 1 love looovveee 0 catches cathes 1 transporter trainspotter 1 entrepreneur entrepeneur 1 weight weighttt 1 thematic 9thmatic 0 friends frien 1 almost almosst 1 between betwen 1 interventions interventionist 0 trouble rouble 1 definitions definitiondjs 1 gag gagg 0 grams ingrams 1 appearance apearance 0 papa papanya 1 advertising advertizing 0 parents parens 1 myself myyself 0 cool kool 0 children childmen 1 watch wattch 0 performed peformed 1 brain ba7rain 1 philharmonic philharmoniker 1 whisper whisperer 1 nose nooose 1 dedication dedicati 1 patron patrone 1 medicine medicen 1 dedication dedicato 1 sophomore sophmore 1 nasty nastay 1 dedicated dedicatd 1 audience audienc 1 awareness awarness 1 straight straightish 0 ignorant ignant 1 amazing amaazin 0 daddy zaddy 1 granted grantd 1 unknown unknwn 1 restaurant restaura 0 radiology audiology 0 fear ph33r 0 carelessness cluelessness 1 carnage crankage 1 annoyed anoyyed 1 table tabel 1 realized relaized 0 racism rascism 1 college colleqe 1 always alwayyss 1 lady laaady 1 wink winkkk 1 donation dontation 0 racist rascist 0 actor rfactor 1 exciting excitin 1 industrial industria 1 accessory accessoires 1 take takeee 0 powerpoint powerpivot 0 invite envite 1 taken takeen 0 shopping shoppinn 1 vintage vinatage 1 shopping shoppinq 0 carl mccarroll 0 alaskan lalasfan 0 asking reasking 1 over oveerr 1 sister sisterrr 0 sure surert 1 dragging dragin 0 shit shidt 1 stinging stingin 1 involve invol 1 hey heyhey 1 baby baabby 1 profile profilee 1 everyone everryone 1 sober sobber 0 hating hattin 0 pushing pushin 1 forgot forgott 1 everyday everydae 1 waves wavess 0 noses nosers 1 everything evryting 1 forgot forgots 0 spring respring 0 mainline mailonline 1 mazda mazda2 1 mazda mazda5 1 everyday everydai 1 mazda mazda6 1 closed closedd 1 great greaatt 0 godfather codfather 1 experience experiance 0 element eleme 1 monster monsterday 1 years 15years 1 blasting blastn 0 space mospace 1 bag bagg 1 leopard leppard 1 sacrifice sacrifise 0 martin lamartine 1 incredible incrediable 1 cutting cuting 1 darling daaarling 1 running runninq 1 spaghetti spaghettios 1 pretty prrretty 0 title vatitle 1 discounted discountdwticke 1 everywhere everywhereee 0 instead nstead 1 neighbors neiqhbors 0 marine raymarine 1 world wooorld 0 running runninn 1 would wouild 1 erase earse 1 opposition oppositions 0 scott bscott 1 hiding hidding 1 embarrassing embarissing 1 favorite favoriteee 0 having haing 1 installation instillation 1 clueless cluelesss 1 employment employme 0 gospel godspell 0 cream icream 0 taught taugh 1 the thew 1 found foundd 0 founder founde 0 connection konnection 1 regret regreat 1 into iinto 1 pretty perty 1 parade parad 1 infection infectio 1 music musiiic 0 pam param 1 event eventer 0 thinking thiking 1 pray paray 0 accent acsent 0 superb supersub 1 mcdonald mcdonals 1 underage underaged 1 want wanntt 1 higher hiiigher 1 more mor 0 circa ricerca 1 whats whts 1 temperature temperatur 1 white whte 0 secret secrect 1 what whta 1 girl grl 1 vagina vaginaaa 1 relevant relavant 0 cant ckant 1 laughing laughinq 1 kim kiiim 1 argument argumen 1 easily easliy 1 touchdown touchdowwwn 1 done dooone 0 laughing laughinn 1 morning mirning 0 listening litening 1 chest cheast 1 sleeping sleeepingg 0 hair shair 1 shit shait 1 twin twiin 1 tattoo tatoo 1 each 4each 0 everybody evebody 1 dog doggg 0 teacher headteacher 1 community communitys 1 critical criticar 1 genius genious 1 watching watcin 1 dogs doggs 0 kenny kennys 1 drunk drunnk 1 angel angelll 0 ejaculate skeet 0 thousand athousand 1 angel angella 1 desktop deskto 1 maintenance maintainence 1 times 9times 0 weekly usweekly 1 thirsty thirstyyy 1 corinthian corinthiaaans 1 thanks thanksz 1 reflect reflectin 1 thousand thousend 1 knew kneeew 0 practise practicas 1 anniversary aniversary 1 awesome awessome 1 sensitive sensative 1 banana bananna 1 hurry huuurrry 1 maintenance maintainance 0 serious cerious 0 chain chain3d 1 thoughts toughts 1 tenders tendremos 0 gorgeous goreous 0 service uservoice 1 fresh fressh 1 white whitee 1 trending trendinggg 1 jesus jeasus 1 home hommeee 1 goddamn goddamnnn 1 song songgg 1 definitely deffenitly 1 aftermath aftermatch 0 charles o'charleys 1 max maaax 0 sweet swerte 1 script scripttt 1 songs songgs 1 existing exsisting 1 decision desicion 0 motherland southerland 1 cross corss 0 consoles consejos 0 bitch lebitch 1 chat chate 1 course corse 0 time atime 0 listening lisenting 1 refinery refinery29 1 nope nopppee 1 intense intensee 1 teenage tenage 1 nasty nast 0 arguing arguring 0 smell ismell 1 years 13years 1 till thill 1 gives gves 0 asians blasians 1 breakfast breakfat 0 nasty nasy 1 shenanigans shinanigans 1 breakfast breakfas 1 celebrate clebrate 1 points 20points 1 praise praaaise 1 neighbor neigbor 1 dropping dropin 0 perfect superfecta 1 talked talkked 1 row rooow 0 birmingham birmigham 1 jesus jeesus 0 clinic clin 1 president presdient 0 following followiin 0 salad saldra 0 shrine shriners 0 wow oowww 1 princess princesss 0 attractive attactive 1 cause causeee 1 none nooone 1 promise promse 0 scare scarper 1 makes mkes 1 princess princessa 0 chilling chillln 1 amigos amigoss 0 train ctrain 0 crying cryiin 0 download dowloand 1 sick sicky 1 sick sicka 0 available avaible 1 castle castl 1 sick sickk 0 creator cre8or 0 irritated irriteert 1 children childres 1 montana montanas 0 linux selinux 1 choose 2choose 1 chilly chillly 1 atlanta atlant 0 purchase puchase 0 err nerrr 1 montana montanah 0 hair hairrt 1 mean meeeaaannn 1 embarrassing emberassing 1 corrupt corupt 1 really really2 1 motivation motovation 1 enjoying enjoyng 1 morning mornig 1 semester semesterrr 0 cant icant 1 frankenstein frankenteen 1 fucking fuuucking 1 shut shuut 1 working workiin 1 neighborhood neigborhood 1 adorable adooorable 1 anytime anytiime 1 really reallyy 0 really reallyt 1 celebrities celebriti 0 knuckles nuckles 1 tempo tempao 0 really reallys 1 every eveery 0 caught caughtup 1 funny fuuny 1 bone booone 1 bring brrring 1 twin twinnn 1 classic clssico 1 penguins pengungsi 1 privileges privelages 1 warm warmmm 0 putting puttn 0 descend decend 0 excite naeexcite 0 music usic 1 johnson johannson 0 gourmet gourment 0 equipment equiptment 1 plus pluss 1 gonna gonaa 1 gonna gonan 0 using usin 1 plus pluse 1 about abt 1 consider concider 1 girls girllsss 1 tank twank 1 photo photooo 1 volcano valcano 0 range rangel 1 favorable favourable 0 tattoo tattood 1 carol caroool 1 tattoo tattooo 1 carnival carnivale 1 like likie 1 twelve tweleve 0 liking likin 1 ward warddd 1 totally toatlly 1 coordinator cordinator 1 tired tierddd 1 smashed smushed 0 freezing fffreezing 0 excellent sexellent 0 republicans teapublicans 0 printing sprintin 1 shut shutit 1 here hhere 1 tester testerpay 1 memory memor 1 annoying annoyinng 1 negative negativety 1 leaving leving 1 broken brokennn 0 annoying annoyinnn 1 register regist 0 jealous jeaous 0 starting starvingg 1 knows knoows 0 when hwen 0 david davi 1 know knooww 1 gorgeous gorgues 0 motherfuckers mothafuckers 1 warrior worrior 1 guy guuuy 1 disappointment disappoinment 1 doing donig 0 angel ange 1 fire fiiireee 1 wild wilddd 1 finished finishedd 0 diamonds diamons 1 playing playng 0 themselves theyselves 1 saturday saturdayyy 1 miserable misreable 1 sarcasm sarcasme 1 reconstruction reconstructive 1 sarcasm sarcasmo 0 book abook 1 about aboot 0 ignored ingnored 1 youngsters youngstreet 1 fashion fashionnn 0 baking ibanking 0 product produ 1 bored booored 1 sleeping sleepinq 1 necessary necesary 0 homecoming homecooking 1 frustrated frusturated 1 heart herat 1 and anndd 1 sensationalism sensationalized 1 holidays holidaaays 1 lying liying 0 grams grampas 1 reject rjct 1 congressional congressiona 0 right ryt 1 extremely extremelyyy 0 exodus djexodus 1 wall waaalll 1 hours hourss 1 presents presants 1 going ging 0 capability scalability 1 laboratory laboratorium 1 george goerge 1 awesome aweeesome 1 hours hourse 1 blah bleah 1 randomized randomised 0 nigga ni994 0 angry angy 0 earth eath 0 evening evnin 1 know knoew 1 sincerely sincerly 0 owner pwnzor 1 wanna wnnaa 0 digging digg'n 1 tuition tution 1 psychic phsycic 1 minute minuteee 1 goo goo4 1 goo goo3 1 goo goo1 1 steady steadyy 1 confirmation comfirmation 1 titans titians 1 sleeping sleeepinggg 0 wealth weath 0 thanks thnx 1 house housse 1 thing thng 1 then thne 1 think thnk 1 close colse 1 semester semesterr 0 throw throwup 0 grub grubbn 1 grub grubbb 1 hurting hurtinn 1 saying saaaying 1 gotta goottta 1 hurting hurtinq 1 adventure adventur 1 california californiaaa 1 gave gaveee 1 look loookk 1 shoot shoottt 1 toes toess 1 ass aaass 1 serious seriouuus 1 she shhheee 1 mississippi mississppi 1 wait waaiiit 1 evening eveing 1 stomachs stomaches 1 with wityh 1 looks loooks 1 registration regestration 1 portrait portr 1 breaking brakin 1 practice practce 1 better bettter 1 syndicate syndicator 0 housing housi 0 teammates seatmates 1 monkey monky 1 fulfilling fullfilling 0 deluxe mcdeluxe 1 this tihs 1 suspension suspention 1 homage hommage 1 alcohol alchool 0 houston houst 0 decision desision 1 monkey monke 1 french freeench 1 deliberately deliberatly 1 obsession obbsession 1 degrees 20degrees 0 instruments intruments 1 lover loverr 1 myself meself 1 skating skatin 1 amazement amazment 1 excited exciiited 1 girl girrll 1 girls girrls 1 becomes bcomes 1 fast fasttt 1 punching punchin 1 acting actinn 1 ireland irlanda 1 runs runss 0 class casillas 1 happened hppend 1 start starttt 1 commit committ 1 bull bulll 1 faded fadded 1 athletic atletico 0 bullet bulle 