ARepublicanstrategytocounterthere-electionofObama Acierto! A Republican strategy to counter the re-election of Obama 12 Republicanleadersjustifiedtheirpolicybytheneedtocombatelectoralfraud. Acierto! Republican leaders justified their policy by the need to combat electoral fraud. 16 However,theBrennanCentreconsidersthisamyth,statingthatelectoralfraudisrarerintheUnitedStatesthanthenumberofpeoplekilledbylightning. Acierto! However, the Brennan Centre considers this a myth, stating that electoral fraud is rarer in the United States than the number of people killed by lightning. 34 Indeed,Republicanlawyersidentifiedonly300casesofelectoralfraudintheUnitedStatesinadecade. Acierto! Indeed, Republican lawyers identified only 300 cases of electoral fraud in the United States in a decade. 24 Onethingiscertain:thesenewprovisionswillhaveanegativeimpactonvoterturn-out. Acierto! One thing is certain: these new provisions will have a negative impact on voter turn-out. 20 Inthissense,themeasureswillpartiallyunderminetheAmericandemocraticsystem. Acierto! In this sense, the measures will partially undermine the American democratic system. 19 UnlikeinCanada,theAmericanStatesareresponsiblefortheorganisationoffederalelectionsintheUnitedStates. Acierto! Unlike in Canada, the American States are responsible for the organisation of federal elections in the United States. 27 ItisinthisspiritthatamajorityofAmericangovernmentshavepassednewlawssince2009makingtheregistrationorvotingprocessmoredifficult. Acierto! It is in this spirit that a majority of American governments have passed new laws since 2009 making the registration or voting process more difficult. 34 ThisphenomenongainedmomentumfollowingtheNovember2010elections,whichsaw675newRepublicanrepresentativesaddedin26States. Acierto! This phenomenon gained momentum following the November 2010 elections, which saw 675 new Republican representatives added in 26 States. 31 Asaresult,180billsrestrictingtheexerciseoftherighttovotein41Stateswereintroducedin2011alone. Acierto! As a result, 180 bills restricting the exercise of the right to vote in 41 States were introduced in 2011 alone. 25 ThenewelectionlawsrequirevoterstoshowaphotoIDcardandproofofUScitizenship. Acierto! The new election laws require voters to show a photo ID card and proof of US citizenship. 20 Furthermore,theselawsalsoreduceearlyvotingperiods,invalidatetherighttoregisterasavoteronelectiondayandwithdrawtherighttovoteofcitizenswithacriminalrecord. Acierto! Furthermore, these laws also reduce early voting periods, invalidate the right to register as a voter on election day and withdraw the right to vote of citizens with a criminal record. 43 Beforethe2006elections,noUSStaterequiredvoterstoshowaphotoIDcard. Acierto! Before the 2006 elections, no US State required voters to show a photo ID card. 17 IndianawasthefirstStatetoimposesucharequirement. Acierto! Indiana was the first State to impose such a requirement. 12 In2008,theSupremeCourtoftheUnitedStatesupheldtheconstitutionalityoftheIndianalaw. Acierto! In 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the constitutionality of the Indiana law. 18 TheRepublicanauthoritieswerequicktoextendthispracticetootherStates. Acierto! The Republican authorities were quick to extend this practice to other States. 18 Overthepasttwoyears,theysponsoredbillsin34StatestoforcevoterstoshowaphotoIDcard. Acierto! Over the past two years, they sponsored bills in 34 States to force voters to show a photo ID card. 22 Itisimportanttonotethat,unlikeQuebec,AmericancitizensdonothaveauniversalIDcardsuchasthehealthinsurancecard. Acierto! It is important to note that, unlike Quebec, American citizens do not have a universal ID card such as the health insurance card. 29 Infact,11%ofAmericancitizens,i.e.21millionpeopleofvotingage,donotpossessaphotoIDcardissuedbyagovernmentagencyoftheirState. Acierto! In fact, 11% of American citizens, i.e. 21 million people of voting age, do not possess a photo ID card issued by a government agency of their State. 33 Inaddition,fivemillionnewvotersin2012donothavesuchidentification. Acierto! In addition, five million new voters in 2012 do not have such identification. 18 Anditoftencostsoverahundreddollarstoobtaintherequiredidentitycard. Acierto! And it often costs over a hundred dollars to obtain the required identity card. 18 Thenewrestrictionsdisproportionatelyaffectyoungpeople,minoritiesandpeoplewithlowincomes. Acierto! The new restrictions disproportionately affect young people, minorities and people with low incomes. 23 Infact,25%ofAfricanAmericans,15%ofthoseearninglessthan$35,000;18%ofcitizensover65and20%ofvoters18to29yearsolddonothavetherequiredphotoIDcard. Acierto! In fact, 25% of African Americans, 15% of those earning less than $35,000; 18% of citizens over 65 and 20% of voters 18 to 29 years old do not have the required photo ID card. 39 Andthat'snotall. Acierto! And that's not all. 4 Students,votersconsideredtobevotingmoreforDemocraticcandidates,arenotallowedinseveralStatestousethephotoIDcardissuedbytheirinstitution. Acierto! Students, voters considered to be voting more for Democratic candidates, are not allowed in several States to use the photo ID card issued by their institution. 36 Ontheotherhand,thesesameStatesallowfishingorhuntingclubmembers,whovotemoreRepublican,tousethecardsissuedbytheseclubswhentheyvote. Acierto! On the other hand, these same States allow fishing or hunting club members, who vote more Republican, to use the cards issued by these clubs when they vote. 35 Priorto2004,noStaterequiredproofofcitizenshiptovote. Acierto! Prior to 2004, no State required proof of citizenship to vote. 12 Arizonawasthefirsttointroducesucharequirement. Acierto! Arizona was the first to introduce such a requirement. 11 Since2011,adozenStateshaveadoptedlawsrequiringvoterstoprovetheyareAmericancitizens. Acierto! Since 2011, a dozen States have adopted laws requiring voters to prove they are American citizens. 22 ThesemeasuresareclearlyintendedtolimittheHispanicvote. Acierto! These measures are clearly intended to limit the Hispanic vote. 13 However,itappearsthattwooutofthreeHispanicvotersfavourtheDemocraticparty. Acierto! However, it appears that two out of three Hispanic voters favour the Democratic party. 20 Whatismore,in2011RepublicanlegislatorssponsoredlawsabolishingtheregistrationofvotersonelectiondayineightStates. Acierto! What is more, in 2011 Republican legislators sponsored laws abolishing the registration of voters on election day in eight States. 28 Inaddition,theylimitedtherightofindividualsandgroupstoprovideassistancetovoterswishingtoregister. Acierto! In addition, they limited the right of individuals and groups to provide assistance to voters wishing to register. 26 Theserestrictionsarenotwithoutconsequence. Acierto! These restrictions are not without consequence. 9 Forexample,duringthe2004generalelection,voterregistrationcampaignscontributedtoregisteringaround10millioncitizens. Acierto! For example, during the 2004 general election, voter registration campaigns contributed to registering around 10 million citizens. 29 However,themeasuresadoptedsince2009haveledtoa17%dropintheregistrationrateofnewvotersin2010comparedto2006. Acierto! However, the measures adopted since 2009 have led to a 17% drop in the registration rate of new voters in 2010 compared to 2006. 28 Inaddition,RepublicanlegislatorshaveenactedlawsinfiveotherStatesaimedatreducingtheearlyvotingperiod. Acierto! In addition, Republican legislators have enacted laws in five other States aimed at reducing the early voting period. 25 Forexample,duringthe2008generalelectioninFlorida,33%ofearlyvoterswereAfrican-Americans,whoaccountedhoweverforonly13%ofvotersintheState. Acierto! For example, during the 2008 general election in Florida, 33% of early voters were African-Americans, who accounted however for only 13% of voters in the State. 34 ThesameappliedtoHispanics. Acierto! The same applied to Hispanics. 6 Theserepresentedonly11%ofvoters,but24%ofcitizenswhovotedearly. Acierto! These represented only 11% of voters, but 24% of citizens who voted early. 15 Ontheotherhand,76%ofvoterswerewhitebuttheserepresentedonly46%ofearlyvoters. Acierto! On the other hand, 76% of voters were white but these represented only 46% of early voters. 20 Ofcourse,Democraticlegislatorsandtheirsupportersvigorouslyopposedtheadoptionoflawsrestrictingvoterregistration. Acierto! Of course, Democratic legislators and their supporters vigorously opposed the adoption of laws restricting voter registration. 29 SeveralbillswereblockedbyvetoesofDemocraticgovernors. Acierto! Several bills were blocked by vetoes of Democratic governors. 13 TheUnitedStatesAttorneyGeneralintervenedtosuspendthemostcontroversiallaws. Acierto! The United States Attorney General intervened to suspend the most controversial laws. 19 Theywereabletopartiallylimitthedamage. Acierto! They were able to partially limit the damage. 8 Forexample,only16outof34StateshaveadoptedlawsrequiringthepresentationofaphotoIDcard. Acierto! For example, only 16 out of 34 States have adopted laws requiring the presentation of a photo ID card. 23 However,thenewrulesputinplacewillundoubtedlymakeitmoredifficulttoexercisetherighttovotein2012. Acierto! However, the new rules put in place will undoubtedly make it more difficult to exercise the right to vote in 2012. 26 Democraticcriticsdenouncethepartisancharacterofthelawsthathavebeenpassedandtheyseeaclearobjectiveofinfluencingthe2012resultsinkeyStates. Acierto! Democratic critics denounce the partisan character of the laws that have been passed and they see a clear objective of influencing the 2012 results in key States. 38 A2011BrennanCentrereportshowsthattheStatesthathaveadoptedtheselawsrepresent171ofthe270votesneededintheelectoralcollegetowinthePresidency. Acierto! A 2011 Brennan Centre report shows that the States that have adopted these laws represent 171 of the 270 votes needed in the electoral college to win the Presidency. 36 Itistooearlytosaywithcertaintythattheselegislativechangesintheelectoralsystemwillhavesignificantimpactsontheoutcomeofthe2012presidentialelections. Acierto! It is too early to say with certainty that these legislative changes in the electoral system will have significant impacts on the outcome of the 2012 presidential elections. 40 Butonethingiscertain:thesenewprovisionswillhaveanegativeimpactontheturn-out. Acierto! But one thing is certain: these new provisions will have a negative impact on the turn-out. 21 Inthissense,themeasureswillpartiallyunderminetheAmericandemocraticsystem. Acierto! In this sense, the measures will partially undermine the American democratic system. 18 Prostatecancerscreening:takethetestornot? Acierto! Prostate cancer screening: take the test or not? 9 Indeed,thePSAtestsometimesshowserroneousresultswithfalsenegativeorevenfalsepositiveresults,whichinvolveunnecessarymedicalinterventions. Acierto! Indeed, the PSA test sometimes shows erroneous results with false negative or even false positive results, which involve unnecessary medical interventions. 37 Enoughtomakealreadyreluctantmenhesitatetotakescreeningtests. Acierto! Enough to make already reluctant men hesitate to take screening tests. 15 Takethetestornot? Acierto! Take the test or not? 4 Weaskedtwospecialistsfortheiropinion. Acierto! We asked two specialists for their opinion. 8 InstudiesconductedintheUnitedStates,therewasalotofcontaminationbetweencontrolgroups,soitisdifficulttointerpretthedataandmakefirmrecommendations. Acierto! In studies conducted in the United States, there was a lot of contamination between control groups, so it is difficult to interpret the data and make firm recommendations. 39 Anotherstudy,thistimeaEuropeanone,concludedthattherewasadifferenceinmortalitybetweenpatientswhowerescreenedandthosewhowerenot. Acierto! Another study, this time a European one, concluded that there was a difference in mortality between patients who were screened and those who were not. 35 Thisstudyalsoshowed,withafollow-upafter12years,thatitisbetween30and40%morelikelyformetastasestooccurintheabsenceofscreening. Acierto! This study also showed, with a follow-up after 12 years, that it is between 30 and 40% more likely for metastases to occur in the absence of screening. 34 Ithereforerecommendthetestfromage50,or40ifyouhaveadirectrelativewhopreviouslyhadprostatecancer. Acierto! I therefore recommend the test from age 50, or 40 if you have a direct relative who previously had prostate cancer. 26 African-Americanmenarealsomoreatrisk. Acierto! African-American men are also more at risk. 7 Thekeyistomaketherightdecisiononcecancerhasbeendetected. Acierto! The key is to make the right decision once cancer has been detected. 15 Thereareaggressivecancersandothersthatareindolent. Acierto! There are aggressive cancers and others that are indolent. 12 Thepatientreallyneedstobemadetounderstandthedegreeofriskofhiscancer,byofferinghimtheoptionsavailable,notnecessarilytreatingprostatecancersthatarenotlong-termlifethreatening,andoptinginstead,insuchcases,foractivemonitoringofthedisease. Acierto! The patient really needs to be made to understand the degree of risk of his cancer, by offering him the options available, not necessarily treating prostate cancers that are not long-term life threatening, and opting instead, in such cases, for active monitoring of the disease. 68 Today,manymeninwhomcancerhasbeendetectedwillnotbetreatedbecausetheircancerisnotaggressiveandisnotlifethreatening. Acierto! Today, many men in whom cancer has been detected will not be treated because their cancer is not aggressive and is not life threatening. 32 Activemonitoringwillbesuggested,andifthediseaseprogresses,theywillbeofferedtreatment. Acierto! Active monitoring will be suggested, and if the disease progresses, they will be offered treatment. 23 Moreandmore,specificcriteriaarebeingdeterminedinordertodecidewhoshouldorshouldnotbetreated. Acierto! More and more, specific criteria are being determined in order to decide who should or should not be treated. 25 ThereforeIrecommendtakingthetest. Acierto! Therefore I recommend taking the test. 7 Buttheimportantthingistohaveadiscussionwithyourdoctortodeterminewhetherornottotakeit. Acierto! But the important thing is to have a discussion with your doctor to determine whether or not to take it. 23 IncollaborationwiththeSociétéinternationaled'urologie[SIU],MovemberhascreatedatoolthatmakesitpossibletoevaluatetheprosandconsofthePSAtest. Fallo! In collaboration with the Société internationale d' urologie [SIU], Movember has created a tool that makes it possible to evaluate the pros and cons of the PSA test. vs In collaboration with the Société internationale d'urologie [SIU], Movember has created a tool that makes it possible to evaluate the pros and cons of the PSA test. 37 Youcandownloadthedocument(inEnglishforthetimebeing,a[French]translationwillbeavailableshortly)atthisaddress: Fallo! You can download the document ( in English for the time being, a [French] translation will be available shortly) at this address: vs You can download the document (in English for the time being, a [French] translation will be available shortly) at this address: 30 Preventingthedisease Acierto! Preventing the disease 4 Unfortunately,thereisnomiraclerecipeforpreventingcancer. Acierto! Unfortunately, there is no miracle recipe for preventing cancer. 13 Despitetheprogressinresearch,theadoptionofhealthylivinghabitsremainsthebestwaytoreducetheriskofsufferingfromit. Acierto! Despite the progress in research, the adoption of healthy living habits remains the best way to reduce the risk of suffering from it. 30 Itisestimatedthatifeveryoneatewellandexercisedenough,30%ofcancerscouldbeprevented. Acierto! It is estimated that if everyone ate well and exercised enough, 30% of cancers could be prevented. 22 "Ifnomorepeoplesmoked,thisratewouldincreasetoatleast50%,"saysAndréBeaulieu,spokesmanfortheCanadianCancerSociety. Acierto! "If no more people smoked, this rate would increase to at least 50%," says André Beaulieu, spokesman for the Canadian Cancer Society. 29 Ontheotherhand,itisestimatedthatroughly10%ofcancersarehereditary. Acierto! On the other hand, it is estimated that roughly 10% of cancers are hereditary. 16 Somearealsocompletelyunexplained. Acierto! Some are also completely unexplained. 6 FortheCanadianCancerSociety,thefightagainsttobaccoremainsapriority,despitethedecreaseinthenumberofsmokers. Acierto! For the Canadian Cancer Society, the fight against tobacco remains a priority, despite the decrease in the number of smokers. 28 Cigarettesarelinkedto85%oflungcancercases. Acierto! Cigarettes are linked to 85% of lung cancer cases. 9 Itisalsoariskfactorforanumberofothers. Acierto! It is also a risk factor for a number of others. 8 Thismassivelydamagespeople'shealth. Acierto! This massively damages people's health. 7 "Eventoday,thereare1.5millionsmokersinQuebec"deploresspokespersonAndréBeaulieu. Fallo! "Even today, there are 1.5 million smokers in Quebec " de plores spokesperson André Beaulieu. vs "Even today, there are 1.5 million smokers in Quebec" deplores spokesperson André Beaulieu. 21 Encouragingdata:10yearsaftergivingupsmoking,theriskofdyingfromcancerdropsbyhalf. Acierto! Encouraging data: 10 years after giving up smoking, the risk of dying from cancer drops by half. 23 Weight Acierto! Weight 3 Overweightandobesityarealsoconducivetotheonsetofthedisease,accordingtotheSCC. Acierto! Overweight and obesity are also conducive to the onset of the disease, according to the SCC. 21 Theycanincreasetherisksofcancerofthebreast,colonandrectum,oesophagus,pancreasanduterus. Acierto! They can increase the risks of cancer of the breast, colon and rectum, oesophagus, pancreas and uterus. 24 "Researchshowsthattheregularpracticeofphysicalactivitythroughoutyourlifeprotectsagainstcoloncancer"itisalsosaid. Fallo! "Research shows that the regular practice of physical activity throughout your life protects against colon cancer "it is also said. vs "Research shows that the regular practice of physical activity throughout your life protects against colon cancer" it is also said. 30 Diet Acierto! Diet 2 Theorganisationalsorecommendslimitingyourconsumptionofredmeat. Acierto! The organisation also recommends limiting your consumption of red meat. 15 Inlargeamounts,itincreasestherisksofdevelopingcolo-rectalcancer. Acierto! In large amounts, it increases the risks of developing colo-rectal cancer. 16 Likewise,sodocuredmeatproducts,andtheseshouldbeavoided. Acierto! Likewise, so do cured meat products, and these should be avoided. 14 Theconservationofmeatbysmoking,dryingorcuringcancausetheformationofcarcinogens. Acierto! The conservation of meat by smoking, drying or curing can cause the formation of carcinogens. 21 "Theycandamagecellsinthebodyandleadtothedevelopmentofcancer"itisexplained. Acierto! "They can damage cells in the body and lead to the development of cancer" it is explained. 21 Vitamins Acierto! Vitamins 2 Inrecentyears,anumberofscientistshavestudiedthelinksbetweenvitaminsupplementsandcancer. Acierto! In recent years, a number of scientists have studied the links between vitamin supplements and cancer. 22 Forthetimebeinghowevertheirresearchisinconclusive. Acierto! For the time being however their research is inconclusive. 11 StudiesonvitaminEarecontradictory,accordingtotheSCC. Acierto! Studies on vitamin E are contradictory, according to the SCC. 12 Whileonestudynotedadecreaseintheriskofprostatecancer,anothernotedanincrease. Acierto! While one study noted a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer, another noted an increase. 20 AlsotheeffectofvitaminDoncancerisnotclear. Acierto! Also the effect of vitamin D on cancer is not clear. 9 Inaddition,MrBeaulieuemphasisestheimportanceofdiscussingyourconcernsandfamilyhistorywithyourdoctor. Acierto! In addition, Mr Beaulieu emphasises the importance of discussing your concerns and family history with your doctor. 26 "Takingascreeningtestdoesn'tgiveyoucancer." Acierto! "Taking a screening test doesn't give you cancer." 9 TheHiggsbosonrevealed Acierto! The Higgs boson revealed 4 TheannouncementoftheprobablediscoveryoftheHiggsbosoncreatedquiteastirlastsummer,andwithgoodreason. Acierto! The announcement of the probable discovery of the Higgs boson created quite a stir last summer, and with good reason. 26 Indeed,itisbelievedthatthisbosonispartofthemechanismresponsibleforthemassofeverythingintheUniverse,noless. Acierto! Indeed, it is believed that this boson is part of the mechanism responsible for the mass of everything in the Universe, no less. 30 AlsoitisthelastparticlewhoseexistenceispredictedbytheStandardModel-ourbestor"lessworse"explanationofthenatureandbehaviourofmatter-butwhichhasnotyetbeenobservedempirically. Acierto! Also it is the last particle whose existence is predicted by the Standard Model - our best or "less worse" explanation of the nature and behaviour of matter - but which has not yet been observed empirically. 48 Butforphysicists,itisstillnotcompletelysurethatitreallyistheHiggs. Acierto! But for physicists, it is still not completely sure that it really is the Higgs. 18 Weknowwithoutashadowofadoubtthatitisanewauthenticparticle,andgreatlyresemblestheHiggsbosonpredictedbytheStandardModel. Acierto! We know without a shadow of a doubt that it is a new authentic particle, and greatly resembles the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. 32 Inaddition,newdataunveiledthisweekatalargephysicsCongressinKyotoseemtoconfirmthis,buttherearestillinsufficientdatatobeperfectlysure. Acierto! In addition, new data unveiled this week at a large physics Congress in Kyoto seem to confirm this, but there are still insufficient data to be perfectly sure. 36 Butlet'ssupposethatitreallyistheHiggs,sincethechancesofbeingmistakenseemslim,andseewhatitis. Acierto! But let's suppose that it really is the Higgs, since the chances of being mistaken seem slim, and see what it is. 25 Inourworld,thereisafatallyunavoidablelawwhichstatesthattwothingscannotmeetatthesameplaceatthesametime. Acierto! In our world, there is a fatally unavoidable law which states that two things cannot meet at the same place at the same time. 27 There'snowaytobreakthisrule-anddon'ttrytoohard,you'llgomad. Acierto! There's no way to break this rule - and don't try too hard, you'll go mad. 15 However,eventhoughparticlephysicsisaverystrangeworld,itturnsoutthatitalsohasalawofthesamekind:thePauliexclusionprinciple,whichstatesthattwoparticlescannotoccupythesamespaceatthesametimeiftheyareinthesame"quantumstate"-this"state"consistingroughlyofcertainoftheircharacteristics. Acierto! However, even though particle physics is a very strange world, it turns out that it also has a law of the same kind: the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that two particles cannot occupy the same space at the same time if they are in the same "quantum state" - this "state" consisting roughly of certain of their characteristics. 86 Basedonthis,physicistsclassifyparticlesintotwocategories. Acierto! Based on this, physicists classify particles into two categories. 14 Inonecornerwehavegoodcitizenscalledfermions,whowiselyobeythePauliprinciple. Acierto! In one corner we have good citizens called fermions, who wisely obey the Pauli principle. 20 Whilelurkingintheotherarethebosons,anastybandofanarchistswhorespectnothing-atallevents,notthisprinciple,whichmeansthattheycanindeedbefoundinthesameplaceatthesametime. Fallo! While lurking in the other are the bosons,a nasty band of anarchists who respect nothing - at all events, not this principle, which means that they can indeed be found in the same place at the same time. vs While lurking in the other are the bosons, a nasty band of anarchists who respect nothing - at all events, not this principle, which means that they can indeed be found in the same place at the same time. 46 Thesebosonsarethendividedintotwogroups,accordingtotheBerkeleyLabsParticleAdventuresite(absolutelyextraordinary,bytheway):mesons,whichwewillnotdiscusshere,and"forceparticles"bywhichthegreatforcesofnaturearepropagatedandtowhichtheHiggsbosonmaybesomehowrelated. Fallo! These bosons are then divided into two groups, according to the Berkeley Labs Particle Adventure site (absolutely extraordinary, by the way): me sons, which we will not discuss here, and "force particles" by which the great forces of nature are propagated and to which the Higgs boson may be somehow related. vs These bosons are then divided into two groups, according to the Berkeley Labs Particle Adventure site (absolutely extraordinary, by the way): mesons, which we will not discuss here, and "force particles" by which the great forces of nature are propagated and to which the Higgs boson may be somehow related. 75 Thesebosons,itmustbestressedhere,arenotallsuchexoticbugsasyoumightthink. Fallo! These bo sons, it must be stressed here, are not all such exotic bugs as you might think. vs These bosons, it must be stressed here, are not all such exotic bugs as you might think. 20 Infact,ifyoucanreadthisarticle,itisthankstoanextraordinarilybanalboson:thephoton,orthe"lightparticle"whichisthe"messenger"oftheelectromagneticforce. Acierto! In fact, if you can read this article, it is thanks to an extraordinarily banal boson: the photon, or the "light particle" which is the "messenger" of the electromagnetic force. 