- Garcia, Marcos, Marcos García-Salido and Margarita Alonso-Ramos, 2019.
Weighted compositional vectors for translating collocations using monolingual corpora.
In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology (EUROPHRAS 2019).
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 11755. Springer: 113-128.
- García-Salido, Marcos, Marcos Garcia and Margarita Alonso-Ramos, 2019.
Identifying lexical bundles for an academic writing assistant in Spanish.
In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology (EUROPHRAS 2019).
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 11755. Springer: 144-158.
- Garcia, Marcos and Marcos García-Salido, 2019.
A method to automatically identify
diachronic variation in collocations.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2019
at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019): 71-80, Florence.
- Gamallo, Pablo and Marcos Garcia, 2019.
Unsupervised Compositional Translation of Multiword Expressions.
In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and WordNet (MWE-WN 2019)
at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019): 40-48, Florence.
- Garcia, Marcos, Marcos García-Salido and Margarita Alonso-Ramos, 2019.
A comparison of statistical association measures
for identifying dependency-based collocations in various languages.
In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and WordNet (MWE-WN 2019)
at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019): 49-59, Florence.
- Garcia, Marcos, Marcos García-Salido, Susana Sotelo Docío, Estela Mosqueira
and Margarita Alonso-Ramos, 2019.
Pay attention when you pay the bills.
A multilingual corpus with dependency-based and semantic annotation of collocations. In
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019): 4012-4019,
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Towards the automatic construction
of a multilingual dictionary of collocations using distributional semantics.
In Proceedings of eLex 2019: Smart Lexicography: 747-762, Sintra.
Garcia, Marcos, Marcos García-Salido and Miguel A. Alonso, 2019.
Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings
for the inference of bilingual dictionaries.
In Proceedings of Translation Inference Across Dictionaries (TIAD 2019) at
LDK 2019 - 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, Leipzig.
- Garcia, Marcos, 2018.
Automatic extraction of multilingual collocation equivalents.
In Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 61, p. 131-134.
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Comparing bilingual word embeddings to translation dictionaries for extracting multilingual collocation equivalents.
In Stella Markantonatou, Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary and Veronika Vincze (eds.),
Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop.
Phraseology and Multiword Expressions 3: 319-342.
Language Science Press.
Gamallo, Pablo, Marcos Garcia, César Piñeiro, Rodrigo Martínez-Castaño
and Juan C. Pichel, 2018.
LinguaKit: a Big Data-based multilingual tool for linguistic analysis and information extraction.
In Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Advances in Natural Language Processing (ANLP 2018)
at The Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS-2018): 239-244. Valencia.
Gamallo, Pablo and Marcos Garcia, 2018.
Task-Oriented Evaluation of Dependency Parsing with Open Information Extraction,
In Villavicencio, Aline, Viviane Moreira, Alberto Abad, Helena Caseli, Pablo Gamallo, Carlos Ramisch,
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira and Gustavo Henrique Paetzold (eds.),
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. 13th International Conference, PROPOR 2018,
Canela, Brazil Proceedings, volume 11122 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: 77-82, Springer.