1 dick diick 0 charlotte chatroullette 1 second seconddd 1 lucky luckkyyy 1 pilot piloto 0 swimmers swimmies 1 tease teaseee 1 intense intence 0 better bbetter 1 readership ridership 1 detroit detroits 1 cup cupp 0 changed chaned 0 killing killin 1 elbow elbo 0 others ohers 0 exposed unexposed 0 smooth smoothen 1 mourning moarning 0 shit ssshit 1 lover loveeer 1 husband husbanddd 1 literally literarily 1 excel excell 1 cheese cheeesseee 1 fantastic fantstic 0 molecules biomolecules 0 dickhead dikhed 1 love looveee 0 relationship relatioships 0 treat treater 1 friend frined 1 scheduling schedulin 1 horizon horizont 1 loads loaaads 0 family familys 1 weak weaaakk 1 avatar avtar 1 family familyy 1 lang langgg 1 out outta 1 quick qick 1 favor favooor 0 get aget 0 nasty mcnasty 1 blunt 2blunts 1 rich richhh 0 out outts 1 choice choiceee 1 next nexxt 0 agree agee 1 wrote wroteee 1 mil 2mill 0 alright iight 1 life liiifffeee 1 big biigg 1 journalists jurnalistik 1 shower showerrr 1 philadelphia philadel 1 dancing dancinn 1 cafeteria cafateria 1 dancing dancinq 1 documentary documentry 1 calling callinggg 1 stunning stunninggg 0 tingling tingting 1 information inforamtion 1 fitted fited 1 this thiiiss 0 silly smilely 1 bye byeee 1 huntington huntingtons 1 months 15months 1 already alrdy 1 hospital hospitol 1 honey honeey 1 please pleaasseee 0 chest chested 0 pioneer pionee 0 focuses forcauses 1 busting bustin 1 organize organise 1 particularly particularily 0 catch cacth 1 sensual sensualiza 0 cant carnt 1 commerce commerc 1 coworkers cowrker 0 fin fint 1 efficient efficien 1 fin fini 0 could oculd 0 pendant pendapat 1 gain 2gain 1 hope hoppee 0 millionaire billionare 1 different differenttt 1 posted posteddd 0 fuck fvck 1 philippines philipina 1 answer answerrt 0 night nanight 1 scared scareddd 0 filipino philipino 1 nothing nothng 1 pages 3pages 0 math amaths 0 magazine showmagazine 1 defenders depender 0 strength stength 0 directorate trickortreat 0 follows refollows 1 villain villian 1 oatmeal outmeal 1 they thye 0 bookstore ebookstore 0 whatever wevr 1 plays playss 1 sound souund 0 medium medimmune 1 chrome chrom 0 waiting waitinn 0 enjoyable unenjoyable 0 market inmarket 1 realize relize 0 something somenthing 1 brooks brookes 1 resolve resolvi 1 provide provid 1 procure procura 1 cough coughh 1 thanks thankksss 1 whatever watever 1 girl giirrll 1 kidding kdding 1 artworks artworker 1 undefeated undefeateds 1 elimination elmination 0 noodles oddles 1 devil devill 1 franciscan franciscans 1 submissions submissives 0 cleveland cleland 1 entire entrie 1 please pleasa 1 nights 2nights 0 sometime someti 0 please pleasd 1 pleas pleasy 1 please pleass 1 man 1man 0 please pleast 1 please pleasw 1 alternate altern 1 later layter 0 jacket jaccet 1 inspirations inspirators 0 volleyball volleyb 1 sex sexo 1 jersey jeresey 0 relationship whyrelationship 1 counting countn 0 marketing unmarketing 0 replacement retracement 1 deep deeep 0 animal danimals 1 lets leeetsss 0 vapor vapo 0 judging juding 1 including includin 1 mile 3mile 1 because beeecause 1 stacks staccs 1 headache headachee 1 leave leaveee 1 sigh sigggh 0 schwarzenegger schwartzenegger 0 dan andan 1 headache headachey 1 upgrade upgrader 1 boyfriend boifrend 1 cocktails cockatiels 1 networking networkin 0 expert xpert 1 raised raisd 1 appreciated appreicated 1 flooding floodings 1 meetings meetins 0 raising raisi 1 meeting meetinq 0 raising raisn 1 cox coxxx 0 having haviin 1 mike mikee 0 author autho 1 tonight toninght 1 transformation transformationa 1 us uuusss 1 requesting requestin 0 nothing nothign 0 throat throatin 1 duty dutyyy 1 communication communicatio 1 communicate communicatin 1 strategies stratagies 1 absolutely apsolutly 1 worse worseee 1 being beinggg 1 voting voteing 1 eclipse eclipsee 1 kinda kindaaa 1 atlantic atlantico 1 loving loviing 0 jackson jackon 1 escaping escapin 1 snort snortin 1 apologize appologise 0 print pawprint 0 paralytic paralympic 1 please plaease 1 calendar calender 1 hey h3y 1 goes goesss 1 pajamas pyjamas 0 perform perfom 0 swimming swimmin 0 bored boredrt 0 someone some1 0 moving moviegoing 1 minimalist myanimelist 1 compromise comprimise 0 italian itali 0 talk italk 1 math mathhh 0 caution cauti 1 yesterday yesterdat 1 key keyy 1 estimate estima 1 snapping snappin 1 performs preforms 1 kids kiiids 0 awesome wesome 1 everything evrythin 1 yesterday yesterdae 1 familiar familliar 1 groovy grvy 1 students stdnts 1 numb numbbb 1 freak freeeak 1 yesterday yesterdai 1 text 2text 1 closing closeing 1 smack smackkk 0 some somez 0 sometime somet 1 love luf 0 audio eaudio 1 questions 21questions 0 someone someo 1 headed heaed 0 available avaiable 1 christ christtt 1 smells smellsss 0 adorable aborable 1 creeping creeepin 1 honey honeeyy 1 gone gonnne 1 super superrr 0 secretariat streetart 0 ready eady 0 thrown thown 0 snack snak 0 morning gdmorning 0 dub kdub 1 caliber calibre 0 journal jounal 1 oakland oaklands 1 occasions ocassions 1 text texxt 0 throws thows 0 jealousy jelously 1 lives livess 1 mean meean 0 business biz 1 embarrassed embaressed 0 cover coverup 1 vapor vapour 1 follows followz 1 say saayyy 1 lied lieeed 0 followers followr 1 slap slappp 1 follow followw 0 follow followt 1 follow followu 1 lies lieees 1 principal princip 0 following followi 0 following follown 0 follow followm 0 follows followa 0 following followg 1 followed followd 1 follow followe 1 shame shaaame 1 goggle google 0 papa gpapa 1 battle batle 1 shy shyy 1 swear sweaaarrr 1 somewhere somewhr 1 expedition expeditor 1 downloading dwnloading 0 marcus j'marcus 1 say saay 0 ball bball 1 basketball basktball 0 process bioprocess 1 apparently apprantly 1 sad saad 0 filipino pilipinos 1 whom whome 1 amazing amazin 1 spreading spreadin 1 incumbents incumbants 0 amazing amazig 1 customer costumer 1 download donlod 0 nobody noboby 1 girl giirrlll 0 tonight toight 1 costume costumee 1 gynecology gynecologic 1 perspective perspectiv 1 something samethings 0 karaoke karaokean 1 whole whollleee 1 stylist setlist 1 heartbreaks heartbreakers 0 follows unfollows 1 thanksgiving tanksgiving 1 tomorrow tomorowww 1 please pleeaseee 1 recipe reciepe 1 competitive competative 1 sometimes smtimes 1 happy hapy 1 awesome awasome 1 sure surre 1 shine shiine 1 receipt reciept 0 tableland matabeleland 1 happen hapn 0 support upport 1 delusion delusional 1 wrong wrng 0 images imagem 1 audition auditons 0 sweden swedens 1 free 2free 1 tenderer tendercare 1 tiger tigger 0 chairman chairma 1 trolling trollin 0 where wheretf 0 party partyer 1 series seris 1 hope hopee 0 prayed partyed 0 series serie 0 tragedy tradegy 0 hope hoper 1 remember rmmber 1 exactly exaaactly 1 packing packinggg 1 trees treeesss 1 restaurant restaraunt 1 unbelievable unbeleivable 1 commence commense 1 originally originaly 1 obsession obssession 1 strategies strategize 1 original originale 0 conference konference 1 decides desides 1 guys guyyysss 1 same sammme 1 impaired impared 0 but nbut 1 thick thickkk 1 entertaining entertainin 0 results reults 1 life lyf 0 singer bissinger 0 stock instock 1 hours 10hours 1 playground playgroup 1 like lyk 0 butterflies twitterflies 0 landscape planescape 1 something sumething 0 impossible unpossible 1 halloween halloweenn 1 shopping shoppng 0 still stillin 1 busy busssyyy 0 converting upconverting 1 true truue 1 halloween halloweeny 1 presidential presedential 1 figured figuredd 1 helpful helpfull 1 technical techinical 1 nashville nashvile 0 moss rmoss 1 targeted trageted 1 newsletter newslet 1 repeating repeatn 0 toner toners 1 looking lookiing 1 extent exitement 0 verses versaces 1 clothes colthes 1 paper papr 1 birthday birthdya 1 mirror mirrror 1 mans mansss 0 heartless threadless 1 stupidity stupidty 0 regions regionals 1 come cooommmeee 1 editions eddition 1 biology biologyy 1 specially specailly 1 cannibalism canibalism 1 fluffy flufffy 1 birthday birthdayyy 1 handcuffs handcuffin 1 harassing harrassin 1 represent repersent 0 bankers bankshares 0 downloading dowloading 1 private privat 1 just jussttt 0 mess imess 1 atlanta atlan 0 birthday bithday 0 privacy privay 1 glasses glases 0 brother bruhh 1 privacy privac 1 redemption redemptive 1 holy holyy 1 awesome aweesomee 0 maintain mainta 0 mixing mixxin 0 outfit outf 1 multimedia multimedi 1 sorry sorray 1 mouse mous 1 mouth mout 1 aye aaye 1 joe joee 1 channel channnel 0 joe joes 0 justin jusin 1 shopping shooping 0 synopsis sypnosis 1 accusing accusin 1 hilarious hiiilarious 1 weak weeak 1 visualization visualisation 1 sore sorreee 1 down dooowwn 0 vitamin vitami 1 back baccck 0 chihuahua hauahuahua 0 wont woodnt 1 other other1 1 greatest gratest 0 groove groover 0 escalations scanlations 0 marketing remarketing 1 underhand 5under1and 0 martin demartini 1 all 4all 0 surgery sugery 1 falcon falcone 1 favorite faviourite 1 other othere 1 industry industy 1 squad squaaad 1 irritating irritatinq 1 sand saaand 1 industry industr 1 down dwon 0 solution soluti 1 extreme extremo 1 instead insteadd 1 extreme extrema 1 since sinc 1 here heerree 1 dispenser dispensery 0 christine khristine 1 crib cribb 0 shoulder shoulde 1 justin jushtin 1 soundtrack soundtra 0 commercial kommercial 1 elements elementcase 0 government govenment 1 taylor talor 1 limit limt 0 cracked fracked 0 tanning mannning 0 limit limi 1 participate particpate 1 calling calliing 1 president presidenta 0 woodlands bloodlands 0 welcome wecome 1 criticize critize 1 impotence impotency 1 boyfriend boofriend 0 hello howdey 1 invented invinted 0 homophobia tocophobia 1 concord concorra 