41 When,infact,aparticlehavinganelectricchargeacceleratesorchangesdirection,this"disturbs"theelectromagneticfieldinthisspecificplace,ratherlikeapebblethrowninapond. Fallo! When , in fact, a particle having an electric charge accelerates or changes direction, this "disturbs" the electromagnetic field in this specific place, rather like a pebble thrown in a pond. vs When, in fact, a particle having an electric charge accelerates or changes direction, this "disturbs" the electromagnetic field in this specific place, rather like a pebble thrown in a pond. 44 This"disturbance"producesanelectromagneticwave(oflight,infrared,ultravioletetc.),andthiswaveisnothingotherthanaphoton-andthusoneofthe"forcecarrier"bosons. Acierto! This "disturbance" produces an electromagnetic wave (of light, infrared, ultraviolet etc.), and this wave is nothing other than a photon - and thus one of the "force carrier" bosons. 39 Morestablefield Acierto! More stable field 3 ThesameappliestotheHiggsboson,withthedifferencethatitisanotherfield,theHiggsfield,whichmustbe"disturbed"forthebosontoappear. Fallo! The same applies to the Higgs boson, with the difference that it is another field, the Higgs field, which must be "disturbed" for the bos on to appear. vs The same applies to the Higgs boson, with the difference that it is another field, the Higgs field, which must be "disturbed" for the boson to appear. 34 Now,thisHiggsfieldismuch,muchmorestablethantheelectromagneticfield;toexciteit,itisnecessarytoachievevery,veryhighenergylevels,ratherlikeafrozenpondwhichwouldneedaverylargerocktowrinklethesurface. Acierto! Now, this Higgs field is much, much more stable than the electromagnetic field; to excite it, it is necessary to achieve very, very high energy levels, rather like a frozen pond which would need a very large rock to wrinkle the surface. 55 WhichiswhyahugeparticleacceleratorliketheoneatCERN-theLargeHadronColliderisaringwitha27kmcircumference!-isneededtoachievesuchenergylevels. Acierto! Which is why a huge particle accelerator like the one at CERN - the Large Hadron Collider is a ring with a 27km circumference! - is needed to achieve such energy levels. 38 TheanalogywiththeelectromagneticfieldisagainusefulforexplainingtherelationshipbetweentheHiggsandmass. Acierto! The analogy with the electromagnetic field is again useful for explaining the relationship between the Higgs and mass. 27 Infactnotallparticles,orallmaterials,interactwiththeelectromagneticfield. Acierto! In fact not all particles, or all materials, interact with the electromagnetic field. 19 Some,suchasmagnets,doso,butothersdon't-apieceofpaper,forexample,willneversticktoafridge. Acierto! Some, such as magnets, do so, but others don't - a piece of paper, for example, will never stick to a fridge. 25 Andlikewise,notallparticlesinteractwiththeHiggsfield:thosethatdosohavemass,whiletheothers(suchasthephoton)donot. Acierto! And likewise, not all particles interact with the Higgs field: those that do so have mass, while the others (such as the photon) do not. 30 Now,whatisitthatallthisresearch"canbring"?asksMsPlamondon. Acierto! Now, what is it that all this research "can bring"? asks Ms Plamondon. 14 Forscience,itservestocheckthevalidityoftheStandardModel(SM),andalsoallowsphysicianstoexamineanydiscrepanciesbetweentheobservationsandpredictionsoftheSM. Acierto! For science, it serves to check the validity of the Standard Model (SM), and also allows physicians to examine any discrepancies between the observations and predictions of the SM. 41 Anumberofpeople,moreover,ferventlyhopethatsomewillbefound,becausetheslightestdifferencecouldopenadoortoa"newphysics"andplugcertainholesintheModel. Acierto! A number of people, moreover, fervently hope that some will be found, because the slightest difference could open a door to a "new physics" and plug certain holes in the Model. 39 This,itmustbesaid,stillhashugeshortcomings,offeringnoexplanationforgravity(oops!)ordarkmatter,whichformsapproximately80%ofthematterintheUniverse(re-oops!). Acierto! This, it must be said, still has huge shortcomings, offering no explanation for gravity (oops!) or dark matter, which forms approximately 80% of the matter in the Universe (re-oops!). 42 ButtodatenosuchdiscrepancieshavebeenfoundatCERN. Acierto! But to date no such discrepancies have been found at CERN. 11 Repercussions Acierto! Repercussions 3 Therepercussionsofthisresearchonthedailylifeofthemaninthestreetaremoredifficulttopredict,butitwouldbewrongtoassumethattherewon'tbeany. Acierto! The repercussions of this research on the daily life of the man in the street are more difficult to predict, but it would be wrong to assume that there won't be any. 36 Remember:intheveryearly60s,thepioneersofthelaseratBellLaboratoriesdidnotsuspecttherevolutionthatwouldbetriggeredbytheirwork. Fallo! Remember : in the very early 60s, the pioneers of the laser at Bell Laboratories did not suspect the revolution that would be triggered by their work. vs Remember: in the very early 60s, the pioneers of the laser at Bell Laboratories did not suspect the revolution that would be triggered by their work. 35 Theyhadaninklingofthescientificapplications,butnothingastotherest. Acierto! They had an inkling of the scientific applications, but nothing as to the rest. 18 Infact,thelateWillardBoyle-aphysicistwhoworkedatBellLabs,wherethelaserwasinventedin1960,andwhohimselfdevelopedthefirstcontinuouslaser(thefirstwerepulsed)in1962-toldusthatinitiallythelaserwasratherseenasa"labgadget." Acierto! In fact, the late Willard Boyle - a physicist who worked at Bell Labs, where the laser was invented in 1960, and who himself developed the first continuous laser (the first were pulsed) in 1962 - told us that initially the laser was rather seen as a "lab gadget." 62 Justimagine... Acierto! Just imagine... 3 Andthen,applicationscanalsocomefromalltheinstrumentationthatsurroundsresearch. Acierto! And then, applications can also come from all the instrumentation that surrounds research. 20 Forexample,thesameWillardBoyledevelopedasmalllightsensorin1969,duringhisworkinoptics. Acierto! For example, the same Willard Boyle developed a small light sensor in 1969, during his work in optics. 22 Thissensor,althoughthiswasnotatalltheoriginalintention,nowservesasan"eye"toalldigitalcamerasworldwide,andearnedhimtheNobelphysicsprizein2009. Acierto! This sensor, although this was not at all the original intention, now serves as an "eye" to all digital cameras worldwide, and earned him the Nobel physics prize in 2009. 39 ThisdoesnotofcoursemeanthattheactivitiesoftheLHCwillnecessarilytransformourlives,butitdoesmeanthat,actually,youneverknow... Acierto! This does not of course mean that the activities of the LHC will necessarily transform our lives, but it does mean that, actually, you never know... 33 Palliativecare-Thebestwaytodie...|LeDevoir Fallo! Palliative care - The best way to die . . . | Le Devoir vs Palliative care - The best way to die... | Le Devoir 9 WithitsDyingwithDignityCommission,Quebecrecentlydiscussedthedelicateissueoftheendoflife. Acierto! With its Dying with Dignity Commission, Quebec recently discussed the delicate issue of the end of life. 23 Thedebateisduetoresumeshortlyasabillisbeingprepared. Acierto! The debate is due to resume shortly as a bill is being prepared. 13 However,inthisvitalarea,muchremainstobedone. Acierto! However, in this vital area, much remains to be done. 9 LeDevoirattemptedtolookmoreclosely. Acierto! Le Devoir attempted to look more closely. 7 JustafewweeksagoMrL.livedaloneinhisMontérégieapartment. Acierto! Just a few weeks ago Mr L. lived alone in his Montérégie apartment. 15 Thefesteringprostatecancerhadallowedhimatwo-yearrespite. Acierto! The festering prostate cancer had allowed him a two-year respite. 13 "Theygavemefiveyearstolive,I'vemadeittoseven,"hesays,withmixedemotions,lyinginhisbedattheVictor-GadboispalliativecarehomeinBeloeil,wherehearrivedthepreviousday. Fallo! "They gave me five years to live, I've made it to seven," he says, with mixed emotions, lying in his bed at the Victor-Gad bois palliative care home in Bel oeil, where he arrived the previous day. vs "They gave me five years to live, I've made it to seven," he says, with mixed emotions, lying in his bed at the Victor-Gadbois palliative care home in Beloeil, where he arrived the previous day. 45 "Butit'sstillashock,youcanneverbepreparedforit"headds. Acierto! "But it's still a shock, you can never be prepared for it" he adds. 13 Thediseaseisdoingitswork:hugeweaknesswhichpreventshimgoingtothetoiletalone,andeveneatingalone. Acierto! The disease is doing its work: huge weakness which prevents him going to the toilet alone, and even eating alone. 26 Sittinginfrontofanappetisinglunch,heconsentstobeinghelpedtoeat,resigned. Acierto! Sitting in front of an appetising lunch, he consents to being helped to eat, resigned. 20 Courageous,heevenmanagestosmile,talkstothestrangersbustlingaroundhim,bringinghimhismedication,offeringhimabath. Fallo! Courageous , he even manages to smile, talks to the strangers bustling around him, bringing him his medication, offering him a bath. vs Courageous, he even manages to smile, talks to the strangers bustling around him, bringing him his medication, offering him a bath. 31 Thecourageofordinarydeath. Acierto! The courage of ordinary death. 6 "WhatIwantmostistobecuredofmydiarrhoea,it'shumiliating"heconfided. Acierto! "What I want most is to be cured of my diarrhoea, it's humiliating" he confided. 18 Afewhourslater,theteamfoundacureforthisillness. Acierto! A few hours later, the team found a cure for this illness. 11 "Duringourlives,welearnthatamanpissesstandingup,"saysPierreBrodeur,psychologistattheVictor-Gadboishome. Acierto! "During our lives, we learn that a man pisses standing up," says Pierre Brodeur, psychologist at the Victor-Gadbois home. 28 Regressingtothestageofachild,forsomepeople,isanunacceptablehumiliation. Acierto! Regressing to the stage of a child, for some people, is an unacceptable humiliation. 21 "Itdependsontheperson'sability"toaccepttheregression,hesays. Acierto! "It depends on the person's ability" to accept the regression, he says. 14 Because,intheopinionofanumberofpeopleworkinginpalliativecare,greatmomentsoccurattheveryheartofsuchregression. Fallo! Because,in the opinion of a number of people working in palliative care, great moments occur at the very heart of such regression. vs Because, in the opinion of a number of people working in palliative care, great moments occur at the very heart of such regression. 31 PatientsattheVictor-Gadboispalliativecarehomeallsufferfromcancer. Fallo! Patients at the Victor-Gad bois palliative care home all suffer from cancer. vs Patients at the Victor-Gadbois palliative care home all suffer from cancer. 17 Theyhaveamaximumlifeexpectancyofthreemonths. Acierto! They have a maximum life expectancy of three months. 10 Atthisstage,theteamofdoctorsandnursessurroundingthemnolongerprovidesso-called"curative"care. Acierto! At this stage, the team of doctors and nurses surrounding them no longer provides so-called "curative" care. 24 ForMrsA.,89yearsold,theworstfearistodie"consciousandsuffocating." Acierto! For Mrs A., 89 years old, the worst fear is to die "conscious and suffocating." 18 Butthediseasehasmademediscovermychildren. Acierto! But the disease has made me discover my children. 8 "Ihavefinechildren"sheadds. Acierto! "I have fine children" she adds. 6 "Idon'twishforanythingmoreinlife"shesays,beforeacceptinghavingamaskputontohelpherbreathe. Acierto! "I don't wish for anything more in life" she says, before accepting having a mask put on to help her breathe. 24 Shelooksforwardnevertheless,inthenextfewdays,toalastvisitbyhersoncomingfromItaly. Acierto! She looks forward nevertheless, in the next few days, to a last visit by her son coming from Italy. 22 AtVictor-Gadbois,agroupofvolunteersprovidesbodilycareandhelpwithfeeding. Fallo! At Victor-Gad bois, a group of volunteers provides bodily care and help with feeding. vs At Victor-Gadbois, a group of volunteers provides bodily care and help with feeding. 19 Thisispalliativecare,givenwhenthereisnothingelsethatcanbedone. Acierto! This is palliative care, given when there is nothing else that can be done. 17 Tomakedeathmorecomfortable. Acierto! To make death more comfortable. 5 InQuebec,therearepalliativecarebedsfor11,700inhabitants. Acierto! In Quebec, there are palliative care beds for 11,700 inhabitants. 13 Thisisveryfewwhenweknowthatwewillalldieoneday. Acierto! This is very few when we know that we will all die one day. 11 Here,lifecontinuesunderthebestpossibleconditions,explainsDrChristianeMartel,oneofthedoctorsatthehome. Acierto! Here, life continues under the best possible conditions, explains Dr Christiane Martel, one of the doctors at the home. 27 Whetherataphysicalcomfort,emotionalorspirituallevel. Acierto! Whether at a physical comfort, emotional or spiritual level. 12 ApersonwhoisdyingwillacceptbeinghelpedtodrinkbrandyorPepsi,whateveristheirtipple. Acierto! A person who is dying will accept being helped to drink brandy or Pepsi, whatever is their tipple. 22 Diabeticsnolongerneedtocontroltheirbloodsugar. Acierto! Diabetics no longer need to control their blood sugar. 10 Anddeathispartofeverydaylife. Acierto! And death is part of everyday life. 6 Yesterdayevening,abeerwasservedtoMrX,whodiedduringthenight. Acierto! Yesterday evening, a beer was served to Mr X, who died during the night. 14 Thismorning,itishissonwhowillfinishthebeeratthefeetofthedeceased. Acierto! This morning, it is his son who will finish the beer at the feet of the deceased. 19 "Wehelprelativesasmuchaspatients"saysNathalieSavard,DirectorofCare. Acierto! "We help relatives as much as patients" says Nathalie Savard, Director of Care. 18 AttheVictor-Gadboishome,onedayfollowsanotherbutnotwoarealike. Fallo! At the Victor-Gad bois home, one day follows another but no two are alike. vs At the Victor-Gadbois home, one day follows another but no two are alike. 16 Alongwitha93-year-oldmanwhoissavouringhislastmeetingwithhisfamily,sittingfirmlywedgedinhispillowswhiletoastsaredrunkinhishonour,a36-year-youngmanisdyingtragically,surroundedbyhisparents,hiswifeandhistwoyoungchildren,afterhavingtriedeverythingtosurvive. Acierto! Along with a 93-year-old man who is savouring his last meeting with his family, sitting firmly wedged in his pillows while toasts are drunk in his honour, a 36-year-young man is dying tragically, surrounded by his parents, his wife and his two young children, after having tried everything to survive. 74 "Forsixmonths,therehavealwaysbeenthreetofivebedswhichareoccupiedbycancerpatientslessthan45yearsold"saysaconcernedDrChristianeMartel. Acierto! "For six months, there have always been three to five beds which are occupied by cancer patients less than 45 years old" says a concerned Dr Christiane Martel. 37 53%ofpatientsadmittedtotheVictor-Gadboishomecomefromtheirhomes,47%fromhospital. Acierto! 53% of patients admitted to the Victor-Gadbois home come from their homes, 47% from hospital. 21 Lackofaccesstopalliativecare Acierto! Lack of access to palliative care 6 Itissaidthat77%ofCanadianssimplyhavenoaccesstopalliativecare,whichiscaredesignedtoeasethepainwhenapatienthasreachedtheterminalstageoflife,beitathome,inhospitalorinacarehome. Acierto! It is said that 77% of Canadians simply have no access to palliative care, which is care designed to ease the pain when a patient has reached the terminal stage of life, be it at home, in hospital or in a care home. 48 Andanumberoforganisations,suchastheVictor-GadboishomeandthePalliativeCareSocietyinGreaterMontreal,specialisemoreorlessexclusivelyincareprovidedtocancerpatients. Acierto! And a number of organisations, such as the Victor-Gadbois home and the Palliative Care Society in Greater Montreal, specialise more or less exclusively in care provided to cancer patients. 44 ItispreciselythislargegapinQuebechealthcarewhichhasmadeanumberofpalliativecarephysiciansfeartheadoptionofalawoneuthanasiaandassistedsuicide. Acierto! It is precisely this large gap in Quebec health care which has made a number of palliative care physicians fear the adoption of a law on euthanasia and assisted suicide. 38 SinceOctober,amanifesto,signedbypalliativecareluminariesincludingDrBalfourMountandDrBernardLapointe,hasbeencirculatingtodemonstratetheiroppositiontosuchaninitiative. Acierto! Since October, a manifesto, signed by palliative care luminaries including Dr Balfour Mount and Dr Bernard Lapointe, has been circulating to demonstrate their opposition to such an initiative. 44 AccordingtoDrChristianeMartel,theQuebechealthsystemisnoteffectiveenoughtoensurethateveryonewillbeentitledtoqualitypalliativecarebeforeitisacceptedtoproceedtoeuthanasia. Acierto! According to Dr Christiane Martel, the Quebec health system is not effective enough to ensure that everyone will be entitled to quality palliative care before it is accepted to proceed to euthanasia. 46 Recently,shesays,Isawapatientspend14daysinemergency,ingreatpain,withoutanythingbeingdonetoeasehersuffering. Acierto! Recently, she says, I saw a patient spend 14 days in emergency, in great pain, without anything being done to ease her suffering. 30 I'mafraidthatpatientsasktodiebecausetheydon'treceiveadequatecare. Acierto! I'm afraid that patients ask to die because they don't receive adequate care. 18 Andatthesametime,someoncologistsworkrelentlesslyontheirpatientsuntilthelastday,despitetheworstprognoses. Acierto! And at the same time, some oncologists work relentlessly on their patients until the last day, despite the worst prognoses. 28 HélèneRichard'ssurvivalhopeswerealreadyminimalwhensheendedhergruellingchemotherapy. Acierto! Hélène Richard's survival hopes were already minimal when she ended her gruelling chemotherapy. 23 WhenIannouncedtomyoncologistthatIwasstoppingthetreatment,shetoldmesheregrettedthatIhadgivenupfighting,shesaid. Acierto! When I announced to my oncologist that I was stopping the treatment, she told me she regretted that I had given up fighting, she said. 30 However,shehadtoldmeIwasfinished! Acierto! However, she had told me I was finished! 7 Noall-powerfulcare Acierto! No all-powerful care 4 DrMartelbelievesthat90%ofpatientsaskingtodiethankcare-giversfornothavingaccededtotheirrequestaftertheyhavebeenrelievedoftheirpainbyapalliativecareteam. Acierto! Dr Martel believes that 90% of patients asking to die thank care-givers for not having acceded to their request after they have been relieved of their pain by a palliative care team. 40 Butitmustbesaidthatpalliativecareisnotabsolutelyall-powerfulinthetreatmentofpain. Acierto! But it must be said that palliative care is not absolutely all-powerful in the treatment of pain. 23 AccordingtoElsieMonereau,PalliativeCareDirectorwiththePalliativeCareSocietyinGreaterMontreal,patientsareresistanttotreatmentagainstpainin8%ofcases. Acierto! According to Elsie Monereau, Palliative Care Director with the Palliative Care Society in Greater Montreal, patients are resistant to treatment against pain in 8% of cases. 40 Attheveryendoflife,physiciansthenoftenresorttopalliativesedation,whichisequivalenttoputtingthepatienttosleepuntilthetimeofdeath,eithersporadicallyorpermanently. Acierto! At the very end of life, physicians then often resort to palliative sedation, which is equivalent to putting the patient to sleep until the time of death, either sporadically or permanently. 44 Wecannolongerpretendnottounderstandthispartoftheirsuffering. Acierto! We can no longer pretend not to understand this part of their suffering. 16 Increasingly,anunrelievedpatientwillhavetheoptionofhavingsuchpalliativesedation. Acierto! Increasingly, an unrelieved patient will have the option of having such palliative sedation. 23 Patientswhoarenotrelievedalwayssaythesamething:"Iwanttodie." Acierto! Patients who are not relieved always say the same thing: "I want to die." 15 Butthisdoesnotnecessarilymean"Iwantyoutoeuthaniseme,"itmeans"Iwanttoberelieved." Acierto! But this does not necessarily mean "I want you to euthanise me," it means "I want to be relieved." 22 ThisreportwasmadepossiblethankstoajournalismawardfromtheCanadahealthresearchinstitutes. Acierto! This report was made possible thanks to a journalism award from the Canada health research institutes. 24 WidespreadrealestatescandalsinQuebec Acierto! Widespread real estate scandals in Quebec 7 Dayafterdayhighwayofficials,buildingcontractors,politicalpartyfund-raisersandItalianmafiaspecialiststellwhattheyknowofaformidable"system,"combiningthebuildingindustry,governmentofficials,politicians,tradeunionistsandorganisedcrime. Acierto! Day after day highway officials, building contractors, political party fund-raisers and Italian mafia specialists tell what they know of a formidable "system," combining the building industry, government officials, politicians, trade unionists and organised crime. 63 An"industry"whichhascostQuebectaxpayersdearly,especiallyinthe1990sand2000s. Fallo! An "in dustry" which has cost Quebec taxpayers dearly, especially in the 1990s and 2000s. vs An "industry" which has cost Quebec taxpayers dearly, especially in the 1990s and 2000s. 19 "Itiscurioushowthesystemiscrumblingsincewetookdrasticmeasures"saysJacquesDuchesneauironically,aQuebecpoliticianandformerMontrealChiefofPolice. Acierto! "It is curious how the system is crumbling since we took drastic measures" says Jacques Duchesneau ironically, a Quebec politician and former Montreal Chief of Police. 38 Itwasthroughhimthatthescandalbrokein2011,inanin-depthinvestigationintocorruptionrelatedtoroadconstructioncontractsinQuebec,towhichtheliberalPrimeMinisteratthetime,JeanCharest,hadconsentedonlyreluctantly. Acierto! It was through him that the scandal broke in 2011, in an in-depth investigation into corruption related to road construction contracts in Quebec, to which the liberal Prime Minister at the time, Jean Charest, had consented only reluctantly. 57 The"Duchesneaureport"establishedadirectlinkbetweenindustry,under-the-tablefinancingofpartiesandbriberyofofficials. Acierto! The "Duchesneau report" established a direct link between industry, under-the-table financing of parties and bribery of officials. 29 "Sincetheinquiryopenedin2010,hesays,theMinistryofTransportalonereportedlysavedabilliondollarsoncontracts,"withcertainpeoplecurbingtheirinstinctstogetashare! Fallo! "Since the inquiry opened in 2010, he says, the Ministry of Transport alone reportedly saved a billion dollars on contracts, "with certain people curbing their instincts to get a share! vs "Since the inquiry opened in 2010, he says, the Ministry of Transport alone reportedly saved a billion dollars on contracts," with certain people curbing their instincts to get a share! 42 TheCharbonneauCommission"hasalreadybroughtdowntwomayors"headds,hopingthatitwillsucceedin"revealingtheschemesbehindtheindividuals." Acierto! The Charbonneau Commission "has already brought down two mayors" he adds, hoping that it will succeed in "revealing the schemes behind the individuals." 33 Apermanentanti-corruptionunit,createdin2011 Acierto! A permanent anti-corruption unit, created in 2011 10 ThePermanentAnti-CorruptionUnit,createdin2011,isalsocoupledwithitsarmyofgovernmentanalysts,investigators,andauditors. Acierto! The Permanent Anti-Corruption Unit, created in 2011, is also coupled with its army of government analysts, investigators, and auditors. 30 Plusthe"Marteausquad"policemenwho,since2009,haveapparentlyledtheMontreal"sewercartel"tosoftpedalontheinflationofcontracts... Acierto! Plus the "Marteau squad" policemen who, since 2009, have apparently led the Montreal "sewer cartel" to soft pedal on the inflation of contracts... 33 Inrecentweeks,ithasconductedaseriesofsearchesandbroughtchargesoffraudandcorruptionagainstmunicipalpoliticians,suchasFrankZampinoandRichardMarcotte,Mayorofasuburbantown. Acierto! In recent weeks, it has conducted a series of searches and brought charges of fraud and corruption against municipal politicians, such as Frank Zampino and Richard Marcotte, Mayor of a suburban town. 44 NextonthelistisapparentlyGillesVaillancourt,whohasjustresignedfromhispostasMayorofLaval,thirdlargestcityinQuebec. Acierto! Next on the list is apparently Gilles Vaillancourt, who has just resigned from his post as Mayor of Laval, third largest city in Quebec. 31 Heissuspectedofpocketingrepeatedbribesinexchangeforpubliccontracts. Acierto! He is suspected of pocketing repeated bribes in exchange for public contracts. 18 OthersformallyaccusedareMontrealhighwayengineersandItalianentrepreneurs,includingTonyAccursoandLinoZambito. Acierto! Others formally accused are Montreal highway engineers and Italian entrepreneurs, including Tony Accurso and Lino Zambito. 28 Thelattercausedasensationbyexplainingthemechanicsofthepubliccontracts"system"tothecommission. Acierto! The latter caused a sensation by explaining the mechanics of the public contracts "system" to the commission. 25 Hehimselfpaid3%ofthevalueofthecontractsobtainedinMontrealtoanintermediarylinkedtothemafiawhointurnpaidthemoneytoUnionMontréal,MayorGéraldTremblay'sparty. Acierto! He himself paid 3% of the value of the contracts obtained in Montreal to an intermediary linked to the mafia who in turn paid the money to Union Montréal, Mayor Gérald Tremblay's party. 43 MrZambitohashandedmoneyoutfreelyinthe2000s,givingover88,000Canadiandollars(roughly68,000euros)toprovincialparties,especiallytheLiberalstheninpower. Fallo! Mr Zam bito hash and ed money out freely in the 2000s, giving over 88,000 Canadian dollars (roughly 68,000 euros) to provincial parties, especially the Liberals then in power. vs Mr Zambito has handed money out freely in the 2000s, giving over 88,000 Canadian dollars (roughly 68,000 euros) to provincial parties, especially the Liberals then in power. 41 HealsoadmittedhavingorganisedanillegalfundraiserforformerLiberalDeputy-PrimeMinister,NathalieNormandeau. Acierto! He also admitted having organised an illegal fundraiser for former Liberal Deputy-Prime Minister, Nathalie Normandeau. 