Historyexamstudyingugh history exam studying ugh history exam studying ug h history exam studying u g h history exam studying u gh his tory exam studying ugh jQueryUI1.6BookReview- jquery ui 1 6 book review jquery ui 16 book review jqueryui 1 6 book review jqueryui 16 book review jquery ui 1 6 bookreview Jenna,IwenttoseeNightAtTheMuseum2todayandIwassosurprisedtoseethreecastmembersfromTheOffice... jenna i went to see nightatthemuseum2 today and i was so surprised to see three cast members from the office jenna i went to see nightatthemuseum2 today and i was so surprised to see three castmembers from the office jenna i went to see night at the museum 2 today and i was so surprised to see three cast members from the office jenna i went to see nightatthemuseum2 to day and i was so surprised to see three cast members from the office jenna i went to see nightatthemuseum2 today and i was so surprised to see three cast mem bers from the office theG2isamazingbtw,aHUGEimprovementovertheG1 the g2 is amazing btw a huge improvement over the g1 the g2 is amazing btw a huge improvement over the g 1 the g 2 is amazing btw a huge improvement over the g1 the g 2 is amazing btw a huge improvement over the g 1 the g2 is a mazing btw a huge improvement over the g1 allaboutAjax,jquery,css,JavaScriptandmore...(manyexamples) all about ajax jquery css javascript and more many examples all about ajax jquery css java script and more many examples all about ajax jquery css javascript and more many exam ples all about ajax jquery css javascript and more many ex amples all about ajax jquery css java script and more many exam ples TimeWarnerRoadRunnercustomersupporthereabsolutelyblows.Ihatenothavingotherhigh-speednetoptions.I'mreadytogonuclear. time warner road runner customer support here absolutely blows i hate not having other high speed net options i m ready to go nuclear time warner roadrunner customer support here absolutely blows i hate not having other high speed net options i m ready to go nuclear timewarner road runner customer support here absolutely blows i hate not having other high speed net options i m ready to go nuclear timewarner roadrunner customer support here absolutely blows i hate not having other high speed net options i m ready to go nuclear time warner road runner customer support here absolutely blows i hate not having other highspeed net options i m ready to go nuclear SanFranciscotoday.Anysuggestions? san francisco today any suggestions san francisco to day any suggestions sanfrancisco today any suggestions san francisco today any suggestion s san francisco today a ny suggestions didcomcastfailagain?? did comcast fail again did comcastfail again did comcast failagain d id comcast fail again di d comcast fail again GoodbySilversteinagencynewsite!Great! goodby silverstein agency new site great goodbysilverstein agency new site great goodby silverstein agency newsite great good by silverstein agency new site great goodbysilverstein agency newsite great Obamaisquiteagoodcomedian!checkouthisdinnerspeechonCNN:)veryfunnyjokes. obama is quite a good comedian check out his dinner speech on cnn very funny jokes obama is quite a good comedian check out his dinner speech on cnn very funny joke s obama is quite a good comedian check out his din ner speech on cnn very funny jokes obama is quite a good comedian checkout his dinner speech on cnn very funny jokes o bama is quite a good comedian check out his dinner speech on cnn very funny jokes lebronISTHEBOSS lebron is the boss le bron is the boss l ebron is the boss lebron is theboss lebron is the b oss Shit'shittingthefaninIran...crazinessindeed shits hitting the fan in iran craziness indeed shit s hitting the fan in iran craziness indeed shit shitting the fan in iran craziness indeed shits hitting the fan in i ran craziness indeed shits hitting the fan in iran craziness in deed Safari4isfast:)EvenonmyshittyAT&Ttethering. safari 4 is fast even on my shitty at amp t tethering safari 4 is fast even on my shitty atamp t tethering safari 4 is fast even on my shitty atampt tethering safari4 is fast even on my shitty at amp t tethering safari 4 is fast even on my shitty at ampt tethering justgotafreeG2androidatgooglei/o!!! just got a free g2 android at google i o just got a free g2 android at google io just got a free g 2 android at google i o just got a free g 2 android at google io just got a free g2android at google i o sawnightatthemuseumoutofsheerdesperation.whoisfundingthesemovies? saw night at the museum out of sheer desperation who is funding these movies saw nightatthemuseum out of sheer desperation who is funding these movies s a w nightatthemuseum out of sheer desperation who is funding these movies saw night at the museum out of sheer desperation who is funding these movie s saw night at the museum out of sheer desperation who is funding the se movies PrettiestinsectsEVER-PinkKatydids: prettiest insects ever pink katydids prettiest insects ever pink katydid s prettiest insect sever pink katydids prettiest insects everpink katydids prettiest insect s ever pink katydids -AWESOME!!!SeeingtheshowFridayattheShorelineAmphitheatre.NeverseenNINbefore.Can'twait.... awesome seeing the show friday at the shoreline amphitheatre never seen nin before can t wait awesome seeing the show friday at the shoreline amphitheatre never seen nin before cant wait awesome seeing the show friday at the shoreline amphitheatre never seenn in before can t wait awesome seeing the show friday at the shoreline amphitheatre never seen n in before can t wait awesome seeing the show friday at the shoreline amphitheatre never seen n i n before can t wait Firstdentistappointment[inyears]onWednesdaypossibly. first dentist appointment in years on wednesday possibly first dentist appointment i n years on wednesday possibly first dentist appointment in year s on wednesday possibly first dentist appointment in years on wednes day possibly first dentist appointment in years on wednesday pos sibly JuddApatowcreatesfakesitcomonNBC.comtomarkethisnewmovie...viralmarketingatitsbest. judd apatow creates fake sitcom on nbc com to market his new movie viral marketing at its best juddapatow creates fake sitcom on nbc com to market his new movie viral marketing at its best judd apatow creates fake sitcom on nbc com to market his new movie viral marketing at it s best judd apatow creates fake sitcom on nbc com to market his new movie viral marketing at its bes t judd apatow creates fake sitcom on nbc com to market his new movie viral marketing at it sbest IsawNightattheMuseum:BattleoftheSwithsoniantoday.Itwasokay.Yourtypical[kids]BenStillermovie. i saw night at the museum battle of the s with sonian today it was okay your typical kids ben stiller movie i saw night at the museum battle of the swith sonian today it was okay your typical kids ben stiller movie i saw night at the museum battle of the s with son ian today it was okay your typical kids ben stiller movie i saw night at the museum battle of the s with sonian today it was okay your typical kid s ben stiller movie i saw night at the museum battle of the s with sonia n today it was okay your typical kids ben stiller movie Accordingtothecreateaschool,NotreDamewillhave7receiversinNCAA10at84orhigherrating:)*sweet* according to the create a school notre dame will have 7 receivers in ncaa 10 at 8 4 or higher rating sweet according to the create a school notre dame will have 7 receivers in ncaa 10 at 84 or higher rating sweet according to the c reate a school notre dame will have 7 receivers in ncaa 10 at 8 4 or higher rating sweet according to the create a school notre dame will have 7 receivers in ncaa 1 0 at 84 or higher rating sweet according to the create a school notre dame will have 7 receivers in ncaa 10 at84 or higher rating sweet Helpwithtakingcareofsickchild(EastPaloAlto,CA) help with taking care of sick child east palo alto ca help with taking care of sick child e ast palo alto ca help with taking care of sick child east palo altoca help with taking care of sick child eastpalo alto ca help with taking care of sick child east palo alto c a Lyxiscool. lyx is cool l y x is cool lyxis cool ly x is cool l yx is cool no.itistoobig.I'mquitehappywiththeKindle2. no it is too big i m quite happy with the kindle 2 no it is too big i m quite happy with the kindle2 no it is too big im quite happy with the kindle 2 n o it is too big i m quite happy with the kindle 2 no it is too big im quite happy with the kindle2 I'mtrulybraindead.Icouldn'tcomeupwithWarrenBuffet'snametosavemysoul i m truly brain dead i couldn t come up with warren buffet s name to save my soul im truly brain dead i couldn t come up with warren buffet s name to save my soul i m truly braindead i couldn t come up with warren buffet s name to save my soul i m truly brain dead i couldnt come up with warren buffet s name to save my soul i m truly brain dead i couldn t come up with warren buffet s name to save my sou l Savedmoneybyoptingforgrocerystoretripandstockingfoodinhotelroomfridgevs.eatingouteverynightwhileoutoftown. saved money by opting for grocery store trip and stocking food in hotel room fridge vs eating out every night while out of town saved money by opting for grocery store trip and stocking food in hotel room fridge vs eating out everynight while out of town saved money by opting for grocery store trip and stocking food in hotel room fridge v s eating out every night while out of town saved money by opting for grocery store trip and stocking food in hotel room fridge v s eating out everynight while out of town saved money by opting for grocery store trip and stocking food in hotel room fridge vs eating out every night while out oftown timewarnerhastheworsecustomerserviceever.Iwillneverusethemagain time warner has the worse customer service ever i will never use them again timewarner has the worse customer service ever i will never use them again time war ner has the worse customer service ever i will never use them again time warner has the worse customer service ever i will never use them agai n time warner has the worse customer service ever i will never use them aga in Portlandcitypoliticsmayundobaseballpark portland city politics may undo baseball park portlandcity politics may undo baseball park portland city poli tics may undo baseball park port land city politics may undo baseball park portland city politics mayundo baseball park startedtothinkthatCitiisinreallydeeps&^t.AretheygonnasurvivetheturmoiloraretheygonnabethenextAIG? started to think that citi is in really deep sampt are they gonna survive the turmoil or are they gonna be the next aig started to think that citi is in really deep s amp t are they gonna survive the turmoil or are they gonna be the next aig started to think that citi is in really deep sam pt are they gonna survive the turmoil or are they gonna be the next aig started to think that citi is in really deep samp t are they gonna survive the turmoil or are they gonna be the next aig started to think that citi is in really deep sampt are they gonna survive the turmoil or are they gonna be the next a i g hasadatewithbobbyflayandgutfierifromfoodnetwork has a date with bobby flay and gut fieri from food network has a date with bobby flay and g ut fieri from food network has a date with bobby flay and gut fieri from foodnetwork has a date with bobbyflay and gut fieri from food network has a date with bobby flay and gut fieri from food net work -itsnotsomuchmyobsessionwithcellphones,buttheiphone!i'maslavetoat&tforeverbecauseofit.:) it s not so much my obsession with cell phones but the iphone i m a slave to at amp t forever because of it it s not so much my obsession with cellphones but the iphone i m a slave to at amp t forever because of it its not so much my obsession with cell phones but the iphone i m a slave to at amp t forever because of it it s not so much my obsession with cell phones but the iphone i m a slave to at amp t for ever because of it it s not so much my obsession with cellphones but the iphone i m a slave to at amp t for ever because of it Jqueryismynewbestfriend. jquery is my new best friend jquery is my new bestfriend j query is my new best friend jqueryis my new best friend jquery is mynewbestfriend All-StarBasketballClassicTuesdayFeaturesTopTalent:Chattanooga'sNotreDameHighSchoolwillplayhost.. all star basketball classic tuesday features top talent chattanooga s notre dame high school will play host all star basketball classic t uesday features top talent chattanooga s notre dame high school will play host all star basketball classic tues day features top talent chattanooga s notre dame high school will play host all star basketball classic tuesday features toptalent chattanooga s notre dame high school will play host all star basketball classic tuesday features top talent chattanooga s notre dame highschool will play host What'sBuffetDoing?WarrenBuffettKicksButtInBattleoftheBoots:PostedBy:AlexCrippe.. what s buffet doing warren buffett kicks butt in battle of the boots posted by alex c rippe what s buffet doing warren buffett kicks butt in battle of the boots posted by alexc rippe whats buffet doing warren buffett kicks butt in battle of the boots posted by alex c rippe what s buffet doing warren buffett kicks butt in battle of the boots posted by alex crippe whats buffet doing warren buffett kicks butt in battle of the boots posted by alexc rippe ColinPowellrockedyesterdayonCBS.Cheneyneedstoshutthehellupandgohome.PowellisamanofHonorandservedourcountryproudly colin powell rocked yesterday on cbs cheney needs to shut the hell up and go home powell is a man of honor and served our country proudly colinpowell rocked yesterday on cbs cheney needs to shut the hell up and go home powell is a man of honor and served our country proudly colin pow ell rocked yesterday on cbs cheney needs to shut the hell up and go home powell is a man of honor and served our country proudly colin powell rocked yesterday on cbs cheney needs to shut the hell up and go home p owell is a man of honor and served our country proudly colin powell rocked yesterday on cbs cheney needs to shut the hell up and go home powell is a man of honor and served our country proud ly WoweveryoneattheGoogleI/OconferencegotfreeG2'swithamonthofunlimitedservice wow everyone at the google io conference got free g2s with a month of unlimited service wow everyone at the google io conference got free g2 s with a month of unlimited service wow everyone at the google io conference got free g 2 s with a month of unlimited service wow everyone at the google io conference got free g 2s with a month of unlimited service wow everyone at the google io conference gotfree g2s with a month of unlimited service IspentmostofmydayreadingajQuerybook.Nowtostartdrinkingsomedeliriumtremens. i spent most of my day reading a jquery book now to start drinking some delirium tremens i spent most of my day reading a jquerybook now to start drinking some delirium tremens i spent most of my day reading a jquery book now to start drinking some delirium tre mens i spent most of my day reading a jquery book now to start drinking some deliriumtremens i spent most of my day read ing a jquery book now to start drinking some delirium tremens Share:Disruption...FredWilson'sslidesforhistalkatGoogleHQ share disruption fred wilson s slides for his talk at google hq share disruption fred wilson s slide s for his talk at google hq share disruption fred wilsons slides for his talk at google hq share disruption fredwilson s slides for his talk at google hq share disruption fred wilson s slides for histalk at google hq ThemoreIhearaboutthisGMthingthemoreangryIget.Billionswasted,morebullshit.Allforsomethinglike40kemployeesandallthe.. the more i hear about this gm thing the more angry i get billions wasted more bullshit all for something like 40k employees and all the the more i hear about this gm thing the more angry i get billions wasted more bull shit all for something like 40k employees and all the the more i hear about this gm thing the more angry i get billionswasted more bullshit all for something like 40k employees and all the the more i hear about this gm thing the more angry i get billions wasted more bullsh it all for something like 40k employees and all the the more i hear about this gm thing the more angry i get billions wasted more bullshit all for something like 40k employee s and all the WhythehellisPelosiinfreakinChina?andonwhosedime? why the hell is pelosi in freakin china and on whose dime why the hell is pelosi in freak in china and on whose dime why the hell is p elosi in freakin china and on whose dime why the hell is pelosi in freakin china and on whose dim e why the hell is pelosi in freakin china and on whose di me TooktheGraduateFieldExamforComputerSciencetoday.Nothingmakesyoufeellikemoreofanidiotthanlambdacalculus. took the graduate field exam for computer science today nothing makes you feel like more of an idiot than lambda calculus took the graduate field exam for computer science to day nothing makes you feel like more of an idiot than lambda calculus took the graduate field exam for computer sci ence today nothing makes you feel like more of an idiot than lambda calculus took the grad uate field exam for computer science today nothing makes you feel like more of an idiot than lambda calculus took the graduate field exam for computer science today nothing makes you feel like more of an idiot than lamb da calculus WTFisthepointofdeletingtweetsiftheycanstillbefoundinsummizeandsearches?Twitter,pleasefixthat.Thanksandbye wtf is the point of deleting tweets if they can still be found in summize and searches twitter please fix that thanks and bye w t f is the point of deleting tweets if they can still be found in summize and searches twitter please fix that thanks and bye w t f i s the point of deleting tweets if they can still be found in summize and searches twitter please fix that thanks and bye wtf is the point of deleting tweets if they can still befound in summize and searches twitter please fix that thanks and bye wtf is the point of deleting tweets if they can still be found in summize and searches twitter please fix that thanks and by e LebronisaBeast,butI'mstillcheering4theA..tiltheend. lebron is a beast but i m still cheering 4 the a til the end lebron is a beast but i m still cheering 4 thea til the end lebron is a beast but im still cheering 4 the a til the end lebron is a beast but i m still cheering 4 the atil the end lebron is a beast but i m still cheering 4 the ati l the end ihadadentistapptthismorningandhadthesameconversation! i had a dentist appt this morning and had the same conversation i had a dentist appt this morning and had the same con versation i had a dentist appt this morning and had the same conversa tion ihad a dentist appt this morning and had the same conversation i had a dentist appt this morning and had the same conver sation needssomeonetoexplainlambdacalculustohim!:( needs someone to explain lambda calculus to him needs someone to explain lambda cal culus to him needs someone to explain lambda calcu lus to him needs someone to explain lambdacalculus to him needs someone to explain lamb da calculus to him WilltheLakerskicktheNuggetsasstonight? will the lakers kick the nugget s ass tonight will the lakers kick the nuggets ass tonight will the lakers kick the nuggets as s tonight will the lakers kick the nug gets ass tonight will the lakers kick the nuggets a s s tonight LearningjQuery1.3BookReview- learning jquery 1 3 book review learning jquery 13 book review learning jquery 1 3 bookreview learningjquery 13 book review learning jquery 1 3 b ook r eview Checkthisvideoout--DavidAfterDentist check this video out david after dentist check this video out davidafterdentist checkthisvideo out david after dentist checkthisvideo out davidafterdentist chec k this video out davidafterdentist RTIlovethenerdyStanfordhumanbiologyvideos-makesmemissschool. rt i love the nerdy stanford human biology videos makes me miss school r t i love the nerdy stanford human biology videos makes me miss school rti love the nerdy stanford human biology videos makes me miss school rt i love the nerdy stanford human biology video s makes me miss school rt i love the nerdy stanford human biology videos make s me miss school juststartedplayingMajorLeagueBaseball2K9. just started playing major league baseball 2k9 just started playing major league baseball 2k 9 just start ed playing major league baseball 2k9 just started playing major league baseball 2 k 9 just started playing major league baseball 2 k9 Safewayisveryrocknrolltonight safeway is very rock n roll tonight safe way is very rock n roll tonight safeway i s very rock n roll tonight safeway is very rock n roll to night safeway is very rocknroll tonight can'twaitforthegreatamericanfoodandmusicfestivalatshorelinetomorrow.mmm...katzpastramiandbobbyflay.yesplease. can t wait for the great american food and music festival at shoreline tomorrow mmm katz pastrami and bobby flay yes please can t wait for the great american food and music festival at shoreline tomorrow m m m katz pastrami and bobby flay yes please cant wait for the great american food and music festival at shoreline tomorrow mmm katz pastrami and bobby flay yes please cant wait for the great american food and music festival at shoreline tomorrow m m m katz pastrami and bobby flay yes please can t wait for the great american food and music festival at shoreline tomorrow mm m katz pastrami and bobby flay yes please Here'sAcasestudyonhowtouseviralmarketingtoaddover10,000peopletoyourlist here s a case study on how to use viral marketing to add over 10000 people to your list heres a case study on how to use viral marketing to add over 10000 people to your list here s a case study on how to use viral marketing to add over 10 000 people to your list here s a case study on how to use viral marketing to add over 10000 peo ple to your list here s a case study on how to use viral marketing to add over 100 00 people to your list IhighlyrecommendMalcolmGladwell's'TheTippingPoint.'Mynextaudiobookwillprobablybeoneofhisaswell. i highly recommend malcolm gladwell s the tipping point my next audiobook will probably be one of his as well i highly recommend malcolm gladwell s the tipping point my next audio book will probably be one of his as well i highly recommend malcolm gladwell s the tipping point my next audiobook will probably be one of his aswell i highly recommend malcolm gladwell s the tipping point my next audio book will probably be one of his aswell i highly recommend malcolm gladwell s the tipping point my next audiobook will probably be one of his as we ll ireallydontwantAT&Tphoneservice..theysuckwhenitcomestohavingasignal i really don t want at amp t phone service they suck when it comes to having a signal i really don t want a t amp t phone service they suck when it comes to having a signal i really dont want a t amp t phone service they suck when it comes to having a signal i really don t want at a m pt phone service they suck when it comes to having a signal i really don t want at amp t phone service they suck when it comes to having a sig nal omgsobored&mytattoooosaresoitchy!!help!aha=) omg so bored amp my tattoooos are so itchy help aha omg so bored amp my tattoo oos are so itchy help aha omg so bored amp my tattoo oo s are so itchy help aha omg so bored amp my tattooo os are so itchy help aha omg so bored amp my tattoooos are so itchy help a ha Justgotmynewtoy.Canon50D.Loveloveloveit! just got my new toy canon 50d love love love it just got my new toy canon 50 d love love love it just got my new toy canon 50d lovelovelove it just got my new toy canon 50 d lovelovelove it just got my new toy canon 50d loveloveloveit RT'AmericanIdol'fashion:AdamLamberttonesdown,DannyGokeycute... r t american idol fashion adam lambert tones down danny gokey cute rt americanidol fashion adam lambert tones down danny gokey cute rt american idol fashion adam lambert tones down danny gokey cute r t american idol fashion adamlambert tones down danny gokey cute rt americanidol fashion adamlambert tones down danny gokey cute NightAtTheMuseum2?Prettyfurkingood. nightatthemuseum2 pretty furkin good nightatthemuseum2 pretty fur kin good nightatthemuseum2 pretty furk in good nightatthemuseum2 pretty fur k in good night at the museum 2 pretty furkin good TakingKatietoseeNightattheMuseum.