1 security securtiy 1 unofficial unoffical 1 mobilization mobilisation 1 member membershi 1 singing siiinging 1 uninterrupted uninterupted 1 smoke shmoke 0 was uwas 1 exactly exaactly 1 energy enrgy 1 yellow yelow 1 pops popss 0 girlfriend girfriend 1 princess prinses 1 amazing amazaing 1 worthless wrthls 1 thugs thugish 1 bangs bangss 1 bears bearsss 0 necklace neclace 1 thinking thinkng 1 here heeree 1 thinking thinknn 0 example e.g. 1 please pleeaaassseee 1 bone bonee 0 good sogood 0 fitted fitteds 1 door dooorrr 1 appreciate apprieciate 1 hello helow 1 dinner dinnerr 0 washing washin 1 compost compostela 0 feel ifeel 0 electronic jayelectronica 1 love loovvve 0 bitch bicth 0 anyways newais 0 hollywood hollywoodtv 0 bunch abunch 1 annoying anoyying 1 recognizing recognizin 0 mailing marsiling 1 ha hhhahaha 0 chris chrispy 0 cancelled cancelld 0 cancelled cancelle 1 reunion reuion 0 cant icantt 0 chicks chiccs 0 its itsz 1 down dooowwwnn 1 concert comcert 1 channels chanels 1 beautiful beeautiful 0 ankle anckle 1 sex sexxx 1 conduct conduc 0 expert guru 0 motherland brotherland 1 immediately immediatel 1 line linee 0 images imagenes 1 double doble 1 burger burguer 0 insanity vinsanity 1 religion relegion 1 condolences condolance 1 taylor taylore 0 another anuda 1 them themmm 1 ideology ideologynew 1 marijuana marajuana 1 giants giantss 0 wrong rongg 1 weekend weekeend 1 taboo tabooo 0 interaction winterization 1 coconut cocnut 1 announced annonced 1 cutting cuttinq 1 wow woww 0 earnest learnvest 1 home hoomee 1 real reaall 0 that dat 0 clock 3oclock 1 mcmahon mcmahons 1 really reaaly 1 pretty preaty 1 channel chanell 1 vicious vicous 1 singer singerrr 0 organically orgasmically 1 smart smaart 1 extra extr 1 sucks succcks 0 anymore nymor 1 there thereee 1 short shrt 0 romance bromance 0 extra exta 1 took tokk 0 uncle unlce 1 stunt stuntn 0 between beween 1 upload uplaoded 1 starbucks starbucksss 0 drive idrive 1 open opennn 0 hospital ospital 1 half halfy 1 coolest coolist 1 tweeter twitteerrr 1 wanna waan 1 was waas 1 remember rememberrr 1 website webiste 0 listening iistening 0 draining drainin 1 way waay 0 again gagawin 1 chris charis 1 wicked wickeeed 1 chronicle chronical 1 charity charit 1 water waterrr 0 water waterrt 0 eternity enternity 1 release releas 0 mind midn 1 thanks thaanksss 1 pregnant pregnent 1 folks flks 0 thousands thousan 1 boring borinnggg 1 france france24 0 cables crablegs 1 libertarians libertarianism 1 accomplish acomplish 0 me mmmeee 1 magnificent magnificant 1 moon mooonnn 1 nothing nthing 1 arriving arrivin 1 sean seannn 1 boys boyyss 1 favorites favouritist 1 homework hmework 1 frank franke 1 frank frankk 1 girlfriends girlfriendsss 1 frank franki 0 straight traight 0 desires desireless 1 days dayyysss 1 ryan ryannn 1 frank franky 1 half halff 0 fucked fukked 1 brother brotherin 1 coincidence coincedence 0 advert advefret 1 open opne 0 thomas thomasina 1 weekend weknd 0 laptop lapt 0 fucker fukker 1 love love2 1 happen 2happen 1 self 2self 0 great geat 0 exercised excercised 1 convince convence 0 oops whoopss 1 appreciate appriciate 1 extension extensio 1 weekend weekendrt 0 bandwagon banwagon 1 life liiifeee 0 martini bartini 1 love lovee 1 mexico mexicooo 1 love lovea 0 love lovem 1 lovely lovel 0 committed decommitted 1 somehow smhow 1 love lovei 0 monday mondayz 1 shit shhhiiit 0 love lovet 1 love lovew 1 plexiglas plexiglass 1 affiliate affliate 0 pay ipay 1 businesses businesse 1 replica replicant 1 idiots idots 1 million milion 1 regret reqret 1 agree agrreee 1 terrible terribles 0 engineering geoengineering 1 sweet swety 1 celebrities celebrites 1 sweet swett 0 indian idan 1 acoustic acoustica 0 grounded gded 0 would woudl 1 inspiration inspriational 1 pointless pointles 1 sexual sexuall 0 cared uncared 1 saying sayingg 0 billion bagillion 0 si sisi 0 masters maste 0 mentioned metioned 1 curve curve2 1 twilight twillight 0 surprisingly suprisingly 0 eh oeeehhh 0 wicked wicke 1 wicked wickd 1 accept accpt 1 sis siss 1 maharashtra maharashtar 1 door doorrr 1 martin martino 0 scratch strach 1 brooklyn brookland 1 would wooould 0 cowboys kowboys 1 catching catchin 1 catch 2catch 1 going goinnng 1 permanent permane 1 very veeerrryyy 1 square sqaure 0 shook shooked 1 totally totallyyy 0 texts texs 0 nothing nonthin 1 screen screne 0 texas texa 1 ends eeends 1 time tiiimeee 0 assemble ressemble 1 kiss kss 0 ever neeveer 1 happy happuy 1 references refrences 0 touch touh 1 blackburn blackburns 0 cherry cherrys 0 skirts upskirts 0 able beable 0 prints pawprints 1 roll rooll 1 stripper striper 0 money scrilla 1 nomination nominationin 1 photographer photographe 1 stuffing stuffings 0 school oschool 1 request reqest 1 beach beac 0 lecture lecoultre 0 calling callinn 1 aggravated aggrivated 1 interesting intersting 0 state kstate 1 class claas 1 calling callinq 1 computers computersrs 1 thanks thanksx 1 cutest cuutest 0 acoustic acousic 1 thanks thankss 1 thanks thankso 0 everybody errybodyy 1 existing existi 0 lifetime lifeti 0 motherfucker fatherfucker 1 trainer trainor 1 unbelievably unbelieveably 1 association associatio 1 relevance relevence 1 yeah yyeah 1 hot hooott 1 turkey turky 1 after aftre 1 complaint complai 0 ball bbal 1 turkey turke 1 baby bbay 1 unbelievable unbelieveable 1 disease diesease 1 straighten straightn 0 jane janes 1 women womennn 0 millionaire trillionaire 0 concept koncept 1 thanks thanks2 1 pancakes pankakes 1 appreciate appreiciate 1 straight straightt 0 ever wever 1 condition condtion 1 and aannnd 1 handyman hyndman 1 patient paitent 1 sexually sexualy 1 bust bussit 0 believe unbelieve 1 stand standdd 1 sexy sexey 1 venue venu 1 leaving leaaving 1 guideline guidelin 0 spinning spinin 0 college colledge 0 acoustic acoutic 1 fingers fingersss 1 there threre 1 immigrant immigra 1 home home2 1 renegade renagade 1 poster posterrr 0 hammer ihammert 1 fake fakkkeee 1 did ddid 1 revisited revisted 1 sustainable sustainabilty 0 mason matson 1 define defina 0 generations regenerations 1 different 4different 0 covering coverking 1 description descriptiondo 1 rider ridder 0 pick ipick 0 make amke 1 definitely deeefinitely 1 down dooowwnn 0 friend homey 1 floyd flyod 1 tattoos tattooos 1 home homee 1 promote promotee 1 home homei 1 external externa 1 hate hattteee 1 left lefft 0 cool k3wl 1 ripped rippped 1 tending tendin 1 news newsss 1 obstacle obsticle 1 yesterday yesterdayrt 1 beginning begining 1 babe baibe 0 dying ryding 0 contact conact 1 emotional emotionaly 0 making makkin 1 hibernation hibernatin 1 friends frnds 1 again agaiin 1 acknowledge acknowlege 1 tracks traks 0 anyway nywy 1 while whiile 1 walking walkking 1 fucks fuckes 1 fucking fucken 1 novel novela 1 track trakc 0 take trake 1 songs 3songs 1 franklin frankland 0 disrupt disru 0 walks alks 0 tired untired 1 prop prop8 1 though thoughh 1 investigations investigatin 0 streamer newstreamer 0 thought thoughy 1 shut shuttt 1 boutique botique 1 hands haands 0 install reinstall 1 pancakes pancakesss 1 feminine feminin 1 answered answerdave 0 capillary catapillar 1 microeconomics microeconomic 1 creepy creapy 1 humid humidi 1 cheerful cheerfull 1 princess priincess 0 tell itell 0 rehab reha 1 clip clipp 1 liberty libertys 1 bullshit bullshitt 1 optimization optimizations 1 everything everthing 1 queen queeen 1 suicide suiside 0 anyway ajanayyy 1 bullshit bullshitn 0 checks chks 1 reality realit 1 her heer 1 birmingham brimingham 0 houston houlton 1 hey heeey 1 hey heey 1 her heeer 1 heel heeel 0 gallery gallerys 1 parliament parliamen 1 getting gettinggg 1 yourself yurselff 1 cheese cheeseee 1 stuffed stuffd 0 stuffed stuffe 1 stuff stufff 1 hurts hurtss 1 reunion renunion 1 hurts hurtsz 0 trash trah 1 totally tottally 1 bad baddd 1 beginners beginers 0 stuff stuffz 1 battery batry 1 guide guid 1 thank thaank 1 shouldn't shouldntve 1 china chaina 1 ready reeeady 1 way wwwaaayyy 0 chain chainz 1 percent 60percent 1 should shoulld 1 stressing stressn 1 stress streeess 1 place plaace 1 stressed stresse 1 stressed stressd 1 absolutely absoultly 1 cheesecake chessecake 1 french frenchys 1 committed commited 1 committee commitee 0 knowing knowin 0 acquainted reaquainted 1 melt melttt 1 misrepresented misrepresentati 0 injustice inju5tice 1 officially officialmw 0 gladly glady 1 blessings blessingz 1 believer belieber 1 matches matchs 1 numbers numbersusa 0 hungry hunry 1 graduate gradute 0 trying tryign 0 prefer prefe 0 marijuana chronic 0 sneaker sunseeker 1 matching matchn 1 chemistry chemisty 1 eligible eligable 1 zoom zooma 1 sausage sasuage 1 easy eaaasy 1 has hasss 0 grandma gandma 1 smile smil 1 pursued persued 0 harrington norrington 0 smile smie 0 strike stike 1 remind remindd 1 reminder reminde 1 grades gradess 0 glance glace 0 whatever w\e 1 lame laaameee 1 video viedo 1 smith smithhh 1 reminds remindz 1 abraham abrahams 1 brains brans 0 dilemma dilemna 1 quick qucik 1 lying lyng 1 intense intenseee 1 crashed crashedd 1 available avaliable 1 throat troath 1 released relesed 0 apache apalachee 0 language lauguage 1 selfish selffish 1 forgiveness forgivers 0 nation dynation 0 hold ihold 1 expectations expecations 0 script descript 0 picture pic 1 shooting shootinq 0 pictures pix 1 musicians musicans 1 tablet tabletop 1 death deathh 1 annoying annoyying 0 sharper resharper 1 announced annouced 1 matter mttaer 1 moment m0ment 0 folks foks 1 announces annouces 1 minutes 40minutes 1 know kinow 1 believing beliebing 1 apologize appologize 0 state gstate 0 scream iscream 0 should shouldve 1 urgent urgentee 0 y'all ya'llz 0 