27 Sewercontractswithinflatedcosts Acierto! Sewer contracts with inflated costs 6 InMontreal,thecorruption"system"ransmoothly. Acierto! In Montreal, the corruption "system" ran smoothly. 9 GillesSurprenant,formerpublicworksengineer,describeditindetailinfrontofthecommission:intenyears,hereceivedfromconstructioncompaniesgifts,invitationstotrips,golftournaments,restaurants,hockeymatchesandbribestotalling736,000dollars,inexchangeforsewercontractsofwhichheinflatedthecosts. Fallo! Gilles Sur prenant, former public works engineer, described it in detail in front of the commission: in ten years, he received from construction companies gifts, invitations to trips, golf tournaments, restaurants, hockey matches and bribes totalling 736,000 dollars, in exchange for sewer contracts of which he inflated the costs. vs Gilles Surprenant, former public works engineer, described it in detail in front of the commission: in ten years, he received from construction companies gifts, invitations to trips, golf tournaments, restaurants, hockey matches and bribes totalling 736,000 dollars, in exchange for sewer contracts of which he inflated the costs. 83 Otherhighwayofficialsadmittedhavingtheirpalmsgreasedbyinflatinginvoicesby30to40%,andbyfalseadd-ons. Acierto! Other highway officials admitted having their palms greased by inflating invoices by 30 to 40%, and by false add-ons. 27 ThenanorganiseroftheMayor'sparty,MartinDumont,accusedMrTremblayofhavingdeliberatelyclosedhiseyestoaparallelbudgetfeedinghiscofferswithdirtymoney. Acierto! Then an organiser of the Mayor's party, Martin Dumont, accused Mr Tremblay of having deliberately closed his eyes to a parallel budget feeding his coffers with dirty money. 38 Followingtheserevelations,MrTremblayresignedinearlyNovember,plungingMontrealintoamajorcrisis. Acierto! Following these revelations, Mr Tremblay resigned in early November, plunging Montreal into a major crisis. 25 ChantalRouleauwasoneofthefirstwomeninMontrealtoraisethealarm. Acierto! Chantal Rouleau was one of the first women in Montreal to raise the alarm. 16 MayoroftheboroughofRivière-des-Prairies,totheEastoftheisland,sheprotestedin2010againstthesaleofmunicipallandboughtfor5milliondollarsandresoldfor...1.6milliontodevelopers,attheheightoftherealestateboom. Fallo! Mayor of the borough of Rivière-des-Prairies, to the East of the island, she protested in 2010 against the sale of municipal land bought for 5 million dollars and resold for ... 1.6 million to developers, at the height of the real estate boom. vs Mayor of the borough of Rivière-des-Prairies, to the East of the island, she protested in 2010 against the sale of municipal land bought for 5 million dollars and resold for... 1.6 million to developers, at the height of the real estate boom. 58 70%dirtymoneyinelectioncampaigns Acierto! 70% dirty money in election campaigns 6 Ontheinvestigationwhichwilleventuallybeimplemented,shesaysshe"isfollowingathreadinordertofindouthowthesystem-infiltratedbyants-works,toputastoptothegangreneandcatchtheculprits." Acierto! On the investigation which will eventually be implemented, she says she "is following a thread in order to find out how the system - infiltrated by ants - works, to put a stop to the gangrene and catch the culprits." 49 Theprocess,shesays,is"painfulbutpositive." Acierto! The process, she says, is "painful but positive." 9 Thewoundisbeingcleaned,butMontrealwouldneeditsowninvestigativeunitwithongoingmonitoring,toavoidthereturnofthesequestionablepractices. Acierto! The wound is being cleaned, but Montreal would need its own investigative unit with ongoing monitoring, to avoid the return of these questionable practices. 35 Howtocleanhouse. Acierto! How to clean house. 4 Properly. Acierto! Properly. 3 JacquesDuchesneaunotesforhispartthat"officialsstolehundredsofmillionsofdollars,"butheisespeciallyconcernedabouttheroleof"electedpeopleawareofthescheme,"whentheywerenotuptotheirnecksinthescam! Acierto! Jacques Duchesneau notes for his part that "officials stole hundreds of millions of dollars," but he is especially concerned about the role of "elected people aware of the scheme," when they were not up to their necks in the scam! 53 EstimatingtheshareofdirtymoneyinthefinancingofelectioncampaignsinQuebecat70%,hesaysdryly:"Iwastoldthatitwasonlyapalereflectionofreality." Acierto! Estimating the share of dirty money in the financing of election campaigns in Quebec at 70%, he says dryly: "I was told that it was only a pale reflection of reality." 39 TheQuebecgovernmentproposestolimitdonationstopartiesto100dollars,butthiswillnotchangethesituation,hesays:"Untilelectionexpensesarestrictlylimited,therewillbedirtymoneyinpolitics." Acierto! The Quebec government proposes to limit donations to parties to 100 dollars, but this will not change the situation, he says: "Until election expenses are strictly limited, there will be dirty money in politics." 48 Headvocatesacompleteoverhaulofthesystemforgrantingpubliccontractsandpartyfunding:"Wecan'tgoanylower;gettingtothebottomofthings,withcourage,willhelptorebuildthehouseonmoresolidfoundations,withmorecontrolsandlaws." Fallo! Headvocates a complete overhaul of the system for granting public contracts and party funding: "We can't go any lower; getting to the bottom of things, with courage, will help to rebuild the house on more solid foundations, with more controls and laws." vs He advocates a complete overhaul of the system for granting public contracts and party funding: "We can't go any lower; getting to the bottom of things, with courage, will help to rebuild the house on more solid foundations, with more controls and laws." 60 AlthoughthisstorytarnishestheinternationalimageofQuebecandMontreal,MrDuchesneauinvitesanyonelaughingtolookintheirownbackyard... Acierto! Although this story tarnishes the international image of Quebec and Montreal, Mr Duchesneau invites anyone laughing to look in their own backyard... 34 "PSGisnotFCBarcelona!" Acierto! "PSG is not FC Barcelona!" 5 Thisseason,youhavetakenonanewstaturewithPSG. Acierto! This season, you have taken on a new stature with PSG. 10 Howdoyouexplainthisprogression? Acierto! How do you explain this progression? 6 ItcanbeexplainedbyindividualawarenessbutalsobythenewdimensionofPSG. Acierto! It can be explained by individual awareness but also by the new dimension of PSG. 18 Somegreatplayershavearrived. Acierto! Some great players have arrived. 5 EverydayI'mmakingprogressalongsidethem. Acierto! Every day I'm making progress alongside them. 8 Thetechnicalstaffhasalsobroughtmealot. Acierto! The technical staff has also brought me a lot. 8 Daybyday,allthesethingshelpmeraisemylevelofplay. Acierto! Day by day, all these things help me raise my level of play. 11 And,inamatch,it'seasier. Acierto! And, in a match, it's easier. 5 Everythingmovesveryfastinfootball. Acierto! Everything moves very fast in football. 7 ButIdon'tgetworkedup. Acierto! But I don't get worked up. 4 FrommydebutattheClairefontaineINFpre-trainingcentretomytransfertoSaint-Etienne,I'vealwaysmovedstepbystep. Fallo! From my debut at the Clairefontaine INF pre- training centre to my transfer to Saint-Etienne, I've always moved step by step. vs From my debut at the Clairefontaine INF pre-training centre to my transfer to Saint-Etienne, I've always moved step by step. 28 SoyoubenefitfromthecompetitionbroughtinbyCarloAncelotti... Acierto! So you benefit from the competition brought in by Carlo Ancelotti... 15 Thissummer'srecruitsareusedtoplayingmatchesatahighlevel. Acierto! This summer's recruits are used to playing matches at a high level. 14 Theyalsoknowthateverytrainingsessioniscrucial. Acierto! They also know that every training session is crucial. 10 Whichiswhatmakesaplayerlikemewanttofaceupandgivemybest. Acierto! Which is what makes a player like me want to face up and give my best. 14 Ontheotherhand,CarloAncelottigivesmealotasregardsmyposition. Acierto! On the other hand, Carlo Ancelotti gives me a lot as regards my position. 16 He'ssupportedbydeputieslikeClaudeMakelele,whoplayedinthesamepositionasme. Acierto! He's supported by deputies like Claude Makelele, who played in the same position as me. 20 IsAncelottithemanforthejob? Acierto! Is Ancelotti the man for the job? 5 Definitely. Acierto! Definitely. 3 Ancelottiinspiresrespectamongalltheexperts. Acierto! Ancelotti inspires respect among all the experts. 9 TodayhehasnoequalinLigue1,andhe'soneofthebestcoachesinEurope. Acierto! Today he has no equal in Ligue 1, and he's one of the best coaches in Europe. 16 Hehasmassesofexperienceandhaswonmanytitleswithtopclubs. Acierto! He has masses of experience and has won many titles with top clubs. 14 He'sworkedwithgreatplayers. Acierto! He's worked with great players. 5 IthinkhewillbringmoretitlestoParis. Acierto! I think he will bring more titles to Paris. 7 InJanuary,Ihadanencouragingdiscussionwithhim. Acierto! In January, I had an encouraging discussion with him. 10 Iwasjustcomingbackfromaseriesofinjuries. Acierto! I was just coming back from a series of injuries. 9 Theconfidencehegivesmealsoexplainsmyperformance. Acierto! The confidence he gives me also explains my performance. 11 WhatimportancedoyouattachtothefirstpartoftheseasonforPSG? Acierto! What importance do you attach to the first part of the season for PSG? 14 InLigue1,Lyonovertookusatthetop. Acierto! In Ligue 1, Lyon overtook us at the top. 7 Butwe'rewaitingonthesidelines. Acierto! But we're waiting on the sidelines. 6 OneofourmaingoalsistheChampionsLeague:wequalifiedforthelast16intherightway. Acierto! One of our main goals is the Champions League: we qualified for the last 16 in the right way. 21 Whatistheclub'sgoalinthiscompetition? Acierto! What is the club's goal in this competition? 7 We'lltrytogoasfaraspossible. Acierto! We'll try to go as far as possible. 6 Fromnowon,anythingcanhappen. Acierto! From now on, anything can happen. 5 Butwe'llhavesomethingtosayagainstsomeverygoodEuropeanteams. Acierto! But we'll have something to say against some very good European teams. 15 Firstofall,wewanttofinishtopinourpool,aheadofPorto,tohavehomeadvantageinthelast16match. Acierto! First of all, we want to finish top in our pool, ahead of Porto, to have home advantage in the last 16 match. 25 CanPSGbecomeatopEuropeanclubintheshortterm? Acierto! Can PSG become a top European club in the short term? 10 Italreadyhasthebudget... Acierto! It already has the budget... 5 TobecomeatopEuropeanclub,Parisneedstowintitlesandkeepitupovertime. Acierto! To become a top European club, Paris needs to win titles and keep it up over time. 18 Today,thisisn'tthecase. Acierto! Today, this isn't the case. 4 Financially,PSGhasthemeanstomakeithappen. Acierto! Financially, PSG has the means to make it happen. 9 InLigue1,wouldnotwinningthetitle,likelastseason,beabigfailure? Acierto! In Ligue 1, would not winning the title, like last season, be a big failure? 17 Definitely,itwouldbeamajordisappointment. Acierto! Definitely, it would be a major disappointment. 8 Thisyear,we'rereallycommittedtowinningthechampionship. Acierto! This year, we're really committed to winning the championship. 13 Weweren'tfarawaylastseason. Acierto! We weren't far away last season. 5 InMay,therewasgreatdisappointmentbecauseweweregoodenoughtofinishfirst. Acierto! In May, there was great disappointment because we were good enough to finish first. 19 Itwasaterrificseason. Acierto! It was a terrific season. 4 Wefinishedwith79points. Acierto! We finished with 79 points. 5 Normally,79pointsisgoodenoughtobetop... Acierto! Normally, 79 points is good enough to be top... 8 Butanotherteam,Montpellier,hadanevenmorefantasticseason. Acierto! But another team, Montpellier, had an even more fantastic season. 13 Ithinkthisistheyear. Acierto! I think this is the year. 4 EvenifbigteamslikeMarseille,LyonandBordeauxarecompetingforthetitle,Ithinkwehavetheweaponstowin. Acierto! Even if big teams like Marseille, Lyon and Bordeaux are competing for the title, I think we have the weapons to win. 26 DoyouthinkthemediaexpecttoomuchofPSG? Acierto! Do you think the media expect too much of PSG? 8 It'snormalforthemtoexpectalotfromusgivenwhat'sbeeninvestedandtheplayerswehave. Acierto! It's normal for them to expect a lot from us given what's been invested and the players we have. 22 Wetotallyacceptit. Acierto! We totally accept it. 4 Afterwewon4-0athomeagainstTroyesandtheystillfoundthingstoblameusfor,that'sdefinitelyabitfrustrating. Acierto! After we won 4-0 at home against Troyes and they still found things to blame us for, that's definitely a bit frustrating. 28 Youwonderwhatmorepeopleexpect. Acierto! You wonder what more people expect. 6 You'renevergoingtowin4-0everyweekend. Acierto! You're never going to win 4-0 every weekend. 8 We'renotFCBarcelona! Acierto! We're not FC Barcelona! 4 We'retryingtoimplementagameproject. Acierto! We're trying to implement a game project. 7 Ittakestimetobuildateam. Acierto! It takes time to build a team. 5 TheChampionsLeagueprovedwecouldholdourown. Acierto! The Champions League proved we could hold our own. 8 LookatManchesterCitywho,fortwoseasons,havefailedtoqualifyforthelast16,despitealsohavingspenthugeamounts! Acierto! Look at Manchester City who, for two seasons, have failed to qualify for the last 16, despite also having spent huge amounts! 29 Basedontheamountsinvested,youshouldbe15pointsaheadatthewinterbreak! Acierto! Based on the amounts invested, you should be 15 points ahead at the winter break! 19 ThatwouldbetoignoreouropponentsandtheFrenchChampionship. Acierto! That would be to ignore our opponents and the French Championship. 14 LyonandMarseille,whowerenogoodlastseason,were"boosted"bythenewPSG. Acierto! Lyon and Marseille, who were no good last season, were "boosted" by the new PSG. 18 ThisshowsthatLigue1isexciting. Acierto! This shows that Ligue 1 is exciting. 6 IhopethatinMaywewillbeabletosmileinsayingthat,despiteallthedifficulties,wefinallydidit. Acierto! I hope that in May we will be able to smile in saying that, despite all the difficulties, we finally did it. 24 PSGseemtotallydependentontheexploitsofZlatanIbrahimovic. Acierto! PSG seem totally dependent on the exploits of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. 14 Somuchsothatpeoplesaythereisa"Zlatandependence." Acierto! So much so that people say there is a "Zlatan dependence." 11 ThismeansIbrahimovicisverysuccessfulandscoresalotofgoals. Acierto! This means Ibrahimovic is very successful and scores a lot of goals. 14 That'swhyhecame,andhe'sprovinghe'sthestarofLigue1. Acierto! That's why he came, and he's proving he's the star of Ligue 1. 12 He'sdemonstratedeverywherehewentthathewasagreatplayer,aworldstar. Acierto! He's demonstrated everywhere he went that he was a great player, a world star. 18 Withinthegroup,werespectthemanandtheplayer. Acierto! Within the group, we respect the man and the player. 9 Andalsoherespectsthemenhehasaroundhim. Acierto! And also he respects the men he has around him. 8 Whathehasdoneistrulyexceptional. Acierto! What he has done is truly exceptional. 7 Itpushesotherstoraisetheirlevelofplay. Acierto! It pushes others to raise their level of play. 7 ThiagoSilva,whoisoneofthebestdefendersintheworld,alsohelpseveryoneelseprogress. Acierto! Thiago Silva, who is one of the best defenders in the world, also helps everyone else progress. 23 HowdidyougetoninEuro2012withtheFranceteam? Acierto! How did you get on in Euro 2012 with the France team? 9 Adisappointment. Acierto! A disappointment. 4 IreallywantedtoplayinthisEuro. Acierto! I really wanted to play in this Euro. 6 Unfortunately,myinjurypreventedmefromgettinganygametime. Acierto! Unfortunately, my injury prevented me from getting any game time. 13 Isawsomethingsthereandcameoutstronger. Acierto! I saw some things there and came out stronger. 8 Today,I'mplayingwellinselectionmatches. Acierto! Today, I'm playing well in selection matches. 8 WhichiswhatI'vebeenhopingforsincemybaptismwiththeBlues. Acierto! Which is what I've been hoping for since my baptism with the Blues. 13 I'velearnedthelessonsfromwhathappenedintheUkraineandInowoweittomyselftohaveexemplarybehaviour. Acierto! I've learned the lessons from what happened in the Ukraine and I now owe it to myself to have exemplary behaviour. 26 WhatdothinkaboutDidierDeschamps'sfirstfewmonthsinchargeoftheBlues? Acierto! What do think about Didier Deschamps's first few months in charge of the Blues? 18 Hehastheresultshewanted. Acierto! He has the results he wanted. 5 We'rewellplacedintheWorldqualifyinggroup. Acierto! We're well placed in the World qualifying group. 9 Thecoachistough,closetotheplayers,andinspiresthemtowin. Acierto! The coach is tough, close to the players, and inspires them to win. 13 LikeLaurentBlancwas. Acierto! Like Laurent Blanc was. 4 ButIdon'twanttomakeanycomparisons. Acierto! But I don't want to make any comparisons. 7 BlanchadachievedhisgoalwhenwequalifiedfortheEuro. Acierto! Blanc had achieved his goal when we qualified for the Euro. 11 IhopeDidierDeschampswilltaketheBluestoBrazil. Acierto! I hope Didier Deschamps will take the Blues to Brazil. 10 Didthegooddraw(1-1)snatchedinSpain,on16October,representafoundingmatch? Acierto! Did the good draw (1-1) snatched in Spain, on 16 October, represent a founding match? 21 Thatmatchgaveusconfidence. Acierto! That match gave us confidence. 5 Everybodyfoughtforeverybody. Acierto! Everybody fought for everybody. 5 BeforethatshockinSpain,I'dneverexperiencedsuchamatchinmycareer. Acierto! Before that shock in Spain, I'd never experienced such a match in my career. 16 WithBitcoin,payandsellwithoutbanks Acierto! With Bitcoin, pay and sell without banks 7 Theoppositeofcurrentmonetaryexchanges,basedoncentralbanks,identifiedtransactionsandprocessingfeesamongthepartiesinvolved. Acierto! The opposite of current monetary exchanges, based on central banks, identified transactions and processing fees among the parties involved. 32 Inaddition,asofteninthesetechnologies,apoliticalvisionispalpable:thebeliefthatthecurrentmonetarysystem,madeupofbankingmonopolies,leadstofinancialcrises. Acierto! In addition, as often in these technologies, a political vision is palpable: the belief that the current monetary system, made up of banking monopolies, leads to financial crises. 41 Infact,Bitcoin,inventedbySatoshiNakamoto(apseudonym),isbothavirtualcurrency(butconvertibleintodollars,euros)andasecureexchangeprotocollikeBitTorrent,whichallowspeer-to-peerfileexchange. Acierto! In fact, Bitcoin, invented by Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym), is both a virtual currency (but convertible into dollars, euros) and a secure exchange protocol like BitTorrent, which allows peer-to-peer file exchange. 50 Around200,000transactionshavealreadybeenrecordedvia15,000computersonthenetwork. Acierto! Around 200,000 transactions have already been recorded via 15,000 computers on the network. 22 Closetoathousandwebsitesacceptbitcoinsasdonationsormeansofpayment. Fallo! Close to a thousand websites accept bitcoins as donations or means of payment. vs Close to a thousand web sites accept bitcoins as donations or means of payment. 18 Thebitcoinexchangerate,afterreachingapeakof30dollars(23euros)inJune2011,fellto2dollarsfivemonthslater,returningtodaytoaroundadozendollars(ratesarelistedonthebitcoincharts.comsite). Fallo! The bitcoin exchange rate, after reaching a peak of 30 dollars (23 euros) in June 2011, fell to 2 dollars five months later, returning today to around a dozen dollars (rates are listed on the bitcoin charts .com site). vs The bitcoin exchange rate, after reaching a peak of 30 dollars (23 euros) in June 2011, fell to 2 dollars five months later, returning today to around a dozen dollars (rates are listed on the site). 50 Nothingveryimpressive,comparedtoglobaltransactionsinrealcurrencyorfinancialproducts. Fallo! No thing very impressive, compared to global transactions in real currency or financial products. vs Nothing very impressive, compared to global transactions in real currency or financial products. 23 However,theEuropeanCentralBank(ECB)tookaninterestinitinareportonvirtualcurrenciespublishedinOctober. Acierto! However, the European Central Bank (ECB) took an interest in it in a report on virtual currencies published in October. 26 Itdescribesbitcoinas"themostsuccessfulvirtualcurrency,""incompetitionwiththedollarortheeuro"and"similartoconventionalcurrencies." Acierto! It describes bitcoin as "the most successful virtual currency," "in competition with the dollar or the euro" and "similar to conventional currencies." 32 Bitcoindiffersfromothertypesofvirtualcurrencysuchas'credits',usedtoprogressinavideogamewhichyouwinbyplayingorwhichyoucanbuy(andsometimesexchangeinreturn). Acierto! Bitcoin differs from other types of virtual currency such as 'credits', used to progress in a video game which you win by playing or which you can buy (and sometimes exchange in return). 43 ThesocialnetworkFacebookhasalsodevelopedthiskindofsystem. Acierto! The social network Facebook has also developed this kind of system. 14 But,oneachoccasion,acentralauthoritycontrolsandhandlestheexchanges. Acierto! But, on each occasion, a central authority controls and handles the exchanges. 18 WithBitcoin,allnodesinthenetworkarebothcustodiansofthebookofaccounts,auditors,currencyissuers,andbuyersandsellers. Acierto! With Bitcoin, all nodes in the network are both custodians of the book of accounts, auditors, currency issuers, and buyers and sellers. 31 Howdoesthenetworkoperate? Acierto! How does the network operate? 5 Eachtransactionbetweentwousersisactuallycarriedoutbetweentwoelectronicaddresseslikewithane-mail. Acierto! Each transaction between two users is actually carried out between two electronic addresses like with an e-mail. 25 Exceptthatausercanchooseadifferentaddressforeachpayment,therebyensuringanonymity. Acierto! Except that a user can choose a different address for each payment, thereby ensuring anonymity. 23 Asetofinformationassociatedwiththistransactionissignedelectronicallybyadual-keyencryptionsystem. Acierto! A set of information associated with this transaction is signed electronically by a dual-key encryption system. 25 Sothenetworkcanverifytheauthenticityofthetransaction. Acierto! So the network can verify the authenticity of the transaction. 12 Usingthecontentsofthefile,itisalsopossibletoensurethattheexchangedbitcoinsexistinthepublicbookofaccounts,broadcastacrosstheentirenetwork. Acierto! Using the contents of the file, it is also possible to ensure that the exchanged bitcoins exist in the public book of accounts, broadcast across the entire network. 38 Thekeystepisenteringthenewtransactioninthebook. Acierto! The key step is entering the new transaction in the book. 11 Itpassesthroughtheresolutionofamathematicalchallengeissuedtothecomputers,andthewinner,akindofinterimcentralbanker,willhavetheprivilegeofaddingthisextraline. Acierto! It passes through the resolution of a mathematical challenge issued to the computers, and the winner, a kind of interim central banker, will have the privilege of adding this extra line. 42 Thisisafilehashingphase,i.e.thetransformationofalargefileintoashorteranduniquedigitalimprint. Acierto! This is a file hashing phase, i.e. the transformation of a large file into a shorter and unique digital imprint. 26 Computers"take"thenewtransactionandaddanumbertoit,then"hash"itallup. Acierto! Computers "take" the new transaction and add a number to it, then "hash" it all up. 18 Thegoalbeingtofindthenumberthatgivesaspecialimprint(lotsofzerosatthebeginning). Acierto! The goal being to find the number that gives a special imprint (lots of zeros at the beginning). 22 Oncethisnumberhasbeenfound,theothernodescaneasilycheckthatitistherightone. Acierto! Once this number has been found, the other nodes can easily check that it is the right one. 21 Thetransactionisthenindestructiblylinkedtothechainofalltheothertransactions;anymodificationwouldaltertheimprint. Fallo! The transaction is then in destructibly linked to the chain of all the other transactions; any modification would alter the imprint. vs The transaction is then indestructibly linked to the chain of all the other transactions; any modification would alter the imprint. 30 Ifauserwantedtodefraudbypayingtwicewiththesamemoneyveryquickly(lessthantenminutes),onlyoneofthetwotransactionswouldbevalidatedbythenetwork-theotherwouldremainanorphanbecausethetwohavedifferentimprints. Acierto! If a user wanted to defraud by paying twice with the same money very quickly (less than ten minutes), only one of the two transactions would be validated by the network - the other would remain an orphan because the two have different imprints. 58 Thecomputerthatresolvesthechallengewins50bitcoins. Acierto! The computer that resolves the challenge wins 50 bitcoins. 11 Toavoidinflation,thisawardisregularlydividedbytwo,probablybytheendof2012. Acierto! To avoid inflation, this award is regularly divided by two, probably by the end of 2012. 19 Thenumberofbitcoinsincirculationisthereforelimitedto21million,buttheyaredivisibledowntothehundredmillionth,whichleavessomemargin... Acierto! The number of bitcoins in circulation is therefore limited to 21 million, but they are divisible down to the hundred millionth, which leaves some margin... 36 Thedifficultyofthechallengeisalsoraisedwitheachincreaseincomputingpower. Acierto! The difficulty of the challenge is also raised with each increase in computing power. 19 Thelifeofthenetworkhashaditsupsanddowns. Acierto! The life of the network has had its ups and downs. 9 WebsitesprovidingservicesforBitcoinhavebeenattackedandbitcoinsindepositsstolen. Acierto! Websites providing services for Bitcoin have been attacked and bitcoins in deposits stolen. 