(shepickedit) taking katie to see night at the museum she picked it taking katie to see night at the museums he picked it taking katie to see nightatthemuseum she picked it taking katie to see night at the museum s he picked it taking katie to see night at the museum she pick ed it WhatisAT&Tfuckingup? what is at amp t fucking up what is atamp t fucking up what is a t amp t fucking up what is atampt fucking up what is at amp t fu cking up isgoingtosleepthenonabikeride:] is going to sleep then on a bike ride is going to sleep then on a bikeride is going to sleep the n on a bike ride is going to sleep the non a bike ride is going to sleep then on a bike rid e CardinalsbaseballadvancetoSuperRegionals.FaceCS-FullertonFriday. cardinals baseball advance to super regionals face cs fullerton friday cardinals baseball advance to super regionals f a c e c s fullerton friday cardinals baseball advance to super regionals face csfullerton friday cardinals baseball advance to super regionals face c s fullerton friday cardinals baseball advance to super regionals f a c e cs fullerton friday omg.ThecommercialsaloneonESPNaregoingtodrivemenuts. omg the commercials alone on espn are going to drive me nuts o m g the commercials alone on espn are going to drive me nuts omg the commercial s alone on espn are going to drive me nuts omg the commercials alone on espn are going to drive me nut s omg the commercials alone on espn are going to drivemenuts playingwithJavaandtheTwitterAPI playing with java and the twitter api playing with java and the twitterapi playing with java and the twit ter api playing with java a nd the twitter api play ing with java and the twitter api MalcolmGladwellisageniusattrickingpeopleintonotrealizinghe'safuckingidiot malcolm gladwell is a genius at tricking people into not realizing he s a fucking idiot malcolm gladwell is a genius at tricking people into not realizing hes a fucking idiot malcolmgladwell is a genius at tricking people into not realizing he s a fucking idiot m alcolm gladwell is a genius at tricking people into not realizing he s a fucking idiot malcolm gladwell is a genius at tricking people into not realizing he s a f ucking idiot Newblogpost:NikeTrainer1 new blog post nike trainer 1 new blog post niketrainer1 new blogpost nike trainer 1 new blog post nike trainer1 newblogpost nike trainer 1 TheNikeTrainingClub(beta)iPhoneapplooksveryinteresting. the nike training club beta iphone app looks very interesting the nike training club beta i phone app looks very interesting the niketrainingclub beta iphone app looks very interesting the nike training club beta iphoneapp looks very interesting the nike training club beta iphone app looks very interest ing WenttoseetheStarTrekmovielastnight.Verysatisfying. went to see the star trek movie last night very satisfying went to see the startrek movie last night very satisfying went to see the star trek movie last night very satis fying went to see the star trek movie last night very satisfy ing went to see the star trek movie lastnight very satisfying It'sunfortunatethataftertheStimulusplanwasputinplacetwicetohelpGMonthebackoftheAmericanpeoplehasledtotheinevitable it s unfortunate that after the stimulus plan was put in place twice to help gm on the back of the american people has led to the inevitable its unfortunate that after the stimulus plan was put in place twice to help gm on the back of the american people has led to the inevitable it s unfortunate that after the stimulus plan was put in place twice to help g m on the back of the american people has led to the inevitable it s unfortunate that after the stimulus plan was put in place twice to help gm on the back of the american people has led to the in evitable it s unfortunate that after the stimulus plan was put in place twice to help gm on the back of the american people has led to the inevi table Newblogpost:NikeSBDunkLowPremium'WhiteGum' new blog post nike sb dunk low premium white gum new blog post nike sb dunk low premium white gu m new blogpost nike sb dunk low premium white gum newblogpost nike sb dunk low premium white gum new blog post nike sb dunk low premium white g um argghhhhwhywon'tmyjqueryappearinsafaribadsafari!!! argghhhh why won t my jquery appear in safari bad safari argghhhh why wont my jquery appear in safari bad safari argghhhh why won t my jquery appear in safari b a d safari argghhhh why wont my j query appear in safari bad safari argghhhh why wontmy jquery appear in safari bad safari Absolutelyhilarious!!!from absolutely hilarious from abso lutely hilarious from absolutely hi larious from absolutely hilarious f r om absolutely hilari ous from iscompletefail. is complete fail is com plete fail iscomplete fail is complete f a i l is completefail Yeahhhhhhhhh,Iwouldn'treallyhavelivedinEastPaloAltoifIcouldhaveavoidedit.Iguessit'sonlyforthesummer. yeahhhhhhhhh i wouldn t really have lived in east palo alto if i could have avoided it i guess it s only for the summer yeahhhhhhhhh i wouldn t really have lived in east palo alto if i could have avoided it i guess its only for the summer yeahhhhhhhhh i wouldnt really have lived in east palo alto if i could have avoided it i guess it s only for the summer yeahhhhhhhhh i wouldnt really have lived in east palo alto if i could have avoided it i guess its only for the summer yeahhhhhhhhh i would nt really have lived in east palo alto if i could have avoided it i guess it s only for the summer GMfilesBankruptcy,notagoodsign... gm files bankruptcy not a good sign gm files bankruptcy notagoodsign gm files bankruptcy no t a good sign gm files bankruptcy n o t a good sign gm files bankruptcy not agood sign amlovingnewmalcolmgladwellbook-outliers am loving new malcolm gladwell book outliers amloving new malcolm gladwell book outliers am lov ing new malcolm gladwell book outliers a m loving new malcolm gladwell book outliers am loving new malcolmgladwell book outliers Hi!JustsawyourStanfordtalkandreallylikedyouradvice.JustsayingHifromSingapore(yesthevideosdogetaround) hi just saw your stanford talk and really liked your advice just saying hi from singapore yes the videos do get around h i just saw your stanford talk and really liked your advice just saying hi from singapore yes the videos do get around hi just saw your stanford talk and really liked your advice just saying hi from singapore yes the video s do get around hi just saw your stanford talk and really liked your advice just saying hi from singapore yes the videos do get a round hi just saw you r stanford talk and really liked your advice just saying hi from singapore yes the videos do get around TwitterStockbuzz:$AAPL$ES_F$SPY$SPX$PALM(updated:12:00PM) twitter stock buzz a aples f spy spx palm updated 12 00 pm twitter stock buzz aapl esf spy spx palm updated 12 00 pm twitter stock buzz a aples f spy spx palm updated 12 00 p m twitter stock buzz aapl esf spy spx palm updated 12 00 p m twitter stock buzz a aples f spy spx palm updated 12 00pm BeginningJavaScriptandCSSDevelopmentwithjQuery beginning javascript and css development with jquery beginning javascript and css development with jque ry beginning java script and css development with jquery beginning javascript and css development with j query beginning java script and css development with jque ry droppedherbroccoliwalkinghomefromsafeway!;(sodepressed dropped her broccoli walking home from safeway so depressed droppedher broccoli walking home from safeway so depressed dropped her broccoli walking home from safeway so de pressed dropped her broc coli walking home from safeway so depressed drop ped her broccoli walking home from safeway so depressed BillSimmonsinconversationwithMalcolmGladwell bill simmons in conversation with malcolm gladwell billsimmons in conversation with malcolm gladwell bill simmons in conversation with malcolm gladwel l bill simmons in conversation with malcolm glad well bill simmons in conversation with malcolm gladwe ll needsuggestionsforagoodIRfilterformycanon40D...gotsome?plsDM need suggestions for a good ir filter for my canon 40d got some pls dm need suggestions for a good ir filter for my canon 40d got some pl sdm need suggestions for a good ir filter for my canon 40d got some pls d m need suggestions for a good ir filter for my canon 40d got some pl s d m need suggestions for a good ir filter for my canon 40d got some p l s d m Recoveringfromsurgery..wishingwashere:( recovering from surgery wishing was here recovering from surgery wis hing was here recovering from surgery wis hin g was here recovering from surgery wis hing w as here recovering from surgery wishing washer e dearestyourichbastards!theVISAcardyousentmedoesn'twork.whyscrewalittleguylikeme? dearest you rich bastards the visa card you sent me doesn t work why screw a little guy like me dearest you rich bastards the visa card you sent me doesnt work why screw a little guy like me dearest you rich bastard s the visa card you sent me doesn t work why screw a little guy like me dearest you rich bastards the visa card you sent me doesn t work why screw alittle guy like me dearestyou rich bastards the visa card you sent me doesn t work why screw a little guy like me Ijustextractedandopen-sourcedajQuerypluginfromStormweighttohighlighttextwitharegularexpression: i just extracted and open sourced a jquery plugin from stormweight to highlight text with a regular expression i just extracted and open sourced a jquery plugin from storm weight to highlight text with a regular expression i just extracted and open sourced a jquery plug in from stormweight to highlight text with a regular expression i just extracted and open sourced a jquery plug in from storm weight to highlight text with a regular expression i just extracted and open sourced a jquery plugin from storm w eight to highlight text with a regular expression Goingtoseestartreksoonwithmydad. going to see star trek so on with my dad going to see star trek soon with my dad going to see startrek soon with my dad going to see startrek so on with my dad going to see star trek so onwith my dad IneverdidthankyouforincludingmeinyourTop100TwitterAuthors!YouRock!(&INewWave:-D) i never did thank you for including me in your top 100 twitter author s you rock amp i new wave d i never did thank you for including me in your top 100 twitter author s you rock amp i new waved i never did thank you for including me in your top 100 twitter authors you rock amp i new wave d i never did thank you for including me in your top 100 twitter author s you rock a m p i new wave d i never did thank you for including me in your top 100 twitter authors you rock amp i new waved Nikerocks.I'msupergratefulforwhatI'vedonewiththem:)&theEuropeanDivisionofNIKEisBEYOND! nike rocks i m super grateful for what i ve done with them amp the european division of nike is beyond nikerocks i m super grateful for what i ve done with them amp the european division of nike is beyond nike rocks i m super grateful for what ive done with them amp the european division of nike is beyond nike rocks i m super grateful for what i ve done with the mamp the european division of nike is beyond nike rocks im super grateful for what i ve done with them amp the european division of nike is beyond BrandNewCanonEOS50D15MPDSLRCameraCanon17-85mmISLens...:WebTechnologyThread,BrandNewCanonEOS5.. brand new canon eos 50d 15mp dslr camera canon 17 85mm is lens web technology thread brand new canon eos 5 brand new canon eos 50d 15mp dslr camera canon 17 85mm is lens webtechnology thread brand new canon eos 5 brand new canon eos 50d 15mp dslr camera canon 17 85mm is lens w eb technology thread brand new canon eos 5 brandnew canon eos 50d 15mp dslr camera canon 17 85mm is lens web technology thread brand new canon eos 5 brand new canon eos 50d 15mp dslr camera canon 17 85mm is lens web technology thread brandnew canon eos 5 TheTimesofIndia:ThewonderthatisIndia'selection. the times of india the wonder that is india s election the times of india the won der that is india s election the times of india the wonder that is india selection thetimesofindia the wonder that is india s election thetimes of india the wonder that is india s election NancyPelosigavetheworstcommencementspeechI'veeverheard.YesI'mstillbitteraboutthis nancy pelosi gave the worst commencement speech i ve ever heard yes i m still bitter about this nancy pelosi gave the worst commencement speech ive ever heard yes i m still bitter about this nancy pelosi gave the worst commencement speech i ve ever heard yes im still bitter about this nancypelosi gave the worst commencement speech i ve ever heard yes i m still bitter about this nancy pelosi gave the worst commencement speech ive ever heard yes im still bitter about this givingwekaanappengineinterface,usingthebirdstrikedataforthetests,thelogoisagiven. giving weka an app engine interface using the bird strike data for the tests the logo is a given giving weka an app engine interface using the birdstrike data for the tests the logo is a given giving weka an appengine interface using the bird strike data for the tests the logo is a given giving weka an app engine interface using the bird strike data for the test s the logo is a given giving we ka an app engine interface using the bird strike data for the tests the logo is a given It'sabankholiday,yetI'monlyoutofworknow.Examseasonsucks:( it s a bank holiday yet i m only out of work now exam season sucks its a bank holiday yet i m only out of work now exam season sucks it s a bank holiday yet i m only out of work now examseason sucks it s a bank holiday yet im only out of work now exam season sucks it s a bank holiday yet i m only out of work nowexam season sucks TodayisagooddaytodislikeAT&T.Voteoutofofficeindeed, todayisagoodday to dislike at amp t vote out of office indeed today is a good day to dislike at amp t vote out of office indeed todayisagoodday to dislike at amp t vote out of office in deed todayisagoodday to dislike a t amp t vote out of office indeed today is a good day to dislike at amp t vote out of office in deed Highlyrecommend:byMalcolmGladwell highly recommend by malcolm gladwell highly recommend by malcolmgladwell highlyrecommend by malcolm gladwell highly recommend by malcolm gladwe ll highly recommend by malcolm gladwel l LeBronisamonstaandheisonly24.SMHTheworldain'tready. lebron is a monsta and he is only 24 smh the world aint ready lebron is a monsta and he is only 2 4 smh the world aint ready lebron is a monsta and he is only 24 smh the world ain t ready lebron is a monsta and he is only 2 4 smh the world ain t ready lebron is a monsta and he is only 2 4 s mh the world ain t ready doodIgotafreegoogleandroidphoneattheI/Oconference.TheG2! dood i got a free google android phone at the i o conference the g2 dood i got a free google android phone at the i o conference the g 2 dood i got a free google android phone at the io conference the g2 dood i got a free google android phone at the io conference the g 2 doodi got a free google android phone at the i o conference the g2 TherealAIGscandal/ the real aig scandal there a laig scandal the real aig s candal the real aig scan dal the real ai g scandal RTisnowthetimetobuyaGMcar? rt is now the time to buy a gm car r t is now the time to buy a gm car r t i s now the time to buy a gm car rt is now the time to buy agm car r t is now the time to buy agm car WarrenBuffetbecame(foratime)therichestmanintheUnitedStates,notbyworkingbutinvestingin1Bigideawhichleadtothefortune warren buffet became for a time the richest man in the united states not by working but investing in 1 big idea which lead to the fortune warren buffet became for a time the richest man in the united states not by working but i nvesting in 1 big idea which lead to the fortune warren buffet became for a time the richest man in the united states not by working but investing in 1bigidea which lead to the fortune warren buffet became fora time the richest man in the united states not by working but investing in 1 big idea which lead to the fortune warren buffet became for a time the richest man in the united states not by working but investing in 1 big idea which lead to the for tune Reading"BillClintonFail-ObamaWin?" reading bill clinton fail obama win reading b ill clinton fail obama win reading billclinton fail obama win reading bill clinton fail obamawin reading bill clinton f ail obama win Iwilltakeyouonadatetoseenightatthemuseum2wheneveryouwant...itlookssoooooogood i will take you on a date to see nightatthemuseum2 whenever you want it looks soooooo good i will take you on a date to see night at the museum 2 whenever you want it looks soooooo good i will take you on a date to see nightatthemuseum2 when ever you want it looks soooooo good i will take you on a date to see nightatthemuseum 2 whenever you want it looks soooooo good i will take you on a date to see nightatthemuseum2 whenever you want it looks soooooo goo d SafewaywithMarvin,Janelle,andAuntieLhu safeway with marvin janelle and auntie l hu safeway with marvin janelle and auntie l h u safe way with marvin janelle and auntie l hu safe way with marvin janelle and auntie l h u safeway with marvin janelle and auntie lhu PissedatTimeWarnerforcausinmetohaveslowinternetproblems pissed at time warner for causin me to have slow internet problems pissed at timewarner for causin me to have slow internet problems pissed at time warner for causin me to have slow internet problem s pissed at time warner for ca u s in me to have slow internet problems pissed at timewarner for causin me to have slow internet problem s |O3D-Bringing3dgraphicstothebrowser.Verynicetbh.Funfun. o3d bringing 3d graphics to the browser very nice tb hfun fun o3d bringing 3d graphics to the browser very nice tbhf unfun o3d bringing 3d graphics to the browser very nice tbhf un fun o3d bringing 3d graphics to the browser very nice tb hf unfun o 3 d bringing 3d graphics to the browser very nice tbhf unfun ok..donothing..justthinkingabout40D ok do nothing just thinking about 40d ok do nothing just thinking about 40 d ok do nothing just thinking about 4 0 d ok do nothing just thinking about 4 0d o k do nothing just thinking about 40d Comcastsucks. comcast sucks comcastsucks com cast sucks comcast suck s c omcast sucks withtheboyfriend,eatingaquesadilla with the boyfriend eating a quesadilla with the boy friend eating a quesadilla withtheboyfriend eating a quesadilla wi th the boyfriend eating a quesadilla with the boyf riend eating a quesadilla F*ckTimeWarnerCable!!!Youf*ckingsuckballs!!!Ihavea$700HDtv&mydamnHDchannelshardlyevercomein.Bullshit!! fck time warner cable you f cking suck balls i have a 700 hd tv amp my damn hd channels hardly ever come in bullshit f ck time warner cable you f cking suck balls i have a 700 hd tv amp my damn hd channels hardly ever come in bullshit fck timewarnercable you f cking suck balls i have a 700 hd tv amp my damn hd channels hardly ever come in bullshit fck time warner cable you f cking suck balls i have a 700 hd tv amp my damn hd channels hardly ever come in bull shit f ck time warner cable you f cking suck balls i have a 700 hd tv amp my damn hd channels hardly ever come in bull shit IsEatingandWatchingMovies.... is eating and watching movies is eating and watching movie s is eat ing and watching movies i seating and watching movies is eating and watching mo vies Giveamanafish,ufeedhimfortheday.Teachhimtofish,ufeedhimforlife.BuyhimGM,anduF**Khimoverforgood. give a man a fish u feed him for the day teach him to fish u feed him for life buy him gm and u f k him over for good give a man a fish u feed him for the day teach him to fish u feed him for life buy him g m and u f k him over for good give a man a fish u feed him for the day teach him to fish u feed him for life buy him gman dufk him over for good give a man a fish u feed him for the day teach him to fish u feed him for life buy him g man dufk him over for good give a man a fish u feed him for the day teach him to fish u feed him for life buy him gm and u fk him over for good BouttohitsafewayIgottaeat bout to hit safe way i gotta eat bout to hit safe way i got ta eat bout to hit sa feway i gotta eat bout to hit safe way igottaeat bout to hit s afeway i gotta eat worktil6pm...letsgolakers!!! work til 6 pm let s go lakers work til 6pm let s go lakers work til 6 pm lets go lakers work til 6pm lets go lakers work til 6 p m let s go lakers RTGreatarticlebyMalcolmGladwell. rt great article by malcolm gladwell r t great article by malcolm gladwell rt great article by malcolm gladwe ll rt great article by malcolm gladwel l rtgreat article by malcolm gladwell RTGoodby,Silverstein'snewsite:Ienjoyit.*nicefind!* rt goodby silverstein s new site i enjoy it nice find rt goodbysilverstein s new site i enjoy it nice find r t goodbysilverstein s new site i enjoy it nice find rt good by silverstein s new site i enjoy it nice find rt goodby silverstein s new site i enjoy it n ice find ?ObamaAdministrationMustStopBonusestoAIGPonziSchemers... obama administration must stop bonuses to aig ponzi schemers obama administration must stop bonuses to aig ponzi schemer s obama administration must stop bonuses to aig ponzi scheme rs obama administration must stop bonuses to aig ponzi scheme r s obama administra tion must stop bonuses to aig ponzi schemers Ahh...gotridofstupidtimewarnertoday&nowtakinganapwhiletheroomiescookforme.Prettygoodendforamonday:) ahh got rid of stupid time warner today a m p now taking a nap while the roomies cook for me pretty good end for a monday ahh got rid of stupid time warner today ampnow taking a nap while the roomies cook for me pretty good end for a monday ahh got rid of stupid time warner today a m p now taking a nap while the roomie s cook for me pretty good end for a monday ahh got rid of stupid time warner today a m p no w taking a nap while the roomies cook for me pretty good end for a monday ahh got rid of stupid time warner today ampnow taking a nap while the roomie s cook for me pretty good end for a monday FightingwithLaTex.Again... fighting with latex again fighting with l a tex again fight ing with latex again fighting with latex a gain fighting with la tex again heynooffensebutmalcolmgladwellisapretenious,annoyingcuntandhebringsyoudown.cantreadhisshit hey no offense but malcolm gladwell is a pretenious annoying cunt and he brings you down can t read his shit hey no offense but malcolm gladwell is a pretenious annoying cunt and he brings you down cant read his shit hey no offense but malcolm gladwell i s a pretenious annoying cunt and he brings you down can t read his shit hey no offense but malcolm gladwell is a pretenious annoying cunt and he brings you down can t read his s hit hey no offense but malcolm gladwell is a pretenious annoying cunt and he brings you down can t read his sh it ThedayIneverhavetodealwithComcastagainwillrankasoneofthebestdaysofmylife. the day i never have to deal with comcast again will rank as one of the best days of my life the day i never have to deal with comcast again will rank as one of the bestdaysofmylife the day i never have to deal with comcast again will rank as one of the best days of mylife the day i never have to deal with comcast again will rank as one ofthe best days of my life the day i never have to deal with comcast again will rank as one of the best day s of my life ManIkindadislikeApplerightnow.Caseinpoint:theiPhone3GS.Wishtherewasavideorecorderapp.Please?? man i kinda dislike apple right now case in point the iphone 3gs wish there was a video recorder app please man i kinda dislike apple right now case in point the iphone 3g s wish there was a video recorder app please man i kinda dislike apple right now case in point the iphone3gs wish there was a video recorder app please man i kinda dislike apple rightnow case in point the iphone 3gs wish there was a video recorder app please man i kinda dislike apple right now case in point the iphone 3gs wish there was a videorecorder app please WattheheckisNorthKoreadoing!!??!!Theyjustconductedpowerfulnucleartests!Followthelink: wat the heck is north korea doing they just conducted powerful nuclear tests follow the link wattheheck is north korea doing they just conducted powerful nuclear tests follow the link wat the heck is north korea doing they just con ducted powerful nuclear tests follow the link wat the heck is north korea doing they just conducted powerful nuclear test s follow the link wat the heck is north korea doing they just conducted powerful nuclear tests fol low the link iPhoneMayGetRadioTaggingandNike:Recently-releasediTunesversion8.2suggeststhatVoiceOverfunctional.. iphone may get radiotagging and nike recently released itunes version 8 2 suggests that voice over functional iphone may get radio tagging and nike recently released itunes version 8 2 suggests that voice over functional iphone may get radiotagging and nike recently released itunes version 8 2 suggests that voiceover functional iphone may get radio tagging and nike recently released itunes version 8 2 suggests that voiceover functional iphone may get radiotagging and nike recently released itunes version 8 2 suggests that