accident accide 0 y'all ya'lls 1 allowing alowing 1 drink drinkup 1 unexpected unxpected 1 praise prasie 0 good agood 1 know knnnooowww 1 ago agooo 1 ours oursss 1 okay ohkaay 0 surprising surpising 1 vote 1vote 1 omega omega3 1 assembly assembley 0 tiger steiger 0 indulge endulge 1 tonight tonighhtt 1 horny hornyyy 1 sleeve sleev 0 remember iremeber 1 nowhere nowhereee 1 birmingham birmingha 1 kisses kissies 1 before bfore 0 hating hatinn 1 carolina carolinas 1 sounds soundss 1 wherever whereever 1 sounds soundsz 1 hey hheeyyy 1 wind wiiind 1 wine wiiine 1 concert concret 0 cite crite 1 feeding feedinq 1 regret regrett 0 expansion spansion 0 animals anipals 0 everyone eryone 1 johnson johnsen 0 worldwide wordwide 1 because beccause 0 wrist rist 0 zoning zonin 1 flashing flashn 1 communication comunicacin 1 sections sectionist0 1 slurp slurrrp 1 tongue toungee 0 verizon veriz 0 gloves glovers 0 were iwere 1 years yearrsss 1 traumatized traumatizada 1 entertain entertainm 0 landmark handmark 1 unconditional unconditioned 1 ugly uggly 1 commitment comitment 1 smells seemlessly 1 rascal rascall 1 excellent excellen 0 breakfast breakast 1 account acocunt 1 performing performin 0 tests hottests 1 burns burnsss 1 management mangement 1 especially espeacially 1 intelligent intelegent 1 occasional ocassional 1 drama dramaaa 1 minutes 3minutes 1 chris chriss 0 seeking seeki 1 favorites favorieten 1 minute minte 1 cancer cancerian 1 comedy commedy 1 laundry laundary 1 little liittle 1 plugging pluggin 1 holy hooolllyyy 1 manhattan manhatten 1 ingredient ingrediant 1 practicing practicin 1 y'all yaalll 1 head heaaddd 1 loads lods 0 solemnly solemly 1 hello helloow 1 changing changen 1 sick sicckk 0 instead intead 1 cheers cheersss 1 change changee 0 tonight nightynight 0 digital digita 0 changes changer 0 glamorous unglamorous 1 como cooomo 0 ready readyto 1 great greeat 1 iconoclast iconoclasm 1 regarding regardin 1 brown brownnn 1 academy academys 1 golfing golfin 1 printable printabl 1 inches 7inches 1 market marketwk 1 used used2 0 follower newfollower 0 suppose isuppose 1 pulled puled 1 money moneyyy 1 swollen swolen 1 boring boooring 1 hurry huryy 1 charger chargerr 0 episode espisode 0 congratulations contratulations 1 north north1 0 asses assez 0 apart apar 0 repost pearoast 0 music musi 1 greatness greatnesss 1 soy soyyy 1 rude ruuude 1 power pooower 1 music musc 1 over oooverrr 1 gorgeous gorgous 1 world wooorrrld 0 program progam 1 hurting hurtinggg 1 years 19years 1 like loike 1 males mles 1 characters characterisatio 1 smash smaaash 1 cousins cussins 0 stadium stadi 1 below belowww 1 serious seriouus 1 used usedd 1 transpose transpass 0 erasure earsucker 1 mine minnneee 0 disgusting disguting 1 gangster gangstress 1 background backgrou 1 paid paided 1 magnificent magnificient 1 horizon horizonte 1 guaranteed guaranted 1 bet beeettt 0 immeasurable unmeasurable 1 wins winns 1 now noow 1 bunny bunn 0 winner winne 0 stripper stipper 0 realtors realtorsfd 0 excused unexcused 0 fleet filenet 1 win winnn 0 winning winni 1 sick sicck 1 irritating irrtating 0 pocket poket 1 others othrs 1 young youuung 1 rum rummm 0 amazing amanzing 1 touch touchhh 1 complete cmplte 1 question questionrt 0 loving loviin 1 mouth mouthh 1 personalities personalitys 1 sitting sittinq 1 lindsey lindseys 1 harmony harmonys 1 dan dannn 1 amazon amzon 1 for foorr 0 anna danna 0 rats rastas 1 halloween hallowine 1 prefer prefare 1 castle castel 1 christian chrisitan 1 realizing relizing 0 loves oves 0 cross uncross 1 bout bout2 1 finally finly 1 expect expecto 0 surprised supprised 1 expected expectd 1 expected expecte 0 loved oved 1 expect expecta 0 edited edite 0 edition editi 0 marvelous cvmarvelous 0 editor edito 1 penis pennis 1 tale tayle 1 writing writinq 1 sir siirrr 1 speechless spechless 1 centimeter centimetre 0 exercises excercises 1 intimidation intimidator 1 negatives negativities 0 bout boutz 1 bout boutu 0 offended affended 1 signature signiture 1 want wannnt 1 both bouth 0 distant dista 1 bout boute 1 others 3others 1 choice choic 1 karaoke karoake 0 delivery redelivery 0 indifferent undifferentiate 0 advantage avantage 0 mouth mouthin 1 sound sounnd 1 boobies boobiesss 1 holding holdin 1 fucked fuckedup 0 friend myfriend 1 wretch wretch32 1 different diff'rent 1 game gamme 0 clothing clothi 0 halloween alloween 0 latin platina 1 told tolddd 0 solution solutio 0 certain certai 1 guess guss 1 girls girlsz 1 integrated integrative 1 driving drivinn 1 driving drivinq 1 going gonig 1 loneliness lonliness 1 accidentally accidentially 1 freak frek 1 pasta pastaaa 0 friend fren 0 freak frea 1 weeks weekes 0 weekend weeken 0 yummy yummys 1 reading readinggg 1 fresh fres 0 weekend weeked 1 territory teritory 1 amber ambler 0 securely ecurely 1 vacation vacationnn 1 baltimore biltmore 0 losing losting 1 drinking drinkng 1 sandwiches sandwhiches 1 great greeeaaat 1 anthropomorphic anthropomorphis 0 republicans repulicans 1 mothers motherss 1 anthropomorphic anthropomorphiz 1 obstacles obsticles 0 nuggets nuggest 0 bang abang2 1 faded faaaded 0 household househo 1 drama darma 1 yeah yeeeahhh 1 blunt bluntz 1 stars 5stars 1 blunt bluntt 1 elizabethan elizabethjnothi 1 crib criib 0 flyer flyerrr 1 know knooow 1 hitting hiting 1 weekends wkends 1 getting gettng 1 probably probabley 0 tools toolset 0 porn pr0nz 1 sailor salior 1 flat flattt 1 reference refernce 1 bullshit bullshieet 0 listening lissenin 1 songsters songstresses 0 fatty flatty 1 talking tlking 0 existed excisted 1 ultimate ulitmate 1 paradise paridise 1 download 2download 0 potholes plothole 0 stanley stranleyt 1 part parrrt 1 nan nanyain 1 chocolate chocholate 1 dude duudeee 1 hey hhey 1 drive driv 1 fucking fcking 1 concert cncert 1 her hher 1 programming programmin 1 relationship reltionship 1 background backgrounder 1 fabulous faboulus 1 treatment treatement 0 evolution b2evolution 1 slut sluttt 1 voting votinggg 1 laughs laughes 0 laughter laugher 1 administrator adminstrator 1 manipulations manipulatives 0 champion champio 0 contract icontact 0 thankful imthankful 1 ride ridee 1 nipples nipplez 1 drunk drunnnk 1 tomorrow t2morrow 1 letters letterss 0 drink drin 0 jesus bajesus 0 currently currenly 0 justin junstin 1 evangelicals evangelicalism 0 readable spreadable 0 granted qranted 1 possibilities posibilities 1 somebody someebody 0 trend uptrend 1 tiny tiiiny 1 cups 3cups 1 disappoint dissapoints 1 throat troat 1 skipped skiped 1 magazine magasine 1 sandstorm sandstrom 1 exhilarating exhilerating 1 herald heraldus 0 purple urple 0 klein kleins 1 heartbeat 5heartbeats 1 bournemouth bournmouth 0 lang larang 1 popped popd 0 police popo 0 abdominal fabdominal 0 roasted broasted 1 pop popp 0 seminar eseminar 1 life liiiffeee 0 party iparty 1 walk waalk 0 knowing knowiin 1 columbia columbias 0 immunization feminization 0 titanic tititica 0 transform tranform 1 curricula curricular 0 occupation occ 1 cheating cheatingg 1 scripture scriptura 1 because beacause 1 attractive atractive 1 pterodactyl petrodactyl 1 comprehensive comprehensiv 1 lingerie lingeries 1 lauren laurennn 0 respect repsect 1 mentions mention2 1 bags bagsss 1 purple prple 1 incident inciden 1 exercise exersize 1 shorts shortss 1 occurrence occurance 0 fabulous unfabulous 1 honestly honestlyy 1 ireland irelanddd 0 wisdom twisdom 1 pizza pizz 0 cookbook cookboo 1 restaurants restaraunts 1 pizza piza 1 database databas 1 adaptable adoptables 1 alien ailen 1 miles 50miles 0 mechanics biomechanics 1 finished finisheed 1 taylor tayloor 1 opportunity oppourtunity 0 bucks fubucks 0 styled unstyled 1 dreams 48dreams 0 ugly fugly 1 drink driiink 1 misplace mispalel 1 booty bootty 1 face facee 1 prescribed perscribed 1 break breeeak 1 nutrition nutritio 1 pissed pissedd 1 hillside hillsdale 1 embarrassing embarrassin 1 player playerr 0 titanic titantic 0 benefit benef 1 behind behinde 1 players playerz 1 sec 2sec 0 yourselves youselves 0 slamming spammming 0 parties paries 1 classes classses 1 seconds secondsss 1 walking walikng 1 church churchh 1 imagine imaginame 1 bathroom bathroon 1 honestly honostly 1 poison poisin 0 yourself yoursef 1 confidence confidenc 1 nonsense nonsens 1 his 4his 1 please pleeeaaassse 0 checking cheking 1 regret regert 1 messed messsed 1 boyfriends boyfriendless 1 forget forgeeet 1 ground grounddd 1 seconds secondes 1 are areee 1 tuna tunaaa 1 exaggerating exagerating 1 hill hilll 1 read reead 1 monster monst 1 abandoned abandonded 0 yelling yellin 1 test teeest 1 were werew 1 words 3words 1 cracks crackes 0 mention mentio 0 conscience consience 1 cracker crackel 0 bitch biznitch 1 closer clouser 1 were weree 1 transferring transfering 1 applause applauses 0 crimson krimson 0 amour amoures 0 made mades 1 amazing amazinnngg 1 thee thhheee 1 pretty prettty 1 positively postively 0 dresser dresner 0 medical medica 1 made maded 1 made madee 0 halloween swalloween 1 maiden maden 0 night nuhnight 1 yoga yogaaa 1 francisco franciscos 1 gifts gifties 1 continents contaminents 1 believer belieberr 0 follow ffollow 1 mankind mannkind 1 kitchen kithcen 1 referring reffering 1 agrees agress 0 elizabeth lizbeth 1 dying dyingg 0 cunt scunt 1 working workingg 1 cowboys cboys 0 legend legen 1 most moost 1 whenever whenver 1 familiar familair 0 friday fridayz 1 lucky lukcy 1 concur concure 1 repetition repitition 1 pointing pointin 0 about aboutrt 1 paralyzed paralysed 0 loading uploading 1 million 1million 1 heart heartt 1 hearing hering 0 shutting shuttn 1 jams jamms 1 primer primeira 1 britney britneyy 1 correspondence