22 "Theloopholeusedisnottheprotocolitself"saysPierreNoizatreassuringly,whohasjustlaunchedPaymium,arealcurrencypaymentcompanythatusestheBitcoinnetwork. Fallo! "The loophole used is not the protocol itself" says Pierre Noi zat reassuringly, who has just launched Pay mium, a real currency payment company that uses the Bitcoin network. vs "The loophole used is not the protocol itself" says Pierre Noizat reassuringly, who has just launched Paymium, a real currency payment company that uses the Bitcoin network. 40 TheECBalsohighlightsthepossibilitiesofmoneylaunderingusingthisanonymousservice. Acierto! The ECB also highlights the possibilities of money laundering using this anonymous service. 21 Butcashalsohasthisweakness. Acierto! But cash also has this weakness. 5 MajorplayerslikeWikipediarefusedonationsofthisnature. Acierto! Major players like Wikipedia refuse donations of this nature. 12 Others,suchastheWordPressblogplatform,acceptthem. Acierto! Others, such as the WordPress blog platform, accept them. 11 Recently,AdiShamirandDoritRon,fromtheWeizmannInstituteinIsrael,analysedtheaccountingbooksandshowedthatalmost80%ofbitcoinsdonotcirculate. Acierto! Recently, Adi Shamir and Dorit Ron, from the Weizmann Institute in Israel, analysed the accounting books and showed that almost 80% of bitcoins do not circulate. 38 InNovember,"hugesell-offs"werelaunched. Acierto! In November, "huge sell-offs" were launched. 7 "Thirtythousanddollarswereexchanged"welcomesJonHolmquist,whoworksforCoinabul,whichconvertsbitcoinstogold. Acierto! "Thirty thousand dollars were exchanged" welcomes Jon Holmquist, who works for Coinabul, which converts bitcoins to gold. 29 PierreNoizat,alsoauthorofaneducationalbookonthiscurrency,hasalotoffaithinthepotentialofthistechnologyasatransactionnetwork. Acierto! Pierre Noizat, also author of an educational book on this currency, has a lot of faith in the potential of this technology as a transaction network. 34 Hissystem,Paytunia,isequivalenttoacreditcard(inrealmoney)oracontactlesspaymentbymobile,butitusesBitcointovalidatetransactions,whicharethuscheaper. Acierto! His system, Paytunia, is equivalent to a credit card (in real money) or a contactless payment by mobile, but it uses Bitcoin to validate transactions, which are thus cheaper. 40 Alsotheusermanageshisidentityandcanthereforebeanonymous. Acierto! Also the user manages his identity and can therefore be anonymous. 13 Thesystemiseasytoimplementbymerchants,whodonotneedtoinstallnewterminalsorsoftware. Acierto! The system is easy to implement by merchants, who do not need to install new terminals or software. 23 Theyjustneedtoprovideanaddressthataphonecan"photographandrecognise"saysPierreNoizat,whoconfirmshehasthousandsofusers. Acierto! They just need to provide an address that a phone can "photograph and recognise" says Pierre Noizat, who confirms he has thousands of users. 32 Thereisageneralmovementtoreappraisehierarchicalsystemsformorehorizontalsystems. Acierto! There is a general movement to reappraise hierarchical systems for more horizontal systems. 21 "ItwilltaketimeforBitcointobecomefirmlyestablished,but2013couldbeaturningpoint,"hepredicts. Acierto! "It will take time for Bitcoin to become firmly established, but 2013 could be a turning point," he predicts. 25 TheECB,initsreport,saysitwillreassessthevariousrisks,currentlyregardedashigh,intheeventofthecurrency'ssuccess. Acierto! The ECB, in its report, says it will reassess the various risks, currently regarded as high, in the event of the currency's success. 30 WegotoutofAfghanistan. Acierto! We got out of Afghanistan. 4 Whatnow? Acierto! What now? 3 FrenchtroopshavelefttheirareaofresponsibilityinAfghanistan(KapisaandSurobi). Acierto! French troops have left their area of responsibility in Afghanistan (Kapisa and Surobi). 20 NATOandtheAmericansareduetofollowinlate2014. Acierto! NATO and the Americans are due to follow in late 2014. 10 ItistimefortheAfghanarmytoresumepossessionofitsterritoryandtheAfghanpeopletochoosetheirfuture,withoutexpectingustodoeverything. Acierto! It is time for the Afghan army to resume possession of its territory and the Afghan people to choose their future, without expecting us to do everything. 34 ItismainlyAfghanpeasantsthatwehavepunishedbyregardingthemasterrorists. Acierto! It is mainly Afghan peasants that we have punished by regarding them as terrorists. 19 Andourselves,withour88soldierskilled,plusthewounded,themaimed. Acierto! And ourselves, with our 88 soldiers killed, plus the wounded, the maimed. 17 TheTalibaniscomposedofforeignextremists,formerleadersinrefugeinPakistan,butoftenpeasantswhorefusethepresenceofforeignarmedforces,likeinthetimeoftheSoviets. Acierto! The Taliban is composed of foreign extremists, former leaders in refuge in Pakistan, but often peasants who refuse the presence of foreign armed forces, like in the time of the Soviets. 41 Theywanttodefendtheirtraditions,bothancientandarchaic,eventhoughtheyhavebeenjoinedbyJihadists,Pakistanis,Arabs,Uzbeks,Tajiks. Acierto! They want to defend their traditions, both ancient and archaic, even though they have been joined by Jihadists, Pakistanis, Arabs, Uzbeks, Tajiks. 34 Tolerated,sometimesassisted,bylocalinsurgents,thelatterwillnolongerbesowhenWesternersbecomemorescarce. Acierto! Tolerated, sometimes assisted, by local insurgents, the latter will no longer be so when Westerners become more scarce. 28 ThedepartureofFrenchtroopsfromtheNijrabbase,whichIobservedfromthetopofhillsofalmondtreesplantedwithFrenchfunding,wascarriedoutinanorderlyfashion. Acierto! The departure of French troops from the Nijrab base, which I observed from the top of hills of almond trees planted with French funding, was carried out in an orderly fashion. 40 ConvoysoftrucksandarmouredvehiclesreachedKabulwithoutbeingattacked,overflownbyhelicopters. Acierto! Convoys of trucks and armoured vehicles reached Kabul without being attacked, overflown by helicopters. 24 TherewillbenowaveoftheTalibaninKabulbytheendof2014. Acierto! There will be no wave of the Taliban in Kabul by the end of 2014. 13 Circumstanceshavechangedsincetheirirresistibleadvancebetween1994and1996. Acierto! Circumstances have changed since their irresistible advance between 1994 and 1996. 19 AtthattimeKabulwasempty,thecountrybeingtornapartbythestrugglesbetweendifferentfactions. Acierto! At that time Kabul was empty, the country being torn apart by the struggles between different factions. 24 Theirtakeoverofthecountryhadbeenperceivedthenasasortofliberation,areturntosafety. Acierto! Their takeover of the country had been perceived then as a sort of liberation, a return to safety. 22 AfghanispaidthepriceoftheobscurantismofthesepeasantsbytheorganisationofAl-Qaeda,buttheirsituationhasnotimprovedtoday. Fallo! Afghan is paid the price of the obscurantism of these peasants by the organisation of Al-Qaeda, but their situation has not improved today. vs Afghanis paid the price of the obscurantism of these peasants by the organisation of Al-Qaeda, but their situation has not improved today. 32 FormerMujahidin,theAfghanGovernmentandthecurrentTalibanarealliedinthedesiretokeepwomeninaninferiorposition. Acierto! Former Mujahidin, the Afghan Government and the current Taliban are allied in the desire to keep women in an inferior position. 29 Themainanti-Sovietwarleadersreturnedtopowerin2001. Acierto! The main anti-Soviet war leaders returned to power in 2001. 11 Theybecameprofiteers,seizinggovernmentlandtoresellasbuildinglandtorefugeesreturningfromIranandPakistan,benefitingfromhugeAmericanoutsourcingcontracts. Acierto! They became profiteers, seizing government land to resell as building land to refugees returning from Iran and Pakistan, benefiting from huge American outsourcing contracts. 39 Theyhavebecomediscredited;whatismore,mostofthemdidnotfightthemselves. Acierto! They have become discredited; what is more, most of them did not fight themselves. 19 Thepeople,asIheardinthecountryside,wantaGovernmentthatisnotmadeupofthieves. Acierto! The people, as I heard in the countryside, want a Government that is not made up of thieves. 21 Manyyoungpeoplewanttoleave,asthosewhowereabletobenefitfromAmericanlargessewillleave:theflightofcapitalisconsiderable. Acierto! Many young people want to leave, as those who were able to benefit from American largesse will leave: the flight of capital is considerable. 32 Theyoungpeoplearetiredofwaranditsideologies. Acierto! The young people are tired of war and its ideologies. 9 TheyhaverubbedshoulderswiththemodernworldduringtheirexileinIranorPakistan,andappreciatedthebenefits. Acierto! They have rubbed shoulders with the modern world during their exile in Iran or Pakistan, and appreciated the benefits. 27 Roughly65%ofthepopulationislessthan25;Kabulnowhas5millionpeople,afifthofthetotalpopulation. Acierto! Roughly 65% of the population is less than 25; Kabul now has 5 million people, a fifth of the total population. 26 Intownsandcities,thestateschoolsarefull,withgirlsandboysalike. Acierto! In towns and cities, the state schools are full, with girls and boys alike. 16 Itwillbenecessarytoprovideworkforthoseyoungpeoplewhonolongerwanttoreturntotheobscurantismoftheformerpartiesorthecorruptionofcertainleaders. Acierto! It will be necessary to provide work for those young people who no longer want to return to the obscurantism of the former parties or the corruption of certain leaders. 38 Allofthem,includingthearmedopponents,arepartialtomobilephones;television,withitsTurkishsoapoperasthatshowamodernworld,isfollowedeverywhere. Acierto! All of them, including the armed opponents, are partial to mobile phones; television, with its Turkish soap operas that show a modern world, is followed everywhere. 37 Thearmyisnowpresent. Acierto! The army is now present. 4 Willtheauthoritieswhocommanditbeconsideredlegitimate? Acierto! Will the authorities who command it be considered legitimate? 12 Formercommandersoftheanti-Sovietstrugglearealreadythinkingaboutrestoringprovincialmilitias,whichwillescapethecentralpower. Fallo! Formercommanders of the anti-Soviet struggle are already thinking about restoring provincial militias, which will escape the central power. vs Former commanders of the anti-Soviet struggle are already thinking about restoring provincial militias, which will escape the central power. 32 Afghanistan,landofmountains,withstronglocalidentities,shouldbeabletobenefitfromacertaindecentralisation,intheimageoftheWesternnations,buttheUnitedStateswantedtoturnitintoacentralisedState,withstrongpresidentialpower,abolishingthepostofPrimeMinister,whichhadexistedsincethe1964Constitution. Acierto! Afghanistan, land of mountains, with strong local identities, should be able to benefit from a certain decentralisation, in the image of the Western nations, but the United States wanted to turn it into a centralised State, with strong presidential power, abolishing the post of Prime Minister, which had existed since the 1964 Constitution. 87 PresidentKarzaidoesnotwantanyforeigncontrols,particularlyontheoccasionoftheelectionsinApril2014. Acierto! President Karzai does not want any foreign controls, particularly on the occasion of the elections in April 2014. 27 But,sincethe50sandalreadywellbefore,hiscountryhasbeendependentonforeignaid. Acierto! But, since the 50s and already well before, his country has been dependent on foreign aid. 20 Noindustrieshavebeenre-established,nodamsareingoodcondition,nomajorirrigationsystemshavebeenrepaired. Acierto! No industries have been re-established, no dams are in good condition, no major irrigation systems have been repaired. 27 Everythingisimported;nothingisproduced,apartfromfruitandvegetables. Acierto! Everything is imported; nothing is produced, apart from fruit and vegetables. 18 ThePriorityislefttoprivateinitiative. Acierto! The Priority is left to private initiative. 7 Inacountryruinedbythirtyyearsofwar,governmentcontrolovertheinfrastructurewouldhavebeennecessary. Acierto! In a country ruined by thirty years of war, government control over the infrastructure would have been necessary. 26 TherumourwasspreadthatAfghanistanhadhugemineralwealth. Acierto! The rumour was spread that Afghanistan had huge mineral wealth. 13 ThisonlyaddedtothefeelingthattheWesternerswereonlytheretoseizeit. Acierto! This only added to the feeling that the Westerners were only there to seize it. 18 Withnoenergytoprocesstheironoreorcopperonsite,ormeansoftransporttoexportitacrossthemountains,thereisnomining. Acierto! With no energy to process the iron ore or copper on site, or means of transport to export it across the mountains, there is no mining. 30 TheChinesehavealreadyalmostlefttheMesAynakcoppermine,leavinginternationalarchaeologists(fundedbytheWorldBank)tosearchthehugeBuddhistsiteandremainthelargestemployersintheprovince. Fallo! The Chinese have already almost left the MesAynak copper mine, leaving international archaeologists (funded by the World Bank) to search the huge Buddhist site and remain the largest employers in the province. vs The Chinese have already almost left the Mes Aynak copper mine, leaving international archaeologists (funded by the World Bank) to search the huge Buddhist site and remain the largest employers in the province. 48 OnedayitwillalsobenecessaryforAfghanistanandPakistan,onwhichimportsandexportslargelydepend,torestorenormalrelations. Acierto! One day it will also be necessary for Afghanistan and Pakistan, on which imports and exports largely depend, to restore normal relations. 32 ThedepartureofFrenchcombattroopswascompletedon20November. Acierto! The departure of French combat troops was completed on 20 November. 13 Thenewcooperationtreatyprovidesforthecontinuationoftraditionalaid:girls'highschool,boys'highschool,FrenchDepartmentattheUniversity,FrenchInstitute,cooperationinthemilitary,legal,medicalandagriculturalfields,supporttothearchaeologicalDelegation. Acierto! The new cooperation treaty provides for the continuation of traditional aid: girls' high school, boys' high school, French Department at the University, French Institute, cooperation in the military, legal, medical and agricultural fields, support to the archaeological Delegation. 68 Since2009,totryto"winheartsandminds"andachievetheimpossibletaskofreconcilingaidandoffensiveactions,a"civil-militaryactions"servicefromtheMinistryofdefence(Cimic),closedin2012,hascarriedout,andcontinuestocarryoutsuccessfully,throughasmallFrenchNGO,manycommunityandagriculturalrehabilitationprojectsindozensofmountainvillages. Acierto! Since 2009, to try to "win hearts and minds" and achieve the impossible task of reconciling aid and offensive actions, a "civil-military actions" service from the Ministry of defence (Cimic), closed in 2012, has carried out, and continues to carry out successfully, through a small French NGO, many community and agricultural rehabilitation projects in dozens of mountain villages. 99 Theseprojects,involvinglargenumbersoflocallabour,havehelpedtocontaintheinsurgency:irrigation,wells,drinkingwater,reforestation,fruittrees,soilprotectionandincreaseincultivableareas. Acierto! These projects, involving large numbers of local labour, have helped to contain the insurgency: irrigation, wells, drinking water, reforestation, fruit trees, soil protection and increase in cultivable areas. 48 Whatwillweleaveasasouvenir,aftertwobillioneurosofmilitaryspending? Acierto! What will we leave as a souvenir, after two billion euros of military spending? 18 Amuchmoremodestbudgetwouldcontributetoimprovinglocallivingconditions,whichareveryhardinthesevalleysoftenlocatedover2,000metresabovesealevel. Acierto! A much more modest budget would contribute to improving local living conditions, which are very hard in these valleys often located over 2,000 metres above sea level. 37 TheEmbassyhasreceiveddozensofwrittenrequestsforsmallagriculturalprojectsfromlocalcommunitiesinKapisaprovince. Acierto! The Embassy has received dozens of written requests for small agricultural projects from local communities in Kapisa province. 28 Tobeinapositiontofreethemselvesfromtheuprisingledbyforeigngroups,whichiswhatfarmerstoldmetheywant,asmallamountofcivilaidshouldbemaintainedintheirfavour,wellcontrolledanddirectlyaffectingthem. Acierto! To be in a position to free themselves from the uprising led by foreign groups, which is what farmers told me they want, a small amount of civil aid should be maintained in their favour, well controlled and directly affecting them. 55 AConstitutionbyforceinEgypt Acierto! A Constitution by force in Egypt 5 AnewgambleforPresidentMohammedMorsi. Acierto! A new gamble for President Mohammed Morsi. 8 WhileEgyptremainsmoredividedthaneveraroundtheconstitutionaldeclaration,whichtemporarilygrantshimfullpowers,hehasdecidedtogoforbroke. Acierto! While Egypt remains more divided than ever around the constitutional declaration, which temporarily grants him full powers, he has decided to go for broke. 34 Takingeveryonebysurprise,heannouncedonWednesdaythattheConstituentAssemblywouldvoteonitsfinaltextthefollowingday. Acierto! Taking everyone by surprise, he announced on Wednesday that the Constituent Assembly would vote on its final text the following day. 30 Justaweekago,theheadofStatehadgiventheAssemblytwomoremonthstofinishitswork. Acierto! Just a week ago, the head of State had given the Assembly two more months to finish its work. 22 FortwoyearsEgypthasreliedonaprovisionaltext,amendedseveraltimesandthishasweakenedinstitutionalstabilityandledtolegalimbroglios. Acierto! For two years Egypt has relied on a provisional text, amended several times and this has weakened institutional stability and led to legal imbroglios. 33 Thisnewinitiativehasonlyservedtoenhancethedivideinthecountry. Acierto! This new initiative has only served to enhance the divide in the country. 16 Accordingtohisopponents,thePresidentisperseveringinhis"autocraticdelirium,"continuingto"gobackonhisword"and'tramplethelaw." Acierto! According to his opponents, the President is persevering in his "autocratic delirium," continuing to "go back on his word" and 'trample the law." 33 Hissupportersaffirmthatthisisthequickestwaytoputanendtotheinstitutionalandpoliticalcrisis,byspeedingupthetransitionprocess. Acierto! His supporters affirm that this is the quickest way to put an end to the institutional and political crisis, by speeding up the transition process. 33 Areferendumisduetobeheldwithinthenexttwoweeks. Acierto! A referendum is due to be held within the next two weeks. 10 Averyshortperiod,whichforcestheBrotherstoabandontheirplantoexplainthetext,articlebyarticle,totheEgyptians. Acierto! A very short period, which forces the Brothers to abandon their plan to explain the text, article by article, to the Egyptians. 29 ForthePresident,itisalsoawaytoachievepopularanddemocraticlegitimacywhilethedisputeragesthroughoutthecountry. Acierto! For the President, it is also a way to achieve popular and democratic legitimacy while the dispute rages throughout the country. 29 MohammedMorsiseemsconvincedthatEgyptianswillvotefavourably,ashestatedinaninterviewwiththeAmericanweeklyTime. Acierto! Mohammed Morsi seems convinced that Egyptians will vote favourably, as he stated in an interview with the American weekly Time. 28 ParticularlysinceahastyvotesmacksofanultimatumtotheEgyptianpeople:"Eitheryouvoteformytext,orIkeepfullpowers,"thesepowerssupposedlyexpiringfollowingadoptionoftheConstitution. Acierto! Particularly since a hasty vote smacks of an ultimatum to the Egyptian people: "Either you vote for my text, or I keep full powers," these powers supposedly expiring following adoption of the Constitution. 49 Itwasinastrangeatmospherethat85membersoftheConstituentAssembly,withalargeIslamistmajority,votedonthetextyesterday. Acierto! It was in a strange atmosphere that 85 members of the Constituent Assembly, with a large Islamist majority, voted on the text yesterday. 31 Mostoftheliberalsweremissing. Acierto! Most of the liberals were missing. 6 Inmid-November,shortlybeforetheconstitutionaldeclaration,theyhadslammedthedoor,feelingtheyhadfailedtoasserttheirviews. Acierto! In mid-November, shortly before the constitutional declaration, they had slammed the door, feeling they had failed to assert their views. 29 Representativesofhumanrights,religiousminoritiesorcivilsocietyhaddonelikewise. Acierto! Representatives of human rights, religious minorities or civil society had done likewise. 23 Inordertoobtainaquorum,11members,alternates,werehastilyaddedyesterdaymorning. Acierto! In order to obtain a quorum, 11 members, alternates, were hastily added yesterday morning. 20 SomeofthemareveryclosetotheMuslimBrotherhood. Acierto! Some of them are very close to the Muslim Brotherhood. 11 Notsurprisingly,thearticleswereforthemostpartvotedunanimously. Acierto! Not surprisingly, the articles were for the most part voted unanimously. 15 Commentatorswerealsoamusedthatoneoftheonlydiversionsofthedaywasexpressedwithregardto...thehourofprayer,someCommitteemembersfeelingthattheConstituentAssemblyclockwaswrong. Fallo! Commentators were also amused that one of the only diversions of the day was expressed with regard to ... the hour of prayer, some Committee members feeling that the Constituent Assembly clock was wrong. vs Commentators were also amused that one of the only diversions of the day was expressed with regard to... the hour of prayer, some Committee members feeling that the Constituent Assembly clock was wrong. 49 Thetext,whichwasstillbeingvotedonyesterdayevening,has234articles. Acierto! The text, which was still being voted on yesterday evening, has 234 articles. 18 Themainfocusofattention,article2,remainsinthefinalanalysisidenticaltothatofthe1971Constitution,stipulatingthat"theprinciplesofshariaarethemainsourceoflaw." Acierto! The main focus of attention, article 2, remains in the final analysis identical to that of the 1971 Constitution, stipulating that "the principles of sharia are the main source of law." 42 TheSalafistparties,forwhichtheestablishmentofIslamiclawisamajorclaim,werehopingtoreplace"theprinciples"by"therules,"whichwouldhaveallowedstricterapplication. Acierto! The Salafist parties, for which the establishment of Islamic law is a major claim, were hoping to replace "the principles" by "the rules," which would have allowed stricter application. 43 FortheIslamists,thefactthatthisarticlewasnotamendedisaguaranteeoftheirgoodwillandtheirrespectfortheotherelementsofEgyptiansociety. Acierto! For the Islamists, the fact that this article was not amended is a guarantee of their goodwill and their respect for the other elements of Egyptian society. 35 "Hypocrisy"respondtheliberals,whoseeonlyacommunicationcoup. Acierto! "Hypocrisy" respond the liberals, who see only a communication coup. 14 BecauseintheiropinionIslamisationoftheConstitutionisdonethroughotherarticles. Acierto! Because in their opinion Islamisation of the Constitution is done through other articles. 22 Theyreferinparticulartoarticle220,whichgrantsAl-AzharUniversityanadvisoryrole,withparticularreferencetoverifyingtheconformityofthelawswithsharia. Acierto! They refer in particular to article 220, which grants Al-Azhar University an advisory role, with particular reference to verifying the conformity of the laws with sharia. 39 AccordingtoEgyptspecialistSophiePommier,thisisworryingbecause"thepeoplecalledupontoadvisearenotelectedandhavenodemocraticlegitimacy. Fallo! According to Egypt specialist Sophie Pommier, this is worrying because "the people called upon to advise are not elected and have no democratic legitimacy . vs According to Egypt specialist Sophie Pommier, this is worrying because "the people called upon to advise are not elected and have no democratic legitimacy. 36 Thissuggeststhebeginningsofatheocracy." Acierto! This suggests the beginnings of a theocracy." 8 Theliberals'fearsarealsofuelledbythefactthatthenextRectoroftheuniversitywillprobablybemuchlessmoderatethanthecurrentone. Acierto! The liberals' fears are also fuelled by the fact that the next Rector of the university will probably be much less moderate than the current one. 33 "Forthetimebeing,thereisnoconcretereligiousimplication. Acierto! "For the time being, there is no concrete religious implication. 13 WiththisConstitution,thingsremainundercivilrule. Acierto! With this Constitution, things remain under civil rule. 11 MostofthelawyerswhoworkedonthistextarenotIslamiclawscholarsbutacademics,sometrainedintheFrenchsystem"qualifiesAlexisBlouet,whoiswritingathesisontheEgyptianconstitutionaltransition. Fallo! Most of the lawyers who worked on this text are not Islamic law scholars but academics, some trained in the French system "qualifies Alexis Blouet, who is writing a thesis on the Egyptian constitutional transition . vs Most of the lawyers who worked on this text are not Islamic law scholars but academics, some trained in the French system" qualifies Alexis Blouet, who is writing a thesis on the Egyptian constitutional transition. 51 Butheacknowledgesthat"theremaybesomeambiguityregardingarticle220,becausethetermsusedborrowfromthereligiousvocabulary. Acierto! But he acknowledges that "there may be some ambiguity regarding article 220, because the terms used borrow from the religious vocabulary. 32 Referenceismadeinparticularto"fiqh"[Islamicjurisprudence,Editor'snote]. Acierto! Reference is made in particular to "fiqh" [Islamic jurisprudence, Editor's note]. 20 Andthequestioncouldbeaskedinfuturetowhatextentciviljudgesarecompetenttopronounceonit." Acierto! And the question could be asked in future to what extent civil judges are competent to pronounce on it." 24 Beyonditsreligiousaspect,thetextvotedonyesterdayishighlycriticisedduetotheextensivepowersitgrantstothePresidentoftheRepublic. Acierto! Beyond its religious aspect, the text voted on yesterday is highly criticised due to the extensive powers it grants to the President of the Republic. 