voiceover function al Bytheway,I'mtotallyinspiredbythisfreakyNikecommercial: by the way i m totally inspired by this freaky nike commercial by the way im totally inspired by this freaky nike commercial bytheway i m totally inspired by this freaky nike commercial by the way i m totally inspired by this freak y nike commercial by the way i m totally inspired by this freaky nike commer cial yankeeswonmetslost.itsagoodday. yankees won mets lost it s a good day yankees won mets lost its a good day yankees won met s lost it s a good day yankees won mets lost itsagoodday yankees won mets lost its agood day iloveDwightHoward'svitaminwatercommercial...nowiwishhewaswithNIKEandnotadidas.lol. i love dwight howard s vitamin water commercial now i wish he was with nike and not adidas lol i love dwight howard s vitamin water commercial now i wish he was with nike and not a didas lol i love dwight howard s vitaminwater commercial now i wish he was with nike and not adidas lol i love dwight howard s vitamin water commercial now i wish he was with nike and not adidas l o l i love dwight howard s vitamin water commercial now i wish he was with nike and not adidas lo l AdmissionsTipsStanfordGSBDeadlinesandEssayTopics2009-2010 admissions tips stanford gsb deadlines and essay topics 2009 2010 admissions tips stanford gsb deadlines and essay topics 20 09 2010 admissions tips stanford gsb deadlines and essay topics 20 09 20 10 admissions tips stanford gsb deadlines and essay topics 2009 20 10 admissions tips stanford gsb deadlines and essay topics 20092010 RTFiveThingsWolframAlphaDoesBetter(AndVastlyDifferent)ThanGoogle- rt five things wolfram alpha does better and vastly different than google r t five things wolfram alpha does better and vastly different than google rt fivethings wolfram alpha does better and vastly different than google rt five things wolframalpha does better and vastly different than google r t five things wolframalpha does better and vastly different than google Asumayhavenoticed,nottoohappyabouttheGMsituation,norAIG,Lehman,etal as u may have noticed not too happy about the gm situation nor aig lehman et al asu may have noticed not too happy about the gm situation nor aig lehman et al as u may have noticed not too happy about the gm situation nor aig lehman etal as u may have noticed not too happy about the gm situation nor a i g lehman et al as u may have noticed not too happy about the gm situation nora i g lehman et al gladididntdoBaytoBreakerstoday,it's1000freakingdegreesinSanFranciscowtf glad i didn t do bay to breakers today it s 1000 freaking degrees in san francisco wtf glad i didn t do bay to breakers today it s 1000 freaking degrees in san francisco w t f glad i didn t do bay to breakers today it s 100 0 freaking degrees in san francisco wtf glad i didn t do baytobreakers today it s 1000 freaking degrees in san francisco wtf glad i didn t do bay to breakers today its 1000 freaking degrees in san francisco wtf 'BarackObamashowshisfunnyside">>!!Greatspeech.. barack obama shows his funny side gt gt great speech barack obama shows his funny side gtgt great speech barack obama shows his funny side gt gt greatspeech barack obama shows his funny side g t gt great speech barack obama shows his funny side g t g t great speech howcanyounotloveObama?hemakesjokesabouthimself. how can you not love obama he makes jokes about himself how can you not love obama he makes jokes about him self h ow can you not love obama he makes jokes about himself how can you not love obama he makes jokes about him s elf how can you not love obama he makes jokes about him se lf Thankssomuch!!!...fromoneofyour*very*happyKindle2winners;)Iwassosurprised,fabulous.Thankyou!Best,Kathleen thanks so much from one of your very happy kindle 2 winners i was so surprised fabulous thank you best kathleen thanks so much from one of you r very happy kindle 2 winners i was so surprised fabulous thank you best kathleen thanks so much from one of your very happy kindle 2 winners i was so surprised fabulous thankyou best kathleen thanks so much from one of your very happy kindle2 winners i was so surprised fabulous thank you best kathleen thanks so much from one of your very happy kindle 2 winner s i was so surprised fabulous thank you best kathleen GettingreadytogowatchNightattheMuseum2.Dumdum,yougivemegumgum! getting ready to go watch night at the museum 2 dum dum you give me gum gum getting ready to go watch nightatthemuseum2 dum dum you give me gum gum getting ready to go watch nightatthemuseum2 dumdum you give me gum gum getting ready to go watch night at the museum 2 dumdum you give me gum gum getting ready to go watch night at the museum 2 dum dum you give me gumgum NikeAirYeezyKhaki/PinkColorwayRelease- nike air yeezy khaki pink colorway release nike air yeezy khaki pink color way release nikeairyeezy khaki pink colorway release nikeairyeezy khaki pink color way release nike air yee zy khaki pink colorway release Newnikemuppetcommercialsareprettycute.Whydowelivetogetheragain? new nike muppet commercials are pretty cute why do we live together again newnike muppet commercials are pretty cute why do we live together again new n ike muppet commercials are pretty cute why do we live together again new nike muppet commercials are pretty cute why do we live togeth er again new nike muppet commercials are pretty cute why do we live toge ther again Higherphysicsexamtommorow,notlookinforwardtoitmuch:( higher physics exam tommorow not lookin forward to it much higher physics exam tommorow not lookin forward to it m uch higher physics exam tommorow not lookin forward to it mu ch higher physics exam tommorow not lookin forward to it m uc h higher physics exam tommorow not lookin forward to i t much Sonhasmelookingatcarsonline.Ihatecarshopping.Wouldrathergotothedentist!Anyonewithagoodcaratagoodpricetosell? son has me looking at cars on line i hate car shopping would rather go to the dentist anyone with a good car at a good price to sell son has me looking at cars online i hate car shopping would rather go to the dentist anyone with a good car at a good price to sell s on has me looking at cars on line i hate car shopping would rather go to the dentist anyone with a good car at a good price to sell son has me looking at cars on line i hate car shopping would rather go to the dentist anyone with a good car at a goodprice to sell son has me looking at cars online i hate car shopping would rather go to the dentist anyone with a good car at a goodprice to sell HowtoimplementanewstickerwithjQueryandtenlinesofcode how to implement a news ticker with jquery and ten lines of code how to implement a new sticker with jquery and ten lines of code how to implement a news ticker with jquery and t e n lines of code how to implement a news ticker with jquery and ten lines ofcode how to implement a news ticker with jquery and ten linesofcode IfirmlybelievethatObama/PelosihaveZEROdesiretobecivil.It'sacharadeandaslogan,buttheywanttodestroyconservatism i firmly believe that obama pelosi have zero desire to be civil it s a charade and a slogan but they want to destroy conservatism i firmly believe that obama pelosi have zero desire to be civil its a charade and a slogan but they want to destroy conservatism i firmly believe that obama pelosi have zero desire to be civil it s a charade and as logan but they want to destroy conservatism i firmly believe that obama pelosi have zero desire to be civil i t s a charade and a slogan but they want to destroy conservatism i firmly believe that obama pelosi have zero desire to be civil it s a charade anda slogan but they want to destroy conservatism toptenmostwatchedonViral-VideoChart.LovethenikecampaignfromWieden&Kennedy top ten most watched on viralvideochart love the nike campaign from wieden amp kennedy top ten most watched on viral video chart love the nike campaign from wieden amp kennedy top ten most watched on viralvideochart love the nike campaign from wieden am p kennedy top ten most watched on viralvideochart love the nike campaign from wieden a m p kennedy top ten most watched on viral video chart love the nike campaign from wieden a m p kennedy Iwouldratherpayreasonableyearlytaxesfor"free"fastinternet,thangetgougedbyTimeWarnerforaslowconnection. i would rather pay reasonable yearly taxes for free fast internet than get gouged by time warner for a slow connection i would rather pay reasonable yearly taxes for free fast internet than get gouged by timewarner for a slow connection i would rather pay reasonable yearly taxes for free fast internet than get gouged by time warner for as low connection i would rather pay reasonable yearly taxes for free fast internet than get gouged by time warner for a slow connec tion i would rather pay reasonable yearly taxes for free fast internet than get gouged by time warner for a slow con nection Fairenough.ButihavetheKindle2andIthinkit'sperfect:) fair enough but i have the kindle 2 and i think it s perfect fair enough but i have the kindle 2 and i think its perfect fair enough but i have the kindle2 and i think it s perfect fair enough but i have the kindle2 and i think its perfect fairenough but i have the kindle 2 and i think it s perfect JustappliedatSafeway!(:Yeeeee! just applied at safeway yeeeee just applied at safeway y e e e e e just applied at safeway ye e e e e just applied at safeway ye ee e e just applied at safeway yee eee LAKERStonightlet'sgo!!!! lakers tonight let s go lakers tonight lets go lakers tonight letsgo lakerstonight let s go lakerstonight lets go WeirdPianoGuitarHouseinChina! weird piano guitar house in china weird pianoguitar house in china weird piano guitar house in chi na weird piano g uitar house in china weird piano gu itar house in china obviouslynotsidingwithCheneyhere: obviously not siding with cheney here obviously not siding with cheney he re obvi ously not siding with cheney here ob viously not siding with cheney here obviously not siding with cheney h e r e RTAwesomeJQueryreferencebookforCoda! rt awesome jquery reference book for coda rt awesome jquery reference book for cod a r t awesome jquery reference book for coda rt awesome jquery reference book for c o d a r t awesome jquery reference book for cod a IloooooooovvvvvveeemyKindle2.NotthattheDXiscool,butthe2isfantasticinitsownright. i l o o o o o o o o vvv vvv eee my kindle 2 not that the dx is cool but the 2 is fantastic in its own right i l o o o o o o o o vvv vvv e e e my kindle 2 not that the dx is cool but the 2 is fantastic in its own right i l o o o o o o o o v v v v v v e e e my kindle 2 not that the dx is cool but the 2 is fantastic in its own right i l o o o o o o o o vvv vvv eee my kindle 2 not that the dx is cool but the 2 is fantastic in its ownright i l o o o o o o o o vvv vvv eee my kindle 2 not that the dx is cool but the 2i s fantastic in its own right PhilliesDrivingintheCadillacwiththeTopDowninCali,Win5-3- phillies driving in the cadillac with the top down in cali win 5 3 phillies driving in the cadillac with the top down in cali win 53 phillies driving in the cadillac with the top down in cali w in 53 phillies driving in the cadillac with the top down in cali w in 5 3 phillies driving in the cadillac with the top down in cali w i n 53 BoozAllenHamiltonhasabadasshomegrownsocialcollaborationplatform.Waycool! booz allen hamilton has a bad ass homegrown social collaboration platform way cool booz allen hamilton has a bad ass home grown social collaboration platform way cool booz allen hamilton has a badass home grown social collaboration platform way cool booz allen hamilton has a badass homegrown social collaboration platform way cool booz allen hamilton has a bad ass homegrown social collaboration platform waycool Obama:NationalizationofGMtobeshort-term(AP) obama nationalization of gm to be short term ap obama nationalization of gm to be short term a p obama nationalization of gm to be shortterm ap obama nationalization of gm to be shor t ter map obama nationalization of gm to be short ter map right!!!LOLwe'llgetthere!!Ihavehighexpectations,WarrenBuffetstyle. right lol we ll get there i have high expectations warren buffet style right lol well get there i have high expectations warren buffet style right lol we ll get there i have high expecta tions warren buffet style right lol we ll get there i have high expectations warrenbuffet style right lol well get there i have high expectations warrenbuffet style Justgotbarragedbyahordeofinsectshungryformykitchenlight.Soscary. just got barraged by a horde of insects hungry for my kitchen light so scary just got barraged by a horde of insects hungry for my kitchen lights oscar y just got barraged by a horde of insect s hungry for my kitchen light so scary just got barraged by a horde of insects hungry for my kitchen lights oscary just got barraged by a horde of insects hungry for my kitchen lights o scary Thesafewaybathroomstillsmellslikeass! the safeway bathroom still smells like ass the safe way bathroom still smells like ass thesafeway bathroom still smells like ass the safeway bath room still smells like ass the safeway bathroom still smells like a ss justwatchednightatthemuseum2!sostinkincute! just watched night at the museum 2 so stinkin cute just watched nightatthemuseum2 so stinkin cute just watched night at the museum2 so stinkin cute justwatched nightatthemuseum2 so stinkin cute just watched night at the museum 2 sostinkincute sotired.ididn'tsleepwellatalllastnight. so tired i didn t sleep well at all last night so tired i didnt sleep well at all last night so tired i didn t sleep well at all lastnight so tired i didnt sleep well at all lastnight sotired i didn t sleep well at all last night zomg!!!IhaveaG2!!!!!!! zomg i have a g2 zomg i have a g 2 zomg i have ag 2 z omg i have a g2 zomg i have ag2 Dentisttomorrow.Havetobrushwellinthemorning.LikeImakemyhairallnicebeforeIgetitcut.Why? dentist tomorrow have to brush well in the morning like i make my hair all nice before i get it cut why dentist tomorrow have to brush well in the morning like i make my hair all nice before i get it c ut why dentist tomorrow have to brush well in the morning like i make my hair all nice before i get it cut w hy dentist tomorrow have to brush well in the morning like i make my hair all nice before i get it c ut w hy dentist tomorrow have to brush well in the morning like i make my hair all nice before i get it cut wh y You'llloveyourKindle2.I'vehadmineforafewmonthsandneverlookedback.Thenewbigoneishuge!Noneedforremorse!:) you ll love your kindle2 i ve had mine for a few months and never looked back the new big one is huge no need for remorse you ll love your kindle 2 i ve had mine for a few months and never looked back the new big one is huge no need for remorse youll love your kindle2 i ve had mine for a few months and never looked back the new big one is huge no need for remorse you ll love your kindle2 i ve had mine for a few months and never looked back the new bigone is huge no need for remorse you ll love your kindle2 i ve had mine for a few months and never looked back the new big one is huge no need for re morse HATEsafewayselectgreenteaicecream!boughttwocartons,whatawasteofmoney.>_< hate safeway select green tea ice cream bought two cartons what a waste of money gt lt hate safeway select green tea icecream bought two cartons what a waste of money gt lt hate safeway select green tea ice cream bought two cartons what a waste of mone y gt lt hate safeway select green tea ice cream bought two cartons what a waste of money gtlt hate safeway select green tea ice cream bought two cartons what a waste of money g t l t AfterusingLaTeXalot,anyothertypesetmathematicsjustlookshideous. after using latex a lot any other typeset mathematics just looks hideous after using latex a lot any other type set mathematics just looks hideous after using latex a lot any other type set math ematics just looks hideous after using latex alot any other type set mathematics just looks hideous after using latex a lot any other typeset mathematics just look s hideous myexamwentgood.yourprayersworked(: my exam went good your prayers worked my exam went good you r prayers worked my exam went good your prayers work ed my exam went good your prayer s worked my exam went good your prayers w orked myfoxdcBarrieStudentsBackfromTriptoChina:ASilverSpringhighschool'sclasstriptoChinahasen.. myfoxdc barrie students back from trip to china a silver spring high school s class trip to china has en myfoxdc barrie students back from trip to china a silver spring high school s class trip to china hasen myfoxdc barrie students back from trip to china a silver spring high schools class trip to china has en myfoxdc barrie students back from trip to china a silver spring high school s class trip to china ha sen myfoxdc barrie students back from trip to china a silver spring high school s class trip to china has e n AdobeCS4commercialbyGoodbySilverstein: adobe cs4 commercial by goodby silverstein adobe cs 4 commercial by goodby silverstein adobecs4 commercial by goodby silverstein adobe cs4 commercial by good by silverstein adobe cs 4 commercial by good by silverstein insectshaveinfectedmyspinachplant:( insects have infected my spinach plant in sects have infected my spinach plant insect s have infected my spinach plant i nsects have infected my spinach plant insects have in fected my spinach plant Kobeisthebestintheworldnotlebron. kobe is the best in the world not lebron kobeisthebest in the world not lebron kobe is the best inthe world not lebron kobe is the best in theworld not lebron kobe is the bestin the world not lebron Safeway.Placeisanightmarerightnow.Bumming. safeway place is a nightmare right now bumming safe way place is a nightmare right now bumming s afeway place is a nightmare right now bumming safeway place is a nightmare right now bum ming safeway place is a nightmare right now b umming WarrenBuffetontheeconomy warren buffet on the economy warrenbuffet on the economy warren buffet on the econ omy warren buffet on the econom y warren buffet on the e conomy youwillnotregretgoingtoseeStarTrek.ItwasAWESOME! you will not regret going to see star trek it was awesome you will not regret going to see startrek it was awesome you will not regret going to see star trek it was awe some y ou will not regret going to see star trek it was awesome you will not regret going to see star trek i t was awesome Ok,firstassesmentofthe...itfuckingrocks!!! ok first assesment of the it fucking rocks o k first assesment of the it fucking rocks ok first assesment of theit fucking rocks ok first assesment of the i t fucking rocks ok first assesment of the it fucking rock s WatchinEspn..JusseenthisnewNikeCommericalwithaPuppetLebron..sh*twashilarious...LMAO!!! watchin espn jus seen this new nike commerical with a puppet lebron sh t was hilarious lmao watchin espn jus seen this new nike commerical with a puppet lebron s h t was hilarious lmao watchin espn jus seen this new nike commerical with a puppet lebron s ht was hilarious lmao watchin espn jus seen this new nike commerical with a puppet lebron sht was hilarious lmao watchin espn jus seen this new nike commerical with a puppet lebron sh t was hi larious lmao MydadwasinNYforaday,weateatMESAgrilllastnightandmetBobbyFlay.Somuchfun,exceptIcompletelylostmyvoicetoday. my dad was in ny for a day we ate at mesa grill last night and met bobby flay so much fun except i completely lost my voice today my dad was in ny for a day we ate at mesa grill last night and met bobby flay so much fun except i completely lost my voice to day my dad was in n y for a day we ate at mesa grill last night and met bobby flay so much fun except i completely lost my voice today my dad was in ny for a day we ate at mesa grill las t night and met bobby flay so much fun except i completely lost my voice today my dad was in ny for a day we ate at mesa grill last night and met bobby flay s o much fun except i completely lost my voice today whoeverisrunningtimewarnerneedstoberepeatedlyrapedbyarhinosotheyunderstandtheconsequencesofputtingoutshittycablesvcs whoever is running time warner needs to be repeatedly raped by a rhino so they understand the consequences of putting out shitty cable svcs whoever is run ning time warner needs to be repeatedly raped by a rhino so they understand the consequences of putting out shitty cable svcs whoever is running time warner needs to be repeatedly raped by a rhino so they understand the consequences of putting out shitty cable svc s whoever is running time warner needs to be repeatedly raped by a rhino so they understand the consequences of putting out shitty cable sv cs whoever is running time warner needs to be repeatedly raped by a rhino so they understand the consequences of putting out shitty cables vcs Onthatnote,IhateWord.IhatePages.IhateLaTeX.There,Isaidit.IhateLaTeX.AllyouTEXN3RDScancomekillmenow. on that note i hate word i hate pages i hate latex there i said it i hate latex all you tex n3rds can come kill me now on that note i hate word i hate pages i hate latex there i said it i hate latex all you tex n 3rds can come kill me now on that note i hate word i hate pages i hate latex there i said it i hate latex all you tex n 3 rds can come kill me now on that note i hate word i hate pages i hate latex there i said it i hate latex all you tex n 3 rd scan come kill me now on that note i hate word i hate pages i hate latex there i said it i hate latex all you tex n 3rd scan come kill me now Ilikethisguy:'BarackObamashowshisfunnyside">>!! i like this guy barack obama shows his funny side gt gt i like this guy barack obama shows his funny side g t g t i like this guy barack obama shows his funny side g t gt i like this guy barack obama shows his funny side gtgt ilike this guy barack obama shows his funny side gt gt islovinhisNikealreadyandthat'sonlyfromrunningonthespotinhisbedroom is lovin his nike already and thats only from running on the spot in his bedroom is lovin his nike already and that s only from running on the spot in his bedroom is lovin his nike already and thats only from running on the spot in his bed room is lovin his nike already and thats only from run ning on the spot in his bedroom is lovin his nike already and that s only from running on the spot in his bed room IloveGoogleTranslatortoo!:DGooddaymate! i love google translator too d good day mate i love google translator t o o d good day mate i love google translator t o od good day mate i love google translator too d gooddaymate i love google translator to od good day mate WatchingNightattheMuseum-giggling. watching night at the museum giggling watching nightatthemuseum giggling watching night at the museum gig gling watching night at the mu seum giggling watching night at themuseum giggling Isaywejustcutoutthesmalltalk:AT&T'snewslogan:F__kyou,giveusyourmoney.