correspondance 1 jealousy jealousys 1 britney britneys 0 round roun 1 fur furrr 1 impossible impossibl 1 police policeee 1 min 6min 1 know knoowww 1 decline declin 1 handling handeling 1 maybe mayyybeee 1 realization realisations 1 girls 5girls 1 perfect perfectt 1 instigate instigatin 1 diaries diaires 1 officially officaly 1 perfect perfecto 1 really reelly 1 mixed mixedd 1 rough roug 1 perfect perfecte 1 funny funnayy 1 officials officals 1 perfect perfecta 1 fantasy fantasty 1 pretty preeetty 1 interesting intereting 1 withhold withold 1 brooklyn brooklynn 1 again aaagain 0 almost alost 1 fantastic fantasti 1 cowboys cowboysss 1 brooklyn brooklyns 1 info 4info 1 unfortunately unfortunatly 1 evolution evolutions 1 smell shmell 1 briefly breifly 1 reunion renuion 1 degrees deqrees 1 pretty prettyyy 1 nothing nothiiing 1 advertising advertisi 0 cardigans backyardigans 1 always alwaysss 1 bottoms bottems 0 stabilizing destabilising 1 stumbling stumblin 0 ambitious unambitious 1 teammates teamates 0 example xample 1 catherine catharines 1 okay okkkayyy 1 episode epsidoe 1 reproduction reproductor 0 seriously seriious 1 compassionate compasspoint 0 knocking nocking 1 harder harderr 1 agreed agree'd 0 let ilet 1 eat eaat 1 girls 3girls 1 serious serrrious 1 disappointment dissapointment 1 possible possiblee 1 follower folllower 1 cur curre 0 conference unconference 1 still stiill 1 dressed dressedd 0 chihuahua hauhauahua 0 launch lauch 1 fronting frontinnn 1 make 2make 1 advertised advertized 1 sunshine sunshines 1 daughter dauqhter 0 booming booomin 1 central cental 1 sunshine sunshiney 1 followers follwrs 1 blazing blazzin 1 tackle tackl 1 round roundd 1 liars liarsss 1 pressures pressurin 1 thinking thinkiin 1 star 5star 1 possession posession 0 nighttime nitetime 1 happy haaapppyyy 1 stub stubhub 1 kiss kiiss 1 warm waarm 1 extremely extrememly 1 africa afric 1 bubbling bubblin 0 hate ihaate 1 parents parants 0 gangster gsta 1 logged loged 1 round round2 1 lovely loovely 0 pork porks 0 conservative neoconservative 1 sup supp 1 divide devide 1 super supr 1 slashing slashings 1 conference converence 1 versions versione 0 sup supk 1 friend frendd 0 super supa 1 wont wonttt 0 super supe 0 kelly lelly 1 paul pual 1 michael micael 0 will iwll 0 trick trik 1 enterprise enterpr 0 showing showin 1 tried trid 0 section secti 0 trial tria 1 beautiful beautyfull 0 trick tric 1 whereabouts whereabout 0 sexy secksy 1 sisters sisterwives 1 suit suiiit 0 tickets tix 1 while whiiile 0 you oyou 1 indiana indianola 0 is tis 0 until til 1 comes comesss 1 easier easierrr 0 pas panas 1 deserve desreve 1 kisses kises 0 deposit depos 0 recurring recurri 0 tapping tappn 1 simply simplyy 1 tap tappa 1 makeup makeupp 1 said saiddd 1 hopefully h0pefully 1 bored booorrreeed 1 mil 1mill 1 taps tapps 1 sore sooore 1 mile 1mile 1 stacking stackn 1 longest longes 0 andy andys 1 fighting figting 0 serious serioud 1 serious seriouz 1 was wwas 0 cousin cusions 1 way wway 1 drummer drumer 0 young youngen 1 pounds punds 1 construction constructi 0 ashley jashely 1 base baseee 0 italy itay 1 finishing finnishing 0 alcohol alcoho 1 homework homeework 1 avatar avatarmu 1 proxy proxie 1 offering offerin 1 winner winnner 0 blizzard slizzard 1 love looovvveee 0 che chepe 1 another 4another 0 peacemakers cheesemakers 1 manageable managable 0 outfits oufits 1 page 5page 1 restaurant restauranteur 1 ways waysss 0 telecaster stylecaster 1 multitasking multitaskin 1 signed signedd 1 tub tubbb 1 intellectual intellectuality 0 going goiin 1 questions questionss 1 submitted submited 1 slowly slowlyy 1 shower showwwer 1 house hous 0 brothers brothes 0 jesus omjesus 0 quick quicc 1 front fornt 1 nice niiccee 0 wash warsh 1 morning mooorniiing 1 drink drinkl 1 seminar seminario 1 drinking drinkn 0 news cnews 1 question quesiton 1 broadcast broadca 1 name naame 1 drink drinke 0 mingling giniling 1 drink drinka 1 say sayy 1 smack smackin 1 um uummm 1 drink drinky 1 should shuldd 1 machined machinehead 1 say sayi 0 magnet magnesite 0 groove groovers 1 stand standd 1 ministry ministr 1 standard standa 1 standing standn 1 lady ladyy 1 battery battrey 1 standing standi 1 was wasso 1 cripple crippler 0 wanted wated 1 wash wassh 1 happening hapenning 1 followers 3followers 1 lyrical lirical 1 chiefs cheifs 0 whatever watev 1 was wasss 1 breakfast brakfast 1 pleasure plesure 1 training trainingg 1 details deatils 1 automation automator 1 criticizing critisizing 0 savannah saravana 1 refuse refuseee 1 another anotehr 0 dipping dippin 0 chocolate chocoate 1 opportunity opprtunity 0 thru thrus 1 thru thruu 1 gingerbread gingerbr 1 gangsters gangsterism 1 transferable transferrable 1 thru thrue 0 memories memori 1 commercial commercail 1 australia australiaa 1 guarantee guarrantee 1 blackberries blackberrys 1 following followong 1 gotten goten 1 its itsss 1 blackberry blackberryy 0 fucking mo'fucking 1 vague vauge 1 session sessionn 1 shit shhhittt 0 religion religi 0 minimum minimun 0 have ahve 0 battery batte 1 wrapping wraping 1 borderline boarderline 1 imagine imgine 1 bats batts 1 valley vally 1 purpose purpos 0 obviously h'obviously 1 first firrrst 1 ejaculation ejaculator 1 merchandise merchandiser 1 explosion explos 1 moms momss 1 instead insead 0 moms momsz 1 street streat 1 guarantee gurantee 1 bare baaare 1 different differente 0 always alway 0 world wordl 1 different differents 1 always alwas 1 different differentt 1 quarterback quarterbac 1 birthday birthdai 0 but bbbut 1 murder murderrr 1 stairs staris 1 birthday birthdae 1 staring starin 0 series tvseries 0 sync syncin 1 missed miseed 1 might mighht 1 leave leve 1 plenty plent 0 forget gorget 0 come icome 1 boy boooy 1 non nonnn 0 whats whast 1 despicable dispicable 1 smelling smellin 1 homosexual homossexual 1 super supperrr 1 ping pinggg 0 gorgeous gorgeo 1 logo logooo 0 promise ipromisee 0 promise ipromised 1 apartment appartment 1 anticipate anticip 1 exclusive exclusivo 1 ridiculous ridiculas 0 quests questers 1 making mking 1 sleepy sleepppy 0 motion motionx 1 faith faithhh 1 organization organisation 0 control decontrol 1 million millon 1 needed neede 0 marley marleys 0 growing grownin 1 million miilion 1 kill kiiilll 0 posters postgres 0 booming boomin 1 bridge bridgeview 1 mom momm 0 freestyle greekstyle 0 seen ssen 1 favorite favorate 1 alternative alternatif 1 america amrica 1 corner cornerr 0 act actd 1 scribbling scribblin 1 halloween hallowenn 1 friend friendrt 1 way waayyy 1 remember rmember 1 charles charlesss 1 shook shoke 1 dressed dress'd 1 messaging messagin 1 spider spiderrr 1 curious curiousss 1 time timmmeee 1 destroying destorying 1 back bacckk 1 cheering cherring 1 permanent perminant 0 certain sertain 1 tits titsss 0 conscience concience 1 factor factorr 1 means meanns 1 couple coupleee 1 satisfying satisfyingly 1 many mnay 1 mean meannn 0 ken kenz 0 music mursic 1 kenny keny 1 sims simes 1 sure suure 0 montana monahan 1 coastal costal 1 sparkling sparklin 1 act 2act 1 ready readddyy 1 helps hlps 1 perhaps prehaps 1 fine finnneee 1 sober soberr 1 weak weaakkk 1 sentence sentense 1 adam addam 1 ink inkkk 0 losers closers 1 closer closerr 1 georgia georgi 1 neighbor neighboor 1 plagiarism plagerism 1 draws drawsss 1 carrots carrotts 1 plastic plastik 1 about aboutthe 1 ride riiide 1 breed breeed 0 bitch beeoch 0 miscellaneous misc. 0 looking looing 1 with whith 0 happening hapnin 1 earth earthh 1 coming cominig 1 competition competetion 1 again agaiiinnn 1 alabama alabamas 1 underwear underwired 1 magnificent magnificat 1 times timesss 1 screaming scraming 1 bastard b'stard 0 leaking leakin 1 bitches bitchhesss 1 foot 7foot 1 currently curently 0 finding friending 1 insane insanee 0 exactly exacly 1 pass paaasss 1 therapy therap 1 mountain montain 1 overrated overdrafted 1 changing changmins 1 appearances apperances 0 mountains moutains 0 jackoff j/o 0 mathematics mathletics 1 just juast 1 lifestyle lifestlye 1 new 2new 0 ville arville 0 streets steets 1 fans faans 1 taking takinggg 1 liquor liqor 1 recommend recommened 1 definitely definatly 1 live livvveee 0 merlin summerlin 1 baby babby 1 useless uselesss 1 every everry 1 babe babbe 1 ever everrr 0 ever everrt 1 smiling smilng 0 discipline indiscipline 1 goals 2goals 0 actually atually 1 religion relgion 1 dash dashhh 1 together togehter 1 degrees 30degrees 1 navy navvy 0 weathered featherbed 1 brushing brushin 0 woohoo woot 0 bright brigh 1 boring borrring 0 bridge brige 1 upcoming upcomi 0 occupation occultation 1 celebrities celebreties 1 career careeer 0 young young'n 1 inconvenient inconvinient 1 ready reaady 1 school schoooll 0 angie zangief 1 saturday saterday 1 times 4times 1 admit addmit 1 shout shouut 1 today todaaayy 1 imagine imgaine 1 nonetheless nontheless 0 corruption corrupcion 0 reserve reser 0 looks lloks 1 entrance enterance 1 emptiness emptyness 0 brother broseph 1 ruined ruineddd 1 watching watcching 1 obviously obvisouly 1 everywhere everwhere 1 knitting knittin 1 ignore ignoree 1 parking parkinq 0 restaurant resaurant 1 capital capitalfm 1 professor professer 1 room rooommm 1 mars marsss 1 soup soupp 1 follow follooow 1 criticize critisize 1 link lnk 1 allow alllow 1 visuals visualizeus 1 guys guyes 1 purple purpel 1 exciting exicting 1 way wayy 1 millions millons 0 interpreter enterpreneur 1 way wayu 1 genesis genisis 1 way wayi 1 according accrdng 0 around aound 0 england engand 1 innovative innovatively 1 thanks thanksies 1 bay baay 1 experiences experiances 0 computer comp 1 comes coms 1 com comu 1 temptations tempations 1 com comi 0 