34 TheMuslimBrothersarguethattheyaresignificantlyreducedcomparedtowhattheywereundertheformerregime. Acierto! The Muslim Brothers argue that they are significantly reduced compared to what they were under the former regime. 26 Anotherissue:thepowersconferredonthearmy. Acierto! Another issue: the powers conferred on the army. 8 Inaccordancewiththewishesofthemilitary,theDefencebudgetreviewwillbenotsubmittedtoParliament,buttoaNationalDefenceCouncil. Acierto! In accordance with the wishes of the military, the Defence budget review will be not submitted to Parliament, but to a National Defence Council. 33 Norwilltrialsofcivilianswillbebannedinmilitarytribunals,asrequestedbyassociationsforthedefenceofhumanrights. Acierto! Nor will trials of civilians will be banned in military tribunals, as requested by associations for the defence of human rights. 29 Whoalsovoicetheirconcernsaboutthetext,whichtheyconsiderrepressive. Acierto! Who also voice their concerns about the text, which they consider repressive. 17 Theoffenceofblasphemyismaintainedandinsultsarenowprohibited,whichcouldhaveseriousconsequencesonfreedomofexpression,particularlyforthepress. Acierto! The offence of blasphemy is maintained and insults are now prohibited, which could have serious consequences on freedom of expression, particularly for the press. 38 Inaddition,nolongerdoesanyofthearticlesrefertotheprotectionofwomen,highlightsHebaMorayef,fromHumanRightsWatch. Acierto! In addition, no longer does any of the articles refer to the protection of women, highlights Heba Morayef, from Human Rights Watch. 29 Inheropinion,theonlypositivepointistheprohibitionoftortureinarticle36. Acierto! In her opinion, the only positive point is the prohibition of torture in article 36. 19 ThewordwasnotincludedinthepreviousConstitution. Acierto! The word was not included in the previous Constitution. 11 WhiletheEgyptianPresidentwasspeakingyesterdayeveningontelevision,demonstrationsareplannedforthisafternoon. Acierto! While the Egyptian President was speaking yesterday evening on television, demonstrations are planned for this afternoon. 28 SupportersoftheHeadofStatewillmarchonSaturday. Acierto! Supporters of the Head of State will march on Saturday. 10 InIsrael,holyplacesawaitUkrainiantourists,theomphalosandaseaofsalinewater Acierto! In Israel, holy places await Ukrainian tourists, the omphalos and a sea of saline water 20 TheHolyLandcombinesthesplendourofbiblicaltruths,moderncomfortandprimevalnature. Acierto! The Holy Land combines the splendour of biblical truths, modern comfort and primeval nature. 21 AiF[ArgumentiiFakti]newspaperhighlightedthefivemostimportantreasonswhyitisamusttovisitIsrael. Fallo! Ai F [ Argumenti iFakti] newspaper highlighted the five most important reasons why it is a must to visit Israel. vs AiF [Argumenti i Fakti] newspaper highlighted the five most important reasons why it is a must to visit Israel. 26 Let'sworshiptheholyplaces Acierto! Let's worship the holy places 5 ItisworthvisitingtheRiverJordanwhereJesuswasbaptized. Acierto! It is worth visiting the River Jordan where Jesus was baptized. 13 Itisconsideredthatallwhoenterthisbaptism"bath"areblessedbyGod. Acierto! It is considered that all who enter this baptism "bath" are blessed by God. 16 GalileeistheplacewhereJesusperformedhismagic:turnedwaterintowineatawedding,walkedonwater,calmedastorm,andfilledthenets. Acierto! Galilee is the place where Jesus performed his magic: turned water into wine at a wedding, walked on water, calmed a storm, and filled the nets. 34 ThisisalsowhereJesuscamebeforehisdisciplesandaftertheresurrection. Acierto! This is also where Jesus came before his disciples and after the resurrection. 18 ButthebiggestnumberofholyplacesisinJerusalem. Acierto! But the biggest number of holy places is in Jerusalem. 10 BelieverswalkthroughtheWayofGrieforViaDolorosa. Acierto! Believers walk through the Way of Grief or Via Dolorosa. 11 ItstartsbytheAntoniaFortress-Praetorium-wherethejudgementtookplace,andbringsusalongthestreetsoftheOldTowntotheChurchoftheHolySepulchreonGolgotha-theplaceofthecrucifixion,StoneofUnctionandtheplaceofJesus'burial. Acierto! It starts by the Antonia Fortress - Praetorium - where the judgement took place, and brings us along the streets of the Old Town to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Golgotha - the place of the crucifixion, Stone of Unction and the place of Jesus' burial. 61 ThisisalsothelocationofthesymbolicChristianomphalos,whichsymbolizesthesalvationofmankind. Acierto! This is also the location of the symbolic Christian omphalos, which symbolizes the salvation of mankind. 24 TheHolyCrossMonasteryinJerusalemiserectedatthesitethat,accordingtoChristianlegend,yieldedthetreeusedtomakethecrossforJesus'crucifixion. Acierto! The Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem is erected at the site that, according to Christian legend, yielded the tree used to make the cross for Jesus' crucifixion. 37 JerusalemhasthemostholyplacesfortheJewsaswell-theWailingWall,whichremainedfromatempledestroyedbytheRomansin70AD. Acierto! Jerusalem has the most holy places for the Jews as well - the Wailing Wall, which remained from a temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. 32 Accordingtotradition,peopleofdifferentfaithsleavenotesherewiththeirwishes,whicharethenfulfilled. Acierto! According to tradition, people of different faiths leave notes here with their wishes, which are then fulfilled. 27 Travelalongavertical Acierto! Travel along a vertical 4 RuinsoftheMassadaFortressremainfromasecretrefugefromenemies,builtbyHerodin25BCforhisfamily. Acierto! Ruins of the Massada Fortress remain from a secret refuge from enemies, built by Herod in 25 BC for his family. 25 Theyarelocatedoncliffsinthemountainsatanelevationof450mabovesealevel. Fallo! They are located on cliffs in the mountains at an elevation of 450m above sea level. vs They are located on cliffs in the mountains at an elevation of 450 m above sea level. 20 Theycanbereachedonfootonlybythosewhoareintomountainclimbing. Acierto! They can be reached on foot only by those who are into mountain climbing. 16 Othersaredeliveredtothishistoricalmountaintopbyacableway. Fallo! Others are delivered to this historical mountain top by a cableway. vs Others are delivered to this historical mountaintop by a cableway. 14 Inthenorthofthecountry,atanelevationof1600-2040m,thereisafamousskiresortcalledHermon,whichfillsupwithtouristsinwintermonths. Fallo! In the north of the country, at an elevation of 1600-2040m, there is a famous ski resort called Hermon, which fills up with tourists in winter months. vs In the north of the country, at an elevation of 1600-2040 m, there is a famous ski resort called Hermon, which fills up with tourists in winter months. 33 Ashuttlebusbringspeopletoitfromthefootofthemountain. Acierto! A shuttle bus brings people to it from the foot of the mountain. 13 Thetotallengthofskipistesis45km. Fallo! The total length of ski pistes is 45km. vs The total length of ski pistes is 45 km. 6 Accordingtoanancientlegend,pagangodsusedtoliveonthemountain. Acierto! According to an ancient legend, pagan gods used to live on the mountain. 16 Visituniquemuseums Fallo! Visit uni que museums vs Visit unique museums 4 Thiscountryhasabout300museums. Acierto! This country has about 300 museums. 6 Youwon'tbeabletovisitallofthemononetrip Acierto! You won't be able to visit all of them on one trip 9 Butatleastthefivemostinterestingonesareworthavisit. Acierto! But at least the five most interesting ones are worth a visit. 12 Amongthem-MuseumofIsrael,locatedclosetoKnesset(Parliament). Acierto! Among them - Museum of Israel, located close to Knesset (Parliament). 14 IthasancientQumranmanuscriptsandDeadSeascrollsfoundinthecavesoftheJudeandesert,alongwithabout500,000archaeologicalandanthropologicalartefacts. Acierto! It has ancient Qumran manuscripts and Dead Sea scrolls found in the caves of the Judean desert, along with about 500,000 archaeological and anthropological artefacts. 39 TheMuseumofArtinTel-Avivisalsointeresting. Acierto! The Museum of Art in Tel-Aviv is also interesting. 10 ItsexhibitsincludeawiderangeofimpressionistsandexpressionistslikeMonet,Pissarro,Renoir,Sisley,Cezanne,Matisse,Modigliani,Chagall,Picasso. Acierto! Its exhibits include a wide range of impressionists and expressionists like Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley, Cezanne, Matisse, Modigliani, Chagall, Picasso. 36 InAkko,youcanvisitthebathmuseumAl-Basha,whichconsistsofseveralroomsofancientTurkishbathswithmodelsofvisitorsandbathattendantsofthetime. Acierto! In Akko, you can visit the bath museum Al-Basha, which consists of several rooms of ancient Turkish baths with models of visitors and bath attendants of the time. 37 InCaesarea,itisworthvisitingtheuniqueprivateRalliMuseum,whereyoucanenjoythesculpturesofDaliandRodin. Acierto! In Caesarea, it is worth visiting the unique private Ralli Museum, where you can enjoy the sculptures of Dali and Rodin. 27 Therearenotourguidesorgiftshops. Acierto! There are no tour guides or gift shops. 7 Entryisfreeofcharge,andcontributionsarestrictlynotallowed. Acierto! Entry is free of charge, and contributions are strictly not allowed. 15 ThefifthoneistheHolocaustMuseumorYadVasheminTel-Aviv,whichtellsoneofthemostdramaticstoriesinhistory. Acierto! The fifth one is the Holocaust Museum or Yad Vashem in Tel-Aviv, which tells one of the most dramatic stories in history. 27 Themosttragicsectionisthechildren'smemorial,builtinmemoryof1.5millionchildrenkilledinconcentrationcampsandgaschambers. Acierto! The most tragic section is the children's memorial, built in memory of 1.5 million children killed in concentration camps and gas chambers. 32 Yougoinandfindyourselfincompletedarkness. Acierto! You go in and find yourself in complete darkness. 9 Starsareglimmering, Acierto! Stars are glimmering, 4 andyoulistentonamesofJewishchildrenandcountrieswheretheydied. Acierto! and you listen to names of Jewish children and countries where they died. 16 Ukraineismentionedtheretoo. Acierto! Ukraine is mentioned there too. 6 Wellness Acierto! Wellness 2 TherearethreeresortareasinIsrael,locatedonthecoastsoftheMediterranean,Red,andDeadSeas. Acierto! There are three resort areas in Israel, located on the coasts of the Mediterranean, Red, and Dead Seas. 24 Eachhaveswimmingpools,aquaparks,dolphinariaandoceanaria. Acierto! Each have swimming pools, aqua parks, dolphinaria and oceanaria. 13 ItisnotablethatonecanswimintheRedSeaeveninwintermonths,becausethewatertemperaturedoesnotdropbelow21degreesandtheairwarmsto23degrees. Acierto! It is notable that one can swim in the Red Sea even in winter months, because the water temperature does not drop below 21 degrees and the air warms to 23 degrees. 37 TheDeadSeaisevenwarmer,andpeopleswiminitallyearround. Acierto! The Dead Sea is even warmer, and people swim in it all year round. 14 Incidentally,itisthemostunusualseaintheworld,locatedinthelowestpointoftheplanet-417mbelowsealevel. Fallo! Incidentally, it is the most unusual sea in the world, located in the lowest point of the planet - 417m below sea level. vs Incidentally, it is the most unusual sea in the world, located in the lowest point of the planet - 417 m below sea level. 29 Itsazurewaterissalineandeasilykeepsyouafloat,evenifyoudon'tknowhowtoswim. Acierto! Its azure water is saline and easily keeps you afloat, even if you don't know how to swim. 20 Thesurroundinglandscapesaresurrealintheirbeauty. Acierto! The surrounding landscapes are surreal in their beauty. 11 Peoplecomeheretoundergoacourseoftreatmentusingsaltwater-wrapsandmedicinalmuds,andtoimprovetheirhealthiftheyhavedermatitis,allergies,asthmas,eczemas,arthritis,bronchitis,ordiabetes,ortoreturnemotionalbalance. Fallo! People come here to undergo a course of treatment using saltwater-wraps and medicinal muds, and to improve their health if they have dermatitis, allergies, asthmas, eczemas, arthritis, bronchitis, or diabetes, or to return emotional balance. vs People come here to undergo a course of treatment using salt water - wraps and medicinal muds, and to improve their health if they have dermatitis, allergies, asthmas, eczemas, arthritis, bronchitis, or diabetes, or to return emotional balance. 59 Touchthemysteriesofantiquity Acierto! Touch the mysteries of antiquity 5 TheyarepreservedintheoldsectionofTel-Aviv-inthetownofJaffaontheMediterraneanSea. Acierto! They are preserved in the old section of Tel-Aviv - in the town of Jaffa on the Mediterranean Sea. 22 ThefamoussearouteconnectingEgypt,Syria,Anatolia,andMesopotamiarunsthroughit. Acierto! The famous sea route connecting Egypt, Syria, Anatolia, and Mesopotamia runs through it. 21 ThecityismentionedinancientGreekandancientEgyptianlegends. Acierto! The city is mentioned in ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian legends. 15 Accordingtolegends,thisiswhereNoahbuilthisarkandPerseussavedthebeautyAndromeda,withwhomhelivedalongandhappylife. Acierto! According to legends, this is where Noah built his ark and Perseus saved the beauty Andromeda, with whom he lived a long and happy life. 31 Touristsreallyliketowanderthenarrowstreetsnamedaftersignsofthezodiac. Acierto! Tourists really like to wander the narrow streets named after signs of the zodiac. 20 Theysay,ifyoutouchthewallsonthestreetofyoursign,fortunewillcometoyou. Fallo! They say, if you touch the walls on the street of your sign, for tune will come to you. vs They say, if you touch the walls on the street of your sign, fortune will come to you. 20 InJaffa,youcanmeetnewlywedswhocomefromalloverIsraelandevenfromothercountriesforphotosessions. Acierto! In Jaffa, you can meet newlyweds who come from all over Israel and even from other countries for photo sessions. 25 AndinCaesarea-thecityofKingHerod-youcanwalkaroundaRomantheatre,"capture"theCrusaderfortress. Acierto! And in Caesarea - the city of King Herod - you can walk around a Roman theatre, "capture" the Crusader fortress. 26 DuringtheRomanperiod,CaesareawasthemaincityofJudeaandtheresidenceofRomanprefects,includingPontiusPilate. Acierto! During the Roman period, Caesarea was the main city of Judea and the residence of Roman prefects, including Pontius Pilate. 29 Thecarefullyrestoredtheatreisnowusedforeveningconcertsandoperaperformances. Acierto! The carefully restored theatre is now used for evening concerts and opera performances. 20 Anoteforthetourist Acierto! A note for the tourist 4 WhenyougotoIsrael,don'tworryaboutyourbadEnglishknowledge:approximately30%ofthecountry'spopulationspeaksRussian. Acierto! When you go to Israel, don't worry about your bad English knowledge: approximately 30% of the country's population speaks Russian. 29 Forthetrip,itisbettertotakedollars,noteuros,becausetheyareeasilyexchangedforshekels(currently1dollar=3.8shekels). Acierto! For the trip, it is better to take dollars, not euros, because they are easily exchanged for shekels (currently 1 dollar = 3.8 shekels). 31 Citytransportationismainlybuses,butJerusalemhasahigh-speedtram,andHaifahastheonlysubwaylineinthecountry,comprisingsixstopsandconnectinguppertownwithlower. Acierto! City transportation is mainly buses, but Jerusalem has a high-speed tram, and Haifa has the only subway line in the country, comprising six stops and connecting upper town with lower. 42 Inessence,itisanundergroundcablerailway. Acierto! In essence, it is an underground cable railway. 8 Aticketforanytypeofcitytransportationcosts6shekels,andyoucanridefor1.5hourswithtransfers. Acierto! A ticket for any type of city transportation costs 6 shekels, and you can ride for 1.5 hours with transfers. 24 AccordingtotheJewishtradition,SabbathiscelebratedinIsrael. Acierto! According to the Jewish tradition, Sabbath is celebrated in Israel. 14 BetweenFridayeveningandthesunsetonSaturday,markets,stores,andpublictransportationstopworking. Fallo! Between Friday evening and the sun set on Saturday, markets, stores, and public transportation stop working. vs Between Friday evening and the sunset on Saturday, markets, stores, and public transportation stop working. 26 TheworkweekstartsonSundaymorning. Acierto! The work week starts on Sunday morning. 7 Manycafes,restaurantsandhotelshaveonlykosherfood,withnopork,seafood,fishwithnoscales,ordishesthatcombinemilkwithmeat. Acierto! Many cafes, restaurants and hotels have only kosher food, with no pork, seafood, fish with no scales, or dishes that combine milk with meat. 31 Thereisawideselectionofdishesfromlambandbeef,soupsanddessertscookedusingcoconutmilk,traditionalJewishhummuspaste,varioussauces,falafel(ballsmadeofgroundchickpeas),fruitsandvegetables. Acierto! There is a wide selection of dishes from lamb and beef, soups and desserts cooked using coconut milk, traditional Jewish hummus paste, various sauces, falafel (balls made of ground chickpeas), fruits and vegetables. 51 ThestreetsofIsraeldon'thavehomelessdogs. Acierto! The streets of Israel don't have homeless dogs. 9 Buttherearemanywell-fedcats,whichwalkaroundlazily. Acierto! But there are many well-fed cats, which walk around lazily. 11 Intheevening,theycanevenbeseensleepingonroofsofparkedcars. Acierto! In the evening, they can even be seen sleeping on roofs of parked cars. 15 Thesepussycatslikebusyplacesanddonotrefusetreats. Acierto! These pussycats like busy places and do not refuse treats. 11 Carrental,dependingoncartype,costsfrom37(HyundaiGetz)to188(AudiA6,VolvoS80)dollarsaday. Acierto! Car rental, depending on car type, costs from 37 (Hyundai Getz) to 188 (Audi A6, Volvo S80) dollars a day. 23 Plusinsuranceof15dollarsaday. Acierto! Plus insurance of 15 dollars a day. 6 Bikerentalcosts15shekelsaday. Acierto! Bike rental costs 15 shekels a day. 6 Museumentrancecosts30shekelsonaverage. Acierto! Museum entrance costs 30 shekels on average. 7 Innumbers Acierto! In numbers 3 In2012,overthreemilliontouristsfromaroundtheworldvisitedIsrael. Acierto! In 2012, over three million tourists from around the world visited Israel. 15 VisitorsandholidaymakersarrivemostlyfromtheUSA,Russia,France,Germany,Italy,England,andUkraine. Acierto! Visitors and holidaymakers arrive mostly from the USA, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, England, and Ukraine. 25 BetweenJanuaryandOctober2012118,800UkrainiantouristsvisitedtheHolyLand,whichis51%morethanasimilarfigurein2010,beforetheremovalofthevisaregimeonFebruary9,2011. Acierto! Between January and October 2012 118,800 Ukrainian tourists visited the Holy Land, which is 51% more than a similar figure in 2010, before the removal of the visa regime on February 9, 2011. 44 Onlythe"highandmighty"makeittoMoscow:migrantssavemoneyforlanguage Acierto! Only the "high and mighty" make it to Moscow: migrants save money for language 18 Whiledeputiesandhumanrightsactivistsargueaboutthepurposeofthelawonmandatorylanguagetesting,thecountryalreadyhasscamartistswhosellfakecertificates. Acierto! While deputies and human rights activists argue about the purpose of the law on mandatory language testing, the country already has scam artists who sell fake certificates. 39 Everyyear,13millionmigrantworkerscometoMoscow,St.PetersburgandothercitiesinRussia. Acierto! Every year, 13 million migrant workers come to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities in Russia. 22 MostlythesearecitizensofCentralAsia:Uzbekistan,TajikistanandTurkmenistan. Acierto! Mostly these are citizens of Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. 20 Theironlygoalistoearnmoneytosupportfamiliesbackhome. Acierto! Their only goal is to earn money to support families back home. 13 AnewlawcameintoeffectonDecember1,whichobligeseverymigrantworkertopassaRussianlanguagetest. Acierto! A new law came into effect on December 1, which obliges every migrant worker to pass a Russian language test. 24 Forthemoment,thislawappliesonlytothosewhointendtoworkinservices,housingandutilityservices,householdservices,andretail. Acierto! For the moment, this law applies only to those who intend to work in services, housing and utility services, household services, and retail. 32 Butwithtime-aspromisedbytheFederalMigrationService-testswillbecomemandatoryforallnon-residents. Acierto! But with time - as promised by the Federal Migration Service - tests will become mandatory for all non-residents. 26 Inadditiontolanguage,Russianhistoryandbasicsofthelegalsystemwillbetested. Acierto! In addition to language, Russian history and basics of the legal system will be tested. 20 Languageknowledgewillhavetobeconfirmedbothtoreceiveandtoextendtheworkpermit. Acierto! Language knowledge will have to be confirmed both to receive and to extend the work permit. 21 AnexceptionisineffectonlyforcitizensofcountrieswhereRussianisastatelanguage. Acierto! An exception is in effect only for citizens of countries where Russian is a state language. 21 PeoplewhoreceivededucationcertificatesanddiplomasbeforethefalloftheUSSRin1991arealsoexemptunderthelaw. Acierto! People who received education certificates and diplomas before the fall of the USSR in 1991 are also exempt under the law. 27 Purpose,doomedfate,andtheprotectionofrights Acierto! Purpose, doomed fate, and the protection of rights 9 SeventestingpointswillbeoperatingundertheauspicesofthePushkinInstituteofRussianLanguage,Peoples'FriendshipUniversityofRussia,MoscowStateUniversity(MGU),St.PetersburgStateUniversity(SPbGU),andotherRussianeducationinstitutions. Acierto! Seven testing points will be operating under the auspices of the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State University (MGU), St. Petersburg State University (SPbGU), and other Russian education institutions. 62 Migrantscantakethetestsinallcities;morethan160suchcentreshavebeenopened. Acierto! Migrants can take the tests in all cities; more than 160 such centres have been opened. 21 TheinitiativetointroducethetestingwassupportedbyStateDumamembersandtheFederalMigrationServices. Acierto! The initiative to introduce the testing was supported by State Duma members and the Federal Migration Services. 25 Buthumanrightsactivists,askedthequestionrepeatedlyinthepressbeforethelawcameintoforce:whatwillitactuallyachieve? Acierto! But human rights activists, asked the question repeatedly in the press before the law came into force: what will it actually achieve? 30 WhatwilltheobligationtoknowRussianchangefortheRussiansandforthenon-residents? Acierto! What will the obligation to know Russian change for the Russians and for the non-residents? 21 Firstofall,accordingtorepresentativesofthemigrationservice,thiswillallowtoreducethenumberofpeoplesufferingfromlabourslavery. Acierto! First of all, according to representatives of the migration service, this will allow to reduce the number of people suffering from labour slavery. 33 Manyspeakaboutprotectionoftherightsofworkmigrants,explainstheHeadoftherepresentativeofficeoftheFederalMigrationServicesofRussia,ViktorSebelev. Acierto! Many speak about protection of the rights of work migrants, explains the Head of the representative office of the Federal Migration Services of Russia, Viktor Sebelev. 38 Rightsprotectionshouldbeginbeforetheirdeparture. Acierto! Rights protection should begin before their departure. 11 Onlythesystemoforganizedselectionwillenableustosolve90%oftheproblemsofforeignworkers. Acierto! Only the system of organized selection will enable us to solve 90% of the problems of foreign workers. 23 Migrantswithoutprofession,education,whodonotknowRussian,whodonothaveamedicalcertificatestarttohaveproblems. Acierto! Migrants without profession, education, who do not know Russian, who do not have a medical certificate start to have problems. 29 Ifamigrantdoesnotunderstandthelanguage,saysSebelevwithcertainty,heisdoomedtocomeacrossunconscientiouspeople,who,pretendingtohelp,willforceuponhima"ticket"toterrible,crampedbarrackswheremanyotherslikehimwillsufferwithoutfoodanddocuments,slavingaway12-14hoursaday. Acierto! If a migrant does not understand the language, says Sebelev with certainty, he is doomed to come across unconscientious people, who, pretending to help, will force upon him a "ticket" to terrible, cramped barracks where many others like him will suffer without food and documents, slaving away 12-14 hours a day. 76 Wereceivemanycomplaintsfromourmigrants. Acierto! We receive many complaints from our migrants. 9 "Theyarepromisedonethingathome,butwhentheyarrive,theyareliedto,theirpassportsaretaken,theyarenotpaidwhattheywerepromised,"confirmstheHeadoftheMainMigrantLabourAdministrationoftheMigrationServiceofTajikistanTolibSharipov. Acierto! "They are promised one thing at home, but when they arrive, they are lied to, their passports are taken, they are not paid what they were promised," confirms the Head of the Main Migrant Labour Administration of the Migration Service of Tajikistan Tolib Sharipov. 63 Notbeangry,boss! Acierto! Not be angry, boss! 4 Nonetheless,manycitizensofCentralAsiancountries,whoplantogotoworkinRussia,admitthatnotonlytheirunderstandingofthelanguageofthecountrywheretheyaregoingisnotgood,buttheycanbarelywriteintheirownlanguage. Acierto! Nonetheless, many citizens of Central Asian countries, who plan to go to work in Russia, admit that not only their understanding of the language of the country where they are going is not good, but they can barely write in their own language. 57 Naturally,thisisnotsomuchtheirfault,butduetopoverty:veryfewTurks,Uzbeks,andTajikscanaffordevenabasiceducation. Acierto! Naturally, this is not so much their fault, but due to poverty: very few Turks, Uzbeks, and Tajiks can afford even a basic education. 