(ApologiestoBobGeldof.) i say we just cut out the small talk at amp t s new slogan f k you give us your money apologies to bob geldof i say we just cut out the small talk at amp t s new slogan f k you give us your mo ney apologies to bob geldof i say we just cut out the smalltalk at amp t s new slogan f k you give us your money apologies to bob geldof i say we just cutout the small talk at amp t s new slogan f k you give us your money apologies to bob geldof i say we just cut out the small talk at amp t s new slogan f k you give us your money apologies to bob geld of BlinkbymalcolmgladwellamazingbookandThetippingpoint! blink by malcolm gladwell amazing book and the tipping point blink by malcolm gladwell amazing book and the tippingpoint blink by malcolm gladwell amazingbook and the tipping point blink by malcolm gladwell a mazing book and the tipping point blink by malcolm gladwell amaz ing book and the tipping point TimeWarnercablephonerepsrdumberthannails!!!!!UGH!Cablewasworking10minsagonowitsnotWTF! time warner cable phone reps r dumber than nails u g h cable was working 10 mins ago now it s not wtf time warner cable phone rep s r dumber than nails u g h cable was working 10 mins ago now it s not wtf time warner cable phone reps r dumber than nails u g h cable was working 10 mins ago now its not wtf time warner cable phone rep s r dumber than nails u g h cable was working 10 mins ago now its not wtf time warner cable phone reps r dumber than nails u ghcable was working 10 mins ago now it s not wtf So,NightattheMuseum2wasAWESOME!Muchbetterthanpart1.Nextweekendwe'llseeUp. so nightatthemuseum2 was awesome much better than part 1 next weekend we ll see up so nightatthemuseum2 was awesome much better than part1 next weekend we ll see up so nightatthemuseum2 was awesome much better than part 1 next weekend well see up so nightatthemuseum2 was awesome much better than part 1 next weekend we ll see u p so nightatthemuseum2 was awesome much better than part1 next weekend well see up Hasbeenabitcrazy,withsteeplearningcurve,butLyXisreallygoodforlongdocs.Foranythingshorter,itwouldbeinsane. has been a bit crazy with steep learning curve but lyx is really good for long docs for anything shorter it would be insane has been a bit crazy with steep learning curve but lyx is really good for long doc s for anything shorter it would be insane has been a bit crazy with steep learning curve but lyx is really good for longdocs for anything shorter it would be insane has been a bit crazy with steep learning curve but l y x is really good for long docs for anything shorter it would be insane has been a bit crazy with steep learning curve but lyx is really good for long docs for anything shorter it would be in sane Newblogpost:NikeZoomLeBronSoldier3(III)-White/Black-Teal new blog post nike zoom lebron soldier 3 iii white black teal new blogpost nike zoom lebron soldier 3 iii white black teal newblogpost nike zoom lebron soldier 3 iii white black teal new blog post nike zoom lebron soldier 3 iii white black te al new blog post nike zoom lebron soldier 3 iii white black tea l yahooanswerscanbeabuttsometimes yahoo answers can be a butt sometimes yahoo answers can be a butt some times yahooanswers can be a butt sometimes yahoo answer s can be a butt sometimes yahoo answers can b e a butt sometimes isBobbyFlayjoiningyou? is bobby flay joining you is bobbyflay joining you i s bobby flay joining you is bobby flay join ing you is bobby flay joiningyou jQueryCheatSheet jquery cheat sheet jquery cheatsheet j query cheat sheet jquery che at sheet jquery cheat shee t eatingsashimi eating sashimi eat ing sashimi eatin g sashimi e ating sashimi e ati ng sashimi $GMgoodriddance.sadthough. gm good riddance sad though g m good riddance sad though gm goodriddance sad though gm good riddance sad thoug h gm good riddance s ad though Ican'twait,goingtoseestartrektonight!! i can t wait going to see star trek tonight i cant wait going to see star trek tonight i can t wait going to see star trek to night i can t wait going to see startrek tonight i cant wait going to see star trek to night AT&Tdroppedtheballandisn'tsupportingcrapwiththenewiPhone3.0...FAILSUCKS!!! at amp t dropped the ball and isn t supporting crap with the new iphone 3 0 fail sucks at amp t dropped the ball and isn t supporting crap with the new iphone 30 fail sucks atamp t dropped the ball and isn t supporting crap with the new iphone 3 0 fail sucks atamp t dropped the ball and isn t supporting crap with the new iphone 30 fail sucks atampt dropped the ball and isn t supporting crap with the new iphone 3 0 fail sucks PlayingwithTwitterAPIsoundsfun.MayneedtotakeaclassorfindanewfriendwholiketogenerateresultswithAPIcode. playing with twitter api sounds fun may need to take a class or find a new friend who like to generate results with api code playing with twitter api sounds fun may need to take a class or find a new friend who like to generate results with a pico de playing with twitterapi sounds fun may need to take a class or find a new friend who like to generate results with api code playing with twitter api sounds fun may need to take a class or find a new friend who like to generate results with a pic o de playing with twitter api sounds fun may need to take a class or find a new friend who like to generate results with a pi code MalcolmGladwellmightbemynewmancrush malcolm gladwell might be my new man crush malcolm gladwell might be my new mancrush malcolm gladwell might be my newman crush malcolm gladwell might be my new m an crush malcolm gladwell might be my new man c rush CheneyandBusharetherealculprits- cheney and bush are the real culprits cheney and bush are the real culprit s cheney and bush are the real cul prit s cheney and bush are the real cul prits cheney and bush are there al culprits IloveyouDANNYGOKEY!!:) i love you danny gokey iloveyou danny gokey i loveyou danny gokey ilove you danny gokey iloveyou dannygokey LEbronjamesgotinacaraccidentiguess..justhearditoneveningnews...wowicantbelieveit..willhebeok? lebron james got in a car accident i guess just heard it on evening news wow i can t believe it will he be ok lebron james got in a car accident i guess just heard it on evening news wow i cant believe it will he be ok lebron james got in a car accident i guess just heard it on eveningnews wow i can t believe it will he be ok lebron james got in a car accident i guess just heard it on evening news wow i can t believe it will he be o k lebron james got in a car accident i guess just heard it on eveningnews wow i cant believe it will he be ok ExcitedaboutseeingBobbyFlayandGuyFieritomorrowattheGreatAmericanFood&MusicFest! excited about seeing bobby flay and guy fieri tomorrow at the great american food amp music fest excited about seeing bobby flay and guy fieri to morrow at the great american food amp music fest excited about seeing bobby flay and guy fieri tomor row at the great american food amp music fest excited about seeing bobby flay and guy fieri tomorrowat the great american food amp music fest excited about seeing bobby flay and guy fieri tomorrow at the great american food amp musicfest Ihaterevision,it'ssoboring!Iamtotallyunpreparedformyexamtomorrow:(Thingsarenotlookinggood... i hate revision it s so boring i am totally unprepared for my exam tomorrow things are not looking good i hate revision its so boring i am totally unprepared for my exam tomorrow things are not looking good i hate revision i ts so boring i am totally unprepared for my exam tomorrow things are not looking good i hate revision i t s so boring i am totally unprepared for my exam tomorrow things are not looking good i hate revision it s so boring i am totally un prepared for my exam tomorrow things are not looking good LOVINGmynewKindle2.NamedherKendraincaseuwerewondering.The"cookbook"isTHEtoolcuzittellsuallthetricks!BestgiftEVR! loving my new kindle2 named her kendra incase u were wondering the cookbook is the tool cuz it tells u all the tricks best gift evr loving my new kindle2 named her kendra in case u were wondering the cookbook is the tool cuz it tells u all the tricks best gift evr loving my new kindle2 named her kendra incase u were wondering the cookbook is the tool cuz it tells u all the tricks best gift e v r loving my new kindle2 named her kendra incase u were wondering the cookbook is the tool cuz it tells u all the tricks best gift ev r loving my new kindle2 named her kendra in case u were wondering the cookbook is the tool cuz it tells u all the tricks best gift e v r -awesomecomebackfrom(via awesome comeback from via awesome come back from via awesome comeback from vi a awesome comeback from v i a awesome come back from vi a TimeWarnerCableslogan:Wherecallingitadayat2pmHappens. time warner cable slogan where calling it a day at 2pm happens timewarnercable slogan where calling it a day at 2pm happens time warner cable s logan where calling it a day at 2pm happens time warner cable slogan where calling it a day at 2 pm happens time warner cable slogan where calling it a day at 2 p m happens AHHYESLOLIMATELLMYHUBBYTOGOGETMESUMMCDONALDS=] ahh yes lol i ma tell my hubby to go get me sum mcdonalds ahh yes lol i ma tell my hubby to go get me sum mcdonald s ahh yes lol ima tell my hubby to go get me sum mcdonalds ahh yes lol ima tell my hubby to go get me sum mcdonald s ahh yes lol im a tell my hubby to go get me sum mcdonalds omggiohhdeewantmcdonaldsdamniwonderifitsopenlol=] omgg i ohhdee want mcdonalds damn i wonder if its open lol omgg i ohhdee want mcdonalds damn i wonder if it s open lol omggio hhdee want mcdonalds damn i wonder if it s open lol omgg i ohhdee want mcdonald s damn i wonder if it s open lol omgg i ohh dee want mcdonalds damn i wonder if it s open lol ilamsoinlovewithBobbyFlay...heismyfavorite.RTyouneedaplaceinPhoenix.Wehavegreatpeppershere! il am so in love with bobby flay he is my favorite rt you need a place in phoenix we have great peppers here ila m so in love with bobby flay he is my favorite rt you need a place in phoenix we have great peppers here ilam so in love with bobby flay he is my favorite rt you need a place in phoenix we have great peppers here ila m so inlove with bobby flay he is my favorite rt you need a place in phoenix we have great peppers here il am so inlove with bobby flay he is my favorite rt you need a place in phoenix we have great peppers here ThreeChinaaerospacegiantsdevelopTianjinBinhaiNewArea,22.9Byuaninvested three china aerospace giants develop tianjin binhai new area 22 9 b yuan invested three china aerospace giants develop tianjin binhai new area 229 b yuan invested three china aerospace giants develop tianjin binhai new area 2 29 b yuan invested three china aerospace giants develop tianjin binhai new area 2 2 9 by uan invested three china aerospace giants develop tianjin binhai new area 22 9 by uan invested YourNormalWeight(andHowtoGetThere)?NormalEatingBlog your normal weight and how to get there normal eating blog your nor mal weight and how to get there normal eating blog your normal weight and how to get there nor mal eating blog your normal weight and how to get there normal eating b log your normal weight and how to get the renormal eating blog ItisashameaboutGM.WhatiftheyareforcedtomakeonlycarstheWhiteHouseTHINKSwillsell?Whatdoyouthink? it is a shame about gm what if they are forced to make only cars the white house thinks will sell what do you think it is ashame about gm what if they are forced to make only cars the white house thinks will sell what do you think it is a shame about g m what if they are forced to make only cars the white house thinks will sell what do you think it is a shame about gm what if they are forced to make only car s the white house thinks will sell what do you think it is a shame about gm what if they are forced to make only cars the whitehouse thinks will sell what do you think haveyoutriedNike?V.addictive. have you tried nike v addictive have you tried n i kev addictive have you tried nike v addic tive have you tried nike v addict i ve have you tried n i k ev addictive arhh,It'swekabug.=="andIspentalmosttwohourstofindthatout.crappyme arhh its weka bug and i spent almost two hours to find that out crappy me arh hits weka bug and i spent almost two hours to find that out crappy me a r h hits weka bug and i spent almost two hours to find that out crappy me ar h hits weka bug and i spent almost two hours to find that out crappy me arhh its weka bug and i spent almost two hours to find that out crappy m e Goingtoseenightatthemuseum2withtallboy going to see nightatthemuseum2 with tallboy going to see nightatthemuseum2 with tall boy going to see night at the museum 2 with tallboy going to see night at the museum 2 with tall boy going to see night at the museum2 with tallboy TimeWarner'sHDlineupiscrap. time warner s hd lineup is crap time warner s hd line up is crap time warner s hd lineup i scrap time warner s hd lineup iscrap time warners hd lineup is crap Backfromseeing'StarTrek'and'NightattheMuseum.''StarTrek'wasamazing,but'NightattheMuseum'was;eh. back from seeing star trek and night at the museum star trek was amazing but night at the museum was eh back from seeing star trek and night at the museum star trek was amazing but nightatthemuseum was eh back from seeing star trek and night at the museum star trek was amazing but night at the museum was e h back from seeing star trek and nightatthemuseum star trek was amazing but night at the museum was eh back from seeing star trek and night at the museum s tar trek was amazing but night at the museum was eh AreYOUburningmorecash$$$thanChryslerandGM?Stopthefinancialtsunami.Where"bailout"meanstakingahandout! are you burning more cash than chrysler and gm stop the financial tsunami where bail out means taking a handout are you burning more cash than chrysler and gm stop the financial tsunami where bailout means taking a handout are you burning more cash than chrysler and gm stop the financial tsunami where bail out means taking a hand out are you burning more cash than chrysler and gm stop the financial tsunami where bailout means taking a hand out are you burning more cash than chrysler and gm s top the financial tsunami where bail out means taking a handout iownaGMcaranditisjunkasfarasqualitycomparedtoahonda i own a gm car and it is junk as far as quality compared to a honda i own a g m car and it is junk as far as quality compared to a honda i own a gm car and it is junk as far as quality com pared to a honda i own a gm car and it is junk as far as quality compared to a hond a i own a gm car and it is junk as far as qual ity compared to a honda Youguysseethis?WhydoesTimeWarnerhavetosucksomuchass?ReallywishIcouldgetU-Verseatmyapartment. you guys see this why does time warner have to suck so much ass really wish i could get uverse at my apartment you guys see this why does time warner have to suck so much ass really wish i could get u verse at my apartment you guys see this why does timewarner have to suck so much ass really wish i could get uverse at my apartment you guys see this why does time warner have to suck so much as s really wish i could get uverse at my apartment you guys see this why does time warner have to suck so much ass really wish i could get uverse at my apart ment RTNewTimeWarnerslogan:"TimeWarner,wherewemakeyoulongforthedaysbeforecable." rt new time warner slogan time warner where we make you long for the days before cable r t new time warner slogan time warner where we make you long for the days before cable rtnew time warner slogan time warner where we make you long for the days before cable rt new time warner slogan time warner where we make you long for the day s before cable r t new time warner slogan time warner where we make you long for the day s before cable Blah,blah,blahsameoldsameold.Noplanstoday,goingbacktosleepIguess. blah blah blah same old same old no plans today going back to sleep i guess blah blah blah same old same old no plans to day going back to sleep i guess blah blah blah same old sameold no plans today going back to sleep i guess blahblah blah same old same old no plans today going back to sleep i guess blah blah blah same old same old no plans today goingbacktosleep i guess TalkisCheap:Bingthat,I?llstickwithGoogle. talk is cheap bing that i ll stick with google talkischeap bing that i ll stick with google talk is cheap b ing that i ll stick with google talk is cheap bing that ill stick with google talkischeap bing that ill stick with google ListeningtoObama...FrigginNorthKorea... listening to obama friggin north korea listening to obama friggin northkorea listening to obama f riggin north korea listening to obama fri ggin north korea listeningto obama friggin north korea RTRTGMOnStarnowinstantlysendsaccidentlocationcoordinatesto911|GPSObsessed rt rt gm onstar now instantly sends accident location coordinates to 9 11 gpsobsessed rt rt gm onstar now instantly sends accident location coordinates to 911 gps obsessed r t r t gm onstar now instantly sends accident location coordinates to 9 11 gpsobsessed rt rt gm onstar now instantly sends accident location coordinates to 9 11 gps obsessed r t r t gm onstar now instantly sends accident location coordinates to 911 gps obsessed RTWasjusttoldthatNikelayoffsstartedtoday:-( rt was just told that nike layoffs started today r t was just told that nike layoffs started today rt was just told that nike lay offs started today r t was just told that nike lay offs started today r twas just told that nike layoffs started today Althoughtoday'skeynoterocked,foreverygreatannouncement,AT&Tshitonusjustalittlebitmore. although today s keynote rocked for every great announcement at amp t shit on us just a little bit more although todays keynote rocked for every great announcement at amp t shit on us just a little bit more although today s keynote rocked for every great announcement at amp t shit on u s just a little bit more although today s keynote rocked for every great announcement at amp t s hit on us just a little bit more although todays keynote rocked for every great announcement at amp t shit on u s just a little bit more Ihavethreewordsforyou:"Safewaydotcom" i have three words for you safeway dot com i have three words for you safeway dotcom i have three words for you safeway d ot com i have three words for you safe way dot com i have three words for you safeway dot c om GonnagoseeBobbyFlay2moroatShoreline.Eatanddrink.Gonnabegood. gonna go see bobby flay 2 moro at shoreline eat and drink gonna be good gonna go see bobby flay 2 m or o at shoreline eat and drink gonna be good gonna go see bobby flay 2 m o r o at shoreline eat and drink gonna be good gonna go see bobby flay 2moro atshoreline eat and drink gonna be good gonna go see bobby flay 2 moro at shoreline eatanddrink gonna be good PetDentist pet dentist petdentist pet den tist p e t dentist pet denti st Lebronisahometownherotome,lolIlovetheLakersbutlet'sgoCavs,lol lebron is a hometown hero to me lol i love the lakers but let s go cavs lol lebron is a hometown hero to me lol i love the lakers but lets go cavs lol lebron is a home town hero to me lol i love the lakers but let s go cavs lol le bron is a hometown hero to me lol i love the lakers but let s go cavs lol lebron is a hometown hero to me lol i love the lakers but let s go cav s lol KOBEISGOODBTLEBRONHASMYVOTE kobe is good bt lebron has my vote kobe is good b t lebron has my vote kobe is good bt l ebron has my vote kobe is good bt lebron has my vot e kobe is good bt lebron has myvote dearnike,stopwiththeflywire.thatshitisawasteofscience.andugly.love, dearnike stop with the flywire that shit is a waste of science and ugly love dear nike stop with the flywire that shit is a waste of science and ugly love dearnike stop with the flywire that shit is a waste of science and ug ly love dearnike stop with the fly wire that shit is a waste of science and ugly love dear nike s top with the flywire that shit is a waste of science and ugly love sawnightatthemuseum2lastnight..prettycrazymovie..butthecastwasawesomesoitwaswellworthit.RobinWilliamsforever! saw nightatthemuseum2 last night pretty crazy movie but the cast was awesome so it was well worth it robin williams forever saw nightatthemuseum2 last night pretty crazy movie but the cast was awesome so it was well worth it robin williams for ever saw night at the museum 2 last night pretty crazy movie but the cast was awesome so it was well worth it robin williams forever s a w nightatthemuseum2 last night pretty crazy movie but the cast was awesome so it was well worth it robin williams forever saw nightatthemuseum2 lastnight pretty crazy movie but the cast was awesome so it was well worth it robin williams forever Obama'sgotJOKES!!hahajustgottowatchabitofhisafterdinnerspeechfromlastnight...i'minlovewithmr.president;) obama s got jokes haha just got to watch a bit of his after dinner speech from last night i m in love with mr president obama s got jokes ha ha just got to watch a bit of his after dinner speech from last night i m in love with mr president obama s got jokes haha just got to watch a bit of his after dinner speech from last night im in love with mr president obama s got jokes ha ha just got to watch a bit of his after dinner speech from last night im in love with mr president obamas got jokes haha just got to watch a bit of his after dinner speech from last night i m in love with mr president TomShanahan'slatestcolumnonSDSUanditsNCAABaseballRegionalappearance: tom shanahan s latest column on sdsu and its ncaa baseball regional appearance tom shanahan s latest column on sdsu and it s ncaa baseball regional appearance tom shanahan s latest column on sd s u and its ncaa baseball regional appearance tom shanahan s latest column on sd su and its ncaa baseball regional appearance tom shanahan s latest column on sdsu and its ncaa baseball regional ap pearance NOOOOOOOmyDVRjustdiedandIwasonlyhalfwaythroughtheEApresser.HateyouTimeWarner nooooooo my dvr just died and i was only halfway through the ea presser hate you time warner nooooooo my dvr just died and i was only half way through the ea presser hate you time warner nooooooo my dvr just died and i was only halfway through the ea presser hateyou time warner nooooooo my dvr just died and i was only halfway through the eap resser hate you time warner n o o o o o o o my dvr just died and i was only halfway through the ea presser hate you time warner Mondayalready.Iranmayimplode.Kitchenisadisaster.seemshappy.hadaniceweekendandisgreat.whoop. monday already i ran may implode kitchen is a disaster seems happy had a nice weekend and is great whoop monday already iran may implode kitchen is a disaster seems happy had a nice weekend and is great whoop monday already i ran may implode kitchen is a disaster seems happy had a nice week end and is great whoop monday already iran may implode kitchen is a disaster seems happy had a nice week end and is great whoop monday already i ran may implode kitchen is a disaster seems happy had a nice weekend and is great who op 7hours.7hoursofinkscapecrashing,normallysolidasarock.7hoursofLaTeXcomplainingattheslightestthing.Ican'ttakeanymore. 7 hours 7 hours of inkscape crashing normally solidasarock7 hours of latex complaining at the slightest thing i can t take anymore 7 hours 7 hours of inkscape crashing normally solidasarock7 hours of latex complaining at the slightest thing i cant take anymore 7 hours 7 hours of inkscape crashing normally solidasarock7 hours of latex complaining at the slightest thing i can t take any more 7 hours 7 hours of inkscape crash ing normally solidasarock7 hours of latex complaining at the slightest thing i can t take anymore 7 hours 7 hours of inkscape crashing normally solidasarock7 hours of l a tex complaining at the slightest thing i can t take anymore AskProgramming:LaTeXorInDesign?:submittedbycalcio1[link][1comment] ask programming latex or in design submitted by calcio 1 link 1 comment ask programming latex or indesign submitted by calcio 1 link 1 comment askprogramming latex or in design submitted by calcio 1 link 1 comment askprogramming latex or indesign submitted by calcio 1 link 1 comment ask programming latex or in design submitted by calcio 1 link1 comment GreatStanfordcourse.Thanksformakingitavailabletothepublic!Reallyhelpfulandinformativeforstartingoff! gre at stanford course thanks for making it available to the public really helpful and informative for starting off g reat stanford course thanks for making it available to the public really helpful and informative for starting off grea t stanford course thanks for making it available to the public really helpful and informative for starting off gre at stanford course thanks for making it available to thepublic really helpful and informative for starting off great stan ford course thanks for making it available to the public really helpful and informative for starting off Mathreview.Imgoingtofailtheexam. math review i m going to fail the exam math review im going to fail the exam mathreview i m going to fail the exam mathreview im going to fail the exam math review i m going to fail th e exam NightattheMuseumtoniteinsteadofUP.:(ohwell.that4yroldbetterenjoyit.LOL night at the museum to nite instead of up oh well that 4 yr old better enjoy it lol night at the museum to nite instead of up oh well that 4yr old better enjoy it lol nightatthemuseum tonite instead of up oh well that 4 yr old better enjoy it lol night at the museum tonite instead of up oh well that 4 yr old better enjoy it lol nightatthemuseum tonite instead of up oh well that 4yr old better enjoy it lol AlphaSUCKS!Evenforresearcherstheinformationprovidedislessthanyoucangetfromortotallyuseless! alpha sucks even for researchers the information provided is less than you can get from or totally useless a lpha sucks even for researchers the information provided is less than you can get from or totally useless alpha sucks even for researchers the information provided is less than you can get from o r totally useless alpha sucks even for researchers the information provided is less than you can get from or totally use less alpha sucks even for researchers the information provided is less than you can get from or totally useles s HTML5Demos!Lotsofgreatstufftocome!Yes,I'mexcited.:) html5 demos lots of great stuff to come yes i m excited html 5 demos lots of great stuff to come yes i m excited html5demos lots of great stuff to come yes i m excited html5 demos lots of great stuff to come yes im excited html 5 demos lots of great stuff to come yes im excited FuzzballismorefunthanAT&T;P fuzzball is more fun than at amp t p fuzz ball is more fun than at amp t p fuzzball is more fun than at amptp fuzz ball is more fun than at amptp fuzzball is more fun than a t amp t p wedon'thaveSafeway. we don t have safeway we don t have safe way we dont have safeway we dont have safe way w e don t have safeway WatchingaprogrammeaboutthelifeofHitler,itsonlyenhancingmygeekinessofhistory. watching a programme about the life of hitler it s only enhancing my geekiness of history watching a programme about the life of hitler its only enhancing my geekiness of history watching a programme about the life of hitler it s only enhancing my geekiness of his tory watching a programme about the life of hitler it s only enhancing my geekiness of h istory watching a programme about the life of hitler it s only enhancing my geekiness of histor y justchangedmydefaultpictoaNikebasketballcausebballisawesome!!!!! just changed my default pic to a nike basketball cause bball is awesome just changed my default pic to a nikebasketball cause bball is awesome just changed my default pic to a nike basketball cause b ball is awesome just changed my default pic to a nikebasketball cause b ball is awesome just changed my default pic to a nike basketball cause bball is awe some RTRTGREAT"Someone'ssittingintheshadetodaybecausesomeoneplantedatreealongtimeago."