diamonds luediamonds 1 either eitheer 1 conservatives conservativism 1 fire fiiirrreee 1 experienced experianced 0 freaking freacking 0 summer summe 1 bouncing bouncin 1 sum summo 1 way way2 1 sum summm 0 listen luisteren 0 summit summi 0 retired retir 1 relieved releaved 0 tethered untethered 1 writing wrting 1 mission missionn 1 why whya 0 that thast 1 broccoli broccolli 0 crossover xover 1 glory glory2 1 songs 2songs 1 close close2 0 children mychildren 0 mainly maily 1 this thias 1 someone simeone 1 online onlineee 1 conceive concieve 1 tune tuuunnneee 0 just juszt 1 plate plateee 0 business ebusiness 1 referencing refrencing 1 horrible horribel 0 credited acreditem 1 stickers stickered 1 shop shope 1 shop shopp 1 bag baag 1 adventure adventureee 1 israel israelll 1 telephone telephono 1 legal legaaal 1 anniversary anniversaryyy 1 apparently aparrently 0 clips clipless 1 listened listenend 1 available avilable 0 neither neith 0 dermatologist rheumatologist 1 yeah yyeeaaahhh 0 brown bown 0 about bowt 1 bow boww 1 parlor parlours 1 support suprt 1 bastardized bastardised 1 tired tierd 1 loose loooseee 1 submarine submariner 0 laptop lapto 1 microeconomics macroeconomic 0 spark respark 1 model modelll 1 zombies zombiesss 1 drive drivee 0 accounting accouting 1 altogether alltogether 1 compulsory compulsary 1 bur buurrr 1 referring referrin 1 delightful delightfulbb 0 procrastinating procastinating 0 hope ihopee 1 lame laaammmeee 1 problems problemsss 1 violence violenc 1 black blaaack 1 address addresss 1 mastercard mastercards 1 years yearrrs 0 dance dace 1 weather weatherrr 1 days 6days 1 life lifffe 1 library liberry 1 okay okkkaaay 1 respect respeck 0 jo jojooo 0 taking takiin 0 thing hing 1 someone somenone 0 think hink 1 right righht 0 subscribed unsubscribed 0 style styler 0 anyways anywaysz 0 adorable adowable 1 afternoon afternoonish 1 anyways anywayss 1 hundred hundered 1 hate haatee 0 thought hought 1 style stylee 0 beautiful beauiful 1 shelter sleeter 1 scratch scratchin 0 integrate intergrate 1 manila manali 1 first firssst 1 motherfucking motherfuccin 1 possibly possibley 0 tempting templating 0 aaron taron 0 investment divestment 1 hugs hughs 1 cops copsss 1 experience expierience 1 huge hughe 1 cheaper cheeper 0 perfect perfet 1 extension extensi 1 baby bbyy 0 sitting sittn 0 crossing xing 0 verizon vzn 1 prefer perfer 1 fault falt 1 proceeded proceded 1 stop stopp 1 clarify clearify 1 sometime smetime 1 water wateer 1 learning learing 1 treating treeting 0 stop stopk 1 perfect perfec 1 stop stope 1 stopped stopd 0 more morert 1 expensive expensiveee 0 internship externship 0 bye bbye 1 proceeds procedes 0 cough coughcough 1 pastor pastora 1 loves lovesss 0 reborn sherborn 1 starting strtin 1 excellent excelentee 1 carcass carcas 1 fatty fattty 1 different diffrerent 1 troops troups 0 help ihelp 1 japanese japaneese 1 problem prblem 1 birkenstock birkenstocks 1 rather rathr 0 brendan brennaman 0 batteries b8rez 0 rather rathe 1 drinks drinkss 0 interesting ineresting 1 example exmple 0 except exept 1 opinions opnions 1 celebrity celberty 1 crazy craaazyy 1 blah blaaahhh 1 fooled foooled 1 lesbian lezbean 0 turntable trustable 1 fantastic fantastique 1 determined determind 0 transvestite tranvestite 0 obviously obiously 1 pharmaceuticals pharmaceutics 0 step steptoe 1 pills pillls 1 diamond daimond 0 lying wyling 1 reaction rection 1 miles 15miles 0 batting battin 0 ave avem 0 ass a$$ 1 pick picck 1 bitch b1tch 1 anderson andresen 1 blackjack blacklick 0 salesman saleman 0 meant imeant 1 cannabis cannibis 1 attention attentn 0 memo mexmo 1 crew crewww 1 hurry hurryy 1 man maaan 1 endorsement endorsment 1 play plaay 1 mad maaad 1 parents parrents 1 summit summitt 1 mac maaac 1 plan plaan 1 may maaay 0 outbroken notbroken 0 perfect pefect 1 shenanigans shennanigans 1 mas maaas 1 mar maaar 1 spending spendn 1 literally litteraly 1 known knownnn 1 diego diegoo 1 sensitive sensitif 1 spend spendd 1 halloween haloween 0 chill ichill 1 tonight toooniiight 0 really areally 0 diego diegos 1 own ownnn 1 forfeit forfit 1 again agaian 1 jumped jumpedd 1 catch ctch 1 loud louuud 1 midnight midnighttt 1 apparatus aparatus 1 possible possable 1 everybody everybady 0 chicks chikks 1 intermediate intermed 1 cant cann0t 1 amazing ammmaaazing 1 cover covr 1 hungry hungrey 1 caribbean carribeans 1 bored boreeddd 1 grateful gratful 0 mention menti 1 favorite favrit 1 called calld 0 moments ments 0 nikki nickki 0 natural natual 1 call calll 1 downstairs downstairss 0 calling calln 0 relentless talentless 1 future futureee 0 foreign foreig 0 recipes recip 1 relationship realtionships 1 like liuke 1 everyone everyonee 1 son son1 1 son son2 1 everyone everyones 1 afraid afraidd 1 welcome welcomme 0 fashion fashi 0 india inia 0 shrimp theshrimp 1 republic republi 0 chrysler chrystler 0 romantic bromantic 1 catastrophic catastrophy 1 talent tallent 1 grind grindz 0 saying ssaying 1 sound sond 0 active unactive 0 masturbate fap 0 favorite fav 1 son sonn 1 without whitout 1 franchises franchisors 1 hypocrite hypocrit 1 grinding grindn 0 family fam 0 fabulous fab 1 like 2like 1 grind grindd 0 tickets tickes 0 engineer ingenieur 1 costumes custumes 1 lesbian lesbiana 0 steepest stepbystep 1 dogs dogsss 1 satellite satelitte 1 azerbaijan azerbaijans 1 learn lern 1 movie mooovvviiieee 0 something somethibg 1 accomplished accomplised 0 pressure pressue 0 wizard wizar 0 rainy rainyday 0 labels mabels 1 virgins virgens 1 plenty plnty 1 lizard lizzard 1 loser loseer 0 splendid spendid 1 attitude attitudee 1 awesome awesoome 1 warrants warrents 1 belgium belgiums 1 spending spendin 1 sandwiches sandwhichs 1 wanna wannnaa 0 almost ialmost 1 city ciiity 0 cinema cinemax 1 calling callling 1 highway highwayyy 0 should shouldt 1 coffee cofeee 0 should shouldv 1 somewhere somewheree 1 sad saaaddd 1 cinema cinma 0 should shouldn 1 dedicated dedicado 1 should shouldd 1 told tould 1 should shoulda 1 something somthing 1 swallowed swalloed 0 sent soesnt 0 nancy nancys 1 move mooovvveee 0 sweet sweetrt 0 cocktail coctail 0 allowed allowe 1 allowed allowd 1 happening happpening 1 smash smas 0 smart smar 0 smart smat 1 hinting hinthint 0 longer nolonger 1 maybe mabe 1 same smae 0 mad smad 1 parents parentsss 1 that thayt 1 late laaate 1 they theeyy 1 small smal 1 shit shiti 1 please puhlease 1 shit shito 1 afrocentrism afrocentric 1 boyfriend bofriend 0 catherine katherines 0 perverted peverted 1 trouble truble 0 shit shitz 0 shit shitx 1 exit exiit 1 shit shitt 0 mental emmental 0 nothing othing 1 coolest cooolest 1 halloween halloweennn 1 spirit spirittt 1 stitch stich 0 trainers tarsiers 0 mansion masion 0 stick sticc 0 lambs lambdas 0 dreamed undreamed 0 blemished unblemished 0 ray wray 1 calendars callenders 0 always alwaysz 0 request reques 1 shit shit2 1 origination originations 0 cities mcvities 1 acoustic acousti 1 protected protecte 1 psychoanalysis psychoanalytic 0 terminological dermatological 1 protection protectn 1 watching waatchin 0 test retest 1 protection protecti 1 that taht 1 disgusting discusting 0 vintage jlvintage 0 thanks k'thanks 1 slow slooowww 0 revolutionary revolucionario 0 stupid stuid 1 obesity obesit 1 seriously sriously 0 later l8rz 1 music musice 1 caught cuaght 1 music musicc 0 laying layiin 0 music musick 1 mold mould 0 basketball racketball 1 princess principessa 1 pounding punding 0 should shouldna 1 paperback paperbac 1 just jhust 1 grand grande 1 anyone anyoneee 1 high 2high 1 amazing amaging 1 home hommme 1 brazilian brasilian 0 eyebrows eyebrowns 1 mandolin mandoline 1 little littlee 0 example xmpl 1 only onnly 1 brilliant brillaint 1 amazing aaamazing 0 ferdinand fernand 0 secret secrest 1 torch tourch 1 language langauge 1 good ghood 1 alexander alexandrite 0 thursday thurdays 1 sleepy sleeepy 1 attack attck 0 ricky riky 1 writers writters 1 guitar guitare 1 karaoke karoke 1 nick niick 1 nice niice 1 lot loottt 1 reading reeding 1 technology technolo 0 interesting inneresting 0 clean cean 0 background bacground 1 awesome awesommmeee 0 architect archinect 1 blows blowsss 1 definitely deffinately 0 gal gagal 1 ambiguous ambigous 1 started starteeed 1 were wwere 1 candy candyyy 0 surprise suprisee 1 begin begain 1 gone goooneee 1 surprise surprize 1 application applicati 1 papers pappers 0 school sschool 0 owned pwnt 0 owns pwnz 1 best beesst 0 owned pwnd 0 despite depsite 1 strategy strategery 0 skater sk8r 1 doctors docters 1 love looovvvee 1 and 2and 1 definitely definately 1 gorgeous gorgeos 1 minimizing minimising 1 advance advanc 1 homophobic homophobes 1 invisibility invisibilty 1 years 18years 1 organizing organising 0 truth thetruth 1 any 2any 0 com ccom 1 artist aritst 1 somebody somebdy 1 planning palancing 0 confident unconfident 0 rollerblades rollerblader 0 nod nodds 1 snoop snopp 1 from frome 1 meridian meridien 1 from froma 0 relation relati 1 related relatd 0 from fromn 1 hours 18hours 1 exclusive exculsive 0 from froms 0 think thinked 1 jewelry jewerly 1 shutouts shoutoutsss 1 cigarette cigaret 1 harbors harbours 1 easy esay 1 headache headachy 0 listeners listverse 1 o'clock 7oclock 1 gotta goootta 1 noise noiseee 1 participate participae 0 night g'nightt 0 downloads dowloads 1 immediate immediat 1 work worrkk 0 coincidence conciencia 0 mann mkanan 1 hello hellooow 0 softly sofly 1 filming filmin 1 explorer exploder 1 oliver oliver13 1 performance performan 1 partying partyinggg 1 really reaally 1 asthma ashtma 1 girls girliess 1 real reaalll 1 dan dann 1 damn danm 0 happening hapenin 1 natalie nathalie 0 