Profesor Titular de Universidad (~Associate Professor) at the
Department of Computer Science,
University of Corunna, Spain.
Supervision of Ph.D. dissertations
- Compositional language processing for multilingual sentiment
analysis, by David Vilares Calvo, in June 2017 got the
highest mark of Sobresaliente Cum Laude, the International Doctor
Mention, the PhD Prize and the Price for Young Researchers in Computer Science 2018 awarded by the Spanish Society for Computer Science (SCIE) – BBVA Foundation.
- Parsing Schemata for Practical Text Analysis, by Carlos
Gómez-Rodríguez, in June 2009 have got the highest
mark of Sobresaliente Cum Laude, the European Doctor Mention and
the PhD Prize.
- Applications of Natural Language Processing in Spanish
Information Retrieval, by Jesús Vilares, May 2005. He
has got the highest mark of Sobresaliente Cum Laude, the
European Doctor Mention and the PhD Prize.
PhD courses
- Information Extraction and Question Answering (PhD
course, Spring 2006-2009)
- Natural Language Processing Techniques for Information
Retrieval (PhD course, Spring 2002-2005)
CS Courses
- Programming Language Design (Fall and Spring, since 2013)
- Programming II (Spring, since 2011)
- Human-Computer Interfaces (Fall 2012-2014)
- Natural
Language Processing (Fall 2007-2013; Spring 1999-2007)
- Discrete Mathematics II (Fall 2012)
- Data
Structures (Spring 1998-2010)
- Compilers (Fall 1999 and Spring 2000)
- Programming (Fall 1997)
Data Science Courses
- Processing of Written Language (Spring, since 2022)
- Programming Fundamentals II (Spring, since 2020)
Supervision of Master's Thesis
- Detecting harmful social behaviour on social media, by Manuel Soengas Núñez (September 2023)
- Opinion mining using information retrieval techniques, by José Antonio Ortiz Bascuas (July 2020)
- Generation of fictional timelines from historical data, by Jesús Pérez Martínez (July 2020)
- Content analysis on Twitter: topics classification and identification of polical tendencies, by David Vilares Calvo (June 2014)
Supervision of 5th year projects
- Design and imprementation of a web application for monitoring opinions on Twitter, by Manuel Torres Domínguez (June 2016).
- An Opinion Mining system for Spanish based on dependency parsing, by David Vilares Calvo (September 2012)
- An integrated web-based system for managing and querying linguistic collocations, by por Miguel Ramos Naveira (June 2012)
- Web management of XML documents based on templates, by
José Antonio García Naya (October 2005)
- Compilation of parsing schemata, by Carlos Gómez
Rodríguez (July 2005)
- Application of language identification techniques to style
identification in written texts, by José Juan
González Alonso (October 2001).
- Information Retrieval: Indexation of noun groups and their
syntactic and morphosyntactic variations, by Jesús
Vilares Ferro (October 2000).
Supervision of Bachelor's Thesis
- Classifiers and text mining: application to a specific context,
by Roi Santos Ríos
(September 2022)
- Application of Information Retrieval and Machine Learning Techniques to Opinion Mining,
by Manuel Corujo Muiña
(September 2022)
- A system for monitoring the evolution of opinions in Twitter in a restricted domain,
by María Castro Galván (September 2016)
- A system for monitoring user opinions in cultural routes,
by Francisco Pais Fondo (September 2016)
- A system for monitoring the opinions of pilgrims to Santiago on Twitter,
by David Rodríguez Lema (September 2015).
Supervision of 3rd year projects
- Design and implementation of a tool for tagging training texts,
by María del Carmen Leiro Peña (July 2006).
- Application of dynamic programming techniques to Right-oriented
Linear Indexed Automata (R-LIA), by Iván
Gómez Merayo (February 2006).
- An environment for the execution and compilation of
embedded push-down automata, by Álvaro Muinelo
García (February 2006).
- An environment for the definition and execution of
non-deterministic push-down automata, by
Jesús María Pampín
Santos (February 2005).
- Development of a Parsing Environment for Tree Insertion Grammars, by Diego Israel Montes Montes (June 2004).
- Parsing strategies for Tree Adjoining Grammars:
implementation and study of performance, by David Vidal
Ces (September 2000).
- Implementation of tabular parsers for Linear Indexed
Grammars, by David Iglesias Rilo (June 2000).
- A case study of automatic configuration systems for Unix, by Ana Isabel Rodríguez Castrelo (October 1998).