-WarrenBuffet rt rt great someone s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree along time ago warren buffet rtrt great someone s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree along time ago warren buffet r t r t great someone s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree along time ago warren buffet rt rt great someone s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a longtime ago warren buffet rtrt great someone s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a longtime ago warren buffet RTCAMerced'swaterbottledbySafeway,resoldataprofit:Wellsaredryingupacrossthecounty rtca merceds water bottled by safeway resold at a profit wells are drying up across the county rt ca merceds water bottled by safeway resold at a profit wells are drying up across the county r t c a merceds water bottled by safeway resold at a profit wells are drying up across the county rt ca merced s water bottled by safeway resold at a profit wells are drying up across the county rtca merced s water bottled by safeway resold at a profit wells are drying up across the county ohyesbutifGMdiesitwillonlybeworthmoreboohahaha oh yes but if gm dies it will only be worth more boo ha ha ha oh yes but if gm dies it will only be worth more boo hahaha oh yes but if gm dies it will only be worth more b o o hahaha oh yes but if gm dies it will only be worth more boohahaha oh yes but if gm dies it will only be worth more b oo hahaha Onlyoneexamleft,andiamsohappyforit:D only one exam left and i am so happy for it d only one exam left and i am so happy for itd only one exam left and i am so happy for i t d only one exam left and i am so happy for i td only one exam left and iam so happy for it d IhavetheKindle2.I'veseenpicturesoftheDX,buthaven'tseenitinperson.IlovemyKindle-I'moniteveryday. i have the kindle 2 i ve seen pictures of the dx but haven t seen it in person i love my kindle im on it every day i have the kindle 2 i ve seen pictures of the dx but haven t seen it in person i love my kindle im on it everyday i have the kindle 2 i ve seen pictures of the dx but haven t seen it in person i love my kindle i m on it every day i have the kindle 2 i ve seen pictures of the dx but haven t seen it in person i love my kindle i m on it everyday i have the kindle2 i ve seen pictures of the dx but haven t seen it in person i love my kindle i m on it every day DevSnippets:jQueryTools-JavascriptUIComponentsfortheWeb... devsnippets jquery tools javascript ui components for the web dev snippets jquery tools javascript ui components for the web devsnippets jquery tools javascript ui component s for the web devsnippets jquery tools javascript ui components for the w eb devsnippets jquery tools javascript ui components for the we b I'dsaysomesportswritersareidiotsforsayingRogerFedererisoneofthebesteverinTennis.RogerFedererisTHEbesteverinTennis i d say some sports writers are idiots for saying roger federer is one of the best ever in tennis roger federer is the best ever in tennis i d say some sportswriters are idiots for saying roger federer is one of the best ever in tennis roger federer is the best ever in tennis id say some sports writers are idiots for saying roger federer is one of the best ever in tennis roger federer is the best ever in tennis id say some sportswriters are idiots for saying roger federer is one of the best ever in tennis roger federer is the best ever in tennis i d say some sports writers are idiots for saying roger federer is one ofthe best ever in tennis roger federer is the best ever in tennis mydentistisgreatbutshe'sexpensive...=( my dentist is great but she s expensive my dentist is great but shes expensive my dentist is great but she sexpensive mydentist is great but she s expensive my dentist is great but s he s expensive No,Lebronisthebest no lebron is the best nolebron is the best no le bron is the best no l ebron is the best no lebron is thebest thisdentist'sofficeiscold:/ this dentist s office is cold this dentists office is cold this dentist s office i scold this dentist s offi ce is cold this dentist s office is c old Hithere,doesanyonehaveagreatsourceforadviceonviralmarketing?... hi there does anyone have a great source for advice on viral marketing hi theredoes anyone have a great source for advice on viral marketing hi there does any one have a great source for advice on viral marketing hi there does anyone have a great source for advice on viralmarketing hi there does anyone have a great source for advice on viral mar keting ilovelebron. i love lebron i love le bron ilove lebron i l ove lebron i lov e lebron ShaunWoohate'nonAiG shaun woo hate no nai g shaun woo haten on aig shaunwoo hate no nai g shaun woo hate non aig shaunwoo hate non aig Eatingdinner.Meat,chips,andrisotto. eating dinner meat chips and risotto eat ing dinner meat chips and risotto eatingdinner meat chips and risotto eating dinner me at chips and risotto eating dinner meat chips a nd risotto Arg.TwitterAPIismakingmecrazy. arg twitter api is making me crazy arg twitterapi is making me crazy arg twit ter api is making me crazy a r g twitter api is making me crazy a rg twitterapi is making me crazy it'sdefinitelyunderwarranty&myexperienceistheamazonsupportforkindleisgreat!hadtocontactthemaboutmykindle2 it s definitely under warranty amp my experience is the amazon support for kindle is great had to contact them about my kindle 2 its definitely under warranty amp my experience is the amazon support for kindle is great had to contact them about my kindle 2 it s definitely under warranty amp my experience is the amazon support for kindle is great had to contact them about my kindle2 its definitely under warranty amp my experience is the amazon support for kindle is great had to contact them about my kindle2 it s definitely under warranty a m p my experience is the amazon support for kindle is great had to contact them about my kindle 2 Fuckthiseconomy.Ihateaigandtheirnonloangivenasses. fuck this economy i hate aig and their non loan given asses fuck this economy i hate aig and their non loangiven asses fuck this economy i hate aig and their non loan given a sses fuck this economy i hate aig and their non loan given as s es fuck this economy i hate aig and their non loan given as ses annoyingnewtrendontheinternets:peoplepickingapartmichaellewisandmalcolmgladwell.nobodywantstoreadthat. annoying new trend on the internets people picking apart michael lewis and malcolm gladwell nobody wants to read that annoying new trend on the internet s people picking apart michael lewis and malcolm gladwell nobody wants to read that annoying new trend on the internets people picking apart michael lewis and malcolm gladwell no body wants to read that annoying new trend on the internet s people picking apart michael lewis and malcolm gladwell no body wants to read that annoying new trend on the internets people picking apart michael lewis and malcolm glad well nobody wants to read that Life?sabitch?andsoisDickCheney. lifes a bitch and so is dick cheney life s a bitch and so is dick cheney lifesabitch and so is dick cheney lifes a bitch and so is dickcheney lifes a bitch and so is d ick cheney InmontrealforalongweekendofR&R.Muchneeded. in montreal for a long weekend of r amp r much needed in montreal for a long week end of ramp r much needed in montreal for a long weekend of r amp r muchneeded in montreal for a long weekend of ramp r much needed in montreal for a long weekend of r amp r muc h needed justlandedatSanFrancisco just landed at san francisco just landed at san fran cisco just landed at san francisc o just landed at san francis co just landed at san franci sco JusthadMcDonaldsfordinner.:DItwasgoooood.BigMacMeal.;) just had mcdonalds for dinner d it was goooood big mac meal just had mcdonald s for dinner d it was goooood big mac meal just had mcdonalds for dinner d it was goooood bigmac meal just had mcdonalds for dinner d i t was goooood big mac meal just had mcdonalds for dinner d it was goooood bigmacmeal IamhappyforPhilipbeingatGoogleIOtoday i am happy for philip being at google i o today i am happy for philip being at google io today i am happy for philip being at googleio today i am happy for philip being at google i o to day iam happy for philip being at google i o today bonjourSanFrancisco.Mybackhurtsfromlastnight.. bonjour san francisco my back hurts from last night bon jour san francisco my back hurts from last night bonjour sanfrancisco my back hurts from last night bonjour san fran cisco my back hurts from last night bonjour san francisco my back hurts from lastnight TheeveramazingPsyopandGoodbySilverstein&PartnersforHP!HavetogoplaywithAfterEffectsnow! the ever amazing psyop and goodby silverstein amp partners for hp have to go play with after effects now the ever amazing psyop and goodby silverstein amp partners for hp have to go play with after effect snow the ever amazing psy op and goodby silverstein amp partners for hp have to go play with after effects now the ever amazing psy op and goodby silverstein amp partners for hp have to go play with after effect snow the ever amazing psyop and goodby silverstein amp partners forhp have to go play with after effects now Loungingaround,eatingTacoBellandwatchingNCISbeforeworktonight.Needhelpstayingawake. lounging around eating taco bell and watching ncis before work tonight need help staying awake lounging around eating tacobell and watching ncis before work tonight need help staying awake lounging around eating taco bell and watching ncis before work to night need help staying awake lounging around eating taco bell a nd watching ncis before work tonight need help staying awake lounging around eating taco bell and watching ncis before work tonight need help staying a wake OHSNAPYOUWORKATAT&TDON'TYOU oh snap you work at at amp t don t you oh snap you work at at amp t dont you ohsnap you work at at amp t don t you oh snap you work at atamp t don t you oh snap you work at at amp t don tyou OksolotsofbuzzfromIO2009buthowluckyarethey-aFreeG2!! ok so lots of buzz from i o 2009 but how lucky are they a free g2 ok so lots of buzz from io 2009 but how lucky are they a free g2 ok so lots of buzz from i o 2009 but how lucky are they a free g 2 ok so lots of buzz from io2009 but how lucky are they a free g2 o k so lots of buzz from i o 2009 but how lucky are they a free g2 GuessI'llberetiringmyG1andstartusingmydeveloperG2woot guess i ll be retiring my g1 and start using my developer g2 woot guess ill be retiring my g1 and start using my developer g2 woot guess i ll be retiring my g1 and start using my developer g 2 woot guess i ll be retiring my g 1 and start using my developer g2 woot guess i ll be retiring my g1 and start using my developer g2 wo ot Playedwithanandroidgooglephone.TheslideoutscreenscaresmeIwouldbreakthatfuckersofast.StillprefermyiPhone. played with an android google phone the slide out screen scares me i would break that fucker so fast still prefer my iphone played with an android google phone the slide out screen scares me i would break that fucker so fast still prefer my i phone played with an android google phone the slideout screen scares me i would break that fucker so fast still prefer my iphone played with an android googlephone the slide out screen scares me i would break that fucker so fast still prefer my iphone played with an android google phone the slideout screen scares me i would break that fucker so fast still prefer my i phone Ummm,havingsomeTimeWarnerproblems? ummm having some time warner problems u m m m having some time warner problems ummm having some timewarner problems ummm having some time warner problem s ummm having sometime warner problems StarTrekwasasgoodaseveryonesaid!! star trek was as good as everyone said startrek was as good as everyone said star trek was as good as every one said s tar trek was as good as everyone said sta r trek was as good as everyone said LeBroniscool.Ilikehispersonality...hehasgoodcharacter. lebron is cool i like his personality he has good character le bron is cool i like his personality he has good character lebron is cool i like his personality he has good char acter l ebron is cool i like his personality he has good character lebron is cool i like his personality he has good charac ter Mydentistappttodaywasactuallyquiteenjoyable. my dentist appt today was actually quite enjoyable my dentist appt today was actually quite enjoy able my dentist appt toda y was actually quite enjoyable my dentist appt today w as actually quite enjoyable my dentist appt today was ac tually quite enjoyable Googleisalwaysagoodplacetolook.Should'vementionedIworkedontheMustangw/myDad, google is always a good place to look should ve mentioned i worked on the mustang w my dad google is always a good place to look should ve mentioned i worked on the mustang w m y dad google is always a good place to look should ve mentioned i worked on the mustangw my dad google is always a good place to look should ve mentioned i worked on the mus tang w m y dad google is always a good place to look should ve mentioned i worked on the mustang w m y d a d ClimatefocusturnstoBeijing:TheUnitedNations,theUSandEuropeangovernmentshavecalledonChinatoco-o.. climate focus turns to beijing the united nations the us and european governments have called on china to co o climate focus turns to beijing the united nations the us and european governments have called on china to coo climate focus turns to beijing the united nations the u s and european governments have called on china to co o climate focus turns to beijing the united nations the u s and european governments have called on china to coo climate focus turns to beijing the united nations the us and european governments have called on china to c o o HelloTwitterAPI;) hello twitterapi hello twitter api hell o twitterapi hello twit ter api hellotwitter api TimeWarnerCablePullsthePlugon'TheGirlfriendExperience'-(www.tinyurl.com/m595fk) time warner cable pulls the plug on the girlfriend experience www tinyurl com m595 f k time warner cable pulls the plug on the girlfriend experience www tinyurl com m595 fk time warner cable pulls the plug on the girlfriend experience www tinyurl com m 595 f k time warner cable pulls the plug on the girlfriend experience www tinyurl com m 595fk time warner cable pulls the plug on the girlfriend experience www tinyurl com m 595 fk NowIcanseewhyDaveWinerscreamsaboutlackofTwitterAPI,itslimitationsandaccessthrottles! now i can see why dave winer screams about lack of twitter api it s limitations and access throttles now i can see why dave winer screams about lack of twitterapi its limitations and access throttles now i can see why dave winer screams about lack of twitter api its limitations and access throttles now i can see why dave winer screams about lack of twitterapi it s limitations and access throttles now i can see why dave winer screams about lack of twitter api it s limitations and access throttle s SendusyourGM/Chevyphotos send us your gm chevy photos send us your gm chevy photo s send usyour gm chevy photos send us your g m chevy photos send us your gm chevyphotos Ifinallygotaroundtousingjquerytomakemybiocollapse.Yayforslideanimations. i finally got around to using jquery to make my bio collapse yay for slide animations i finally got around to using jquery to make my bio collapse yay for slide animation s i finally got around to using jquery to make mybio collapse yay for slide animations i finally got around to using jquery to make my bi o collapse yay for slide animations i finally got around to using jquery to make my bio collapse yay for slideanimation s Ifyou'rebeingharassedbycallsaboutyourcarwarranty,changingyournumberwon'tfixthat.Theycalleverynumber. if you re being harassed by calls about your car warranty changing your number won t fix that they call every number if you re being harassed by calls about your car warranty changing your number wont fix that they call every number if you re being harassed by calls about your car war ranty changing your number won t fix that they call every number if youre being harassed by calls about your car warranty changing your number won t fix that they call every number if you re being harassed by calls about your car warranty changing your number won t fix that they call every num ber Readingmykindle2...Loveit...Leechildsisgoodread. reading my kindle 2 love it lee childs is good read reading my kindle 2 love it lee child s is good read reading my kindle 2 loveit lee childs is good read reading my kindle 2 love it lee child s i s good read reading my kindle 2 love it lee childs is goodread whenLebronisdoneintheNBAhewillprobablybegreaterthanKobe.LikeusaidKobeisgoodbuttherealotof'good'players. when lebron is done in the nba he will probably be greater than kobe like u said kobe is good but there alot of good players when lebron is done in the nba he will probably be greater than kobe like u said kobe is good but there a lot of good players when lebron is done in the nba he will probably be greater than kobe like usaid kobe is good but there alot of good players when lebron is done in the nba he will probably be greater than kobe like usaid kobe is good but there a lot of good players when lebron is done in the nba he will probably be greater than kobe like u said kobe is good but there alot of good play ers 'Nexttime,I'llcallmyselfNike' next time i ll call myself nike next time ill call myself nike next time i ll call my self nike next time i ll call myself n i k e next time ill call my self nike gotanewpairofnikeshoes.picsuplater got a new pair of nike shoes pics up later got a new pair of nikes hoes pics up later got a new pair of nike shoe s pics up later got a new pair of nike shoes pic s up later got a new pair of nike shoe s pic s up later SOOODISSAPOiNTEDTHEYSENTDANNYGOKEYHOME...YOUSTiLLROCK...DANNY...MYHOMETOWNHERO!!YEAHMiLROCKEE!! sooo dissapointed they sent danny gokey home you still rock danny my home town hero yeah milrockee sooo dissapointed they sent danny gokey home you still rock danny my hometown hero yeah milrockee sooo dissapointed they sent danny gokey home you still rock danny myhometownhero yeah milrockee sooo dissapointed they sent dannygokey home you still rock danny my home town hero yeah milrockee sooo dissapointed they sent dannygokey home you still rock danny my hometown hero yeah milrockee sadday...bankruptGM sad day bankrupt gm sadday bankrupt gm sad day bankruptgm sadday bankruptgm sad day bankrupt g m pissedaboutat&t'smid-contractupgradepricefortheiPhone(it's$200more)I'mnotgoingtopay$499forsomethingIthoughtwas$299 pissed about at amp t s mid contract upgrade price for the iphone it s 200 more i m not going to pay 499 for something i thought was 299 pissed about at amp t s mid contract upgrade price for the iphone it s 200 more i m not going to pay 499 for something i thought was 2 99 pissed about at amp t s mid contract upgrade price for the iphone its 200 more i m not going to pay 499 for something i thought was 299 pissed about at amp t s mid contract upgrade price for the iphone its 200 more i m not going to pay 499 for something i thought was 2 99 pissed about at amp t s mid contract upgrade price for the iphone it s 200 more i m not going to pay 4 99 for something i thought was 299 I'mlisteningto"P.Y.T"byDannyGokey<3<3<3Aww,he'ssoamazing.I<3himsomuch:) i m listening to pyt by dannygokey lt3 lt3 lt3 aww hes so amazing i lt 3 him so much i m listening to pyt by dannygokey lt3 lt3 lt3 aww he s so amazing i lt 3 him so much i m listening to pyt by dannygokey lt3lt3lt3 aww he s so amazing i lt 3 him so much i m listening to pyt by dannygokey lt3 lt3 lt3 aww hes so amazing i lt3 him so much i m listening to pyt by dannygokey lt3 lt3 lt3 aww hes so amazing i lt 3 himsomuch Awesomeviralmarketingfor"FunnyPeople" awesome viral marketing for funny people awesome viral marketing for funnypeople awe some viral marketing for funny people awesome viral mar keting for funny people awesome viral marketing for fun ny people whatwasthephpjqueryhack? what was the php jquery hack what wasthe php jquery hack what was the phpjquery hack whatwasthe php jquery hack what was the php j query hack IwastalkingtothisguylastnightandhewastellingmethatheisadiehardSpursfan.HealsotoldmethathehatesLeBronJames. i was talking to this guy last night and he was telling me that he is a diehard spurs fan he also told me that he hates lebron james i was talking to this guy last night and he was telling me that he is a die hard spurs fan he also told me that he hates lebron james i was talking to this guy lastnight and he was telling me that he is a diehard spurs fan he also told me that he hates lebron james iwas talking to this guy last night and he was telling me that he is a diehard spurs fan he also told me that he hates lebron james i was talking to this guy last night and he was telling me that he is a diehard spurs fan he also told me that he hates lebron jame s Tellmeagainwhywearegivingmore$$toGM??Weshouldusethat$foralltheprogramsthatsupporttheunemployed. tell me again why we are giving more to gm we should use that for all the programs that support the unemployed tell me again why we are giving more to g m we should use that for all the programs that support the unemployed tell me again why we are giving more to gm we should use that for all the programs that support the un employed tell me again why we are giving more to gm we should use that for all the programs that support the unem ployed tell me again why we are giving more to gm we should use that for all the pro grams that support the unemployed mydentistwaswrong...WRONG my dentist was wrong wrong mydentist was wrong wrong my den tist was wrong wrong my dentist was wrong wron g my dentist was wrongwrong Missedthisinsight-filledMaycolumn:Onesmartguylookingcloselyatwhyhe'simpressedwithKindle2 missed this in sight filled may column one smart guy looking closely at why he s impressed with kindle 2 missed this in sight filled may column one smart guy looking closely at why he s impressed with kindle2 missed this in sight filled may col umn one smart guy looking closely at why he s impressed with kindle 2 missed this in sight filled may column onesmartguy looking closely at why he s impressed with kindle 2 missed this in sight filled may column one smart guy looking closely at why hes impressed with kindle 2 ugh.theamountoftimesthesestupidinsectshavebittenme.Grr.. ugh the amount of times these stupid insects have bitten me grr ug h the amount of times these stupid insects have bitten me grr ugh the amount of times these stupid insects have bitten me g r r ugh the amount of time s these stupid insects have bitten me grr u gh th e amount of times these stupid insects have bitten me grr Ahhh...backina*real*texteditingenvironment.I<3LaTeX. ahhh back in a real text editing environment ilt 3 latex ahhh back in a real text editing environment i lt 3 latex ahhh back in a real text editing environment ilt3 latex ahhh back in a real text editing environment i lt3 latex ahhh back in a real text editing environment i l t 3 latex GOTMYWAVESANDBOXINVITE!Extraexcited!ToobadIhaveclassnow...butI'llplaywithitsoonenough! got my wave sandbox invite extra excited too bad i have class now but i ll play with it soon enough got my wave sandbox invite extra excited too bad i have class now but ill play with it soon enough got my waves and box invite extra excited too bad i have class now but i ll play with it soon enough got my wave sandbox invite extra excited too bad i have