popping poppiin 1 thoughts thoughtss 1 gates gatess 0 and dand 1 dance danc 1 month 2month 0 restroom guestroom 1 priest preist 1 attraction attractio 1 soy soooy 1 attractive attractiv 1 season season2 1 are aree 0 mapping remapping 1 important importa 1 fine fione 1 season season4 1 doctors doctora 0 welcome welome 1 and aaanndd 1 describe descirbe 1 jun junon 1 tomorrow tmorow 1 junior junor 1 were we'er 1 pierced peirced 1 attitude attutide 1 infrastructure infrastructurei 1 season seasonn 1 reversed reversetage 1 many maaany 0 look llook 1 useless usless 1 man maaann 1 blocking blockin 1 falling failling 0 including inlcuding 1 window windoww 1 tripping trippinnn 0 window windown 1 working workiiing 1 terrific triffic 0 fucking fukking 1 stuff stff 1 disenfranchised disenfranchisin 1 doctor doctorr 1 were wree 0 phone fone 1 filipino filippino 1 mes meeses 1 hurts huurts 1 confident confidentego 1 province provincia 1 feminist feminista 1 hat hatty 1 hat hattt 0 err derrr 1 hats hatts 0 erotic jaerotic 1 dawn dawnin 0 tendencies tendacies 1 hate hatte 1 yourself youreself 1 over oveeer 1 red reeeddd 1 characters charcters 1 following f0llowing 1 circulating circulatin 1 holiday holday 1 anniversary anniverary 1 awesome awesssome 1 british britsh 1 toronto toront 0 intuitive unintuitive 0 motivators demotivators 1 fingers fngers 1 large lrge 1 phone phooonnneee 1 truly truely 1 painting paintin 1 herself hersel 1 boyfriend boyfrieend 0 mines iness 0 pervert pvt 0 facebook f.b. 1 certain certin 1 assholes asswholes 0 better betterrt 1 supernatural supernature 1 vermont vermonts 0 pockets poccets 1 patrick patrik 1 bar baro 1 oops ooopsie 1 fucker fcker 1 screw screwww 1 revitalize revitalizer 0 chan ichan 1 from frmo 1 scored scoredd 0 chat ichat 1 skip skippp 0 learned learne 1 cause caausee 0 learning learni 1 simon simon73 1 adorable adoreable 0 appears appeard 1 learn learnn 1 bar bar7 1 hug hughughug 1 enlargement enlargment 0 watched wathed 0 harrington arrington 1 weather wather 1 finding findn 0 see c 1 memo memooo 1 thanking thankinq 0 finding findi 1 pure puuure 0 team ateam 0 naming namin 1 lost lsot 1 find finda 1 redemption redemptions 1 attorney attorn 1 changing changn 1 master maester 0 hop hoppd 1 present prsent 0 extend xtend 0 football fooball 1 publicizing publicising 1 confession confesso 1 parents parentss 1 happy haappyy 0 riot ribot 1 mil miiil 1 guitar guitarrr 1 min miiin 1 whore whor 1 whose whos 1 whole whol 0 who whon 1 february feburary 1 everybody everyb0dy 0 anymore anymo 1 who whoe 1 confess confesss 1 mix miiix 1 compassion compassions 1 seriously seariously 1 gained gaind 0 mapping mappin 1 internet internt 1 auxiliary auxiliar 1 tomorrow tomorooow 0 news senews 1 thanksgiving thnksgiving 0 chilling chillian 0 knew knews 1 climate climatewire 1 fools foolsss 1 knew kneww 1 junior juniour 1 screwed screweddd 1 stole stolee 0 already arready 1 eleven 7eleven 1 houses houseshoes 0 lang lapang 1 about abot 0 about abou 1 above abov 1 fernandez fernandes 1 homework honework 1 watch waaatch 1 vampire vampireee 1 team teaaam 1 retarded retartedd 1 currently currentl 1 masturbate masterbated 0 mines minesz 1 bear beaaar 1 beat beaaat 1 mines miness 1 announcing announcin 1 sometime somtime 1 currently currenty 1 dragon dragonnn 1 surrounded surronded 1 commission comissions 1 replied repiled 1 morning mroning 1 email emailll 1 appear apear 1 discussion discusion 1 spread speard 1 appeal apeal 0 knock knok 1 turning truning 1 cups cupsss 0 negotiation negotiati 1 where wheree 0 where whered 1 waiting witing 0 treating targetting 1 neither neather 0 moving movinn 1 where wherer 1 dynamite dynomite 1 dare daree 0 project poject 0 hugging huggin 1 quarterback quarterba 1 funniest funniesttt 1 proposal propos 1 desperado despertador 1 him hiimm 1 endeavor endeavour 1 bed beddd 1 orientals orientalism 1 bed beddy 1 game gameee 0 movement moveme 0 exclusive xxclusive 1 steady steddy 0 machine maschine 1 within witin 1 lately lateley 1 rape rapeee 1 chat chaat 0 tonight tonignt 1 with witih 1 yes yesyes 1 daughters daugthers 0 divorce divor 1 chan chaan 1 selection selction 0 sitting sittig 1 intentionally intentionality 1 supporting suporting 0 sitting sittin 0 yesterday yerterday 0 brouhaha buhahaha 0 children chilren 1 visit vzit 0 ash kash 1 ladies ladiies 0 studio unstudio 1 separate seperate 0 maria mariam 0 penis mypenis 1 earthquake earthquak 1 ignored ignord 1 earrings earings 0 ting tingin 1 treatment treatmeant 1 wrong wroung 1 promotion promotionale 1 little littel 0 landing laning 1 empty empt 0 vacation vacati 0 michigan fichigan 0 responsibility irresponsibilit 1 requested requsted 0 empty empy 0 affiliate affili 0 damn dzamn 0 proud prou 0 explosion toyxplosion 0 ann anns 1 pro proo 1 porn pron 0 that thsat 0 research isearch 0 could youcould 0 product prod 1 boundaries bounderies 0 problem prob 1 rhythm rhythem 1 instead insteaddd 1 angel angell 1 really reaallyy 1 bottle bootle 1 for fooor 1 foot fooot 1 orleans orleanians 1 transport transpor 1 amazing amaziin 1 pro pro2 1 panties pantiesss 0 activists hactivists 1 food foood 1 memories memorieees 1 fool foool 0 morning themorning 1 malaysia malaysiaaa 1 shorts shortsss 1 turntables turntablism 1 crush crushhh 1 morning morniiinggg 1 amigos amigosss 1 gifts giftsss 1 girl giiirl 1 ring ringgg 0 guidance guidan 1 turntables turntablist 1 four fourrr 1 hospital hosptial 0 brothers bruz 0 brother bruv 1 jack jaack 1 sponsors sponsorless 1 burn brun 1 head heeeaaadd 1 egg eggg 0 brother bruh 1 wrong wroong 1 indonesia indones 0 disney dinsey 1 guys guuuyyysss 0 nutcracker slutcracker 0 sup wsupp 1 collectors collecters 1 family familiy 1 downloading downlaoding 1 compare comprare 1 want wnt 1 panorama panaroma 1 girlfriend girlfriendd 0 holland bolland 0 streamer ixstreamer 1 instead instea 0 called calles 1 sucking suckin 1 laughed laughedd 0 awesome jawsome 0 applicants replicants 0 sailing sailin 0 retention reventon 1 cents 60cents 0 radar iradar 0 sadness radness 1 sore soare 1 stomach stomaach 1 actors actores 1 nectar nectars 1 chilling chillinggg 1 tentative tentativa 1 holographic holographics 1 apartment apartament 1 mcdonald mcdonlds 1 does dooes 1 chills chillsss 0 chicago chicagos 1 philadelphia philadelphian 1 friday fridaay 1 pizza pizzaaa 1 kids kidos 0 baltimore altmire 0 airplane warplane 0 thursday thurdsay 1 everyone everone 1 feet 5feet 1 philadelphia philadelphias 1 tits titss 0 rising risin 1 sol solll 0 word w012d 0 atlanta altanta 0 valencia palencia 1 supporting supportin 1 umbrella umberella 0 energy cenergy 1 blamed blammed 0 mama macama 1 movies moveis 1 tune tuuune 0 deal dzeal 1 angelina angelina4u 1 fun fuunn 0 cant ucant 1 failed failedd 0 channels channe 0 sara sarabia 1 bye byyyee 1 indirect indirects 1 serious seeerious 1 alright alllright 0 forecast fforecast 1 miracle miricle 0 setting setti 1 dallas dallass 1 smarter smartbear 0 has hasz 1 tiny tinyyy 1 favorite faaavourite 1 similar simliar 0 tired tiredrt 1 cutest cutestt 1 anything anyting 1 bacon baconnn 1 ecstasy ecstacy 0 everyone eveyones 1 snippet snipet 1 epic epiccc 0 justin ustin 0 truth tuth 0 careful becarefull 0 campbell ncampbelll 1 revitalize revitalise 0 countdown coutdown 1 having havving 1 rules ruless 0 duff duffs 1 mars marss 1 something smething 1 minutes minuteees 0 unconditional incondicional 1 catchphrase catchphrases 0 slept islept 1 whispering wispering 0 dealer deale 0 anna ananta 0 my mmyy 1 everyone evreyone 1 change changeee 1 carolina carolinaaa 1 shine shiiine 0 circa ciracas 1 deal deall 1 deal dealy 1 note notee 1 choice choce 1 johnny jhonny 1 philippines phillippines 1 similar similair 0 international untraditional 0 somebody somedy 0 humid humidit 1 partying partin 1 dinosaur dinosour 1 please pleace 1 chronicles cronicles 1 waiting waitinq 1 disappear disapper 0 being ebing 1 babe babbeee 0 holland hopland 0 waiting waitinf 1 decision dicision 0 like likeme 1 out ooout 0 waiting waitinh 1 springfield springfields 1 flavored flavoured 1 fisherman fishermans 0 leaks ileaks 0 ill ilml 1 benjamin benjamins 1 professor profesor 1 pissed piiisssed 1 have haaave 0 members membe 0 fucker fuker 1 out ooouuut 1 meter metre 1 spice spicee 1 spicy spicey 0 typing typin 0 spice spicer 0 wedding weddin 0 fucked fuked 1 folks follks 1 apparently appearently 1 nov nov1 0 this thissk 0 anxiety anxie 1 like lkie 1 president presidnt 1 this thisss 1 progress progres 1 original originial 1 button buton 1 girls girllls 1 babe babeeey 1 nothing notthing 1 ice icee 1 someone someoen 0 babe babeees 0 villa sevilla 0 press lfpress 0 ice icer 0 information infomation 1 skeptics sceptics 1 texts txts 1 tonight toniiighttt 0 noble nobels 1 more mooore 0 sucks suxx 0 figure cmfigure 1 shades shadess 1 equivalent equivilant 0 work workrt 1 um uumm 0 exams xams 1 pink pinkkk 1 columbia columb 1 disturbed distributer 0 thinking thining 1 crazy crazzyy 1 with wtih 1 yet yeeettt 1 slap slapp 1 amends ammends 1 years 5years 1 london londen 0 delete ideleted 0 slap slapn 1 pro prooo 1 corner cornerrr 1 relaxing realxing 1 slapped slapd 1 that tat 1 yes yyeeesss 1 free 1free 1 picture pictureee 1 tomorrow tomorrroww 1 rap rapp 1 terrorist terorist 1 summer sumer 1 definitely definetley 1 nexus nexuss 1 unopened unopen 0 rap rapn 1 life loife 1 grasshopper grasshoper 1 stereotypes sterotypes 1 pictures picturees 0 japan japa 1 graphics grfx 0 actually accualy 1 talk tawlk 1 japan japn 1 player plyer 1 winter wintr 1 influence influencers 1 taylor taylorr 0 