32 Theirfamiliesdon'tevenhavefoodtofeedtheirchildren,nottomentiondecentclothing,shoes,andsupplies. Acierto! Their families don't even have food to feed their children, not to mention decent clothing, shoes, and supplies. 26 Afterreachingadolescence,thesekidsgotoworkatthefirstopportunity. Acierto! After reaching adolescence, these kids go to work at the first opportunity. 17 Itishard,iflanguageknowledgeisbad,theyadmit. Acierto! It is hard, if language knowledge is bad, they admit. 9 "Youfeelhumiliatedandinferior." Acierto! "You feel humiliated and inferior." 7 Buthumanrightsactivistsnoteoneimportantpointaboutthelawonlanguage. Acierto! But human rights activists note one important point about the law on language. 17 Testingwillbeconductedonlyforthosemigrantswhohavelegalstatus. Acierto! Testing will be conducted only for those migrants who have legal status. 16 Iftheyhavenostatus,therewillbenotesting,noranyofficialworkinthefuture. Acierto! If they have no status, there will be no testing, nor any official work in the future. 19 Inthemeantime,mostofthemigrantworkerscontinuetoliveinRussiaillegally. Acierto! In the meantime, most of the migrant workers continue to live in Russia illegally. 19 "Welcome,orNoUnauthorizedEntry" Acierto! "Welcome, or No Unauthorized Entry" 6 Manyoftheforeignersassertthatreceivingofficialstatusinourcountryisnotthateasy. Acierto! Many of the foreigners assert that receiving official status in our country is not that easy. 21 Thereasonliesinbureaucratichurdlesandthealreadymentionedlanguagedifficulties. Acierto! The reason lies in bureaucratic hurdles and the already mentioned language difficulties. 21 Inaddition,legalizationcostsmoney:from12,000to16,000rubles. Acierto! In addition, legalization costs money: from 12,000 to 16,000 rubles. 14 Whereasafakeregistrationisdonequicklyandcostsonlyoneandahalfthousand. Acierto! Whereas a fake registration is done quickly and costs only one and a half thousand. 19 OfficersoftheRussianPoliceknowthatwemainlyhavefakepapers,withoutregistration,hencetheextortion. Acierto! Officers of the Russian Police know that we mainly have fake papers, without registration, hence the extortion. 27 "Theyaskforahundredortwoforcigarettes,tea,"UmedKhushkadamov,acitizenofTajikistan,sharedwithjournalists. Acierto! "They ask for a hundred or two for cigarettes, tea," Umed Khushkadamov, a citizen of Tajikistan, shared with journalists. 28 "Rollup,don'tbecheap,getyourartwork" Acierto! "Roll up, don't be cheap, get your artwork" 8 Onthefirstdayofthelaw'sentryintoeffectitturnedoutthatnotonlymigrantregistrationdocumentscanbefake. Acierto! On the first day of the law's entry into effect it turned out that not only migrant registration documents can be fake. 27 AfewforgedcertificatesaboutpassinglanguagetestshavebeenseizedbyFederalMigrationServicesofficersalready. Acierto! A few forged certificates about passing language tests have been seized by Federal Migration Services officers already. 27 Forgeddocumentsareprintedonastandardcolourprinter. Acierto! Forged documents are printed on a standard colour printer. 12 Naturally,theywerenotfreefortheirowners:eachofthemigrants,whohadhopedtofacilitatethetaskofpassingthetestsinthiswaypaidseventhousandrublesforthem. Acierto! Naturally, they were not free for their owners: each of the migrants, who had hoped to facilitate the task of passing the tests in this way paid seven thousand rubles for them. 41 Itistwoandahalftimesmorethantheprocessofofficialtesting,whichcoststhreethousand. Acierto! It is two and a half times more than the process of official testing, which costs three thousand. 22 Governmentofficialsandhumanrightsactivistsagreethatthemaingoalinthenearfutureistoprotectthesystemfromcorruption,sothatthecertificatescouldnotjustbebought. Acierto! Government officials and human rights activists agree that the main goal in the near future is to protect the system from corruption, so that the certificates could not just be bought. 43 Forthemoment,theauthoritiescanpromisemigrantworkerswhocouldnotpassthetestthefirsttimetogivetimetocompleteabasiclanguagecourse. Acierto! For the moment, the authorities can promise migrant workers who could not pass the test the first time to give time to complete a basic language course. 33 Inaddition,thosewhocomewithoutRussianlanguageknowledgewillbeofferedworkinareasthatdonotrequireactivecommunicationwithpeople. Acierto! In addition, those who come without Russian language knowledge will be offered work in areas that do not require active communication with people. 33 TheMinistryoftheInteriordoesnotputarmsfromtheillegalmarketbackintocirculation Acierto! The Ministry of the Interior does not put arms from the illegal market back into circulation 21 Theshareofcrimeinvolvinglegalweaponsisextremelylow Acierto! The share of crime involving legal weapons is extremely low 12 TheRussianMinistryoftheInteriorisproposingtotoughenupthelawforownersofcivilweapons. Acierto! The Russian Ministry of the Interior is proposing to toughen up the law for owners of civil weapons. 22 Thisisthereactionofauthoritiestorecentincidents:CLICKshotsatweddings,wheretherewerenocasualties,andthemassacrestagedbyMoscowlawyerDmitryVinogradov,resultinginCLICKthedeathofsevenpeople. Acierto! This is the reaction of authorities to recent incidents: CLICK shots at weddings, where there were no casualties, and the massacre staged by Moscow lawyer Dmitry Vinogradov, resulting in CLICK the death of seven people. 51 Policemenwanttoprohibitthecarryingofweaponsinpublicplacesandraisethelegalageofweaponslicensingfrom18to21. Acierto! Policemen want to prohibit the carrying of weapons in public places and raise the legal age of weapons licensing from 18 to 21. 29 TheideawassupportedbytheheadoftheDumaCommitteeonSafetyandAnti-Corruption,IrinaYarovaya,whopromisedthattheamendmentstothelawonweaponswillbebroughttotheStateDumainthenearfuture. Acierto! The idea was supported by the head of the Duma Committee on Safety and Anti-Corruption, Irina Yarovaya, who promised that the amendments to the law on weapons will be brought to the State Duma in the near future. 49 NoteveryoneishappythattheRussianauthoritiesaretryingtofighttheproblemby"tighteningthescrews." Fallo! No t everyone is happy that the Russian authorities are trying to fight the problem by "tightening the screws." vs Not everyone is happy that the Russian authorities are trying to fight the problem by "tightening the screws." 25 Anopenletterappearedonline,whoseauthors-representativesofdifferentsocialrifleorganizations-demandtoabandonthe"senselesstoughening." Acierto! An open letter appeared online, whose authors - representatives of different social rifle organizations - demand to abandon the "senseless toughening." 34 Thepercentageofcrimeinvolvingregisteredweaponsisminimal,saidcriminallawyerVasilyLesnikovtoBBCRussia. Acierto! The percentage of crime involving registered weapons is minimal, said criminal lawyer Vasily Lesnikov to BBC Russia. 26 AccordingtotheMinistryoftheInterior'sstatistics,142crimesusingfirearmsregisteredwithlawenforcementagencieshavebeencommittedinthesixmonthsof2012,whereas1,168,000crimeshavebeenrecordedintotalforthisperiod. Acierto! According to the Ministry of the Interior's statistics, 142 crimes using firearms registered with law enforcement agencies have been committed in the six months of 2012, whereas 1,168,000 crimes have been recorded in total for this period. 57 Authorsoftheopenletterarecertainthatthetougheningofthelawintheareaofcivilweaponswillnotpreventthecriminalfromgoingtothe"black"market. Acierto! Authors of the open letter are certain that the toughening of the law in the area of civil weapons will not prevent the criminal from going to the "black" market. 36 Accordingtothem,onecanfindanyweaponatalowpricerightnow. Acierto! According to them, one can find any weapon at a low price right now. 14 Nonetheless,theMinistryoftheInteriorassertsthatthesituationofthespreadofillegalarmsisundercontrol. Acierto! Nonetheless, the Ministry of the Interior asserts that the situation of the spread of illegal arms is under control. 27 Suppliers:fromplantstoofficers Acierto! Suppliers: from plants to officers 6 The"black"marketofweaponsisreplenishedthroughseveralchannels. Acierto! The "black" market of weapons is replenished through several channels. 15 Therearefivesuchchannels,explainsretiredcolonelViktorBaranets,whohasworkedintheMinistryofEducationandtheGeneralStafffor10years. Acierto! There are five such channels, explains retired colonel Viktor Baranets, who has worked in the Ministry of Education and the General Staff for 10 years. 34 Screenshotofthesitethatacceptsordersforweapons. Acierto! Screenshot of the site that accepts orders for weapons. 10 First:"armyormilitaryloot,"i.e.weaponsthatwerestolenduringthefightingintheCaucasus. Acierto! First: "army or military loot," i.e. weapons that were stolen during the fighting in the Caucasus. 22 "WeaponswerestolenbyRussianofficersandbytheCaucasians,"saysBaranets. Acierto! "Weapons were stolen by Russian officers and by the Caucasians," says Baranets. 18 Nextare"blackweapons,"stolenbycriminalsfromrepresentativesofdefenceagencies. Acierto! Next are "black weapons," stolen by criminals from representatives of defence agencies. 20 Baranetsexplainsthatthiscoversweaponstakenfrompolicewarehousesandthosestolendirectlyfromlawenforcementagencies'employees. Acierto! Baranets explains that this covers weapons taken from police warehouses and those stolen directly from law enforcement agencies' employees. 33 Illegalarmsaretakentobesoldfrommilitarywarehouses. Acierto! Illegal arms are taken to be sold from military warehouses. 11 Explosionshaveoftenbeenheardatmilitarywarehouses. Acierto! Explosions have often been heard at military warehouses. 11 "Thereareproventheoriesthatsomeofthefireswereintentional,inordertocovertheshortage,"saystheformermilitaryman. Acierto! "There are proven theories that some of the fires were intentional, in order to cover the shortage," says the former military man. 30 Manufacturersofweaponsmaketheircontribution,accordingtoBaranets. Acierto! Manufacturers of weapons make their contribution, according to Baranets. 16 "Therearesomanyprivateweaponsfactoriesnow,whichdonotendurecompetitionontheinternationalmarketandthrowweaponsfromunderthecountertotheblackmarket,includinginMoscow,"saystheexpert. Acierto! "There are so many private weapons factories now, which do not endure competition on the international market and throw weapons from under the counter to the black market, including in Moscow," says the expert. 49 Anothersourceofthe"black"marketistrafficking. Acierto! Another source of the "black" market is trafficking. 9 AnespeciallyhighnumberofgunsandmachinegunscomefrompoorcountrieslikeKyrgyzstan. Acierto! An especially high number of guns and machine guns come from poor countries like Kyrgyzstan. 21 "There'sproductionthere,sometimeshandmade;andamafiahasformed,whichhasorganizedastream,"explainstheformermilitaryman. Acierto! "There's production there, sometimes handmade; and a mafia has formed, which has organized a stream," explains the former military man. 32 Wheredotheweaponscomefrom? Acierto! Where do the weapons come from? 5 Expertscountedtheapproximateshareofeachofthesourcesofsupplyofillegalweaponstothe"black"market. Acierto! Experts counted the approximate share of each of the sources of supply of illegal weapons to the "black" market. 25 AreportaboutthiswaspreparedbytheCentreofProblemsAnalysisandPublicManagementPlanningin2011. Acierto! A report about this was prepared by the Centre of Problems Analysis and Public Management Planning in 2011. 24 ExpertsanalysedthereportsoftheDepartmentoftheInteriorandRosstat,criminologyliteratureandopendatafromportalsonweapons. Acierto! Experts analysed the reports of the Department of the Interior and Rosstat, criminology literature and open data from portals on weapons. 30 Theoverwhelmingmajorityofillegalweapons,accordingtotheresearchers,comesfromthemilitaryandsecurityforces. Acierto! The overwhelming majority of illegal weapons, according to the researchers, comes from the military and security forces. 27 Halfofallarmsontheblackmarketarethere"becauseofofficials,whoseworkisconnectedwithweapons,"statesthereport. Fallo! Half of all arms on the black market are there" because of officials, whose work is connected with weapons," states the report. vs Half of all arms on the black market are there "because of officials, whose work is connected with weapons," states the report. 29 Accordingtoresearchers'data,17%ofthetimetheweaponsarereceivedfromarmedconflictareas,14%istheftduringproduction,5%is"blackarchaeology." Acierto! According to researchers' data, 17% of the time the weapons are received from armed conflict areas, 14% is theft during production, 5% is "black archaeology." 36 Asalesconsultantofoneoftheweaponsstores,whowishedtoremainanonymous,assertsthattheweaponsfoundby"black"diggersarenotbeingboughtanymore,becausethey'retooold. Fallo! A sales consultant of one of the weapons stores, who wished to remain anonymous, asserts that the weapons found by "black" diggers are not being bought anymore, because they're too old. vs A sales consultant of one of the weapons stores, who wished to remain anonymous, asserts that the weapons found by "black" diggers are not being bought any more, because they're too old. 42 Accordingtohim,dealersgotothemilitarywarehouseforanewbatchofgoods. Acierto! According to him, dealers go to the military warehouse for a new batch of goods. 18 Onepiece,forexampleaTTguncanbeboughtfromawarrantofficer. Acierto! One piece, for example a TT gun can be bought from a warrant officer. 14 Itisissuedtohim,andgiventhroughthefence. Acierto! It is issued to him, and given through the fence. 9 "Hetakesittothecityandsellsfor900eurosapiecewithtwomagazines,"hesays. Fallo! " He takes it to the city and sells for 900 euros a piece with two magazines," he says. vs "He takes it to the city and sells for 900 euros a piece with two magazines," he says. 19 "Thetruthisthatpoliceareawareofeverything,thatiswhyperiodically,whenthecrimedetectionrateislow,itconductstestpurchasesfromillegalweaponsmerchants,"saystheconsultant. Acierto! "The truth is that police are aware of everything, that is why periodically, when the crime detection rate is low, it conducts test purchases from illegal weapons merchants," says the consultant. 45 "Likeinaluxurystore" Acierto! "Like in a luxury store" 4 Thebuyerandselleroftenfindeachotherthroughfriends. Acierto! The buyer and seller often find each other through friends. 11 Ilookedatsites,blogs,tillsomeoneresponded,offeringmetogotoBegovayastation,whereamanwillbewaitingformetotakemetothe"corner"sowecannegotiate. Fallo! I looked at sites, blogs, till someone responded, offering me to go to Begova ya station, where a man will be waiting for me to take me to the "corner" so we can negotiate. vs I looked at sites, blogs, till someone responded, offering me to go to Begovaya station, where a man will be waiting for me to take me to the "corner" so we can negotiate. 38 Ifoundoutthepriceoftheweapononlythere Acierto! I found out the price of the weapon only there 8 militarycommentatorViktorBaranets Acierto! military commentator Viktor Baranets 6 Togetaweapon,Ineedsomeonewithconnections,saysthesalesconsultant.-Ihaveanacquaintance,butI'mnotsureit'sreliable. Acierto! To get a weapon, I need someone with connections, says the sales consultant. - I have an acquaintance, but I'm not sure it's reliable. 30 Therearesalesmenonlabourmarkets,butoneneedsto"come"thereconditionally"fromJohnDoe,whoaskedtotellthathisdaughterlostatooth." Fallo! There are salesmen on labour markets, but one needs to "come "there conditionally" from John Doe, who asked to tell that his daughter lost a tooth." vs There are salesmen on labour markets, but one needs to "come" there conditionally "from John Doe, who asked to tell that his daughter lost a tooth." 33 Rightnow,evenifIneedafewknuckledusters,IgetthemthroughsomeoneItrust. Acierto! Right now, even if I need a few knuckledusters, I get them through someone I trust. 20 Healsosuppliesthemonlytome,becauseheknowsthatIwon'tgivehimaway. Acierto! He also supplies them only to me, because he knows that I won't give him away. 17 Beginnerslookforweaponsindifferentways. Acierto! Beginners look for weapons in different ways. 7 FormermilitarymanViktorBaranetstriedhimselfasabuyerofillegalweaponsinthemid-1990's,whenhewaspreparingtopublishanarticleaboutthis. Acierto! Former military man Viktor Baranets tried himself as a buyer of illegal weapons in the mid-1990's, when he was preparing to publish an article about this. 35 Theformulasarestillthesame,accordingtohim. Acierto! The formulas are still the same, according to him. 9 Hewasgivenanalbumofpictureswith"anythingandeverything." Acierto! He was given an album of pictures with "anything and everything." 13 "IfeltlikeIwasinaluxurystore,"herecalls. Acierto! "I felt like I was in a luxury store," he recalls. 9 AccordingtoBaranets,thebuyerisnotofferedapiginapoke-youcantryouteverything. Acierto! According to Baranets, the buyer is not offered a pig in a poke - you can try out everything. 22 I,thepotentialclient,amnotjustbuying;wegototheforestwiththesellerandsetatargetthere. Acierto! I, the potential client, am not just buying; we go to the forest with the seller and set a target there. 23 "Iamgiventheopportunitytoshoot,andwhenIamcertainthattheweaponisgood,webegintonegotiate,"describestheexpert. Acierto! "I am given the opportunity to shoot, and when I am certain that the weapon is good, we begin to negotiate," describes the expert. 29 Storeonasofa Acierto! Store on a sofa 3 Internetsearchesleadtositesand"Vkontakte"groups,whereweapons"fordifferentpurposes"areonoffer. Fallo! Internet searches lead to sites and "Vkontakte" groups, where weapons" for different purposes "are on offer . vs Internet searches lead to sites and "Vkontakte" groups, where weapons "for different purposes" are on offer. 25 Nodocumentsorpersonalmeetingsareneeded. Acierto! No documents or personal meetings are needed. 8 "It'senoughtohaveacertainsumofmoney,"saystheadvertisementheadingonthewebsite"Buyapistolorrifle." Acierto! "It's enough to have a certain sum of money," says the advertisement heading on the website "Buy a pistol or rifle." 26 Usersleavetheirrequestsandaskquestions. Acierto! Users leave their requests and ask questions. 8 Canaminorbuy? Acierto! Can a minor buy? 3 "Withoutalicense,ofcourse,"asksuser"John"(nameischanged). Acierto! "Without a license, of course," asks user "John" (name is changed). 14 "WanttobuyaTT,Moscow,"conciselyrequests"Fedorenkov." Acierto! "Want to buy a TT, Moscow," concisely requests "Fedorenkov." 12 FederalSecurityServicenowspreadabignetworkoffakesitesandtherearetonsofpotentialbuyersofmilitaryweapons. Acierto! Federal Security Service now spread a big network of fake sites and there are tons of potential buyers of military weapons. 29 Peoplecomelikehungryfishtobait,andthenminecoalinSiberia. Acierto! People come like hungry fish to bait, and then mine coal in Siberia. 14 militarycommentatorandformermilitarymanViktorBaranets Acierto! military commentator and former military man Viktor Baranets 12 Iheardaboutthis:normallythesiteisregisteredoutsidetheareaofapplicabilityofthelawsofRussia. Acierto! I heard about this: normally the site is registered outside the area of applicability of the laws of Russia. 24 Peopleacceptorders. Acierto! People accept orders. 4 ThebuyerpaysatanATM. Acierto! The buyer pays at an ATM. 4 "Inresponse,aphotoissentwithinstructionsonwheretheweaponishidden,"saysPressSecretaryoftheRightstoWeaponsnon-governmentalorganizationDmitryKislov. Acierto! "In response, a photo is sent with instructions on where the weapon is hidden," says Press Secretary of the Rights to Weapons non-governmental organization Dmitry Kislov. 39 ViktorBaranetsconfirmsthatafterleavingarequestonthesiteyoucanstaywithoutaweaponandgotojail. Fallo! Vikt or Baranets confirms that after leaving a request on the site you can stay without a weapon and go to jail. vs Viktor Baranets confirms that after leaving a request on the site you can stay without a weapon and go to jail. 25 TheFederalSecurityServicenowspreadsabignetworkoffakesitesandtherearetonsofpotentialbuyersofmilitaryweapons. Acierto! The Federal Security Service now spreads a big network of fake sites and there are tons of potential buyers of military weapons. 29 "Peoplearelikehungryfishafterbait,andendinSiberiaminingcoal,"-hesays. Acierto! "People are like hungry fish after bait, and end in Siberia mining coal," - he says. 19 Makarovfor100dollars Acierto! Makarov for 100 dollars 4 Whenbuyingillegalfirearms,100to900dollarsisenoughaccordingtoexperts. Acierto! When buying illegal firearms, 100 to 900 dollars is enough according to experts. 19 AccordingtoDmitryKislovfromtheRightstoWeaponsorganization,aMakarovguncanbeacquiredfor100-300dollars. Acierto! According to Dmitry Kislov from the Rights to Weapons organization, a Makarov gun can be acquired for 100-300 dollars. 27 Thewaittimeisamonthtoamonthandahalf. Acierto! The wait time is a month to a month and a half. 8 Itisshippedfromlong-termstoragewarehousesbythemid-levelmanagementofthesewarehouses. Acierto! It is shipped from long-term storage warehouses by the mid-level management of these warehouses. 22 Accordingtoofficialstatisticsoftheauthorities,thenumberofsuchcrimesinRussiaonthewholedropped7%ascomparedtoJanuary-October2011,amountingto22,900,whilethenumberofcasesoftheftandextortionofweapons,ammunition,explosivesubstancesandexplosivedevicesdroppedby7.8%. Acierto! According to official statistics of the authorities, the number of such crimes in Russia on the whole dropped 7% as compared to January-October 2011, amounting to 22,900, while the number of cases of theft and extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosive substances and explosive devices dropped by 7.8%. 75 Fast-foodandsupermarketworkersareonstrikeintheU.S.A. Acierto! Fast-food and supermarket workers are on strike in the U.S.A. 12 UptoafourthofallAmericanteenagershaveworkedthecashregisteratMcDonald'satonetimeoranother Acierto! Up to a fourth of all American teenagers have worked the cash register at McDonald's at one time or another 24 Inthelastfewdays,thereisawaveofprotestactionsintheU.S.A.againstlowsalariesinsupermarketsoftheWalmartchainandpopularfastfoodchainrestaurantslikeMcDonald's,BurgerKing,TacoBell,Wendy'sandKentuckyFriedChicken. Acierto! In the last few days, there is a wave of protest actions in the U.S.A. against low salaries in supermarkets of the Walmart chain and popular fast food chain restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's and Kentucky Fried Chicken. 59 Rightnow,nobodyisabletopredictwhetherthiswavewillturnintotheninthwaveoritisdestinedtofizzleoutearly. Acierto! Right now, nobody is able to predict whether this wave will turn into the ninth wave or it is destined to fizzle out early. 28 Actionsarebeingsupportedbyunionsandaseriesofleft-wingorganizations. Acierto! Actions are being supported by unions and a series of left-wing organizations. 18 InadditiontoincreasingthelowwagesreceivedbyemployeesofWalmartandfastfoodchains,thegoaloftheprotestersistocreateunionswithinthem. Acierto! In addition to increasing the low wages received by employees of Walmart and fast food chains, the goal of the protesters is to create unions within them. 34 Thissectoroftheeconomyisnotcoveredbyanyunionmovementyet. Acierto! This sector of the economy is not covered by any union movement yet. 14 46centsayear? Acierto! 46 cents a year? 3 ActionsbeganlastweekafterThanksgiving,onBlackFriday,whenmassivesalesdrewmillionsofpeopleinAmerica,sometimesaccompaniedbyclashes. Acierto! Actions began last week after Thanksgiving, on Black Friday, when massive sales drew millions of people in America, sometimes accompanied by clashes. 34 Onthisday,someemployeesoftheWalmartcorporation,whichemploys2.2millionpeoplearoundtheworld,lefttheirworkplacesandpicketedtogetherwiththeunionsandleft-wingactivistsfromthecorporationstoresthatsellproductstopeopleonlow-to-mediumincomes. Acierto! On this day, some employees of the Walmart corporation, which employs 2.2 million people around the world, left their workplaces and picketed together with the unions and left-wing activists from the corporation stores that sell products to people on low-to-medium incomes. 66 Walmartsellseverythingimaginable,fromdiapers,huntingriflesandcarbatteries,tovacuumcleaners,eggsandmilk. Acierto! Walmart sells everything imaginable, from diapers, hunting rifles and car batteries, to vacuum cleaners, eggs and milk. 28 Productsinitsstoresareonaverage8%to27%cheaperthaninmajorsupermarkets. Acierto! Products in its stores are on average 8% to 27% cheaper than in major supermarkets. 20 Somanylow-paidWalmartemployeesshoponlyattheirworkplace. Acierto! So many low-paid Walmart employees shop only at their workplace. 13 AvailabilityandassortmentmadeWalmartoneofthebiggestAmericancorporations. Acierto! Availability and assortment made Walmart one of the biggest American corporations. 20 Accordingtocritics,Walmartcanaffordtoselltheproductscheaplypartlybecauseitpayslittletoitsemployees. Acierto! According to critics, Walmart can afford to sell the products cheaply partly because it pays little to its employees. 26 Theselatteralsocomplainabouthardworkconditions,forexamplelackoflifttrucksandhand-heldscanners. Acierto! These latter also complain about hard work conditions, for example lack of lift trucks and hand-held scanners. 