class now but i ll play with it so on enough got my wave sandbox invite extra excited too bad i have class now but ill play with it so on enough IstilllovemyKindle2butreadingTheNewYorkTimesonitdoesnotfeelnatural.ImisstheBloomingdaleads. i still love my kindle 2 but reading the new york times on it does not feel natural i miss the bloomingdale ads i still love my kindle 2 but reading the new york times on it does not feel natural i miss the blooming dale ads i still love my kindle 2 but reading the new york times on it does not feel natural i miss the bloom ingdale ads i still love my kindle 2 but reading the newyork times on it does not feel natural i miss the bloomingdale ads i still love my kindle 2 but reading the new yorktimes on it does not feel natural i miss the bloomingdale ads lol.Ahmyskinisitchy:(damnlawnmowing. lola h my skin is itchy damn lawn mowing lolah my skin is itchy damn lawn mowing lol ah my skin is itchy damn lawn mowing lola h my skin is itchy damn lawnmowing lo lah my skin is itchy damn lawn mowing nowatchingTheNightAtTheMuseum.GettingReallyGood no watching the night at the museum getting really good no watching the nightatthemuseum getting really good n o watching the night at the museum getting really good no watching the night at the mu seum getting really good nowatching the night at the museum getting really good isrslyhatethestupidtwitterAPItimeoutthing,sooooannoying!!!!!:( i srsly hate the stupid twit ter api timeout thing soooo annoying i srsly hate the stupid twitterapi time out thing soooo annoying i srsly hate the stupid twitter api timeout thing soooo annoying i srsly hate the stupid twit ter api time out thing soooo annoying i srsly hate the stupid twitterapi timeout thing soooo annoying TestingTwitterAPI.RemoteUpdate testing twitterapi remote update testing twitter api remote update testing twitterapi remoteupdate test ing twitterapi remote update t esting twitterapi remote update CanwejustgoaheadandblowNorthKoreaoffthemapalready? can we just go ahead and blow north korea off the map already can we just go ahead and blow northkorea off the map already can we just go ahead and blow north korea offthemap already can we just go ahead and blow north korea off the map al ready can we just go ahead and blow north korea o ff the map already NightattheMuseum,Wolverineandjunkfood-perfectmonday! nightatthemuseum wolverine and junk food perfect monday night at the museum wolverine and junk food perfect monday nightatthemuseum wolverine and junkfood perfect monday night at the museum wolverine and junkfood perfect monday night at the mu seum wolverine and junk food perfect monday TimeWarnerCEOhintsatonlinefeesformagazines(AP)-ReadfromMountainView,UnitedStates.Views16209 time warner ceo hints at online fees for magazines a pre ad from mountain view united states view s162 09 time warner ceo hints at online fees for magazines a pre ad from mountain view united states views 1 6 2 09 time warner ceo hints at online fees for magazines a pre ad from mountain view united states views 1 6209 time warner ceo hints at online fees for magazines a pre ad from mountain view united states views 1 62 09 time warner ceo hints at online fees for magazines a pre ad from mountain view united states view s16209 bestathleteofourgeneration,ifnotalltime(basketballrelated)Idon'twanttogetintointer-sportdebatesabout__1/2 best athlete of our generation if not all time basketball related i don t want to get into intersport debates about 12 best athlete of our generation if not all time basketball related i dont want to get into intersport debates about 12 best athlete of our generation if not all time basketball related i don t want to get into inter sport debates about 12 best athlete of our generation if not all time basketball related i don t want to get into intersport de bates about 12 best athlete of our generation if not all time basketball related i don t want to get into intersport de bates about 1 2 confirmed:it'sTimeWarner'sfault,notFacebook's,thatfbistakingabout3minutestoload.sotemptedtoswitchtoverizon=/ confirmed it s time warner s fault not facebooks that fb is taking about 3 minutes to load so tempted to switch to verizon confirmed it s time warner s fault not facebook s that fb is taking about 3 minutes to load so tempted to switch to verizon confirmed its time warner s fault not facebooks that fb is taking about 3 minutes to load so tempted to switch to verizon confirmed it s time warner s fault not facebooks that fbi s taking about 3 minutes to load so tempted to switch to verizon confirmed it s time warner s fault not facebooks that fb is taking about 3 minutes to load so tempted to switch to veriz on ohthoseareawesome!isowishtheyweren'townedbynike:( oh those are awesome i so wish they weren t owned by nike o h those are awesome i so wish they weren t owned by nike oh those are awesome i so wish they were nt owned by nike oh those are awesome i so wish they weren t owned by ni ke oh those are awesome i so wish they weren t owned by nik e MyKindle2cameandILOVEit!:) my kindle 2 came and i love it my kindle2 came and i love it my kindle 2 came and i loveit my kindle 2 came and i love i t my kindle 2 came andi love it GoogleWaveDeveloperSandboxAccountRequest google wave developer sandbox account request googlewave developer sandbox account request google wave developer sandbox accountrequest google wave developer s and box account request google wave developer sandbox account reque st HavingtheoldCoca-ColaguyontheGMboardisstupidhasheck! having the old coca cola guy on the gm board is stupid has heck having the old coca cola guy on the gm board is stupid hasheck having the old coca cola guy on the gm board is stupid has he ck having the old coca cola guy on the gm board is stupid has he c k having the old coca cola guy on the gm board is stupid ha sheck Lovestwitter loves twitter love s twitter loves twit ter l oves twitter l o v e s twitter ThatlooksanawfullotlikeoneofNike'sprivatejets....I'mjustsayin.... that looks an awful lot like one of nike s private jets i m just sayin that looks an awful lot like one of nikes private jets i m just sayin that looks an awful lot like one of nike s private jets im just sayin that looks an awful lot like one of nike s private jets i mjustsayin that looks an awful lot like one of nikes private jets i mjustsayin NaiveBayesusingEMforTextClassification.ReallyFrustrating... naivebayes using em for text classification really frustrating naivebayes using em for text clas sification really frustrating naivebayes using em for text classi fication really frustrating naive baye s using em for text classification really frustrating naivebayes using em for text classification really frustrat ing JustsawthenewNightattheMuseummovie...itwas...okay...lol7\10 just saw the new nightatthemuseummovie it was okay lol 7 10 just saw the new nightatthemuseummovie it was okay lol 710 just saw the new nightatthemuseummovie it was okay lol 7 1 0 just saw the new nightatthemuseummovie it was okay lol 71 0 just saw the new night at the museum movie it was okay lol 7 10 NVIDIANamesStanford'sBillDallyChiefScientist,VPOfResearch nvidia names stanford s bill dally chief scientist vp of research nvidia name s stanford s bill dally chief scientist vp of research nvidia names stanfords bill dally chief scientist vp of research nvidia names stan ford s bill dally chief scientist vp of research nvidia names stanford s bill dally chief scientist vp of r esearch PelosishouldstayinChinaandnevercomeback. pelosi should stay in china and never come back pelosi should stay in china and never comeback pelos i should stay in china and never come back p elosi should stay in china and never come back pelosi should stay in china and never come bac k I'mgoingtobed.Itwasasuccessfulweekend.Stanford,hereIcome. i m going to bed it was a successful weekend stanford here i come im going to bed it was a successful weekend stanford here i come i m going to bed it was a successful week end stanford here i come i m going to bed it was a suc cessful weekend stanford here i come i m going to bed it was a successful weekend stanford hereicome isbeingfuckedbytimewarnercable.didntknowmodemscouldexplode.andSusanBoylesuckstoo! is being fucked by time warner cable didn t know modems could explode and susan boyle sucks too is being fucked by time warner cable didnt know modems could explode and susan boyle sucks too is being fucked by time warner cable didn t know modem s could explode and susan boyle sucks too is being fucked by time warner cable didn t know modems could explode and susanboyle sucks too is being fucked by time warner cable didn t know modems could ex plode and susan boyle sucks too couldtime-warnercablesuckmore?NO. could time warner cable suck more no could time warner cable s u c k moreno could time warner cable suck moreno could timewarnercable suck more no could time warner cable s uck moreno Fucknointernetdamntimewarner! fuck no internet damn time warner fuckno internet damn time warner fuck no i nternet damn time warner f uck no internet damn time warner fuck no internet damn timewarner DickCheney'sdishonestspeechabouttorture,terror,andObama.-FredKaplanSlate. dick cheney s dishonest speech about torture terror and obama fred kaplan slate dick cheneys dishonest speech about torture terror and obama fred kaplan slate dick cheney s dis honest speech about torture terror and obama fred kaplan slate dickcheney s dishonest speech about torture terror and obama fred kaplan slate dick cheney s dishonest speech about torture terror and obama fred kaplan s late Justboughtmyticketsforthe2010FIFAWorldCupinSouthAfrica.Itsgoingtobeagreatsummer. just bought my tickets for the 2010 fifa world cup in south africa it s going to be a great summer just bought my tickets for the 2010 fifa world cup in south africa its going to be a great summer just bought my tickets for the 2010 fifa worldcup in south africa it s going to be a great summer just bought my ticket s for the 2010 fifa world cup in south africa it s going to be a great summer just bought my tickets for the 2010 fifa worldcup in south africa its going to be a great summer Safewayofferingmobilecoupons safeway offering mobile coupons safe way offering mobile coupons safeway offering mobilecoupons safeway offering mobile coupon s safeway offeringmobile coupons sawthenewNightattheMuseumandilovedit.NextistogoseeUPin3D saw the new night at the museum and i loved it next is to go see up in 3d saw the new night at the museum and i loved it next is to go see up in 3 d saw the new nightatthemuseum and i loved it next is to go see up in 3d saw the new nightatthemuseum and i loved it next is to go see up in 3 d saw the new night at the museum and i loved it next is to go see upin 3d HowtoTrackIranwithSocialMedia: how to track iran with social media how to track i ran with social media how to track iran with socialmedia how to track i ran with socialmedia how to track iran with s ocial media WheredidyoureadabouttetheringsupportPhil?JustAT&TorwillO2bejoiningin? where did you read about tethering support phil just at amp t or will o2 be joining in where did you read about tethering support phil just a t amp t or will o2 be joining in where did you read about tethering support phil just at amp t or will o 2 be joining in where did you read about tethering support phil just at amp t or w ill o 2 be joining in where did you read about tethering support phil just at amp t or will o2 be join ing in ilovednightatthemuseum!!! i loved night at the museum i loved nightatthemuseum iloved night at the museum i loved night at the mu seum i love d nightatthemuseum RTLook,Available!AmazonKindle2&KindleDX,GetitHere:TheTopElectronicBookReaderPeriod,free2dayship... rtlook available amazon kindle 2 amp kindledx get it here the top electronic book reader period free 2 day ship rt look available amazon kindle 2 amp kindledx get it here the top electronic book reader period free 2 day ship rtlook available amazon kindle 2 amp kindle dx get it here the top electronic book reader period free 2 day ship rt look available amazon kindle 2 amp kindle dx get it here the top electronic book reader period free 2 day ship rt lookavailable amazon kindle 2 amp kindle dx get it here the top electronic book reader period free 2 day ship Joiningabitlate.Myconnectionwasdown(bootimewarner) joining a bit late my connection was down boo time warner joining a bit late my connection was down b o o time warner joining a bit late my connection was down boo timewarner join ing a bit late my connection was down boo time warner j oining a bit late my connection was down boo time warner wth..ihaveneverseenalinethisloooongattimewarnerbefore,ugh. wth i have never seen a line this loooonga t time warner before ugh wth i have never seen a line this loo oo nga t time warner before ugh wth i have never seen a line this l oo oo nga t time warner before ugh wth i have never seen a line this loo oo ngat time warner before ugh wth i have never seen a line this l o o o o ngat time warner before ugh wishicouldcatcheverymosquitointheworldnburnemslowly.theybeenbitintheshitouttame2day.mosquitosaretheassholesofinsects wish i could catch every mosquito in the world n burnem slowly they been bit in the shit outta me 2day mosquitos are the assholes of insects wish i could catch every mosquito in the world n burnem slowly they been bit in the shit outta me 2 day mosquitos are the assholes of insects wish i could catch every mosquito in the world n burn em slowly they been bit in the shit outta me 2day mosquitos are the assholes of insects wish i could catch every mosquito in the world n burn em slowly they been bit in the shit outta me 2 day mosquitos are the assholes of insects wish i could catch every mosquito in the world n burnem slowly they been bit in the shit outta me 2day mosquito s are the assholes of insects TheworstthingaboutGM(concord/pleasanthill/martinez):isthefuckingUAW... the worst thing about gm concord pleasant hill martinez is the fucking uaw the worst thing about gm concord pleasant hill martinez is the fucking u aw the worst thing about gm concord pleasant hill martinez is the fucking u a w the worst thing about g m concord pleasant hill martinez is the fucking uaw the worst thing about g m concord pleasant hill martinez is the fucking u aw isstudingmath;)tomorrowexamanddentist:) is studing math tomorrow exam and dentist is studing math tomorrow examand dentist is studing math tomorrow exam and den tist is studing math tomorrow exam and dent ist is studing math to morrow exam and dentist HeadingtoSanFrancisco heading to san francisco heading to san fran cisco heading to san francis co heading to san franci sco heading to san f rancisco breakers.inSanFrancisco,CA breakers in san francisco ca breaker s in san francisco ca breakers in san franciscoca breakers in san fran cisco ca break ers in san francisco ca lookslikesummizehasgonedown.toomanytweetsfromWWDCperhaps? looks like summize has gone down too many tweets from wwdc perhaps looks like summize has gone down too many tweets from w wdc perhaps looks like summize has gone down too many tweets from w w d c perhaps looks like summize has gone down too many tweets from wwdc per haps look s like summize has gone down too many tweets from wwdc perhaps atebitsIjustfinishedwatchingyourStanfordiPhoneClasssession.Ireallyappreciateit.YouRock! atebits i just finished watching your stanford iphone class session i really appreciate it you rock ate bits i just finished watching your stanford iphone class session i really appreciate it you rock at ebits i just finished watching your stanford iphone class session i really appreciate it you rock atebits i just finished watching you r stanford iphone class session i really appreciate it you rock atebits i just finished watching your stanford iphone class session i really appreciate it yourock NikeSBBlazerHigh"ACG"Custom-BradDouglas- nike sb blazer high ac g custom brad douglas nike sb blazer high a c g custom brad douglas nike sb blazer high acg custom brad douglas nike sb blazer high ac g c ustom brad douglas nike sb blazer high a cg custom brad douglas ManaccostsRogerFedererduringFrenchOpen man accosts roger federer during french open manac costs roger federer during french open man accost s roger federer during french open man accosts rogerfederer during french open man ac costs roger federer during french open TimeWarner=epicfail time warner epic fail timewarner epic fail time warner ep icfail time warner epicfail timewarner epicfail isTwitter'sconnectionsAPIbroken?Sometweetsdidn'tmakeittoTwitter... is twitter s connections api broken some tweets didn t make it to twitter is twitters connections api broken some tweets didn t make it to twitter is twitter s connections api broken some tweets didnt make it to twitter is twitters connections api broken some tweets didnt make it to twitter is twitter s connections a pi broken some tweets didn t make it to twitter goodnews,justhadacallfromtheVisaoffice,sayingeverythingisfine.....whatarelief!Iamsickofscamsoutthere!Stealing! good news just had a call from the visa office saying everything is fine what a relief i am sick of scams out there stealing goodnews just had a call from the visa office saying everything is fine what a relief i am sick of scams out there stealing good news just had a call from the visaoffice saying everything is fine what a relief i am sick of scams out there stealing good news just had a call from the visa office saying every thing is fine what a relief i am sick of scams out there stealing good news just had a call from the visa office saying everything is fine what a relief i am sick of scams out there steal ing Jake'sgoingtosafeway! jake s going to safeway jakes going to safeway jake s going to safe way j ake s going to safeway jakes going to safe way Iknow.Howsadisthat?RT1stdayofhurricaneseason.That'slessscareythangovttakingoverGM. i know how sad is that rt 1st day of hurricane season that s less scarey than govt taking over gm i know how sad is that rt 1 st day of hurricane season that s less scarey than govt taking over gm i know how sad is that r t 1st day of hurricane season that s less scarey than govt taking over gm i know how sad is that rt 1st day of hurricane season that s less scarey than gov t taking over gm i know how sad is that rt 1 st day of hurricane season that s less scarey than gov t taking over gm Lebronisabeast...nobodyintheNBAcomesevenclose. lebron is a beast nobody in the nba comes even close le bron is a beast nobody in the nba comes even close lebron is a beast no body in the nba comes even close l ebron is a beast nobody in the nba comes even close lebron is a beast nobody in the nba come seven close OfftotheNIKEfactory!!! off to the nike factory off to the nikefactory offto the nike factory of f to the nike factory of fto the nike factory THEDENTISTLIED!"UWON'TFEELANYDISCOMORT!PROBWON'TEVENNEEDPAINPILLS"MANUTWIPPINTHISSHITHURT!!HOWMANYPILLSCANITAKE!! the dentist lie d u wont feel any discom ort prob wont even need pain pills manu twippin this shit hurt how many pills can i take the dentist lie d u wont feel any discomort prob wont even need pain pills manu twippin this shit hurt how many pills can i take the dentist lie d u wont feel any discom ort prob won t even need pain pills manu twippin this shit hurt how many pills can i take the dentist lie d u wont feel any discomort prob won t even need pain pills manu twippin this shit hurt how many pills can i take the dentist liedu won t feel any discom ort prob won t even need pain pills manu twippin this shit hurt how many pills can i take NikeownsNBAPlayoffsadsw/LeBron,Kobe,Carmelo? nike owns nba playoffs ad sw lebron kobe carmelo nike owns nba playoffs adsw lebron kobe carmelo nike owns nba playoffs ad s w lebron kobe carmelo nike owns nba playoffs a dsw lebron kobe carmelo nike owns nba playoffs ads w lebron kobe carmelo I'mreadytodropthepretenses,IamforeverinlovewithjQuery,andIwanttomarryit.Sorryladies,thisnerdisjquery.spokenFor.js i m ready to drop the pretenses i am forever in love with jquery and i want to marry it sorry ladies this nerd is jquery spoken for js i m ready to drop the pretenses i am forever in love with jquery and i want to marry it sorry ladies this nerd is jquery spoken for j s im ready to drop the pretenses i am forever in love with jquery and i want to marry it sorry ladies this nerd is jquery spoken for js im ready to drop the pretenses i am forever in love with jquery and i want to marry it sorry ladies this nerd is jquery spoken for j s i m ready to drop the pretenses i am forever in love with jquery and i want to marry it sorry ladies this nerd is jquery spokenfor js BaseballAmerica.com:Blog:BaseballAmericaProspectsBlog?Blog... baseballamerica com blog baseball america prospects blog blog baseballamerica com blog baseball america prospect s blog blog baseball america com blog baseball america prospects blog blog baseballamerica com blog baseball america prospects blog b log baseballamerica com blog baseball america prospects blogblog cantsleep...mytoothisaching. can t sleep my tooth is aching cant sleep my tooth is aching cantsleep my tooth is aching can t sleep my tooth is achin g cant sleep my tooth is achin g IhavetogotoBoozAllenHamiltonfora2hrmeeting:(Butthenigettogohome:) i have to go to booz allen hamilton for a 2hr meeting but then i get to go home i have to go to booz allen hamilton for a 2 hr meeting but then i get to go home i have to goto booz allen hamilton for a 2hr meeting but then i get to go home i have to go to booz allen hamilton for a 2hr meeting but then i get to go hom e i have to go to booz allen hamilton for a 2hr meeting but then i get to gohome I'vebeensendinge-mailslikecrazytodaytomycontacts...doesanyonehaveacontactatGoodbySIlverstein...I'dlovetospeaktothem i ve been sending emails like crazy today to my contacts does anyone have a contact at goodby silverstein i d love to speak to them ive been sending emails like crazy today to my contacts does anyone have a contact at goodby silverstein i d love to speak to them i ve been sending emails like crazy today to my contacts does anyone have a contact at goodby silverstein id love to speak to them ive been sending emails like crazy today to my contacts does anyone have a contact at goodby silverstein id love to speak to them i ve been sending e mails like crazy today to my contacts does anyone have a contact at goodby silverstein id love to speak to them VeryInterestingAdfromAdobebyGoodby,Silverstein&Partners-YouTube-AdobeCS4:LeSensPropre very interesting ad from adobe by goodby silverstein amp partners youtube adobe cs4 le sens propre very interesting ad from adobe by goodby silverstein amp partners you tube adobe cs4 le sens propre very interesting ad from adobe by goodby silverstein amp partners youtube adobe cs 4 le sens propre very interesting ad from adobe by goodby silverstein amp partners youtube adobe cs4 lesens propre very interesting ad from adobe by goodby silverstein amp partners youtube adobe cs4 le sens pro pre Becausethetwitterapiisslowandmostclient'saren'tgood. because the twitter api is slow and most clients aren t good b ecause the twitter api is slow and most clients aren t good because the twitter api is slow and most clients are nt good be cause the twitter api is slow and most clients aren t good because the twitter api is slow and most clients arent good NorthKorea,pleaseceasethisdouchebaggery.Chinadoesn'tevenlikeyouanymore. north korea please cease this douchebaggery china doesn t even like you anymore north korea please cease this douche baggery china doesn t even like you anymore north korea please cease this douchebaggery china doesnt even like you anymore north korea please cease this douchebaggery china doesn t even like you any more north korea please cease this douche baggery china doesnt even like you anymore IWillNEVERBuyaGovernmentMotorsVehicle:Untiljustrecently,IdroveGMcars.Since1988,whenIboughta.. i will never buy a government motors vehicle until just recently i drove gm cars since 1988 when i bought a i will never buy a government motor s vehicle until just recently i drove gm cars since 1988 when i bought a iwill never buy a government motors vehicle until just recently i drove gm cars since 1988 when i bought a i will never buy a government motors vehicle until just recently i drove gm cars since 1988 when ibought a i will never buy a governmentmotors vehicle until just recently i drove gm cars since 1988 when i bought a Oooooooh...NorthKoreaisintroubleeeee! oooooooh north korea is in troubleeeee oooooooh north korea is in trouble e e e e o o o o o o oh north korea is in troubleeeee o o o o o o o h north korea is in troubleeeee oooooooh north