taylor taylors 1 exams exmas 1 girl gurl 0 billions 7billion 1 drum drummm 1 benefit benifit 1 standard standford 1 smarted smartrend 0 alkaline chalkline 1 technically techincally 1 christopher chrystopher 1 blazing blazzing 1 les leeesss 0 shipping shippin 1 wit wwit 1 life 1life 1 talking taalkinq 0 fudge wtfudge 1 coworkers cowrkr 0 fighter figher 1 happened happenedd 1 avatar avatares 1 because becuse 1 though thogh 1 astrology astrobiology 0 happens happeneds 1 stuck stcuk 1 soft softtt 1 build 2build 1 nuggets nuggetsss 0 medical biomedical 1 burst brust 1 exactly exactlly 1 represent representtt 0 choosing choosn 1 unforgettable unforgottable 1 forecast forcasted 1 corporations corporatists 1 nowadays nowadayss 1 really reeallly 1 stiff stiffy 1 practical practica 1 necessary necessar 1 transform transformasi 1 xmas x'mas 1 happened happened2 1 trade trad 0 check chekk 0 track trac 0 checked chekd 0 trail trai 0 future furture 0 track trak 1 ironic ironica 1 treat trat 0 straightforward stratford 1 easier easer 1 hey hheyyy 1 arkansas arkansa 1 hope hpoe 1 badge badg 1 completion completions 0 intense instense 1 consultation consulation 0 corporate coporate 1 much muucch 1 zombie zombieee 1 front frount 1 forever foreveerrr 0 fuck fluck 1 respect respectt 0 fell ifell 0 better ubetter 0 charge incharge 1 happens happns 1 down downnn 1 disappointed disapointed 1 mindbogglingly mindblowingly 1 respect respecto 1 marijuana marijuan 1 please plesae 0 cup wcup 1 security secruity 1 guaranteed garaunteed 0 looking lookiin 0 tripped tripppen 1 geographic geographica 1 please pleeeaaassseee 0 wanna dowanna 1 york yorkkk 1 chick chiick 1 spaghetti spahgetti 0 tummy tummys 1 having haviing 1 beginning beggining 0 proposing repurposing 1 leather lether 0 wondering wonering 1 fuck fhuck 0 joining joinging 0 telling telln 1 gallery galler 1 whip whiiip 1 week wekk 1 druid drood 1 might migth 1 weeks weks 0 artists arists 1 miss miiisss 1 hate hhate 0 bitch beezy 1 jesus jesuuus 0 turkey tukey 1 mentioned mentionned 1 something smthing 1 cruncher crunchgear 1 things thingies 1 smooth smoooth 1 sickness sicknesss 0 definitely idefinitely 0 slow slowmo 1 controller contoller 1 chicken chiicken 1 are aare 1 anymore anymoreee 1 exit exiiit 1 improvement improvemen 1 since sinnce 1 behind behindd 1 better beter 1 trouble troble 1 pieces piecesss 1 cleavage clevage 1 watched wathced 1 yourself yoursel 0 beating beatin 0 perform peform 1 always alwys 1 slap slaaap 1 much muuuchh 0 florida floria 0 asshole ahole 1 maharashtra maharashtrian 1 loved loveddd 0 reckless wreckless 1 things thingsss 1 central centra 1 adams adamson 1 center centre 1 almost almoost 1 biological biologic 1 please pleaz 1 century centry 1 stupid stupiddd 0 den deeng 1 figure 2figure 1 surprise surpri 1 guilty guiltyyy 1 close closeee 0 bow bowbow 1 stacks 3stacks 0 wow owowow 1 fire fier 1 difference difrence 1 emotional emotinal 0 field fiel 1 den denn 1 fine fien 1 attitudes atitudes 1 anyways anywaays 1 ahmadabad ahemdabad 1 housewives houswives 1 trapping trapin 1 grinding grindin 0 yeah ayeah 1 cash casssh 1 vanilla vanila 0 chicken chicked 1 one one1 0 sober soberin 0 sucks suxxor 1 holiday holid 1 smiling smileing 1 elizabeth elizabe 0 bar qbar 1 more moer 1 view viewww 0 heard iheard 1 hamburger hamburglar 1 suck suuck 1 perspective prespective 0 teacher reacher 1 controllers controlers 1 aircraft aircra 1 true true2 1 one onea 1 commandments 42commandments 0 one oned 1 one onee 0 before berfore 1 one onei 0 chained unchained 0 one onel 1 bitches btiches 1 amazing amaaazingg 0 forbore for9more 1 mission misssion 1 sure suer 0 one onex 0 money oney 1 dick dicck 1 contemplating contemplatin 1 alone alonne 1 patiently paitently 0 video vieo 1 true truee 1 forever foreever 1 post postit 1 posting postin 1 joker jokerrr 1 communists communisis 1 shepherds sheperds 1 business businees 1 turbulence turbulenz 1 scary scaryyy 0 violence violen 1 detached detatched 1 bullshit bullshyttin 1 listening listeing 0 glory glorys 1 mexican mexicana 1 whipped wipped 1 superior superi 0 panties panti 1 cent 5cent 1 super supere 1 costing costin 1 train trainnn 1 mexican mexicano 1 mexican mexicann 1 strapless strepsils 1 mexican mexicant 1 close closee 0 there thete 1 super superr 0 adding addin 1 birthday birthdayy 0 addict addic 1 rebel reble 0 keeping keeepin 0 overstock haverstock 1 brilliance brillance 0 out zout 1 entire entir 1 entity entit 1 level lvl 1 dependence dependance 1 damaging damagin 1 excruciating excrutiating 1 constitution consitution 0 friendship frenship 1 end ennd 1 attention attantion 1 arizona arizon 1 long lonnng 0 least atleast 1 super super7 1 banking bankingfx 0 streaming ustreamin 0 natal natalan 1 smiling smilling 1 press press75 1 ballistic balistic 1 heart haert 1 homework homeeworkk 1 withdrawal withdrawl 1 inside insde 1 replying replayin 1 baby bbi 1 montgomery montgomerie 1 baby bbe 0 playing playign 1 piece 3piece 1 attempting atempting 0 chips chipset 1 lived livedd 0 montreal montecarlo 1 babes bbz 1 baby bby 0 save isave 1 expectations expectativas 1 following followiing 1 something somthng 1 tomahawk tomohawk 1 treasure treasur 1 mustache mustachioed 0 lawbreakers jailbreakereasy 1 disc 2disc 1 yield yeild 1 cute cyute 1 fighting fightinggg 0 sender bpsender 1 corinthian curinthians 1 try tryyy 1 riches richs 0 honey honeypie 1 intercollegiate intercollege 0 illusions ellusionist 1 improvement improveme 0 hates h8s 0 hater h8r 1 vanilla vanilly 1 secret seacret 1 hate h8t 1 choice choicee 1 minnesota minesota 1 rich richh 1 funniest funnist 0 anyways newayz 1 february february6 1 sorry soorryyy 0 touch mytouch 0 anyways neways 1 caramels caramelised 0 amman lampman 1 yeah yyeahh 0 etiquette netiquette 1 fernando fernandinho 1 necessary nessecary 1 motherfucking mutherfucking 1 bear bearrr 0 come tocome 0 candy icandy 1 grandma grandmomma 1 cough coughhh 1 jams jamsss 1 contacts contactless 0 night gnight 1 cried creid 1 perceive percieve 1 fails failss 0 putting putttin 1 you yooh 1 character charact 1 notebook notbook 1 ashley ashle 1 ashley ashly 1 married marrried 1 bitches btches 1 you yoou 1 brain braiiin 1 bored borrreeed 0 love ulove 0 ass arse 1 these thesee 1 interviewer interviewtry 1 certain certian 0 station busstation 1 bleeding bleading 1 english englisg 1 breaks breakes 1 courtesy curtesy 1 grave graveee 1 patiently paitiently 1 lame lameee 1 minnesota minnisota 1 rocky rockey 1 rachel rachell 1 million 10million 1 patrick patric 0 rachel rachels 1 lads ladsss 1 dance dancee 1 hush hussshhh 0 language laguage 1 forever fooorever 0 party partyrt 1 myself myseeelf 1 illusion ilusion 0 stories storie 0 hopping hoppn 0 clumsy clumbsy 1 patron patronnn 1 hope hoppe 1 hates haaates 1 calling caling 0 penetration pengertian 1 culture cultur 1 hop hoppp 1 school skl 0 stresses steelersss 1 apologies apoligies 0 knock knoc 0 department diretamente 0 obviously obvioulsy 1 grocery gorcery 0 password p/w 1 style sytle 1 knows knos 1 homo h/mo 1 bed bedd 1 with wwith 1 more moooree 1 theory theor 1 jackpot jackpotjoy 0 beehive beehivefm 0 ahead ahea 1 listening listeniin 1 ahead ahed 0 skate sk8 1 walking waalking 1 piercing peircing 1 absolutely absoultley 1 cake cakee 1 busted bustedd 1 exciting excting 0 changes changers 1 tempo teempo 1 represent represenative 0 so sosooo 1 style styleee 0 because becausr 0 backlash backsplash 1 nintendo nintend 1 searching searchinq 0 washington washinton 1 inquiries inquries 0 millionaire zillionaire 1 fragile fraggle 0 leave leae 1 stereotypes stereotypestv 1 set settt 1 key keyyy 1 hours 23hours 1 mystery mistery 1 dudes duudes 1 relationship reletionship 1 leave leav 1 anticipated anticipat 0 least leat 0 setting settn 0 afternoon crafternoon 0 sister misterr 0 orbit inorbit 0 enough enuf 1 bucks bucksss 1 scary scarrry 0 glitter glitzer 1 slow slooow 0 sluts slus 0 location locati 0 handed handedly 1 pediatric paediatric 1 matrix matrixx 0 might mite 1 concert concertt 0 irrelevant irrevelant 1 shit shiiet 0 getting gettinf 0 getting gettinh 1 tape tapeee 1 creation creationary 1 stars strasser 0 getting gettinn 1 getting gettinq 1 sum sumem 0 do dddooo 0 wheat wheats 1 saturday satarday 1 wind winddd 0 likable unlikable 1 edmonton edmondson 0 morning morninnn 1 exercises exercisers 1 square sqare 1 morning morninng 1 condemned condemed 0 hero shero 1 harder harderrr 0 night g'night 1 slow slllooowww 0 physics physc 0 physics physi 1 tomorrow tomroow 0 night nunight 0 aaron aaro 1 inspiration insparation 0 warriors warrio 0 lord olord 0 follow followme 1 going goning 1 tuning tunning 1 city citay 1 version virsion 1 ill iwilll 1 huntington huntingdon 1 angelina angelino 0 funding fundi 0 cookies coockies 1 whats what'ss 1 waiting wating 1 lover lvr 0 spot gspot 1 night naight 1 friends friendos 1 truths truworths 1 girl girrl 1 unfair unfairr 0 loving lvn 1 obsessed obbessed 1 negro negrooo 1 armorers armwarmers 1 bomb bommbbb 1 spanking spankn 0 buffet buffe 1 buff bufff 1 slip slipp 1 thought thoight 0 cookbook lookbooks 1 thursday thursd 0 denver denve 1 artistic artistica 1 wanna wannah 1 boy booy 1 coupon cupon 0 what whjat 1 usual ususal 1 concert concerttt 1 swim swimmm 1 multilingual multilangual 1 war warrr 1 wearing wearng 1 phone phonnne 0 replay roleplay 1 costumes costumess 0 anywhere nywhere 1 sandwich sandwhich 0 alexander aleksander 0 jun juns 0 showing showi 1 washing washinq 0 script jscript 1 funding fundin 0 fitted itxted 1 cheap cheeeap 0 awesome fawesome 0 talented untalented