26 ProtestersonBlackFridaydemandedasalaryincreaseandcomplainedthatthecostofmedicalinsuranceprovidedbythecorporationwentfrom30to100dollarsamonth. Acierto! Protesters on Black Friday demanded a salary increase and complained that the cost of medical insurance provided by the corporation went from 30 to 100 dollars a month. 38 AtypicalWalmartemployee,receiving9.5dollars/hour,cannotaffordthis. Acierto! A typical Walmart employee, receiving 9.5 dollars/hour, cannot afford this. 17 ScientistsfromtheBerkeleyUniversityinCaliforniaarguethatifWalmartraisestheaveragesalaryto12dollars/hour,itwillcostthecorporation3.2billiondollars. Acierto! Scientists from the Berkeley University in California argue that if Walmart raises the average salary to 12 dollars/hour, it will cost the corporation 3.2 billion dollars. 40 Thisisabout1.1%morethanitspendsonsalariesrightnow. Acierto! This is about 1.1% more than it spends on salaries right now. 12 IfWalmartfullyshiftsthecostofincreasingwagestotheshouldersofconsumers,eachvisittothestorewillcostonly46centsmore. Acierto! If Walmart fully shifts the cost of increasing wages to the shoulders of consumers, each visit to the store will cost only 46 cents more. 30 Inoneyear,theywillonlyspend12.39dollarsmorethannow. Acierto! In one year, they will only spend 12.39 dollars more than now. 12 Walmartsupportershappilynotethattheproteststookplaceinninestatesanddidnotcauseanydamageatalltothecorporation. Acierto! Walmart supporters happily note that the protests took place in nine states and did not cause any damage at all to the corporation. 28 BlackFridaycontinuedinitsstoresfrom8intheeveningonThursdaytillmidnightthenextday,andduringtheperiodWalmartsoldabout5000productsasecond. Acierto! Black Friday continued in its stores from 8 in the evening on Thursday till midnight the next day, and during the period Walmart sold about 5000 products a second. 38 Intotal,itscashregistersconductednearly100milliontransactionsonBlackFriday. Acierto! In total, its cash registers conducted nearly 100 million transactions on Black Friday. 19 Representativeofthecorporation,DanFogelman,assertedinaninterviewwithaleft-wingsite,theHuffingtonPost,thatatotalof"lessthanfive"Walmartemployeeslefttheworkplace,andtheprotestactwasjust"anotherPRtrick"oftheunionthatorganizedit. Acierto! Representative of the corporation, Dan Fogelman, asserted in an interview with a left-wing site, the Huffington Post, that a total of "less than five" Walmart employees left the workplace, and the protest act was just "another PR trick" of the union that organized it. 65 "Freecashregister!" Acierto! "Free cash register!" 4 ProtestscontinuedthisweekinNewYork,wheretheirobjectwasnotWalmart(they'renotsowelcomeintheprogressivecity,thatiswhytheydon'texisthereyet),butMcDonald'sandothercheaprestaurants. Acierto! Protests continued this week in New York, where their object was not Walmart (they're not so welcome in the progressive city, that is why they don't exist here yet), but McDonald's and other cheap restaurants. 48 McDonald'ssaysthatitsellsbillionsofportions,anddespitethisitdoesn'tevengiveyousickdaysorpayyouforhonestwork! Acierto! McDonald's says that it sells billions of portions, and despite this it doesn't even give you sick days or pay you for honest work! 30 JumaaneWilliams,memberoftheCityCouncilofNewYork Fallo! Jumaan e Williams, member of the City Council of New York vs Jumaane Williams, member of the City Council of New York 10 Atthemoment,theminimumsalaryaccordingtofederalandNYlawis7.25dollarsanhour. Acierto! At the moment, the minimum salary according to federal and NY law is 7.25 dollars an hour. 20 Fastfoodrestaurantsincreaseitwithtime,butverylittle.OnaveragetheirordinaryemployeesinNewYorkearn8.90dollars/hour. Fallo! Fastfood restaurants increase it with time, but very little. On average their ordinary employees in New York earn 8.90 dollars/hour. vs Fast food restaurants increase it with time, but very little. On average their ordinary employees in New York earn 8.90 dollars/hour. 31 Nobodyearnslessinthisexpensivecity. Acierto! Nobody earns less in this expensive city. 7 IcannotunderstandhowonecansurviveinNewYorkonthismoney. Acierto! I cannot understand how one can survive in New York on this money. 12 Onceuponatime,almostafourthofAmericanteenagerswentthroughMcDonald's,workingpart-timeafterschool,livingwithparents. Acierto! Once upon a time, almost a fourth of American teenagers went through McDonald's, working part-time after school, living with parents. 31 Fewsawthisasasourceoflivingorplannedtostaythereforlong. Acierto! Few saw this as a source of living or planned to stay there for long. 14 NowIcontinuouslycomeacrossinterviewswithMcDonald'semployees,whocomplainthattheyhavetosurviveonthissalaryandsometimesevenfeedtheirchildren. Acierto! Now I continuously come across interviews with McDonald's employees, who complain that they have to survive on this salary and sometimes even feed their children. 37 Ontheotherhand,thereisacommentontheWallStreetJournalforum,whoseauthornotesthatitisirresponsibletohavechildrenifyoudonotknowhowyouwillfeedthem. Acierto! On the other hand, there is a comment on the Wall Street Journal forum, whose author notes that it is irresponsible to have children if you do not know how you will feed them. 39 Participantsoftheprotestthatbeganat6.30a.m.onThursdayneartheMcDonald'son40thstreetandMadisonAvenuedemandedthatcashiersandcooksofthefastfoodchainbepaidatleast15dollars/hour,i.e.morethandoubletheirpresentwages. Acierto! Participants of the protest that began at 6.30 a.m. on Thursday near the McDonald's on 40th street and Madison Avenue demanded that cashiers and cooks of the fast food chain be paid at least 15 dollars/hour, i.e. more than double their present wages. 60 Theyalsodemandedthecreationofunionsinthefastfoodindustry. Acierto! They also demanded the creation of unions in the fast food industry. 14 Americanlawprohibitstheadministrationfrompreventingthisorpunishingactivistsoftheunionmovementbynaggingorfiring. Fallo! America n law prohibits the administration from preventing this or punishing activists of the union movement by nagging or firing. vs American law prohibits the administration from preventing this or punishing activists of the union movement by nagging or firing. 30 Ontheotherhand,theadministrationdoesnotofteneasetheirlife. Acierto! On the other hand, the administration does not often ease their life. 14 Butforobjectivereasonsitishardtocoverfastfoodwithaunion. Acierto! But for objective reasons it is hard to cover fast food with a union. 14 Oneofthemistheunusualturnoverofemployees. Acierto! One of them is the unusual turnover of employees. 9 Disagreeing Acierto! Disagreeing 3 NoisyprotestsbeganonthisdayinanumberofothercheaprestaurantsinManhattan. Fallo! Noi sy protests began on this day in a number of other cheap restaurants in Manhattan. vs Noisy protests began on this day in a number of other cheap restaurants in Manhattan. 19 ThehighlightoftheactionwastheafternoonmeetingnearMcDonald'sbyTimesSquare,whereseverallocaldemocraticpoliticiansspokeout.Oneofthem,JumaaneWilliams,said:"McDonald'sclaimsitsellsbillionsofportions,anddespitethisitdoesn'tevengiveyousickdaysorpayyouforhonestwork!" Acierto! The highlight of the action was the afternoon meeting near McDonald's by Times Square, where several local democratic politicians spoke out. One of them, Jumaane Williams, said: "McDonald's claims it sells billions of portions, and despite this it doesn't even give you sick days or pay you for honest work!" 75 DemonstratorsweresupportedbyotherprominentNYdemocrats,likeBilldeBlasio,acandidateforNYcitymayor,whosaid:"Weneedtovoiceourjointsupportforthefastfoodemployees,sothattheycanachievefairwagesandeconomicwellbeing,whicheveryNewYorkerdeserves!." Acierto! Demonstrators were supported by other prominent NY democrats, like Bill de Blasio, a candidate for NY city mayor, who said: "We need to voice our joint support for the fast food employees, so that they can achieve fair wages and economic wellbeing, which every New Yorker deserves!." 69 AccordingtotheNewYorkTimes,thiswasthebiggestactionofthiskindinthehistoryoftheAmericanfastfoodindustry. Acierto! According to the New York Times, this was the biggest action of this kind in the history of the American fast food industry. 29 Butonlyafewhundredpeopletookpartinit,andmanyofthemwerenotfastfoodemployees,whichcomprisetensofthousandsofpeopleinNewYork. Acierto! But only a few hundred people took part in it, and many of them were not fast food employees, which comprise tens of thousands of people in New York. 34 Itisunclearrightnowwhetherthiswillsparkamassmovement. Acierto! It is unclear right now whether this will spark a mass movement. 12 "Atthemoment,themindcannotbedeceivedtoowell" Acierto! "At the moment, the mind cannot be deceived too well" 10 Amongmoderntechnologyfansapopulartopicisaugmentedreality,latelyseenprimarilythroughtheprismofspecialglasses. Acierto! Among modern technology fans a popular topic is augmented reality, lately seen primarily through the prism of special glasses. 29 Atfirst,afunctionalmodelwasshownbyGoogleinthesummer,atitsannualconference.Then,inNovember,itwasannouncedthatMicrosoftfiledanapplicationforpatenttoo. Acierto! At first, a functional model was shown by Google in the summer, at its annual conference. Then, in November, it was announced that Microsoft filed an application for patent too. 39 However,accordingtotheconversationwiththeleaderofthegroupofinteractive3DtechnologiesintheCambridgelaboratoryofMicrosoft,ShahramIzadi,glassesareathingofthepastforscientistsinthiscompany. Acierto! However, according to the conversation with the leader of the group of interactive 3D technologies in the Cambridge laboratory of Microsoft, Shahram Izadi, glasses are a thing of the past for scientists in this company. 52 Theyaredrawnbytheprospectofmanipulatingvirtualobjectsintheairwithbarehands,creatingvirtualopenspaces. Acierto! They are drawn by the prospect of manipulating virtual objects in the air with bare hands, creating virtual open spaces. 28 -Pleasetellus,insimpleterms,abouttheworkyourresearchgroupdoes. Acierto! - Please tell us, in simple terms, about the work your research group does. 16 -Weworkontheinteractionofpeoplewithmachines,atthesametimetryingtoexpandtheboundariesofthisinteraction. Acierto! - We work on the interaction of people with machines, at the same time trying to expand the boundaries of this interaction. 28 Whilepeopleingeneralarestuckatworkingwithpixelsonaflatscreenandsometimespointingfingersatthem. Acierto! While people in general are stuck at working with pixels on a flat screen and sometimes pointing fingers at them. 26 Wewanttolook5-10yearsintothefutureandpredictcardinalchangesinthisinteraction. Acierto! We want to look 5-10 years into the future and predict cardinal changes in this interaction. 22 Forexample,XboxandKinectsensorsareastepforward.AlmostnoXboxissoldwithoutKinecttoday,becauseeveryonelikescontrolbygestures. Acierto! For example, Xbox and Kinect sensors are a step forward. Almost no Xbox is sold without Kinect today, because everyone likes control by gestures. 32 -Whatelseawaitsusinthefuture? Acierto! - What else awaits us in the future? 6 -DespitethefactthatKinectshiftedtheinteractiontothephysicallevel,muchstilloccursonaflatscreen,sometimesin3D. Acierto! - Despite the fact that Kinect shifted the interaction to the physical level, much still occurs on a flat screen, sometimes in 3D. 28 Informationentryhasimproved(thesystemreceivesmoredata),butoutputstillneedstogetbetter. Acierto! Information entry has improved (the system receives more data), but output still needs to get better. 25 Wearetryingtochangethis,workingontrulythree-dimensionaldisplaysystemsbasedonvarioustechnologies,includingprojectiontechnologies. Acierto! We are trying to change this, working on truly three-dimensional display systems based on various technologies, including projection technologies. 33 Weneedtoletthecomputerworldintoourphysicalworld,makeitmoretangible. Acierto! We need to let the computer world into our physical world, make it more tangible. 19 Butforthis,weneedtoidentifyboththeuserandthespacearoundhim. Acierto! But for this, we need to identify both the user and the space around him. 15 Thenwewillbeabletosupplementtherealworldwithvirtualobjectsinamuchmoreconvenientform. Acierto! Then we will be able to supplement the real world with virtual objects in a much more convenient form. 24 Aboveall,getridofthesestupidvirtualrealityhelmets! Acierto! Above all, get rid of these stupid virtual reality helmets! 11 -Whatdoyouthinkaboutvoicecontrol? Acierto! - What do you think about voice control? 7 It'sapopularthing,butisitoverestimated? Acierto! It's a popular thing, but is it overestimated? 8 -Itclearlycannotbecalledacure-for-all-there'saquestionofprivacy,becausewedonotalwayswanttolettheothersknowaboutouractionsandintentions. Acierto! - It clearly cannot be called a cure-for-all - there's a question of privacy, because we do not always want to let the others know about our actions and intentions. 37 Inreality,alltypesofinteractionwithcomputersaregood,buteachintheirownniche. Acierto! In reality, all types of interaction with computers are good, but each in their own niche. 21 Forexample,wehadaprojecttocontroldevicesinpublicplaces,inwhichwethoughtaboutmovements,notwidemovements,butsmall,reservedones. Acierto! For example, we had a project to control devices in public places, in which we thought about movements, not wide movements, but small, reserved ones. 34 Movementswerenotrecordedbyacamera,butbyahandbraceletthatdeterminedthemovementofbonesandmuscles. Acierto! Movements were not recorded by a camera, but by a hand bracelet that determined the movement of bones and muscles. 27 It'sbigrightnow,butintheoryitcanbereducedtothesizeofahandwatch. Acierto! It's big right now, but in theory it can be reduced to the size of a hand watch. 17 Ingeneral,thefutureliesinthemixedcontrol,e.g.movement+voice. Acierto! In general, the future lies in the mixed control, e.g. movement + voice. 16 -Whatdoyoumean? Acierto! - What do you mean? 3 -Forexample,howwouldyouaskmetogiveyouthisbottleofwater? Acierto! - For example, how would you ask me to give you this bottle of water? 14 Youwilltalkandshowatthesametime. Acierto! You will talk and show at the same time. 6 -UsuallyIjustsay. Acierto! - Usually I just say. 4 -Oh,thatwillbeveryhardtodetect. Acierto! - Oh, that will be very hard to detect. 6 -Soyouwanttomaketheusersadapttowhatthemachinecanorcannotdoatthatmoment? Acierto! - So you want to make the users adapt to what the machine can or cannot do at that moment? 19 -Notnecessarily,butitisamutualapproximation. Acierto! - Not necessarily, but it is a mutual approximation. 10 Ithinkinthenearfuture,wewillmainlyworkondevelopingnewsensorsthatwillenablemoreprecisedeterminationofaperson'sreaction. Acierto! I think in the near future, we will mainly work on developing new sensors that will enable more precise determination of a person's reaction. 32 Thiscouldbe,e.g.lasersensors.Theyhaveadecentdepthresolution,whichisveryimportant. Acierto! This could be, e.g. laser sensors. They have a decent depth resolution, which is very important. 23 -IfwetalkaboutyourworkwithXboxKinectsensors,whatareyourcomplaintsaboutmoderncameras? Acierto! - If we talk about your work with Xbox Kinect sensors, what are your complaints about modern cameras? 23 Notenoughresolution,depthorsomethingelse? Acierto! Not enough resolution, depth or something else? 8 -Ingeneral,thecurrentgenerationiswhatwecanbaseourselvesoninworkingonthree-dimensionalrecognition. Acierto! - In general, the current generation is what we can base ourselves on in working on three-dimensional recognition. 26 Ofcourse,itwouldbegoodtohaveeightmegapixelswith1000k/sspeed. Fallo! Of course, it would be good to have eight megapixels with 1000 k/s speed. vs Of course, it would be good to have eight mega pixels with 1000 k/s speed. 16 It'snotjustthemegapixels,though,butthequalityofthematrixandthedepth. Fallo! It's not just the megapixels, though, but the quality of the matrix and the depth. vs It's not just the mega pixels, though, but the quality of the matrix and the depth. 18 Fromthelatterpointofview,allcurrenttechnologiesarenotgoodenoughforus-thisaddsworktothealgorithmdesigners. Acierto! From the latter point of view, all current technologies are not good enough for us - this adds work to the algorithm designers. 29 Soit'simportanttorememberabouttheresolutionontheX,Y,butalsotheZaxis. Fallo! So it's important to remember about the resolution on the X, Y, but also the Zaxis. vs So it's important to remember about the resolution on the X, Y, but also the Z axis. 19 Speed,thenumberofimagespersecond,isalsoveryimportant. Acierto! Speed, the number of images per second, is also very important. 12 Humanmovementsarerelativelydynamic,andthecurrent30k/sisreallynotenough,especiallyforgestures. Acierto! Human movements are relatively dynamic, and the current 30 k/s is really not enough, especially for gestures. 25 StevenBathichefromourRedmondlaboratorycreatedatouchsensorwitharegulatedprocessingdelayfrom1to100ms,whilemodernserialsensorsareclosertothelatterindicator(60-100). Fallo! Steven Bath iche from our Redmond laboratory created a touch sensor with a regulated processing delay from 1 to 100 ms, while modern serial sensors are closer to the latter indicator (60-100). vs Steven Bathiche from our Redmond laboratory created a touch sensor with a regulated processing delay from 1 to 100 ms, while modern serial sensors are closer to the latter indicator (60-100). 45 Noteveryoneunderstandshowthisaffectstheinteractionbetweenmanandmachine. Acierto! Not everyone understands how this affects the interaction between man and machine. 19 Inmywork,itwouldbeveryusefultohaveadevicethatdoesnotrequiretouchingandwouldhavemoreimagespersecond. Acierto! In my work, it would be very useful to have a device that does not require touching and would have more images per second. 28 -Doesthenumberofcamerasneedtobeincreased? Acierto! - Does the number of cameras need to be increased? 9 -InKinecttherearethreecamerasnow,oneofwhichisactuallyaninfraredemitterandthesecondone,therecipientofthesignal. Acierto! - In Kinect there are three cameras now, one of which is actually an infrared emitter and the second one, the recipient of the signal. 29 Thethirdoneisactuallyaregularsensorofvisiblerange. Acierto! The third one is actually a regular sensor of visible range. 12 Itisnotappliedtodeterminetheobject'sdepth. Acierto! It is not applied to determine the object's depth. 9 Potentially,alargenumberofcamerascouldsolvetheproblem... Acierto! Potentially, a large number of cameras could solve the problem... 13 Ormakeitworse,byincreasingtherequiredvolumeofcalculations. Acierto! Or make it worse, by increasing the required volume of calculations. 15 ItwouldbenicetocreateaflexibleanalogueKinect,playwiththeflexionofcameradispositionandseehowthiswillhelpinthree-dimensionaldeterminationoftheposition. Acierto! It would be nice to create a flexible analogue Kinect, play with the flexion of camera disposition and see how this will help in three-dimensional determination of the position. 41 -AsfarasIremember,Microsoftdidnotpresentitsglassestothepublic,unlikeGoogle. Acierto! - As far as I remember, Microsoft did not present its glasses to the public, unlike Google. 20 Don'tyouthinkthisisoneofthemostpromisingplatformsfromthepointofviewtheeverydayuseofaugmentedrealitytechnologies? Acierto! Don't you think this is one of the most promising platforms from the point of view the everyday use of augmented reality technologies? 31 -Certainlyitisnotveryconvenienttowalkaroundwithasmartphoneinyourraisedhandsallthetime,butIthinkthatthecoolestoptionwouldbe"transitional"augmentedreality,whereyoucouldshiftfromglassestosmartphone,projectiondisplay,andeverywhereelsebasedonacloudplatform. Fallo! - Certainly it is not very convenient to walk around with a smartphone in your raised hands all the time, but I think that the coolest option would be "transitional" augmented reality, where you could shift from glasses to smartphone, projection display, and everywhere else based on a cloud platform. vs - Certainly it is not very convenient to walk around with a smart phone in your raised hands all the time, but I think that the coolest option would be "transitional" augmented reality, where you could shift from glasses to smart phone, projection display, and everywhere else based on a cloud platform. 75 Glassesareaverypersonaldevice,thatistheirstrength(privatethingsareseenonlybyyou)and,atthesametime,theirweakness-augmentedrealitybasedonglasseswillnotallowyoutoworkonvirtualobjectstogetherwithotherpeople. Fallo! Glasses are a very personal device, that is their strength ( private things are seen only by you) and, at the same time, their weakness - augmented reality based on glasses will not allow you to work on virtual objects together with other people. vs Glasses are a very personal device, that is their strength (private things are seen only by you) and, at the same time, their weakness - augmented reality based on glasses will not allow you to work on virtual objects together with other people. 59 -LetusimagineforaminutethatmanipulationofvirtualholographicobjectsintheairisavailablenotonlytoTonyStarkfromIronman,buttoaregularperson. Acierto! - Let us imagine for a minute that manipulation of virtual holographic objects in the air is available not only to Tony Stark from Ironman, but to a regular person. 36 Thereisoneproblemwiththisideathatthecriticsoftenpointout:notactilefeedback! Acierto! There is one problem with this idea that the critics often point out: no tactile feedback! 21 Handsfeelnothing! Acierto! Hands feel nothing! 4 Whatanswersdoesyourgrouppreparetothischallenge? Acierto! What answers does your group prepare to this challenge? 10 -InmylecturesIoftensaythataugmentedrealityistheseventhconsecutiveattemptattheinteractionbetweenmanandmachine. Acierto! - In my lectures I often say that augmented reality is the seventh consecutive attempt at the interaction between man and machine. 29 Ithinkthattheeighthwillprobablybetheadditionoftactilesensations. Acierto! I think that the eighth will probably be the addition of tactile sensations. 18 Fornow,oneoftheinterestingtricksistousethesecondhandasasortofmatrixfortheimage. Acierto! For now, one of the interesting tricks is to use the second hand as a sort of matrix for the image. 22 Itisgreatatregisteringpushes! Acierto! It is great at registering pushes! 5 Buttherearetechnologiesthatarereallyaimedatgivingthese"imagesintheair"asenseoftangibility,forexample,theinterferenceofseveraltargetedultrasoundraysinaspecificpointwherethefingerislocatedgivesasensation,butveryweakrightnow,asifsomeoneblewonyourfingertip. Acierto! But there are technologies that are really aimed at giving these "images in the air" a sense of tangibility, for example, the interference of several targeted ultrasound rays in a specific point where the finger is located gives a sensation, but very weak right now, as if someone blew on your fingertip. 74 Therearealsowristbraceletsthataffectthenerveendingsinfingers,whichisalsoapromisingarea. Acierto! There are also wrist bracelets that affect the nerve endings in fingers, which is also a promising area. 24 -Haveyoutriedtodeceivethemind? Acierto! - Have you tried to deceive the mind? 6 Toforceittothinkthatitfeelssomethingthatitshouldbefeelingwhenitseessomething? Acierto! To force it to think that it feels something that it should be feeling when it sees something? 21 -Thisisagoodideaandwehaven'ttriedthisyet. Acierto! - This is a good idea and we haven't tried this yet. 9 Itconcealsonechallengethatwillnotbesolvedsoquickly-howtoforceaperson,whoisphysicallyinaverylimitedspacetobelievethatheiswalkingalonganopen,almostlimitlessspace;weareworkingontheconceptoftreadmills(notatalllikeinclubs),movingplatforms,andgiantballoons. Acierto! It conceals one challenge that will not be solved so quickly - how to force a person, who is physically in a very limited space to believe that he is walking along an open, almost limitless space; we are working on the concept of treadmills (not at all like in clubs), moving platforms, and giant balloons. 76 Sofardeceivingthemindhashadlimitedsuccess,there'sworkformanyyearstocome. Acierto! So far deceiving the mind has had limited success, there's work for many years to come. 20 That'swhatmakesworkingonvirtualrealitysoattractivetoresearchers-manythingsareintheirverybeginnings. Acierto! That's what makes working on virtual reality so attractive to researchers - many things are in their very beginnings. 27 Fallo! Judgement calls instead of culture - Rosbalt. r u vs Judgement calls instead of culture - 9 RosbaltcontinuestheprojectSt.PetersburgAvant-garde,dedicatedtoresidentswhoareahead,intheavant-gardeofcultureandart. Acierto! Rosbalt continues the project St. Petersburg Avant-garde, dedicated to residents who are ahead, in the avant-garde of culture and art. 30 ThistoplistalreadyincludesoutstandingfiguresoftheartsceneofSt.Petersburg,whoseachievementsreachbeyondthescopeofthecity,oftenrecognizedinEurope,bypassingfameinRussia. Fallo! This top list already includes outstanding figures of the art scene of St. Petersburg, whose achievements reach beyond the scope of the city, often recognized in Europe, by passing fame in Russia. vs This top list already includes outstanding figures of the art scene of St. Petersburg, whose achievements reach beyond the scope of the city, often recognized in Europe, bypassing fame in Russia. 45 ThenewplayerinRosbalt-theboldartistKirillMiller. Acierto! The new player in Rosbalt - the bold artist Kirill Miller. 