korea is in trouble ee ee readingonmynewKindle2! reading on my new kindle 2 reading on my new kindle2 read ing on my new kindle 2 read ing on my new kindle2 r eading on my new kindle 2 yay,gladyougotthephone!Still,damnyou,AT&T. yay glad you got the phone still damn you at amp t yay glad you got the phone still damn you at a m pt yay glad you got the phone still damn you at ampt yay glad you got the phone still damn you at am pt yay glad you got the phone still damn you at a m p t JustpickedupmynewCanon50D...it'sbeautiful!!Prepareforsomeseriouslyawesomephotography! just picked up my new canon 50d it s beautiful prepare for some seriously awesome photography just picked up my new canon 50d its beautiful prepare for some seriously awesome photography just picked up my new canon 50d it s beauti ful prepare for some seriously awesome photography just picked up my new canon 50d it s beautiful pre pare for some seriously awesome photography just picked up my new canon50d it s beautiful prepare for some seriously awesome photography Ooooh,whatmodelareyougetting???Ihavethe40DandLOVELOVELOVELOVEit! ooooh what model are you getting i have the 40d and love love love love it o o o oh what model are you getting i have the 40d and love love love love it o o o o h what model are you getting i have the 40d and love love love love it oo ooh what model are you getting i have the 40d and love love love love it ooooh what model are you getting i have the 40d and love love love loveit isinSanFranciscoatBaytoBreakers. is in san francisco at bay to breakers is in san fran cisco at bay to breakers is in san francisco at baytobreakers isin san francisco at bay to breakers i s in san francisco at bay to breakers iamfuriouswithtimewarnerandtheirphonepromotions! i am furious with time warner and their phone promotions i am furious with timewarner and their phone promotions i am furious with time warner and t heir phone promotions i am furious with time warner and their phone promotion s i am furious with time warner and their p hone promotions RTTheupsidetoTimeWarner:unhelpfulphoneoperatorssuperslowon-siteservice.Crap,that'snotanupside. rt the upside to time warner unhelpful phone operators super slow on site service crap that s not an upside rt the upside to time warner unhelpful phone operators superslow on site service crap that s not an upside r t the upside to time warner unhelpful phone operators super slow on site service crap that s not an upside r t the upside to time warner unhelpful phone operators superslow on site service crap that s not an upside rt the upside to time warner unhelpful phone operators super slow on site service crap thats not an upside RocawearHeadstoChina,Building300Stores- rocawear heads to china building 300 stores roca wear heads to china building 300 stores rocawear heads to china building 3 0 0 stores rocawear heads to china building 3 00 stores rocawear heads to china building 300 store s ReadingthetweetscomingoutofIran...Thewholethingisterrifyingandincrediblysad... reading the tweets coming out of iran the whole thing is terrifying and incredibly sad reading the tweets coming out of i ran the whole thing is terrifying and incredibly sad reading the tweets coming out of iran t he whole thing is terrifying and incredibly sad reading the tweets coming out of iran the whole thing is terrifying and incredibly sa d reading the tweets coming out of iran the whole thing is terrifying and incredibly s ad Impatientlyawaitingthearrivalofthetimewarnerguy.It'swaytooprettytobeinsideallafternoon impatiently awaiting the arrival of the time warner guy it s way too pretty to be inside all afternoon i m patiently awaiting the arrival of the time warner guy it s way too pretty to be inside all afternoon im patiently awaiting the arrival of the time warner guy it s way too pretty to be inside all afternoon impatiently awaiting the arrival of the time warner guy its way too pretty to be inside all afternoon impatiently awaiting the arrival of the time warner guy it s way too pretty to be in side all afternoon WatchingLebronhighlights.Damnthatniggasgood watching lebron highlights damn that nigga s good watching lebron highlights damn that niggas good watching lebron highlights damn that niggas go od watching lebron highlights damn that nigga s go o d watching lebron highlights damn that niggas go o d LebronisMURDERINGshit. lebron is murdering shit le bron is murdering shit lebron is murder ing shit lebron is murdering sh it l ebron is murdering shit heybud:)npIdosolovemy50D,althoughI'dlovea5DmkIImore hey bud npi do so love my 50d although i d love a 5d mkii more hey bud np i do so love my 50d although i d love a 5d mkii more hey bud n p i do so love my 50d although i d love a 5d mkii more hey bud npi do so love my 50d although i d love a 5d mk ii more hey bud np i do so love my 50d although i d love a 5d mk ii more Suchanawesomeidea-thecontinuallearningprogramwithaKindle2 such an awesome idea the continual learning program with a kindle 2 such an awesome idea the continual learning program with a kindle2 such an awesome idea the con tinual learning program with a kindle 2 such an awesome idea the continual learn ing program with a kindle 2 such an awesome idea t he continual learning program with a kindle 2 I'mitchyandmiserable! i m itchy and miserable im itchy and miserable imitchy and miserable i mitchy and miserable i m itchy and miser able Ihatetheeffingdentist. i hate the effing dentist i hate the effing dent ist i hate the effin g dentist i hate the effing dent i st i hate the effing dent is t Imean,I'mdownwithNotreDameifIhaveto.It'sagoodschool,I'dbeclosertoDan,I'denjoyit. i mean i m down with notre dame if i have to it s a good school i d be closer to dan i d enjoy it i mean i m down with notre dame if i have to it s a good school i d be closer to dani d enjoy it i mean im down with notre dame if i have to it s a good school i d be closer to dani d enjoy it i mean i m down with notre dame if i have to it s a good school i d be closer to danid enjoy it i mean i m down with notre dame if i have to it s a good school i d be closer to dan id enjoy it WorldCup2010Access??Damn,that'sagoodlook! world cup 2010 access damn thats a good look worldcup2010 access damn thats a good look worldcup 2010 access damn thats a good look world cup2010 access damn thats a good look world cup 2010 access damn that s a good look F***upbig,orgohome-AIG f up big or go home aig f up big or go home a i g fup big or go home aig fup big or go home a i g f up big or go home a ig Ethicsandnonprofits- ethics and nonprofits ethics and non profits eth ics and non profits ethics and non profit s ethics and nonprofit s Foundasafeway.Pickingupafewstaples. found a safe way picking up a few staples found a safeway picking up a few staples founda safeway picking up a few staples found a safe way pick ing up a few staples found a safe way picking up a few staple s VIRALMARKETINGFAIL.ThisAciaPillsbrandoughtagetshutdownforhackingintopeople'smessenger's.iget5-6msgsinaday!Arrrgh! viral marketing fail this acia pills brand oughta get shut down for hacking into people s messengers i get 56 msgs in a day arrrgh viral marketing fail this a cia pills brand oughta get shut down for hacking into people s messengers i get 56 msgs in a day arrrgh viral marketing fail this acia pills brand oughta get shut down for hacking into people s messengers i get 56 ms g s in a day arrrgh viral marketing fail this acia pills brand oughta get shut down for hacking into people s messengers i get 5 6 msgs in a day arrrgh viral marketing fail this acia pills brand oughta get shut down for hacking into people s messengers i get 56 msgs in a day a rrr g h TroubleinIran,Isee.Hmm.Iran.Iransofaraway. trouble in iran i see hmm i ran i ran so far away trouble in iran i see hmm i ran iran so far away trouble in iran i see hmm i ran i ran so far a way trouble in iran i see hmm i ran iransofaraway trouble in iran i see hmm i ran i ran so far aw ay Ijustcheckedmygoogleformybusiness-blipshowsupasthesecondentry!Huh.Isthatagoodorba...? i just checked my google for my business blip shows up as the second entry huh is that a good or ba i just checked my google for my business blip shows up as the second entry huh is that a good or b a i just checked my google for my business blip shows up as the second entry huh is that a good orb a i just checked my google for my business blip shows up as the second entry huh is that a good orba i just checked my google for my business blip shows up as the second entry huh is that agood or b a IseriouslyunderestimatedMalcolmGladwell.Iwanttomeetthisdude. i seriously underestimated malcolm gladwell i want to meet this dude i seriously underestimated malcolmgladwell i want to meet this dude i seriously under estimated malcolm gladwell i want to meet this dude i seri ously underestimated malcolm gladwell i want to meet this dude i seriously underestimated malcolm gladwell i want tomeet this dude GMCEO:Chinawillcontinuetobekeypartner gm ceo china will continue to be key partner g m ceo china will continue to be key partner gmceo china will continue to be key partner gm ceo china will continue to be key part ner gm ceo china will con tinue to be key partner UP!wassoldout,soi'mseeingNightAtTheMuseum2.I'm__yearsold. up was sold out so i m seeing nightatthemuseum2 im years old up was sold out so i m seeing nightatthemuseum2 i m years old up was sold out so i m seeing night at the museum 2 i m years old up was sold out so im seeing nightatthemuseum2 i m years old up was sold out so i m seeing nightatthemuseum2 im yearsold Sonycouponcode..Expiressoon.. sony coupon code expires soon sony coupon code expires so on s ony coupon code expires soon son y coupon code expires soon sony coupon code expiressoon ObamaMorePopularThanU.S.AmongArabs:Survey:PresidentBarackObama'spopularityinleadingArabcountries.. obama more popular than u s among arabs survey president barack obama s popularity in leading arab countries obama more popular than us among arabs survey president barack obama s popularity in leading arab countries obama more popular than u s among arabs sur vey president barack obama s popularity in leading arab countries obama more popular than u s among arabs survey president barack obama s popularity in leading arab coun tries obama more popular than u s among arab s survey president barack obama s popularity in leading arab countries justgotbackfromthemovies.wenttoseethenewnightatthemuseumwithrachel.itwasgood just got back from the movies went to see the new night at the museum with rachel it was good just got back from the movies went to see the new nightatthemuseum with rachel it was good just got back from the movie s went to see the new night at the museum with rachel it was good just got back from the movies went to see the new night at the mu seum with rachel it was good just got back from the movies went to see the new night at the museum with rachel it was go od isitmeoristhisthebesttheplayoffshavebeeninyearsohyealebronandmelointhefinals is it me or is this the best the playoffs have been in years oh yea lebron and melo in the finals is it me or is this the best the play offs have been in years oh yea lebron and melo in the finals is it me or is this the best the playoffs have been in years oh yea lebron and melo in the final s isit me or is this the best the playoffs have been in years oh yea lebron and melo in the finals is it me or is this the best the play offs have been in years oh yea lebron and melo in the final s HouseCorrespondentsdinnerwaslastnightwhoopi,barbara&sherriwent,Obamagotastandingovation house correspondents dinner was last night whoop i b arbara amp sherri went obama got a standing ovation house correspondents dinner was last night whoop i b arbara a m p sherri went obama got a standing ovation house correspondents dinner was lastnight whoopi barbara a m p sherri went obama got a standing ovation house correspondents dinner was lastnight whoopi barbara amps herri went obama got a standing ovation house correspondents dinner was last night whoop i barbara amps herri went obama got a standing ovation Goingtothedentistlater.:| going to the dentist later goingtothedentist later go ing to the dentist later going to thedentist later going to the den tist later IlovemyKindle2.Nomorestacksofbookstotripoveronthewaytotheloo. i love my kindle 2 no more stacks of books to trip over on the way to the loo ilovemykindle 2 no more stacks of books to trip over on the way to the loo i love my kindle2 no more stacks of books to trip over on the way to the loo i love my kindle 2 no more stacks of books to trip over on the way to the l o o i love my kindle 2 no more stacks of books to trip over on the way to the lo o playingwithcURLandtheTwitterAPI playing with curl and the twitter api playing with curl and the twitterapi play ing with curl and the twitter api playing with curl and the twit ter api playing with curland the twitter api Checkthisvideoout--PresidentObamaattheWhiteHouseCorrespondents'Dinner check this video out president obama at the white house correspondents dinner checkthisvideo out president obama at the white house correspondents dinner check this video out president obama at the white house correspondent s dinner check this video out president obama at the whitehouse correspondents dinner checkthisvideo out president obama at the white house correspondent s dinner AtGWTfiresidechat at gwt fireside chat atg wt fireside chat at gwt fire side chat at gwt firesidechat atg wt firesidechat GoodvideofromGoogleonusingsearchoptions. good video from google on using search options good video from google on using search option s goodvideo from google on using search options good video from google on using searchoptions good video from goo gle on using search options Ihategoingtothedentist..!!! i hate going to the dentist i hate going to thedentist i hate going to the den tist i hate going to the dentis t ihate going to the dentist FoundNOTHINGatNikeFactory:/OfftoBananaRepublicOutlet! found nothing at nike factory off to banana republic outlet found nothing at nike factory of f to banana republic outlet found noth ing at nike factory off to banana republic outlet found nothing a t nike factory off to banana republic outlet found nothing at nike factory off to bananarepublicoutlet Atsafewayonelkhorn,theymovelikethey'redead! at safeway on elkhorn they move like they re dead at safeway on elk horn they move like they re dead at safeway on el khorn they move like they re dead at safeway on elkhorn they move like theyre dead at safeway on elk horn they move like theyre dead ThegreatIndiantamashatrulywillunfoldfromMay16,theresultdayforIndianGeneralElection. the great indian tamasha truly will unfold from may 16 the result day for indian general election the great indian tamasha truly will unfold from may 1 6 the result day for indian general election the great indian tamasha truly will un fold from may 16 the result day for indian general election the great indian tamasha truly will unfold from may16 the result day for indian general election the great indian tamasha truly will unfold from may 16 the re sult day for indian general election IjustcreatedmyfirstLaTeXfilefromscratch.Thatdidn'tworkoutverywell.(See,it'sagreattimewaster) i just created my first latex file from scratch that didnt work out very well see its a great time waster i just created my first latex file from scratch that didn t work out very well see its a great time waster i just created my first latex file from scratch that didnt work out very well see it s a great time waster i just created my first latex file from scratch that didn t work out very well see it s a great time waster i just created my first latex file from scratch that didnt work out very well see its a great timewaster waitinginlineatsafeway. waiting in line at safeway waiting inline at safeway waiting in line at safe way w aiting in line at safeway waitinginline at safeway NCAABaseballSuperRegional-RamsClub ncaa baseball super regional rams club ncaa baseball super regional ramsclub ncaa baseball super regional ram s club ncaa baseball super regional r ams club ncaa baseball super regional ra m s club justgotusa50Dfortheoffice.:D just got us a 50d for the office d just got us a 50 d for the office d just got us a 5 0d for the office d just got usa 50 d for the office d just got us a 5 0 d for the office d IcurrentusetheNikonD90andloveit,butnotasmuchastheCanon40D/50D.IchosetheD90forthevideofeature.Mymistake. i current use the nikon d90 and love it but not as much as the canon 40d 50d i chose the d90 for the video feature my mistake icurrent use the nikon d90 and love it but not as much as the canon 40d 50d i chose the d90 for the video feature my mistake i current use the nikon d90 and love it but not as much as the canon 40d 50 d i chose the d90 for the video feature my mistake icurrent use the nikon d90 and love it but not as much as the canon 40d 50 d i chose the d90 for the video feature my mistake i current use the nikon d90 and love it but not as much as the canon 40d 50d i chose the d 90 for the video feature my mistake LawsontoheadNewedgeHongKong lawson to head newedge hong kong lawson to head new edge hong kong lawson to head new edge hongkong lawson to head newedge hongkong laws on to head new edge hong kong IhateTimeWarner!SoooowishIhadVios.CantwatchthefrickenMetsgamew/obuffering.Ifeellikeimwatchingfreeinternetporn. i hate time warner soooo wish i had vios can t watch the fricken mets game w o buffering i feel like im watching free internet porn i hate time warner soooo wish i had vios cant watch the fricken mets game w o buffering i feel like im watching free internet porn i hate time warner soooo wish i had vios can t watch the fricken mets game w o buffering i feel like i m watching free internet porn i hate time warner soooo wish i had vios cant watch the fricken mets game w o buffering i feel like i m watching free internet porn i hate time warner soooo wish i had v i os can t watch the fricken mets game w o buffering i feel like i m watching free internet porn IjustrealizedwethreemonkeysinthewhiteObama.Biden,Pelosi.SarahPalin2012 i just realized we three monkeys in the white obama biden pelosi sarah palin 2012 i just realized we three monkey s in the white obama biden pelosi sarah palin 2012 i just realized we three mon keys in the white obama biden pelosi sarah palin 2012 i just realized we threemonkeys in the white obama biden pelosi sarah palin 2012 i just realized we three monkeys in the white obama biden pelosi sarah palin 20 12 watchingNightatTheMuseum.Lmao watching night at the museum lmao watching nightatthemuseum lmao watching night at the museum l mao watching night at the mu seum lmao watching nightatthemuseum l mao goingtoseethenewnightatthemuseummoviewithmyfamilyohboyathreeyearoldinthemoviesfuin going to see the new nightatthemuseummovie with my family oh boy a three year old in the movies fu in going to see the new nightatthemuseummovie with my family oh boy a three year old in the movie s f u in going to see the new nightatthemuseummovie with my family oh boy a three year old in the movie sfu in going to see the new nightatthemuseummovie with my family oh boy a three year old in the movie s fu in going to see the new nightatthemuseummovie with my family oh boy a three year old in the movies fuin JustblockedUnitedBloodServicesusingGoogleVoice.TheycallmorethanthoseCarWarrantyguys. just blocked united blood services using google voice they call more than those car warranty guys just blocked unitedbloodservices using google voice they call more than those car warranty guys just blocked united blood services using google voice they call more than those car warranty guy s justblocked united blood services using google voice they call more than those car warranty guys just blocked united blood services using google voice they call more than those carwarranty guys StoppedtohavelunchatMcDonalds.ChickenNuggetssss!:)yummmmmy. stopped to have lunch at mcdonald s chicken nuggets sss yummmmmy stopped to have lunch at mcdonald s chicken nuggets s s s yummmmmy stopped to have lunch at mcdonalds chicken nuggets sss yummmmmy stopped to have lunch at mcdonalds chicken nuggets s s s yummmmmy stopped to have lunch at mcdonald s chicken nuggets ss s yummmmmy InvestigationpendingondeathofStanfordCSprof/GooglementorRajeevMotwanitip investigation pending on death of stanford cs prof google mentor rajeev motwani tip investigation pending on death of stanford csprof google mentor rajeev motwani tip investigation pending on death of stanford c s prof google mentor rajeev motwani tip investigation pending on death of stan ford c s prof google mentor rajeev motwani tip investigation pending on death of stanford cs prof google mentor rajeev motwani t i p CouldgoforalotofMcDonalds.imeanALOT. could go for a lot of mcdonalds i mean a lot could go for a lot of mcdonalds i mean alot could go for alot of mcdonalds i mean a lot could go for a lot of mcdonald s i mean a lot could go for alot of mcdonalds i mean alot Class...The50dissupposedtocometoday:) class the 50d is supposed to come today class the 50d is supposed to come to day class the 50 d is supposed to come today class the 50d is supposed to come toda y class the 50 dis supposed to come today havegoogleprofilesstoppedshowingupinsearches?cantseethemanymore have google profiles stopped showing up in searches can t see them anymore have google profiles stopped showing up in searches can t see them any more have google profiles stopped showing up in searches cant see them anymore have google profiles stopped showing up in searches can t see the many more have googleprofiles stopped showing up in searches can t see them anymore MyprimarydebitcardisVisaElectron. my primary debit card is visa electron myprimary debit card is visa electron m y primary debit card is visa electron my pri mary debit card is visa electron my primary debit card is visaelectron Goodby,Silverstein'snewsite...Ienjoyit. goodby silverstein s new site i enjoy it goodbysilverstein s new site i enjoy it good by silverstein s new site i enjoy it goodby silverstein s new site i enjoy i t goodby silverstein s new site ienjoyit cursestheTwitterAPIlimit curses the twitter api limit curse s the twitter api limit c urses the twitter api limit curses the twitterapi limit curses the twit ter api limit OMG-timewarnerf'edupmyinternetinstall-insteadoftodayitsnowNEXTsaturday-anotherweekw/ointernet!