I currently work with LYS, the research group on Natural Language Processing at the University of Corunna, Spain
My research activiy has been evaluated positively by CNEAI (three six-year periods of research) and ACSUG (complement of curricular excellence).
I work mainly in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Currently, my fields of interest are: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining on social media; Information Retrieval applying NLP techniques; Parsing
You can see a list of my Publications, all of them available in pdf. The list of Research Projects in which I have participated as principal investigator or researcher, and a Short Curriculum Vitae are also available.
I have been the advisor of the following Ph.D. dissertations:
I has been co-chair of SEPLN 2022, AACL-IJCNLP 2022 Tutorials, and LATA 2012; part of the organization committee of TAPD 2000 and AGP'98; and part of the program committee of several editions of ACL, ACL-SRW, NAACL, EACL, IJCNLP, EMNLP, AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, LREC, CLEI, SEPLN, CERI, CAEPIA, iNEWS, QSI, etc.
I have served as topic editor of Applied Sciences and guest editor of the Special Issue on Rich Linguistic Processing for Multilingual Text Mining of Applied Sciences journal and of the Special Issue on Emerging Application of Sentiment Analysis Technologies of Electronics journal.
I have also served as a reviewer for publishers Imperial College Press and IGI Global; as well as for journals Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Artificial Intelligence Review, Information Fusion, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Journal of Information Science, Information Retrieval Journal, The Communications Review, Sensors, Sustainability, Applied Sciences, Entropy, Symmetry, Healthcare, Future Internet, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Algorithms, Information, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Information and Computation, The Computer Journal, IEEE Latin America Transactions, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Advances in Systems Science and Applications, Journal of ICT Research and Applications, Inteligencia Artificial, Tecnura, etc.
In addition, I have also reviewed papers for various editions of AAAI, COLING, CICLing, RANLP, SemEval, ACM CIKM, ECAI, ECIR, DEXA, EPIA-TeMA, ASSA, MICAI, EsTAL, Eurocast, TechLING, etc.