11 ThewholecityknowsKirillMiller,abeardedmandressedallinred,whocanbeseenbytheRussianMuseum,orbytheSummerGarden,oratfashionablepartiesandshows. Acierto! The whole city knows Kirill Miller, a bearded man dressed all in red, who can be seen by the Russian Museum, or by the Summer Garden, or at fashionable parties and shows. 39 KirillMiller'sworkalwaysbringsincrowdsofpeople,nomatterwheretheyareexhibited. Acierto! Kirill Miller's work always brings in crowds of people, no matter where they are exhibited. 21 KirillMillerisoneofthepurelySt.Petersburgsocialandphilosophicalstorytellersandcreatorsofnewmythology. Acierto! Kirill Miller is one of the purely St. Petersburg social and philosophical storytellers and creators of new mythology. 28 KirillMillerisanoutstandingmanoftheSt.Petersburgavant-gardeofthelate80'searly90's. Acierto! Kirill Miller is an outstanding man of the St. Petersburg avant-garde of the late 80's early 90's. 22 Moreover,heisacityman,whomakespeoplesmileonthestreetandliftsupeveryone'sspirit. Acierto! Moreover, he is a city man, who makes people smile on the street and lifts up everyone's spirit. 24 RecentlyhetookupthestreetorganandbecameSt.Petersburg'smusicman,becausehewasreadyforthiscomplexrolewithallhisBohemianexistence,philosophyandimage. Acierto! Recently he took up the street organ and became St. Petersburg's music man, because he was ready for this complex role with all his Bohemian existence, philosophy and image. 40 -Kirill,whydoyouwalkaroundthecityallinred,notyelloworturquoise,forexample? Acierto! - Kirill, why do you walk around the city all in red, not yellow or turquoise, for example? 21 -Ichosethecolourredasafashiondesignerengagedinlookandimage. Acierto! - I chose the colour red as a fashion designer engaged in look and image. 16 Inthisworld,redisacompromisebetweenartist,image-makerandsociety. Acierto! In this world, red is a compromise between artist, image-maker and society. 17 Althoughinsociety,everythingthatisnotgreycausesaggressionandagitationofthebadkind. Acierto! Although in society, everything that is not grey causes aggression and agitation of the bad kind. 23 Butmyprovocationsareaimedatstartingconversation. Acierto! But my provocations are aimed at starting conversation. 11 Thewholehistoryofmyprovocativeactionsisaninvitationtodiscussion. Acierto! The whole history of my provocative actions is an invitation to discussion. 17 -Whendidyourealisethatyoumustbeanartist? Acierto! - When did you realise that you must be an artist? 9 -AtanexhibitionintheNevskyHouseofCulture,wheremyworkwasdisplayed. Acierto! - At an exhibition in the Nevsky House of Culture, where my work was displayed. 18 Itbecamecleartomethatthisismypath. Acierto! It became clear to me that this is my path. 7 Then,thewaveofolderfree,unofficialartistswasgone,whilenew,freeartistslikemewerenotunderstood. Acierto! Then, the wave of older free, unofficial artists was gone, while new, free artists like me were not understood. 26 Ibecamefriendswiththeartistsofthenewwave,withpost-Gaza-Nevskystyleartists("post-gazonevschina"),whichledtoPushkinskaya-10,andthewavewasnolonger. Fallo! I became friends with the artists of the new wave, with post-Gaza-Nevsky style artists ("post-ga zone vs china"), which led to Pushkinskaya - 10, and the wave was no longer. vs I became friends with the artists of the new wave, with post-Gaza-Nevsky style artists ("post-gazonevschina"), which led to Pushkinskaya-10, and the wave was no longer. 102 I'mdrawntotheatre,clothing,music,allgenresexceptforliterature. Acierto! I'm drawn to theatre, clothing, music, all genres except for literature. 32 -AndallthishasbeenunitedinyourArt-clinic...-ItwasimportantformetofindmyselfinthecentreofthecultureofSt.Petersburg,whereallthebestcreativeforcesshouldcometogether. Acierto! - And all this has been united in your Art-clinic... - It was important for me to find myself in the centre of the culture of St. Petersburg, where all the best creative forces should come together. 117 In1995,IoccupiedtheterritoryonPushkinskaya-10,andwhiletherenovationworkhadnotstarted,therewasamusicalandcreativeclub,aBohemianclub,thehouseoftheSt.PetersburgBohemia. Acierto! In 1995, I occupied the territory on Pushkinskaya-10, and while the renovation work had not started, there was a musical and creative club, a Bohemian club, the house of the St. Petersburg Bohemia. 114 Manywerebornthere:NOMy,TequilaJazz,IrememberwhenShnurwasbroughttherewiththeVanGogh'sEarproject. Fallo! Many were born there: NO My, Tequila Jazz, I remember when Shnur was brought there with the Van Gogh's Ear project. vs Many were born there: NOMy, Tequila Jazz, I remember when Shnur was brought there with the Van Gogh's Ear project. 67 Shnurandhisfriendslipsangeasysongs,wearingtightleotards,andthenowtrendycomposerIgorVdovinwaswiththem. Fallo! Shn ur and his friendslip sang easy songs, wearing tight leotards, and the now trendy composer Igor V dovin was with them. vs Shnur and his friends lip sang easy songs, wearing tight leotards, and the now trendy composer Igor Vdovin was with them. 60 Whenthegroupbegantoplaylive,itbecameLeningrad. Acierto! When the group began to play live, it became Leningrad. 28 TrakhtenbergwasthepresenterofmanyprogramsbeforeHali-Galitimes. Fallo! Trakhtenberg was the presenter of many programs before Hali-Gal itimes. vs Trakhtenberg was the presenter of many programs before Hali-Gali times. 40 WegavethemTrakhtenberg,andagreatcareerwasonitsway,butthebasiceducationandmentoringhereceivedfromus. Acierto! We gave them Trakhtenberg, and a great career was on its way, but the basic education and mentoring he received from us. 71 GalleryD137,Griboyedovclub-alltheseechotheArt-clinic. Fallo! Gallery D1 37, Gribo ye dov club - all these echo the Art-clinic. vs Gallery D 137, Griboyedov club - all these echo the Art-clinic. 32 Thatiswhereourstaffandregularcustomersleftfor. Acierto! That is where our staff and regular customers left for. 28 Iamaheroofthelastcentury,whenculturemeantsomething. Acierto! I am a hero of the last century, when culture meant something. 29 In2000,therewasapollinthepress,forthePeopleofOurCityprize. Acierto! In 2000, there was a poll in the press, for the People of Our City prize. 38 IwasnominatedArtistoftheYear,myclimaxcametoanend. Acierto! I was nominated Artist of the Year, my climax came to an end. 30 Inthenewtimes,itisuncomfortabletoworkbyoldrules.I'mamanoftruth,honestyandcultureofthelastcentury. Acierto! In the new times, it is uncomfortable to work by old rules. I'm a man of truth, honesty and culture of the last century. 70 Inourtime,itiseasytobecomepopular,butcultureandpopularityaredifferent.Youcanbepopular,butnotverycultural. Acierto! In our time, it is easy to become popular, but culture and popularity are different. You can be popular, but not very cultural. 71 -Yourworkismarkedbyarecognizablestyle. Acierto! - Your work is marked by a recognizable style. 21 -Manyofmyworksarehits,withclearlyreflectedrelevanceandacuity. Acierto! - Many of my works are hits, with clearly reflected relevance and acuity. 40 Iwillhaveaprogrammeexhibit,"Russianmuseuminclowns." Acierto! I will have a programme exhibit, "Russian museum in clowns." 32 Clownsareatimelesscategory. Acierto! Clowns are a timeless category. 11 Iwassocialbefore,nowitispainfulandscarytobelikethat. Acierto! I was social before, now it is painful and scary to be like that. 34 Buteverythingisblurredinclowns,tragedyisremoved. Acierto! But everything is blurred in clowns, tragedy is removed. 26 Ilikegrotesque,Ihavegrotesqueideas. Acierto! I like grotesque, I have grotesque ideas. 18 Forexample,savingtheworldbytotalitarianchangingofclothesbyorder. Acierto! For example, saving the world by totalitarian changing of clothes by order. 42 Nowadays,peoplearejudgedbyappearance,nottheirinnerqualities. Acierto! Nowadays, people are judged by appearance, not their inner qualities. 40 Whoknows,maybeyoucannotshakehishand,andneedtospitinhisface. Acierto! Who knows, maybe you cannot shake his hand, and need to spit in his face. 41 Andtheliewillgoawaywiththehelpofchangingclothes. Acierto! And the lie will go away with the help of changing clothes. 27 -Recentlywesawyouintheroleofmusicman.-Aculturalcityshouldhavesuchacharacter. Fallo! - Recently we saw you in the role of music man.- A cultural city should have such a character. vs - Recently we saw you in the role of music man. - A cultural city should have such a character. 54 WhofitstherolebetterthanI? Acierto! Who fits the role better than I? 12 -Maybecommercialartcanalsobebeautiful? Acierto! - Maybe commercial art can also be beautiful? 21 -Nowadays,commercialartshouldbeneat,considerate,sweet. Acierto! - Nowadays, commercial art should be neat, considerate, sweet. 31 Thereisadisintegrationofcultures. Acierto! There is a disintegration of cultures. 16 Peopleusedtogettogetherinflocks,Bohemianslikedonething,thesimplepeople,somethingelse. Acierto! People used to get together in flocks, Bohemians liked one thing, the simple people, something else. 59 Now,everybodyisdividedintomicrosocieties,it'shardtobelikedbyeveryone. Acierto! Now, everybody is divided into micro societies, it's hard to be liked by everyone. 48 Iamnotahundreddollarbilltopleaseall. Acierto! I am not a hundred dollar bill to please all. 18 Nowyouhavetothinkwhoyouwillplease. Acierto! Now you have to think who you will please. 18 Now,eachcultherohas100fans. Acierto! Now, each cult hero has 100 fans. 14 -ButseveralthousandcometoStasMikhailov! Acierto! - But several thousand come to Stas Mikhailov! 18 -Thecast-outsgotoseehim,thesexual-socialsphereisatworkthere. Acierto! - The cast-outs go to see him, the sexual-social sphere is at work there. 41 But300peoplewillcomeforculture,not10,000.Intheend,there'slessmanagement,money,everythingdiesout. Acierto! But 300 people will come for culture, not 10,000. In the end, there's less management, money, everything dies out. 67 Ihavefans;themainthingisnottobetraythem,nottospoilwhatIhaveearned. Acierto! I have fans; the main thing is not to betray them, not to spoil what I have earned. 46 Inmyyouth,IpaintedsuchartthatonecollectorhadithangingonthesamewallwithFalkandLarionov. Fallo! In my youth, I painted such art that one collector had it hanging on the same wall with Falk and Lario nov. vs In my youth, I painted such art that one collector had it hanging on the same wall with Falk and Larionov. 61 Istartedwithpaintings,whichpeopleusuallyendwith. Acierto! I started with paintings, which people usually end with. 25 Conceptsareoftenmixedupthesedays. Acierto! Concepts are often mixed up these days. 17 Peoplesay:spiritualculture,consumerculture. Acierto! People say: spiritual culture, consumer culture. 23 Thereisnocultureinconsumerism,it's"fromanotheropera." Acierto! There is no culture in consumerism, it's "from another opera." 34 Iamamanofyesterday'sculture.Igrewuponexamplesofartistswholivedpooranddiedinpoverty,refusedmoneyforthesakeofpainting. Acierto! I am a man of yesterday's culture. I grew up on examples of artists who lived poor and died in poverty, refused money for the sake of painting. 81 ThisisthecultureI'mfor. Acierto! This is the culture I'm for. 11 -Kirill,whatisSt.Petersburgmissing? Acierto! - Kirill, what is St. Petersburg missing? 19 -Goodculturalexperts. Acierto! - Good cultural experts. 10 Thereissuchathing:anofficialforculture. Acierto! There is such a thing: an official for culture. 21 Butnoteveryonecanbeengagedinculture. Acierto! But not everyone can be engaged in culture. 19 Undertherightrulerseverythingwasdifferent.Kingsmaynothaveunderstoodcultureverywell,buttheyunderstoodthattheyneededtostickwiththerightexperts. Acierto! Under the right rulers everything was different. Kings may not have understood culture very well, but they understood that they needed to stick with the right experts. 90 TherearegoodconsultantsinMoscowrightnow. Acierto! There are good consultants in Moscow right now. 22 HereinSt.Petersburg,therearepeoplewhocouldbeexperts,buttheyarepushedtotheside,becausemoreadvancedexpertsareneeded,whowillcorrectlyevaluatetheseexpertsandgivewaytothem. Acierto! Here in St. Petersburg, there are people who could be experts, but they are pushed to the side, because more advanced experts are needed, who will correctly evaluate these experts and give way to them. 119 Judgementcallsarewhatthrivenow. Acierto! Judgement calls are what thrive now. 15 EvenErart,butthey'redifferentbecausetheysayhonestlythatwedon'tacceptallmodernart.Therearesomeartists,whoneedtofindothermuseumsforthemselves. Fallo! Even E r art, but they're different because they say honestly that we don't accept all modern art. There are some artists, who need to find other museums for themselves. vs Even Erart, but they're different because they say honestly that we don't accept all modern art. There are some artists, who need to find other museums for themselves. 102 -WhatdoesSt.Petersburgmeantoyou? Acierto! - What does St. Petersburg mean to you? 14 -St.Petersburgisnotaculturalcapital,Moscowhasmuchmoreculture,thereisbedrockthere. Acierto! - St. Petersburg is not a cultural capital, Moscow has much more culture, there is bedrock there. 56 It'shardforarttogrowonourrocks. Acierto! It's hard for art to grow on our rocks. 16 Weneedculturalbedrock,butwenowhavemorewritersthanreaders.Thisiswrong. Acierto! We need cultural bedrock, but we now have more writers than readers. This is wrong. 48 InEurope,therearemanycuriouspeople,whogotoartexhibits,concerts. Acierto! In Europe, there are many curious people, who go to art exhibits, concerts. 44 Here,thislayeristhin. Acierto! Here, this layer is thin. 10 Weneedtomakeartfashionable,asitwasinthebeginningoflastcentury. Acierto! We need to make art fashionable, as it was in the beginning of last century. 43 TheprojectissupportedbytheSt.Petersburggrant. Acierto! The project is supported by the St. Petersburg grant. 25 Givebirthinspace Acierto! Give birth in space 8 Theearthisindanger. Acierto! The earth is in danger. 9 Globalwarmingoranencounterwithakillerasteroid. Acierto! Global warming or an encounter with a killer asteroid. 18 Caravansofcosmicshipswithhumansonboardleaveinsearchofareplacementplanet. Acierto! Caravans of cosmic ships with humans on board leave in search of a replacement planet. 53 Tosavehumanity,thequestionishowtopropagateourraceinconditionsofweightlessnessoronthatreplacementplanet? Acierto! To save humanity, the question is how to propagate our race in conditions of weightlessness or on that replacement planet? 70 Ithinkthechoiceissmall. Acierto! I think the choice is small. 11 Thereareonlytwoactualplanetsthatcanbeexploredevenhypothetically. Acierto! There are only two actual planets that can be explored even hypothetically. 44 "VenusandMars,"saysSeniorResearcheroftheP.K.ShternbergStateAstronomyInstitute(GAISh)VladimirSurdin. Acierto! "Venus and Mars," says Senior Researcher of the P.K. Shternberg State Astronomy Institute (GAISh) Vladimir Surdin. 67 ButwhileconditionsonMarsaremoreappropriateforlife,Venushas500-degreetemperatures. Acierto! But while conditions on Mars are more appropriate for life, Venus has 500-degree temperatures. 55 LifeispossibleonlyatahighaltitudeorontheorbitofVenus...inspace. Acierto! Life is possible only at a high altitude or on the orbit of Venus... in space. 43 Thequestionofreproductioninspacebeganwithflora. Acierto! The question of reproduction in space began with flora. 28 Halfacenturyago,experimentswererunonplants. Acierto! Half a century ago, experiments were run on plants. 21 Fourgenerationsofpeasgrowninorbitwerenodifferentfromtheirearthcounterparts. Acierto! Four generations of peas grown in orbit were no different from their earth counterparts. 53 Then,insectswerebredinorbit,smallfruitflies. Acierto! Then, insects were bred in orbit, small fruit flies. 25 In1979,quaileggsweresenttospace,tocheckhowanembryodevelopsinweightlessness. Acierto! In 1979, quail eggs were sent to space, to check how an embryo develops in weightlessness. 52 Wegetanabsolutelynormalchick. Acierto! We get an absolutely normal chick. 15 Butthentheproblembegins. Acierto! But then the problem begins. 6 "Theproblemisrelatedtothefactthatthischickneedstofindsupport,needstogetonitsfeetandstartmoving,"explainsheadofthelaboratoryoftheInstituteofMedicalandBiologicalProblems(IMBP)RANVladimirSychev. Acierto! "The problem is related to the fact that this chick needs to find support, needs to get on its feet and start moving," explains head of the laboratory of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IMBP) RAN Vladimir Sychev. 142 Havingfoundnosupport,chicksweretumblingaroundindisorder. Acierto! Having found no support, chicks were tumbling around in disorder. 35 After10hours,thenewbornsexperiencedcompleteatrophyofinstincts. Acierto! After 10 hours, the newborns experienced complete atrophy of instincts. 43 Chicksdidnotreacttolightandsound. Acierto! Chicks did not react to light and sound. 13 Andtheproblemwasthattheysimplydiedafterfourdays. Acierto! And the problem was that they simply died after four days. 30 "Webredchickstwicethere,andthenstopped,becauseitisimpossibletoworkwiththemthere,"saysVladimirSychev,confirmingthefailureoftheexperimentwithchicksinspace. Acierto! "We bred chicks twice there, and then stopped, because it is impossible to work with them there," says Vladimir Sychev, confirming the failure of the experiment with chicks in space. 106 Thelastbiological"mini-ark"withanimalsflewintoorbit16yearsago. Acierto! The last biological "mini-ark" with animals flew into orbit 16 years ago. 39 Inspring2013,experimentswillcontinue. Acierto! In spring 2013, experiments will continue. 20 However,onlysame-sexbeingswillbeontheBionbio-satellite. Fallo! However, only same-sex beings will be on the Bionbio-satellite. vs However, only same-sex beings will be on the Bion bio-satellite. 33 Therewasanexperimentwithrats,whoweresenttospacewithfoetus. Acierto! There was an experiment with rats, who were sent to space with foetus. 40 Inprinciple,therewasnothingextraordinarythere. Acierto! In principle, there was nothing extraordinary there. 24 "Thiswasonbio-satellites,butagain,itwasasingularexperimentandsuchresearchneedstobeconducted,"saysVladimirSychev. Acierto! "This was on bio-satellites, but again, it was a singular experiment and such research needs to be conducted," says Vladimir Sychev. 73 Afterlanding,thecosmicratshadbabies. Acierto! After landing, the cosmic rats had babies. 19 Butit'shardtosolvetheproblemofreproductiondirectlyinspace. Acierto! But it's hard to solve the problem of reproduction directly in space. 40 It'snotaneasytask. Acierto! It's not an easy task. 9 Animalssimplycannotfollowtheirsexualinstinct,whenthey'reoutoftheirfamiliarenvironment. Acierto! Animals simply cannot follow their sexual instinct, when they're out of their familiar environment. 60 Inprinciple,people,unlikeanimals,can. Acierto! In principle, people, unlike animals, can. 20 Homosapienshaveabstractthinking,andareabletocreateafittingemotionalbackground. Acierto! Homo sapiens have abstract thinking, and are able to create a fitting emotional background. 54 Suchexperimentsarenotconductedforethicalreasons. Acierto! Such experiments are not conducted for ethical reasons. 28 Butwomenhavebeenflyingtospacefor50years. Acierto! But women have been flying to space for 50 years. 23 ThebiggestriskwasforTereshkova. Acierto! The biggest risk was for Tereshkova. 16 Themostvaluablethingforhumanityisthefemalebody. Acierto! The most valuable thing for humanity is the female body. 25 Our"Seagull"leftandnobodyonearthcouldtellwhethershewouldbeOKafterflyingtospace. Acierto! Our "Seagull" left and nobody on earth could tell whether she would be OK after flying to space. 54 Whethershewillbeabletogivebirthafterthisflight. Acierto! Whether she will be able to give birth after this flight. 29 "Nobodyansweredthisquestion,"saysrocketandspaceindustryveteran,VakhtangVachnadze. Acierto! "Nobody answered this question," says rocket and space industry veteran, Vakhtang Vachnadze. 55 InJune1964,onlyayearafterflyingtospace,thefirstwomaninspaceValentinaTereshkovagavebirthtoadaughter. Acierto! In June 1964, only a year after flying to space, the first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova gave birth to a daughter. 68 Thechild'sfather,AndrianNikolaev,wasalsoacosmonaut. Acierto! The child's father, Andrian Nikolaev, was also a cosmonaut. 25 In1988,thesecondwomancosmonaut,SvetlanaSavitskaya,whowentintoorbittwiceandevenworkedinopenspace,gavebirthtoason. Acierto! In 1988, the second woman cosmonaut, Svetlana Savitskaya, who went into orbit twice and even worked in open space, gave birth to a son. 74 However,theriskremains. Acierto! However, the risk remains. 10 Wehavefew,veryfewcosmonauts,whowereOKandhadhealthychildrenafterlongflights. Acierto! We have few, very few cosmonauts, who were OK and had healthy children after long flights. 52 "What'smore,itisdangerousevenfororbitalflights,"addspilotandcosmonaut,HerooftheUSSR,HeroofRussia,ValeryPoliakov. Acierto! "What's more, it is dangerous even for orbital flights," adds pilot and cosmonaut, Hero of the USSR, Hero of Russia, Valery Poliakov. 74 Andyet,humanityneedstoseekoutsomenewavenuesinbiotechnologies,protectionfromradiation,creationofartificialgravity. Acierto! And yet, humanity needs to seek out some new avenues in biotechnologies, protection from radiation, creation of artificial gravity. 78 Hydro-laboratoryofCPK-mandatoryphaseoftrainingforaflight. Fallo! Hydro - laboratory of CPK - mandatory phase of training for a flight. vs Hydro-laboratory of CPK - mandatory phase of training for a flight. 37 Here,cosmonautspracticeskillsofworkinginopenspaceinzero-gravityconditions. Fallo! Here , cosmonauts practice skills of working in open space in zero-gravity conditions. vs Here, cosmonauts practice skills of working in open space in zero-gravity conditions. 54 Waterimitatesweightlessness. Acierto! Water imitates weightlessness. 14 Ifforadultswaterisaforeignmedium,althoughcomfortable,forinfantsitisanativeelement. Acierto! If for adults water is a foreign medium, although comfortable, for infants it is a native element. 56 Smallamphibiansseemtoconfirmthatlifecametolandfromtheocean. Acierto! Small amphibians seem to confirm that life came to land from the ocean. 38 Thereisaconnectionwiththefactthataninfantspendsabout9monthsinamnioticfluidinthewomb;itiseasiertogetusedtowaterafterthat. Acierto! There is a connection with the fact that an infant spends about 9 months in amniotic fluid in the womb; it is easier to get used to water after that. 84 Inprinciple,itislogical,becauseonlytwoweekspassfrombirthuntilthefirstbathing. Acierto! In principle, it is logical, because only two weeks pass from birth until the first bathing. 52 "Thisisverylittletimetoforgetsomething,"saysinfantswimminginstructorMarinaAksenova. Acierto! "This is very little time to forget something," says infant swimming instructor Marina Aksenova. 57 Inotherwords,ifforanewbornweightlessnessismorenatural,awomanneedsgravity,earth'spull. Acierto! In other words, if for a newborn weightlessness is more natural, a woman needs gravity, earth's pull. 58 Stomachandpelvicmusclesusuallyquicklydegenerateinweightlessness;theabilitytopushouttheembryoisreduced. Acierto! Stomach and pelvic muscles usually quickly degenerate in weightlessness; the ability to push out the embryo is reduced. 70 Well,let'sassumethatchildbirthstimulatorswillworkout. Acierto! Well, let's assume that childbirth stimulators will work out. 30 Maybeshewillpushoutthebabyinaspecialroom. Acierto! Maybe she will push out the baby in a special room. 23 "Thenwhat?"-asksValeryPoliakovaboutthisnon-trivialissue. Acierto! "Then what?" - asks Valery Poliakov about this non-trivial issue. 32 Ontheotherhand,ababyalsoneedsartificialgravity. Acierto! On the other hand, a baby also needs artificial gravity. 29 Whenabodydoesnotfeeltheearth'spull,itdoesnotformtheskeletalandmuscularsystem. Acierto! When a body does not feel the earth's pull, it does not form the skeletal and muscular system. 56 Itisnotpossibletodressanewborninorbitintoaspecialloadingsuitfortraining,astheydowithadults. Acierto! It is not possible to dress a newborn in orbit into a special loading suit for training, as they do with adults. 65 Hewillsimplynothavewhatheneedstosurvive. Acierto! He will simply not have what he needs to survive. 19 "Andthisexperiment,thatwewillgoforbyallowingthebirthofachildinaforeignenvironment,willleadtousbringingahandicapped,completelyunadaptedhumantoearth,"predictsChairmanoftheCommitteeonBioethicsIMBPRANIgorPestov. Fallo! "And this experiment, that we will go for by allowing the birth of a child in a foreign environment, will lead to us bringing a handicapped, completely unadapted human to earth," predicts Chairman of the Committee on Bioethics IMBPRAN Igor Pestov. vs "And this experiment, that we will go for by allowing the birth of a child in a foreign environment, will lead to us bringing a handicapped, completely unadapted human to earth," predicts Chairman of the Committee on Bioethics IMBP RAN Igor Pestov. 150 Forthemoment,birthofchildreninspaceisjustatheory. Acierto! For the moment, birth of children in space is just a theory. 27 However,withtime,itwillbecomereality,whenearthlingswillgotoafarawayplanetintheirships,anditwillbecomethehomefortheiroffspring,whowereborninspace. Fallo! However, with time, it will become reality, when earthlings will go to a far away planet in their ships, and it will become the home for their offspring, who were born in space. vs However, with time, it will become reality, when earthlings will go to a faraway planet in their ships, and it will become the home for their offspring, who were born in space. 107 0.922 25313