&$*ehfa^V9fhg[*fml. omg time warner f ed up my internet install instead of today it s now next saturday another week w o internet amp e h f av 9 f hg fml omg time warner f ed up my internet install instead of today it s now next saturday another week w o internet amp e h f a v 9 f hg fml omg time warner f ed up my internet install instead of today it s now next saturday another week w o internet amp e h f av 9 f h g f m l omg time warner f ed up my internet install instead of today it s now next saturday another week w o internet amp e h f a v 9 f h g f m l omg time warner f ed up my internet install instead of today it s now next saturday another week w o internet amp e h f av 9 f hg f m l readingMichaelPalinbook,ThePythonYears...greatbook.IalsorecommendWarrenBuffet&NelsonMandela'sbio reading michael palin book the python years great book i also recommend warren buffet a m p nelson mandela s bio reading michael palin book the python years great book i also recommend warren buffet amp nelson mandela s bio reading michael palin book the python years great book i also recommend warren buffet a mp nelson mandela s bio reading michael palin book the python years great book i also recommend warrenbuffet amp nelson mandela s bio reading michael palin book the python years great book i also recommend warren buffet amp nelson mandelas bio AbouttowatchNightattheMuseumwithRyanandStacy about to watch night at the museum with ryan and stacy about to watch nightatthemuseum with ryan and stacy about to watch night at the mu seum with ryan and stacy a bout to watch night at the museum with ryan and stacy about towatch night at the museum with ryan and stacy WewenttoStanfordUniversitytoday.Gotatour.Mademewanttogobacktocollege.It'salsodecidedallofourkidswillgothere. we went to stanford university today got a tour made me want to go back to college it s also decided all of our kids will go there we went to stanford university today got a tour made me want to go back to college its also decided all of our kids will go there we went to stanford univer sity today got a tour made me want to go back to college it s also decided all of our kids will go there we went to stanford uni versity today got a tour made me want to go back to college it s also decided all of our kids will go there we went to stanford university today got a tour made me want to go back to college it s also decided all of our kids will go the re DidnotrealizethereisagymaboveSafeway! did not realize there is a gym above safeway did not realize there is a gym above safe way did not realize there is agym above safeway did not realize there is a gym a bove safeway did not realize there is a gym a bove safe way HowdoyouusethetwitterAPI?... how do you use the twitter api how do you use the twitterapi h ow do you use the twitter api howdo you use the twitter api how do youuse the twitter api stillhungryaftereating.... still hungry after eating s till hungry after eating still hungry after eat ing still hun gry after eating stillhungry after eating gettingreadytotestoutsomeburgerreceipesthisweekend.BobbyFlayhassomegreatreceipestotry.ThanksBobby. getting ready to test out some burger receipe s this weekend bobby flay has some great receipes to try thanks bobby getting ready to test out some burger receipes this weekend bobby flay has some great receipes to try thanks bobby getting ready to test out some burger receipe s this weekend bobby flay has some great receipes to try thanks bob by getting ready to test out some burger receipes this weekend bobby flay has some great receipes to try thanks bob by getting ready to test out some burger receipe s this weekend bobby flay has some great receipes to try thank s bobby Lakersplayedgreat!CannotwaitforThursdaynightLakersvs.??? lakers played great cannot wait for thursday night lakers vs lakers played great can not wait for thursday night lakers vs lakers played great cannot wait for thursday night lakers v s lakers played great cannot wait for thurs day night lakers vs lakers played great cannot wait for thursday night laker s vs iseatinghomemadeyema is eating homemade yema iseating homemade yema is eating homemade ye ma i seating homemade yema is eating home made yema Ican'twatchTVwithoutaTivo.Andafteralltheseyears,theTime/WarnerDVRSTILLsucks. i can t watch tv without a tivo and after all these years the time warner dvr still sucks i cant watch tv without a tivo and after all these years the time warner dvr still sucks i can t watch tv without a tivo and after all these years the timewarner dvr still sucks i cant watch tv without a tivo and after all these years the timewarner dvr still sucks i can t watch tv without a tivo and after all theseyears the time warner dvr still sucks 45ProsYouShouldBeFollowingonTwitter- 4 5 pros you should be following on twitter 45 pros you should be following on twitter 4 5 pro s you should be following on twitter 45 pro s you should be following on twitter 4 5 pros you should be following on twit ter isupsetaboutthewholeGMthing.lifeasiknowitissoscrewedup is upset about the whole gm thing life as i know it is so screwed up is upset about the whole gm thing lifeasiknowit is so screwed up is upset about the whole gm thing life as i knowit is so screwed up is upset about the whole gm thing life as i know it is so screwed u p is upset about the whole gm thing lifeasiknowit isso screwed up atsafewaywithdad at safeway with dad at safeway with d a d at safe way with dad at safeway with d ad at safeway with da d ohIsee.IthoughtAT&Twere900MHzWCDMA? oh i see i thought at amp t were 900mhz wcdma oh i see i thought at amp t were 900 mhz wcdma oh i see i thought at amp t were 900mhz w cdma oh i see i thought at amp t were 900 mhz w cdma oh i see i thought at ampt were 900mhz wcdma Justgotmcdonaldsgoddamthoseeggsmakemesick.OyeahLakerupdategolakers.Notmuchofanupdate?Wellit'struesosuckit just got mcdonalds goddam those eggs make me sick o yeah laker update golakers not much of an update well it s true so suck it just got mcdonalds goddam those eggs make me sick o yeah laker update golakers not much of an update well its true so suck it just got mcdonalds goddam those eggs make me sick o yeah laker update go lakers not much of an update well it s true so suck it just got mcdonalds god dam those eggs make me sick o yeah laker update go lakers not much of an update well it s true so suck it just got mcdonald s goddam those eggs make me sick o yeah laker update go lakers not much of an update well it s true so suck it no.I'mnotitchyfornow.Maybelater,lol. no i m not itchy for now maybe later lol no im not itchy for now maybe later lol n o i m not itchy for now maybe later lol no i m not itchy for now may be later lol no im not itchy for now may be later lol StanfordUniversity?sFacebookProfileisOneoftheMostPopularOfficialUniversityPages- stanford university s facebook profile is one of the most popular official university pages stanford university s facebook profile is one ofthe most popular official university pages stanford university s facebook profile is one of themost popular official university pages stanford university s facebook profile is one of the most popular official university page s stanford university s facebook profile is one of the most popular official uni versity pages Newblogpost:HarvardVersusStanford-WhoWins? new blog post harvard versus stanford who wins new blogpost harvard versus stanford who wins newblogpost harvard versus stanford who wins new blog post har vard versus stanford who wins new blog post harvard versus stanford who win s Ihaveagoogleaddiction.Thankyouforpointingthatout,Hahaha. i have a google addiction thank you for pointing that out hahaha i have a google addiction thank you for pointing that out ha ha ha i have a google addiction thankyou for pointing that out hahaha i have a google addiction thank you for pointing that out haha ha i have a go ogle addiction thank you for pointing that out hahaha Thisiscold..Iwaslookingatgoogle'schart//visualizationAPIandfoundthisjQuery"wrapper"fortheAPI... this is cold i was looking at google s chart visualization api and found this jquery wrapper for the api this is cold i was looking at googles chart visualization api and found this jquery wrapper for the api this is cold i was looking at google s chart visualization api and found this jquery wrapper for the ap i this is cold i was looking at googles chart visualization api and found this jquery wrapper for the ap i this is cold i was looking at google s chart visualization api and found this jquery wrapper for the a p i eatingcake eating cake eatingcake eat ing cake e ati ng cake e ating cake Timewarneristhedevil.WorstpossibletimefortheInternettogoout. time warner is the devil worst possible time for the internet to go out timewarner is the devil worst possible time for the internet to go out time warner is the devil worst possible time for the inter net to go out time warner is the devil worst possible time for the internet to goout time warner is the devil worst possible time for the internetto go out SUPERINVESTORS:AgreatweekendreadherefromWarrenBuffet.Oldie,butagoodie. super investors a great weekend read here from warren buffet oldiebutagoodie superinvestors a great weekend read here from warren buffet oldiebutagoodie super investors a great weekend read here from warren buffet oldie but a goodie superinvestors a great weekend read here from warren buffet oldie but a goodie superinvestor s a great weekend read here from warren buffet oldiebutagoodie IhaveaKindle2(&SonyPRS-500).Likeit!Physicaldevicefeelsgood.Fontisnice.Pgturnsaresnappyenuf.UIalittleklunky. i have a kindle 2 amp sony prs500 like it physical device feels good font is nice p g turns are snappy enuf u i a little klunky i have a kindle 2 amp sony prs 500 like it physical device feels good font is nice p g turns are snappy enuf u i a little klunky i have a kindle 2 amp sony prs500 like it physical device feels good font is nice p g turns are snappy enuf uia little klunky i have a kindle 2 amp sony prs500 like it physical device feels good font is nice p g turns are snappy enuf u ia little klunky i have a kindle 2 amp sony prs 500 like it physical device feels good font is nice p g turns are snappy enuf u ia little klunky Launched! launched launch ed l aunched laun ched launc hed lebronandzydrunasaresuchanawesomeduo lebron and zydrunas are such an awesome duo le bron and zydrunas are such an awesome duo l ebron and zydrunas are such an awesome duo lebron and zydrunas aresuch an awesome duo lebron and zydrunas are such an awesome d u o Justgothomefromchick-fil-awiththeboys.Damnmyinternetsdown=(stupidtimewarner just got home from chick fil a with the boys damn my internets down stupid time warner just got home from chickfila with the boys damn my internets down stupid time warner just got home from chick fil a with the boys damn my internet s down stupid time warner just got home from chick fil a with the boys damn my internets down stupid timewarner just got home from chickfila with the boys damn my internet s down stupid time warner OnmywaytoseeStarTrekTheEsquire. on my way to see star trek the esquire on my way to see star trek the e squire on my way to see startrek the esquire onmy way to see star trek the esquire on my way to see star trek theesquire StanfordCharityFashionShowatopdraw stanford charity fashion show a top draw stanford charity fashion show atop draw stanford charity fashion show a topdraw stanford charity fashion show a to p draw stanford charity fashion show at opdraw I'mmovingtoEastPaloAlto! i m moving to east palo alto im moving to east palo alto i m moving to east palo al to i m moving to east paloalto i m moving to east palo alt o WithmybestgirlforafewmorehoursinSanfrancisco.Mmmmmfamilyiswonderful! with my best girl for a few more hours in san francisco mmmmm family is wonderful with my best girl for a few more hours in san francisco m m m m m family is wonderful with my best girl for a few more hours in san francisco mmm m m family is wonderful with my best girl for a few more hours in san francisco mmm mm family is wonderful with my best girl for a few more hours in san francisco m mm mm family is wonderful BackwhenIworkedforNikewehadonefavword:JUSTDOIT!:) back when i worked for nike we had one fav word just do it back when i worked for nike we had one fav word justdoit back when i worked for nike we had one favword just do it back when i worked for nike we had one favword justdoit back when i worked for nike we had one f a v word just do it Obama'sspeechwasprettyawesomelastnight! obama s speech was pretty awesome last night obamas speech was pretty awesome last night obama s speech was pretty awesome lastnight obamas speech was pretty awesome lastnight obama s speech was pretty awe some last night IhopethegirlatworkbuysmyKindle2 i hope the girl at work buys my kindle 2 i hope the girl at work buys my kindle2 i hope the girl at work buy s my kindle 2 i hope the girl at wo rk buys my kindle 2 i hope the girl at work buy s my kindle2 isscrapbookingwithNic=D is scrapbooking with nicd is scrapbooking with ni cd is scrap booking with nicd is scrapbooking with nic d is scrap booking with ni cd weloveyoutooanddon'twantyoutodie!!!!!!Latex=thedevil we love you too and don t want you to die latex the devil we love you too and dont want you to die latex the devil we love you too and don t want you to die la tex the devil we love you too and don t want you to die l a tex the devil we love you too and don t want you to die latex thedevil IthinkImayhaveanewfavoriterestaurant.Onourwaytosee"NightattheMuseum2". i think i may have a new favorite restaurant on our way to see nightatthemuseum2 i think i may have a new favorite restaurant on our way to see night at the museum 2 i think i may have a new favorite restaurant on our way to see nightatthemuseum 2 i think i may have a new favorite restaurant on our way to see night at the museum2 i think i may have a new favorite restaurant on our way to se e nightatthemuseum2 TheseemsthebesteReader,butwillitworkintheUKandwherecanIgetone? the seems the best ereader but will it work in the uk and where can i get one the seems the best e reader but will it work in the uk and where can i get one the seems the best ereader but will it work in the u k and where can i get one t he seems the best ereader but will it work in the uk and where can i get one the seems the best e reader but will it work in the u k and where can i get one timewarnerreallypickstheworsttimetonotwork.alliwanttodoisgettomtv.comsoicanwatchthehills.wtfffff. time warner really picks the worst time to not work all i want to do is get to mtv com so i can watch the hills w t f f f f f time warner really picks the worst time to not work all i want to do is get to mtv com so i can watch the hills w t f f fff time warner really picks the worst time to not work all i want to do is get to mtv com so i can watch the hills w t f f ff f time warner really picks the worst time to not work all i want to do is get to mtv com so i can watch the hills wtfffff time warner really picks the worst time to not work all i want to do is get to mtv com so i can watch the hills w t f f f ff CoxorTimeWarner?CoxischeaperandgetsaBondslreports.TWismoreexpensiveandgetsaC. cox or time warner cox is cheaper and gets a b on dslreports tw is more expensive and gets a c cox or time warner cox is cheaper and gets a bon dslreports tw is more expensive and gets a c cox or time warner cox is cheaper and gets a b on dslreports t w is more expensive and gets a c cox or time warner cox is cheaper and gets a b on dslreports twis more expensive and gets a c cox or time warner cox is cheaper and gets a bon dslreports twis more expensive and gets a c Ireallyliked"LearningjQuery"book.isworthalooktoo i really liked learning jquery book is worth a look too i really liked learning jquery book is worth a look to o ireally liked learning jquery book is worth a look too i really liked learning jquery book is worth a look t o o i really liked learning jquery book i s worth a look too testingTwitterAPI testing twitterapi testing twitter api test ing twitterapi t esting twitterapi testi ng twitterapi TimeWarnercableisdownagain3rdtimesinceMemorialDaybummer! time warner cable is down again 3rd time since memorial day bummer timewarner cable is down again 3rd time since memorial day bummer timewarnercable is down again 3rd time since memorial day bummer time warner cable is down again 3rd time since memorial day b ummer time warner cable is down again 3rd time since memorial day bum mer BoardingplaneforSanFranciscoin1hour;6hrflight.Blech. boarding plane for san francisco in 1 hour 6 hr flight blech boarding plane for san francisco in 1 hour 6 hr flight b l e c h boarding plane for san francisco in 1 hour 6hr flight blech boarding plane for san francisco in 1 hour 6 hr flight b lech boarding plane for san francisco in 1 hour 6 hr flight b l e ch Offtothebanktogetmynewvisaplatinumcard off to the bank to get my new visa platinum card of f to the bank to get my new visa platinum card offto the bank to get my new visa platinum card off to the bank to get my new v is a platinum card off to the bank to get my new visa platinum car d [CustomerInnovationAwardWinner:BoozAllenHamilton-- customer innovation award winner booz allen hamilton customer innovation award winner boozallenhamilton customer innovation award winner booz allen hamil ton customer innovation award winner boozallen hamilton customer innovation award winner booz allen hamilto n SafewaySuper-marketingviamobilecoupons safeway supermarket ing via mobile coupons safeway super marketing via mobile coupons safeway super market ing via mobile coupons safeway supermarket in gvia mobile coupons safeway supermarket in g via mobile coupons ihatecomcastrightnow.everythingisdowncableinternet&phone....ughhwhatamitodo i hate comcast right now everything is down cable internet amp phone ughh what am i to do ihatecomcast right now everything is down cable internet amp phone ughh what am i to do i hate comcast right now everything is down cable internet amp phone ughh whatamitodo i hate comcast right now everything is down cable internet amp phone ughh what am i todo i hate comcast right now everything is down cable internet amp phone ughh what am ito do 10tipsforhealthyeating?ResultsByFitnessBlog::Fitness... 10 tips for healthy eating results by fitness blog fitness 10 tips for healthy eati ng results by fitness blog fitness 10 tips for healthy ea ting results by fitness blog fitness 1 0 tips for healthy eating results by fitness blog fitness 10 tips for healthy eat ing results by fitness blog fitness jquerySelectors jquery selectors jqueryselectors jquery selector s jqueryselector s j query selectors usingLinuxandlovingit-somuchnicerthanwindows...Lookingforwardtousingthewysiwyglatexeditor! using linux and loving it so much nicer than windows looking forward to using the wysiwyg latex editor using linux and loving it so much nicer than window s looking forward to using the wysiwyg latex editor using linux and loving it so much nicer than windows look ing forward to using the wysiwyg latex editor using linux and loving it so much nicer than win dows looking forward to using the wysiwyg latex editor using linux and loving it so much nicer than windows looking forward to using the wysiwyg latexeditor -Yay!Happyplace!Placeplace!IloveGoogle! yay happy place place place i love google yay happy place placeplace i love google yay happy place place place ilove google yay happy place place place ilovegoogle yay happy placeplaceplace i love google itchyback!!dontyahateit! itchy back don t ya hate it itchy back dont ya hate it itchyback don t ya hate it itchyback dont ya hate it itchy back don t ya hate i t RTTheUltimatejQueryList- rt the ultimate jquery list r t the ultimate jquery list rt th e ultimate jquery list r t t h e ultimate jquery list rt the ultimate jquerylist GMsaysexpectsannouncmentonsaleofHummersoon-Reuters:WDSUGMsaysexpectsannouncmentonsaleofHummer.. gm says expect s announcment on sale of hummer soon reuters wdsu gm says expect s announcment on sale of hummer gm says expect s announcment on sale of hummer soon reuters wdsu gm says expect s announcment on saleof hummer gm says expect s announcment on sale of hummer soon reuters wdsu gm says expect s announcment on s ale of hummer gm says expect s announcment on sale of hummer soon reuters wdsu gm says expect s announcment on sale o f hummer gm says expect s announcment on sale of hummer soon reuters wdsu gm says expect s announcment on sal e of hummer Learningaboutlambdacalculus:) learning about lambda calculus learning about lamb da calculus learn ing about lambda calculus learning about lambdacalculus learningabout lambda calculus I'mreallylovingthenewsearchsiteWolfram/Alpha.MakesGoogleseemso...quaint. i m really loving the new search site wolfram alpha makes google seem so quaint i m really loving the new search site wolframalpha makes google seem so quaint im really loving the new search site wolfram alpha makes google seem so quaint i m really loving the new searchsite wolfram alpha makes google seem so quaint im really loving the new search site wolframalpha makes google seem so quaint downloadingappsformyiphone!Somuchfun:-)Thereliterallyisanappforjustaboutanything. downloading apps for my iphone so much fun there literally is an app for just about anything downloading apps for my i phone so much fun there literally is an app for just about anything downloadin g apps for my iphone so much fun there literally is an app for just about anything downloading app s for my iphone so much fun there literally is an app for just about anything downloading apps for my iphone so much fun there literally is an app for just about any thing ihatethedentist....whoinventedthemanyways? i hate the dentist who invented the many ways i hate the dentist who invented them anyways i hate the dentist who invented them anyway s i hate the dentist who invented them any ways ihatethedentist who invented the many ways lukeandigotstoppedwalkingoutofsafewayandaskedtoemptyourpocketsandliftourshirts.howjackedupisthat? luke and i got stopped walking out of safeway and asked to empty our pockets and lift our shirts how jacked up is that luke and i got stopped walk ing out of safeway and asked to empty our pockets and lift our shirts how jacked up is that luke and i got stopped walking out of safe way and asked to empty our pockets and lift our shirts how jacked up is that luke and i got stopped walking out of safeway and asked to empty our pockets and lift our shirts how jacked upis that luke and i got stopped walking out of safeway and asked to empty our pockets and lift our shirts how jacked up is tha t Mywriststillhurts.Ihavetogetitlookedat.IHATEthedr/dentist/scaryplaces.:(TimetowatchEagleeye.Ifyouwanttojoin,txt! my wrist still hurts i have to get it looked at i hate the dr dentist scary places time to watch eagle eye if you want to join txt my wrist still hurts i have to get it looked at i hate the dr dentist scary place s time to watch eagle eye if you want to join txt my wrist still hurts i have to get it looked at i hate the dr dentist scary places time to watch eagle eye if you want to join t x t my wrist still hurts i have to get it looked a t i hate the dr dentist scary places time to watch eagle eye if you want to join txt my wrist still hurts i have to get it looked at i hate the dr dentist scary places time to watch eagle eye if you want to join t xt USplanningtoresumethemilitarytribunalsatGuantanamoBay...onlythistimethoseontrialwillbeAIGexecsandChryslerdebtholders us planning to resume the military tribunals at guantanamo bay only this time those on trial will be aig execs and chrysler debtholders u s planning to resume the military tribunals at guantanamo bay only this time those on trial will be aig execs and chrysler debtholders us planning to resume the military tribunals at guantanamo bay only this time those on trial will be aig exec s and chrysler debtholders us planning to resume the military tribunals at guantanamo bay only this time those on trial will be aig execs and chrysler debt holders u s planning to resume the military tribunals at guantanamo bay only this time those on trial will be aig exec s and chrysler debtholders DamnyouNorthKorea. damnyou north korea dam n you north korea damn yo u north korea damn you n orth korea damnyou northkorea justgotbackfromchurch,andItotallyhateinsects. just got back from church and i totally hate insects just got back from church and i totally hate insect s just got back from church and i totally hate in sects justgot back from church and i totally hate insects just got back from church and i totally hate i nsects wetriedbutTimeWarnerwasn'tbeingnicesowerecordedtoday.:) we tried but time warner wasn t being nice so we recorded today we tried but timewarner wasn t being nice so we recorded today we tried but time warner wasnt being nice so we recorded today we tried but time warner wasn t being nice so we recorded to day w e tried but time warner wasn t being nice so we recorded today eatingbreakfastandthenschool eating breakfast and then school eat ing breakfast and then school eating breakfast and the n school eating break fast and then school eating breakfast and then schoo l Anytwittertoaprsappsyet? any twitter to aprs apps yet any twitter to a prs apps yet any twitter toaprs apps yet any twit ter to aprs apps yet any twitter to apr s apps yet SHOUTOUTSTOALLEASTPALOALTOFORBEINGINTHEBUILDINKARIZMAKAZE50CALGTA!ALSOTHANKSTOPROFITSOFDOOMUNIVERSALHEMPZCRACKA...... shout outs to all east palo alto for being in the buildin karizmakaze 50cal gta also thanks to profits of doom universal hempz crack a shout outs to all east palo alto for being in the buildin karizmakaze 50 cal gta also thanks to profits of doom universal hempz crack a shoutouts to all east palo alto for being in the buildin karizmakaze 50 cal gta also thanks to profits of doom universal hempz crack a shout outs to all east palo alto for being in the buildin karizmakaze 50cal gta also thanks to profits of doom universal hempz cracka shout outs to all east palo alto for being in the build in karizmakaze 50 cal gta also thanks to profits of doom universal hempz crack a "TheRepublicanpartyisabunchofanti-abortionzealotswhocouldn'tdrawfliestoadump."--NealBoortz(justnow,ontheradio) the republican party is a bunch of anti abortion zealots who couldn t draw flies to a dump neal boortz just now on the radio the republican party is a bunch of antiabortion zealots who couldn t draw flies to a dump neal boortz just now on the radio the republican party is a bunch of anti abortion zealots who couldn t draw flies to adump neal boortz just now on the radio the republican party is a bunch of anti abortion zealots who couldn t draw flies to a dump nealboortz just now on the radio the republican party is a bunch of anti abortion zealots who couldn t draw flies to a dump neal boortz just now ontheradio